Volume IV.
a little woman with
.~ Ia~·
v o•ry Ion~
I t•:lllcolnnd t•:lllml Ul! lnm lly as
I t'tlltld. hu t she w ..u td
kind. ,;:ul smile
that attracted m e. I w:lS a child o f six I schlum
saw her. for she was \"Cry fJUiet and reseneJ
Number I'·
cmu c.
":-ic:\1 time s he
will." I thuu)tht. ami "n~·~t tinu: I will nlll ju~t as
lnnol a_, I pn~~ihly l':lll ·
Hut next ti me tlit\ nut
bring :tnJ rutswer. tuul
:uul hy I went to the
lin:<l all alone io a room back of her small sh"p
front tlour and lonked in the hig frnnt gil\!!~ wintlow. but I ~uultl see no one I ft!lt :1 hit co u;wled
!l.nd seemOO to ba\·e fe w frie nds. I thought that
\"Cry strange fo r I w:IS !mre that :10 SW(.'"Ct!Ultl gen·
tie a face ought to win it.~ owner many friemls.
fu r she s:aid that s lw wnntctl he r hat to wear to
··IJIIrc h next olay :mtlthe tnilli!wr lnulttromi>K!tl it to
As I played with my d olls o n our own back
whe n
grown 1111 Indy t·:uuc 1\nd t.'Ould not get in;
lu~ r.
with her
Whl.l n I o~nw th:J.t it wr•~ tlinncr time. my hOJKlS
work. :llld one tilly she e:llletl to me. ··I h:n·e plenty
::~·j',7' ;i';,,:·,::,;~~· ',,~:: :~::~.1 ::::~·.::;:.:.~·. k·~; ~-. -~:·.:~~~~~
walk. I sometime!! saw he r !ts s he was
of time to s pare to·morrow. !1h:11l I make J nUr dull
a new hat ~ ·· The uf the smile that went
with the words rather ah:l.i hcd me a~ li rst. lmt J
danced with gh..-e at the itlen and nu1 w td l the
bu.'S)'. had uot pai•l rmwh lwt.'<.l tu my n.:stlcs.f vi~its
to t he milliner":~ ~hnJI. b11t ~e.-i n~e lilY ~ericf ihe ilet
hcr.wlf to tinol t ill' •·ause uf the trouble. She went
with me then. to tlu: ru illiner"s . bnt could J.(et. no re·
ilj•onse to knud; ur •·all.
\\' ond eriJrc: at the .-ilt·rwe and :If the fact that
nn ne uf th<l m•ic:hhor~ had ~een tlu: milline r thnt
mor ni nJ.(. ~ lw t.,[d tlwru •dmt I ha d •lnnc. They
brnke O j k:ll the door and i n the lirult:SS IJ:Jt•k roo m.
they found the little milline r rmt•unsciuus from t h e
I went to slee p tblll n ight with my mind full of
wonde rfully constrUl"ll•d hat.'!. o f dull~ and o f the
litth! n•illine r. ar1d a'J the \"isi<~n~ grew confu-4ed. 1
cold and al m<~st W death Wond and stimu·
hullS and warm CO\"Cr ings were fJHic kl_\' brought a nd
the liaol •·p~~ ~O<l!l llfHl nc•l on the wo rl•l :1g:lin. T he
fell :ulcep to dream o f !!till muru wu tu.lerfu l hats.
and still !lmaller milliners.
ncllo(bbon fumul no food in the r0<11n and kind
hantl!l (JIIickly brough t wh:lf<:n-cr t hey had that was
great new~ t11 my mother.
AI! th:Jt aftcrunnn 1
w::llche<l for t he lillie m illiner an· I whenenl r s he ap·
jJCared. I called out. ··Ar e Y••u "rw•st ready to begin
my hat! Is it begun ! \Vhuu are you gning tu
begin ! '" ··To-morrow·• stu: wuuld s:1y. •·to·morrow.
right after Ureskf:tst. ·· and with that I had to be
In the morning. m y linn thought :1nd imtuiry
warm awl nnuri~hing .
s he askt."tl. ··llo w d id
··\\' 11>1 it finl.~hcd ? What was it
you lin•l me! What nmde you lunk fnr me~·· aut!.
like? Coutdn"t I hurry anti get dr.-s;HJt.l lll.iter·! ;.: 0 •
my fnce tltocs 11nt need :wy was h ing this morning;
when they told her. s he ~ rni lu• l and sai• l. ··The littl•· luu sat·c•l my lif;•. I thank the little Ills~.· ·
were about the hat.
I rtmwmber,•d
And the s:llllc .'!Weer ~mil<• wa" nn hf' r lip~ as ~he fell
that ~he h;ul,;aid ""art~·r Un·nkf~t"" >~n J ,lis po;;t.'<.l uf
i n to a "lee p a~ pe:Lt·cful a" that rol rlu· lin!<• chil•l
It was bitter col<l that muruin_IC so that I 1•nuld
le t"s lt':n·e th:r.t till to·mnrrnw.··
,\nd when ~he 1\"n!.. e a)otain. !:at•· in tlu• aft<·r·m,.,u.
wish.-•1 ln -~•·•· httr hah.\· lri•·t~tl I ""f'nl. fn!J of
<lj·:nh had l·~···n "" twar, :uul wt~nd.·l"inJ.! th:lt I ···mi. I
".o;c•• my l.rcalh in tiH! still doill.1· l"u<!lll an< I th:u tl1e
hcd dut he .. •n·n· pilo·d "'" hi)-!11. with my
jillt>i"l.\" o"ttii"HI"II< "!t'll liridlo("ll IU!IIIC uf \\' uull tJwy
cmotirrm·ol theit· j<Hti"IH')' tuw:•rd th1!
\\"1•.~1 grt~wlng
they 11id nut lind
h1•,.t ami loij.!J.:<""'' o·omf.,rto••· "' ' tho• oua~i·l•• - thc
!l(·:wtiful•·umfurto·rwith tll'"j•l"ell)'· hit:lt•:tl"o•.,; iu
l:u·!!•·r ;tam••til:m hinl,; tu ;ohuot.
th e o•luth :'oho• juq .. mjJ,.,J and nodol••d to me fnom
!wt· furl nf pilluw:< :wol , ..,,.,,l"inj.!~. :owl I flll'].!<>t that
tlwy •·anrc t""'"llll' Hi•·cf'l!ot" r.atlwr BnHJks. and as
h:ull~t·••11 .~••
In a f1•11"
our l!ij.!
:tiJ:I:i•m .. alwour 111.1'
uo·w h:u .
:wd ., lu- wa .. ,.till wmppt·d iu
•·•nnfunt•t" witl1 the ln·ij.!lll tluw<·t">' "" ir.
,\ ,.till' I" •In•<•· aw.o_1·. I lookl·olup awl ~aw 111.1· motl1·
, ... ·,.,.,,.•..~full ,,f h•:lrs 111111 :t~ I ki ....,.,j lll'r t•• ,·outfu n
lu·r. I Wot,.lo·n·d if the littll• millhu·r load
he t· a h:1t arul
nr;ult· it
··0 . ""· that io; nut
it." thuu~ht I. •·f,.r I olun "t 1":11"1..1 :ah<~UI tlw hat :any
more. 1"(>7. I fco·l ""rry for th~ lad.\· :wol I gm:;;.... tuy
nuu uma oliws
uko·. wuulolu"t
hut th e hat would l1al'l' Uccn r!'al
they went fur Scl" l.uug: :llilcs unLil
l:t.•o·all•o' thl')' · rt·a~uiwd that ~m·h a tine fct:<lilll{ aud
ll":tlt·riu)t Jlla•·•• """"''' suro:l y he l"i3itt•d hy thc ani·
111 :11~ of the t~ t·i~ldJul"iiiJt forest s
T he >o llll w:t..'J now
hi;.:l• iu tlw ,.l.;y a 11d "'' tl~<·y made
halt lll'rc a11d
lwgau t•• JIL"•·p:u·o · the mi•l·ol:.t.l' t't"IHI .~t .
A, uu·n 1-!•'llcr.dly IJu.,fittl•· i n the liue .. r """king
' ""n lt•uto·d thcm~t·lo·c"' with :~ f\•11: :llartilis
t"l><<l.:c.[ 11\'1'1" a
tin: Ull f<f l"l.;t•t/ :Uic·ks anti SC:lSOO('(i
wilh l'o'JIJ><:f t"j.!ethcr wirh
wh k h tltt•y funnd
kino! ,.r l{.,.,dw!Ty
\\"ho •u they uncc mo1·c n• ..,\uncd the march they
SIO<II I •·arne upon
httt •o·ln·t•·:td ••f ,H:;cu ur:aJ.tclltt·nt t<>t>l.; l1 <1he of them,
lwr I"'"Ph• •·:11111" alultook lwt· away
J,. n~ ,lci~h
in a hi].!.
tlwy f.,nml Hio·e ~-tn• I"ill~-(" o rr and nt·:ar tire hanks
was delighted with
•lillttwt army tclli!IJ! o f
•u·ws from I• is
l'if•t<~ ry
W ith
ll :w~ty
8Jl4:t..'i·h he 1lcma tH h:ol hi ;~ llll'.'l§l'n~•·r '" he :-iwift i n
,;ummoni n)C his lhl.; c r . Ba nk1•r. tiar<liner. Millo·r.
l'o r ter, i'OJM'. Smilla and Bnt l1•r intn
With 1\ Sweet smile upon his fal·c hl' IHid the m to
he rendy th e 1\C:'I:\ mor ning to tnl.;c the 11 :10 Carr fu r
till' ~·ill:tl(l! of Ogden l.lf't•nn ~e they ~<hould :<tart from
thCrll throii)Ch the \\'ood .'l tnlmnt
wild Hu o·l.; :uul
ll":wks of Ulood nnd knew
Alllwg:a11 tu~el excited .
One rcmarkL'{.)
th at h•• wi~tw.llw had h•·tto·rl ..end su that he m ight
IM· Llltll"e ,; u rc uf his aim
:-iuoldo•nly :t Hart ll•ajled fnuutbc lhit·kct :md each
ha•lthc dt am·c tu ,;; hnw hi.~ l'<tWI'r~ :15 a nmrk~mau .
Tho· auiur:1l wa,; woumlt·ol immc1liatelf hut. fought
E•·o·rhai"d uu1i1 tim la~t.
A~ it obrt••o l hither arul tiLither all 11'!19 wilo.l cx -
G uscll.
T hl.'l :UHIOiffl t:CiliCII L of ~~ holiol:t.\" lo[:LI"t- lli.i t·m·
ploy<'t!!l ,~o:n•at Comfnrt
dtnl" tl
Thl'y (inti n·;ady at nnt:t•.
that ~" llll" 1\"urrudecl animal had nut h•ll,l!: :•go passed
tlm t way
nr i ~hl he
;11ul )'Ulll"<t ll ld lw:tr c:td1 1111111 !'ray th a t. it
hi~ hall that
s huul ~ l IJI"iug
1he :anima l
One nt't:<lt't.i a Uuttnn, atwtlwr :1 l'at..t1 :11111 u ne
lu rlu· l1urry a no! ~t·urr~· ••ne ••f the jlllrt.r iiiiiiUhlcd
(;my hcadeol man h:ul •u )CO to th t• Tau ncr :Ill.! 1-("•'t
n1·o•r !l wilol lln !.l<:~rol ""lll:l~h a!LII w:u Lrui .. co l ,·c ry
· !IC>tne leather that he might l1a1"o• a ll t' O\' Sunlc <> II
hi.'l ll hl"M.· .
J mll h1•fure nine UII C Of tJif' Jl:lr\y touk
pipe from the Ur:wket. lit it. anti ik'l'<llh•!-!1.\" ''"}•yo·d
himself li.S he went the Bound .~ .. ., 1hat Itt• 111i;.:ht
I.; n ow
The lltornill).: l'allll' : we lind th••m in O;.:do·11 . rwar
th e !'ark'"' llo•ms lrt•t•t. :tll~ioou,.
1'1' !1"
lllt"llt~ lhiul.;i ug- hr·•·uu ld B<11·kwell !'II•IIIJ(h to ,;out he
th•· pa in
,\ ft o•r awhilo·. with tl ... a:< .. i!i t:Ht<'c of n
fri, •ftol whu <".1111<' :at hi .. Jitwl.; he W:l;i(; tmlol c d to rl,l·
Wt• f"c in rt-!lol ill l'SS fur th•• trip.
lw ••IT
Jlarl ur llw juurnl•_l" hty :u·rn ..,. a :ll:tr:·h
h.o.t l.vh.l" llwf:tll
II•• .. at ' '"""'L tt JWn an <tlol .. t u m p for a few mo(.',.t,b
lu IM':.-(!1'11:1 W hite Fluwt•r 11/,i1·lo
~llHiifnlauol:uaoli."talwt•J.:Ii .. t••u•·d
The tir~t
llo· n· :md
lil.;o• a l)iru,wl.
S"'"' tlwy o·a nw 1u Llw rin•r ./unbrr wJm .. 1• hanl.;o~
:-\'"'that tin• :onirto:LI h:u l IX'l'll kiiiL't l tl Ud th e !IUO
wa~ f:t~t .. jukirr~ lr•w alllwgarr to think :d1011t t he ir
IJ ,J tt ,.·• :uul l11
r·.,n~Njtlf'LH"I' turu('tl llu•ir f:lt"C!I tn-
wa rd til!' ) lai u r<t: nl lt·o·liu" that tl •cir luoli, fuy had,
aftr·ra ll. IM•o·n full <tf Swc•·tl:um fn rt.
Flo ra E . W ood .
O ne timt-. wlw n :1 party "' o·i~o:l1 t , f ~~~ wo·r o· •1111
wo• ,;lq ll in :tn ,.[,I · llaiiiY tl1:11 had
lt-a k~·d
!il, 1• a .;..,-..
:\ly t>art ne r :IIlli I
r:ti•t·d " " uu ltrdb ,.,., ) put "111' hl':tt ls u nder it,
bl:tck berr~· in g:.
thi n l.. i n l!'. lik ·· !111• "'t rk h. that if 1lllr hea ds were
been ba~tily t h r<~wn t"!-!• ·t ho·r loy" ' * ' ' ha.•· m a ko·r,.:.
It w a § abuu l t weh·e feet wide :II!• I f,u t·h·cn fo·o•L
lo ng. with nn wi nol ..
t•n ri,usl~·
a r,..,f :tim""' il:t t
T lw
:ar r:t ll j..\'•:•1 ull t'
iu~i· k
w a• a
a long t he •idt· w:dl.
l'on~ h
,..\~~;lot :
utlll'r, tillt.•d.,ue
corner. wh iltl :U the f,ot uf tlw•1· a nutiwt
t'~t t•nd1·o l
t•irtl' ta hlt•. :u u l a
benc h. c.,mplo•tt•d t lw fnrn i•h iug-•
A li nk uld h:t,l '
Wall pilco l u n tht• hu nk~ a wl •o':l! h ·n·ol , ,,.,.,. tht•
sa nol y tlm n·
u..w t u get cil{ht
i n uue.
' I Itt•)"
mi ~th t
t lw
.,f t lw p:t r l_l' dt·t·i-
J,,.,.,.,. h un k
tlu· ll""r : and
lorain ~
"' that t lll'i r
1\ll'llt' d
in .
Two of t111' ft·lJ.,w• w it h
8111 it wa• nnt t o -.],.t• p
fo r
t•nuld •t ro·tt·h t lwm• o·l•·•·• t'r"" w i•t•
111111'\l g a b than
tnll'f"W hunk>~
in tu thro•o•
was. :u li r s t. a q tw,ti"n : hut
d t•d t ha t
o·nt•• rt aiue•l 1~)
11 •
nut >~lt•ep : for I ha p[k' <U·d t" lw " " t lw ru p h u uk
n ex t t he wall wh,•t·•· I ,-.. u l•l h:t.r. l l~· 1,.·,•:11 lw f, r the
hay :m •l ..... ~.-.H·~~ , , f tlw p l:w···
I 1•1111.(<'' ' f.. r
A•·•·.,r. liu l! l_l' . I "'lll:tn·d
~~~~- ~··If to
mak e a wi ndow loy k io- kin :.: a ltoard ].,, ..,,
ti nn kh-k. :a howl
,\ t t he
u p fro 111 ltt.'l" w th:n w ..u lol
ma ke :u1 Ap:w he warri"r o r a four · l1:t ll ruo l\'r !llr n
I(Feen w ith e n1·y .
o f t he
~lt.'t' j}C r•.
du ~t
the ho:t.rol fell
I kept
t'.l't·~. car~
Afte r t l.:tt it to" k
t h.,~c
ne:trly two h<~ur~ l•o o• 'l:pt·e·~ t ht·ir "Jii n i " n ~ cutwt•rn·
inJ( t he .,fle rll lt'r
t ha t I
wa~ :1
Tl~t• 111" ' ' 11 w .t. s hidd-·n
o•u iu ~t
t" .-um•·.
Th.•_l' wo·nt
•·:trt•fu ll~·
m·er ruy
n·miw led nn• " f the fa <·t
hdtinol a :<k y uf threat·
.-t..u.l•: 11" •tar• wo·n•
,..h i ni n~o:.
E1·cn t he r o ad
:~::~;·:·~·, ~::·i.::·.- ~1~ 1~ :· ::::::~1 ~::::~ \'. ·::::~11,1~~::·~0Ure(;:6d;~::
tp wnt t\aslll'" .,f l"i•·id lij.l'ht n i ng: which lit up th e
~•. ,·,-n mi lt·"' '"""' t ill' tit'~ \ • t"l'l'ing pl:tce and a
[l'l'l'i tio- •t .. rm ' '"mi n:: ou t here w :t..i n o th ing to do
bu t tu j.!'rin . :u u l lwa t' it.
:-;, .,111 t] p • w i nd lw,_;:w
to h lu w aiHI I:t. rgt:
T ho••c oli mi ni"'ltcol i n s ize lm t inc.ret~.:~ed
inn u mbt' l' un t il a c "ld d ri 'l.' ll)( r:t.i u Wti.S falling.
T lu• lij.l'h tu i111t h :1•l n•a••·•l a nd I W:t.i fo rced l~ trus t
tu t lw an im a l• t ulitu l rl u: wa y F11r two h~urs I sat
, h i •·cri n j.( w ith t he 1'•1lol :tutl t h inkin g o f the warm
heo l
h• •nw
..: u -ldo•n:.1· ••n runnoling n c un·o in tho
r•o:ul :a li tt l1· -tra t::!.l'li llll: H::ht•·n ultl be -"Ce n .
Slll:d l h u t "llni<•h: n t '" rdiel'o.: 111)' fe:t.r>l.
!t.n Xit'\y wa• 11\'er
Clmrle~ \\'~;~rner.
T im •·nrta in i n a •·c rt:t.i n UJICr:l Hu uso ha:t KlwayJJ
:utol tl11>11lh.'1
kil-kinj.(. huwel' l•r. u ntil
li fl• h ist .. ry. pre•t•nl :111<1 pa•t : and cn•n pr• lp hesi•••l
n•·•• . it~ .tro·:~t·iu•· ·..; "'" ~ l' lllph :l•i'l.t~t l a
I had kit-ked d o w n j us t :t hout a
whkh tilled
\ \ ",. """" went t o,.le+!p rtJ(:t.iu ,
r :till fell.
after t lw n:tr rati••ll" haolruu '''"'' u. l l'"lllol
:t. li u h• fr,.•h a ir
W1' l't' -aft•
O nl na r il_l' it wa- a l"n l-( a m i ol rcary r• •:td In trai'C)
..,., . .,in til<' da,l' t iuw. an•l ""''' in the inlt!nsc tl:ark·
wi n • "t•u·h·s
hn n r••r two.
:1 11
a nol ""•··lt•pt"•'ll u ut iltu" r ni tt.l.(
T he
p:u·t i:d l~·
lou ilt ' '" Zitrictm···
hi u g•·-~
hnnJe n n lt-aiiH.'r
w•. a ud
had a
:~t mn~-te f:t.~l'iua t i•m
fo r me.
are so
hri~rh r.
t hl' 1-""r~pcl'ti l'oJ :so:1 ~tartl irtl{ You feel s ure
th:t. t we r•• you to lll" lint the .~ to ps d e pic ted i n the
foorl'!.(I'•IU U• I. y <ut W<>ll lol be p rcci Jiit:t.ted in tho wate r .
The wa t,•r is a 1' i1· id h lue. the s h:l<lu ws a •·h·id red .
Th<"y · h•owc d
T lwre ,;c n •ra l l.oua t...; <HI t he wnt c r . The o ne in
tilt' f.,,.,,j.(ruHI!d , ..,ntai n" t ,,•.,wome n and i~ ro we d
k n• o W icd~ll ,,f go ·ru•al <~Lti•·"' : f.,r t h f!y tra ,.c•l
m y lin,•a gc to ll< >th :IJ}I' a nd Adam. and h:a,·k :t.j.:ai l!.
hy :t d et·io led ly unpi•·tu rCS<]tle ~t• mJnlier, with a v?rY
m a rkt·d I ris h phy"'i"gnum y . Tlw wome n a rc c lad
W lmneve r thei r tlo1w .,f la ul!l\:11--(t' w•u tld t't'a-• e . it
w :\ -" n nly n••(·.-·~~:a ry f.,r 1111' to turn ,.,·er un m.\' hu n k
lir •uhj1•o·t fu r a F, ,.,],•ry
~:t r•·:lt
in n r•h•r tn
a<·c••lt· r~lt l'
lhll a ll
t hiu~r•
llllh t ha \'e
lorij.(~l t
,.,.].,r,;. <JIIC u f the m wear ing 11. l!Cilrlct
t·a rle•il~· OI'Cr th~ sid e o f the
t•ln:lk. w hi o·h h:t.n;:>"'
bu:lt. aud
~ori \'c•
··n•· a n c x ,·ecrlin)(ly u nco mfo rl.llble
a n 1!11•1 ~ :111d t!wy liua lly J,.,·amt' tired uf ll'a~tin g
i m]Jr t:•"'i"u o f l ] ft.H!)'u<"~ :111•! rhe um:nism .
thlli r r h c tnrit-
,.:mue tin• pa int iHJ( i• •ll]l]'llieol to re p resent pic ·
I pre·
)1.1. I' K
NO R~ I A I.
_ _ _F~
- E~B_
RUARY '5· •899.
A montblr pe rludtul. rephiMIIhUu o! t h "'lll tll ~•re :oi<>r·
mal SchOQ\, ll t. . ea. l'ulot, WtKo tula, pobllelled b' t he
T11r m• oranbtcr lpt lna - :.0 c.:or ~
pt• r
r ••r In 1dvance. •~ ~c 1111
Lfnut pald b.lto re .ln. \ ,'911.
.... Kdhur.\ n.Ct.ld
.•. 'J'b ..
W . Cui.UK .•
~~~~ ~~:!"· ~
C~niHi t
..... Lou\
P , /t ,ltocx WILL
Er~b a
•.... loiO<IeiScboo l
,,. B111h11!U
~!;~"'•.';. n~TP' ,
lolo11a~ c r
•• • '••• Afll fllnl HDt\n n a lihllaj;llrl
J. n . a.... ..
. Pn-tldtot
M .unt~ S1:11011 .•
..•• Ttu.loiiRt
• •. sfl:..,l&ry
jr"'IIIWRII U •c:t ..•
,o\ ddren ell b ul a - lauere to the 8atl11n1 lhDIL8"' ·
Artklu eoll~ llecl from former •t 111denll and U••eber~ .
M".-e"' 111dnbtorlber1 arttUJH'CIIDIIJ' reqae•t Hto pat •
r<~lllr.totl rach enltt rt .
~cli t0l' i 1tl.
The numlw. r. of tt.rti t·l<":. in the Lite rary cul umns.
writtc t• hy th nt n.uthor o f wide reJHHe. An o u y m.m~.
is lncrea,.· ng. Thill fact may be taken as an e \'i·
dcn r.e of " h~u dnhlt' mOt lesty . Bu~ there a re other
eonMhfe rat iunl. The ano n ymo us a rt icle :~.I ways hRs
1111 u.tmol' plwre of "lonesome ness" rl bout it tha t Is
••l'J}Ccially felt in ra 1whool paper. T ime and tim(l
:again we hear a t tudent r e mn.rk . " I w onder who
wro te th a t.
I wn nld tKl mm~ h like to know. "
J.:very reader of th e l'oiu t er will a c kn o wledge that
he e njoys much m•u·e the artil'le with its anth u r 'il
name belo w. 1-Je \s n.~ ·~ lualn ted wlth the authur u.u(l
fetlll Lh e ~fore a keener i ntef"C!!t i n the produf'tiuu
And why should the modesty of t he write r object to
t.he print ing of his name? We a ll. of co u r!oe. realb:e
that we are neither Unrk r. 1111~ Milton.l Bnt that
fat•! cert ai nly d oes rfo t hinde r us from writing and
from ha violl the courage to a nix ou r 10 what
w•! tiD write. The t!ff urt illlJlpn.'Cin.te. l. if you II' rite
e ve n an a no nymo uil t·u ntri butio n fur t he l~uintc r :
but i f yo u w\11 en harrc.- the interest llltd ,·alue u f the
Rrt Jc\e by !liKD iiiK yu ur IUIIIH!, yo\1 will ('e rm iuly l!e
more p:at rloth' tu d o it . In liO doi ng yun will hring
tlw l'r\i ntf' r ma hiKlwr~tawlanl .
Uno! uf o u r exchl\nget, t he l..awrentlan, has a feat·
ure o f c hanging e\'I!TY half yea r it11 editora l s tall fo r
n ne w t> nc In lfO IIIC rC3pecll s uch R cha nge would
St.-e m tr, htll'e d t.'eitled nth' I\Utagc~.
Ahhongh the
pape r miKht. s utfer 110111e fro m the Jac k of experie nce
<If :a newly clt.oct~ l atttiT. it wo uld toertni nly gain in
the dmng ll of i•leas anti mcthods of tretu mc ut tb!lt
wo ultl cu ruc with n new budy of ctli!OT!I
l.uo king nt ll J!lt• houl pc riutlical lUI 11.11 udn":ltio n!ll
fnc to r ~ol" th e stutl r: nt.s. tho itlert nf rc~;ulnrl y clmng·
iug the c• lito rin l s tttff is r\ gnu..! •me. Wluue,·cr e lse
may be saitl o n tho s u bject. t he fn t•t. rnmai nll that a
te rm ""' cdi tur on t\ .~chool pa JMlr. fur nishes ex pe r·
ieut.oe that ilr vnlunble. h i ~ a n cdu.·atio nu.l fac to r
too little II)IJifeclatL.,I Antlthcrn I,; 1111 reMOn why
any e lt.-ctcd fe w s hould h ~~o r c the muoo poly o f tbi ~J
ed ocath·e expcrlcnl"e.
T hey might 00 unsellb h
enough to rellnqulah in fa vor of o thers; and there I!I
no doubt that i n m~~ony waya th f'~te othl'ril and the
paJM'lr th tly writ e fur wo uld be be nc fi tt.od.
The constitution o r 1111r l~ r~!f 1\ 'I!IOC.'iatiun doe! not
pro vide fl)r any s uch mltl ·yea r election of ne w edi·
tun1 fur the Jl"i n w r. but If at nny ti me a n a me rul ·
me nt to thllt e ffect 11honhl be ,·oitot..,l there wtmld 00
reuoum fo r liiltc nlng to 1he dnim11 in f:n ·or of it.
Some o f o ur cxchanKe8 will s ho w a !fllperiuri t}'
Ol'er the l' ui nte r i n t he mlll ler u l j11kt!8- no t c lipped '
wi t. but In the reco rdi nl!j: o f huru,.ro u!l l u~ppeni ng:t
wit h the llttldenL.~. tlul wltLy Jllm..'ttl of the k h<1u l
mu m in t he & h i~JIU of " •l rlve11. " pu ns ttntl " 1l ig!f."
No w. witho ut d n ubt, fur we ha1·c hatl e1•idcncc8,
t here aro tun ll of JJOtl.' ut la l l!j:enlttllln the liue o f wit
iu uu r m l d >~.t ; an t! the n: nrc IICUI'ell o f OJIJ)U rtuniti~
fnr t·o mit•a l cmlllllt!ll lil tbltt might we ll nJipc:tr in the
l'ui nte r if t here were o nce In !\Whil e~~ willing baru l
to jut tlmm d o wu .
T he cuhunn 'l of yo ur J•:• per
ilhoultl ha1·e 11 mure g tl neT'I>Ull !IJirlnkliltg u f s pice.
W ill y nu lll'lp t he rcfurru !
The hinu from the ~I rum and the deli ncruc m·y
lisu n n the b hw kiMounl Indicate 1011 mauy t hree·
h:r.nded J>cu plc in o ur mhl;ot The IIOO nf'r thew pt.•u·
pie le:r. rn thA t rhe liltlc·he hind· luw d interfen•!f IM! r ·
inu ~ Jy wit h t he W11 rk uf the uthe r tw u. the heth; r
will ir be fur them nnd u the 1~ We gh·e th i-4 puinll'.r
free a wl rru~t tlun yo n 1vill :uup utat•• t he cx t rn
h:uul 11ml lll..>e to the lln!K.oen and pay th tl uu1r.1itl .
llnw niJ<m! th u l''oi nte r II U!r.:lt: r i p l i<lll !
1:'l]e C e q ~o t' .
•~s .
Fac ulty R: he t o rlcals. - The CcnS<or is infonnc•l
t hat in plac~ of su mc one of the n•gular weekly
rlwtoricals the sdwnl is shortly to h:ll't' the plca.~urtl
of listening tn :UI c xdnsh·cly .. Faculty Hh ctn rit·a l. ''
T he details of th e pr" •ra m h:we THIL a s yilt. IJI'CII
(lcti n itt·ly :trrangt•tl.
rc:uliug~ )-- wi!J
s oU,I(S. t:.~S:l)'S
unusua lly tine set of
anJ rcdtations-
Jlin~ n .
Thc niJjt•t·t nf t!u: faculty in ,l(idnl! this riH.'I"t·i,·al.
ii of
npcn to .
,;n~p•:•·t~ -in f:t<·t.
~ pco·ul:uion. ~ ..,J .. :ul
hut tlh• C••n s ur
tlw '"'Y "
,.;:1 ~· - that tl to• uhj<• t'\ tht•y ha\' c iu mir"l i.i !Ho\ ""
mtwh tin~ cnlt·rt a inrllt'lll o f th•· ~ .. h.,ol. a,; tilt', ..,,..., •..,.
linn, hy foH't••• ,.f
11f tlw sdrou>l during- tho• d itfcl"l'nt l"I1Ctnril'al cxl'rcis-
o'lamplo•. olf n·nain pr·o ·\·ailin:.! nu·
l>ut only
th e lU <Jl"l' tinuly t:ulll"i iL CL't.l ,
that if tlw yvung- rown did nut dap. the :<umul uf the
llllll' : qJ p lau~ .. ~ti•·cu l1y tlw ladil's w.. uto l nuL 00
audihle in the lihrar.•··
X ow. uf t'lllln<l..'. it
he that the w hu do
not :IP J•bu ol. du 111:111:11.W tu lt·t tlw :- peah•r. on1inge r ,
ur pla~···r. knuw :Jfter·w:trd.ot. that tlwy ll"l'l"e pleased
hy the perfur·ruann· : Uut
highly imprtrhaUle.
st·u m s tu tlu: Censor
X<"ither will it,], fur· tlu • y unng- l:ulit•s tu reply hy.
s:t.l"ing- thar tlwn·
h :a ~
hco·n hut littlt•
:q lpla ud-
inJ: All th•• 111"1"•' t'l':l""n why tiw appbusc shonltl
ht• lwal'l.l" am! lit,..nd wlto·u ~11 1111' ~pl' ak~ r ha"< olone
48 0 Below!
T lw l"<"u:<"r und o•r:< ra nd~ that it i11
t"o•o·itati•ur. ao"\11 :111.•· i~
Hem·••. 'tll"lll'n tho· l'rt•"idt•nl ••tire nt•xr numlto•r ••u oour pr••g-r:1n r
•IUI,I' '" t'lllt•r in tho•~ .. l"olumus a sulc nm protest
against tht• 1<111.! ''"lltinut••l eulol wt·:llht•l". priucipally
rs :ll"t'l'itati ••• hy l'r••f :11.-C:ukill."" the Co:n"nr olots
aun•ur : u·•·~
not o"qre<·t '" -;ec th e J)rof,·s.:; nr t:tke V''"itiun <HI the
phtfonu and IH·~in to read. ·-The huy ,;tom! on tl1e
hurni111t d··•·k.·· hut "o· •ks t" hal'tJ him rcl·itc it. to
th t· l,.•.•t ,f
hi~ ahilit~· .
Likewi•<ol. wlwn it
i.~ an ·
ll <' ttu•···d that .. , , r• :ll u•t:~rd ''' ill ""''" t e ll ~~~ about
- . ··the Ce n~urd • >e:-1 u••l <'X ]lect tn be :\hie to l'tl(:ngl: i1.e. ;., _her 6":1)'. di·tinct tl:n·or.;; uf tim ··t:yduP•" Iia Briuanit·a." nr ··Jamc>~
Of ,.,ur~e thi"< i" :dl a ho:t lL
T bc rc is no reaso n
'" U.·liel"e that the fa c ulty curncmpla tc n n.r ~ u ch
plan :\~ the C•·n•nr h:\ i s n gge;~tm l. and rhetnri~<al>l
wi!l undoubt edly <"" n ti un e in the ··same ultl way ."
Tlwl"en:<oro lou< hlljle. hnwe 1·er. thatc1·erymeml>er
~o·hnu! whu d ue~ U( >l know Lh<J di!fercucc be-
,of th"
'"'' '•'11 a ··reading ·· an d :l ··re.-itatiun," will
eon~ u : L
"'ithomL olclay.
Why Do n' t T h ey Appla u d?- ··Applause," s:t y>~
\\' eb,tcr. ·· istlwpuhli cexpressinn ofc<)rtrmcmlr~tiun
tu lol praise hy me:tn .~ of daptlinl{ the hands . etc."
If this .1.-liniti< >n Uc :l<·t·c p t;·d as correct. the Ce nsor
sees no es1·ape from the corw lusion that the lndicil o f
this sc hool. tak e n :~.;; a whole. do nut l>clioJI"e in puiJlidS expre>~:<iug their sati.M action with the efTorL.;; of
who <l)IJlo•:t r "" rho• :l"·ll m bly roum platfurru
from time'" time. :utd o•rHie:ll·ur tu ente rt.:lin nr in·
llt ru ct the amlit·n,·c. Ti me and tirnc again has the
t:l!nsor "'atdwd the actions of the front two-thirds
til'S!. it makes it too JiaroJ
kee p
:trul St~o ml. bct·a use it is d iJS II'Oy ing
!'oin t 's n•pntatio n a ~ a wintow re~urt.
If the tl,.• nwmlct<•r •·ontinrw..; In s tay :tryuml
he low Z<'l'o mark, thi~ dty will "'-"4" Oct•umu n
way s tati"n to the 1-:. lnnolikt•. :u1<l nnr :-;"onual a
tntinin!of sdtoul for ani•· cxpl«rers. T ho dmn: t nJ
~ tl:
has already Uecn ma•l•• fur tho• for mation of a new
weather bureau. T ire <'•· u,ur lrcartily sel'<lll<ls thu
proposit ion. :tnt! hopt~~ that th<" ura!tll"ij of the
sdmol will lhC their ci<><Plt'lwe to hriug u!JouL the
des ire, ! res ult.
"00= 00?- Whe re is thu cl:ts~ uf 1000 ? Ol'e r half
of the l!dmol }"!Jar has guu<' hy. yt:t Lo all appear:
ancell 1\' l.l hal'e no Junior ula.s.~. I 'um pari >I<> IIS arc
alway,; lltlitHI;J. set the Ccn,;or •!neil fei•l
that t he
failure of the .. "OOs "" ''' organi1.c i .~ what l' mf. Me·
Cas kill wnnld ten n a ,;ret·ers ion to type"" - a :<ort n f
a bac kward :Hep.
The el:tS.. of "!Ill created t he
prccedcnL by orgttnizing in thu fall of 1 ~\ft.l. till" li rii t
term of their Junior yll:lr. "!I!J followed " uit. bitt for
some unknown rt~:I>!On ·uo ha~ fall e u loy tiu• W!\)'·
llidu. J>o~s ihly 1he cia.'! ~ has not organize• I for· the
reaso n that they arc ignorant of how to gn a t the
procciS. I f t hi s i~ !rue. thct:ensnr .~ t lmtthc
l'lii.."<S petit ion the P re:<idcnt <1f the :~t· h ool tn h:u•c
some Senior detailed tu in;;tl"llct t lmm in the my.;
tcrie~ , f clas~ o rg:ani ~:\tiull
On Feb a. :tbout lift1.•en ~tudenhl organixf'd a club
for th e puqJu:§C o f s ttulyi ng Sc:mdiolll' illn l~itcrn­
1-'lo n!n~
tnrc and its hbnory
It will 00 kno wn :lS the
\' iking l'l u h. l'hc loll1ow in g o fli ce~ wt•rn dcCH!d :
Pres . Ff'ei i 01!11.111 ; \' kc P res, C. Andc r!IOn; Secy ..
Aleu e 1-' jelst:ul; T reru~, Charlotte 0\!!0n.
St cVt! IU SJ)CPl
\'\~11\ng 111
1\ " '1't!k th o latter part o f
A number of the ~tud enu han: I.M..-c n o ut of St: hool
recentl y grappling with th tr grip.
A1'1ul aa n 1l l. udu~Altcu
e njoyed
Tlu: t·ou•·t•rt gh·c 11 at the Nurmi\\ on Jsn . 1:1, by
\'isit from their
b ro ther Gco rgo Alle n o f Augusta. the but o f the
:\!me . Abbie t:a rriugtun . acctHnJJaoil!d by H e nry
Hee5on , t•c llo playe r, a nd C ltlrence Shepa rtl as
Frot.c n nusc8 ami l rnze n c nn~ wu re 1JIIite the rage
,J uring thnS<.' dnys when the mc n:ury we nt. dull' ll
pi:&nis t wa11 n trent lll ll'h as we rarely ha\·e an OJ>·
po rtuu it y to cnjuy. It 1\' n!l ll ~ t enc~ l to hy ntlll uf th e
lnrgest nndie m:c:~ th:u e1·cr lt.!l~e mblcd In the Nor-
nlmo111 out uf ttighl.
UI RII\.'I~mi.Jiy .
Ull !~
u f ltku l.nke and i\lis!l lh:len l'r:1y were
1 bhotll M the Nurmnl n..>t·eu tl y . Uuth " 'e re form er·
The lli"3 11Jric:d contest nf Fri1 lny C I'Cnii~g. Februnry 10. wn.s ct•rt:t inl_\' n .~ u ccc,o~ . T he Jl:l!lle ntl \"er·
I~· ti!Rl'hCI'!IIIt !til-e Lnkll.
di e t is that nil i n all it i:1 tho l> co ntest thnt hn.s
Mi!l.ll Ida To rkl e~o n of Hinc k lt h·er Falls. re-cntcn..'t l ilt.:hool at the lM.:glnnlng of the third <JU:utcr as
CI'Cr bwn hl!ld in the history of tho ac hool .
low inft is the program M re n<len:d :
Fol -
n mt•mhcr of th e ehw o f 'UII.
Pinnn Du et - ~1\ ~!Cs l>nn l!~p ~~ ~ul :\l c Donald .
'l'h•: Augl11· Ame ricnn lte uniun .. .... W . W . C uh·er
T he l nc\·i t tl \Jic ( 'unllict .
. .. l low1tr1 1 Cu.te
Selet•t io n - ~ml-<..: hor u s.
Mr. lll d k lcjuh n of Ne w hm . M n~ . W . Smith
nf Au~tn sta . nnd Mlu Unllc.)' of WnnJJIU'n we re hen:
111 aue ml t:o mme tu-cmc nt cxe n: i ~e.~.
Aft e r th e t•mu·crt . Mills Whitman acenmpnnicd
ht•r BU nt. :\lmo. ('urrlngto n :uul he r t·muin Mr.
Ht..-w n tn lwr hnme in Fnnd dn Lnt•.
. ... .... .(;lui..!!. Ualph llmuul!t
The C haml'tu r o f t: rnmwcll . .. .. J c rmuc Wheelock
Voclll Solo - :\ l i s:~ Flun~ West.
Nellie Nelson wlw w11~ to lun·e •·ompletecl tlw
cou rile l n. Jnnuary. Willi prCI'Illl lt..'l.l fro m lining so by
:~ ~~Uv c ru illncl!l!.
She ill imprm·ing now .
T he Decay of Spnln ..
The l>ll\"elupmetu nf the
. .. . t:url F. Ogden
of Truth
. ... Arnold 1 ~. G e~c ll
lns trument!ll Snlu - :\ li !t~ :\l:&y Flower.
l>ct·i:otionof Judge.!.
The contestant.s fl'tll :unjtly re pait l ft1r thcir e iTo rts,
and do not regret the tr:~ l ning they h :~l'tl n •ceh ·cd,
both in e l• ot.· ution 1\tl<l rhetori•! Unt :\I r. Mct:Mkill'.!l.
prophetic words. hcfuro the co nt ~t. prun.'ll to be
tru e. - ·· ! prCtlict t ha t some nf you fc lluw :~ a rc guing
tn get left." A111 l ,oo it wa:'J. :u the fullo ..-lug tnbn·
latiun of the judges' th..-ci~ iuniJ will ho w.
meeting 11f the Orntoricnl As:~ociati o n .
Wayne ( 'ownu WA!I elcl' tCd litJC rt!tnry to fill th e
v~&cn.n cy mntlc hy th e rl•lll gnnt\o n uf Hal ph Ho umls.
At a
The morni ng cJW rt'i!W!" o f th ll l11st week o f the
. .!H.'I..'OIId tjua rter were •ICI'Otetl to th e elliJay .!I of thn..e
who l'OmpleU.' tlthe •:lcmentn ry course at thnt time.
Ina F~nw ick lta.s re turnetl to schnol as a member
uf the Cllt.SII u f '1)1) T he followi ng ha.\'e a lso rce ntcn!tl school : Daisy l>oolhtle. :\l b;o !'ape.
TuOiJu 11T ASlt ~loS .
,,---lh: a .W~ttT-.- - -\ um
B~ lge r.
\\ elle~. I 'M'\mon:ux.
c: nule lt~uk <:rnd ..JHnn~ Gr:a~ I~ ~ t:r.ule H:wk C: nulciKank Gra•
~:~n~i! :::
W heelock . . . . .
Ogde11 . . .
~ ~ ~~
r of
1,~ ~
ciU!!!_ IHan23k'\ '"'- .::_5
g ~ ~
II 1 I
T HE NORi\1.'\1. PO I NTER.
Ethel S mith left Stc\'Cil.'l Po int the tl ay al!c r l"nmmcm:ctuctH fur Lircc n lhy aud U.·~an her work
t'la".ol. " '
'!1!1 know hnw tu h:1n~ ir. and thi:o' i.'l only
nnt• o f tlw many su d a! _.::athcriu ~r~ the t·bss ha:1 en·
then~ a s t.(·:wlwr in t he ·lth graolt· the f,,]]oo w ing :\l••n ·
j<>,l"t•o l sint·o·it~ t>I'J.!:alti7.athon in 'tl~
d a y.
ut·cr tua s l.'i
\ \" ll are ~o:laol tu annunm•c that P rof :'an forti. who
h as l~cn ill fur the pa~t ttt'n Wt·t·k>~. ha>~ no·m·1•n·d
.sullid i•ntly tu he ahl·· to tako· ,·harl('c of h:,. d a~sc.'l
Will Fuller. the u ne who
:1 ]KlSition
pia~·~ fuoth~LI I.
Th~ ~ .. ruml
wurk immt·oliatdy after
:'\ble Qu:u'h• t. we11t tu ,\ mll\'t1'it ,Jan.
in :Ln O raturio ~til't'tl 1Jy the ~ .. rw••!o[ian
e hurdr uf tl.:u plat•£• A rr uml~<,• r o f i>lll·
rl+·nts:ter·••m pank'l l them.
!!7. to
Lu~ her:lll
On rn·••uunt of the l:t rl!'t' nmubt· r ,f p upils in the
dr.twing o·l:t.o~,.e.~ thi,. f)ll:lrtf'r. :'\:is,. Hu rcc wil:
:'\llss T:~.nncr hy examining' a nd
wo r k nf sunw o f the cl:l.~ses
T he Gcu,~t Lyecu m its pn•linrin:try d~·t·l:uua­
lory conlt-.'11 o n F ritl ay cn· n in.~e. Fo•h. a. :'\l is:> Jc,;,~ic
\\' oo.l rcccit·ing
lir~t hn nnr~.
Et ltHI ])awe!!. sct·u nd :
:1.nd George :\l d ;innit y. thil·d.
Bu r li ngt•m K l• T hl' t':utd id ate.i fur tr:wk
and b:~SCIJall tc atuS lra<'e started trainin~t
:'\l r .
l..octhc r i.~ •·u:u-hiu,~t dre •·anditl:ue~ and ~" t lwrc i.~
no n why
s huu lolnoJt make :1
,It• >Ott ~IJ,,.t·ing
in :uh lctks llri~ .\'car.
T he lec ture gi\'en hy IJ r John H e nry Barrow;~,
,J:\n. ~0. o n " A " 'orld i•il,~tri magf' a rrd (.i li lllfiS<!.~ nf
Gre ater Ame rica" was all that
title "ign ilics.
Dr lh~ruw~ has l'i~itcol n,.afly a ll parts o f the glnhe
ami h i'l <lc~c riptio n ~ of "·hat lw ha"' !4cen and what
ht! h11!!1 1in nc were !!Ill ''il'id tha t on~ cunltl e:111i ly
i m:lgine himself tu ha1·c in·l~·cd hecn there
,~treat rrumbe r u f :uu u~ing itwid~nu which he .u:aH!
thiJeJ tn the in w rest uf the lectu r e
IH'cn ing. J:m . 2:J. t he
~urmal mu~it·
room was con1·cncd into :l jJarlur :Inti ~ ., 10 in t<o a
di nin)t room. wit h t able~ arti~ticall~· oiC<'<Jnl!o•d wit h
.,f the
aud ,omil:l1i. tlu-
~n iur~.
huing :l
~ prcad
hy the :O:o:nior" and for tho· ScninN.
If there i" such n thin.u:
~ h:tv i n,~t
W t'I'C
:\fto•r lnut·h w:l>l
l'c~ pundco l tu :lS ful luW.i, W ill Cui·
:1~ tua.'!!t·rna.;tc r :
Unr :'dt•>ool. Etlwl :-:mi•h: Our F:wulty, Flurmwe
C.:nrran : Our t : irl..;, Hal ph H•m m l~ : Our Bnys. J c u n io
!J, ,.,.~,,n : O ur Ath lcth-:~. II 0 . :\lanz; Our Clnil!!,
:w o·o•pt ,]
p.-i ru·ipa l u f tlw {i ramm:ar so·hnul at
:uull~<..'~au ]~\~
n :t' :wtiug"
:l)tOU<I ti me. t he
L'••mr iiO'lH'I'IU~II I exr·n·i~e.~ whh•h lt'•!r c hcltl o n
Tllt•S<Ia,r :aftc r·nuun, .Jan !!~ . ]l:l,.'il..'< l ulf t'cry ple a.!!·
T ht• room 11':1.~ prettily olccur:at1.'ll with
palms :uul llowt••·i ng hul hs. T lw p rugrant wra,. as
fullo w,. :
l'iauu DuN ... . Enwl Uunla p and lks.!!ie Mc Uu nald
E~~:ly. llanni hal l'n •~sin l{ thu Alp,. .
. .... l'l•arl C hamOOr lnin
E~~:t.l', T ill' l uthwucc uf the l'rinti ll!o[ l'rc~~ Up·
un :'\I•Jd c rn T hottjrht . . . , \Vi n nifrt."'-1 :'\l dklcjo h n
Music, J :wk Fr·ust. arr·:urgcol frum A. lt . fi::UII
... Semi-Chorus
E~.1ay. {ilad:>tune ............ .. . Gcnt!\' iCI'C McDill
E~say. Unnrcslic l ndu~trics o f the Culunic~
.... 1-Ai it i~Jrcrumor
Vncall>nct. (a ) Frum Far A wa_y Lurg : C!U11C·
ciulu {h ) :-.'c~u·l'~l and Dt•are.!!l : C:1rae 1-iulu ..... \l i.~-;e~ ll~u tit• Lung an• I :\t•adn A llen
Essay. !'e re ~l anj ncttc . ..
. ... Emily Sflalcn kn
Essa y. T ommy . .. . .. . Fiu renoo Curra n
:'\ l n sic, Vugo•l'" W alsc Sung arr:urgc<l by Karl
Mcrl ... :'\l:1lc Qu:u·tct. l~runb:. 1-io tc h k is!l.
l'orter aud lt•mn<b.
~:ss:ay, \\'urlbtwurth!lhirc . .
. . ... E t he l Smith
Sc n:\lur!l Ba x ter o f L>mnl t.:o.. \ Vheclcr nf Hock
c.;o., 1111,] c.;~\l!hi n o f t•o rt a gc Co.. me mhcr11 o f tho
L:o mmittt.>e o f L:la i m9. whn arc ma kiug \'i,itil to
1·a rlou~ :->tate fnstitu lion.i, II(Jocnt :\ fe w huu r.~ nt t he
normal <Ill Fe U. a. T he r casnn fo r thei r l'isit luo~rc
wa" w in i'Cstigate the ncct•s.iity o f a n :appro priation
ft)r :1 ne w w i ng to our IJnild iu~t. fu r which Jllau.~
hal'<' a lrc:uly IJCtlll nmdt~.
Thu present c n rullmu rrl i.~ ;J~7 11f w hich about 324
:1ru u.,.,. in uu c eul:tiH:c. T he :l:!"C tll b ly roo m scat.~
!!::S4 and t h is ncccs:titutes t wo in many o f the :>eat.'\,
·c~Mlu~Ju J.•f~':# J
P re p!lratio mJ arc bciug m:ulc fnr whl\1 vromi se11
to beth~ best UMke t Un11 T o urruuuc ut c 1·cr hcl tl in
this school.
Se\'Crnl tciUil!l hn\'C been prnl• ti ci ng regul:uly
:~ hu:e the beginni ng of the seaso n, n•ul all :ue 1ww
in s hape to put UJJ gOOtJ s tilT grunes.
A!:ll th e m: mller uf me nil' t eams was too large to be
handled cun\'Cnicntly in the regull\r tnurn:uncnt,
n vreliminnry cnnte!ll wau~ held in tho gyrmmsium
Satun.IRy, February 4. This contest dc..itlctl tlu•t
the following IIICI Ut' teams arc tn cnwr the tnurnu.·
mcnt: Eagles, Be tas, Nint h Grt),(lcrs anti CarJinals.
The re il some di!w::uu io n IU to the c ligiiJillt~· of
some of the Canlinal playeN, whv nrc s u~ on the
school team. Thill 1Jlle9 ti o n will be se tt\~.1 at the
next meeti ng of I he Athletic Association.
As It no w s tantb , the foll o wing i~ the lin of tourMen'• Team a.
T&AM - S IS T i t (I KAIJI't. I'O.! ITI OS .
TV.A:M - 8&TA.!
~. ft'!~li .~~~)~:.:::::: :fa .. ......... ·.·.·-~: \¢nt·.~
~: !-:!~~ ::... ···::: :~: ¥. ·.:::::: ·~-~- ~~~~~~-r~i !.:
A. Halverson ..
H . Po rter .......
. ... H. F............. Amle rsoo
Red and White ......... Co lo ra
............ - .... Gold
!'resident. Ma rt in Nelson : Vice I~I"Cll ideut . Min
Bun:c: ~C n.'t R r)'. Miss Wilbur : Trea~urer, Mr.
Karu n pp : 1-:xt.'Cuth·c Committee, l'rof. Syh'e!! te r,
C h:L>~. Brummur. ~ l unnull : B:LSC H:lll ~tana­
ge r. Wny nu c..:~m· tul : lb sc Unll Coauh, G. I.nnge :
Trn.~ k ~ l nrmge r. H. 0 . M:1117.; Tmc k Tenm t:o:u:h,
Will Ur:ulfonl : Ua.~ k(•t H:lll ~f tumgl! r. Will Smith .
t..:onsitlcrnlJie int e r~ l wn:~ tnke n In the e lcc tif)n,
ami tho mc mhcr.t feu\ •·nnliole nt iu tlu:ir c ho k-e.
The ~urm :1l Uasket U:tll Tc:1111 met the fimnd
lb.pidll C..:ity '!'cum In f ri e nrlly t•omtt•st om Dec. 21 s t,
ILl the ltapldll.
'l'hrt gnme Wtl.~ lntcrc•s tiug :wt1 c xci tlug. thc11coru
p4oint wt\\'c rin.u: fr um 11hlc to sloll'. Furtunntely lt
WM fuurul tube om Sun·t•ns !'.. tnt's end o f the cnrd
at the c lO$! of the gnmc, with the list:ures JJtnncling
i3 1Lillll ...
Playing was math~ JIOme whnt dllllcuh fo r the
No rma hi o n ll.t.'1..'0 UIIt of th u wn ~e. llloo1r n f : he Opcr:a.
H ou~.
The g ro tusque nnol frog-lik tl ll!IJM'arnn l'tl o f
tho rs during mn~ t uf the gru nt•. fur ui>~ hc tl
nuwh amu ~e m c nt for t.hc !I!ICCtriiiH'" ·
Ta ken llll :~ronml It wa,. :l J(IH ~ I gr1me Anti rhc
return co nh!~ t i11 louk~.l furw :&nl 111 with rnu c h
inte re!lt.
One of the neatc:H nlf:alr.t in the Ua,.kr•t llallli••e.
Wheeloek ,.. .
. .. C
......... Bradford
L. Halnrso n .. ,,., ... 1~ . G............. Mu nnell
wu tho to urnnme nt h••l•l in t he .u:ym, n 1vr•o•k nr so
ltA G LES.
A. Dawes ............ R. G.
.. .. .. Mi le!!
Mine r ...
. .. l •. Jo' . . .. . ........... Alle n
H . Cato . .
. .. . .... H. 1' .... . ..... . .. ll ntt·hki l'-~
...... . ...... . Sub ..... . .... Hock we ll
.... Colors .. ... ... .. .. <.:urdi nul
L ad lea' T ea m a.
SISTll O ltAUf..
TI!:A)I .
E. Hill, Capt ..
:f. IAeu . .......
XOK~IAI.. SO . 1
. ... C
.. I~.
. K UltnJters, Capt.
.. F Van Bus kirk
S . VanHu.od>irk ....... lt. G .... . ...... M. \Vie§ne r
M. Parke r .. .. ....... 1.. F..
. . I... Hnn..-e
A. Moon .
. ........ H. F
. H. Pa rke r
M. Hull ..
:::::::::::::J:I~r .... :.. ::: ...... GoiJ
Two o ther huiles· te ams will e nte r the toun•ameut. but th lly have n nt" as ye t bl.oen c·holk!u
The schedule hu nut been gh·en : but w\11 probaappear soon .
Pic k yo ur winne r, and wear the pro pe r (.'Olors!
The A. A. beJel i L'J h!s;t:nlar meetinl( fu r the t-]ect in n
of officers fo r the next hKlf ye:\r. o n J~tn . 20th. '99.
The followlnst: w e n~ e lr-e ted to thP va rinn.-1 offices :
llgo. in whit-h thu l.MlJ ll' and girls' (immnmr St:hoou\
TeRmS frn m Unuul ltapid!l, t h" huy"" <:r:unm:u
Sehoul T cnm uf S t!J I' CII ll Puint . nru l ti m h".v ~ · :u1d
girls" Model Schuol Team!!. t"ok p:trt
The girl ~ plt&yl.' tl lil·.u : 1\rlll tho• ~ ! ..del " c h· .. •l To•am
won eMily, with 11 !lt.'urc nf 10 111 2 Bmh t < 'rtlll '~
piayed W•·ll Thu ~urnml i tl! ~ u urr.tuk o•l tho• ' ir.111.t
R.api1l,. peo ple in to•nm wurk
In the tx•ys' ga m e>~. the te:liU!I ll lll.)'ct l te ll mirrut•·
h a h·es
with erwh o tho·r. thf' lf>lllll w\nu l ng
whic h (.'i l!llll l'f l t he mu;rt Jl< oi nt~ af Lt• r wo•ro•
thrn HI(h pb.yinst:
W he n the t'ft lllt'-'l l t•ln-«!! l the
~I O<Icl T eam Willi mu••h nhe:ul uf tho utheu.
A return wuru :uucnt wn.i ginw at the R.'lphls
late r o n. in whi c h the iltory wa;r n't K'at f"f l Th1•
M" d el Schnnl To •:l.lll .. wu n o'\'f'ry thing Tlw ph&y irll{
uf ('rawfnn l uf ( i ran< l l t:tpid ~. :u u l t:••rr.on ·•f .,..,••
ve ni!l l~ui nl :\u rm nl. w :1 ~ V••r.)'
muc h llttentio n.
:u u l a ll r.&•·t···l
Theodo re Hooso• n• lt ,
:~ h al l ~~ ~~~-e
tu t•n ug m t ui:Hu th e
n ~: w
cd iw ria l
s tall of th e Lawre ntia n. o n th u success o f their ti rst
Whe n s leighing is g ..od th e ma xi m. " Hitl c . and
your girl ride' wi t h yo u : wal k. and yo u walk
:ll•m e.'' is es!tccially t rue. - Ex .
Sound trn•·cls nlpid ly: t ha t is why we so oftt•n
he:t.r t he pl eas:~n t i':•·hoes from th e Me rri ll Schoo!
Be ll and th e Echo o f th u.Carroll f ro m Wauk esha.
" T :lkc aw:l)' wo man and wha t wo u ld follo w !''
s hnut t.>< l t he unuor
" \\'e wo uld . " sa itl lllllan
c nt!e promptly.- Ex .
th e back o f t.he audi ·
to s peak a
grea t m:w y pieces. Bu t the way ··"(\ .>0 "" nmlle r e d
:\l ari"O n..zzaris hrnuj.C h t do wn t he hoUSt!. Ere ry
o ne kn o ws nt lea>st tlw lirst 11f th i ~ ]Xl() m :
'"At mid n ight; in h i.!l j.CU:tr oletl t e nt..
The Turk hay llre:un ing o f th e ho ur
\\' he n G reet·e. he r km•e.!l i n ~ upp l ian celx> u t.
Shnu ld t N Juble M hi .!I p11wer .·•
When yo ung ll uuse,·elt'.!l wrn c:un c t o 11peak. ho
aro se with 1111 hi .~ conlidc uce and lx>J{IIII :
·•At tn iolnigh t, in his g n:ar<lcd te nt.
T he Turk lay dre am i ng o f th e hour
Whe n Greece, her km>ell"
The n me mo r y fa iled him. a n.I he r e peated.
··G n>ct·e hc rkuees" 1
In \':lin . his me nwr~· rdu scd t o wo rk .
he s houtctl d ~·s pernt e l y .
" Greett, he r kn ees " -
Once m o ro
··Whe re llre yo u goi ng my pretty n~:lid ~ · ·
"Co l lcc~t ing S< >lii'C ili rs . !lit." s he said .
'" Mny I go with yon my pre tt y maio ] ~"
" My is not s poo n11. kind si r,· · she said. - E:c.
The old pro fe!lSO r look1.<tl o1·er hii spectacles and
cnconrngingly remarked , ··G rease he r kn ees o nce
idea but 1
A man w:a..1 pmisiug hi ~ wife . Mall me n ought to
d o o n pro pe r oeco.s ion s .
"We ll. if ynn c a n' t express it send it by fre ight.
ere's 11 11 hurry fn r it ... _ Ex.
"She's tu womanly a woman as ca·cr wits," he
S:lid , ··but s he c:u1 h:amme r nai ls like li,:ch toniug."
" That's re markable, " sa id a lillten c r .
Juni u r bn y (c o nfused .)- "' ( tm 1·e
c n't e xp ress it. "
111 ~d wu l. u ~o·o l
S tud e nt trnns lati ng -'"Three t imes I tr1 cd to put
y arm-" aruund her nec k. " and that is liS far a s I
mo re. Theod o r e. 1>e rh a ps s he 'll go tb e n."-Ex .
" Ye s sir. " said th e fir~ t .~pe!L k e r. "You k n o w
lightning ne ve r s trikes t wice in th o sarno plnco. "
- E:t .
Pro f. (angril y )- '"'fhat is far e n ough .
De seated,
\\'e have rccei,•ctl man y ue w e xc hanges this ,Yea r
~Ioth e r - "C barli e .
y uu said yo u had been t o Sun-
t: harlic---( Wi t h a f:ar away luok. )
" So I have."
M"th ur - " Hu w d oes it happen tha t y nur bandll
11md l tishy ! "
Ch:.a r lie - '" 1 carried
pa]mr. ltnd the
home the
o u ~ id e w ~u
S unday
alla bf)Ut Jonah and th e
H e re is a n in teresting li ttl e \'erse which ex plains
"Wll y t he e mble m s uf the United States are more
and h rn ·c e njoyed the m all and ho pe tha t m o re lllllY
be added to o ur h s t. It is inte r esting to no tice
what 11. dille r e ncc t he re is be tw een th ese vari o us
school paJ>ei'S. con sid e ring thnt t hey h:we t he Slime
e nd in view. Bu t it is we ll, fo r " Varie ty ls th e
s pice o f life."
The Burlingto n K lo ndike is 11 tw w exc hange
which we recei1•e thro ug h the kindn e.ill flf Mr.
l..oethc r. e x·assistant manager
The prize sulcctio ns ginm in th e VIe w l, (>int, t hi ll
e rul uring t han th u.:1e o f Fmnce. England. I re land o r
1no nth, are 1·cry gOOf \ :\ 1!(1 it
" The Li ly wi ll dmo p and its leaves d ecay ..
rh ~: lW:w. fro m its s te m will seve r.
The SIHlmruck a nti Thist le will fad ~: away.
But th e Stars will s hine fo re f"e r . " - Ex .
ap pear l:l.te r .
hn JK.'t.l t he
o th e r~
The re nrc umuy ca;JC.'J o f " grip " thi il wint e r hu t
it i.'J said a pcr-"' n d oesn 't need to he ··H o bl!o n i,..,d ' '
to g e t it.
_Moclel Scl)ool.
Tb b followi nf(
some dcifCriptions
u n an icc 1\o:&t. ·· Annowee salt! ilhe WILli cold : the n
l kw:& mn•lc n huu.oto 110 she could get
w:\rm. \\' hen he saw a littlu plal'C ho ~lid , " Here
i!1 the tim~ tu gut oil !.. Thtl n Ann o wee gnt on the
sled. lkwa'il bthllr hello ne n.s welt as he oou:d
11hc cried.
E.sklmo Corner which has Ueen the source of much
lntere!lt to tbe little J}OOp\e du ring the P~"t week :
T he Eakl m o Corner.
W hen I ca me back to school. I found my cla~s hatl
made an f~kimo Corner. They hrn·e Jl llt I."Otton for
s now: and the Mled!l we madll are all aromul. Sumo
tlo ll&arc on them . I L looks n :ry nk~. My slctl has
a dull all dressed in fur.
Up In Eskimo huul tho boy11 play L:dl . They Ht kt~
10me round bone fur n ball, ami for l l bat they take
vome lonR bone. The boy:s :uu l Kirlsi!lide down hill.
The Eaklmo Corner.
1 llW golog 10 write to ytlu 11nd 1.. 11 JOU about our
Jo:.&klmo Co1ner. All tho sled&:1rc there now . ) !iss
Horton drew 11- picture nbont a litory t lmt she told
111. The na me o f the iltory Iii •• Jkwannd Annowee."
I have not ve ry much time to write: AO I will wriw
you just a little part of the s to ry.
They got caught o n an [('!:!·berg. Mi.!!.S Horton
drew the picture o f the uilora ah111r t he white bear.
and tome other i)ieture.s. Then we wrote the s tory
of Jkwa and Anoowee.
Thada Boswn rnnde an 1-~k lm o h ou~e . It hnd
eotloo og, the ouuide. and o n the lnAhle it ba•l red
paper. I would not like to live where the 1-:skimns
live, because It is sn cold there. Out If I had tn go
t here, I would wnnt tn get some furs.
tiA!tltV CUL \' ~: It.
The Eskimo Corl'ter.
I will tell you the Eskimo stury. Once upon :l
, time there were 5nme littltl Eski mos; and their
mamma and papa went to lbh, :..nd let thl.!m stay
boou!. l kwa was the !Joy, nnd Anno wee wall the
girL lkwa did n•H want t.o ~tay nt home: but his
mother would not let him gu. She ilnid he could
oomtl after them with .hi!! dogs. When Anno wee
and l kwa went, they weot the !!hort way . W hen
cbey were going nil.:-ely. Annowee s:..ld. " l..ouk~ l.ook :
there are 10me ice be r~ !l:" Uut l kwa di<l not hear
her. In a little while. he lookl"<'la.nd nirl. " We tu e
With the Uegin ning of the cpuuter the school rc·
"rgani7.t.'<l f11r rhewricnl!t. The JWe.'!i<lenL>t of the
four dh· i~ions for the comin~t ttJ n weeks nrc Anno.
t:nlc, Mnrinn \'os iJurgh, C:l therino Sout hwick. a nd
1-: lbm Lamoreux
The first tl h·\sio n will gh·e n
Wnshl ngton prOJ~:ram n u the 17th .
Ul:wche t:ibb~ ha.'l been ahSl·nt for &e\"Crnl d llys.
o n :u.'Coutlt o f illneti.
Earl t.:lmdy. •me u f our las t ycnr pu1~ll!1, entered
to begin the new <Jlmrter with u.~.
Cla re Uoursie r bns been promoted .
PrC Jitl.rlltory stude nt..
lie is no w a
Th e ne w ]U'"KI'llm in th u Model Sehoul went in to
elf1.1ct with bnt li:tltl d tllt\y nt tim hegln nlng of tho
<pmrtcr. Se\'enty-nine teRc he r1 are no1v llllily illl]l·
plied with pmctice wo rk in ou r IICJinrttuenlt. Of
this corps two teach in PrcparMury. twe •Jty·one in ·
Gmmma~ . thirty-four in lnterrnedil\te. and twen ty·
two i n Primary grntlea.
Our former l\"inth Gmde p~lD p l.:, thoug h i'tlll Ninth
Gnulers to 110010 o f the dignilit!d Normalites. are no
lo11ger .'ltutlenu of tho Mndod l)e p:lrtment. Our
~t~ hool•:ongnl t uln tes t hem tuulw iilh es thom ii \ICcC81
in thei r l\"ormaJ work .
Fort he COIII"e nie ru-e of the SnJK>r vlsont of PmNice.
t he dny of the week upon whic h piR n·book! are due
from the Jlr.ctk-e teachen1 hilS bee n chnnged from
Monday to Friday. A;<~ Friday Rfternoon is us ually
rhetoricAl day in t.hegmdes JU well M upstnlrs, this
gi1•es more time fo r their rorrectlon. a.nd doet1 not
im·onl'enience the practice teac hers.
The Jll"al'tice tea.chcn~ of l'ltrious deJr.lrtme nts
ht\ve organi1.ed for the care of t he recitation rooms.
The olll ilaying WIUI fo umltrm!, th tlt " What Ia CI'C·
ry lx»>ly'a bnal ncu ill nobotly's bual nes."-" So each
tel\cher in turn takCJII tbe responsibility of keeping
h1•r l"l'riuuinn room i n nrtler fl llf! week .
and desks it1 two of the l'l'Cit:UioHI ronms in whkh
IO~II.ttheremain.l .. r .
Atthu regular elections hdd in the l'ariuu:~litc•·ary
:!G. the fnlluw in!J:
o!lh-crs 1\'CI'c clectctl :
sodctics o n Frid:t.y night. Jan
Arcu:t : P nls. Flum Wuud: Vice Pre~. Hai~y
Fckh: ...;..;cy . :'ll:lric )l:trt llu ~: Trca.;., :'IIi,;,; Fb-k,•:
P•~•gr.un ('<> Ill. ,
Prof.- - \\"here is the mcdull:l olJinn~o~::ua ~
S·n·d·r.-- ln tho.: fur.:hu:\d uron lvp of the ho.!:\tl.
Alta !'err)' :lllli t-:thd Ounlap
l~rc:~. II••W:tnl \'ate: \'kc
:'ll r l'h.. ru•·sky: ~•·cy .•
L~'l'l'U III :
['!'(>if.• ~I iss :'llcUcrmiol : Trca.s.
l'huebc U:1zen.
. Furnru : l~rc:'i., R:dph ltnurul•: Vice l' rc01 .. Will
:\I rs. 11.--cxpluining: i\lttr cntur's prujct·tiun-··.'l'ow s npposo.: that t lH' papt•r that CO\'<Jr>J this
gluhu wen• rubltcr in.~tcad uf c luth."
l'rnf. C. in J r
Phy~ic;; -A ud
there was llo>thing to
:\l itlgc
aftur tht• experi ment
lt>tt :ur iu\·isihlc
v:.~.po r.
the Du\·elnprut•ru u f Will !
Wit I Xt•11iu have h.:r h.JsS"n in thu H htury of 1-.:tl.!
Pruf. - Tdl mu what yuu t•nn about tho lifo of
Sturm .
Stmlunt- Hc Uegan his wnrk :1.\'1 :w Ctlucator
a bont IJIO.
l'rnf. -Why. he was horn i u 1()07 !
Stmlcnt- \\'cll. I understa nd that hu was very
::ltlrgu:lllt at ArnJ;;. Wayne (.;uwau.
Atlwuacmu: l'n·• , ,\. (i lluh : \'it'tl l'c·c~, E T.
TholllpSnn; Sccy .. Ucrtr:uu Switr.e r: Trc:t:l., 1-irlrry
Purter : Pn•gr:uu com . H l·hrri~uu. E H lt\"11 :t ud
C. Lange.
The present week i>J one of cnmL'l. Feb. 1-1. was
t he tlate o n whic h the connmtio n of ('Qtl nty s tq JCr·
intcudcnts Uegnn. The meeting i~ bein)(' held in
No. 22 :t.t t he :'O'o nnal. On the lOth. a rcc••ptiuu
w ill be tent.lcred the vigitoN, by the faculty. in th~
gymn:l.'!linm. Among the hotly o f s upcrintomlents
we lind ge\•er:ll former :'O'nrm:t.lites. Ethan Alleu
Cle:LSby, 0 . J . Leu. H. L G:m:lrwr, :wd t\ . J . L:uwn.
Riddon by the
A.A AAcham-
ridu• .
joint ml..- eting uf !110 Athcnut•um and the
Forum nn Jan. 21. t heca-<.: uf .;t:ll u uf
W i -11.:- m~in 1·.~.
W ill l lntchki~g for the murder uf lt"n:1ld L:1111•1nt
was gh·en :1 !waring. The j ury,. •n~i -<tco l. try miil·
take . of thirteen young l:1• 1ic~. hut .J u<l~·· t icscll
sunctiout~l the m i.\'ltuke on the grou nd t hat it took
thirtei:n young ladies tt) e,ptal twelve Y"lilll{ men.
The Spalding
f":llle Wll!J
£~ory roq .. i•itc (,.,
H•.., llall. f'""' H• ll.
Golf. "l"onni•. Alhlc!ic•,
:~~h=~~~~~a!l of t he S:uin..~t l..e~~uc and .n the ludin1 c" l
~r!.'i:i:(; Offi~l:r':s~::! h;,\·~~~rr: :':~.·~.~7,. ~1!:;h~. w""''
II. ll. SP'IILI:IINil &- DROS.
very ably tricot but ou accuuu t .,r the
grcut amount of cvidCtH'ti gil't!ll, nml the cl••qncttcc
and lengt h of t he ph•a'J. tlw gung. which wa."' the
signal tn digpcrsc. was -<oun olt•d b ·fore the oll•d<o n
Wl\.5 rt!nden."<laml Huto·hkis~ dotl.\'1 nut know wht"the r he ill to be hung or no t.
J . P . LEO NA RD ,
Gent's and Boys' Clothing,
Ladie.'. Gent's and C hildren's Fine Shoes.
" co,ptcli.'!i~ ~~f~~~ftf.!:.~~~·M I: AT MARKr:T.
l'•ice"' 1n •ui• c•~•YIW><Iy
Stree t .