FRENKca~ 'cXiPBELL &: ""·..· ····~ ~ooks, co. E. A. A~ENBERG, The Leadmg Jeweler. Pel"iodieals, ...................., · ~ Sehool Supplies, · ArtbKA~ & I Fine Stationet~y, AATI8TS' MATRfUALS, ETC . "" ~ ,,.., • • l<tt "•• .., , ... •.-4 ,,,._ • ,,u••,.., "''11.•• ... ,,..._.. I ~~ Pi~••'- f,-.,.,..,.J~Mhy. 419\f•U.St.. If its :rmylhln« In the line nf llrtJJf' or any of rbe mauy"ur g<NJd_:, •ba.l dn•g:gi_,.t..-n.rry. we're £-tC. h.aod Itx tlte lJntf. Pctscrlpt ODCOIDpoiiDdlat Is m S?eCitiiJ. Ill Str<>ngo A\'e. 'l'tt?lltw /Jrox .• 'l't"h.•1)hone H·h Drttf!_f}isfx ~ A. J. CUNNirliN .. CO., Men's Furnishers and Hatters Citizens · Tonsorial · Parlors. BATH ROOMS} N . BERENS, IN PROP.. CoNNECTION. Stneus Poll!, Wis. Perscript.ioos filled oJg];tt or day by MEYER DRUG CO. Chemists l Druggists. .I f~rll'."'d""' · t t ~'!:~ ~~~:.:!;:~~· r·:: .~;,~=:,.=:!;:~~,. Capital. $100,000.00. Citizens National Bank. H.-~n. --.__;.an~ G· &. Wc.OW OJitFCTOk Sc E.. J• .......,, R.. A.. Cook. D. &.,,.,., w. w. )litdtc.ll. J•A....JI...a STEVENS !'OINT, WIS. r• t o(r, ro,t.t "''"· co. IN bitT Q~~b5, tAKI'~TS, tLOTHittQ, HATS ~ I'"IH~ SHOI:S. CU~~AN. tlOUSE. rrv 11 • .f> J . FJ Ct' ltlt .f .~. 11• . IA~edhJR lf,rtclln tiH' Chy. lttucs f.'j 1~r ,Jay. Sle:uu tlcACt.•d,'\·tri.: Light<~. U IHtJ.·•Iat<~ WI\ aru uut In tho hatJh uf lm:l.t'tlug ~'bout ftnr y.•ork. We prefer ••lht-hl tu 1lu it fftt n'4. But wu do dnlnt fn nlKk~ the ~l Pbutw In ~14:\'t"Ut l'uiut Give'" a c...n 11t•l ll'! 4'V11\'int"l.'\l. do\~.d•~..J E. G. RESSLER, .J~The Main',. PHOTOGRAPHER. BALL & NEUnANN, '·'"f:t\Y ""'' llOAicDISG "'Ni&t!t . ... , 1,.-,tU-(rt U41fo STA 8 LE ~~~ ..N:.:t~~~,~=~~~·r~~~,~- 0 t'.. MC'lrill. c..... ;,,, lTATIDlP:IITOtt. CCIIITf Ofl'IIIT, ty. Con HPMITII'r, NOIMll CNU\ lfNIIfOif. C. ' · SHJII'"I'"~It OIIA~IfS Got It, )h.l~~o t'llll',t':D, The Wide ~wa~e ~etaile~$~- Jl'e'·l"e l..ou;.. llriU. •.: a JO~Ia1 ty l.. ~vhe\ yo,;:; 4\~n StareD\ Poiot, Wis • an iLC4'•mnt with u~. VV ...[).·, nut r~el at all lY.ll·kwan.:l ttOOnc K~k•ng fHr lnfurrnatlun t-on<.~ ru ln~ our lli(~Eh(;,.l or rec.~hiug dcvoeil 8, our rul~ tnr upeoh•g tii"C"fltmto~. our m.anoer of m•king lr-ant.. ou r r:tte-s uf int e~t. T o mAny I he bwloeu of bsnkh•K i:t ilOmethintr of a my.c.ef7 \ \' e 1re always ,-lad to explain to uur c:u~ 10men aaythlng tb•1 tlo aut et...rly umf.,..tand FIRST NATIONAL. BANK. ST,.VEN8 POINT. WIS. Ela t a. bl1sh.ed.. in ~883. B. D. McCULLOCH CO. Ltd. ~ !' B_ooks, Statinnerv and _Sc_hool Supplies. DRUGS AND· MEDI CI NES. E . r. T O Z IER. 1~· 1 llllt ~r..-t . 00. ~ ~ Groceries, Stationery and Confectionery. Two Ulod." -n11lh a ud we..<t o r thl• Suruutl Wo can1 a full li11o ••r tin) ~t meal .. GIVE US A CALL. -. ! The Mntnal Ifii'or New York I i" th•• ~-- hlt••t , lt.n:t--1 an. I :otrtm!o:\'.;t a«n,r In ch~ l'ftJrlo l I ~·om · . Assets. $3~S.OOO.OOO. Surplus, $54 OOO.OJO. Income in 1900. $60,000.000 . F'I R ST In ertl')' ~-.cutial .. B. S. ELLENWOOD. COIOJ)Ilri!Mltt CON TRACTS llhcr•l. PROTECTION Ah.,•hu~ 1 INVE STMENTS J>rollu•hlu. W~l CU I, Vf:lt. . • n. f'ul ut. Bicycle Livery and Repair Sbop. s,... , .. ••••••• Tel. 138-4. D. A. AGNEW, btstu·a nee Cmnpa Ji.?l· tbMU Ot"U CtfoMf·l•• ....... ~-A~ ,... ..,.~ dh·kJt.. . P..) ... C : - f~MtwfiKllha lli 'rn ta The South Side Jeweler GUSTAV W. HEliN, ~~!:~ -----.!!~=" _,!_"~ IUd J .! I'v\.tlc!tlttMt«- Fine Watch Repairing a Spcci.llty. _ JOS. M. MOZUCH, NICK MILLER, MEJR O :E:ANT TAILOR. • fiae An Tl'llnring :• ~~dally. (ih'4' mr n • ('1\ll aotl t will UuJlnuHt:.c S:ui.!!ola.rtiou lu lluulhi or {:Q()(IJJ. Fit and Priee U 742 Strongs be. 1110)- 1001 Dnion Central Life PobOr $q1M•r•, _..., JfeUdl'• ~ry. Sl•u.•• l'ot1111, Wt., JOii.N SCliffilTT. Opera House l!hx:k. ~loin St. • • t\ rmvur·~ Best Me:t-t8. Scnplu Gr.)eeriet. TeL 9 7 !'OitFINESl!ITSANil LOW nllmSGO TO T!:!!' FINE }:{RT T:J:{IL.0R. I STEVENS SOUTH SIDE MEAT MARKE"l\ KRUTZA, !!!~ TAILOR. ' POINT. "VVJ:S. • ~24 M:Un S1, 2d Floor. N o~rade Solicite_ d_ _ c·.KREMBS &Bro. ·General Hardware Cutlery, Guns. Ammunition. D. N. ALCORN, M. D. Erpt"rt ey~ ElADCQCJ( & llOOD, s~&~~:.;;:::'.. :Of.;!~'i'!Jo~~~~s ,•:bucc...on l1urfJ~u. 0 EYE, EAR, NOSE ANDTHROAT. ra..._..~~ C rOI;Ind If or<!c r to con«l -~• izm.:ui~. we.ok ()'f S, fiC , OI!I«UY.•.. IIl"StrOft_t , ,_.,, ~.-u 1~)' 1« ~fro-' Om~ St~u~ Pr int~ infirmary a / -._ r~"'ldtn(~t, ttl ~hi •• St . Tdc-~•-e 113. DENTISTS. Stevens Point, Wis. omce, 435 lain St. E. H. ROGERS, M. D. DJ:. (;, .1.ll. HOULEJI:JN, - Physician antl Surgeon. S\ovon• Poi nt . 61•7 ~'lain St. Telephone 16<). - • .. DENTIST. Stev<n• Point, W iecon •ln , F. A. SOUTHjVICK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Stevon• Point. Tdcphone 3z. 646 Church St. Wt•con•l n. L. ZBOROWSKI, M. D. Phy~ician Rothman lluildinJ1, Second Aoor. Olli<e a~ Rn.ide'"'• H O•t Su oec' Ave; ·reltphO'Iot. -4•:,.", Uouf);; 'U ~ "•; $3 ~1. m Stntfl• l•o.i.. t . \\'i_. ~e Olf~<o¢ llou•._ tJ-.10 •· ,,., : I"' p. tn. ~Hoven • Oftiro and ll~•l<lon<c. GO;J Clork s t;r eet. oorne r S t rongs an·nu~. Pofn\, - • ... · W i•CQeuoin. W. W. GREGORY, M. D. P}J,ysician a!Jd Surg( on. Offi« ltQm o.: t ud 7 p . m . , DENTIST 0. F. l1ART1N & CO. 1~;;~ Jt(~-:4 . S1ovon • Point. Curran llmiSil. '\'\/ hfCon• i n , -------------( ilas....~t>s ~ Arcurnt~ly :~n d Leading Photographers I Photo Fli!Ct of an Kinds. 1 U S. Third St. A,UGUST GOFJRKE, J.l lerclw.nt 'l'ttUm·. t'inc 313 M:uu SL•• u .~t!'ir~. T,-,le phonu-Oilicc S<-ie ntitiL't\11)' Filtt<t1. J. W. BIRD, M. D. on Crown ;Uitl Urhlac \\"ork a s,·x.·d:dl)'. L3dy iu atternl:uu:.,~. O.Oit•(H'c>r. )lain sc.&Stronpave CARRIE A. FROST, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. · Entr~IIC('f; .Main ;ond Third siS. -----D.R••F. lJI. BISCIIQPJ.t', and Surgeon. t:UROP£AN t' ACULTV. ~.aJ•.n '" Di-.a.JC~ or wo-... w;,, DB. E. .ROGERS. DENTIST. lin~ of S:unltll•• tlr l.!t•li\._. Drull l8utHii ht •tock: 457 Main str•·et St<'vcno P<oint, Wis. Clti.u esc· Lmtudl'tJ. Guar... ntCt'!' first· clas.,; work - ;md l'11eap. Guods c:.lled lor ~nd deliver<~!. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. H . WING U:E. R. OBERLATZ, "Wisconsin's Best" su,,.•rh Wutk. T hNDR~ .m.f~~.':"" ~ Merchant Tailor. A • l'llu1wtllO. --~~~~~~~~~ DRY COODS, CLOTHINC, FINE SHOES. . Clark Street Cash Store. HENRY HOEFFLER. 608 Park St., Slmns Point. Wis. IT WH.. l. P A.V N orm AlStodont&to Scet . ~asmus tlanson. ME~CfiA{'lT TAILlO~ . - 4t7 CLARK STREET, STEVEfjS POifjT' WIS. / STATE NORMAL SCHOOL STEVENS PO INT, WIS. NE W BUILDING: THOROUGHJ1 Y EQUII,>PED. '- ALL MODERN AIDS: APPARATUS: LIBRARY: COMPLETE GY MNASIUM. BETTER PREPARATION FOR BETTER TEACHING . A large corps of experienced teachers fully abreast of the t imes. attendance of earne!>l. advanced students who are actual teachers. A large ---... The new wing now completed adds one- half to the capacity of the building. \ , • Three ,Advanced Cou,...,. t \U l ·' ' ' '"' "'· (nr lh•;u SCUOOI.. (rt,AlHIAT.;el suHI O'tU ~U • •um aH·H•nt t'tutl••rus . Post gracluah, ~ tHclie!'l tn S4•i c tu•• •<~, l .t\ t1Jflt:.~· ·~. ('i\'ic·s and PcdogOIQ". Diploma. equ5rnh.•ut t.u u .. •: lfrATY. t ' P.:ICTH' Jf' ATt:. E&eme'ltta.r)' Counc, C\\ O yell"'i. fur th• N ' h•·1·1in.: ~rti ficates or P"'-~i nJ£ e ntn uu.'(l ' '\:&tu\urul••n.. · Ele.e.Ury CertJfkate, et~uhalt••lt h) 1. 1\llTF.IJo tn'ATS C ~KTJ F I CAT&. l o r U.-.- yt:a~ Cocnmoa School Course. font- y("nr.) fnr ' P'"'·i:.l benefit of t~ wbo m u§,t tnrh &Ottfl PreolnltorY ~. ten Wet'S.. .. only. ¢\'i n,: f."'l~ in the t"'to WOIJ brarwb4•'"' 'J ht".~· co ~'"4!5 M,.ta;~ b!,.~:~t ~ormal t rac-1tM"!f undrr a.ra.c:lolt a1r or Selection of Stud'" IK"rmllt('l to le8<'he1"1, uruler t:t\'Ht":lhlt• t•un...lillt•nl4. New CIUHt fHruulll fnu r tim~ filch y<ta r In cw::,r Jy t!l't•ry ~uhJ~·t•t h1 •tw •·ou~ o f study ext~J•t u. c:t·rumn. 1uul ...,,., ... tul ,·aru-.~I JK·ie nl<e 8Uadit.'8. Th·· •pmr t•·r ' be~etu Nu v. 4. J ,\S. 24, A••ttiL tt l!oard e~ 00 I(J t;J 00 Jl"T W('('k ; all c ha'lf<"' rahuut Sl ~.-, J.N!r q u:a r1t•r (h·n n (!(!ks ). .Xo tuiti<Oh t~ i u :-;ur inal ("1:1-"'M'<t tor th()<o.~ e '(pt"Ct lng to te:K-h. 'ful · tiu n 6i t"''nl" JH."r ~<"t·'-. ••r le.•'f i n p-reparatory gradet.. Write fu r <"in-nllnl.. or Jlkn'1Uc. STILL ask cl~flnite •tUt·· tif•n .. a huut a n.)' I"'" ot "th~ .!k'bool wo rk. a od f:\'l :m hunWtti:llh· twr•onal n:•ply. A•l•ln""d the President. nn:uos s. PRAY. 8-tet"t'D.s Poinc.. 'WLJ. JTHE , NORMAL POINTER. Volume VII. Number r. STEVENS POINT, WIS., OCTOBER 1), 1901. THE PHANTOM CHASE. l ... T r. WADLF.lOU. il~: !!Cone ol the eluuo Is • ll<!clucleol IJUMo llutOnR the foolhillll of northern Ar.iv.ona. The ring ol the woodman's ,.. hu not yet broken the •ttliet uf tl!l.s ,·lrgin fo~t. Hug& bowl~ lent be•,•e their heavy sideJ< betiVe<!n the tall pin... bcario~t an1alJ !!.Apling~ wblch ha"'e taken root an the moM wit hiu 1hu cn.!,·h.'e$. liuih in the ana:lo forru~d by a. bowlder and a mo\lotahl "'tl-cruu b ~ ~babby miner•• hut. Ooo door, ho.t, give him the appE'aranee ol a- lf[>ieal protpoct· Qr~ but·hi:t tboes. whieh arc Hght aod of au athlete•a pattern. together wltb bio boob. Indicate tbat he lo ont a native of Ihe 'fhu heat ol th~ Augutt suo hao gradually poilu· trate..llhd thick folisjte. andioseetlhuanlutlyt.bout in t.ho filtered $\ln!ihiA'-'· The yOLthl( nu\n aeotul to ba\'e caught. uao and is countiog tho day• ao apolu!fy fur~ window. beDt aud battered ato ..·t:piJ"-' .:are a lllh:ll break the symauotry of iC.$t>Ut· line. AJlllius t one side ts piled a beap of ,·, uart¥ a.nd worthi('&<J ore~. prf)' tbe rcfu~e of miocr'• diggjhgs The door is wide open. A ch"ir tipped far b•ok :on•l occu pi\•1 by ~vhat I plelwl to call a man obstruct., the ps..Mage·wa)'. He it lounging with hi~ feet restiog hjgb up ag:aio!t the door and bi.OIJ hand* clasped abo,·e hit he:ul in a mu~ ot rich l.lrown hair. On tbc bridge of bh• note re.11t tl p&ir of JCOitl·bowed gl~. which he mo\'elt up and down witb a •aoeer bs.('kward aud forward IUO\'C:we ot or his scalp. He haS e\'ldcntly grown •·t-ary ot bi~ novel•. for di.!M.Jr· dtrod piJC't' Of l.look~ a.od roapziDelf lie &boUt Oil the t1oor aod pronouoc.-c him to he a heat>y n.'adn. He i.!l dR~'d In rou,R"h corduroy trou&erj ancl a ruiner·• tlftnncl shirt. which. with a gun snd h,..,..,,r.hrhnmed •tArl lor homo and con.,.. Slowly hi• ,,..,, ba<e been •lipping down ti>O door, and ou~denly they whioh oball p..,• belore he 11mst pack lol• altcl come down wlch a thump. Ue )'awus. look11 out or rhe door schl srart.s to put his haod• lu hi.!t pPekcts. But th"Y stop whh s jerk. He 8t:ln!8 into the wood• inwutiy nod j(nt..otp.!l his gun. WbRt 1" thllt white mo,~log thiDa' out yo odcr~ His imagloalion. lk>ai'S. It mutt bo ao animal. He bouod11 bUl of tbo hut anol Lo off. 'fl.tu n>oving objecllo off too. St.,.i~tbt ahead it lorlf"'J, the purouer cna.•hing alter. It leapoo aod bounds with t~mendon1 energy. aod lly o't'er bowMen. ancl bushel. Mt!nlt to On. un It nash". keoplu« ju~tt IJ.<, far aJJeatl of tho ruuner-in aod out amooJC the lJjnt'j- now •tndght thru a eluo•p of bu•hes-loat>ing a11ianL lalleo pine '"'yond wilb •11· stravatiag: c•rele""'nat antl alway• look~or b&ck at tho p:tullng hunter. ·a•ttt! ll'Hlu i.!l tiring -rltb THE NORMAL I'OINTER. lhc Mtrenuous \'Xertiun. U•• ~h>W§ ul•· 'rtu.• t:uuu1· l~inJ(' Aniwllt ,.,.,Wl'l us• tclt•. 'fhl• hunter wnlk.ll ('au· tiou~tly ror"':ard, hut the :linitnal mon~S jllSt ;·lit fll~t. lit!: •ioclg~_y :u.i•.l~ IM•hir!cl :_l ~wk. tn:,kt•~ A h•w •-auh:k lfJtrinJ(~ ~u·uutui h :•n'' luok~-lmt lbt! ::min:Hd }UI.j 11prung :•l~1t. 'J'lum thl! hntat~r rmudl all th• h•U•nt ~nergy ht• vu~~t'"'.St"...~ autl tn:al.:t~ :uu. dH"r tla ..h aht•r th~ tlt..oet·fm)h~tl tlhj•"t..l. 'l'ht~ c-h:ut' i!l t•,u-Hiug.thnl undt•rhrtUth. ovt.<r ~&Ont!~ :\tte..l lfct!,•. dn•.l ginj( "tuatJpe. aftW ue11rlyloJt it, -!jh:IA.h.t ...·~. Utu chc hun· tt•r •lt.H!'!' om mu·c •~te bi~ eye rrom lh~· lH't")' :•b\"411. He nans mo., :'i••"'IY ouw, fur lit· l'l IH"4rly t•xh:m~t· MI. Tho;• aniru"l apJM!:II'l!> t•.•00 SC)IJlCWh!ll tit..•cl ~t). Still the inten'Niing ps> tldelll noL duse uv. 'l'ht' huntt-.1 nuc h.•AJH :' brvuk. tak~:J l\Wl 1t1ighty bomul~ ft.n•l i!t em tl_u.! o~ten troil ·rbc tumtl'r \'~Ut•h(>'.s a f(Umpse the hut frc:un which ht• ~t:.rtt:.... J. h 1~ btu :' !thort way off. 'l'he anhnal ~rn~ ttinwty to gHcle :\long tlm rruU. Tht' hnnte-r (•1esn; ,lhe hrn~h. Jle or ('fLil ~e pl:linly nuw. The obj~c1 i~ a rablJit~ 'J'he h'rae~t he c\·er .l!luw: Jle h~ been \\'nilhJI( W(·~ks tor;, clU,llC(! ,.., h.LJt on~. He stop.:t, rai.s••:; . his gun. puslu.·~ 0:1ck hi8 Klas...~ :uul-hut whc~ i~ tho r;b- bit!' lt brut \'IUJi:iiHJtl in the cle:\ring b\!fon: bis \'ery With his C)'l~ rastenc!<l to tht! ~·vut Whl!T\! .bo 8:\W the nthb•t di.:;:,II(K':\r he W;,Jkefl ~Jowly fVr\\'3rd, !'in bqlt!. tau bu, h. nothing to 4:0m.·r31 the anhnal. II was f.m~t.1iu". Suddenly:!. t_bcu na.~lu!3 npon hi~ · mind. ite lnrlls the ~rl~ fron.t hi:9 toruheatd. Ue h.Hlk~ c..Ht!atU~ted. 'fhen hi!. illllil~•. throw~ hho~U (IOWII UJMtO th~ Jf~~ &.lUI tWiJPJ. With bi!'l (a .."e hJ lhe •ky, "90d pt"&l aru.•r pt•;:t) of lmld and ltnrt; lsugl•· : t~r nonch the iltiUne!M of the fore~a. IU!-l lat,.- re· • t11f0t"(l ht,. .,l t'CJtlle-t IU tht• ~I<Mlf nf l.h ... httl holt.Jing b ~tputteriug van vt l_ m l'(lll ln his h'lnd. und &t:\1"\!S with a half c'JUe~tioninr. hair ~ymp:uhizlng grin, hut his unutlerl"<l int}Uiry tn(ot·t ~ nnly with ~t fmntic w:ttt'• inJt of the stlM~ tnwur(l him fo r insp:•t•linn :uul :' f : e11b ,·ollt~)' <ar h:l·ha·h:t~ :uad h•'~·hr)·ll•)s. th:u n.1.-~mnd ttgaln and aguio anWIIJr the phu."it M tl~!.'.)' pcn4jtr:uu· farther into the forest . 'l'lu~. miner h.-,c·, k"· All he ~t.-s j~ a $11lllll. irr<•stul"r bl()t.. upon t.he. ,.:13-<L•. tho llh:"tl.(liU rahbit nr the t'fC~. BEN. Ben wu my dJUOl: We li\'t..oclln ch~ ~"me 11uigh· borboocl: pla1cd tbt~ same game~ and went l_isbing .-.n Lhe •me day. JJij twsuc wa.' half a mile U1) elw ro:ul hvtn mlne. and •noro glhut11and bears hacl bt-en ~t'tm on thill n>ad tluao on nny ntl••·· r in the worhl. Uuw W(,u l remo•olntr on~ ui.:ht whe-n a her $.'h'lul we hunlecl tggi' until cl:nk.. Ht•:-a\'Y ("louds bunK u\'t•r Uii 1Ultl the wind wn.., huwlhlJt only a.~ It· to:an hnwt oo ::.n Ot1tobcr night. Ut•n \'t'JU hurrying honu.•. I w:tl! ut hi" beel:t tltiflking th•' butf•V.':Ly plaeo W~l~ Ht:.\'er tl4.) f:ar frtun my hotnl!. SmMenly lkm stoa•JH!d. llo ~tmbbe<J mo by the h:>nd nncl onid. "Jock. do yon 3(;(• it':" ll.igl1t OOforo U$ in the road stood a. gbo.:.t: :a e·e:.l H~e ghosl. \Vo d•recl not yeU or move. \\'t• stood in ~ilent u.•rror gra.iiJJlng ~acb other't4 han1lot rt•Ady tn ~lit} toge•het. A. r:,int linkle WM beard fn tht' stt11nt',!f; then aoother anc.l tben n.notbar. Our Jlh<~St h••l" b.ll ~n. "What arc ynu olrni(l ;,, Jack:• a.skt.'tl U"n. ··cJnn't you know our <lid white eow ~" Our rontJnf'S..i tor the thing& al"'a.)·s brot u.p leMure. until ()nQ: day :H IChO<)I 1 !l.!lW 8e1) talking to l lJane. Ot c.·oune Ueo knt!\\' thst U1zit!1 wa" my girt. ;•ncl why should J care if hu c.Jh_l talk t•• bl'r~ J \¥r~ntect 1l drink so ( just wn.lked o\·er thAt way. l conhl not re11i1t jntt ono ghuu:~e at J,bziiJ and what dhl J s.eet Uun w1u gh·ing hu a new p4!nny. Sho smiled a~ hhu '" h~ tlid ~o ao<l aflur lool<lnl( at it obe oorofuUy J>llt I~ lo>tn her 11ocket. Just then tbe ~tc.•bool be11 ran~r. \Vheo ftl! were ai\ldy .. ing. I walketl <>•er to Ll••lo'• tle•k and haade<l her "note. Thlo i• the wo.y it ran: "Any girl that wi.ll. at'\!ept " prescut from a younaman to whom the 1:t eng:al(ed is a tlirt.~. 'l'hi!l i.!l t'ruo for I he&r<l my si~ter i'I.'Y so. Hut if )·ou will gh·e tho penny btu:k to Ben I wi11 like yon as niu.cb as e'·er." I wa&.e'h.ed her reltl the note ami put it i nto tho sstne puekfl&. \ _ with the penny. '.I Tbat night oo th.e way hoiUo frutu sch ool [ trit•J h> get JJt,n to ll)llt<•h peanie~. but for some reasoo he wouhi not. u~ nlw&yll ~aw a scauirrol t,r a chipmunk wbe-JJU\'cr I mcotionecJ m11tehing pennies. TbaL niqbt whil"" r la~y waiting for alec p to oome tu ruy \\'t.'1'ry eyl':!t. J "'"odored U J.txzie b:al'l told Ben 3b<mt.. the nutt•. Rut no~ J could not belien~ that.' wcu1' good .cirl, and reruerubcrang thllt sho put the ooto iuto tho po<1ket with tho penny. I fell llsleel>· ll<l11 wa•" brigbL boy. llo liked bi• aritbmeti<t and l1o could rl\ttle off the. muiEiplitntiou tablo nnd tho s.r1uaru ..,r tuuulk'n. up to atixteeu &..'l fan u bu coulcl tl,lk. Jlo W&"t tbo joy ()f I be. nc.igbborbood in •pollinJI••·hool'oeuoo. lie could •pell every word in that oM ~veller. Ono time he ~pallecl the a.<!.boo\ •ro• THE NORMAL POINTER. muter dowo, tho I heard AIN. Smith say t<' my mo~hr tba~ it was not fair. fortbeoeboolmuter ,....,. oick he wu u pale d when he took bio oeot. ·.a oo•er Beo woo . any boooro ·~ was with """'" pride tbat I shouted. "Ben'o my ebuml" After thirty yearo of oeparatio'n I read hio name ao t'&odldato for I(OVernoT of Ill!nolo. What a thrill of joy eome over me·au~l I ·obouted with thesameprldo u In my boyhood days. "Ben'• ruy cham!" JXSStK Ro.RAnn:. w · .b 11'. U we ohould wla In football. Ill obould mllko the team, If practice would oot mako me fall. Or psycho. make mo dream: · If lohould I"'"" In PoL Ji;con. B1 90me lncky rhant'U ol fate~· ri:l cut the baotlt that hold nu~ ci0 \\'0 ant_) t! h r a p \1 0 «J. a. r. AREQTATION. '"You .may report. )!iss Root." ••lid the prol...or. 8dt. before ltiM llool 'xmtd begin her report rariou' ot.h er _..,port~t weru hl":u·d from tliiTercut. pn.rtaor tho ~ullolhijl. ·t•he ,•h•ar and resuuant wh"ck, whack, thump. thump. bani(. han11 ol boll a doxon baauoel'!l rang tbrougb the wilding. •n•i ..~.ed the audh<>r)' nen·o thtt.t it w31 nUI~•·fy in"'-1nfiblc to tbr ttrunuotut etrartl belnl( n>adc by ~liM Root. , "I will report." uye Mio.• Uoot. ••on t-b e otory ol" -whaek. wb!l<:k, llno>Di>· tbump-"the .Houolor S.hool l!oy"--baug, baog.-·•Yoll •hall bno to epeall"-bang, wbs~ .,bao_g, whuoi•DHI2-"-I>"ak a little I >uder. )lio.•lloor:· oay• tbe prof....,r-baag. haag, banc·og-g. ··J t.b5nk tbt. is a ,·cry inh•res tiog story... sa&)'l MiSI Root. ...bout'*-banfr. whang. whun1. whumcame the deep cra~bing t/JUud from tho boilur nnnu. --Wbat wu tbat stacemeut~·· •houted a \'oice frcnu tbe faTeDd of the cluo. and MI.. Boot qulekly re· l*'tecllb.aC It '""'about bow a JIOI>r boy ROt au edu· a.doo. 3 ··1\'o can't hoar"-botng. bang. h•uc-nll·ll "that bo.-1~ bore." pi peel a •·oire from tbe rt'at of tho <·I-. '"\\'hot did yon oay. llr.-!.. ""ked tho proffttor. "I oay wo <!llnt'' :_whack. whark. whack- "h~r what ht being":.,ld ... Mhouu•.od the gt'ntl&~uu,n. ••Tbtn )'OU will havu to t."fmto ci0$Cr. •· • ·· ·The :ttory... condnut."l Mialt•1ot. ' •boingac) Anl· erh::m it) C\'cr,v ""Y wouM be gn-atly enJ••y~~~et by'' - llnou>p, thump. thun>p. k.,r, bong •!IJI·If-"Ameri· <."an t•hilfJrcn:· ···nae 'schoolnuwu•r wu one of tbon·-whaek" whaek. whll"k. thump, tilump. tlumop--'"old·faoh· ioncd kin<l. and hR<I"-tlnomp, lhumt>• thump- • "tnucht the tw::hnC1I u long as aoyono tlOUhl rometu· oor.•• aml Ml'l!l Root's report was Unbhuci.-W. 11. THB CAMPUS. •""'P'" The> ID front of tbo Ste•en• Pulnt Nnm~al ocbool will. we belle•e. pteMnt qnlte a dltro..,ol apJloeamnee tweat1 7earw fran' r~ow. whets the trees. tno•~ of ,.bleb hue t-n pwlag lou than eetea yean. bavo ~omo IJ!Ore fully developed. l!tol OVfD DOW It loa Vieuant Sight Wltb 1111 thrifty young trees. ita bede ol dowers and th~ I!C!Dt·clrcu· lar walk.. "rbe campus tlopes ll"nlly toward tho ~t.rcet nu tbo south and U an in\·it1n1 tpc)t for tbe children, for no 11111111 of ··Keep oil tho Graoo" pre· vent tbeot enjoying it. U•ually tho gra.. lo fouh a ad greon. but the hot. dry we:atl1.-r hn.~t left ita mark upon h. anti now it \1 lt"Cen or;ly i]l patehe• where tho '\'atcr fruru the la wn •prayers reacbe. h. • But Ill• not only the children and <M'l'&olr-.allf tbo older otudento tbat oojoy a frolic on tho campuo. A lew do;os ag<> I saw a lloek of Eagliob oporrowo tak· lnj! a •howor bath ooneatb one ol the lawn •proyen. They Jluttered about Ia tbo opray. O<:<·o.•lonally alighting upon tho 11"'-.,._ spreading and tlutterlog their Ieath•"'· thon lllltlal( away iu tlo ~ ••n• hlno. J. A. J .. '00. •rtoe oatioo ooeQit to pn~oilamoag " tDcoj<>rlcy of the otudeul« lbat lbe 11ebool )IOlper Ia "'"''"""" e<ol<od out of the mitt)' realmo ol the unkoo•n. 'fb\•1• not oo. The ocbool paper I• lha rosult ol the nnltetl elfort~ ol the wholo atudont body. It le atl exponent a! your ~rlgbt ..taod ben thor.. Wo IL!lk lbst you put your hand to,the pea aad belp to 111ake each aumbcr of tbe '"POtl<'l'l!ll" better than tbelut. 1;. s. Jl. THE NORMAl. POINTER. 4 THEi NORMAL POINTER. - . _...•••, ,., n~•taU•• ot\IM .,,,,, f!.t aa• ~-­ ••' ik...l. Jt••wa• P'"'-'• WtMOI •IIo ,.t.•t•lll.. .., u.c~lt · &4 .... ~ ~-.::tf'ol . . . . .. . . , •••• l&.:'ltwt - T .. _.,Ot~--otl'llfi<TJtatti . .Y~. ':l~t• It eM pdtl ... .,,. I, t _. _L_ __ Ja.•. A•••• •. •••••• •• • . &4ihvr· IM..CUt'f X.a&. ... '0: • ·•• l,lh•rar1 C.•.... a. HUVtl•ntnll. "'t. · . . ••·· •·· • •· • Tlll fttDIIIIf Lomoll. Dtv6ll. ~ · ~~':.J~'Ct:.;:-!..,, 'Ot !········ ... .. ...." ·:: :·. ".' 8mr••• ,. .... . ... ... "'\\ • • . ~-- .• •• ~=~ ~~ ~.-:."" ~ an••• C...Ihtt~• A I . U•..-c-a. W :~.::!'-~~~~~n p.,.._. ouua. ._. · .• . _ . ,, ...... . . . . . ·~- ... . • ~·e.tc11<¢ .... A ...., .., ....~KU lll.a.... f"' A. I . Mi-IULIC!Ilo -., &.au..6t .,.......- . ... .. .... Loe11 Tr~••~ ~rae.= .........a.,... • • ... •••• "'"'I'· K~llwr than the tact that we can yell tbu Mmu 1011'!1 OCT. IS, 1901. ••,.Nil .-1 we oood a aUpJ>I7 of 1<hool )'ell• aod Tlu.•,-., 5~ no Unk that f Gn l•lntl us more ciOMIJ to-- . . .... . rt...ldlfM :an«ltinl th~ a.~me.cltoot tonp: there '•uothlntc DlON: pocent. ftJ r ,•kt~•r)' th:ao t~ ~a;mi: yell• and 110n1s. We kao,.. thr trouble ohio yft.r l<n't lhlt ability I• la<Linlf l'•rhopo1rlt _,..., 7our a noculon ba• Ml 011lod IO l~lt IR11 ... btl""' 8 0 1 DOW chat it ia. wun"t y<•tt dft Jour belt Ut .ee to lt that. \tJ.I! ~ nt~ntloned -.wntlal" lu 01r wboollUe are IIIJol h•nK " -•nlh•J" Wt• an• ll&•l 10 note lhatlloe mall•t uf <lol.alo uol orac•)ry 1.8 r~·eh·1•c•a nrly in•pt•tUIII haY< """" a llule bob!D<Ihnd lo ptorlutoo yeano io pn-..-rlul( fur the oratorical «HHIwt an• I lhe J<>lol ,~.~,.,"'- I~ onMr that I~ ....,.,.,.,. of a debttlog ,...,. IDAJ ...t. a 1~ aod brilhaat ~ntaoloo •• •• Tt_..Dtr •..ft.IW'J •••• AHNU&U btt lec•• ltUifn l.OtlM: B•l•d!t il•ltlfl', Artkh• tullclt..t ltom totiDC!t ' '' " ' " " • H W•d~•-•· ...,.. ..,........,... "...,_"' • •• •tbttr1 ~rt •~ rft))\.>tlfiiiJ t"l,t.,.l!ld to pat· ti••,.Y•·•r \\'"' ot t~r tide of a qu..tlllft. they har e """'''" uf <ar<fal pn'panuit~o. He who l~lob o f eoo•rlng tbu unturital wottl'>t. mun litH llviay tuo lnor bor•.,..e he llt.•t~\nt UJ acl. Uo b•$ a i'•r5oull auk t.furu Mm u.ntl t~hould 10 ab.•\IL it at uncu. Wlth an early "'"" anol whb oloO opportuuhy fur 1•rell"nuloe wbl~b thltt will roeaa •• ooa:bt to u~ore tha11 111a\a1aln th~ l'~"l raak •hkb w~ bu!tl In o ... tory aad ........ ·nw Sunn:~l l••t~ou:r i, e-ateri•:t •t• Ut lh•• _.,·tonth year "' It• HI•·· l'<rrul"'f ,.,.. '"'••• u( t•r ·~ · • , . , . tiM rn•lcr ft~·lc lhtu thf' Sumu1 nf th,.,.., r:~•t d a1• fiO tl'' hll'' " l·et"n. nu•~·b liktt tt.<J "••rrnal u! ,.,. d a,J. 'fht- hHJM•-4 ftllll f..-.u-:r. tiH\C ""' ~,,,...,"'"l"' w~n· thtt.... OMr f4NC«1t"4 an• lbc ,.lf\f)(lth•'i nr uhl :\l•lTe 1h2.n all ttlh. tllle h".& lll!r f,·,·l• th:&t tb• ~•tm:JAI l 'nlnlrr ha• ._. rnolr ,..,.,<Oihr uf thi• •>ld· lhno llff: that it a.~· ._...... tiM- , .•• ,, pul._.. nf lb. t '"ootba\l u. moro '-ttht·IU•.tt lh.aa ao1 ~r p1Ue. What ouldierlr 'lUality io obrre wloic:ll tloe luotllall 1,ta)~r ,t._,.., nvt nn...-1• (.'uiJ\"crKiy. what fJU.11l1that the f(K~ttnll pta1 er nlllst po~ ..-.u tho .oM\~r d" " 'hhuut" Thu .u)llltr ~ ouL an'l U.cht• the t.ula~ u( h1"' l-.ltUit,.)' IU41 b '-ailed & bern. lfo \1 a bdU. ~ ·rb.t! ruuu lu tbo paakled ••h aad •hi11•1(UMnlt RutW "'""" I ll<! M•i•llnm. lie dooot not 'Jhl lor llloert1· lltt 1&."''3 nut "lie for prinriple ••Mr t'\lUiltry. "d!l of o<hool. 1-ll• lllll...lil1 whu llw """in• nf ..-t.rul lif•• \ol unhrn\.rfl, •Ho~l • •.a)n 1~ 1 t1fk\"11\HJC At t h.- n .. .-.. af vklOrJ nn ar\•litun ur un f"'JJ"trum h ...... t"llfU~C .-Jet. nf thi~ srar·· ~ ••• ht ncnln N ak.1114•ht•t~l Jklfk'r repn-..erlt uur .... ,..,..,lilt•• In nur e ll'uru toward this eml "'"" t,e.. ,,._... t tht' Ahl uf atwtfMtll aDd fat"uhy anel 1t1l otht"f"' whu our '""'' · l• farth.,•t lroru lola Upt \'ort I,.IJihere o oo t he scrillir\ID fo r & pUr~ £1• wtU •HW U, What. ..........., DUTU ,.... d~ at. t.•rhlt.. l c.umeaL"; H "ill ...tww Ui what dl-.c"lplinu l·~ I.e will • how Q§ mutCtry of temptr ; be wlll thuw IU bo\v lu eotlnre J~Jtltal 1min. 'fhmtstJt ho t., not ~~~ing deatb. hu 14 a t lf'U1 ~o•lnrink murh hsnb.bip. '"fbougb ho Itt I)Qt Rabt· ...h.,.,l · -·'A''-t'ff' a re oar t-OGIIC Wfhtf"' an41 ,._.u lnrPnhJft tlll•1oar• At t~i•- o f 11M f .. r on parti<-ulac lolf for bh ...... a~,.. urlo< pci ...l plo '"' lo Habt1o1 io \ a 1fw namr of hi• ~ a od f« •\t lk"fwtQI'e honor. Wlul •hall w~ ~II him• f''" •"'h. THE NORMAL POIN1'ER. s thnuJlh th:u i"' tht• first ~ott·p. h'11Q4.•!t m~n ath:nttinst N'Cl')' Ult't•Ung. lltltl hesitl~ th:U t\'h.Ct1.)'0U IJ(l'ee h• np).Ct\r nn ., l"''R:rA1n. it you an! th.., lwtl kiutt uf a bl~ltll)4•r )'1)11 Will .'ipttu.J $4')11H.' tim~ ht IJrC.. l>l\mtion ntul wlll ht..J:in ''luly enough ~v thA~ you wUt ht• :,bJe W cn;,l.;t• :t. <!1"\J<'<'eSS of )'OUt t)Art. If theN hJ :&nythitt~ )'Htl r,,,l ~nu t•ar• do e... }.ecially 1\"cll. ycm might let the l,n! ..itle•nt Qt the e:ueurh~ t'CII'ntniU~e ~uo-.·, .it> that tlwy will l.~ to )nit you in thu light plac."'\! un the• prognun. tbt.Los gh·iug )'uU a dumce to du )'vnrl'>,!Jf juo;_alc-e ~lh.J to prH\·(~ to thc.m ydUI' willingut\IJ~ hi umlm thing~ move. Amonx the foolish Rnd SC"usdt~~ l:Us tor:n" tbat c~olUu to the tuiiHI .,f the Censor, i~ tbu hl'lbit ndul>led by the :wboQl. :•net l):,~ticulnrJy b.)• the OOy$. of :It"' }>lauding tWCr)'lhing. anything 1uact noehlng. \\~e rcme.JUix•r one day in IJ:lrth..uJ:sr. wben u.t about t : t;), someone. rcturnhl" fro11.1 the Ubmry, innc>C(.HU.. ly ente~J tltu roow. tn bo greeted Uy a~ \'1torou.!l a ~torm ur 3IJI' t:mse n.oJ could h~-ro been given to a»uc.. ~essrul footl.talltt~:uu or orntorkal conu•stanl. From th:t.l thne on 4!\·ery s-tudent and even uno n1~mbcr of the faculty met with a ~imit~t.r •onawle.q outbunt; The Censor tbinkoc it might nut 00 nnt ur pla•··· in thi .... tlu:- tiNt ba~u c uf 'l'he ])hinter, (4) $th·c ~ ••ril'f uutliue of our policy ror th~ C'f)IUinfi{ y~.oAr. \\'hH\" r<-t>oaniziasr the impvrlauc.~ aotl re..punl<iltilily vf thi~ ••u:..hion ... :~ncl wi"hing co perform unr clutic" With =--11 fAithfUJR\"'1."', WU Wi'lh it ((Qd('r'l'tfl·IHl thAt it il' nut in n spirit vf hl\n.luae••· hut •·with t.'h:•rity tow· anl ~~~ nml m:tli'-e h•wnr.l IHme•• lh:tl \\'•~ t"urr•·~·t )'nnr n\i'!lt:lkt·~. ~unit•• :lt yt,ur l:ailurc~. laud yuur ~ut·· t·~~c"' :uu\ ,1,, unr bt•.,t to Urlng about that I(•AJC·tl~· 11iR:tl wi~h of Ih i." ltcl('l ;:~~~~~~~.1~,~:~·~:~:h~.~:~~!~~ a~tr us ur At le-.llbt t•t ~c~ ~·vt•r8·U a.'f th~ t'en~ r ~.... yuu. •rh<'u wh~n nur r."l of eba..ti&erut'at at.~m• to d~«ud tn y()ur tlil'll"l'tinn. tld t\ut think il is intctHit."tl tur y(lUr twigltbur, but bid )"uor t:onst•i(!nt•u luul( withjn, antt jeek the ht•tmt ~·hil'h tnny be iil your owu 4.'1(', W• arc llad w &.:tth w that the Jiternry scx:i"ti~_, ha\'e opeol"d with a mud' I:U'J(cr t!n ~-,lhnt•ht th:\u WJUftl. 'l'bat up to the vr~·nt timt' the aue n,lan•·•• ha.' lM.."Cn ih prc>porlinn (4) the e nrollme nt \\'e wunhowe,·~r. ir yuu b~\'t• litopped to think wh~t wHI ua::ake your society a !4\lct~t·:i"" tbi~ yt•3.r. Ua\'c ' " " ('un~lfle~l what it nw1'n"" to l1e ~ n•Al lh·c. tu·ti\'e memht•r or 3. UlN':&ry ~oCJ("iety~ It 4IOC4 nut nh·an "ili(ning the '-'on~tltutlon anti l)flyinr len t-ent,., nl· ctcr. •· g new 11tudcnu to look da.u"'<l and old on~ tn frcl dl,ljJ.!U'"l••tl. As tbi-t Uterh.-.:1 nr lli)P11UI~ is Jn· t('Utled to s how true lli)Pft"Ci:lti(Jn of 1.aerit. ~·e woultl SU)tgc3l tb:n It w o ulcii"K! •·ell to cU~P"m~ "'ith it< uu· ti1 s ome Htliog t·•cl~I&'Sinn. ----- Thla Column leJ c:heerrully dt•c"lic!:lh•,l h ., the «life· st~min:uion nucl Jlromulg:Uiou of instructlon to tbC) re.itllng puhHt· In ~ut·h $Ubjetts general lntercijt ~.!l t.'tiqt.u··th~·. ~ lltK·htl cuhore and modern nlanner.. A Scnlor- Xv. it i!l neither J,rc;,pt,r nor ri'Jbt to n·N:!i\·e l~o>':tl tellers from one girl "'hile ut lhu!!Dme tirnl! you t'n: iu t)4)S!<!C8~ion of :. rina: wblrh yon in· tcr-.._1 for anoth••r airt 'l'he fae:t th:t.t yQu ltnve not t•1Jt•r("<l it SO b ur )!el. df)C!f UOt :\Iter tho Cft'k•, ~\'tm if then ' i~ 1~ c1uul.-t in yo•-• r mind as t() wht\tb~•· s hu t\ Cl'C(H ,.,.m it. Mr. 0 --w -•.- The ,.,.NO th::.t. you refer tn itt c·ithcr "l_.u,·e m e or: t.iule. J..o,·e me long:" "Mit.u wa.nlil but J..ittle he~ IJ(!.IHw.'· PuJ.zled Frnhman.- Yes: the t!mt•raltl is the re · 1-..rc.!lbOICO..t.. whHe the KrirHI~tOII l) L-. CfJII:\IIy 0.'1 ::t.paltuprl:\lu rnrtbu.Junim':!l. ·rhe S.•nio rij. ow in~ to .'jOmo tlclic:n•y• 1t1 rl!~nnl tn th" I'Uiltttr of h:wing lhc~ir birtbdn)'8 nwutinntod, ooguin'<l birth·,H<HIC of the b:,\'C IHtl c•hu!en 0110 . THE NORMAL I'OINTER. • 6 A maid~~~ etlho•·ln..,~iel <'I obe Polottr lnr '118 and .... l'lllltd on u. belore ~•IQII for Maoli<OOit. wb•1'tl loe lolood• lo Uok•• lhe C..'lvlr·lllt!O<tl'lll ('n\l,.f (llrllrmn IIH> t1ub- O. I mnsttell yo" whal un• of thu rluh·buy•"titlllluY 11lrl (i.nRrrllpl.iu•) -"Why olun'l you <-•II '\. ·::_,~~;;;;;~~====~~~ ,n,.:••·:. rut Sl"~walt.-r of \Y~np:"'- a. avu1ber of tho uf~ twqnf ut \'l!thur~. iutpec.·h~l tbft.eb<w•l for MW. trol da7• t'rlolaynomnlng. Sept. tl, be favunotlll• .... wil~ '"' lakoft4tl~l!l•l.k. ' ,,,. 'ftonlo .-cialioa. ,.lokh .-117 d - •·~ "~'~~""'"' ualll •Pflor. anti rl... lod olll<"fnl 'nty. &1'9. Pl'ftltkot. G . E.l'ul<et: -rotary ud ,.,.,...,..,. l'•lloh IIIII; .._.._,;.. «l•mllle. Prof. ~·­ K !!Hhrl<l, J.., Barry""" J . W . Stloooa . bas""'' :\If"-,., ....... ll..Cti•nb h.M • ·hb-_lmwn t.u tf"U'h Wanu•tl. A ,..,rter dl~ c.o Towne -1 c--<~~la Sebo>col .. ,......, Wl'<l-'-.7· ""' tS. '1)1. "'"'' . . atte-ndant'\• uf "NU ""'''>'· Ur. (..11•"'· un{' ot lut J'Uf''• •lar rvutbo.JJ ph\Jf""- httlll whhtlrown tn teat"h. · Manln Nt•l"'lth, a f•>rmer gnuluatt'. vhh..,._l n• A f~w 1la1• wbu,. nn h\-. way t~ hit IC'bnol al Sta r I .a~· JO<o4'Joh lla~ ... r l..1..1 Ill II thO "I"'RIOI! nf IM .:huul JMr llr. tsalc•r I; tHchrr of • ie:nt"e iu the )lriTIII IIIJih l<'boool llr. Phillip Knl ...... toM oll~l• ........,. .• "'I'"""'"'' :tll \'"H in clw ~panl•h Ar~riran war. W:\._1 wh h U'C duri•JIIht• 1"1 ,. •• k · Wrt M ·4·a'"'4l \n l..._tDtiLSr t>llua-Nnw. tet me ~. J1Nlr ••me ~~ ~1r Jkar. i" h nu l ':". Su•d.,nt ••No. h t~ ~lr Cruw " ••J.t-t tbl• liUa. nntf' l't'IU1htl )"I)U, •bllppl"« Rl lhv llltuf\". Wh~n Jnta't'Y PatnutiM r.ur ad1'•tti"<'N. Sn tltal Wt• ''• " ~~ ....,.... •twrc." 1 \\ •ott"'l. \\'ttn\" •ilk wltkh Ct)t!'xpm, rnr"rl(.... H·• ·~•t-th . Ml• )t t·or n. 1t1ttllt ln.rni~ lll&t a ''"rt•ln ltml· e•t wu ••nk-d ~ he brna m&rrif\1 al way,!" M A_.,..,......,.llololfa lonoloall lori<IMot. ")lr R-berry n>'llbod bl• ......, oa lllr l(ridlroa u d bruioed h 1"\n•kl•t'&lllr •• TIM- l(rltlima hu Rut '-a rrp:~irtd ··tl•• ,.,. "-''-"-"'llut 1eara -.tudenu wM ha~e vhhi..l41 "" oro»"""" t:mona !;koorold. •:.oohu L. Jfoc;oel, lllar• oha TtftMey. J..•l• B. W00<l. )!....,.... ll""roy 11. t\chnli<kl. J nhn Clrhnto>. Howa rd Ctlor, F0111er II. Poll•1· Clt.rh W . JeukiM. Wno. Ha11110o onol Orin Wnud. ~~~-· ·rupper.lhe new mol of tho ort tiOP"rln>ent. It" R""hoo>to ool Pratt J..titute "' llrooklyn. Sloe bu IOIIIJIII In tho public ..~~. ol Ucnror anti In oloe SIAio Normal lO<'bool at Winona. )lion. Ml•• 'foppor i• ao <nlhu•iut about all 111\ap ponalnl•ll to art Ml· • Cloor:nu• Gerrl<h. whoOti«'Mdt Mit> FrM· <'01111"'..101&0 OIIJ1DIOUl;.... ............. ale.,,,..., to.-.. Or. Sai"Jrrnl's Pby.....,l 'fralolett--., ~t•h•••l ul l'an•l>rl•~· llaa. Miu G"rrlob It ol.., o.n \. orll>t whhlloo •lollo \\'1! aro ttlstllll wolrc>IJIO h~r •·•-be• ttt14.'hnul. rrnf. TRylur. nne of l~ oew mem'"-'ne nf ,ur fM-· uhJiot a Mnutunte of the l:flin~nhy nt l ru.Jian•. ha .. t1nnt~ aN•Iuate "'ork In the lh•1\"eN\ty of Cbit•a~ro •rttl llu ntarJy C'Hml•h•u_ l(l rhe ~tdln l ccturtt'l At lluJ~. II• lo.u opent t•lj~ht y. .n lo lllrlo So·ho,.ol ..·nrk highly aod ............. ... ,....,.,.,<1. Ml•• ('ella llaO"FII ft......-ls )(j,. Faddlt u .,,.,.,. rltor ol 1be prh llar)' dep&ltalenl ol U.. TralalnJ ""hool !>... ha• '-a <ilyonporrl- ol prl"'"'7 Ia· .,nlt'll<on al llea1ri.... Sel.. H<>r uporlen'" u Ia· •thuu• t'ftti~IUf>\ur hs..• bf.e• ~"•*•-".,.. Nbe hu ahu I THE NORMAL POINTER. ...~ «lhot or th• prlmal'}' dOfl>rlotCOt "' tbc N. \\'. Jouro:ll uf Jo:du<.'l:ltion. On Tues..lsy tnorninJ:, Sept. G, 1Ji• llttl'ie Heia, who ••~• bHca studJin~t I he •..._,l two yf'llrt at tb~ l"hi•• Coil~ of lJu.1h~. fa'f,trctl the smoot with lllruw mu.§it.•_ Her ~k.-..:tiult!f wcru dlflleuh brill· iaut :t.Ull .t'l.u•f'll IQU\ItAl prutichmt·y f()t nne so youn$f. 'J'b(" St·hool •howffi it" API'r'\.'<."iation h.r ea· thu.1i1utiu nl'tthUI'M' arad hH~ t(• b~ar her aga\u """"· ~ (i~tc uf tlu.: pl\.'ll-.:Utt t'~i!lll-' uf thr llNt month nf sc-hunl w"-' tl:~ •h•trt \·i~it uf )U"d ~u~-1ot'huan, thu • former «)'lllnft-..ium in ..trut'ldl'. She wt... 111 tlnh'er.J~I f,l\'urh~. :uHl whil.._. :&II wcr" ~·•rry that 'tb~ rlid uot rt'tntlllt with us "·e :~n• gl:ltl to 1-.uo~· th:lt tJae W a mttt·h lk!ltrr , ..J'Siti.lft i11 Chit.•aau. She will tak-e \IP h..-r ne•w U'drk ~.,_irlt ch..: .aruu etubusiuru we l.uuw 1i:n well .,r nM. r ;)lb~-. f ..:lm1· •• Ihe r:u•uhy or tbo &•hool vf Muti('Of lthh·~J:·• Jt:u'u tb'-1 t'ch,.ul a rsf't" mttji,-.1 trcst Sept. JO. Sl\~ pli\Yt:•l :4C\'t•to:t1 !'leh.••t•Uuns rront tuumory. all nf whl\:-h t~huwt.-"11 wh!\t :t t~torough r.rthl !lbC I,, ll~r tr~·hujqtM'" i~ fine. ht~r touch tirm. >~' nlrety. an<l ltur lnh.:rpret:uion ur r:u-e.;yntlltth)' o.tul nndern~od~ it1,c h '""3• an (-"'(Mc".tti•m til lw:..r ht•r JJt;l)" :u1t.l •·~.e h•<t(K' In h:n't!' mt~c"\~ fltlt•h "l'l"'•rtunhie'J tu h.t"ar tiM!: hcd uf nm~ir.• :\1i..;~ §fl 1-'f'aut ihtUy Nntlton."CI. Alkc tin.")tury. tht• ftt'W le:u~her nr tbe (in:Ull· m:tr tl••t.l'!U'lllll'llt i• :lltNilU.tU~ nf lh.:O 0i4Wt·~u. ,_., 1", ~::th• ~ur•ll:t1 :tll•l Tr·•• iulu~ S.·•l t~A: l)h .U. Unl• h·,· uf \\'J..••ttU!O) U, 18:rll. )ti""~ Grt•1{nt,\' ha_~t: Ut.UJ(ht "' .....,.n-c ··:all.-c, Minn. J•rhh'it-.,..1 or 1Cr&UlllUlr tcn.lln: 'n•1riK'Ic.r iu Minrtl':liM•li" dty !9ChMI.t; prin· ,.1 1 ~,1 uf ,\etiugtuu ~··hool. lth'\'t'l-'•, Cal.: m~th•t<l cuul t·rhic teat•b..•r. J~w Aul(l'1t;!l, Snreual: iniltruetor osopt\y. Jl"biJ wbool ,, rnrtunate io M"Ctlrlnlf ror this po!oilion a ma.,......b laia preparation aod caper· ien~. ~atunlay l.>HnlnK;. Sept. 1. ft l"('("ttpt\nn wu to the ne~· s utd~nts by tho r.u~uhy and old etudentt. lt atTvrtled ao eueUtot. npportuuily for ,eUiftg .:t.t"'lu~httecl, ftfl oppurtullh.J wh\('h "'IU UOl nfJiec:lt.od. The gyn111Mhlln was tul<'fnlly •ltl'<~taH:d with Rboult"i'•lor~ an•l llowe,.. }o'"ur lbe llo"'~~ wo arc ittdrb•fil to tho khulnua of r-rof. L..hinJrlton. ·.rhe ·pf'Ott1":'nl "'"" tutiru1v Jl'IHSic·al. Anwua lhu o\IR.llN!'f'j •l~r~lna tpc.•dRI naentiuu WC"re tttfo •lolin On ~tl''~l) anlo~ c~r )JI"'• ~rtlth and tbe sinl(ina- of )(r. A1la111 J)rny. \\'o holM! the ~eb..,.)l ycn.r will h111tl ((,. ,.,. many .,,·enu :u 1•lt"uant a.~ tbh. ·rhc difterent t•la.~~ nwt uuu~ually to elt"Ct otfl<"t!nt. Ser1iHr early thii year P·m!lteat. Jc."1'o..'k~ U. All'I08: vlce p~i•leut. t~tnR 1.. ~pnt.g•te: I!C!ert:br.)'. Jcnnh• Jrnni~: treMurer. Kudol1)h lat.okf.a:.; ter.ceant-Rt· arm"- Howanl E. Ura•uro. Jun\or-Pt\'SI\I~••t.. Jo~tmerWidroer: ,·ite--(trtahlenr. Uarohl c. (,'ul<er : •••cn!tory. Wihun G-11: t-•· nror. Adelololo Ln.hy. ~""" Y..r-P""id~uc. l'no<l c. lll·ot~e: vl<e· 1•rc..l,lt•IU, Allt·o l~ler-: ~n·t4ri. (irllce JJanna: trtuunlr, Parwln •·ouou.. t'l ....t·-Preoldent. J , <:•rfielol 0.\·ieo: ••.,.,. pn»iolt:n~ !tooth Wndleil(b: -·rflory. S•ltle Din.. n: tn.-35Un!r. J<•!u• '1'. Morttll. Tb~ Oratorirs\ ,.,..,H:II\tlnn bL~ e1ectf'ltl the follow· iuR n(lic'f•ra· l)f'•,ltlenl. I hJ\\'ard to:. Una.'-'lure: \'lc-~ l)n•Kidrut. MtUiic \\'ht!t"l(M:k: sc.·cretlir)'· J \\'!l~ll Fmnk s . SlJintllrr. lht< n~·· ttmf..-!t.!U)t' uf r~yt•hht· O'/.Y· b ;\ su·.~ochll•t .. ftf U berlin t' •Ue..t'-'· A. U. l6'0-4. He !tJ)ent fcmr .)'t':lr'!l .U.Kr:MhiAlll) ltlUtlcnt ln phlln'-"• opbJ: IH'Y'-'hulugy ouul '-""lllea.tiun. ~~h·lnJf tho eft:· gffi'o of A IJ. ntul A. M. lie l:>n~kl d,.,t lr tbo•Uni· n·"h~" .-.f Oms It:\, Set..• 3.'4 Jlrure,~•r uf p~rchuln,r.)'. l..atin aa.l poUti'l.":&l t>eunoeny. l-'rmu OmahA he \t'ent t.o til• M iehiJsn State ~nrm:\1 C4Jih'l(u At Y~'bte1i, Stin!ton: t~Mu~r. <..1ls..'4. 1-~. Ah· Tltu wort of chc A!'1oeiut~ora bM thl:J .)'t-3r bt."tn t•xletuh.,_l b> lh· •• all litcrnr,.- ronte•·., I)('C ''"-en :•ny "r· ~ .. Jution nr tbi~ ..:boo) aad IU,Y otluor ~'.'hOt'l•. T hl,will t"enlralb.e lhl' work anc.t Jen-;t1.)yscrenrthc-tt it. At os mt.,.,.11n.5{ t.cltl Oct.. 1. Jusr II'.....,, Cb!l!l. S. tJmneworth :t.ntl Mlc•hllel TltOrDlt!' wr:ro ~h~c'H-"'1' ..~tool t1e~ttn. The whl)f)l it u. t_. nn s.-.:urinJ( •• strnn.r a. h."'lm. ~lt.'."t:"''N. AtUC"C s.n•l Hou.&el\'onh • ere \Wu of IMt )"C~r·s J1minr tl~lat~n s';;1l then th•ntna.Mraled 1he:Jr abi1i1y M ur:uo.-,. anti loglchu'l, and t':trnt'-'d lhe plo(·t>J tlwy nt~w han•. """""'"'•"' proltstor of p•y<hulogy All<l ~· (..ater he SpeJit a )'dr In ···trmonnt ''Oitl·gt•, Wkh· ita. Ka.n~J&s. a• prof~r nf ,-y,•bblt•lt)' :\Ocl t>l•il· lhu •hort liRIQ ho bu bteo with u' I•» vro\'t.'(. bil rlllbt to the. pooitioD Rinn hlno. i11 ( ' uh·e~ity nf ~ innt~11 Sunenwr St'•boul. Air. ThOt\IIL" Iii & new M.udettl h> thht ••huul, hut Jn THE NORMAL POI NTER. Our @tltletic~. STBVENS PT. w. WAUPACA K.S. Satun.lay, 0<'1. $.-Tho .Sotooalt plllJ'<'I tloolr lir.tgamet•l••ltoroooon at Athwtlo Park. tbe ""'"It l><lng a a.core of 114 tot in fa\·or uf Stefent Point. P· n 'Ihol(ano<• w"" ''"""'' at t :lD I.Hrlmple kl•ko olf to !;blm•k on t!t•~•n• l'olot'o :~,.ro llno. ShlnH!k dowofd whhoul pin. A-. ~Ito lett IA<klo for too J•nl• lacltbcil .u.. olJ!bt yanh thR rial>& taoklo. Ste,_ Polot lamb! ... T . H...., pu tho boll (10 Waa,..,..·o :..'l·yanl lia•. R H<a""T mat.. lOIII' '""" lbroagh taclck'. He att ... pt• on<l ruo, IJ lbrowo back eight yaniJ br Murat. Boll ~~- o~er on dow01 on Wau.,....·a 4.'1·yanl lin•. llahvooa ~~-around rl11bt end tor lilten yant.. Amn tol· Iowa wllh ~llhtJanlt ~round tbe.tlamo end . Olf•lon I(OM around end tor eight yordJ. Stovono l'"hll "''"'••rect br<lld•n. Wodl•if!b mal<~t tonoblH: ball tea yanl• thru t~klo Widmer go<!$thru lin• tor II 7a nlo. Olfdeo II'* thru tacklo lor Om tou~h· duwo. Wurat ltk~• Jlotll Seem! II to 0. I.HriiDpleltlob olf to )lurat oa Ste..uo Polot'• 11-J.Janlllo•. boll lo adnnad ftlt.,.o yanl•. Hal<tr· ooo 1n11k• dhaa JONJ<lod ril(bt end. Jatoltloob awo awa7 arouad leh end and mskeo II liMo yard._ WJW<'kl Ill ~<~ 1!11*"' lor 61t.,.a ,.,..& By stoad7 plu the boll I• rarri..l to Wau.,..a•s ~>-rartl lloo. l'olnt luntbl..., IL Anderoon gvu boll ·r. Heane, m:a kH M'f'en ranla •round riaht t'Gtl n. n..oe,. !aokeo '"' around left eod b7 fake play. Olrltople attemvu lin•. Is thrown book tbn'e r•~•l• by Ameo. WaUJ>A<'a hon•ble.o. Sbowolt•r gel!! ball ood maktoo Hltt"'" rord.. "ouva•·a nuw h<•ld lor do•••· 'fbo boll it eow •·arrle<l down tb~ lield U> Waapaea'o III·JOnlllne. locl.i..,h 110"" t~ru Ia<'~ I• aDd .. <lowatd on Waupoo.-a' t l·.ranJ lloe. 11on• lo r-aJ led alter .,_, ntlouo .. ol ploJ. wit~ the boll uo Waupaea'o l·yanlllao. S..,... I too.... Secoad Ball. llurat kin. to Showalter oo 1\'oa· paea't •.ranJIIae. Ball 1o ad~.......S toe yanlo Woo....,. D'alteo ee~tral Jbort .-1Knlsht at· te.,pb line and I• l.......t boet ,.,. r•nl• by )lorat 8t•-• Ud J..lt1tdJ. Ball .._. go<IA Uftr 01> Waopooa'o l!$.701'11 lloe and llalni'OOII ....,~~:.,. ..,...n<l tou<b· down. Goal Is kl<hd. Store It In 0. Waupa<.,. ltklao otr 10 Murat. 'J'bo balllo atoadll7 ""'rrlod up tile lleld. OJI•Ien l(oU •way oa Wo•.-•••• 8/i·yard lloe an•t Jlot'• a roouut lelt ead lor a tollclo· •••••. c:o•• k-~<l•k•"· Storr•s . foro..,,;,.. J)Jrlmplo kll-k• olf, bat 11 DIOfl'l 14 calle<l bfgu n. M the ro<tii<'Ol at tile Waul"'c. bora tM ...,ood baU wu nat do•• ,, too mluutn.. The boJ• pl""od plueky bodl but ,..,... ••llrelJ onl· ~uonl. •·or the Yblton. Aodenooo dld tpleodkl tatltll•ll Tbe tollo'lriaJ '• , ... llno·op or tba , _ , Storeao Polal H. S. \'an Gonlto ............. c .......... .. H. Aoderaoo Skl-'t....... .......... rg ........... c. Anllo...,.. ,..,• ....,.. ............... 1, .............. 11. wn.... Widmer .... ....... ..... r 1............G. Whltn~y w••.,.... w,ooelo.l.. .............. l t ...... .......... w. Brolt O!cd•n.................. re .............. T. lleoney Hal'"non, A ............ 1 e ......... .... F. Stl'l\ttooo r..kl~b ................ rll ..... :": ...... A. Knft~bt Amtt, M.......... . ... I h ............ .. lt. Jleen~1 Wa<llelf!h . .............1 b ... .... .........I.Hrlmplo Murat, Cape ... ......... q II . ............. Showa lter tt.r....... Mc<;,..l<ill: umplno. t;pladlcr: llmek..,per. J U. Ameo. ------ Oo Awg. 101M At.blede AJooc:lotlOG belli lt. lnot•t· at •llkb tile tollowl.,.ol&owtowaN•Itd lor tloe lrot tom: P....Weot-Cbao. A. H. IA.age. llc'cl'l!lary- Aretie s.-11en:r. Tn•a•urer- A. IJ. Shimek. •;•oeutl .. CowmiUe<>-J. H. Aonco. ehalrman, l'rof ~plndlor. ('h.... Houoeworth. Manrtlt'r M. A me! h_, thuJ far accnrctl tfl() fulfow· Ina sc•unnt: 0<•1 6- Wau.,.... ll S. (practlee J!Dme) at Stertno P••tu& lkt ll-O<bk011h Norrual at s....... Point. ll.-t H - l.awf"n.. liol<tnltJ&t Stereu Polnt. Snv ' - Hipon Col~ otl>tenno Pnlat. !<lov. t-O.~k...., No nul at U.blo.o.oh Nov !111-\\llll~•nter !<lormal at Wbltewator. Wahn M11rot bu to...a f'lect.od ..,ptiJJ) ol tho Rrot fl<o\On sn1l ChiU &. ) l r l - or the k'<Onol. THE NORMAL POINTER . '01 NOTES. 'J'h<' t ·)~M Letter. \\'hi('h hM 11\.-.'U t•hri'nt'(l the 1-:nl')'clit:al b.J ':fCJlU~ ;unhitlnu .. yumh. 1.. nu h" "'•Y t"<'jnh:oln&. f~t Nt'h HIW WJU) tt"t'Ch't'~ il ~.,_n-•1 it etA vr•llnptty, for We art" all s.n;c.lnn'i fur unr turn"' tn Jn :l _,.,...- ' \vay v.·o feel mhl"f" of a'"'''4.""hip ~·hh thu hon••T'IIt'Y mcmtwr Ht nut' da-• ·v ~'"" ll''""''lllltlnn. !Jt.iiM-~ ·b~• J.4 nut. tlt th'.! tllfj "'('boot tbic. )"t'!llr h flo~t'lnOL tiltioa . .&in••t w~ :U'\.~ rml tlu:flt dtlwr. :l hutne...kl.. lr.tC"k tn Uut "'' ba,·•· frt•l:ug in uot .!'>l't'inJ( l1t-'f" whf'lt we• tiH J(H \"i"iit W e hntH' illhl• "'ill hMtl WI rt,_":li6u lu 1'\.'ll' ct the c.-ba.~. :111nl yet "unwthll(!:!& '' i..h w ... \f'("n• a11 back there togrlher A fet~t· meru~rt ur tb'" <"ll"i tA':.n•h•r••d 1-:,c.-1~ 1n lk"f\ "l\"' tbinaP stnrtf'<l ag:lin. •itbnm uo~. 4 h n hit h:~~nl for thtm. tu••· ttl M.'C huw ("&!Illy il W:t'4 elm••• 'J'Iwy found no plat'f' to Jl.t(IJI :..nd "4-:t,Y. :ln•l feh clno.>' l1:ul .,., part i o th~ a•·tidty uf th,. .,.•hunt Uut clu•s •·n· joyrtl vi,itiDtr Uy tht• 1:1ilinK oln•l JII:T• ..tJIIIIU' iu tlw haU.- tblnJ{~ oo ~lli.tlenl tla.rta ''" Au,J ah ..y 1\1"•) e njuytd gh i1tg quautili.,~ nf un ... uag)u :uh i rt• lu tht•1r iiiC~ the ' ti\•f"!ll Ann•njf tltn"'lt• frnnt nU l of tO"' D WJtO W«tt tbr~ WtN ('Jtuke Jcu~ir.-.. rna Skau·oh). }'otttr l'oUcy. Wm U:lu ...uu :&n•l t\~11· DOth Pray. Tbe uperieol"ee <~f the ~oten There "'"'an oc.~aJloaal tlign:gJon. lU"'8 Eute ~IWDt :ktlclightlul ~urumttr iQ tbee:ut whb )liq: fun-uity. TO THE ALUMNI. Since chc rn.-w A-"-"l~tinn hM St~n tlt ... t•l('t'f an alu1oni Nhur. th_, l"lhnr wnuld li ke tn 1)1• JN,rft<•tlJ ii'Dt»flial ill 1: u Uiit•lm~ uf tlut\.(oo4 inuth•C'\1 Uut ""~riftl\"f' hu !oltuWU I hat ··~hlllHIU'<'f" \11 l(t•n~r':ll do noc ta'ke ;-. hnrning iurcn·""l in their V:SII~· and ('Ctp)' is rorn-spundinaly h:u"l u• M'<'nn- Th.e pn--· ent iDetull1Wnt \fDiild ''t•r:r IIUII'h lUo,t• hi f'Ub)i~h t'a.:oh nH•nth rwt(tS from ~:lt'b of the c•la'''''~ wbi(•)• h:u t J('ted. Nnw wiU ttot •II mt.•ntt,.•t-• uf t•:whriK-•<i ~'l"ntJ 4U)' item l'>f hUctnl t.'(tnt•t•tning llu• •·la,... ur =-qy Jlt~mht.•r uf lt. to I he :.lumni etlit<U'~ i\ l~'htnl ran) "ill dn, tliN.•t•tt••l Ht !au at Hhu~t..·lantlur, Wl"t· ("0•5ln. ~t)IUC!, 9 durioa tht- ''"('• ~·m mnntb.s ··~nt l'llarat•tetiu-1. io tb1•, I\,\' uni· Mn~1msa worthy •:\(i.-J )h.oCt:athio \"bited io Jodiao-L Our ""'C' 11l"W1tltont t.f..-lutled innO<'t'nt fanuer'll lnhl bot•"" bnyirJ,5C tbt\f ne\~er will resc.l. Jt)fln Karnopp cri..-.1 ra11r-.•:lllfnt. bttt we POtiC4.! he i.s haek on the ~rhtlmn t"V:Lt·hiul( ~team.. Our pn.o:titlt:nt JJtettt h\s ti1uu f•rntlnK. Kt•ooecb Pray tt.l•n c-bitt•'ll JU:t~u)• (JnhU» Hf inll•n.•st in the t iHl 'l'ho of U!f \·ariec.l th ~ tnonolfmy by 1att Ot.,•aslooal vlsir to th~ i:'V\Ihtty ,,, otht""r 1"iltl n."t·rt•nllon. Nnw we &rl' all wmtHnR whh two diOl•·•..llt t•ruUlum•. One la tllc American t:hil,l. wbu b tearfully &tul wonderfully made. 'fho otlwr Is th~ mf·t~&IJ~ oft~ ce~tehtu··· life. Aft1l we bo· llet·o :111 am rnJuring the feeling (If e"hUaratlon \c.'1wh" "''"• ""'' aiUrereat he.or.irocuuunt" supplies. ALUMNI. ' l'C.1~ j{ntiUal~ O.N tlui;s:t5(: -M:IIit1 U:ar•·y - gn,de work. Phillip•·, At "" U Urf•wn- lli~h ~hoot t,l • itt.-1. \'irol.:l C.:.ain- (fr:umunr •lt•pt • 1-""'ain·bil t::.' \\'J1nt IIIU' '"""' Jnliu!J. W tiY•n- P'rindual. fitield. ll••":&nl C:.•h· - t:ri&Uim:•r tl~pt.. ~""illume. ,\$(fJC!to Oitr:tiiHtl H. 1&1t~ . 0 M"ef111l Eudla l-AJCJebut"'(\'r- gnnlc work. Sbeboypn 1:1,u·u 1-A.rlto- ft ~ aljt .. \\rest Snl<•1u M:'l "-·1 t:'•·rhsnl-cnule ,._,.ork. F;Lit'chlltt J-:.otwln M Gllhtn- U S. -.nt. lbywunl Jr 1hn c:rlnun - Gr:tmma.r dt-pt. Seiii"'·Ht.,. ( '••n• llt•llruiMj- gtst.le wMk.. Rhit~~lltntJ t•r. Guy ff1unilton -l'riuri~l. Oownlnsc. Won t: llonoiQo- H S. U)<. , Modlord. Jo:~.ttaer 1.. Ueezul - (inu.tHUkt depe .. Rhihcl:ln•l~·r. <:l:trke J~u kin!ll -)•e•lrwlpal. Dabt""'"t<'k. J ohn t\;trnf"•PP (i•·ummar tleltt.. )b.nh,..w•"· ;\li<"e Kt·lt"hnm -(tnutrmar tleJU.. JniL (: •• ntun Killi"CfC'r- Jn lhc employ or the\\', C. Ky. l,t_··l:• ~1 \-<.'l»hoflll-(irad e work. \\'tl!Ohtmrn s. 1-:liT.abill·th M c-Oooald-U. S. as~t .. ~""" J.t.. oon. 1-Aiith Mar..h:ttl-l~rade work. ~ecul\h. Fu~ttJI' U. Pflllt•y- Prinelpal. Ablx.u~tHrtl , K••,Hll'l h l)rny- l\lanager of an art o:rhihic. t-Ahul S111nrt-~racle work. Shebtlypu. lt:ltl'cy Scbotil'ld- ttriuclpAI. Wan!an. t-:,uu•• Skan·oJd.-- U. S. tvill •• \\1aapea. Glen A. 'l'yler- l'rlnclpal, l"'yal. "' • .,. Ynonl(- l(rado work, MadiJoo. ' THE NORM.'\L POINTER. 10 T1oo tiRhlb Tt'lUlloJ( d.,... not ,.,.,... the -•ltr to """'~ forth with o1t0ro tb•o U.§Ual h\tiully. \\' uuM nut a "''"lew of rxch.anJtt':fl. whh Ju•l t'ritlt"lcm~. tlu tuore fCOOtl rhan a rolumn uf ropt~l jokt't! SHt all edlton are lw•rn a iuJ ur Nyt'. anti toD<o("'tUC"tUIT an~; not ~pahlu lurulohlojt 1i1.rrlruent lo r all ,.,3tltN t:•. -.....--- "- llothtr -·-<.'horllt. you ..r.trou had ~D to Sun· SthMI." l 'h•rlle (whh a lar-ow•y ltJOk) ••l;o I ha•·•·" llutlwr--••Jhn\' dews it h"Pilt:'ll thAt your baml_j •uo~ll fl•hJ•' ' Chartr., -"1 ram«l hunoe the l<Jmdoy School pa· pcr aacl tbe ...,t•kle "'" all about Jnellh alttl tloe wloaw." t:,C. t iJ)' We wi...ll all our e'(t•hAn~'"' a. t•''"'ll ·n•ut Yt!l\r. "Tb.e mao wbo ne\'.-r ma•lu a •nl'4t!ikt'i ln hh lif•• oo\"er nuu.h11 anJLhina ci--t ·· Tile Radio![rapb trom the> II l aooa 111~1\ :;.loool b a - ucluoa~ •~l<b •• ""~Ired t~n>aRII tbe thtdctwl ot llr R~udi~r. • 11lf"mbfr or our ("la,.sf; of tll8'7. n..,... •era piled Ia l011rflll Wlftk. Thootranger roart<l whh ~I.e. Ho tho l'ullnoun uti hi• aerk- · "Which down lothat!" ""''I h•.-t:x. ••••hod ·n.e Con:m•-e'lt"t!manl num.ber nr the f.aku Uroe:7.e tame lO n1 duriag the ! v-.r• tion Sot ooly 1.t It •ell I)GltOI"'btor a ad hoanol but the roat•al'f aN uceptioully rod Tile paptr olo.-o <""lit to It& tdlton aod '"" ..hoot oboftld !HI prot><! at it ~ .... wloo \1'111~ for eo-hill to· turo up. ....nyi!Dd• it wbea he ........ nn ......... hoop. .. ;. ao oklaod truthful •JIDJ. Whu o<or lo~ of a ll•tl..._ llleleM man f!t'llhllf ahrl>ll In thi• bu•y world! •leD value 700 UJOU vA1uo yunnk.•U an•l a~ you appear. E.-ceyouo l"l& out of th<! r.,.d lor a JD&O who waats tbo "rlaht of ••1" hu lni"JJ:"" to tile fro11t.-Stt>dcato' K~portlntr J•mr'Ull. ••Let'• look: at. tbo tt•chaOKt t"hllHnn: ch~re •re the hiDOJ tblnp. •• W&J t~ 1&1~4(1\'c f'f'fll&rk h~rd wblle & baU dot.en tuu.I•DU "ere lo,ukin~t O'\·~r ...-,me of our a.xchanget 'fbll t\'llnar\. t"IUI'K."tl thf• };"<.. ehaDJO ~:.Jitor to ...k 11111>>4111 whtll hl«luty n•ally ill. SoCM tlme &a'O it WA8 an ettahJittlw\1 t0410Dl for ~h ucluoage 10 ~pr ) '"'"' otbor u..tuec-... n;, ..w1alaly noade tbe •ork ...y. aool •uh Jo4.• wet~t tbe I:'001Ido of the otloool !laP<'" A 1100<1 jo!.~ h ... )or-1 bJ all. blot it pt• " •talco. " to a ....,..,. • •tmt "\\'bea JOU It !tOW a tloi&J, to look I that JOII luxow h. u•l whee 100 do oot know a thl.,, 10 all- thai Ju• do ""t kDOW h ; tblolshowled~"..O,afllehts, ••\\' i<ldnnt lt ofcrb on~r wbtn wo f)t.OOp than wtwn we ..-•Ar." \Vord••ortb. "A •uutul tll•;:rotlou I• not 1110 1nut•h hu.lll·alocl by n••\'••r 1nRklng a ntlftake. a• hy neYetr repoatin• h.·: Uo•ee. " If you wut to bo '<'ell lafcmiH!d take o !laP<''· a p&P<'r of will II•• 700 oome ROOd poi ala. " If 1" •aat to I(Ot tbe poi a to Ia the t,.ppaolop ol our odlool lo '""" a ..alft' tloatyoo woa'l H:'d plo point• t.a tako tloe Pvlo-. pi•• t:••• ,..,,,_them We alr..dy ha•o a lonjllil\ ·~IJA:thon tile list ~ •• ul \ itlu~hl<lro moot oltbo l>e!!t ocbc>Ol papera. It will ll<> lotcl't'ltlo!f. and l'"fhapt lnotnocll••· to ,...... what oth•r ...,hwlo a.., ~ol•fl ud •hat t"-'lr p&paro lt.,.cl our e.chonp. or ttach:a.ugc" anl1 will , , to """Ilk<· ~uul,.nt tn.n•lallng- ·-T'hl"t!'ft timet r tried tn put n•J erns• arountl her ntck.'• •Dd \bal I• &a far u l l(ut r,ol. lont~rlly)-••Thotl• larenOUj!h. Jle ..otetl, •1r.·• ... £s . ..l~~nkn' buytn>el...,ll -"1 loaveaa kt .. lloat J tan'l u _ h .. TfS!·ll--"Wcll if r• ..,.., ...,._ tc....t itbJ fn"4bt. dwre'• ao bo"J t<.r IL.. _.~& . THE NORMAL I'OINTER. II Trainin~ Department un,ler nuh••r lii'·ti~•u•"4•1'' :tulna-e•. 'l'l•t1 buil1lit11it ill lh\! IJhtl-c lhen.o. l•• ch•• tnumtwt' the fttrenen U\of tht")' bstl 1211ult! ll g~at mi•tak•. The,•t• were ....,,....,han the binh: tbcy ate the gr.ll~ till tbern f~lintr '"" h•nllyshJitft. ••f tit~ A.l.ldltinn 4."1lU'<'~ gn.-:tl dbturb,·uu:•·· t•ipct•i~t.lly rrimary UAtl IC~I"W'tJi:Ue ~-III)IU.!J. •ml lht~ tb4t .. \\.• !ln• all .:ning bJ l.tJ(I'h> ,.,.m.'' hln ~ •1('0, th\! .-.ljthluu:ut ••f rw••m"' ~nd pul.~ urf df't"•ra· linn antilt h~· n•••\"t• hi\.,. he~n Tht• f'IUit'f"-'t! u( t..a<·h~n ft&hl pupil' 1111•kr th~...e t·un•lhlnn.toad thr~J)i rit with wJ1itb they hs.\e bk••q HI) the "'ork '"'•. Then.~ :trt• tW\!'Dt}"·lbn:\.1 J>uplloe In the l'rhn:try •"'-•· ,,arununt under the dt:li'J:~ of )Ulf.t nur"'ht•t·t~ Mi.... t'otddfs'l-4lUl<Ceuor. A new fnturc of tluo "''Jt'lr.. in I hi .. f'OVan il'l th.t incroduc·tiun of S.pee-r'lf. mcthu41 lu Arithmctit·. All \\'ho ttrc irue~ed in bi~ ilh•n._n, to Ute pn.":M.•ntatlon ol ntunl~N wilt wi"h w '''IUt•h the wnrk, ~""I \hH~" \\'Ito :arc rmt will lin• I An Inter• e....t by "'tt'hinR the little ~~J,h•'-" C'<pt"rinJ~nt'lfl Wilh their hi~..M.·Li. ~wing a.ntl URl\lrv wnrk an· ..,illj.( un tl4 u"ual. a01l io ~htl<'t:tion whh 1ht~ 1:tth.-r w.. nulie-e an inte~tiag ~tl•fr f'C'C'nrcl ~ll·n~o·in~ the h·lllpt!t:Untl•, moisture. dil"(!r('tiuu ,,r wirh.l untl ll•'tl· rnl ubser,•:ttiuo.:o~ ur wnther wn•litin n ~ . The Jntt•rmc.liatu •lelr.&nnlffit rt"gi ...t~r... f••rry·f•llr pupil~ shcL~U .,r whnrn :u~ eou:rinst tbc• tr.tlnmg •l~p:tnuwnt fHr the tlr:at titut•, c•m11iDK '"'"n ••tlwr ""'ht.Jii;l• l n ch.. •·hy Xn ~ped:.ll ~"' rt~ u·~ lmn~ ltt•i•o ltunwlurtrtl io thii •leJ):lrh;;•• ,IC tbh y -ar T•·•;. • tw \\'hru the Jlt!Oph: wnuld JlO t..1 the tn.-e:a thewunnt wuuhl•trup utt •HI Ch\! 1wople aud acan, tbom. Oau •I:!)' U IU:III t'lt.IUf: "'itb 4 \~~~n f11JI of a!~ full or ltinl:t. J'lu:n ho u~ned tb~ <"•«e• an•l tho blnJI dew tu chu cn•t• .. •ud at~ lht iDSHU. A11cl tbhc. ""' tbo m:tnk'tl Almira and btrd-t 1!1a11gao Joog 1he ptwt"J)tm· tl10nJ(It1 tltt!Y wure prwi·daallim. Th~ t.,_ JIITt'CJUI•t famH!rw h~\·cr kut~•• th\! birc:lt ag•ln •• MYkoS Mox;;. TIIF. BIICU~ Oil>' KILf.INGWOtri'U. ...n.e ranut'narUitucl Ki111u_gw1Jrtb ··~lin«· 'J'his tut-"cthtl! Wa_j b~ld l~usc uf tb_, bints. The t:,ruwr.-4 \\'\.'ret 80 )tinJt,J' lbAt they 11o'OUid Out let lb8 Uinli ht&\'U ~t ft•w h:uuUuls of gralu: 'J'Imy •lid not .., .. ,, tu think ur the. guotl the bii'J!ji diJ. how tht•y :uu clw wu&·m"' •nd klllod the buc'J. Ac lhl• OJt."\'ltnJt thl! St~fiHur or ...l\unl tt-aeher u•::ul~ :. !IJIC~IL. pk•adt.od aut. w kaTe tha binJ• L•lh'tl. btu tin- f.armcna t~n1.Y' laUR;bod ottd :IJlfit.'t" wu u.., uif._.n_.. l for tht h~~fl "' uf \'NW!II. 'flu.~ win~ ut Cikt ft.tOif'nt Chot lhe !J.C.'hf)OI Lqcobcr w:Loi ri"br. hinloe "'C~ e~ting chft,. i(tJiin tlwv batt :' mt•ftinf( , 1-ir.-..t came d1e :4ftlthl'l uf lhr \'ill:t«e. thru clw pn••u+h · f! r. th~n the tlt.:ftl'utt, tlwu th.r l,n!n'pU.I.r, :.u.t otltt."l At thi" nwe1lnR rhe tt'huol tt-a<>h~r uhl "How,• .n J t('fld& tht t•blltln!tl tbat it •roar ~· km tho birlll( whel) ''"''' r~,th.,~ were killinc cbe birJ-.. •• Th\! ~eutt ,..IJrinJr the \\'Or"'' •nd boJ(.. .-w .. ,, o,·.,ry· chin.. l'in:•lly the farnwr. .-aw chat th~y wertt " 'UI4lC· So they 5E•nt frnan . ._!..A•ver t•~h;a\·e blnh lJrtJugt•t io -.--:.s;:e-1 Tll\111 t bey k't tbe LiN~ r~~. Almira wac :1 youngloJy th3t suggi1!$led that th• :J11 of cbe fernH'nt bl'l1uvl h::h'ht'r mskt1 a 8t>eecb when rht•y h:t41 a I.Oel!t• "'lmh.•-.. ""PnMIUl"tion \\Ofk tlurw by tlu,• ~itth ~·· Kt::a;tinl( da..'lfl...' gh~n IJtof,m•. We· jth·c '""' .., ... r·it•oe that a ("'CJUSpariiiOO wc:.y 1-N w:ult!; •·l ht"o when the r:t.rfWI'f'4 of KHii~wurth tllut thu All ol tltt•m dt'\•ltlt!•l Cu kill tht' bint.. lHII Cht• tm•· (~ptor. and ht (llt-~!ecl \'ery luu·d rur lh\' hi"'lj,. lmt the rQI'na&nt unlylaugiH.. . . I at llim "'o cb.- f.srmt•rw Wt•nt uut and btoRan killin~ &b._• bird ... Tllt'y lrr;~l)l killio« the bird .. uncJI t}u~r•• \\'4'rt' \·••ry n In~ un'l tl<.oc.·ht~l co kill all tb~ b;r&t. t"h., nett d•J :lht•r tim binl!!t wtra bn:mgbt back W:t!l Aln~ira's wtd· inJ( c.l:ty. ~hu wn.. co m:~.rry tho &chfHrl tt· On thi~ •Illy they .-..:wg mort jostollttban .over bcrore. •• J~r..ORA RK"nJN. \ SPALDING'S FOOT BALL GOODS. Gi.OYB and WRIST SUP· Watch this .space PORTER issue.'Wd by H. B. CONJBEAR, Tr.U.<r, Unlv<nity of Chlcaeo. The back of the baoul i• protc•Ned by a piece of solo Jea_the.r aod any s trnin of t ho wris t ill avoided by leather iUrllp SUllporler. which rorrnS the upper part r:c!·~~J'?.t~·be1.:::.'~:'ddil:~ 0:uin~:'lJ:t~~ were biJlbly commendt.'(l by t he p1::Lyers. ri~~ro~~:!~~~:c~~oot. lbU I,anl$ Made ror ln,\·e Cane Strlt)!l tor protec•tlon of tbigbo. FOOT BALL BELTS FOOT BALL JACKETS SHIN GUARDS EUR riC SUPPORTERS DEAD DAR~ESS NOSE IASKS and t.werytblng of!C.(!SSa.ry ror tho equipment. of a JOSEPH GLINSKI, Leacling Me'r chant Tailor. Shop Northe:an Corner of P,ubllc Squaro: 306 Moin Street. S toven$ Point. Wi• . -E..._c. ELLIS, toot ball t>layer. Soaldln2'• O!fklal Foot &U Guide for 19Cll, l!aitcc! by Walter c.a,p. Poi« IOc. s,outh S·icf~ To.f!!IO'I'ict.l A..•r tist. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1200 Dh·ioioo St,...,l. U•corporu c4.) NF.W YORK CHICA GO OSN\!£k Uaod•oc"e Catalo1116 of Foot B.ttl•~~od aU Athlu;c. Spon. ft~ 10 uraddr~ I. C. NEWBY. - IU:A LE.R IS- Fancy and Staple ~roceries, Tobacco and Coeara. F i n• a Speolah)'. Flo"r •nd Po•d. DRS. C. VON NEUPERT, Physicians and Surge~ns. Olllco-417 Maio St. 'fel. 63-2. tOOl DhiMI.e Screel, Muth SJd•. H. C. :MOEN, . - I)EAt.F;R IN- ~ingsburry,s Grroee11y. llesidcnco-412 Ghurch St. 'f•l. 88-3. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour and F aed. Tel. 110. 817-310 Cuork Street, corner ol 'fhlrd. Ste v-ons Point. 'V'Via. ~ W. H. TROWBRIDGE, The Right Goods a~ ·the Right Prices Always. Shoe Dealer. 181 ( ;hureb Street. South Side. SOUTH BID/A. The E. FRANK FRUIT STORE. Fruits, Vegetables, Confeclionery, Fresh Oyster$, Cigar$, Tobaceo. Etc. • Between Che:ap J ohn·· unJ Kubl llro•. • H. J. URBAN, Tonsm·ictl J>m·lm·. ~18 StronJ!5 .obe. !;&eveM l'oint, Wi~. Boy•, a:ive me a call. G. w. C A.1"l~. 0. )f. 0Afll- CATE & DAHL, Attor ne ys at La"VV. Oflice over Cltlttns National Baok . HOTEL DEWEY. V. . N~l.on, Jl-rop. Division Street near Wisconsin Cen!ral Depot. 'l'•l. liD. ' Mrs M. E. Phillips-Moore's MUSIC, DELSARTE AND DANCING, POLITE TRAINING AND . ~~~~:~.~~ .,;~:~~:.:.· stev-ens Point. VV1s. l$1!i:ASON OF IS}OI·R. I..~He-.s 1~nd Gentlem••n whu i1•1t•nd tu 1:'"'"' •hi~ S<"hool whh ch~i r :tUcncltw•·•· :tr•• f"''i lllrStc.l tt• t·;•ll :l' e:.rl~· ~$ t.'ilJl\'eni,mt. anti i r 1•uS!iblc bcfu r.., the l.Jc· stinning of the c1:t.SM':t. \\'ill rent rvcun~ (,Jr ;;d~r·t. 1-.arciea: ur \·lulls. MRS. MARY L. l.JOLLOFF, Ml$S KATIE! CURRAN, Leading Dressmaker in City. ~tylo and Fit (;u~ret'''~t. A u:dnt.ocl •-'~"i~EAnt in ::&W:nd:UJf'~. 416 ~a1n. F. W. GIESE, Jlhwch nut TftUor. f.· ;M 1:11<: of S.~~olltpk~ r.f IA.Ii«' Utc-,,CoodJ •I~~,,. it~ Stock. •··""""' ' "~ l~ • ~• t~)·l·~ All wo•k cu~'"""too(.d. l;!:J~! l)h·isinu ,rt., :;.Hifll S i.Jo. ~tcxcni J'dinL J•··"'"~h.~ )t',!;j ~ht~ic·~al :St ~...~ng 3 A \ 'COUt'. St~\'ett." J,nlnt. WI•. P. WOZNICKI, -bl~A.l,Eit: IN- GC""u .-1 K~pair;•lt P,...(ltly Ool\e. 8kyclot U..-uy. Grand Central Hotel. c .. hwr ll u;;r"" AU Mt•d••rn ,\(..·ommotl:uions. [>•·h'u n~:,S~• nabl c. Cornt!l" o f Chnrcb :1nd Uit>i.sion S trt."tl:t.s. call. H. K. MOSHER, Fa.miltJ lfptici·t tn. M. R. C. KRIENKE, Jlie,.cluwt Tctiltn·. ~ ~~ =-~h;!,!Jt~ J:~d1!~'raJ~sl.. :~~0: ~:~ ~~~~i~~~~eqt Ci~• me a I'll Soulh s'·'"~'· S.e"'eall PoitH . ),11COIIJlJI• South Side. JuOi;trnment:t nnct' lh.•l•:tiN.. 24:i ~- ~"l·ond .St- High Grrade. Bieyeles. RAte $1 00 Per Day. T~i ~ l'hun c ~ •· .'</t!J"CIII 'T'fllJII. K0BEL~. T. C. Bicycle Livery and Repair Shop HOUSE. ARLINGTON Street. (}ivt• mea c.·alJ. 413 NORMAL AVENUE. Gla«S~ 10 Order. Pri«'l' Reasonable. Ronms 4~0 Main St. Ro"m ::. Ground Dressmaking Parlors. 114 Church Stree;:---~ Patronage Solicited. MRS. J. 0. KNOWLTON. Advertise in .... THE NORMAL POINTER. Rates on application to A. J. HERRICK, llusintss Monager. / \ For Dry Goods, Clothing. Ladies' and Gent's Furnish· ing Goods, Shoes and Rubbers, try . KVHL BROS . -~-· We . make a. specialty of Ladies' dressed a.nd un· dressed Kid Gloves a.t 85c. /$1.00. . ~- Reliable Goods at Lowest Price.s. 401 Main Street, Corner of Third. ALEXANDER J, HELLER. M. D, Get in Line Physician and Surgeon. John•cn llloek. 'fcl o phon ~ IH. FOR._ _ .._ ACCIDENTAL VACANCIES. ENI~OLLi\'IENT nuw in the WEST- Stevens Point, Wisconsin . "VV. E . ~A.O~L:J:N" FLORIST. Chnk o fo' lowers nod Pln ots. Cut f lo wers n Spec· ialty. Bouquets :n ul Fun(!m l l>esigus. T cltpbonc S-\ ..'l. ERN T£ACH ERS' AG£NCY not <•nly ke•·ps )'OU inl-: rmc:d ol cha nges diH"inlo( I he yc::or, but ...--.tirl~s ~·ou to ser· nest s.. ~son. Fur particulars ad· dress 410 ~Ieven' ftoln.t, Wi•• M~CNISH. C. C . Anything in 5hoe.s. Under Public Library. MISS REDDING, S. Y. GILLAN & CO., - DE.Al. ER I N- Fine Milliner~ and Fane~ Qood~. !4JWioc:1msinS:., 422 JACOBS HOUSE S ) oc.k P"''' Leading 1-fotel in City. - -- ---- - - - - - F. ATWEllll )t ~;Cuii OC'h ~ ~ . Mrlin S trt.-t Units:~ y on htt\'0 money to wn.ste, fu n at. tho Big Dayli~ht Uuy clo:tk.8 ~ n tul "-' Store, Between Banks. t;hoh.·u i ll l1\rue. tit vc•·fr r t. t!ty le "nbsolutcly cor· rl•Cl" aod tho f•rh.:c J nst Uight. I . BRI L L'S SON . CO. SEE THIS! Drugs, Stationery, School Supplies, Etc. Give your ftet a. treat. W. & N~w shot~ MIS~ M. KITOWSKI, Ladtes• Ta11or. 417 •1 ~lain Sue•l. Normal Trade ~olicited. dou't co>1 much. ' Look <WH our new Fall Styln. KERN SHOE CO. , . t 'J' /'Ill; IJO.~ 'I'OS F . lilt. :11v .IJu.m .-;~.. <~r.H~: ~Al1AGE BAKERY •wr ~;, t 'r::,;·.'.'~;t:,v;;:,~r~~::~.! 'j,,\~',~.,\;:~~{c~::.!~~~~~,~ i:::,r~.i,•!: For a nice line of fresh c hoc· ola.t•·s an.J Bakery Go.:.ds. Mf>S. C. P. MASON T rlepluuH! :"11. ~ ~0. I J."; .'i1 ,·o ·· tl~ .frr. T.F. FULLER & CO.• ~uth ~idll D~~ Oood$ ~to~e. t...c1it:··.* ;u1ll (;~nf$ Shot-~ and Fu nl .. hinlo!: Goorl-.. t•rt•t•k••;,., ~liti'L'4WUt'1'. l"ruw•: nl ..i l tll'y ;.(H•I41~t. ~t•• H!tl. t•lillliiU~. (Uti..-. l'ft (J~ l lul iult "• 11UWMI"t". S(nUI1h•Wett'U :tmll••\~. \\t,, 11IJh l-1\f r V n CUIU pll'h ' Ui1d IIU•tn•thttn lill" u( tu11Huctfy . HlG" ~tuin ~t..- I S UAFTOX JOHN NORTON, ~rtN. 'fhlrd :>c. GENERAL REPAIRING Bkycle< and Guns n Specialty 'fhe Fisk Teachers' ·Agency BUCKINGHRM~ ENGBERRY , ~ •:Ill rtulrtAI1.o ILL aNCIDL' r . ~l»ul un u ~I F1REslo~r7SrTUroRuR lYi II. ...... •ll6 Fine Art .. lllg•• Mk loiJ!>III • • Agency recelves calls and. ftlls positto!IS every month in the year. Prompt st-rvice guaranteed. V: ~t' )>\:~~~~~:;;. I Mana«•'" · ' WISCONSIN CENTRAL RY. Ut.AS<:u~o: .1. !:5Ut;TU"AYn. ~ 'MR.&. ESTB: ER. PX:El::EL lVIillinerr. OPER A ~ HOUSE • BLOCK. MISS ID.A Gt.OVER. NEW GOODS. •..To... MANITOWOC. MILWAUKEE, CHICAGO , ,tND POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. ' Latest Styles in Fine M•llinery. M a in. Stree _t_. _ __ C. 0. D. STORE. Always Reliable. O.a.o Pr'i.oo t o .4._11. P. RO'l'HMAN. ST. PAUL.. MINNEAPOLIS, ASHLAND, DULUTH. AND POINTS NORTH AND WEST. J. b . C LARK, A11~nt, Scevens Point. JAS. C. PUND. G. P. A.. Milwaukee. -· • STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. STEVENS POINT, WIS. NEW BUILDING : THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED~ AI.I. MODERN AIDS: APPARATUS: LIBRARY: COMPLET)n GYMNASIUM. BETTER PREPARATION FOR BETTER TEACHING. . A large corps of experienced teachers fully 'abreast .of the times. A large attendance of earnest, advanced students who are aCtual teachers. 1"he n_ew wing now completed adds one-half to the capacity .of the building. • Three Advanced Counu, two years. for HIGH ScHOOL GR.\.DUAT£8 and OTH&Rcompetentstudtmts. Post.llraduate studies in Sciences. I..anguagt>s, Civics and P'edagogy. . Diploma, equivalent to LIFE STATE CEICTIFiCATE. · Elementary Coune, two years, for those holding certificates or passing Pntrance examinations. Elementary eertmc:ate, equivalent to LUIJTED STATE CERTIFICATE, for fiVt! years. . Common ~hool Coune, (one year;) for special benefit of those who must teach soon. Preparatory Coune, ten weeks only. ~iving Jtrc-P. aration in all the commo chcs. 'J bese classes are taught b)' re Jar orma eaehers or under their direct ove · ' . Selection of Studies permitted to. teachers, under favorable eonditions. · · ·· ' · • New Classes formed four times each year In nearly e\·ery subject In the courie of study except Latin. German. and 80me advanced sdence studies. Tht• quarter:~ begin Nov. 4, JAN. 24, APRIL 8. Board $2.50 to $lJ.OO per week; all school charges nbout$1.25 per'quartcr (ten weeks). No toltloo fees in Normal classes for tho541 ex_Pectlng to teach. Tui. tion 6iJ cents per week or Jess m prepa':'&tory grades. Write f!tr circulars, or BETTER STIL~ aak definite questions about any· part of the school work, and get an lmmt.ldiate personal reply. · Allllress tlie President, THERON B. PRAY, Stevens Point. Wis. ., . a