Pointer ~ormal • Si$!vens Point, Wis.

~ormal Pointer•
Si$!vens Point, Wis.
An Old Hosary.
. . . . . . . . Pa~c }.-,:;,
The Girl of :'lly
Drt!alll ~
~niors ...
The Fo r um of 'Ui
~t. Ct..-cili:~.
C lub ..
J ,j j
. . . . ..... l'agu 161
C lulo.
Cicugrnphy ( '] nh . .
10 1
The Urow ning Club ...
The Skelch Club ..
Chronic les of the Oratoric:ll A..;sociatinu . .
A Summe r Talc .
Edit.,ria l .. .
The l're~.~ Assocb t iou ..
At hiN it·.:o..
A . 1.. S . ,
The Aren:L .
] ,,.c;~ l
J uniors . . .
II;! I
Plt~:S II >t:S T
T . Lt I' ll,\ L
Volume II.
Number 9·
Thi ,o ro~:u·y l~lnni{Ct l tn u\ ~e lon g d ead,
T u snmconc. I >i li)IJHIS<', muo·h mour·ncd an d rn isst.<<l.
Each hc:ul i.'l wuru hy fcn·c n t. piuu.'l hantl >!,
The eroS!< hy !ips that rnurrnnn!ll. while they ki.'1Sc1l,
Some prayc1· to Him whose image he re appearsSmall. rwlcly fa.shi"nctl. rustt..'< l dull with leaN&.
I kuuw no t mrn·h o f her w hn!W weary hc:u·t
Thi.'l symhnlet l thi ng the key to hc;rvcn found ;
''l'i!J ,;aid ~ho s uffered - that her life WJI..'!o all
Of woe and pain. w ith rcsign:rtion •·rownc•l.
This m:ry hiJ true; alHI s o he•, head .'! I kt•c p.
Siru:c now she 11cml.'l t hc:,n nol. hu t. li1~~ all]ce p.
Tlwy ••alia hund red \'isions to my mint!.
or cun dh~ burning in the clm.uccl tli m,
Of incense risi ng to the \'tr.lll tcd roof.
T he pri m~t intoning to tho vesper hy111n.
The kneeling c~rowd, and her :an1onK them tharc.
With light frum paintL~ I windows on her h:air.
They !ipcak bl me of "iJ.:ils lone a n d ·long.
Qf SinS confesSt.~ J and ]>ella nee hmnhl y paid,
Of p rnyer.~ that. brought her l"·mce, heeauiKls hc knew
The H oly Motlwr listen;_~ \ whi1 9 she prnyl!ll.
All t.his and more t hey tell: nnd so I kee p
The he atl s, s ince s he w ho ow ut.>tl the m lies asleep.
MA XW t: l.l . AI.TON .
of t he '"SII"CCt l!ixwcn'" !10 lo1·ahlt: a ''hnr:\d.Cr t hat tho
Jun iorg an• l th e rest of tho school ex hi bit !Inch regret
at losing him . We therefore :aplloCntl a s hon :ac<'on n t
of the li fe o f cad1
c ln.!!~+ o f '07 ;
member the
T he class of "Oi is co mpo~<et l of .;~ i ~tee n
most of w hom hr11"C l>een in the !ll•lu... ! for nt leas t twn
yean~ and 1!-tl lll C fnr thrt.'l!. Sn it. J.COt!;J without Jmy ing
that th" !!eho()l ha.~ bt_'<'Oilll! dm•otetlly att:u:lwd tn them.
:lntl that the g rid at p:art inp: fmm t.hc m will he p:ro•:-tt.
It is p:u.Jwtic tn !11.-'C hnw tim Jun ioril tn.k O' it. to heart -
.lame;~ Phil lip>~ .~pe n t h i.~ hoyhnod at. Medford, Wis.,
ami completer! a ( ir.unm :lr Sc hnol Cuurse in that c it.y.
In 18Si ho e nwn_~l St. Fr:uwi>1 ~ h nul :lt Milw:au kco.
re mai ning t.hc r e unt ill8ll3. He then we n t t.o Hnhnrtuo.
lnwa. Uut i n. '115 returnl!il to Wiscnn ;dn. n.nd tn.ught
ilt· honl :at Stets nnville. Tay lor Cu. In Sept. ·oo ho m•·
tcretl the Nurmal w lw rc he Mtnyed until .Jan . "97. wlw n
lm :I<'I:Uptcd a ])(osition in the 1-::ur Claire H ip:h Sch ool.
Ma'l!':lrl'l Suthcrl:aru l. oHm uf Ean Claire"!< rcpresc n t.:.a-
~~~~gl'~~~~~=li~o01:;,;h:;,~:o~)::~~,'ii;;~~ ~::~~~.:\:::.::~-~::; ~ ~:.\"~;:; ~~:·,:~i~l:~~~:l,~}l' ~h:·.lt·~::·ir:.:;~·t)~··~~,•;r\~i~n::!~:~,~·:~
their fri\'o lou~<; ht•artil arc ,.:l( ]ol"necl at till' proSJXWt. : ~he has mught s ix yr•ars i n the publi<' .~·hool.~ o f 1-::u.
There is even snm e di >!eussion a..'l to tho prnpricty n f
t:lnire. T he p:a.~t year s ire hal! alt.c ntled the Stcvc m1
substituting hlat·k fnr the typierll and s ug~ill!th·e p:r<'l'll
Point Sorum!.
that form.~ ti m laqrcr
of tlwir
I ,\ II an T . l'rny ll'a.~ hurn at llc:n·cr !.>am , \V i!<., i n
t~:~~~~n ~~:~;~·.::~~~a,';;:a~ 1 ~~~~ 1.;·:·, ~:·t~11 11t1ol(,~:·~k;~ 1~:~~~~~ :::~ ; ;~~.:;. h1 ,.~ :~!,'li~ 1~::' ~;;:,'j:.J 1111 ;;~;:: ~ ~: :" ~~~ 1: :;cl~:·~, 1~:; r:~::: 11•
of 1
t :•
atetl from the Hi gh ~hool in this dty i n '02. En tCI"i.'< l
nml afte rwards s pent tin-ct: years at tl1e Whitewater
l.-1.1\" t"CI!t'C l.."zd\"CI"Sity in the tal! of "02. anti n:m::lined
..;: fli gh School. lie cn t(' rPtl tht• St un!uS Pvint ~onual
then:: uuc year. T he tiHl following yea rs were spent
in 'tl-1 . anti besides doiug gO(K\ work in general has
in cnmmercial work on the riJnti . In J an. '00 he en·
s hown muc h iutcl'l'SI in both :nhlt:tk nn<l literary
ter<.•d the Stc\'Cns Poi nt Normal, :utd h:l.S gi\'CII work
iu nrt CSjJCdal attention.
Margu.ret Aslumtu of Hum!. W:n!Jmcu cou nty. W:IS
Florence Pt":l)" ooming from the high •whool of White·
p:nuhut.tcd at the W:wpat·a high sdl(lo] in 1802: uwght
water. ent crcol tho Normal at ,'t(ll•cns Poi nt in the au·
for th e next th ree \'c:u 'll: entered th u Stc,·eus l'nint
tunu1 'or "!14 . Miss Pray does especi ally well with pl'i·
~ ormal in the f:lll ~f U:lll.:). ;\Ii i;:; Ashmun has shown
mary t:hildren .
mark ~d abili t y in drnwiug and will at uo di:otantday
make a spcci:dty of th i:s s u bjc~·t.
- Willi am C. l{uC£1iger p:ass~'CI the tirst thirteen yea rs
of his life on a farm ncar Fountain City, Buffalo Co..
Henry I.. Gardne r grew :o s turdy mauhood in
where he received a common school ed uc:ui6n. En·
Ve rnon County, Wis .. and thm·e t"Cccin:d a common
tw hool education. l-Ie was prindpa l of the Hcad.~tow n . tcred the Alma Grammar School in 1887. a nd 11' :1.'1
grnded school prc dnus to his c utc riug the Normal in
grndzmtetl from the High School in '03. The folluwirrg
year wns SJ)Cnt in teac hing. afte r which he enwred the
'04 . He ha.1 ttlkcn :1 pi'Omincnt part in the athletic
IU1·e r Falls Normnl. remaining there one year. He en·
work of the school. and ;mccl!ssfu lly umuaged the track
tered t he S t lln~ n s t>oi nt Normal in
atuJ foo ~ IJall team of '00. Hu ha11 been for two years
fall o f ·oo.
t ho lm~incs.s nutnager of The ~orrnal lloiutcr.
Guy Ule ncue was born a t Al ma Center in 1873. He
rccch·L>t.l his curly llduention in the gnulcd school of
th!H city. nnd attended the Oshkos h Normal in !81J:J... "g4.
!~::;~;c~~e::tea~'~::,\l;cl>;~~ ~~r~~:leitt;~~~4. f~~~~~~~~~:~
p rese nt m:u1ngcr of the track team.
l\Jiss !-:Iizabeth Sun·cns, a g t-aduute of tho Eat: Claire
high school ci!L'l.!l uf "!H. <mtered the Stel·eus Point Nor·
mzllln tho fa11 (t f '00. Misg 8tcnws excels in her work
with s mall chi ld rc.n and expects to tin pri mary work.
Mnrion 0 . H ill s pent hill child hood at VirOtJUn. Wis ..
a mi there recei\"etl his early training. He tn uglu suc·
ces.efull y iu Vernon, Gran t and I own Counties, nl!lrried
i n 1882. and
principal nf the graded schools
Pu.tch Gro\"c. Mt.. Sterling a nd Seneca. He entered the
Normal in '04.
J . D. Heck wns born at A\'lllanche. Ve rnon ConMy,
W is .. btu en rl y tmh·ed ''·' Richland Cnun ty, nnd there
rccein!<l ll com mo n :n-hunl e•lu<'atinn, t.u. ngh t in tim
oow won school;, of that cnun ty, and wns prindJml of
the Cashton Gruded Schon!. He married in 1888. a nd
e nte red the Ste\'C I\!1 J-•oint Nor mal in "04.
Lill ian Arnott, a re prcsen tnth·c of t>urtagc county.
bas taught in all g rnd~s bulllw the high school. resig ning a position in the 8th grnde in Ste,·ens !'oi nt to e n·
tcr t he Normnl in the f:lll uf "94.
~e\Jie l'tl . Hart gru<luated at the Eu.u Claire high
!IChool clau of '92: taught throo years in the ci ty
ll<!hools of thn.t pl llCe. Ente rc..l the Ste\·cus Poi nt No r·
malin the fall of '95.
Andrew f_. l..arki u. whose I.Jiography i9 gh·en in
anothe r colmnn of The Poi nter. is preside nt o f the
Scn ior clus. with the memiJcrs of which he is extremely
popular. He has dono excellent work throughout his
t·ourse. and has been prominem in tlw literary dCJlart·
ment.s of the school.
Marne Mye rs, a resident nf Sank county, graduated
from the Bamboo high school c l ru~s of ·gs. HIL!I taught
one year . Entered the Stevens l'olut Normal in
f:\11 of ·gs.
Miss Myers has s hown he rself very pro·
J esse U. Barke r waa born and spent t.ho ti rst few
years of his li fe on a farm near Ste\·ensPoi ut. Gradn·
l'lti'.S ilH:STS 0 1' T il t: 1-'0IIUll.
C. E. llo i.ES.
E. l. ScoTT.
c..:. Aun·
A . J. J:ATTos .
It is seldom that a now idea It brough t forth In this
world without at fi rst receiving the scoff and jeers of
of an effort to \Itt themthose who find it too
selves out of the rut i n which It is so easy to t r-avel.
So wbeo a few progreaslve. wlde·awake yo ung n1e n
proposed the organi1.ation of a y~u ng men's llt.emry
>itWi£'ty it Wa3 not ln
he II'<HHicrcd at that nut a fuw
~ Ill ·
th.mts anti ulhur;:; garc them thl'ir ht·:u·ty .li ~ap prur:tl .
Bnt thc you ng m e n. with tletl!t' m inatiun wor th y nf Sto
J.:OOd a •·an st•. kept up the agilatinn until a :'ull kit• nt
numbt! r had l.wcn t• u li,; ted '" <ll"_~:":m izc tlu • ~·..wiety .
A lllt..'Cti ng of thn ~c in tct't'S lt•d was t·:dlt~l :111d !l t'tl m ·
'J'hpy'n• hound tu 1-(:tiu t ill' forcmo,.;t :rent ,
I\L u·r.111 fur tlw Fo rum. hurr:th ;
C ll li!W!i :
CIII.'CI' for th e Fonun,
l.nug lil'll th e Fo rum.
l' hL't!l'. lJu_.)'S, the Fur mu,
Hu rm h for th e Funuu, hurm h :
mi ttcu a p pointt•d to draw u p ;t •·nns litntiun. l'rutiting
h)' th e cxpcricnct· uf a •·c rtain sucit•ty si milat·. hut, of a
The re's J't'(',;itlc nt Bn lcs with jMJ iU L-1 in mind,
mi xt..'\1 dmr:tct.c r. t he co m mitt ee n•solt·col tn dra w np a
ll ';! ~l'tJI'eS fur the Forum. hnrr.ah !
t•onstit ut iun whit·h s houl ol he :lS ~: lt'n'\ l to out• juini ng
A rc:ul icl' spt::t ker 'ti.~ hanlto tintl.
the society a.s i >~ the t'< lll-"l iwti"n u f the Unite•! ~t:ltc>~
ll urr:th fo r th e Fo ruru. h urrah~·-C h n.
to o ne nf iL;; l'iti:r.cns. The cummi w•c performed well
th e t:l5k pu t II JIO n it ami u n Sept. :!t.i. ! MUll. a lllt.'t!ting
T here's P ulley sn gr:a nd lt tJ ch:arme th ti~em all,
was 1·a llt_'tl :uul the wurk o f th e l'ommiucc ado pted .
Hu rr:ah fol' tlw Fn rum. hurmh !
T he name dws1'll fur t ill' ~u.·iety wa.~ the l\nrnml For·
H is logic :uul w it :1ro s un: to ··:til
um. :mol its ohjcd as s tated i n tlw ~·o u st itution. i:t the
Th ree dJ L't!rs fro1u the Fo rum, hurrah !-Cho.
intdlc•·ttull :uul ~ud al ole\'d"pment of it." mcmhc r~.
Thm-c's ll:arri,;un. ton. so full o f \' i111,
The ,.:oo;it•ty st:trt L't l witlt a list of tW o' n ty charter m c m·
H nrr-.ah for th e Furu m. hm·r:1h !
ber.s awl it II' !IS intewlcd :u limit the mt•ml ~t•rs h i p to
T hll \Ft•r um !.Joss arc pro ud uf him.
t hirt y-lin•. hut aftc l' tlw ,..;owicty had got f:ai rly sla l'lctl
ll urr:ah rur t.he Forum. hnr r11 h !
ti ll the ro:ul 10 ;;m·l'css ~n m:my app lic:atiou,; fm· mc m·
bcrship t·:unc in thnt it wa.-; t l t·t· i~lctl tn C)l; tcml th c o ppo rtunitieg fur ad\'!IIH'CIIICil t ujl",•tt•d 1.1)' the .'j(ICit:t)' to ;
all those w lut were olL>cmcol wor t hy :u.!,!ltheii•..-iety no ll'
h:as a mc m hcr;;hip uf forty .
The ll'ol· k of the s•wit•ty ha.-; ht•cn <":l l"tio·d uu t he pt·i n·
d p lc th:at ,;umcthing c:umu t he rc•·••il't.'tl fo1· n uthi u ~
and t ha t he wlm t l uc~ nut t·o nt t·ih u w his s l1arc t u the
t•om m on :otm·e of know led ge ~·an l't!e•• i1·e 110 hc netit
from t hC work of the ~owi e ty On this principlt: nu
one pla C(.'d npun the prn~r.tm ha~ f:Lil l•d to a p pt•:u . nur
Of :lll th e t·lu l.l!l n : d tlf'gani:rK'\tinn:< fo rm L'tl in con n ee·
has tm yo ne come IJ..! forc the sot·i,•t,\' witltout h:n·i ng
ti o n w ill~ th e Sl'huul. d u uhtles.-; ntmc is e ntit]L'Ii to
made :a· car eful ~t mly of th!! w o rk in hand . I n this
grentc r Jlt:aisc tlmn the St. lJt."<•i lia cl uh. T h is cl ul~ . e m·
way th e sudety h:as s ueel.'t.'llcll nnt o nl y in kt_'l•pinl( up
hraciu~-~: all thuStJ in the ~ h ool uf mus ic:\\ n. hility. WitS
the intt:re.~t ami e nthusi:ts m tn• iu ~eo l h~· it ;; m e mb••• s ~~t
the sta r t. but it h:as incrcnsco l t hat inte 1-e.~t aru l r. ist.... l
th e s t:uulard nf t he work mrwh hig:lwr t han tl u• s tandard sct:at tir.-11 .
The progmm s o r tlte sudety h:n·o· l~~.:cu ' ':t ried. t·o u·
s isti ug fn 1' th e most part o f d e h:tt •·s. n•adiu )ls. recit.a·
t.in ns. n lf· h:u ul s peeo · hC~. and ll lll.~ i o· . Uuring t he year
:dsu ~u me wurk with whit·h e \'e ry ynnng man s huultl
bcnc•tn ai nu•tl. has h.-•c u durH•. !Inch a.~ tllll' ll m ccti n,t.ti<.
sdmo l meet in gs ami l':tJWIISt'il. ' I h\3 l:t.~t u f Stll'h a :'l'r·
i c~ 1\', t.~ l'arr icd unt <Ill th e ,.,·e ninlo{ vf :llay :!1. w lw11 a
~~~E.:.:~:,~·.~: : i~:·~~;;;;;t;::~;~:;~~~~::-::~.:;~=:~~::~.::;:,t..:·;~E
a11tl 0111 Man·h 1:! tim re pri•><e n tatin•" or till' :'\ornml
Forum m et thos.-• .,r Llll' (\ n·ua in a joi n t puhlit· oleh:att•
un t lw < ill• ~~tivn. " Hc,;oh·etl, That the l 'ahi nc t Sy ~ t e m
of (im·er nment. a;~ E xt• tnplili•·•l in En){land i • l'rl'ft•r:a·
hie to thl' Committee Sy.;to• m ••f ( 'un}Cl't•s.~ . " Bot II :lit lt•:l
p11t up :t :<tnmg olch:Ut•, l<ut th l', Forum th•lmtc r.~ t•ar·
ri ctl u tT the Jlalm. :t.!lfl tht• ynunJ.(' so•·h-ty ,.,.,. ,-.~] :a l'it··
t o ry u\·e r he r " l•ll~r si,.;tc r. t.hc :\ n·r m . Th i'l W:t.~ th e
lirst tlunl sodet.y m r>ctin).:'. hu t th:ll. it will no t],. . t he
hl.St an ti that. tlte prt~~ligc !(!lined hy lilt' Forum will be
H ll ~ ta int."< l i;; tlw car nesL wish of :all Furumites.
Soli$( emu pus.:.~ I
t h~
for the
in hnnur ttf
it .~
A rcn:l:
The Forntil hoys :a rc ha rd tu hr• al.
llu r mh fur tlu: Fur um. hnrr.1h ~
fo rm l'tl tluring th e latte r p.ut n f th e wint~r umlt.'r til<'
direction o f lliM SoJlhi:& Linton. t he in~tructur :ami !Ill ·
perinte ntlcnt o f mus ic in h ur .Sorntal ..c hm ol .
The puqJoOSe o l thi.9 orglt.ni7.n tlun w:" thl• t• u lth'a t inn
and trnlnlng n f the mus kal t:llt'nt pu~....-· ~~1 hy t ill'
fli!Terent mcml..enJ.
The l"ejot:lll nr hi· ll'l"''kly n•d tnl .s
were gi1'c n o n S:1t11rday nfternnnn in th e s tud in u f
music at. the Normal. :uu l though the mo.>mhcrship w:lS
:\1 lir.o<t s ma ll. the popul:lrill' :uul h i ,~tlt ..cr.u lc nf thl'
wo rk t·X ~ UU.'ll. had the C!Tet!t nlgn•atly ilwn•:lSiUJllhc
number o f m e mber'!! until it linally '"'-"-'nu~l n~-cs.·•ary
that some restriction!! on the prh ·il'-1''"' " ' lle(•o miuJ:
nwmbcnt. abouttl 00 tle ,·ise. L
Sint.-e the orga.niution o f t he dul.t t he St. t 't...•ili:as. i n
addition to the ir n•gult~r prinnc rt.'<•h :.b. h:I\'C :1p·
.. .... ....... Naa.u aE. SaUOir'
pean.-.1 Lefore the tmblic IIC\'crnl ti lllt'~. an• l o·:&l"h tilm•
S..t reu•r .
Nuu•Jol ll.onhu.ve lmp resACtl tim publit- anew wlllr llw l".'t<'t! ptiun:\1
1"rr:o•"'~' ···
M.o lc .. •.-rlu•nr~n•
ILLilit.y u f their leru.lc r nm l June lly thei r l'arnest :ur•l
pcnlilitent prac t.ice made tlwir n•dta l" 110 111etuin~ tu Uc '
nntie iplltcd with ple:lSurc.
There h:t"' hct"n in C)Ci>~ h' nt'O fnr n yenr IL Normal
Some rdea o f the c haral"tcr o f the w.. rk rn:n• •lu ubt Sko•tt·h t·lnh. It is ("OIIlJM1seli o f th o!IU who ha-ve o l.r
IC5!1 be gleaned from th e fo llo wing p rogram wl~idl wa"
tai nt'< I a I.'Crta in degree o f t•rolil'icncy i n the drawing
gh•en In prh•ru e reci tAl Man:h 13_. ·u; ;
c l:~ anti who arc an xio us to nth' lliH.'O In the art. T oPlano Solo-Valse...
. . ... l'h•opin
ge thcr they are !I cl ub who ueliel'O that ' 'a right taste
Duetr-1-'lyh~~a~o~~~~~~~~~~: ...... Frau1. A ht j ~ 1 11~1~; ~~~~'t:~~~:::,7;~,',' _ .•~s.
MiMe!J Olh·e Miller and Mnry Fu ro.
Ductr-l..a 'flplca l~olka {nuuul olln 11111 1 guit:1r ). ....
.... -~i~~·~: "j ." C. ~:r;;i~·~;,;,· j~~-iJ~·,:k·~~: Slmc iTor
V ocal Solo-H o me. Dearie, H o me .. ... •. . J . 1.. ~l nllo ~·
Mr. Alla n Pr.1y .
Plano Duetr-fanfa rc ......... . ... . . .. .. . ... C:lrl Bo hm
M18808 Frances Kuh laud Gre lla C.:olllu"Rea.dlng- Odo to St. Cecilia .. .. . . .. ........... Ur~·tlc n
Mis.s floren ce l, rny .
EA~;,:;,t~; ~~7.'s;~;~;~r~~~··:~~ (~;:~=~ ~;
ou mbor of
me mbf:nt
but it m ust he
m~tuircd hy
) . <..:l n b m~ti ng" h;ll"c. 'X:~' held on S~~otunlay m u rn" 11-tS ontotllll twu wee ks. I he line o f work has been
f:lclllt,y whu
;~r:,ni~;~rit::,''~ fc!:.'~~~~~l wl:::
had been In Mr. Syln.'llll•r'lll itcm ·
tltre c lii.'IS 'l'hi8 club h!lS ml'l
wookly during the )'Car. :In ti
tho ugh the Jlleunrt' u f the meet·
in gs ha1'e been lt.~n,•tl hy l'ruf
Syh·estcr'll ahiMllll"l'. anl l IIIIlS!
t he tcadll.' ~. nwing 1.,
.---,-'-..Ll>I=,J tlu; Jlr't!tl!!uro vf ut llt"r ,J u ti•~"
have lx.-cn o b ligt.od to wlthdrnw. Miu ~l ontgumer):
lu111 ronu~l n od fa!U&fu l nnd hn~ l(inm 1-aluniJJ.., :lid in
milking ob8ctu·o Jlll!l..<~:~.gt.'ll clear, 11111 1 hrut :uldt.'< l to tlt c
lnterellt in mnny wnys.
The lo\'e fo r nrt iW ning h~ IM..'f' ll 'l'lickem•tl in t he
mlmla o f all me m bers of the c lub. ntu l It ill with ft.-el·
lugs o f doop regret thllt tir e f!l turl e n M I'L'I.'Ug nb.c that
""~lt\':i l('tl h)' rlw -"IIJM' r\'illur of tlw clrn.wlng d c11art ·
II IO'Itt. wlu• i~ tU tlw lw:" l n f the c lub. Eac h mo nth one
ilkl'lt·lt i11 h:u uh.•• l in fur ~:ritichmr . Tho aketch('ll ba1·e
alll~ ·•· rt i n IM'III"il ur pen nnd Ink, huL 110mc work bas
ht•c n tlon1' in 1·hart·ual nt. the club moctlngs. Afte r tho
s lw tdu·~ nrc '-' rilici!w.-.1 they nrc ~~e nt to th e wmnbcfll
whu lr:wc with1lrnwn from the school but who wish
1" k_,.~ ,, UJI with t he W'O rk .
\ \ lulo• th e dnh W!\.11 orga ni7bl fo r " wo rk, Kline 111ea.s·
ru~t ho un hn ~·e l ~ n 11pent in the line of social e nter-
:e;~:.::1;'~:::n~o~:n\~g0 C~~~,.:il~ 1~~e~::r:h~l:~tu~1~! :::;~~~~~~~ a~\:.:~·i:~ ',7:::~~.:~ :,~:;(!(~n
be ld
organb.ation will be a JM! nuane nt one ami other stu- 1 , It 1-' hopt.'l l
more umy be aceonrJ)llshOO lo lndi d entll will take the plncc of th ~ who :t.n! 1111011 to tiru l
vrdu:ll wurk nex t ye11 r aru l ll right lute In art. c ultlthe ir work In o the r lie ld 111.
\"!l.tl •t l.
~ .. rm:al.
:\l r . L:arki u t' t'l")" 11\tll'h o·u1 j ..yo·d hi" 1·i~i1 I<> l\ :111~:1" :111ol .-pt•ak~ in hi~oth tt•rm~ of
I Ill<' ~•·h,.ool. "lildo·nt~ and I'''" Pic of l-:no] Mtri:l.
I j,, ~:: •• ~··:~:~:::;_,.'.'- ~~~ i~
~~~~·~';.:·:· ~~-~"·,:~:-·:~:~-·.::~;. ':::::11',~,·.~:::
.. ·:
I -~•·h,..,j o•oluo·ation in ~ .. rtla 1-'l'o•t•olum awl o•nten•d \Vhitc·
W:ol•· r ~ ..1-m:tl in '!1:\. \\"lu·u tl11• Sto•n·n" !'oint Nurmal
\\'a• "]II'IH'ol ) l r l.:u·ki u olo•o·ido·d to tini"h his l'OII rliO
lu •ro•. llo· W:t" !:l':tdlla!o•ol fnnn tho• o·lo·IIOO'III:Iry cuu rse
in "!1-l aud •·onu•lo·lt"" li n· full l.:ltiu-(:,-nll:tll c·um"Stl tlti!!
n•a r
:\11·. Larkin ha" o•t·o·r IM·cn :tllo':ll'lll'SI. h:u·•l,-,,.-kin!: -~luolo•llt
lull no! om• uf tho.-.o· whto think that
o•oltwat iou is rc•t·••iro•ol from IH•oks :alum•. l h• h:a.~ been
au a c·tin· mc·mlwr uf tlu· At'o•na ,.; nt't' it" Ul}!:llliz:lt io u
:auol \\'as pn·-~idt·ut. fur ·" '''11'' ti me b"t _\'l•ar. l in 1\'J\.ri
o•dil ••r·ill·•·hidof tht• :\oa·mal l'uintt'l" du ri n]; tlw ti ~t
l'o•a•· of it.~ '''i."tt•!wt• aud oliol mue h t" so·t aud m:~int:ain
;, loi~h -~ t :uulanl fur it in all olt-pa rlllll'll t"- . llu is p1-csi·
dt: nt uf tlw ~""•·nior da." " a11t(, lm;;; ht•t·n o·orreSjMJIIolent
r..r !lot• ll:dly ,Journal th n•ll!:hout the yc:u·. llis 0)1':\tion was a .~uqu·i~<' o'l"<' ll 111 tl ou,cu who rcalizt•d must
full,\" hi"' ahiliti•·~ in that. d it·ec·tion . It. w:a." tim l"t~sul t
uf lung ;mol p:tinstaldnJ.( s lUcly anol wt•ll tlesen ·cs the
high p raise it h:L'I ret•eivccl.
:\11·. Morteu~on. w ho rL'i:O::in~ol seeuml Jlbec in t ho loz\SIII!t: w f.. l..\lll\1~
' ,-alo·ntii i:St an• I whn wen.t :\.<; t!clegalll to the stale con' test. wa" eleetetl pre~idt·nt of tlw S tatu l nter normal
CHRONICLES O F THE ORATORICAL ASSOOratoric·al ass oci:ltion . U mlor his wi;w management
tho• :L~~nciat.ion. will. without doubt. tlourish. aut! in
tlu- c'r11ning yc;_u · S!.C I'Cil ~ !'oint w\11 rCt:Ci\'1.1 t im lmllol'
l'rol1ahlr no a~wiat.iun in rtw st·hnul lm" arnu;;o•d
that ~!10• llt!n k~ w:ls dttt• he r tl t i.~ ye:u·.
tn0r(! interest OfSI'CILI1'tJ lllllfi'I)Wf<IIIJ.!h I'IHIJICI~UiuU of
hoth sUIJcnt.l'! an<l tc:wlu·r.< than llw l)rat<>rit·al a.ss.wiation. Thi;. wa" OI'J;:Ui i1.t•oltlurinJ: till' tirst qnarwr anti I
clccw<l II. ],. ( iardnc r pn.•,.itlt•nt :u u l Kat e I. Smith i!Co'·
rctary . (~uitc a nu:nl >CI' of tlw stlltlt•nt.~ ht•goan to p repare nr.llion" with ;t t'icw of cum po•li ng ill !he Iowa!
contes t. hnl ;;c\·cra l wo·J..:• host ami• I !lulil' m:mifoltltJ;;.
~:~;,.\':~~~l";;,~~~~·'llt::::,:~~,':t\.~~rn;h:~.,.;~;,;:~ :a~:i~~;~~-~. )~1;~\';,'~
it corret•rcol. :uul rt•lll'ar.<ing and took part iu the ''"11test M:tr<·h :!. T lu.1y ,,.,_m, ~ellic ;..I , ll;u·t. Kate! :">mith.
Manti Brcwstl·r llUtl :\les.~rs. l'oll\'Y· llani~un . \\' riJ(ht.
L:t.rkin :uul :\lorll•n;~<m . The j u dl-(o'" awat·olo•ol :\lr. Larkin tirst p lm·c. in though!. -tiPiit·~·r.\' and ''"llll'"·"it.iuu .
:1-ntl :\lr. :\lortcn"'-'11 sco·uno l pl:wo·
T ho s t:lll' ('untc~t w:ts lwlol at o.~h ko.~ h :\l arch J!) and
si:t; ottt of !lw :<1'\'Cn :-inrm:ll i<·hool>i were rcpro·~nle<L
At the close of tlu- \·out.e ."l liw judu•·~ gan• in t ltcir decision with W . II. Kd lcy of Whit••Wall•r Jir:~t :mol A. 1•.
l.arkin of :-:tl·l·cns Point sct·uwl. Ht•mons trancl•s were
a t u ncc sent i n a)taill"l J,ti\'in)l' :\l r . Kelly lirst pbt·c a.-;
he hfu l been prmuptt•d_ Aft<'l' >itolll<' li ll lt• ol i.~t·n.~sion a s ·
to the irrei(Uiarity o f tht· markin~t it W:L<~ olo·t·iolctl. for
tlw ;mkc o f the pr••t·eolt:ut which would IJ<.: <'"lahlished
if tllf' olL'i·ision_ Wt·r~ o·han~e<l. ':' -'1'1 matlt:rs s t:uul .ns 1
they were. 1-olluwnJJ,.: tlu .. dt•t'l"l"ll :\l r . Kt•lley deht"·
en... \ the ooratir•n at Enll"'r-ia :lit• I :\lr. l.:trkin we nt a."'
T he Intcr,;tah• c·nu t<'-"1 wa .. lwld at Emt)ftria. K :UJ:>/Li.
As our ddcg:at.c pHI" it. --\\"i.~t·ou ..iu wa,c thero· ()IJ all
foul":'!. There wer-e fuur olo·lc~att·~- we left. on tim 4th
~~~~:~~~·:::~.-~~;,i_~;·•,•,•:~;:: ,j,;ailtl;;:.l ~::~~~;' ~~ ,':,':~~·:;,~~,.
X oormal
,\jo lly ,ltN'<'tl trce·toarl wa11 nut for a
Sl rtiiJ
\\'hrn h e c•amc 111 a
J.rra.<s.~ hot•JICr
a roll:
" l-lat'e a hit.~! ?" !O:ti<l lite J(r.L'I.~hopfJoCr.
••Th:w ks.",.aioltlwto:aol.
As he ~hiftctl hi.~ fowL on t h e hot ol usty m :ul.
-- I olon't earc if I do~you'rc. I' m ;mrc. ,·cry kind :
You' re a 1·cry n io·e fcllull' a nd just I<> m y m imi."
H e wit h thai. f,r:til.'l tippcol the gra.~shnppcr 11 wink,
.-\n<l he g<>lrl1lec l that roll 11p loefnn~ _ron etoulolthink !
Tht• JKI<Ir hupp••r s:do l nall).:ht. l~iug \"cry polite.
lhll he "i~theol :1.~ he walt·lmd the g-ro:.-cn to:tol o u t nf
And I. whc ll h e tt>lrlme the tal•• tlw nmo ola\' ,
\\' :L'I quit.•• !<adde w•d 111 thi n k it':! witlo m e u .the !tallltJ
Thl'rC a~ fulk like tlw 101:111. I l~elien• . " " my .~oul.
\ \l" ho if ofTo·n••l a l1itc will jii"L t:akc tho· wluole roll.
h_,- tho• w .. rk pt ·r·furnwol.
.. r J,.r· n·•· .. nl .
Th u Ar·cna is prmul
Fr"m lwr rauk;o have go ne forth tlw
rw" .. r~rl ..r• w ho hal't' wnn lwwws fur (llll'l!C hool.
Tho• ,\ n· na tt'a" ro·"rJ::utizcd in ~rwt cmhcr. '116.
tt'"l'lh,\' l'n··id•·nl" hat't! rulco l- th u li n~L thrCi.l
1~:-~~:: ~:::; . 1;~. lilt~::::::·:~~::~~~ ~II~~\~'''; ~:~IIjl ~:~c:~c~~: ~:n t\ :~~~:: ~
)!<'llllt•lll l' ll , tlw ];r .. t. hut h)' !HI 111<':111 ;1 leas\., Willi Of th u
1 1
uuud"'~"' 1'4.
"W" l('nrn
for tlw ,;ul'iBiy i n th o future n
d o h,v duiu)!.'' h: r ~ IN·o·n t lw moll" .,f 1 o·untinlll'd )Jl'"~;rc r ity.
M. K M.
the Arcna tlurin)::' the pa,;t y t•::u. E:wh m • ml" •r Ira~ ap·
precint& l tlw t•:dne u f li r.•r:try wurk a11<l i n ,.pit•• , f nn·
m c 1 ~m 8 nthur dutio•s. l':ll'h ha ~ lwo•n
faitllful I" hi ~ ,
prclmi,;c :uul lt:l"' c• tult• al"ul"\'cl '" ,J, hi~ p:t1"t
::~~~ ';·~·n: ~~~ t :.:~;' tl~~~~;,::·,~11 ,:~:~
;';.,.t ~~\~:.\:·::~r ~: :::: :;:,: ~:;
posts of duty . r\ ,i in the Are n a , f .. ttl. c·<>uto·~t.~ h: l\·o·
II<!C II fottght•anc\ ol l•do ll'<l. anoll"i t·tc o t"ic·~ ""' '''
Altlu ll l:!h
n o ligersltunJ hl•f'n .. lain, ~tn•:u ~uhj t· r ~ h:c1 ,.,.,.,., t .. cl,lly
tUiltl! k r.t l
Mall ,\' Jll'lll1ill l' lll tptl'"iiHil~ uf tlu· ol:o_r 11 ldc·h
hlli'C puz:r.lt-clthc mine!-< of tlw wi ~ c ·~t tUl'll .,f till' 11:1·
!-':t i 1.~ a II "·I :mo I p~· nrc 1111 wn I" i 11.1(
t;n·o·!o·ol Icy tlu• risi 1.g,; t111.
Fift.l' j11 11i " n~ '"'''" arc I'!'Ui ~i n).('
l' rou•ll y. tillrlw day il-l oi<HII'.
T lu·;.,.J., n)t ,\'o•:\1',; tllt'_l' il:t.l't• loco•n .~ :tillnJ,t
Ouwa•·· l. !llll' al'•l :1o li :~ 1:utt ,;hon•.
' ·" II ~ I•• tlct·n• lm""''I' HII'd !leo juunwy.
Jl i-.t:tll~' l ' !1<111' t1u•y ,JfL•: uJ 1111 IIIII !'C.
Tlw,l' )ca ll ' l" t'"""l'' lll u: fu:u11i11g l•i llull'li
,\ 11 ca n ~··•· tlw o li .~; . tnt , tnuu1 .
On ly' "''" u wrc yt•ar of 111,U"il
And till')' th l' r C wi\l :~a h• l y l:anol.
'J', t ltc ,.e nint;, whn lt:n·e 1arulec l.
!"adly. w:11·e a fnntl f:ll't•wcll .
i\lay t lw rn.·a.sm·c o f thei r knuw1('djte
tiu ic lo· tlwm :wei :-l lll' l't'"-~ fore te ll.
o;:tl lanl •· rew : who• -" I ill :or~· I•Jrdin.l(
.\!~,::·;~. ,',:~· ,;;:·,~:~~;: ~-~~·;·~~.::~~:::;JCrctl
\\' lu·n .\'"11 lu·r•• ha1·e cett»t•o l to 1'11:\Hl .
Wo ·n• I fioo •t lw. Hur u;; n r :"lliltou
!"wo·o•to•r "flll )t""ft lwm l ' ol ;;iu.l(.
ll uL l la.-1, 1111•1-(ift o f mu c; ic
"'""'' a,. '"·''"u
I wnuld hri ng .
.\1:!,1· tl11·i •· path iu life hc i'IH!CI"fu l
·n:: ';i~~ · i ,:· :~;;~,,:~~-t ';:o':;~~~:~~:;~iu!d
11 1
r ll t~" IIH: ST-<
0)" .\IU:S.I
STIJ,\ltT Mt "To ' ll .
\V . C . U• ·•:t •••a : t:
) 111:
Amlllct·.l· ,·aui,.h fr,tn th u:M:e ne.
·~1; ,
II . F. Wcst.p hnl.
M ~ t t • [ !lc:t.ll ~rEt:
.I.\~ E l'un .• n·~
ti o u. h:n ·o•lll't'll olo•lo:nc•ol :uul 11itlc a •·•·•·rain ,Jo·t.!t ' ,. nf
&di s fn.t·tinn, ol ct•i ch·ol. Till' o·• -.:t~'" awl clc~·l: l111:ot i oou"
luu·e been n f a hiJ:h o·h:tr.\l"to·r otnd ;t marko·d iu1p r"\'t'•
m e nt in t! c\i n•ry lii n o·•· t lu- ll(')tinnin:! u f till' ~-··ar i ~ no·
ticen.ble. Som t• oo f tht•
han· pn •:!n··~·~l .~••
M to be ab le tu jti\"1• " t:tlk l'" whic-h ha l,. pr""''' l~•th
interesting :uu l 1,.-•!ll'lic•ial. T lw 11111-<i•·al t•:trt .,f tho•
prog mm hM heen I'Xt·,I'IICnt. parlio·otlarly ~inn· il h :t~
heen un der rhe olin>i·tinn nf :\l i~· Kuhl .
Alth Ot:t.l( h thl' IIII"UlhC~ n f tlw An:>n:t h:t l'l• !out nil <lo·l"eloped int o Jlrouni-"i lll{ 11r.Unt-:-. ••ao·h h:L~ enj uyL'<I au• I
-" twlt·nt."
.. "..
w .. u ...........
. · ·~ . ·~DJ~;:.::::
jUIOI._llo •UOH
O m· Friol:ty in t lw bw•r pnrt. o f IM i. N o vc rn bor tho
~tud t·nt-< uf tl w ~o· lull, l who lmd ri se n to the J)()ll.ltio n o f
.lu niu t-.... nwt an.l..f org:mi;o..o.•d a..i n ,.j a.s,(!; a n d e h.'Cted thei r
,fli,·•·r• . At a l11t..r mt!tJtiiiJt tlmy tlet·ilk..U to Jlnunt rut
ll wir ''"'"r" !Ill' lt:t rl!tHII i on~ n 111!8 o f fo liKge gr1.oc n 1\nt l
wh i t•·· ,\l il' r .~null' clclibcntti o n they o.lll() ndt:t ))t.Cd ~~
T h•· da"" i-. a l:t rJto• nne, llllnJhe rhtJC nbont.lifty menl ·
tha t ;:-irl "f my,J'1:h;:u11.~
I >~ alll"n•ly :uulihn:.
Foor t lw j!irl that I t•·ll \'••II ,,f.
UarlinJ:. is J'"u:
U. 1•. :'11.
hers. It is no t o nly strong in numbers, but !ltrou g in
e nthusiasm .
the Juniors are busily engaged
mg the ir IOte~lect:". they d o n~t. at the llrop~r tunc.
"If all the yt•n r we rl' playing holidays. to sporL
wonlcll.oc nll t<.'< liun;; :tS tu wnrk ;" hnt wlu:n Stutlcnts
h:n·c C\'Cry moment oceuplcd throuJ,::h the da)' ·until 4
o'ck:ck it is tl.lcu tlcligluful pastime to nmkc u:~e of tho
tennis courts. E1·cry e ffort poMiilllc h:\.!1 bt.-cn tmule to
furt he r the tennis in wrest ancJ..,it h:l.lf pro\'<.'<! It sm~cC81'1.
Professor C uh·er kintlly gnvo h\:; a'<sistam•t• in drilling
the younp: ladies ln the gynHm.iinm cn•ry S:tlnn:lay
during tho winll!r. 1-:arly in April thu t•lnb w:ll! rcorgnn\7.00 :m el t he cnurts put in guotl order. From tho
present mltlook iilore court:! will W IIL'Ctlc.l as the o nl!ll
no w in use arc nccupicd from the close of school un til
6, from 7 to twillJrht ami often :00::1.t nrdays. Smuc o f t h o
tcndters have joinecl t he o rg:wir.ation :uul h:ln! seemed
to enjoy it as much ns the studenl..ii. Judging from
what has been done we look forward to a tourna ment
<;v~::~~~~~: ;~~~~e~~~~::~.~ s~~~':~~;ibw::~\~;;;:c~ot ~e~!:~
~;h\~asof ;;~!:: 11 ~ 11 ~';i:i~~:!' ::~~·er is'f::::s!~~~~
onicers nre. Miss Knto S mi th. SCCNltnry: Mi!lil Jo'. Stew·
~e1~.:t~~~c~~n~:~<~,~~~::n:~~~~~~~;~e:~:.~:~~ct;nc::: ~ ~ ~J~~k:~~~~~~~~v~l~:m11:.11 :~~~~~gomery.
The year with its work and pleasure. f:ulures and
successes. is fast d e parti ng. But it ~eave!! with most
of the Juniors a heritage of knowledge and e xperience
that builds fo r them the steps to the eltalted realm of
Seniors. Neltt year the c lass will miss some of its
members who go to benefit others by their instruction.
Those who remain will be recognized by their will to
labor and detennina tio n to s ucceed. All will heartily
and with just pride join in and pass o n t he c heer
Rickety rnc kcty rix !
Rie kety rackety rate!
Stel*ens Point Nor mal clnss of '98~
A highly prolitable department of work was carried
on during the winter by members of the psycholo[O'
class under the g uidance of Prof. Swift. The memben1
fo rmed a club known a.s the "Psychology Club" fo r the
purpose of investig"ting iutcrcstiog quClltions whic h
fo r lack of time could oot be fully discussed in c lass.
Members of the c lass led t he meetings and presentocl
topics w hich they had prepared fo r the occasion. The
club met e \·ery Tuesday evening n.nd t he meeting!~
l\'ere well tt.ttended. T he fo llo wi ng are the topics dis·
cu~~Se<l, together with the leaden~:
Jllusions-Hugh Almy.
Compa rison and Discriminatio n- A. L. l..arkin.
The AutOru:lton Theory-Guy Ble ncoo.
The Stream of T hought- Elmer F rohmadcr.
Fundamental Truths- W . F . P rice.
Self·C.onsciousncss- "larie Berg.
F reedom of tbe_\Y i\1- W. C. Ruedige r.
Double Con8Ciousoesv-Lydia W heelock.
Fr~:~· l~.l r.
Jo::U.rly in the school year about twenty of tho studonLI
organized a Study Club fo r the puq)()so of stmlyi ng
those branches of elcmentnry science wo rk thnt best
t:orrclate wi th googrnphy. M nJ. Ellio u was irn'ited to
lead. and rezuJen.ld valuable !l>l!ilsta nce in many wnys.
T ho plm.!ICII of t ho moon and the planets and constclln·
tions then visible, togethe r with t heir re lated myths.
wCre thoroughly stndit,od. Sen:r:ll weeks were tle\'Otcd
to rock fo rmntiun anti soil making: excur~ions for ob· '
servation were made: imaginary journe)'il were take n,
and cur rent topicsdiscus.retl.
Tbe club continued with good nttcnllam·c and mani·
fest i nterest. until the work ph11111etl W!l>l complete< I,
the n adjourned for the season. M mnhc~ of the club
huve si nce d one \'Oluntnry work in l\1 ~. Elliott's cia~·
es in field work.
From a Junior:
"The Seniors' term i.'j ne~~rly uvcr,
Neltt year we will put o n nir.l.
And departi ng leave behi nd us
Foot·Jlriul..ii ju.'jt n, lnrgc !IS theirs."-Jo:x.
At r hetcricnls: !,res. Prny (co mmenting on ell.!lay
t~~~tV:;l;~;~e:·n;·~~rll~~~~~o~l'~?· {~;:~!-i1t"'z~o~~~~l~S~~
solo h)' Mr. Tho ms."
Pu1.zlc-Wh)' d id C\'eryb•H.Iy laugh !
h1 litcrntnre: Prof.- "~:unc ouc nf Holmes' prose
Studcnt- •·The u.crobat o.t the hreakfast t:~blc. "
Mill.!! A {a fter eltaml nation)- " \\'cll. l\l r G·s-1. what
I t!J i nk I'll get a n encore."
M=::cA.Y AND JUNE, <897·
llad~:~~r~:~~":.~::]*:rg~aif:~~e,:;,b~~:.~·.t ~!.~:~~ wr.~\111
bY tbll
~~-Wred · ~ 0!11 l'oetoffic. ~~ ~tave n • l'mut, W11 , n •ecuud daf l
Terlllll of Subscription-(,() l'C~ per yt•:&r in :~•h•ntu•c .
.. ..
t::ll>l or-ln..C ~Id
. . . . . . _, l.ltcrarJ f.dhor
...... 8uban11aKdltor
l.ll<at Kdlt ll r
. ... -~ • ~letle lldllur
.. ;lllnoletScbiMtllldllllr
.. 8Ufiii~U .\IIIIIICr
LIU-l.r.IIA.AaiiO!T ...
LT~.t.W•••~ ••
J.C!.Tua YavtT .........
K.t.TJialll ll& X. lt&&ll ..
U . L.OAilDII&R .. •• ..
•. }·· ·
At.I.AS T . Pi! oU ' .
.. . A T.l'••v
. .......... 11 . 1. nun11u
Prea •.•
tlec ••
• ...\l.t lii"' · ·II CKU
oar •chtrtiHn.
We present to the
of the
v.r oaf,.e 1111~; ,~.~~: ~:~!~t !r:,~~!t i~~~:~·~:~l:::~~~~~~~ :~~~~~~:~~~::~:
cx~ht'ljlli'r hu~
hard labor 11nd careful lhou}lht . W!! h:1n!
been greatly R.SSistNI by the kind ,.,. "JII•r.~orirm of rhu
stude nta and faculty of the :+chool : iwl,•cr l. withnut
tbese it. would have been impossi hle fr)r n:; trr :lcr·rr 1upllsh
· even what wo have. We 1illllirc r.n e.HPnrl uur most
hearty thanks lO all th086 who hs\'e thmt a~i.~H'f l llil
and particularly to the Sketch Club. Miss f:tnnN. Mis.!l
Stewart and tbe drawing classes for the money. time
and labor l.bey ha\·e spent in our behalf: fur it is to
tbem. largely, tbat we are indebted for the illustnuion;,
In thiJJ ls,ue. Tb08e indivi1lmrls ami nrgnnixtuionil
who have 110 generously provided for the Jllmtllj(nn·Un)ll, have also our gratefulacknowlc.!dge 111 enu.
whic hwere to
l.;o nsist
ofthe111bscribcrs w the paper
prc.siJ iency of All:an T. l~rny. who h~ twice been
::~~~~~: :~i 8 ~~c:~rm:.otl:~; ':,~~:~~L '!~~~~~:~: 0:0 ~~=
ch:••ted. hill.
feel .thnt th~ sean·h will 00 long befonr
ll :uore wort ry ~no 18 fount·
. .
llre ';;•pe r wluch .w~s th~ result of the orgam7.allon
~'1 the ~ Auocrat1011, was. IL!I e\'cryone k~ow . t_he
~,orrnal~ ulnter. It hM suffered the ~.!ual dr.Olcult•e!
• AC ool ~3-JICr .. luu_ truggh.."ll ·ag~mst wrnd aut!
wcath~r, but 11 ra sull aln·e ami 11romr~~e~ lo be so for
-'Ome tr~n e to come. It was Jllanned ~ 00 distin~tl~· a
surd.mrtiiJmper a nd so far hu nobly hv.ed UJl to Its rn·
te nuous. for e n~ry department Is and btu! been in the
hands of ;u utlcnts. who, though they reeeh·e no money
unrl little Jlr:dse for their work, f{.>el llDIJJly n!Jlaltl hy
the varlet I experience that ]ij theln1. As the cditoril·in·
chid hai'U had a little the lllOlll checkered expcriunL-e
it ill to be su pposerl thnt theirs bas been the richest rc·
wurd. They ha1·e been the rcciplent!J o f the usuai J".lr·
tion.!l of dillnpproLation, fanlt·tinding and contumely.
Lut three of them snnh·e to tell the tale; those of the
lif':!!t )'t'U being Jay S. llnmllton u f Cumberland. Wii• ..
1111d Anr lrew 1~. Larkin, who Willi elected after Mr.
ll:unillOn'l! resignation in February. 1806.
'l'h(• l'~il.!l AB!OciaLion has kindly supported till'
l'uintcr through nil lt8 trlnls, n.nd now thnt the ti r;;t,
The c.lau of "97 will be rurucmbcr~d iu the !K:hnul for
bei.og the tint )JromOter!l of two idea.11 wbi1•h 1\'t• '"'IHl
will takp a permanent form. The first i;o the orgaui 1.a.
tlon of an :a.lumni ll!l'IOCistion, anti the lk.-cu n •l the pn··
tenting to the school of some artklc uf l~nty :u11 t
merit. such aa a bu.st.. a atalUeue rrr a n .. n~otr:n·i n\1'. n~ a
remembrance of the claM. Both nf theie llrt' ho!l'"ming
"the proper thing" in other !ICbuol,i, ami n.. t unh· fur
that reason. but bccau!!El they 11re wunhs of JICfJ.II'tmrUoo, 'we hope the cl!l88(!8 o f futu re year.; will kt..'Pp up
the precedents established by the l'hus of 'lti .
to ..
~~~~g Ll~:,~ ~~~1 e11 ~~=~i;n 11~';:1(~~;~c;:s;~l ~~::d::~~~
IK'tln li111ill!d,
;~c;.p:~~ ~~ ;::et~:.t~"~ ~;~~~~~~~~·:~~~:',';;·11i•:~:;~: ·:~
]I/\ per.
~~~:se~~~~:st~~:~le::.: ;~~:~~:~ 1~;: ~a~::~~~~~~~
Pniut cr the
=~:~~ASwu::~~ tb\~:e:::~.:~~~:"t:r•~rl~~~~l·:~::·.~::,!,:';.'~:::~~~
the eireum!ltances.
"'lmt ~ttlcd, it '''!U ' tim o to luu·~ " Hchool
:;:;~ ~~:r~ 1~ ~c:,:~~a~:~\.:~c~~: ~~::,tal:~)~~~ra:e;;:~
'fhe editors of the
with the
this number. make their bows IUltl l c~n·c th<l 8t''''"' (rf
their lahorB, with liRhtoner:l hcu r~. w thiuk tlwir tn ~ k
urgnnlzatiun :and tho paper wi ll he pe rmanent aff:J.il"'
__ _
~~~:j~~:::;~:=~~.::~:E~·~~;~~:. ·.~~··~:~:;: ;:··:~:.·:~ ~~:."~;~:~~ :~.::.·:.~"':::·0·:·~:: ~:.:~·~::
eos Point Nomuli nudenl.&.
ft Is hinted that one of the Seniol'l'l. SUJIJ)I)!;('fl tn he
OO\! of t.he most loyal. htU turrwd tmitor nnd ha;~ hPen
j:r::::~y ~~::11ec.l
t•lru~~ m~t.inK~
for wt•aring
;\II Inspiration
du ring a terrible nlghtmM•·
~~o· l!tch M ulled in the following clllMyell:
.._ltixlty, lluxity, Roo!!
l.ixlty. Laxity. Leven.
~;:·~~ ~;~i-nt Normal SchOfll,
Fchruary and w:~ :1 s lll'<'CS:,S in :tll re"]~t..i
lnwi n~; an• t h._. n •su lts o f tht.' jumping:
The fol·
II,\ I! \'A!; I.T .
)~~~~~;;~~;,,, : .. <T>'":'O ""'''" ~... ·. ·.· ·.·. ::: :::: .
I!. 11h
. ..... . 4ft. 4 in .
IW SS!St .\IUd!J li \11'
!n•l )
ft. 2 iu .
I[ l!~~;:~h . .... .. .. ..
....... ....
.:·_ ·. ·.--~~ ~~: g::::
....... . 0 ft.. 4 in.
l ~ •~ulfunl
T l1c ulht• •· part of the pl'Ogr:.tm con siN t~.l o f club
I -~"·inl(:ing. led h.1· ~!iss C r·a wfonl a wand drill Uy the
I ;;::~::~,.11:~1\~~;ll:~n1::::~:\~i~~ ;,';,~ ,'~~;~~~~~o~:l~h(~/il:~~~~ :~~~
I gi~~:, f~~-~~:,::~:.~::~~r~;~~~-i:~~- ''~:::r;,':',~; 11~he ho1110Fieltl
t · tn:S UH:XTS v t· o\TIII. K I"l (;
1:1 . !•.
U A ltuXt: ll
.\~S.X.: L\TIOX .
Uay tu de\·i•lc who 8houltl represent the school in the
Field day wit h the Os hkosh N11rmal te tuu. This latter
! ::·:~::,~.~l::·~:~~.~~i~:~\~~:~~M!~~~~~ ~ e~:~:~.~~I;J~:'~:,~::~~a~~~~
[the~::cil~fa::~a~~~~~ ~~~~c~:lttl;~lt;~ut~~te~~~th·~:~~:s~~~~
Fit• I. I IJ:ty s po r ts :uul co nsequentl y
team was
not ~t.n•n~o: e no ugh w colllj)Chl with ours. Tho d ato
lm.'\1 l.ccn t'aRccllt.'tl. Je:l ving us with no fnrth e r con tc~ t.!! un le~ o n e ho a rr:UJged fo r IIlier.
been late ly
wn.s si mpl y
As th e contes t
a ho m e e\"Cll t.. not a !! much inte rest WlL'I taken In it by
whkh h1ls
The Athlet ic
a.s~oci:l.tion wru~
organi7.t.'t l
in t luo fa ll of
t he towns pe o p le and t he attendance wn.s snmll. being
t8D3. the year of t he UIKming
th l' ;w hnol.
It I m;~::~ •:l~J~r~:~~:~~:l:,~~sn:h:t:~~;:~;, 1 da.~h whic h was won
:i~~~~~~~:~: ~::;::~~:~=~~f::~~:~::~:~:::~.·:·!;~~:~11:;;~:: I ~i~~~::::~::• 1\:'ir\1~ -~t~conds. Be ac h ~k s&·o wl and
the foot ball de partment . Ou t o f !inJ Jtamcs playt.'<l
l:tst year o n ly one was lost .. nnd Sl':lrccly less mnrked
succe~s has I.H..>en nttainctl this yea r . In
eight g ames
we r e l>:aye<l t hi s >!CaliOn and o n ly two of the~ were
l~st. vb~: th~ fate at 1~~hk_"~h 1hy ~he
li rst
~lt;•·en nnd
~h: ~::::~ ;·;~,~~~~,;~ 11 ~fhe ~:~,~:r ~~-x t~~~~:~o~~-~r: ~:~1i1J~::
:·~~:t:.:ie,; fo r Sten:n~
Poi n t. U.'l tht: fi g ure!! bclt/W will
( lame at ~tc \·c n s Point wit h Us hk u.i h--HI ' " 0 in
fa,·or of ~tcvc u s Poi n ~.
G:une at o~hkosh with S tCI'CIIS Poiut- 2::! to 6 in fnvor of Os hkosh.
flnme nt \Vhile Wat.c r - 12 to 10 in fa1· ur of StC\'CI\!1
!'o int.
Ga me a t App leton wi t h Lawrunce- 24 to 12 in fn,·or
of Ste \·e n >~ Pnint
~ t: COXII ~: u:\' t:X.
Game a t Wn up:u·a with \Vanpac a h igh st· hnoi - 18 t.o
~ tc\"c ll >l !'oint.
Game with \Vaup:1cn.s fill lmme gro und ~ - 4 6 to 0 in
in fa\·or n f
In the half mile hit'yde m t•t• followi nJ!. Unl<lronl
t't!mplcrcly nutt·lasscd Thnm~. h i~ sole COIII)JoCtito r , wi u Ul~I.J! thtJ r:Lt'C in I :Hl H'.i.
I h<> m•xt e \'ent wa.i !lm ' llmrtcr mtl e run . con tested
:~~~ 1 ,7r~~r~:~\::~~:1 ::~n::·~r~1~r,ju~-:~~h~~:.!ISC.~il~:~~ ~~~~~~~
dc~ll;~:~~~~: 1:~~~l~u~·~:~~·~~~:::' "~~~:~:~~:y~a~;~~:~';~
clearing tl ft .. :! i n . a nd Alha n third 111 !l ft.
In the s ho t pu t :\lathe sc•·urcol li rs t. JlUtt i ng rh e 11hot
3!i ft. ltl j in . C;ul t.<mk ~econ<l. landi ng it llt3a ft.
In th e ruuning bru:ul jump Ueach de:1rC1 II 8 ft .. 1:1 in .,
wil11 l..o \ "C ·e•·<O tul 11t 1 ~ ft.. 4 ln . Ura•lfo rd. th e third
co u u·~tant . wa.'l rcti J"f•cl with a s prainct l ankle.
The half m ile r un fullow ed . l'ullcy wi nning i n 2:24
with Cnwles. Z iejlwicd and Shimek fvllo winjl.
T l1e h ollllllll' r th row wa;; untlet· id t.'t l on a.ccount of a
br~ ak i n llw hnn•ll«.
Th·· 220·,\'arrl d:c;h wa" won hy Hnlmn11. with l..ecs
,.,., ..,11 ,j :m•l :\ln rlell!>tm th ird . T im••, 21J 8-5 seco nd ii.
::?~~~~ ~I:~~:~~~~:~~~·.itls whh h igh ;<t·hool- 12 to (lin j is;l~~~~;·i::'i.~1~2~•; 11 1~n.~ +'liSil y tak en hy (.;owlC!I. who tinfll~::I~f ~ir~~~~-~~;~l~j'~.n t wit h l;rantl H:1pi•l~-6 to 4 in \ fo:~:~~.::11 :~~l~::;~~-:~, 1:~~~..;t: :,: 1 !~,: ~:.:l~-~:;:~11:\'.'d -~~~~~·~:
A mid -winter •·u ntf•;;t was held :u tl w g_l' nmn~ium i n I Ul :tW.
Ueach won t hu ho p. step and j ump, ('(J\'eriug :JU ft .•
Hol man !!Cf.•onol. Morto·nkn thi11.l
The hurdle was al:k> won Uy lkac h, wid1 l.t.'C!I :uul
Porter in the wake.
Tbls endt.'(.l the ;;omt.w dJat unin teres ti ng •·on teilt
which. tL!I w:u I.Nfon! lill\letl. will nut t~e l ..:c~ any N JH1!·
!Klntatin!ll lO contest with U.. hlwsh.
Owing to the hlteue_,;s o l Field l.l:\y It lms bt.'tln impoS11l llle to get the ph-turu uf tho 11~1ck lt•tuu r't!aoly for
thls lu uc, tu1 was ic.
"'cc"'c"': c"'c.:..'-_ __
Mis" :\luntgomery to Mr. Larkin : " MOlle:t. Cn.'S..'t r.
l ila• lillonc- yo u see. the g r~I C mar1, shoner
Mr. 1..:
"They cnll mc l~nrk ! n .'
Mi:ti M.: "0h, you think il wor 8 bot h wuys, olu
ynu !"
Oft heard ltuotntions- gucss w ho 11885 them:
" Tho onl~· wo.y to sto p Is to ftU it. "
" l'ilcun moresl!aUs !"
" Tho time of Interest is the time of opportunity. "
" The h i~tory of thu world Is the biography of g rt!:Jt
" Huxley, n!l I have ofte n told you before, says ·Chi!·
dre n tlre not OOrn stupid. they are made stupid in
lll'h OOill . ' "
·· Put !If;, Into it!"
" Ernse tho board well and be 11eatcd."
··Nuw. ynu mttllt luwe those fo rmula8 o n tap."
One o f the JiveliC!!t. althouj;{h uot nne of t.lu1 htrge!ll.
" T he C!l:roncfl of stupirli ty is In tho dema nd for fi rm )
o f the school 110eieties. is tho Athle tic Lilc rary ;mdcty.
more frunill a. rly know n a.s the A. 1•. S. Th i>~ ill tli,;·
··Fh·eo'duek !"
tincd'f" a boys' 1Jol'icty , ~ boy,o~ l ~et wee n the 11Jtt"!5 of 12
"That- will d o ! ··
'" ~o i11l)Jre&!lion without ex p ression ."
tuul 17 arc tbe o nl y o nes e ligiiJJe fo r me mbPn~ h ip.
Tho club was orgsnb,ed in March, I 06. by Professor
" llead IIJI ! Cbc.&t for wartl!"
In botany : 'reachcr- " Whnt two klnt.l8 of axillary
Sylvc.su r, who wi shed merely to experiment. in ath·
letlC8 'for boys. An eiq-ht weekll' course of t rnining.
IJuds an: there!"
follo wed by a relay r:u.-e at th1· Field O:ly l.'O n t..-.st be·
~tm l c n c.- · ·Colhllern l - nml -a u d Lween tho Ste,·eus Po hu, ami OsM•ush Normal!!,
p 1·of. - " 'UJKl rpro ved so lnteri!sting tmd Jllell!lllnt that ~he cl ub c·n_n· l
Stud c n ~o- •'()h , yes; s u ~ r 1 mturnl . ''
~~~~~;,:,:'C;::·~:e: :g:.x:!~,~h!::~· ~~~~;~cl~ t~;:~ ~;;:
S):I\'"C&ter hos had ~o lea,·e the ci ty ngain ~n ru:c;ount of
poor health. It w11l probably be rcori!'Bill7.ed , 1f heretu rn! In the faiL
T he society met at the Normal C\'ery Wednesday
evening from sevf'n until nine. Th e first boor wu
1peot In routine busineu, readings. rcei tntinns. musill
and debate&. Tnc second was spent in the gymn asi um,
where the pent up spirit.oJ of the boys had full piny.
The club has held two open 8e88lons in the Normal
aasembly l'()(lm : one in J une, 1800, and the other last
November. The members of the club tendered Mr.
~~:O~a~::dr:;:~i~nh;,~ r!:!:'u\~~~~~!;;r!~~pe.
Tbusfar Walter Murat. Hal Msnln, Kenneth Pr::t.j,
Evan Tow n~~end and Edwin Killin have held the onice
of president. bei og ·eleetec.l for a tenn of live weeks
E1nn s t'. KH.LIS.
r:::::::::::~~~~~:. :
l..ove lo rn student io psychology a he r inadetJUateoeu o f bo man judgments had been discu58etl: "Sh:.ll
I follow what. my heart tells we to 1l o or my brain !"
Mr. Fr-t : W hat do w~ have for library elass tonight !"
Mi.M X· : ·•W hy, ~idn't sbe gh·e you a Alip !"
M.r . Fr-t: " No. I IP-''e her the tli p."
Prof. (In h~tory cla!I!!)--"Name the three FAtd."
Mr. Jo'·r-"Faith: Hope and Charity."
n clll88}-- "U8e vescor In aLatinMlll·
1'l'ci\~'!Jcr.. y (in,scor-Lati\'e&eor-oh,
do n' t know what the
I c~~;~_l.!itln ~"
eat in
\~hn cou ld this cruel wretc h have boeo!
Fmlt l ttulent (llltly )-- " llavu yo u had yo ur CJI!II
tc~~ etl ! "
Sei.-ond !ltudcnt (gentleman (!) )-"Ye&, I have them
tcst e~ l tl \'ery time I look at yo u."
At rl rece nt picnic (the tn l.olo cloth h.avlng been eke•I
out by Jl!lper na pkins held down by a table 1poon)--''O.
yo u mu ~ t u•t take that 1poon, It's a paper weight."
8 ~~:.1.1, let the paper walt ti ll
I get th roug h w\W thu
What one of ou r .studcn!l is alruoat a can nibal when
he ca ts be:t.n !
A while ago one of the praclice teachers was tryi oJ(
her llli.!lhods on the little girl at her boarding pi!U.'e.
and indtleiJ tally amu!l!ng the t hild, by telll~g of th u
li''t'll and c·u.swms of the Elqulmau children. The
next tlay llht' was overwhelmed by the cltl.ld 'a request.
" Wun't you tell me 10 01 ~-i more about tho little Cuspi·
don! J(i r ls ~"
Ahhough our graduateA aeem cold and unfeeling.
they Arnott- they have a Han .
'rhey belle,·u In cultivating thei r mlod.-l.hey ha\·e :t
lianl ncr.
1-: ,·cn when they th ink themselvet o n firm g rounol
they lind Myen.
Though they are plain they have a Hill.
Although most uf the m are 11udlou1, one of them i11
A.· l.arkln all the while.
Alt hough not nln they anJ found of Pn.y1.
Although they are no\ g row len they have a Barker.
A ltlwugh their uumlot.•r i,; uut lar}:'1' llwy Ira•·•· half
the city (Stc\·cu,;).
Tl"· :\ur·ma l :<k,.tdr ,·luh !,['!ll"t· an :trt t•\hihitiun in
:111· IIIUSit- r·uum Frio lay and S:uurob.L ,/ um• II a nol l:!.
T\wrt• Wt•n· ;tltutU tll'u hllnoln·ol r..r.·iJ-;11 \'hii!Oj.!I':Lphs.
11f :u·dtii<TI II ro· ami ....·ulpnrn·. trlally tr:n ·cliuJ.( pit-tun•s.
~111 nc t•ict·o·s ,f famuu,; statuar..1· aud :l eollt•t·titln 01f falllt>ll~drawings byt ·. ll. t;i lo,..,u Sa!Unla_r ~·h·ning liglu
r.-f.-.•,hJu••u~:. wo·l·c ::.•·n····l
Th~· IJIII'J'""''-'vf the c.~ hihi-
It is •·umurctl that the !li..;t uf Ed ··Ia.~.~ will "'"'"
l,;suc a u iJiu..:tr:llcd ed ition uf l!"u~,.,·;u(,; ··Emilt•"' ( a
U\{':11. )
A dignilicol hut tcuolt·r ht•art<·d "••tdut·
ttttl:lh•ly. luo\\'t'\"o•r. tilt' :>JK'I't"h whkh wa..~ t•Spt•t·i:tlly
Jll"t'J•an..l fur tlw o•·•·:tl>iun h:ul '" 1,. tl ispt•ns...-.1 with.
:\ lth"ll)-:11 till• r ioh• huntt· 1\':l~ ~umewhat 1\'o•t. rulthin}:'
dampt'tlt·d tlw .~ph·it.s uf tht• ~·l:L~~ and tlwy mado· mt•rry
untiltlu·~· arril't'd hollll'. Tltt• ~ .. un,.:: /;ulio·,. an• fully
: t).:l"l't'd that the ,\""utr;.( mt•n :tn· tlw ht·>'t tof hn,.t,;. the
IIIU.~ t !l )!l't.'t':llo)t• uf t'lllt'l"l:li lll.'l"l<.
In Zvo!ngy- l st Stu. lent [BII.'Cti u_lf ::!no! ~tudo·ut o·urui n}:'
tlowu fr,.m Jahuratur_\' ahcr a 1·aiu ~•·arch ,r tim·•·
hour-i fu r au :uuocha ) :
··J)j, J you li nd :utythiu}:' ~ ..
:.!nd Studcut- "~uthin}:'-1'"'"''1't th:lt tlw ho..k tells
the truth when it say.~ the auw~·ha is a •·1 •11 , ~,·11 ..
.-\ you n~stcr d01wn stair• ~ay~ tlt:lt :r
man who works a f:lrm .,11 •h:ll"<'"
i• :1
wa~ ~··•· u.
lung sin,-..-. wcudin}:' lwr te:u·ful w:1y thr·uuj.!h tlw ha ll
(':lrryin_lf :1 hroko•ult•j:j.!o•tlmotll..:o· loy tlw ta il aud 111<>111"11•
full_\' dcntantl'nj.! wh,· n · :t d1lurufott'm lootttl~· mkht J,..
fuund .
:~~~:d::.~~r::;,. 'i;~,'.'~~:::~:· ir~t:-;w•·~~~,';.:~::•;; l:::in::,i.~tting
Till' !:l"adu:tlill)! d:L~s hal'<' platLII<'<l to
ol:t_l' Thur,.,Jay..June HI. iu
11avo• :1 ··l:us
T he fulluwi ug
tilt' pro:.:r~uu :
Unc yuuug laoly uf tilt' ~d1o"l wh•• ha~ '"'''II lo·:1rni u)!
. .. . l\l i"'s Kuhl
~;:::~!~·ii:l~~~y.~:~~~:::·::::·::":::::~:::·:::x~:·~.:!~:.'}:~\~:::~~ . : : :::~::::::···. .;. . . _,· ·:. _ ,. ,. .,_._···· · j . ~~:.~::~
:\ln" i•·-
.. . ............. i\briun Vnshnrr.th
Sliakc,;J ~t•:trc .,, .. . M. llarL
. .. .'\!. As hmun
IJuet . .
. ........ :'\l c,;~ n~. Unrkc r ami Fruit
lh•citatiun- l ;t:t·uuut l'octu ...... .. .......... :'llr. Bet·k
Cia,;~ l'ruphct·y ................... ... . . .. .. ... A . l' ra y
IJut"! .. ..... . .............. :'llc,;srs. t'nwlc.~ :uul T imms
l'r·cS\'Uta tiu u ..
. .... .. ... :'II. Sutln; rlawl
( 'Ia:.." l ' ha•-:u·tcri;-;ati<lll fro m
The Skt:tdt Cluh t"ok a trip 'tJ l.:t ko· Euoil_1· "'"' n•·
t·t: n t ~atunlay and ...:ojourut•ol ft'ullt ••arly IIIO>I'Uillj.! ti11
dark :11 the ('t"lllagc uf A. :'11. ~t·l~oon . Tlw :uuuunt uf
lugga,.::r· tltt')" tu11k. of whi.-lt Iundt loa~ket~ ''"llll'"~•·o l
the priudp:d part. ut i,.:: ht han: ind it:;ot ..d that th··~· in·
tcudt•tl w llt:lkc a luu,.::er ~t:t,\", hut wht•n the pa r1y ro•·
tun tt:d the b:L.,;kt•LS wcr•• """ li,.::ht that it w:ts ,.,·iolt•nt
110 mi.~!ake haol ht.:en m:odo•. 'l'lw olay pa,;.•t•d with tlol
!IL~iolci~I S. C"I1"'JIIillj.! :1 .. lij:JI\ lllj,.f,or·t llll!' 1'111\t"Crtlillj.!
which .'\l r . Fruit might t,,. :dolt- tn ,L:il't• partit·ular<. .-\
' ser ies of .,;nap ~hut phootuj!t'aph< takt•ll hy ""'' n f the
party ~huw ""me of the plca~ant l'in·um.. t:uwo·.< oof tltc
tl:ty au.J afTorol ttHII"h :u nuscmcnt It• tht·frit•uols of th<1se
t-ouccrncol. Ah",i:''lhcr the trip wa~ a d o•li}:'htful utH•
anti t ill' club t•e rtaiuly :1pprt••·i:llc:o th•· hu~pitality :lnol
kintlncss uf its 1\'ol"lh,l· prc~i·lcllt.
One uf the must o• njuy:Llolo· >oUcial C\"o•nt< of tht• yc:1r
was the picnk ,~:in•11 by tltc yvun~: men uf tlot· ~·· n iur
cl:t.~ll th t he ladle,;. :\1 Whiting Sawrday.•J tHil' .-, \\'hilc
t he commi:!.iiary tlcpartuwnt. un:tiolcd h,l' :wy wum:tn'~
hand. set the table :mol huilcd t he cuift•t•, tlw oothrr
m em bers uf tlw da:ls t•njuyeo l them,;o•h·o·,; in di\·cr...
ways. Sc\'et"31 c<)II"S :wol :t ~-alf tl isturlot.•d the ~·uu n~e
bdics greatly uutil one uf them p it·kedup o·uura,.::e ami
br:1\'cly dn11·c them away A .;:uuc oof lmJI w;o~ then
played. the repurt of which wiJI hc fuuuol in t ltc a th·
lctic department. wlwrc it properly llf'loon;.(~
T ht·
\uuclt fully olcscn·etl tht· hi,.::lt pra i-··~ it I"L'<'I'il"l'tl A n
approac hing ~tot·m furo·eo l tin; picn io·k•:~·.~ tu h:t<tcn in
the consumption o f t!itl "'g'IJIIIiics" :md pr11hably pn··
I"Cntcd :l sicg 11 of .'lickne~s :uunn g- the ~c nior~ l:nfur·
l"o :a;o~
l'ocu1. .
:\lain St. :.!d Floor.
Normal T r ade S o li cited.
Don't E xperiment. Get the best in the first place.
The Century Double=feed Fountain Pen-Warranted
Commended by
Normal users.
~hascd. long or ~hort. $~.00.
Got.t :'ll v nnt L... t.
Spi~J.l. hl::•·k o r uwnlcol, S2.t",O
lh:x •~"~~- .
~2 .;-,o
Century Fountain Pen Cn., Whitewater, W is.