Pointer ~ortnal .. •

~ortnal Pointer
Stevens Point, Wis.
C<>N"TElN"TS .
Et l lTVIU .~ I.
l .tT EUAitl" .
·· . Pa~O'\' 1:\d
Timt"lr>ays ..
Chronicles o r the :O.:ormal Fornm . .
The<.:hild ..
C p l iarrcl .
T he Old Oak
(_j('Jit'r.tl .•
,\ T IIl.t:TIC.'L,
l ~lll
E:< t.:JL\SIO~:~ ..
t :!i
:\l u n t:t. ~f"llfl<'ll• .
Volume II.
tl~~t~~~~\~~:~:;,;:j':',~ s~~:~~~f,~;\\'.11,
c ruwn col with
I can h ear tlw ril'cr rippl'-'. hlcnol with n•w bulls rr,_,m
the hill.
A nd tllll br otT t•bn~: and rumhk u f the log frame i n
thl' rni ll.
HolW I ln1·cd to lie :~.·dreaming in the dtWp a n d tt n iet
\V hilc I wa tt·hcol the \!h"~l1 nf noonday thrnugh llw
tio>lol of lwa\'~·n p:t~~:
I was ~;~:-~:~;;-uh. sn h:1ppy while t he pnr!iuf,: .nf the
li n lc pou m fnr tlw
that I kne w in
\Vhen ~-~~~~~~t:~:~c ,~:~~ fnll .,f
as thu s ummer
'j~~it~i~:~~ :-i~·t:d,or ).:la1lrws~
~he was not like uthet· drilolrc u. T his was due part.·
ly tu inhct·itl.'li l t':Lit.-1. anolpartly to :1 pc•·nliar tr:li n inl-(.
H c t' father wa.i a tlllict. pr:wtical. lou:-int•i!iS man o n :.~ix
days of t ho• week. hut 1111 Suru lay he wa.~ a poet ami :1
stury-t ctlcr. On tlri.~ day it was his haloit lu Llkc the
~·hil1l to the Wuu<b. who•rc he tuld lwt· .~ turie-; arul
rylunc» uf the hugs. arr L~ :uu l wurms tho·y fou nol in tlrt~
gras..-;, anol uf the l.rinls in thci t' 111;~1~ in the tro·~·s. She
~uuu learned to kno w Sunday from ot he r days. :uHI
wheu s he awo ke in the mon1iug and h..-ar•ltloc •·hurd r
hell,; ringing. ~he wvu hl l:mgh :uul .-lap lwt· h:twls and
sa y. "l'ap:l'.'l :rud Mary·,.,Jay ha~ t·o ruo· a~-:ain."
whun the
w ere
fresh :111d lo ug.
And the blu..-Uird l'lirub\'llt" hca1'cuon tiw ladder of his
svn~o: ·- ~uleetcrl.
J B.
1'11 .-\P. I I.
And it t·:une t" p:lSS after the fame (lf the ~ornml
athletes b:~d spre:1tl :thro:tol. t hat •·ert.ain of tht: young
mull of t he :\urrualit••s rc:1,;.omc11 amunJ.C thi!IIISI!I \'Cil
com-cr ni ng thusc y unng mt•u that a r·•· nut s wift uf fnot
neither arc t·a li:wt kit-ker~.
And ;~ome sairl it is nut nn:el tlrat ;./urm:tlitc:'! should
glory i u theirstren~th alt>lll'. :ltr<l othe rll s:1id. we havu
hear ktme•l unto tht• wise me n iu tht! temple thu~c m:w)'
tu onths and hanl kept ,oilmw e hc fnrc the m allthl· tl:ayll
o f o ur :.~ojourn he re, are w.: nuL w i.~er than we ll'cre in
the days when we wande retl in the •lcscrt: come. nnw.
let u s git'(! attention 10 ru:1ding an• I to 11i~pat:lli11n anti
pe radt·en t ure it " h:1ll curn o:: 1.<1 p:1ss t hat o ur ruuut h ~
~:~hall be tille.:l with words :di!O.
And the !lay in$: plca~cd thr• yomrg m e n So they
agree1l together corrct•r·ni u~ the matter and ;1 new ;;et·t
:1rnse. ct'CII the set·t of rlw Forumilci.
A nd ccrt:lin young m e lt o f the :Surmalitc~. ('1'(!11
twenty of them. cho.m lc:1d ur» fro m ar u u n).: their n tun·
And it came tu pa,;~ th:H t.hu Fununite~ gn: w in
ll<IW\Jr and in wi:.~dmu, anti t!rc sound uf their n •icci!i
\\'a;~ like the rll11Sil· of nti!ihing watt••~
The n c:IHIC thcru ynu11g me n frum :1111ong tltu Nur·
malite;,; :tnd joine1l thcm~ch·cs l!llt•r i'lu! se<'l o f the
Furu mil11..-; :mol theru were :1dded u n to their n umber
ll't•ekly u f su ..-h !IS were chosen.
Aud of il ll tho work ~ nf the Fnrumitci!i and t he :1<'·
tiou!l o f their 1111-fhty 11teu aro they n••t t't.'l.'t..rr.led i n t he
huok of tim For um. t'\'iln all t hcit' oluiugs :ll'\l written
duwn lry Bt•\'Ur an Furnhnh:, c hid ~cri he.~ unto the
sect of tl!f Forumit.c.-1. and re main thcru unto this day.
Oh. to t:l.SIC nti('C tn" rt: thu
Oh. tn
T hen w:u tlu:rr•gJ'c:l tt·untcntinn:llll<>n ).:t hf'~ II'IIIH ·
itc>O. fm· >OUL'h was the <'Ui!il"lll in t huse clays.
An• l nn !lue h ut·t•asiun.'l jud~-:e~ W•·rc .-lr o~e n tn hear
~~-~~n ~~ ~:~ \st';',~~~~~·.~ r; ';,,:.1r:~i; ~~h~;·,~ ~::.l~·i):~-:;~~\~:~~: ::~-~~'~~
I can he ar it purl and r,ahhlc. in a .~t••nrl<·lullah,l'.
T o a little h:trdoot drcauwr ,~t:lidll).! II [' i nt" tlw ~ky .
Ynndcr. lie;; th(' br<•wn old fann
;;~:1:.~~~~~::~~~; t,: ~~~:: ,:.1,1~~~ I~ ','~';t!:::·~~~~·1::k:~:~ .~~·~1r1tl~~~~·]~11::~
1 ::;~u~~::~~m;;c n tu St:1•k uut a nd tu S••t i n l~t'dt•r man y
I can see the rh't' r ~lio liu~. a~ it u~hl to J., n:.t a~:u.
Huund the s houlder uf tim llh':l dow. when! the thil·k·
Number 7·
As the c h ild J.ere w ul• lcr .~lw ~ecuwd to J.,,·c thl• litthl
c r:lWling things Ire.'!!. ami s he m•t"o•r tiro•ol uf d 1c ilto riei!i
:liJ<out the worms that cu tr lol rnak•• litt le .~il k !J,u,.es to
go w siC('P iJI whilo tltey wen• waiting: fn r lx:autiful
wings tn grow. Uw· <lay I nurico·ol frn ru auy window
that sill' lt:ul heerr ~itting un tlw $:1":1:--; in tho~ y ard fur
more tloall half au lro111· witl1u11t ..loau,~tiug her 1•osi·
tion. Thi :.~ II':IS a lung tirue fur h•·r· :l<'t in.l little lootly
tu ke{'p s till. and I 11·~·nt uut tu .· c•: what ~lw II' as 11.,.
ing. I fuuntl s he had a t•aturpi llar "" :1 J.tl'o' <:ll leaf.
whnsc mot·cmcut :.~ s he wa.~ waldli rrl-( wi tlt iut•·nsc iro ·
tcrc:.~t. As I •lrl'w tw:u· , he lo"k~·• l up with a •·uriuus
t:Spt·e,;,ioro of pe rplcs i!y on h..-r fan• and ~ai,J : " i
thouj:tht. if I waill.'tl. lw r11 i1drt lot·~in thelitt lt• holli!ill."
I had hecn in t<OII' u a ll ol:iy
\\'h•·n I o·:ame lromt• I
i ~:;,':.::~1 ~~,',~,I:;~J1i~·l ~~~:t1 :n~ 1 ::•,n ,.::::: ll~~~~ l-~::~::·11 ,\',',iJ\11•1: 11J;a•;~
Anrl upon t·e rt:1in ct·cnin$:•- c1·cu u pon the !iftla d a y 1
,~tnd ~"
doar:u-tt·ri•tit· o f t•hild rcll
Hl'.sitlo• lwt'. m:ar a
shar'Jl stone, lay the best doll . Onc·h:alf uf the f:we
WM goue, ~tnd th e beautiful bhm cy~ th:u h:u l alwuys
clo~d so promJltly anll obe. liently whcncW!r Ii tle w:a~
put to bed a nd ordert.'tl to ~to to s lctJp, were Jyin~o: to·
gctbcr in the hollow In th o b:ack of her bend. I s a t
down betide the dtlltl, nnd thuuJ.(ht to !Ymfurt her in
tbc us ual way by the promi!M! of :mother doll the next
time I went to the city . She looked up M me with
mingled imlign:!.llo n ami ;mrprise s hn winJl thro ugh
the tCRN. " lr I broke my head, would y uu lowe nn ·
other liulc girl ~"
" If you'll como with me. I' ll show you -"Olllcthin,:c
you haven't seen," snid the child lllll.l linJ. :~s he tnuk
hold of my lumd und gcutly (lUlled in the <lircl"tiun
she wislu:.-. 1 me to go.
I hud no ldtla wlu1t .thtl 11"(1 ~ jtuing to oln. hut with
thu Ullf(UCilionlng con lidcnce that chil1lreu lm·e tn lhul
In thei r eltlerv, 1 fulloweol he r.
We wen t into til t:
kitchen, llOJIJllnH just long cnOII,I[h to get a lillie lm.,l[
of pen null from t,.bc t.:Lhle llmwcr, and tlwn uiU to
tho back poreh . wht!rtl, ol.lf!( licnt to my in~tnwt i un s.
I sat down o n the lowt>st step, :u1tl preparcol to keep
q uiet.
The c hild took a few s tep!! down the w:1lk :uul t·nll~.,l
toftly : " 0 1ek ie. Dickie."
" We s hall ha\'e to hll\"tl patienc1•. ·· s he s ni•l. i u th<'
quaint little old· fllShlon(.'tl way commo n tu t•hildrl'll
wl~~~!:::~~ ~ilc~l::.i.~ ~~~~:~~:~~ ~;:~';:~
:~,:~~: 8 ;:·~~~·~~.~~:;~
At tbal moment I saw the tiny bn1wn heat! uf :l
1mall ground !Mjllirrel th ruilt up from 1\ hule in tht•
1ide- walk . Hulooked s barply arou nd . !IJiic•l me. ami
dlsapJICBred llko a !las h. Tho child s tood Ju oti•• 11l c ~"tn a not-her l niltnnt he look~ I out aga in, thi11 time 11
little farther, b(.'llit.n.ted, withdrew, appe11reo l again .
looked rat tho child, ami the n came out anti .. tuod up
o n bill bind legs wi th hla bu.'l by t:lll gnlcefnll}' curlctl
up ovor bla lmck.
The child d ro Jlpcd a nn t: the SfJU irrcl t"I":I Ckt~ol it
de ftly, threw 11.!1\dc the abell, :1.1111 dcpo!iteolthe kc rncl:t
In tbo little pouches on either side of his mouth.
"Dickie bu little po«kcu in his mouth. " :taid tht·
cblld, laughing 110ftly. 11..'1 s he dropped tumther uuL
And the little JKK!keUI gn•w more and more diste u<lt•• l
~oth:.~;~n::,~;•t-":·:;~:~~~~7\~~~,:~::;:t:~· :::::,~;:~
tlw tt•:n·hcr""' ·h~sk lil3ml.'l llltHJUcu tl y silent.
A musty
odor o l the dt':ld pa~t cumC.'I from the lo ug ciO!t.'<l
•lr.1 wo· r in whil" h wcrn ,.wretl tho COillJIOIIitluna, 1.:opy
h.,uk;l :uul iult·n·e)Jtc•llm·c !etten~ of mnny who to-tiny
-"it IH·hlnd the n•·t·nurua ut "s de!k, in the editor" II chai r,
u r i n din~-:)' u Oh·c.~. Often when wcnry nml wo rn,
thdr thnll).:ht>i rc1·crt tu t he girls n nd I)Qyll who used to
"Sitch a swm o f t~asure mn.-.
W e were s ure o f !ltu linJllht'rl'
Up gar ret!
:~~~ie~~~·:;t ~:~;~~c~:::\~~~:!:~t~
~~!~th th~o h~~~..:~;~\ffKa~t:lc~j~' 1 ·
i nto e,·cry :m1g, .'lhining threat! fllr
llo•re by !lw p;:1hle windo w ii'l a cnulle. How many
and girl <~ hn\"C <.lre:uuetl :t.w:1y the houl".'l In it!
Wlwre arc 1111 it.'l (l(:t· up:ln~ to·tlay 1
;.:,·ar tht• l"l"mllu il tam l ~ the olt l e: nck, lnrgu e nough to
lli• lc in wl1cn play ing hillc-:uul ·!!t.oek. T he wheel• ha\'C
;Jtul'l"'''· ami it is done with time. T hiil reca lls me to
my,.,l•lf. I hal" ll lltl~ heNlt?<ltht Jl:l.lt~ing hour hecani!C n f
tht• 11 pc1l uf waywnr,l fanci t!.'l brought to mlnll
" In the fra}trant. ~picy ,u:loom
t If tha t th•ar ••1• 1 mftorctl1·oom . ··
E. F. Pun:ST.
~~~~~~o.:~~~~~~~o::~ :;,~!. U' ck ic. :lJI(l:lr~~~~~~;_"~~-i.'l·
And half'b1ddco hy dangling t·urn
Grandpa·• II ask anti puw<lf: r hurn ~· ·
It is11. piiW(ll n which fant:y ca n let it ~~e lf luo!tc Thu
ra~ters are uld 11nd bro';'n with Rge tll!t l tlr:J(k-. 1 with
thackly bung cobwebs._ r he ti U.'Il of byJrullt' yen~ hall
been caught. and held m -lll l'kc n na e.-:; b~.
Here In the 1.:or11er is :ul uld, rec.J_ ~·bctt. Wht'n the
dusty lid I• li fted whs.t nrange thlhfl.'l are fC\"calt.'tl !
GannooUI of a p&.'ltage. hlt.t.!l a.ml ~·o:t.ts Ill a •JnainlJISt·
tern, !'"faded gown, an old bonnet. old lat'e Capll o f the
hue of salTron, :u u l c hildren '!! clothing t oo, wo rn o uL
in many pl:u"'!~. w rn. or o tugrowtl .. Why were th~
t re:t~ ureol ! Bt.'t':t.lllic they h:n•o me mories of th e p11SL
cl in.cing w them: sume, b ri ght :uul happy. othcnt fill ed
with s:atln c;;;~. The tn:asuru-c hcst has it:s stor.v to tull
ll\'CQ' ti111c it ill o pc nt.'tl. T he great tria ngul:tr rent
turn in the knt."t!. thu "'h.<ei'Cic!l:fapron. ami the little hat
ant i eo:lt wh h· h hclnngt.'tl tu the boy whotlit.'tllllld w hn
1\'ll!llhe po:t uf thll whole huu:~e h u ld . Th ~ll gnrmcnt:l
Cl\11 1101 he thrown away.
Al tim hutwm of the d1eS1. anrl safely p:wketl 1\11'11)'
tlu.! rc arc SO/me yo·lhJ\1' letlcr!. :1ml in a f:1i nt bl ue e nl'clnpe. :t. withc~L'tl ruM' \n ng lost to <lew, drops out and
~· rumble.! into du ~t :II my ft.'ct.
I uan not help wonderint: who (1111 thll ''"'''er :111":1y so tende rly. Some one
whuse dear tinj.Ccrs h:1l"t: pl ucked thei r ln!lt earthl y
tl uwer.o hut h:II'C Jr:llhcrcll fadclcs.'l onM th~c mnny
yc:ll"ll in he:ll'cn. I s hallne 1·cr knnw the history of the
f:1de<l :1ml {"ru mhk'<l ruse: fan l·y C:J.n read its iii le nt but
c:cpfd;lh"o• l:lii,I[IUt.gc.
llcrc In another t•orncr are rlark nld pai ntings faint
ant i bh1rn•• l. ol• l • l i~hc..~ ('r:teke• l :111rl 8 JIIn~ h ed with
hluc, UCI\'SJmpcl".'l half :l l."Cn tu ry old. atul piles of time·
.'I L:lined huuk.'l: :t.mong them, a To wn's Fo urth lteruler
i n the l:i.'lt !U a,u:•~ n f olil:1phlatiun.
C I05e t,y ii'l the
~ pl nu lu ,u: wheel. 110mchndy"s h:u .. ls h:t.l"c worked. Whnt
:l wun rll•rfnl t:t. h• it c•ml.l tcll. if it cnuld . o f what Lhe
ilpinncr thnn~ht rl.'l ~ h•l tunwd the wheel. nnd o f what
~~~~~-::~,~·::~.~1'~1 ~~~~;;l~:·~~ ;:~~~- ag~~::~~~ ~i:~~~~~,:;~~~~:~~
l'YI' W :t.!! :11wtcd !If louking for c rro ri.
The 1ca1.·hcr. a tall, slender, da rk·eytlll u;an, wu full
o f cntlnt .'li n:,~ m. c:1ger tn rn:lkc hill scho-ol tho IH!It o f t he
tlr1y. Though a gcuial cum 11 nninn, he wnlJ" terro r to
Cl"i l-tl uc r1 When 11 hsrgu boy refused to come 1111 to
hi~ riCAk. tlnriug hi111 to come and take him, tbls ~ach ·
c r .tlprnng. ngilc :u a JY.lnthe r. from behind It ~~eixed
the uiTc ndcr. anti brought him up sta nding In front u f
h . ~on e e\"l'r waited for 11 ~o nd · invitAtion a fter
th11t : ordeu i!lluer.l frow I.!Chiud tha t de.!k were obeyed.
Ofte n while llllting there. s look of anguish woold
p:c;s ot·cr his f:11.-c. :UJo l his t hfiiiJlhL~ wo•u ld wanolo•t I•>
the 11\•d-siolc nf nne who longcol fnt ..st·huul tu lt•t uut ·
He w:ts poorly paid. and hi~ niglus were Sjlt' lll iu tninistcring tn the wants and cumfu rt" of the ],\'col orw
'-- 137
it.• l~·atu y 11 :t• ••uharwo·•l h,\' tlw :u·ti.~tio· arran,.::o•mcnt o f
r a im.• 11\'"11 tlw •t:LJ.!<' a a. I tho• dt~tpiuJ.! .,f tlw O::l1kush
\o•II••W ar11l "hill', Th•,: o·untt•:<Tants ,.at in :1
·• mt • It• ], upun tlu •t.t):'• 11 th• I• ft ,.f 11Im h "'II alsu
~: 1:t i~;~.\~ ~ ;:;:~i~ ·:·~:·i~,~ : ~.;~ : :.i:::?:.::.~~:~: : : ~:· I ::·;:f:~:;:~: : .: .: : : : :~/.i~x~ ~.:. /.: : :~': :::<I:Y·:;~;:.;~;:::~.
t••at·hcr had been J:fc:ut•r. In his •l:trk eye. in hi." IHol- 1 ~1111UU't'," lo_t' Au;..:
lnw dul<:k. well Wl'rt' t ho: oh~ruh .si):' n.~ n •:1ol. AI rlu•
ku·h Xnr·mal
ll:u·kh:111~ n · pr·o·~o·nliu):'
·O.~h ·
:~~~~:::~~t;~~~.'~:~~.\~~~~~:~~~::(~:.:,:; :.~::~:;'~~::~::~::~·;:~::~;,,~:~o~:.~ I :~~.:·;~: : : ~: ~ : :!:o:•;,~.: ~t•;: :.i:;~.,:'r'•';:•: ~it: : ~: :~:t~':.:~: ,:1i~::·::::~~::::~:.~:
~~::~;~·:;:::::i:r.~~::~~:;~:;i::.::;:~i;?z\~~i:::~f.: ~;: ;~: : · : : : .: :~: ·: :;:,.~ :. : :·: :;: :; ;:':':·: :· ~: : : ·:·;:~·: ':.:~:::::~;·;·.·, :~::
k lin.
~ ~:·~:;:::;~.~;::~:~~::;i•o~~~·;:•;~~;~, 1 1;;:·.~:;:~',:::·~::;':::;::o• :.f:::•:•~~:~;:~t~:'i:~
His wnrk is 11\most. dune. :uul he clnso."S t ill' ,J,..,r fur·
the !:1st time, but his inll n\'nee fur ~oo~<l will <'l'hu ""
thrnul(h l ht• enrri1iOr!! :tnil :trche~ o f time fon,.·er
H isololti(•Sk wbieh ho! had kl"pt anol used haoillllll1'
than ~ern!tl it.;; tiny and getwr.llion :tnol wa:o~ o'i'"Wtll'tl
o u t lry :111 improt·ed ]laten t one less cmu bruns :mol
m ore ornam<'llfo•ol , if nool uwrH useful ThuUJ.:h silt·nr.
i t tcache;~ that all thinu~ aro• trans itury: th:ll wh:ll i·
hernloled :l..i new to·oiay i~ cnst ulf too·monow: lou!
t hrnugh all the c h:lllj{iii!J -~··encii o r tiuw. tim ll'!ll'lll'l''~
1 w:a~ a mo~<lo· l'll l'ato in a muolf'l'll n•pulJtio·. 1-ltnnw itJ
: willl'l'l'l' ]Jo•lol him i11 rcmo·mhm1wo· as t he ill•ralol oof :1
1 hro:ulo•r lil~<:r·t,l" .
Tlwoor:tli••n wa:;dt•Ht·•·t·etl wilh\'aScand f••n·e :tnoi is
dl·.~o·n in;! ,f mtwh ]lt"ai~···
Tlu•~ ,\ :-'tamp of l'l:t1tl'l"itlt• Normal fulltlll't:"<lwith
au o r;otiou "" --~ 0 -io•Jw•• and ]'ui•try," e"f "-~i:ally wurtlry
.. r ,·,•ruart... l~·o·:ou~o· .. r till' bo•a n ly of it.s tilfllll(ilt :uul
dio·ti"n T ill' ;!l~t "' it 1\'o• lll:ty Jlil't.', lou! tlw •·harm of
,,,.. 1 :111\!ll:l~·- ·~ l u~t ill ~" hrit·f :t n·pun : Nature b !I
;~::r~ ..remains
u \11.
tht• s:unc · ·ye~«·rtia~·.
t<Hi:t~~~~~.~,'~',..~ ,,..
:•:::: h
.~~::.·~\';,::.~~·;;:';:·i.~::i·o•; h~o;,. h+i's t :::,'tl;~:~~~~~~~-:~111r:.~S1·1:::.
p•~·try :1!1+1 sd••two• ar~· nni•,.•l. T h.._•rl' t•:uo he nn tr·nc
Thl' .,,.·uud annual m 1·eting of the i ntc r-Xnrum] l)raoli..liut"tiuu lwtW<''-'" II~<• two loor i~·th a r•: of 11ature.
torieal ~K·iatiun wns helti nt Oshkos h Ma rt·h 111 :tn d 1 t•ao·h furm iHJ,: lo:tlf of tlw J,:rt·at whoole. Su far Amcrka
19. allli was :utcno le.:l by :l large tlclegntiun fn1111 unr ' loa.~ IK·t•u '"" hus,\" with tho· more pr:u-tit':tl side n f lift•
Xormal .~drool. Thrnugh the e xl'l'Ctling cour h•sy nf
'"pay mu..tt :lltl'ntion '" pudr,.-. Bm su.-.ner ••r laler
J . A. L:ltwk in l'OIHIC<"Iion with the \\'iSl.'1.1ns in L'+:ntr:ll
Iocr ~hako•SjM'an· will •·••uw '" noio"e tilt' <'lll<otioon.~ of \hf!
,\t no·rio·:tu tw••plt·
r.1.ilruad l'UiliJinny t·cry lnw raiCs Wt•ro S(lt'Un.·d . t~ru~
.-\It o·•· a plaw • ""'" IJ_I' .1. K . \\"ean·r, ontruwn l'epn··
c naoiing many to tak•• the trip. Abuut lihccu Jli!I'S<IIIS
"'-!·lll:ttil"l·. Audt'l•ll" 1.. l.:orkin. olt•lin•('('O ) his nratiun o u
wcllt ,!own Thu N<"by morn ittj~ and nearly the S.:tlllt'
·· l'r,.Jtn·~~ in t._'onllkt ·
\\'o· uf Sit'\''-'"" l'toinl •·ertninly
number ill !he afto.:nwon. >011 that alll\o.'lt all of tlw-<i·
f1·h a.; \\"t• li~to·no·ol t o hitn that whatcl'er tlw juoiJt•·~· dc·
who went h:ld the )::<>Od ftwtuue to attend I he n.•o,.••ptioon
o·isiou uoi~ht I~<· II'\' ~louuh l hn1'o• no rc:tJii<HI t" ft>t•l :anygh·en to the [..cagm•, T hunl<l:ty e i'CninJl. This 11'!1$ um•
thin~ hnt proond uf .. nr oorat ur. \\'o· ol" mu wi,:h to
nf the ple:l:>:lnle.'lt fo.:atunos of the mee tiug. and tho•!'o•
IHoa"l. lui\ at'•' .~ati~lit•d that l11• rt•lkt•to•oi •·rcolil IIJ,.Ill 11!1
w :\.'1 unt ont• tJoCrsun :l.IIHIII)t the •· i sitin)Cddt•jl:tt i•m~ wi1"
:mol o ur ~dnoul Tlw s ummary of hi,o oo n uion i~ !l" lui·
w as not e!llhnsias tic in his praise of O,;h ku~h l""BI'Ie~~­
\ \'o• :11'•• 1'],.,.,. IIJ!"II til<' t•~pir.1tio11 of a nut.lwr
,-,·utury till· mo.~! ]'I""J.!~'~'"'~i\'t• •·cnl111')' rlw wur lol Ita.'!
At 2 p. m . ;,n Friolay :1 hu.~itws~ !lll.'i'lill_l,!' wa.., ].,.1,1 al
whit·h nflil-ers of the Leagnt· we re elet·tt...! rot· t ill' t•usn·
:;• I:: I
:o'·' 11,::::k
i n.~t JC:lr.
Later in the aflcrnonn a n art re•·cption wa~ gin'lo 1"
•1 1
the •·lsi ling di•lcgati"tt by ).li,;=:~ Magee. t he d irco·tur oof
ial1 r• J,:n·.~~ of tlw '~"''' \\'lwre 111:111 h:t." h:ul not hi nM"
t he art olcpnrtme ut. '!'he !ILUtlio and r O){)m.'l :uljoillillll
t" ''"llll'nol wiclo lw ha~ l'l'ln:titwol :t •·ipher.
\\limn· ht•
wc r(• bc:mtif11lly tle••nrn.h.... i iu the t'uioor.< uf llw
h:t." IH't'll ulolijlt•ol to loalll•• wi1h aol•·cr-<i• o·irt'llll\.~ I :U11'1''4
different ~ormals. n ne t·ooom being .Je•'<oted '"
J,.. l1a~ ,..,n,tl"ll<'!t•ol o·iti•·~- lo:an•leol t ill' t'rtlllitlulll with
C:ll'h sdrool tuui being drn.iK."I with it.s cuiur~.
loar" ,,f ~to•o·l. tlllltll'llo·d t],.. llltlllll l:lill~. "U:Itdwd the
T ea 1111d ··ake were sen ·crl lry ;;e1·eral yollm_l,!'
li ~o:luuinJ,: fn •111 tl..- du~~tl" and ,oe ut il'l pul~iiiJl" i11t"
l:t!lics. A'""lllainl:tm't.':i m ade the nig h t bcfnro• ll't·n·
1'\'o·r,l" :tt't•nut· ,.f lrmro:111 lif1• \\' lo:u i,.lru••o•f the ral't'
r c new(.•d. nnol new uncs mn.J1•. Ahn"ethc r. it w:1~
i~ tl'llt' ,f tloe itulh·idu:al
Our Jll'o"o:alo•iil adnuwo'IIICitt
11 11\0ill delightful niTa ir :t.nd o ne thnrnugh l,l' c njooyco l h_,.
Cl'ery one " ' h" attcrul(·tl.
In t he Cl'ening thc •·on tc~l tnoJk pl!lt'l' in t he :-l'nronal
fi"'"ihl•· wit hou t .... utl it·t ·~ If :o'tH·r:w·s had rerus.."o:i t"
aud itorium. Thi..; il! :l I"CI'j' altr:u•tii'Cro<)m with hanoi(l'untinawol"" png:e 1:~ I
/!OIIle li uishirrgs n nd :1 be:tutifully olc,·ur:t.\l.'<i l'{'i]ing and
.~; ·~·:: 11~",'.:: ~,1!1::~::
''',',\~:~r\o;::, ::.:r't'o'~.:~·~,::.!:
:::,•;;;lio·;l'h·~·~',i;:~;:~;~·r t hi~";i,::;•·i~t ~~~~~a~~;:·,:r t:~' ::::~::~~-,,.';.~
~~·:::~~ :·;::~ :, ,:~;:::~:~. ~:,•;:;"',~,~~mll~~~h:t:~:;~ ti: J~r:;~~:~::~!~~
~ Tt{Er
POINT~~ -~
MARCH, 1897·
l'llbllobt<lmouubtrduiniEtbe.chooiJelruftea •ontbfh• th e
1111de11U of ! be lhllte ~orm•t !icll-1, !ftevet!f !'oint, W lo
Katered I t t~e I'O.IOffiCII at :Ucveuo PUIIII, " 'U , U •KOIId dau
·~~~~·ription-n.o ~,. t"'r yt•arin rttl t•:tnt·c.
lllA~AIIKTAIH. U i'l
B . I'. PIIIU'P. .....
• Rt111ot-lll.{'l ol d
. l.lterarr F.rthnr
l •...,ot ~dho r
:\ lbletlc Kdhor
.. \lrwlcllkhoo[ Kdltor
l.'I'DIA Wllllllt.OCX ,
J .CUDIII'II II IT .. , , ...
KATKIIIII!Ui !II , R111111 ..
11. L.OAI'Uli'IIIK ...
Ua~ B~•"·~··}
, llu•IDo•••
.. .h~lot&llt Uu•ln~•· ll"us:c••
J•re. .. ..
Treu .. .
·~ .
• A T . I' ·• v
It:\l ~u
t. "~···
.. ~·
o. )l o:l\u:
.~ ddrutl-llba o lneu lllll~.,totha lln•lnt·••)laau: e r ,
CllrrnpnndenriiiOIIellodflomlotnl.,tlt<Hienle .
Ollr ~;:~~r;:.:,~~ lllbterlbetta .. re.pcctfa11y r~<ln""llld to V• ~·"''·"
The l'ointer ha.." lntcly ln~t :mot hl•r uf it~ st:t iT II\' the
depttnurn o f liS liwnt r,\' t•t lltor. whu h:L'I tll'l'idt~l tu
aeccpL a pn!li!lon M tf'nd\l'r in o11u• o f the lll'iJ:hhurin!'
tow nil. nntl defer till 11 lnto•r ol:llc the L~lmpl t•tiom nf hil'l
No nual t.-o nnro. \\'e :l nl !'lllrry thtt.'!l 10 lu.;c nne oof nur
lllO:!Il faithful workf't'!l. hut e:ueml tn him uur -itwo•rc
J(OfM I Wilfllll!l. ho ping thnt he will !inti h iil lio•lo l u f lnlwor
ll pleMAnt o ne. As yet no ltCV.'I h:li'C been t:t kf'n tu till
hill place on the st.niT. lmt it wlil he ll tlt.'l'il:<:try Ill"" su
immt.."Cii:uely. \\' c hope that ~umc o ne m:t,v he d•n-cn
1Vho wiiiJ.Crform th e tMk.!l of hi.'! nllit•t• rui :ti'CCdlllhly
liS t he o n u from who.'!tl h11111Js it h:t..~ recen tl y tJrl>I.1Ccl.
~ ~
d~~~ ~·:::.~i~~:~~~=rz~~~: ~-~;•;;~~)::•·,~;.~~,i:;;,;~.~·.:t:~·.a~;1~ 1 ~,::.:;
l:..n:u-:\•llt'' ·''· Co:..n:;r;r- CtJn tinuctl.
lrink till' f:llal tlr:Ht).tlll mul ,lcn ie• l tl1 c lrtllh of his
t(':u·hinj.l:": if tho• Sun uf ) l :tn h:11l )Jrt:fcrn.'tiiH re no un ce
)1is ln•:n·cnl.t• loirthri~o~:ht rather th:111 tlic int lw ~.trc:tll!st
OIJ!:UII,)' nn ) J.,unl l'!l.lntry. wh:u would n ow 00 the state
uf ,.j,·iliz:atiun ~ It wert• ntin lu :uk. En: rywhcrc is
the ~:unc uld l:tW. prugrt!«~ in t•unlli<-t. aud it will not.
cc:t"'-' tn fiJK' I~tlo' till l'iJ.thl :ohali lake th e pl:tL-e of wrung :
till truth ~hall "II JIJihwt error: I ill tho tHI!ions ,;hall W
link._~) b\' t·ummlln tic~ intn a unh· e~al I.JriJ!hcrhood
:1.1111 we drc "lill w·n tdt•, ulwyi ng nne I:IW and wpr& h ip·
pi11g untt:11ol.
T lw u!'atur frum :\lilwaulwt• ~unual then np pean:d,
olo•lh·criJII( :1 e:ordu ll~· Jll'o•p:u·t·o l a uol t•,;o•ellcntly wo r<h..'i l
:lololrcu VII "l\lu,;io·. Emntiom, ruul ll istory."
s lum•t•tl dtdr inti matt• •·clatitltl!i t" o•u: uuot hc r. citing
in.«t:uwc.~ '" illn~tntt" the way in whkh musi•·. t hro ugh
its iu tltst•m·•• n u t •mutiun >~, lm,o turned tile c urrc nL n f
histur)'. Tuoo ufto•ll ll't• unolo•r•·:•l nc the o•uwtinns. H ii·
th ry is ru h:ol hy ft'CIInlo{" Tlic t-r u ~a d t-:~, t h u p!"<I WCS.~ or
( 'r•Hil ll't•ll', nrm~·. ='apulcu n 'IIIIUo't'i'S:W!'!, o ur 011' 11 grcnt.
n·•·olutiun. z1rf' nil o•l(a n!plt•,. nf thi;~ . E l'c n in ou r
ci1·il ll' rlr ll'f' linol ti ll' ~:1111c com lhion . It Wru! nHISic
anol t•mntinn llmt t':l.rrit'ilthc olay
A l' oM·:I.I ~ulo h)' Miss Ht•±~io• Luu ll:1. J'~£'tt II'Jt.'l hig tll )'
:IJljln.!('iatt'il hy the :lllllienl'(!. An c nthu ~iastic encore
w:t!> n-spu ntlt'il 10. :l.ltl'r whit·h W . II Kdly uf W hilcwatf'r 1(:1\'o• a n orntiun un " Ui«m :trd~ anti Germa n
l'nity." 'l'ht• ~xt·ellt'lll't! Hf !Ill' ttd th···-.'!1 wn.s. in the
mi nol.'!l nf 11111.~1 J't'" Jil t•. />o<l lllt'llhat impairt'tl hy Mr. Kcl·
ley',; lmJlt'rf,,.·t mcmnri;o:inJ[ : the fao·t that he Wl\!1
JIMIIIJI~t~ l :lj) j~'lll'lj tusome tu ht' :l h:trtl fact to owe rlouk . I h;.,.... pt·•:!•lc _nrc clnn.Utle~ unrcnson_:lhlc: how·
c•·cr. " H I~t:•ry, sr~.t d :\Jr. Ke lley, ".c'r)'.~~alhY-~ In t he
1 ~~:tte~~uan ... lt~p ~~~one gr••at 1~11111 . Su wul• (iJ.<jmarck.
l lhl' hll.tury of f ol'rtntl n)' tlnr111g the ~:tl!t 1]111\rt~r·ccn ·
LUry lo:L~ IJl'i'll tht• hl:tt., ry
hi m. f rum the tun e o f
Clmrll•m:tj:IIC c:a•rmany Wa.i without nutinnal life :t nd
~~::~~~~.t.-,ltl'~-,~~~~·;·11· :~,~-;~·::,'r~~l In:~~:~.~~ tb~~:~·~;"~::~rc~ 1;:;,~
o f our ow n N o r mnl Sl·lmol.
In it he ~W ill fu r th .'!Ollie
o f t he ideu which he so IIUco·c:-o.~fully t·n rric.~ o ut in h h~
o w n cl~~Mes. C(Uil"Crni n l( the u -<e uf !fii JIJilemeut:ary
work. He 11hull'!l hu w the •·,Jry hor it•,;" u f lli~wry nmy
lJt, lmbnL"'I with life anti ,; plrit in the hand:~ of a .'!l kilfnl
teaeh e r w ho know11 w here to "" fnr ~ upp lt' n Jen t:try
work an d huw to pre.!M.'nt it to hill pupil•. The null inc
whic h P rof. San ford J(i'I'C.'! fo r wurk •Ill 1h~ ··f::1rtv
Mlgntt io n u~!)'O ntl th e ,\ 1\e~thnnic!" will olouhtl~.S:.~
pro,·e o f J[rent, 11..~i11tant-e lu hl!!ltlr,\' t t•n•· l1c~ in 1lw
gramma r grru lcs.
JlMII'tintlly rn it•d c;l'l'lll:l.ll)' 'l'huugh sa••ori ng u f d•:sJlutis m and alt~u\u ti ~t ll , thl11 rultl lu1s J• rohaU/y been
the llt.'st l "'~"ihlo• Hlltll'r tl11: drt' llllllltJUJt:e.'!.
It lm5
m:u ll' Bi;;mnrek 1l1c id .. t o f the lit• rnm ns am.J th e ere·
atnr uf mu•lc r n t:1•rm:t ny ."
'1'1 11' ln, t tn :I]'Jlo·rll' wn;o~ Edwi n A. S nuw, co rning i n
thl' munr uf "0nr Ual·~· ~i~tcr." the Superio r No nnal.
T he li t ~ly 1uny llt•IIIM• pnrdo n L~ I som e 11rid c in her
!II":ll.flr';o ahililjo•s. 1\S tho·y :In! u ntluuhtt:d ly \'c ry great.
li e ~:1 :t m:tJtn~t· ~Jwakc•r. hultllng the nttc ntin n o f h is
:tuth~·•wc tlrruug hmu hi :~ add res:~. and t·nrrying it w'th
W e feel that an apology ~~ dill' fur th" miu.. J o·.,n• li·
tion o f o ur print~ I mrtttrr in thi~ i~,out• Tl1i ~ )m;~ bt.•cn
un:t.voidnhlc. s luc.-c it. wu llf't't'!IS:try '" o·ru11·•l the rc·
port o f the oratorical co•Ht·-t into p:al(t"" who·l'f• il olues
no t Jlroperly beJou!:.__
W h
w'th 1 1 1 0 1 k 1 \ 1
says eabo~~ tleL~,',~I·::;rir:lhl~~~at ·h~ l~~~iu~ :~;·~-t~.~~,',;;:~::r:
him from puint tu JM•int hj' the JICMJ U:t.!lii'C JIOWCr o f hit~
ll i:1 11 1 ~\llnn nn " T he UUiigzn ions o f (; ul·
tun-," s huwctl mnl'h t·arcf u l study ami. d~:_ar, de<!p
thinkir111: :1 lung nmny line.._ The s uiHtance o f it ill:
Wo arc lh·in.l( :~t :~ trl'mcno lou3 Jl:tCO. The o.tlTa.nee·
mcnt of th~ :lgl' unty IMJl'OniJ>Ilrt.'d to the dashing of 1\11
cn~einl' dnwu nn unuh~t ructcol I rack . A cool head Is
~~h~~::~l\~;n~,!J ~~~~~;,i~t •::~~~~tlft"J~'~~~~:~·~:~~~~~~~~
boi8tcrou!f nnd rhllt li!!h.
Who knows the Scn l11r yull~
lt nmnr ~:1,\'>' rha r t!Jt·rn
~~nti'::ty~~~~~~~~ ~i':~' ~~~~:::l~'t'!c":~:;'~~jJ:. gi•···. it i11
(•\tM tu o:: n ~·e .
uceds cui·
nce.led to gultle I he engine. So the world
t u re nntl t·on~n·rui~m ro guitlc liS p rog rcu. C ulture
nwe11 a ole iJL to humanit y - to oxcrt its h ighest lnllueneu
fur good. The hl.stor.)' o f JKilltic.'11 in this coun t ry 111
! ~~~;;~:~:~~~ ~~~~~~~~:;:~;:~ . ~~~ ~~v::~::~~e~: pc~a:
I V.
lcms if he wishc>J. As a man uf c ulture he has ullli~a­
t ion<l whir h he mus t di sdta r~c By t·n-np~mtiun an•l
proli t-shari u~ he can. tu an iuli nitc dt'I.(I'CC. hcucr the
cond ition u f his e m ]Jluycrs. Ed\ ,-.,nd it iuns w ill cxi"l
a >J iung :1~ the c n .t u red t•la,;.s,~,; a llow t he m. Tin.' WtJrld
w:m ts num of t•tlucatinu and J,rt•:ult h o f thnu){hL
l.t•an ing forw:m.l i n hi" t•hair.
Frightt•ned look upon h i>4 lnt•c.
Tt!cth arc ~o:rimly set the- w hile a.o;
H e l hc tiny !!pidt•r Sll\~.'1-
~~~~~~~tr~1i1t1;~.1 c~;:~::~i:&~~ ;;~:;:~·-s11J1;:t~l;l11117,~ 11~\::·;~~-:;':1:;":~~~ !
But tlw nmiLle u" scorn the gallan t
By whusc h:u ul the bluw wa s tlrti'CII,
(}t>lic •·ing. \Vc s h:lilmakll n" mist:tke i n t ntc:~ting uur
c ountry tu men who :uJSWl'f tu tlu.t"c f l'• JUiremt•nu. ;
Our cunrury will be sat·cd fro m ct·d thron~th t lw uhligntio n"' o f c u lt ure.
The prugram w:tSI du"t'd hy a duct hy :\!iss Bl:uwhc I
V icu x :tnol Mr. H ... man ]•.,,,.,.,1<: th••u fulluwt•d a »t•ason I
of ~U:>J~en~ while the ju•lw·~ " u dclin·ry we re prup:l r·
ing tlu: ir d ed,;iuns .
T he j udge!! u n !lwn~h: :t u.l t·,mpu~iti" n wo•re:
Hon. T . W. llniglu. W;m kt·~lo:t. Wi.~ lion )l kh:u~l
Kirw:1n. ~l:lnitowoc, \\"b: l'ruf. H ~1. Whittu·.l', Uc·
lo it. Wis.
T he judges o n ,Jelh·Ny:
Ue l'. J o hn Fa1·illc. Applet•m. Wis .: P ro•f- l l ublx~ll .
lle;\\"Cr O:un. \ \' is . : Hon . ~.. tun \\' l'ic rt·o•. Fricutlshij),
Anti the,\" talk a bout tho :~pitler
And d w life so frooly g i1·eu.
N o w w i th :~ct·cuts mi ld a ut! tc mlc r,
D:1ily 1111 t he SJ)(•t t hey r..-mlur
Tribute fl·om the i r lw:ll"t.s so rcut
O 'er t he s bnglttcrL'tl innocen t.
l.ntu!lr now t he cl:l"!l·room !it!eme th.
,\ s we g:1the r tlay by d:J.y,
For no spider~ ~ome to \:isit-Le t u.~ hoJIC t hat "oou they m ny :
N o w 1111r knight d o th s adly grumble,
That in \"ei"SC his d eed is told.
But he is no t (JIIite so humlllo
A ,. lw lorc his l:~mc 11'!\S do led.
Wi ~.
T he de1·ision renolc rctl J.t:n ·c W . 1·1. Ke lly uf Whitt•·
wate r lirst pl:we :l!ul A. 1.. Larki n se•·•md. This do~­
c is ion lm;J ht:cn 1·cry gt•rH'r:l ll.l' tli,.:tpprm·cil. hu t yerh:lp" t he lt·~s :>aid abont it thu hc tt ur . It i~ •·crtainly to
be d e plored t h:lt h:ml feclin l-(.~ ~hnu ld h:ll'e :u·i.~c!l
:unong the ~nrm:1 l .'!l"houol,; and it is to he hu]te<l that
t h e :dfair will_go n" furt.locr lout lind :1 SJlCcdy aud nmicable eon c htstu n.
The St•i•futol Annunl Onllitrie a l Contest
he ld nt
t he ~n rum l i\I:A"ch 2nd. Tho p rogram was opened by
:t pi:uto dne r., hy Mis~s Knhl and Collins. After which
the ti rst or:~ti dn 1111 t he prognuu-cntitled Modern Phi·
Janthrnpy- w:l" ddil•ered l.Jy
M. Ne llie H art.
pr~~:~;;.~::r~luL;\:~~~~-~~::::c r,~:~;~~~~::.l.:~~~et~-~::tl"lil;t:~ t;~~ ' ~!;'~~~·~~~:.l.t~t ~\~:~~~;:.;a~~-~~- t;~·~llt: ,':::c~-~ ~~::~~·.en~;~~~
t al.Jl•s hcd beyond duu bt t hat he Ita" won llrst
An incid e nt whkh
thing m ore than loud an~l " he lter is necdet.l !-'l uplifL
sniTc rin g humani ty. Pcr!lllnal sy111pnthy d oc{ m o re to
~~·l ,~l:t~l~~~;:;::·:~l:l~~~ ~:~:,.~.~~)~~~:~g a~:s:-:ta~!:~ A~~~~~~~~~=
.. who
~Ito ,..-~
JWop lc how to lil·e by lil·ing with t hmn."
I ~~~:· :;::~:~~~~~~o:·;-r:h:v~~~~~~';~~~~it~.11 ~1;uJ~:;~1t:~~~71 ~~~~~
~.:,~r~e~~~-Psychology da.~s Ita>~ I ~~,:~ii~::~t\~~l~t·l;:~~. c::::.~1°1~tt.~~:::c :·7~~~~~~~~~l~a~~~:~~~
bct~n conmte monu ctl in \"erse(: ) hy twn s ltlolc nt14 who
ncetlell. -- T ho i!hip o f stnw WJ\S l:umc hed by nu\ny.
c 1·ide n tly ha1·c j)OCI.~- souls th•l ugh not t he gift rlf 1 th(> c hart. of iLi t:ou t"!IC was mnrketl by 1-!nm i l~on , l.J.ut
rhy ming. Tire rc l"i.'!col ctlitiuu i,; l{h·c u :
the he:1<1 that dorectcd. t he hand . that guuled It on lUI
Ode On the D eat h o f a. Pet S older.
tlangerou s jon r n ey was th:n o f J ohn Ma.rsh p.ll."
Kate I. S m ith"K oratio n , o n "A [\l (.>e<h.>tl ltoform,"
Jh:s...:CTn; t,\.1' IH: III C,\TKP TO 1'110~·. ~ Wa""r.
tle:dt with the edu~·ation o f t he d cn.f mutes. She sh o wed
that if they we re l:lught t he s ign meth od they wc r o
I n Hoom T c:: down tX:lnw.
practic:a lly s hu t o fT front t hl.l world, fo r b u t fl.lW u nd e r·
lt:an a spid er to a nti ft·o.
s tand it. Hy in"tructing the m in the oro! m e thod t h ey
S h rickt.-<1 the g irls ·· Oh. n h. o h ! ··
:1re pla~ed o n ne arly a n e<Jual footing with their he a r ·
( But t h ey sa id it \"cry \o)w.)
i ng and s p-eaking hre thre n. and would not be thus
isoln.tt:d. The n fo llowed t ho o ration w hich was l:onsid St~on the Prof. .'! aitl .. Kill t hat . .J., ~"
en.'<l bes t by t he judgeil, •• Progress in Co n11 ict..' ' d e·
I t 11i~turl.ls my t•l:!o.iSO'S .~o:"
Ji1·cred by A. 1~. La rki n. H\Htory s hows t hat the keyC r ied t he \a1lics. ":-ln. no, n o:"
now nf all progress is conllic t. This is tnto in a ll
But the m en said. " Ho. ho. hu ! "
fo rms nf lifo fro m the IOW(.'ilt to t he highest Pe rfection
can o n ly bo rmu ·hed t hro ugh the greatet.t connic t .
T he lower form" o f conflic t aru tn·er s uper!l(.'tit.'() by tho
The n t he c nrly-hc:uled boy
higher. War is al ready n u m OOred umong tho art..ll that
T o rnlicl"l.l t he gi rl:> so 1·oy.
:tre pa.u. But conflict. wi ll not he lai1l !l.8idc, it will
T akes a tooth -pi•·k from his J>OCket
o nl.v t.:akc anothe r fo rm.
And begins to hit anti knock it.
)1:\tl<l I. Brf'Wi!ter follnwetl with :til "rati"u ou
" J-::trly Aholi ti u nists. " ~h o tr..tcc• l Llw ~o:ruwt h .,f I lw
,\ nti -Shwery monmtc ut !rum thu •~ adit•st tiuw.; until
tltc SJlirit in which they were ri•gar. lco l o·h:tnL{t'•l ft·qm
:alm,;c. nnd until tlwy lwcame rct."(1Jflli7.Ctl :1-1 um· ,,f tilt'
lo•at ling forces again:JI slavery. )li ;o~ Uro ·w~u·r hrnug:lu
hnnUJ tn our mind>~ this fnrciblt• truth, th:ll wlwtwt• t'
yo u lind a fe w Strong.~cnrnc;,t men ph!tlj.!t'• lt" :111 iolo·:o.
.\'"n nu..'i.it the beginning of 11 rc1·ohni"u . l\lr-. W ri~-tht
dulh·orl!d :l s tronl( nrMion l u fa•·•w nf l.al "'''lh·,.::tuh•.a·
llun11. He shnwcd thnt th cso dn nut ~;·rwt':tl t' .,,. uphu l• l
strike:>. h ut that curwili:ttiun :mol :t rhit r~1ti ou an· tlh•
wau·h·wonb of their unin u.'<. Tim tt'ht'kinj.! m:m ··au
tmly maintai n his right.i :1gain>1t orjl:Uiizo••l o'!IJti t:ll \..1
urjltUiir.iull hili nwn fOrt'C8. ~'he tll':'(l "r.llinu wa- ""
•• J'~rmnncnt Dcmu('rn(•y,·· hy
Harry .1 . :'ol •• rt o •n~••u .
11.: com J>zu-cd on r olemOt• rn cy tn thoi'U ur a!wit•nt I in·•·•·•·
anol ltomc. :uul s how etl how their duwnf:dl wa" t·a u ~o·d
hy 11. failure to grMp th.: truu relatinnship ht•t wo·••n rh ·
inolh•i•lm\1 ami the stnte. The thr<..!c pri1tt·ipal o•lt•m•• uL"
111.-'i:'Cl!Snry f(lr the maintcna nl'tl or a tnw •l••uliN't:II'Y ar.•
public opinion , edu catiun :t~lll patriut isn l E•llh'ati•olt
i nt•rCI&.!Ie!l truth, and patriotis lll nni tci •wu··· doo·t•l_v
:.:~;:n~n~~~~~~ ~-~~~~~~~~~~~i~;n~::;t:~::1 1 , 1 th\l;::a~:"~::.i~~
l'loscd th e progr:nn with tln o ratinn "" t lu• J{,.,..,)luion
in Cuba. He ilhuwctl thnt tim t,;uloau l't'noh11i"u i~
""mewh!Lt !lim ilnr tu th o I'C \'11 \ntinn loy whidt .\ mo•ri t·a
galtu..'ll her indc pcntlennl. It i" lliit•lt •>~" tu o·uun..o•l pt·:ll'•'
whcu there is uo pence. A K o:~d u,; kn ma~· !:mol ""
t.:uha's shores. a LaF11)'ette IU:I)' pnl\' t' :1 Jt,..,~, Till'
jud~e!l o n thought n n ~ l t•omposltinn wo•ro· l' rof. II. .\
!:iimonds, J{ev. J . R. t.: reighwu, and l'rur. 1Ju1y oof \\'au ·
pnc11. The judges on dclln.lry wc r .: H e\' ,,\ , ~ . lhdj.!o·r.
W, F. Ow~:n anJ D. K Fro.~t . A. 1•. J.arkiu "'"" ti•·~t
plaoo, with Harry Monenson as a du.~•· ..,.,..,nd Tl w
nrntions were all nf :\high order. nrul tlw olt'!i~· t'rJ wa~
C!ipt.'dnlly good. Hut h ) l r . Lurkin !ltul Mr. ) l vrt o•n,onn
will re pre~~ent the school1tt thu lntt:r ·N••rutal (lr:lt••ri t·al
t.:o n tt'llt
lO he held 11t O.~ h ku~h M:u '1•h Ilith. ~Jr . l.arkiu
to tlc ll,·er the nnttin n. 111u l Mr . Murt~•n .~ "tt tn !-:" :t"
ttltcrm1te. \Vhc tlu:r the Jlllr p le ruu l ll"lol :u ·t· lo·•l '"
\'lctory o r uot. wo m11y ft--c l !1\lre that lh••~•· wh• •IU 1\'o•
~\~;:/~t:tn~R;:. Jl r"eol£:111
:lltt•• tt)t
~tram wo·1• ' .\li"' '~ t ' niT:tn, :O.Iillo• r. Fur·ru. IJmy. Collins
awl Knld . Mo ·~·•··· l'ray. Fn1it :1 nd H;11·k e r .
'1' 1~110'\ing pi•·tu:,·~ !t:t\'o• 111<'1 With 1-(n':lt SUCeC.1S
\\lwt'•••o·l· tlw~ h:"'' l~t·••u ~•·111
.'\lore :u·c l~t·ing p rcp:u ·o•o l all tJ,. rim•· hutllw worl, i,; ~onwwlmt hampered
lo.\' l:w\.. of lll:tto·ri:al lr uur fr i1• no lii will ki nd ly a>~o~is t
u~ 1,_,. ·•·ndinJ! tu .'II i ~· TaUIII'I' what pi <: ltH-.:~ they may
ha1'o• ,,·, ·an , ..,flo·o·t. tlll'~o· will !,., rhaukfullr n ·t-ei,·e•l.
1\'o•ll!:tk<·ll <':tl'•' uf and do•l'of\'d to 11 ).(<llld t':ll~.•t• . " 11 \c.~­
~•·o l an· th oo ~•· wh·• lwlp I•• mak~: thiu~.~ 1-(11.''
:'oli-~ B :u· ,,.~ .,f :\li~-ouri. ~ talo· :1<'\' l't'l ary Y . \\' , C: A ..
11 :1" :11 !I ll· . ,·luuol t hi " ntomth with 1lw ' ' ic w uf csttlhli-hiro).( :t ,.,,.;,.ty iu tht• ~,.](u11\. Tlw <'ll ll.'!!ti t ution h:~:~
uut noo·t with f:~1ur. ltu\\'o'\l'r. as it o l i >~o•riminates hetll'•·o·n ~• · •·!~. an• I''" !hi " :u·t·uunt ,],N.·s not !llli!m lined
t" ~ •to·ll :1 ~•·h'"' ' a-~ a ~~~•·maL Pruimbly an orgau iz:lti,tt. ~~~m••whal "i lltil:ll', hut with "" ~ tll'h tlis.: l·i miun tin~t li!w~. wiJil,. J,..I'ft•o·to•ol
111'1\' IH:&\!:; I~.il w. Tho• .l om·u:11 uf ~· l mul Ueogr.a phy.
n·o·o•il'o•d iu th e li loral')' 'l'lw ,Jamm ry nmni iCr
tlw tir"l uno• i"~UI'ol
It ha:< an intcro•sting :~ubjt:<·t
with whi•·h '" olt•al. and IU:I~· lw of ~-treat l'alne to t hose
i uTt·n· ~lt'tl in till' ~ ul•jt·•·t
lm~ ht••·n
IU t~•\orio·al~ an· tlfiW
lu•lol l'q;:ula1·l,\' o•\'1'1')' Weolne>ttlay
TJ,. l<oll' t•r· ··Ia,;~,·~ dt·lh·o•r t't•t·itatiou!l. the
tlw ~o·uioo·~ "l'ati oou ~ . Th o:~e who
:lp] w;u~ ·· l iu li t• ' "1'al•••·io·al o•,nt•··t 1\'o•l'o• nlll'll:<tcd frnm
rlu·l••l'io·al"illi-"•lllal'1 o•l'
T lw :uh' all•·o·d l'h~·,.i oluj.ty da~:: ha .;: h•:e n ongJig<'ol in
)>llltin~ot up l i"'"lll'~ for fntllro• the
Tho•y ha1·e jnst
tiui~),..,J J•U!Iiu;.: lip th t· ,; tl'iatl'ol n111:1de uf frog. ami
hal'o• ·""""' lint• " l"'o·illll' ll:l. Some :u 't• in l('lyt•cri nc, nnd
"tlwr• i n h:tl~:ull
.luui"r~ o·"~ay~ anol
:,~. ~;;:·, ~:.~: :~:::j::J~Ii;: '~~;·~:~·:::!~~:: ;:~ ~:~\~~~.,. ~~;:~~·~ ~·~~~~~~ ~n ~~~~;
1'1 1)<il
'"" · ~
11••11' 111tll'lo ••f
,,.,.t •
l 'nof
j iO• I'$0111
np••n th,.ir
woonl• l yoo n t·all :r. pt• r·-
si:.~o· .
Tho Aremt nml For um llll't in th•klh' 1111 :'olan·lt l~
Tho tmbjt'Ct for tll.iM'IIs.-!ion wz~ : " H• •>~oh' t•d, T im! 1111·
t•tt.\Jinet ~.)'l l<:m II;! C:'(Cili JIIi lil•t l in tho• Eul(' li~l• J.("\\'1'11 rn e nt i8 )Jrt! fcn1ble to thu t•ommittce "Y"to•ou of ''"IIJ:'I'o'""·
pnwided t hat ttie rnnna~hiftl furm uf ll"''t·rnuwut 1",
notoonlli•lered." T he Forum wuk tlw '"'lofatin· ,.io lo•
nrul WM reprei!Cntctl by Mc.'l."f!l. Uulo· ~. l'ollo·y au>l
llarri!IOh, the Arem1 by M<•,;:~r~. l'my. Mutd1 aud :'o l nol·
rock. The argumenttl 011 IH>th :liflt"' W<'l'o• a pi and 1\'o•ll
JII'CSC I\ted . Tho judgt.!il tlt•ci olt~t l that till' llt 'lo(:ll il'•• p n··
se:lltld the s tro ngc!!t J)t)i n ~ nnd thu ~ " 1-'io·kl•• Fur!UU!J
perched o n th e b:ume r uf thu F.. rnru ...
A club fo r the furth1•r 111Uo ly of IIIU!Iio· h:Vi IIO'+' It furmo•ol
whkh mt.'t!:IM SHtunJay uft.cr noun. Ou r· s.•huu] lm ~ at·
tnl netl a high degree o f proticie nt'y in nm ~it• 111to lt•r the
elllclent Jeadt'nlhip o f Ml~11 l .irnou 111ul a hilofllo'l' do•gn•o•
wil l be t he n:s ult o f thl!f t:J:tn. .!ltttd y . T ill' tir>~ l n •t·i tal
WI\!! hold Murch 13 snd Wll!f highly lmj ..ycol by all who
were present. Am ong tho~.' who n)J J.It'a r<..!t l on the ]Jru·
Eutily :o-)'alo-n \.. a lm.~ l'l'llll'neol t11 ~"''""' afrcr teachi ng
l•·o·ut uf ~.-lu ooo ] iu ,\ ltnorul .
~w·o·o · "fu l
:'ol i~ ~ Fo·ann·~ l'arkhi ll ·"I"'"' \\' a,;lti nJttun '!l Birth dny
11 irlt lwr ~i~1•·r. :'otr~ l:o'llll il·. in ( ;ran d lt npid.!l .
./ II 11,••· 1.. l•a- l'o·llll'llo•o l t•o ••·luolo] aft.:r :111 a\.l;;on ~'-'
of ~••\' o•ra l wo·••).." o·a1P•<·.t l,y tlw illm·s,; of hi:!. fnthe r,
II h11 :II J:.~\ I'I'JI"fH 11':1~ IIIIU' h ht•llt•r.
:'oli ~~
\\' a tT•·Il :11ul
Lilo1~ 1r~· A~-·., ·i: u i .. n
:'oli-~ 'l'auw•r :lllt'lldt.'t l the Staw
:t l )Jilw;lllko•o· latclv. M i t~~ Tanne r
~pukt • ""''~''" !li n~: pio-tl! n·.~ aw l their ;'tlll!leeti on with
tra•••lli n~: l il"·:trit•"'
J'r.,f :u1.l .'ll1·~ \' E :'oh·\':l >~ kill II'('H tto 'O>~ hkos h . as
olo·l .. ~:tl•·~ t" tlw ~ 1 :11•· <'onl'l'll t inn uf the Epw u rth
I ~~:::~tan:ll 'l;•~. ::::• ·:::,:;::· ~·.=~:I
a paJif' r e utitlt.-.1 •• J.iterury
l ,,.;~~~=:nt~·, f:~.i ;;~:::~~:::i~lr,•;:·,~:.~.~~~~~~:~rt~~~~n~~- !i :;,~~t.~~!~~
ll'l' lie ha,;atfo'tHietl .~ dltlnl he re tli nce th o filii o f '95,
anti Ita~ lll't't·ptahly till••• I tln.J ]l<<~ itinrr o f l.itc rtl ry Editor
u f Tlw Puinter thi ~ ~·f' ar .
... .
3<1- lhnl. .. .
I ::::e~11t~::~t~~ :~a~~~~~~':,,~~;'\l''i':~~;;:::~ ,,~.o~-~~i.:•.g:,\::1~:~~
1·ious!y held tlu: n ••·nnl. a rc :1s fnllu w!l:
On Friday. Feb. 26. was lwhl the S()COmluf the Ath·
letie :tssociation eutcrt:t inmcnu. This c ntert:tinme n L
W:l.ii in the nature of a m i• l- win~'-'r l!unlcst ami was
h e ld in the ~ymn:asi um of the sch ool The program :u
carried o ut was :as fnllu"""s :
:\lusic- lnstrumunt :~! .
. ....... ~l iss C urran
)lu~i '-' . ..
. .. . . .. :\I a!~· Quat'tt'IW
I n<li:~n Clubs . .
. ... Ynu ng :\len
Dumb Bell Drill . . . .. ......... . .... lntcrnwtli:tUl l:irls
. .... :\!ale Quarte tte
Wand Drill .. . .
. ..... Ymmg Ladies
This p rng:r:uu wa-; foi i•'I WCd h,l' tlu- athletic C\'Cnts.
four in num Ucr. name!)'· the h:lr l'aull.. .-;t:ut•liu~ high
jump. running: high jlllllJl an• I standing hru:ul jump.
Be ach ··arried o fT hnnor.~ in t•l·ery cnmt. taking- lirst in
the har \'aU It anti nlnuing hi!-( h. sceoud in tilt: standin,.:lJ\'O:td tuul bei ng tit.-..1 for iirst by H:u·d in the s tantliug
high jnmp. The rc~ult o f the diffe rent ercnlii is :t.s lot·
~d -Ohdc .
tensi\'e l.v in :tth letil->~ lmt will go intutr:tiuin~otin:tft•w
d:tys with the 'l':trsity cre w. ( ':tpt:t in (;oodrich says
t.. • Y cri a~:
r e mimt"" ' ' "
K lein
ccmi , cl'•
(iirth of c·hcs t . . . . ... ... . . .. ... .. ua
(iirth of<"hes t fu11
... ... . . . . . . Ill'.!
tiirth o f wai:H . . . .. . . .
t.iirth of hips...... . .
. . ~!I
Girth of thtf:!h, l'i.l'ht
Girth of thigh. left.. . .
. .. r,:.!
Uirth tJf<·:tlf, rir,rht ..
. .. .. :lu.r.
(iirthoft•:tU.ldt. .... ... . . . . . ... a;;.!i
Girth"' upjJ<!I' arm, ri.l'lll ..
. :m
Girth <lf upper anu. lefl . . .. . ... :1:1
(iirth of furc:mu. rit--:ht. . . . . .... ao
Girth uf foN':trtn. le ft..
.. :.!t!.G
The comp{trisou of the "t re ngth test. p r<lj.H'r fu11owil
and is ~o:h·cn in kilos:
~!~::~::: ~~ :;::~~~-- ·_·.
Strength of h:gs .. .... .. . . . . . . . -IU:1
Strength of upper arms . . . ..... :k~J
Strength of forearm.. .. .
. .. t«r.
17 1
. .:::
T otal,. ..
. .... .. .. l.GGU
. ..... 6ft. 10 i n.
.......:. :::: :~ ~~: ~ \:~:
::~~~~~ ~ , . -~-~-~~Ul~G I!Hill Jt;MP
. . • • .4
en~:~ '~h:~~~:;~~~~;~i;:.h::r l:~~~s~2~~~~:~,1 tn:1~\c;:~ ~;:~c~:~n~:
:.~ 1 ~e;~i;~~:;~~~~W~ilt~r;:~:;\~U:~.~~~~~~;~~~a\;:~:i:~l;llt;r;~~
U. W . elc1·pn and his rc:~ignation and return is :1 s urpri;w to many. lL is :<aid he will not lake an acti\'C
part i u :tt hlctics from this time on. There i:o~ rejoici ng
at Beloit but wailin!{ :uao\ gna~l~f lCt:th a t U. \V.
2d- br.J.!fon l ... .
. ...... . . . . A rt. 8 in.
tt ussow mGu Jt:.l ll'.
l ~v---Ue:wh .
. . .. . ...... ,:; ft. 2 in.
l !!t - Bartl .
IO ft. Sin
;i.(l=~~~J'tu·r;l.'.·.· .·:: ." :.·:..". :.·.·.·. ·.· ·_·_ ·_·_·_-_·.·.·.·.·.·. ~g :~. !t :::: l th~-~sl~~:,~litn~n~~::::;~~::~ ~-~~~~;~~~:ltt~·l,c~~~:r~h r~~~p~u::c~~
Othe r cnnw~t:l1l Lil who did guorl work we re lti)SO·
goool pro~;ram was cnrrietl uut by t h e resident :uul \' ill·
l~rry. Culn:r. Morwnscn. Clark. G c:!Cll.
iti ng ;;tudc uts. :'olr. J ohn l ...es rcprcsente~ l our ath· '
During tlu: en:nhl the 7th !\IHI 8th g rath: OO)'il •lid
letic :l.'!Snciati('.t at tlw rece ption ant! ga1·c a .'lht~rt talk
.some 1·c ry prc u.y pretty hurdli ng, which r clitwed the
o n l ntc r-Nonu:d nthlctil.."'llcsitlcs Mr. l..eell thero
m onotony of the l'fiULC.'It-3. Tu Miss Crawford muuh
we re :d.1out ten Normal!!tmlt:nt ll present from hen:.
c redit is due fnr the d cgreu o f i»Crfection auai!Ultl h,\'
ptt,lliliilt Curi.H:tt a Yale
the young l:ttlie.~ in tlu.: wan! and dumb bell drills anti
flag and a letter extendi ng the wis hes o f Yale stud ents
hoth Miss C fllll'ford and :\lr. BraMord tlcsen·c praii!e
wct'tl summoned be·
fur the tlrilling of the lndl:tu cl ub s winger.'!. Jus L be·
fore t he d c:uc of tlu: f:u·ulty :tn~l e:tllcd to a cc.,unt for
fore the e nte rtainment hejt:tn :\!iss Crawford h:td the
their :wtinn!l. Tlwy h:.we tlt..-..:larc•l :1 w illi ngness to ru·
mis fortune to s lip on the :.t.:t iN~ and ll]lr:tin her a nkle.
tr.tct :til phrnses whit:h inc·ludc Y:tlc in thu e:c.tencliug
but 1·ory pluckily went thruugh the drills, al~wugh
of go01 l wis hes.
the pain in -her :utkle was 1·cry gn•at. S he was cvniincd to her room tht! ue:<t d ay but i!l no w :thle to be
U tulcr the in ~t nwtiun of l'rof. L'uil·cr the Yo ung
o ut and agnin at hoc:.:_'_'·o_ck_
·. _ _ _
J.ndies' T ennis dub is hct'tHning pruticicnt in scn ·ing
Leslie's W eekly o f :\lnrdt 18 co n tnins a picture of
anti re tu rning and with thll firs t g ood ten ni!l weather
and an article o n Hat·l':l l'tl'.~ s trong man. Tn Arthur . we c:c;pcct to sec t he cuurt.s hc~icge~l hy the d ub. Tho
f.o \·ering, class of '\li. bdvngs thi.i hounr of hcing the
young m e n will meet :tnt~ urg:111ize in the ncar future
s tro ngest college s tu<lcnt in Ame r ica. This ll':l.;! d~- j :t nt! gel really fur the couuug .;e:..,;ou.
terminetl a few '.lays nt;o by Dr. D . .t\. Su~gcn t . who:;e
system ~f physu::~.l . mcasurcm~nt has gamed. s uc h :l
worlrl w ad e re putatio n. Dr. !'Sflrgent mfltle Ius m e:lS·
urc menl3 a t the Hemenway gy mnasiu m in the presmti..'O
o f a thrl)ng o f athle tes. :Inti found that l..o1·c ring beaL
Kle in. who then held the r ecord as the stronge:~t colle).l'e man by 131 point.". l..nw:ring is o nly 21 years o ld
~:~drk~~e ~:~~s;;tc;:~~~~11 ;•'C ~~~~"~~le1~~~c~h:11 ~~~~~~ ~~:
Cas1~ r Whitney. athlctit- <:tlitor of llltf!"'r's Wtoe kly,
h:ts hccn r cccn1.ly m:1rricd to a Miss {.;h:.se nf C hic·a go,
Umloubtt•tlly the atlalctie 'uews or t he W eekly will inc r eMe iu inwrc.~t
- -- - The Macalc.;ter Ec ho of St. l'aul, l\liun .. will confer
:t fa\'or upon. the s t:afT of tim l'uiutcr hy g h·ittjt t·rcdiL
~~:: ~~-~~:~-r:lcl3 tn:aol"
fn1m it.-t c·••l 11mu" :tnt! priuh:d i n
! :~:~~~:~N?E~.::::J
I :::~~i.:;::~:;g~~;,~~~~;~;:::.~·;~'~t:l::~~;
Wcllesly i! to hat•e n new !100.000 ~hapd .
11 i! pretl it'IL"tl by Presit lcut Ello!L of HiS.·nrd, that in
-time the l-~'llcge fr:u crnitil!!l will cause Americnn nul·
The rel~nl:l~ K01 lnk s hnws a tlt't·iolc(l impnn-cmcnt J \'cNitics 10 IM• brok~n u p i nto Cflllege;~ :u1 nuw i n Engot·c r Jlrcnous I !IS LI ~ _ __
Jaml . -i\l a .. nkostc r Ec ho.
The Unh•o •n~ily of Vir~iniiL
.l{i\' t "•
The Natiunnl J-:.1-it-uc-ia-1 -a ot-,o-ci,.-, - h:u l. iLS bc~o:in n i ng
0 11
forty ,\'Cars 11gn. thnugh it tlld not assurn c il!IJirescnt
until thirtt.'t'll yc:u·~> l:ltcr. 'l'l:e :UiKK:i:uio n h:u
lwld thlrty-fuur mc(lti n g~--
no ho lid:ty.!i tlnring
t he college yrar.-~- __
T he thirtee n fr:tlt!r nillt!!! at (;omcll 1111' '' $00.5.000 i n
real estlltu a nti builtlings_. - - -
l n:uuc
T ho oltlt'~t unin.. noity in the wnrltl ill Elnzhar, menni ng " The S pl('ntlid." i!i t urHt~t l :\1 (.;nl ro. It is tho g rc:atest Muh:am mcdan .cdu10l. :u ullms n elcar rL"COrtl d:n ing
from !li(;. - T lct• !\urm:d Ath•aneo.
T hc N. W. T . A. holt!!! iUI n.!gnlnr :mun:d nwc ting i u
E:m (.;hllretho tn!t \\'CIJk In M:lr<'h .
Thcsuu&IIC!IL n nh·crsily In the w 11 rl• l ;,c ;11 Afril·:t a nd
hll8 lh·o s ttule nl..ll :anrlliltcen \n,ctn wtuN.
Tho l ~'lkc Brcc1.e t•u mcs to us in 11 li t'"' IU HI i mp i"•IH!t l
form . It 1!1lt.n '-l:t~:t•e llcnt high .'!Ch~ p:1.1K.'r
'l'lw l':art·nll Edtu uf W:au keshn fnr 1-'ebrtuary iii
callt.><l the " Mitldlc (.;l:u• Number." It <.'f mt:timt a n
Migilt:&I JX~t'l ll '''1'!1 the Mith llcrs.'' ~~twe m l :\Iid dle (;lass
E>:!!!nys a u•I an L'llituria l on the Mi•ltllc Clau.
T here nrc clonm dnily nOWi! Jlii JICI'S in Chima. ninc
printed in Cbmelle.~ - E ngli ~ h atu l n ne in Fre nch .
T he Nnrmnl Ad ,•:utce co nt:~in s :tn lntt•res ting nrti•·lc
nn the O rigin ami Dcl"clupnwnt 11f l,itt!r.& r)' Wur k in
W ilk"IJII'Iin Nnrmal ~-li<Ktls hy Mi :o..~ lt n.5t• (;. Sw:trt. who
has gi\·cn tii'Cnt y- ih•c ye an~ uf St:n'it't! t.u thf! Os hkus h
Nt1ruual .
" 'c hea rtily apJli'OI"O o f the S(lntimc nt t•xprt'lt1t'tl in
t he Normal Ad l':lnt·e o n !lppinu~ 1lnring r lwturknl ex·
T he pothucoguo kt."C p!! st·hnul t ill the he:att•• i te r m
come! on nnll the n he k ec~ eotJI 110rucwbe n: e]§C.-11.
S. Junto.
\\'c :an• p lc~'t.l to nc kno wlet lge t1m receip t of --T he
l.cttcr" Jl111Jii ;~ hL'<i l\L T uskegee. Ala.. nf w hich
Buukc r '1'. Wuhingtun i.-1 L'ili tur. On the liNt )):tge :t re
gin•n I"UU o f the cl:t..§SL't\ n brick mnsonry nntl mL"Cimn·
i~Cni drawing.
~outhcr n
The chapei14Cn 'irL-s 11t (.;ornell:u·c ;~u intcn.'>!tinu thnt
seata ha\"O to bo rescn·Lo;_l fo r stmle u l.!l o n nt·t•o unt I the
larg9 a ttc o tla nce.
ga,·c tr.
Vleo P re!!ldent lloh:art ret·cntly
ooo tu HutThe boar.l nf et hll·atio n n f the ]mhli1: school!! uf St.
gera college at New UrtJII!IWil·k. N. J .
Hobart is :1 1 Panl ha,o •••tahl ii hec l :1 ~huol lot· backwa rd pupil!!.
g l'fl(h iRtu of ltntgcn.
Tl: i:~ w:a~ du ne u po n rcl·ummc nd atiu n o f the cit.y !!11Th F bt ua • number nf t he :-J urm:al Ua•l ,.r ro n·
J.H!ri n t•·l~d~ntuf St. l'anl. M ~ . Curt i ~, who eo nsid e rs it
taln!!eBn olntc~tlng llrtlclo on "1-"urnm li"' m i ~ 'l'eru- h~~ grc~atmr~: lctJ w JU'ogrc!l ~n·e pupt l~ to l..e held hack
ing" bv W. J . Brie r
I J)' '' ew l u ""ell._ __ - -
treatisc-~n tl~e
:tlg:jll'l\ :tny
'l'ho first
II Uhjct•t nf
E uropcau la ng unge 18 lx:l:cn.o;_ l lo han• bceu m:ule hy
Lucc11 l,accollln 1-ID·I.
Glrnrd College In l"hilndei phha i11 tlw r i.-lw~l iu tl c i.~
coun try. hB\'Ing O\"Ct eh•\'Cn :uul ll ljm&rLcr milliuns uf
endOWIIICfll. -The l.ako Hn." '7.C.
T he manngeme nt uf the U:ulgt•r, whit"!t has II('O•n in
the hands of the athletic club. i:t ,.,.un to IJC Lran,.rcr reol
to t hu lltera.ry !Ult•lcty ~~c !!_i\'(.'r J::ft~ls Xv rmal.
7'~~:i:::;.~l~~n:.~~I ~~r~:~~~:~~cJ~r:~:~~~~:~dawi~~~::i'~~~
d ow tu Wdi i!Yiy
when"! ~htJ was formerly a
s tuclcnt. MnJ (;le\'el:u ul, llSililtell hy J oh u La Fargc,
ha.~ d e~ igm.!t l tlu.' whvle wi ndow, ~electinl( 119 the m a in
ft"atun! a large hgure of a yo ung woman .
T hu gn.-at \'erkcil tcle!K:o po of the o iJSe r\·nto ry of
t;hkngn s ituatt.'ll at l.:ake Gc nc ,•m, W ig., i.!l. a fte r t h ree
yc-.u·!!" l:.b.. r. <.-omplctL't.l . l' rof. (;hark of Cam bridge
h:t• l cha rge of the fu rni.~hi ng of the lc nlK!S, which con·
'fbo Un h •cnity of l'tuls h:lS twcr i .OOO ~ ttul('nfs. :uu l
:~::~~~~ a~J 1;;::::r :~u:~~~:~...e3t~r:::::~~t- ~i:O.';:~~~rl~~~
T be aenlo r clM!J of l ..'lwrcm·e Uuh"N'• ity h:1..~ 11 ..·.-id etl
to begin th u publit·u t iun of t~ l.awrc twc Unin~ l'>!lit_r :til ·
oual. A.r mn~ee n H! n t ~· are I.N!Ing mutle fur the ·u; i.Muc.
The Student of :'tl a rirwne. i ~ a n u p-to·tl:ll t• high
school pa per with 1111 n ttruc t in~ t·m·er and gtlt'HI Jiriut.
and 11 desen>ln ~e o f furthe r mcutiun lll.'1.."att.'!(!•uf iLl! liter·
ary me ri t.
Ge m!! f rom the l'ilyc•hulogy riRU:
A gencr.al notion 1!1 n eoncevt.
He IOitl g e neral not1o1111.
Hu ltnld l''O II <."C p t8.
Hnrtl thlu!f.i nrc IWt CM\Iy brt>kcu .
Lati n i8 hn rd .
iii noL enliily hrnken,
!~ t in
Vc~i unin~
to ,.::lllll'r. Wt' huilt
a :'ltllldl-(o'. :mol Wt' l~ ll"! hutlwn·d ~"
all nij!h t.
\\',.lit tilt' lanh'l'll whi<-h lnm ;: frv111 tlw l'id).!t.' pult•,
and lay 0 11 the o'<~\'1 to n•aol ant i tt•ll "tnrit•s. Fin:ally.
<>IIO'huy ,\'a Will'< I.
111<':1111 :•lo•cp. "" Wt•:t111111'1ll'tl
in. I w u ko• at ahvut fo ur iu dw IILt->rniu~o:. :mol .~t·o •inj!
that tht• n·.~t o f tlw t·amp wa• not :t wa ko•. I •h-•o•t•wh•d
tlw h:mk. huilt nlit'<.' i utlit•Sit~n•. a nol !!"' lon•ak f:~,;t.
] h:~~Jjnsttini<lu.•o l a!H] W:t!IW:I]ki llj.!U]I ttJt llo'to•ntto
1\':tke the lotoys . wlwn "'"' ul tlwm "llll'k hi" ht•:ld u ut '"
"''o' if it w a • l1111l'llin,~r. :111d t hen t ht• n•·<t fu llu wt'd.
It w:ts the lirst olay uf •mr ,omuuu.:r nw:ll iun . in t lw
s~·ar ]~!I."J. Thr~·· IH<,I":< i ..·~id···" 111_\'~t'lf were ~a t hl'\'{'ol
in th(• fr,nt y:\nl of m~· humt•. \\'t• a ll wa u t••ol tu talk.
Wt' had ,;unu: thinJ! inu•reMm,~t to tal k ahout.
had plau:•c•l :1b<n!l twn wct·ks ho·f••H• t·:u·ation. to).("
a nd nuw g:u lu·r<'•l tu ta lk :tiH<HI it. tlu r
p:trcnts had ~:in•n us JWI'1lli,.,sinn '" )!11 fnr a wct•k ,.,.
twn. an.! we ~ct. about g..ttiu.~t r•·ady
"Tht• lirst thing. ·· said one h"Y· ·· i" to .~t••! tlw tt·nt ··
~~~ we all set otf t•• tlw mill tn .1!"<'1 '"'Ill <' ~tulll t·:un·a,.:.
T hcu we got thc t l'n t- polo:s ami " tat'<'" fu1·huhliu~t till'
tent ol()wn . After we ltaol pu t thcst• int •• th~· louat We
wct1t up to thchon;;.:•.to J.('l'l an :IX(', whi<"l1 i"' t·o:ry n"l'fu l ,
in g11i11)t ~·ampilll-(. a nd t lw t•am p·iron~. k~·tt lt•, pru\'i,;.
i<HIS :1m l <>!her ncccss:•ry t hin~,;. 111UI]>ilo·•lt lwm i11 the
bu:ll. T lum we push ed <>IT. :wei hl').!all I<> ruw fur tluo
\\' (;' had sck"t.·h:tl a poir•t ( ,f l:ind in tl1e .~<>uth·east
cor ner o f a large isl:uul. :u ,d fl'lt that wt• h:ul g:nt a
good Sj)()l. It wajf s hath•ol hy a It'll' I I'< ·•·.~. :1wl was VII
the s ide nf a s mall hill. which jlently "I"Jll'S d own to the
water. \\' heu II'<' had art'i1·ed :11 the ground.~ we ~~~an
tn J)Ut np the te nt. \\'~· St'l Up tlu• ridi-(C pule and t hn.: ll'
the (':un·as OI'CI' it. ,\fter we had tied th•• sitlt·~ down.
:Ulll lixed till' ht:dolinj! and nthcr thin~-(.~ in the tl•nt. 1\'l'
h11~\' ~1::.a~~~'1\ :,~;~1:! 11:::h~;~.c\:.~:i :\.,~:::: ~~;·~~~;•:,:::~i1t~S' I~:~~~i
c nj..~·in ;: our;;ch·c~ i n the lt•ut. we lwa nl :1 p :ll\<'1' n f
r·: tin on thet·a n l'aS. and t hi.; pattt.' l' w:t" fnlln\\'t:tllo,\' :1
~cuc•·al pvm·. \\' c put 01 11 e••au :tml hau. a nd thrt•w
l:u1;C Ides <J\'cr tlw tent. aut! wct'll
r ai n .
safe the
( ',\u:n
h:~;~h~,:·c,:.: ·~~~);,;;';;:ct~;::::;;~~~:~::~· ;;',',:'i"iit arir<: unde r
~:.'~ ~~~~~ ~~;;.\~:::·l!i;y~,·a~l'h:'~i~~~~~c~:.';~ti~,'.:~·1~ ~;;~,~:.::::~
:uulwem:HI(•nu r tca. :mol b:tk<'<l tho• p<>latnt•..: on the
hot embers o f t he tire. T he put:Uues wen : e...:•~llen t.
ami t he h'a w as f:airly .(!llo~l. U<>l IJl'rft·t·t. for yon s<'C.
we wl're ouly IJO)'S, and not \'eryj!<o()<l t<':l·!llakl'rs. After
d in ner twu ur thi• hoys p r " P""ed ;:uin~ '"the spri n;:
fnr (n::" h \\':ltt'r.
I. t a killj! t he eh:UH'<'. sli ppt·d intO
t h e l.oo:ll. :wol l~t•.(!!l n to row for lmm~·.
I re:lt'llcol
t\',\: ~~~u;~~ ~~~~~~.:·Is :~t::;u~ :•:·,t::: ~·hl::':\'::·;~11 ~\:'i~··,::~~::;~ ~:a::
J,l:IV:II impron·ment "n tl1e ,.,,,.k,•ry.
T ilt: s to\'t• had not
t· nt ircly gon<' '" pieo..:c s. and I mau:LJ!t•d to get it int"
~:~~~~~~~:,'·a;::.•;.'a \1,1:~;:, :~~~~.1
';"~,,~;;1~1 t~•;;e\':11::.~ :~;·lh ::~',~~/
toue ll'a;« prt•pariug wu<l<] loor 11.,. tire. aut I tlw <>til<'l'!i
we n • heapiu~t i•rush a;:ain"t the hott"m o f tht· tcut. so
-~~~ :'ol:~in
!:'t. :?ol )"lour.
Norm a l Trade Solicited .
The One f~~~ ~~~~~~~1.~f.!J..:~.uthority,
Jutu~ I·.J>.IIu~~~~ (J/tlu
The Standard
oftloct.'.S. (:uY'tl'rintill{:
Offi<c, the L'.. S. Supnmc
~iobo.'.:~"~,'un<~.~~~,.,,,; ~,,.,.,.;
!! :::::::~::':~t;"~:'JE~;C.:!:!~~·
tt l•ea•y t(J teern what" word mnn•.
,~vVu""1'1 H. 1{1':Cf~·J'"· IJ. ,
JJ.n., 1 ''"" 1~~" 1
; :.~:::~j:iT:~:E~f::::~::~~'·:!: :;: ; ~;:!:~;r~:~i~ .~: ;:~:. \.:.~ §~ [;\; ;~~~:~~i:-~:-;~-!-;?~~:::~.~~:;~;§i:f, 8
~j,,:;~~:fe~.~~ ·~~"~·.!~:· /:~~l~NI~<·~s. g
1'w11 v f the looys went swi nnuiu;: and t!id nut rdurn
o. ,(:
Dou't Experiment. Get the b est in the first p lace.
The Century Double=feed Fountain Pen-Warranted
Comn1en ded by
N ormal users .
t.'h:l•t·d. '"n~t .... ~hrort. ·~~no
t.i..id ) !ou n te.t.
:OO]oiral. hl;wk ro1· mutth·•l.
Jle'>:ijlon. •·
Centuury Fountain Pen Cu., Whitewater, W is.