THE NORMAL POINTER Volume V. Number STEVENS PO INT, WIS., NOVEMBER 1). 1899. 2. LEARNING THE TWQ.STE:P. "yo~c::.~~~~~:·~:~.~:.,·:n: nf it " inn• hnld of me s tand :t ~:ha s t W hy~ thru u~h l~ :tnh~ to ;·,: : ·:·:~.::~,"~l~~c'~:~· ,,::,r:; :'l l isi!o my bchu ltl :\lu :t~t·h u :w h a~ I{Ol 1('"'"1 mothe r wo uld all t he a nt ics I go down t here. a nd wo u ld s:ty that it ill a ]Joe rson o f my :tge t o tlo those things; and . th:u it W:\5 ridit·u luus : W el l: gmy !Jnir an d :lr tit ici:t l tc\lth may stand in th e w:ty .ro m e timc~ . not d u wn in the gymnnllium. thank ~tundn e:J!'I; thr.ugh a pct"liun may 00 :1. loul sitle. I m:lde my way 0\·c r to he r. anti gnlS]Ii ng he r hy th .. ar m. m!\tle her W11lk o u t o n the ft oor in s pite of 1111 he r dCiuo us tmtions. Whe n she a.s kell if I kn e w h o w to dance ! I :u 1s wcred ··Yc:o~ ! " like t he u n fortuna te Mr. W i nkle diol when .'IO m C o ne wa nteoJ to know if he cou lo l s kat e. I did not make the Jllll · a Uol:a. a s he d id . h u t while I Wl\!1 conduc ting my partner down the h:t.ll I h:a.tltu go b:wkwn.rds mos t of the way. fur she l"ouldn"t turn ve ry well . 1 an d lmmpct l up :lgai nst another euu plc and knock l.'(l Htttle "llt i !T und tun:t; · the m O\"Cr White they we re gcui np; r ighted. as I did no t want to e njoy the expre!lsion on their fuces. I turnell and loo ked o fT down the room. but I guess ~lATH.: .·· s he can learn new trkks if s he tri c11. T he lntest :": hic t· e mc tH was nct]U i rcd lO·day : and if yo u wo n ' t te ll an y o f my B:q>t ist brethcrcn. I wilt te ll yo u alla OO ut it. Yu u know late ly we h:t\'C had a!l e:~: e rl."i :M.~ eenain gli,l ing nmtiOn il :m •l •jllkk !!lt!p!!. T o·day thi .~ led into a re ~eu b r tWu·slql d:Ul ce. I co u )4 1 nnt n •,;i,;t th e tmnp l:lliu n any lQnj.fCI" : l l:!-C in'<l the nearest g irl. N>gard l">lll n f lw r ahility 3.3 :ul:uwer, ::LS well :u my o wn . and s t:a.rte41 utf with th e mu!lic. But :rom e ho w we cou ld no t mnke mn 4· h proJ!res;~ . Whc ne\·c r my partner t ook :1 st e p with he r fvo t. my foot 1\"!I.S a l way ;~ the r e: and whe n I too k a step. he r foot was in th e way. Well • tU la st my parlncr got d isgus te d anti ldt me. I looketl ar()und for some o ne e lse, :u u l ~aw a fri N Jd s itt i n~ m·cr un th e o th e r it would ha1•e i~Cen jus t a!l well if I had looked n.t t he t·otqJie. for th e re a numhcr u f p;ir l11 look ing m y w:t.y with s urely anything but 110he r ftwt!.'l. I prctc ndt><l I did no t see t he m , and thought o f the little s:t.ying J lcnrne<l nt st•houl. ··Thel"f' ill no scain w hich d ocs no t b rin~ !K>me olil1io•ulty. " :uul i411h:i ng my now unwilling part ne r with :1. !inne r hnld. I st:t.rred ofT again . W r. got al tmg be tte r thi .~ time. :ul1l I a etuall)' think we wquld lm1·e rna.~tt·rcd the a rt ir my J.m rtner hn.d not a ccidentally lookeol ove r he r sho u lder :uul behe lol th e IXJy!l. !IOnm o f w hn m wen• st:t.mling ins ide o f t he d oo r. Throwing up hamls. she e )(claimetl •·fiinry :· · :uul Uro ke he r awa~· THE NORMAL POINTER. from me. I was loath to go: but consoled myself. knowing that there were other daytt coming. When I rw.che<l the d ressing room, I found my lirst part· ncr there, 1\nd while the other girls were removing their suits, we imprO\"ed the time: a mi I hanl actually come to the conclusion that we can do it now. There is nothing like pc~vcring. you !K.'C: a nd evtJn o ld dogs can learn ne w tricks. A SOUTHERN SOLDIERS STORY. "So your teacher wants a story from you to-mur• row, tiOC$ !ihe ! " S~t.ltl gr-ay- hai red Jim in ans we r to my appeal, as we &at ncar the warm stove last night. while the rain pouret.l down in torrents outside. " l wonder if this one will do! It is \·cry 11hort: but I think it'll worth telling. " ··O ! tell it. Jim. go ahead!" I begged, " I don't care whdher it is short. or. not : thn s horte r the better.·· " Well.! it happened 111 t he year 'sixty-thrt!e, in the time that tried both body and soul. whtm my regi· ment. the Fourth Georgia. ragged, dirty. nod tired after many a light and many a Wtlary wan.•h, WILl one day called to "attention !" by our <'olonel. "Going to draw lots for furlough !" At the words our whole line trembled. a.'4 a cornliclrl struck by the wind. Our hei..r ts stood stlll. • We knew that only about a do.~en of us eould go home for a while to s.!e our d ear ones. and you l'AU ju9t imagine bow we felt. Thu sergeant held the bat, and we stepped ou\ oue aher aoolher ftnd drew a bit of paper., Mo9t of u8 d rew blankl. I d rew one, and I stepped back into lhe line with the tean almO!It ltartln~t from my eyes. There Wl\!l only oue more furlough left.. Warner drew tha t. He was the m11.n who st.ood shoulder to ah~nlder with me in the line. He had a boyish looking I!U..'C, a frail body, and it seemed to me that he ought to have boon at &ehool. instead of out there braving the fever and thH bullets. He lookt.'tl at the paper a minute, then he turned to me and said. " Here: J im, you have a wife a nd two Jlti.le girls, while I'm single . Take it." I took it and went.. although I knew he WM long· log to see hi1 mother. After two weeks I returnetl. They had juu had a battle. I think it waa calltltl Antietam by the North· 0rnt1n. I looked around for Warner. and not seiog him. I went to one of the men and e nqui red . ··WI\rucr ! Why, be fell O\'erthere.'' I went to where the li,l(ht had beeu thickest, and there r' found him,- killed. with his face toward the Yankees." Jim's voice choked. He was silent. I asked him whc:her they did not erect n. monument fo r that bnt.\'C soldier boy! " Monunwnt ! No." He simply got a ditch with the re.~t: but I tell you, boy. thcrc'l many a general whose name ill carved on marble that didn't bavtl half the spunk that \VA.rner hn.d." JULtUS G. C,utLSOY. A THRILLING MOMENT. It happe ned in early April when the Wisconsin Wall swollen by the Sllring t,haw~J. Rushing out doon after school closed, we heard a dista nt rum· bling noise, and when we found ~ut a Jog jam was being broken up we a ll hurrit.'<l to the river. Whe n we got there the !Inn was juu setting, and the wild picturesqueness of the !K.'Cne was not e&slly forgot· ten. As the log~ came d own stream some had caugM. o n the rocks a nd the uext pushed und er or o ver !hem till a great confUsed mll88 was piled up. The roa ring o f thtl water held bllck was deafening. The men were worki ug desperately with the cant hooks trying to pick out the· logs that held the jam. Sometimes a loosened log would commence rolling, and its driver would keep stepping back upon its upper side so quickly that he kept his balance, his shoes being supplied with sharpened steel Pelf1'. SometimC! the sunbeams glanced sharply from the hooks they worked with nod shone from the drip· ping !ellther jackets. Dan. longed to see if he could ride a log u the dri,·erdld. anrl before we noticed wha t be wu doiug he was running gleefully o\·er the jam out to Its edge. He stood o ut o n o ne end o f a gn!al pine that tipped up from under other logs. and was swinging hi11 cap to us when the log tipped down, perhaps by his o wn weight, and Dan. slid ofT, the waters c losed O\'er him, the white foam eddied for a minute, then all was still. Other logs came down, the jam was broken a nd they could not now be kept back. I could not think o r stir, but llxedly watched that spot. The great black bulkll wentswluglog, rolli ng, writhing by, bumping and twisting, but always quite filling the ri\'er. Would they uever stop1 They ploughed the rh·er bed, standing endways. they dug THE NORti'IAL POINTER. o ut the banks and they ground agninst ~:t.~h o t he r. The great rock I s tood o n st.-emo:>•l twisting :111t.l whirling with the m. When they rus hctl o n it kt'lJJt s pinning. whe n they bumped it secmetl C"J'IImbling beneath me. That big log was ju~t wlmrt'l he went- "Say. sis, don't yon te\1mother how I g•Jt in. 1'11 be dry before I ge t home. That drh·er tishetl me out from uutler th is rock whit:h juts om, tlnn ' t run Eos,\ sw~:t:T. te\1, tho." CIRCUS DAY. T he great white tcuts glc:um'<.l for au instant. then the shadow of the gr:•y clouds abm·e filii n n thmn agai n. T he fell and the ~u n dhonc. niter· nately. :md sometime.~ togt'lthe r. but. fhe •·rowtls neve r notil'ed what wa..~ A:ning •m al.K•nt the m With s ke tdl hook in lmnd I sat in a IJU~).(,\' under the trees near the t.'ll~e of the t·rn wd an•l watl'hc•l the m pas!! or s tand talking. It W tlS u. b scinating study. There were smr.Jy Polis h wnmen with s hawls tied O\'er their he:uls a111l bukl.ltil n f hnlt'h with them. The re was :1 tall prim looki n){ woman tlressetl se••erely plain. She looked e:mcting :uul almos t grim. I pict ured to my!5Clf her h r. me. t:hairs at right ang:~ with the W:lll. and everything :or· runged with IU:t.thenmtical precis ion. There \t"a.'l a farmer with a bu~hy JtNY nn•l a hea\')' ~wing· iog gait. He slouc hed along tlnd seeme<l inllilfere nt to tn-crything :lboUt.. There was a IJO,\' >litling up t•e ry st rai~~:ht drh·ing in his nicely was hed bug~~:y. He tlou ri>~ht.'(l his whip. and proudly helped his companion al ight. They looked eagerly to sc11 where the fun was, and I followed them with my eye>~ till her pink tlrcss and t he n the red rose,. in hc r hat went out of !light in the crowd. Tho!lC rol· licking boy;s were just i n the ir e le me nt. There wa..i nothin11: to keep the m from c utting all the ('aperil :t.od making all the noi:~t~ they wanted tn. What confusion : What life : I.J.uok lure. SPRING CREEK AT TWU.IHGT. The low llri•lge :almo,;t tmwhe>! tim water of the sh:11lnw Jlt'lb hle-buuomeol t·rcck. BundiC>I of c:at tails grow in the .~l"wcr wate r along tim hunks. zuul th•· wau~ r parU a mi run >~ o n in little rings unolc r the olripping br:tnche~ of oak~ and maples. The s mell of the rnnk \\" a nol fe rn>~ \\"Ill! plezl!ltlllt """it came up from the tlamp low banks. As the twilight fell, the <•rnh,; wt: h:td been w:ttching were lost to siglu, and t he white of the s hells dimmed. A lu mber· wagnu r umblo•d pa11t :and llt:!e me..l liko the l~t sym· I.H1\ uf a cit·ilization far away and in>~igni lican t. At last no noiilC wzl'l heard but tho s temly sWi!!h, s wi11h of t he dripping brancltc!l, until the whip·poor·will set up its c ry. a note mus ical and full nf wild sweetne:r~,;. It i,; ~ sehlom heard ncar a town or settlement tl•at the frag1110nt nf :r10ng. with the >~otuul o f hol>elcssnesll in it. made thtl wurld of men';~ alTair.~ seem still farther a way. T he >1h:uluw of the great e lm upon the bridge and out o •·er t he t•rt.>ck on one side Meemt.'t.l like a houn•l· ary line hetwt.-en t he real ami the imaginary. <.:ross· ing it was like leaving 11 world o f unreality, and we sluwly walked through tho dark t~ool woods towards home. THE VOICE THAT SINGS THE SOLO. Who ha.s not heard in the foot ball sung That voice that rings !10 high and st ron~ That rings j ust like a C hinese gong, The voice that ilings the wlo ~ ~ IJ The u t he mnsit• he,~ran. :uul :t.n ac rtl nf uptnrnt.-.1 fat!\'S w:ltt·hctl t ht• a nti,·,; o f t lw t·limhing down. The intlitTercnt s toliol 111:111 s t<lOtl on tip· toe. he Wl\S a\uwst s miling. I noti•·•·•l tlul rt.'tl roses nodtling and !itlllld.lntly's ca]J near by. llo uketl for the prim wotnau : s he \\'aS h:u:k m~tler thll trt:cs counting hllr p:t.rcels o nce ruorc. How rit:h it all wall in •·h:lnct•s fur st utlying humnn naw re. How much mun• •·ahmhlt· nrc :t. few page>~ frn111 s uch :l bouk of lift'! tha11 a whulc \'Oi nmc of The baM is hullhed, their voice!! >~till. The ahm s top, it makes them ill. Miss I~intou waits, s he ft.-cis the thrill O f t he voke that s ings the soln. Oh : had we words we'd try to tell The feeling thztt we kno w so well. It fal\s on Ill!, we wish it fell On the \' Oice that sing>~ t he solo. •Juus J .u . THE NORMAL POI NTER. mildly. But e\'en in o ur pride ,,.e do uot fo rget thllt gN!at deal of the ir credit must be s hared with tho tenc he r whose s ugJC CStious nnd untiring p(lt"SC\'0· rntH:e in 1lircctinp; their work enabled the m to do TI-lE NOR ~AL POINTER.. 11 NOVEMBER 15, t 899A mODtbly pertodtul , re pre ~u uttva or tb e !ll~tb State Sormal Sc hool , ~IIIUDI )'oint , Wl tcO IUID, p11bllehc d TermtOflllbtcelpt iOII-:.U Cfl llll lfDotp&ldbdoreJaa.t,tiOO. p llr}'UT F . » . 811KMOWJ,'UO .• • F. K. WOOD. Kl ., '00 ~: ~: 3~~.·:r:~~l.. '00 ~ .. . TbeCeuor .. Lon l . P . O. J>ou.u, "Il l . ,,,, .•• t:z•baufl;e"" H.II.CoU oKOYK, '01.. O. T a ... 11RT, IU .,'~ In a dva pcol. ~ro ot • ,,, Bdlto •• . . . .. Lltera r}' C nu. P. W!i:Kliii:K. '00 •.•.. .. ... . .. ... .... ll ode! Scboo l ,,,, BIIIIUe fllhniJ Cf ,Ja.w•• D. Wouun.ocl'l. '00 .•. ~;w.•;.;~~:;. 11J 1 ~ . . .... Afft ltant ll utnu• llaoa~er• A.l.hHIIIC'Jt,'OO .• • . .... rr~•ldc M JI:IIOIIaWnnLOca, ·oo .•• V. COW J.&I, IU ., '00 •• .. •.. .'l.ddnnallbnlnen lettcnto•beButaenlhn aae r. l~m fQrmer tlndenh 111d tucb cr.. Ke&der<~ llld i11Marlberlll'fl~• r...ctful17 •e<:!.DUitdlo Artlclu 101lched ~~·~··~··=·~ ·w~·="~ ""=n=·-------- so well. by t be pal• -------- By the genero us rCS J)OIISC to o ur letters asking fo r l'Ontrilmtinns. the Alumni luwo aidt>tl us in ndd· ing ano the r pnge to The Pointer, :tnd in estnblishi ng :m Alumni De jJD.rtment. whic h we earnc.~ tly ho pe mny 1.>C coutinucd. Why sho uld s uc h a. column not be iniCresting nnd also nd\'llntngeous ! One Alum· nus s uggested that a part o f the Alumni page con· lliSL of a Que ry Column through tho medium of which Alumni might as k and nn8wor questio ns for ench othe r ou ~ ubject s of inlCI"e!lt in the ir wo rk, s uch as " Athlc ti•·s in the High School," or Drawing in the ji!rRile;~. Alumni, we submit the matter to yo u. wo ultl s uch a L'Ol umn be of value to you ! If so. kindly s ubmit s uch questiOIIS: or. H you c hoose, articles upo n 101Jics s uch u.s thci!C s uggested. Mea n · while, continue sending ~o ur artic les, ske tc hes, or n e w~: they nre :1lW!IYS welcome. The foot b:1ll se:aSt.Jn i .~ ne:arly over. Only once haxe o ur boys met dofeo.t. and then at tho hands o f the muc h h<':ll'icr Lawrence Unil'erslt.y tenm, whose Ournltl fricml! will •loubtlcss notit-c the c xtc nsi\'C ~ ~q~r i o rity in we ight should hu.\'6 given them changes i11 thCR]Il>Car:,ncc ufThc Pui ntc r this is,m e. a grc:lter adl'!llltnge i n the final score. Twice has This c hange i.'l due to the fn t:l that we h:wc always Oshkos h IJeen \'nnq uishetl : tint, he re; and then co n .~id e rt'fl the plainnes... of The l~oi nt crs co,·c r nntl upon he r ho me grounds. While White water hn,•lng pages w 00 en tirely too cons pic uo us Othe r mllt•gc beaten both Pl:lltc,·illo and O>~hk osh. nod tJrondly periodicals. not.nUi y the most progn!ssi,•e om•s. hnl·c d~imiug the Normal School c hampions hip of tfJO from time to time appeared tn 11.'1 with the ir t"n\·ers s tate. fo und the msch ·cs "up ngains t the re al thing" and pages o rnnme ntetl with o rigi tud oh..og ign~ of when t hey f:t.l..'C<I our vnlinn t hci'OC.! so gallantly \'arylng d e gree!! of beauty. In view of th e~ fa rti<. supJ.,,t·ting tho ··purple nnd gold." th" sta ll twanimously tlecidl..'tl th:1L in its \"Cry tw . •. Thu" obstinate ly contesting every foot of ground, lll!lue The Pointe r should t•ome on t i n nn entire · ,·ictory refused to lll.lrch upo n their b1mner, and new dreu. Owing, hnwe,·er, to the e ntire lark of they we re fon·ecl to relimtuis h thei r c laim to the arti~ti c ability on The Pointe r s tnff, we were fo rced s tate (• hampio nship by the :l(h'erse score, 17 to 0. to call in the ,·cry ttble :lll!lii< tance uf MiM 1\lnr!IC :tnd With 1hree \'ic tories to o ur c redit, nnd but o ue the ~conc l ~uo.rt e r Dr.1wiup; Cl:1.~s. murc ~~:nnw w piny. to t he resul t of which we are Sel'entl excello.:nt d es ign>~ we re lmmlet l in, among Jno kiug fo nnll'd with confide ur.e hope, we may the m tltat uf H . A. Miller which wn.!l :twaroled li r,; t we ll 00 Jtroud of the SC!UI(\ n's a chievements upon place. and a ccortlingly pln··cd n n the o•n,·cr uf the the gridiron . Poinwr. The tine tlei!il(nS whkh gr:u-c the lwoul nf the t.lterary anti 1-:0iitor"s d c pnrune nlll, were the \\'1• nnd the lectnrt' course committee haven. plens· work of W . Ph·ernit7. :wd E H. Whitney . That we tutt pru,;pect In commou. the enjuymont of one and pe rlmps tw;, e:<ctrn numbe r.'! in the 14'c ture cou rse. feel Jlrflml of the ir wnrk wuuld he ptHiiiiJ: it \'rry THE NORMAL POINTER. '5 Explalned.- l'n~s. 1'1~'Y i.~ a dce1• man. dout11 it s ince the fac·ulty has \)O'Cil Who \"an reseatt.'<l. I t ill Cl' itlcnt that some ti me~~~" he tuuk nntc uf n t'oudition in the ,;ttule nt ll'ltly that nt'cdetl tn he c~hangcd. J-:ye;;; l:u-kc•l h•s tcr. student.~ olitl not sit Crt.'Ct :uul Suppose.S uppuse rhal we all were happy. Yt.-s h:lJlPJ i n e\·ery way : Th:u work wa>~ only a ple:,s u re. AnJ !111ppoSt: t hat our nights were longer. they oliol notlook :dtllj.tct ho!r happy. So •luring moruing exen:i.~('S he began to try ditTerunt nm•t.-.l ic~s hut as they brought litt le ~ucc·t•s.~ he l~c·ame •·ou,·irll.'t."il that t he t-:111~ W:tll a hio loh•n ontl a m i not e:\sily to be di;;co,·ere...l. t:nreful n•seard1 must hn,·c t"C\"Cnlt.ocl the \'au~ :11 l:1s t fu r the rw.~t c:spc•ri ment trio. I. that or n~seatinjl. hroujlht nhnut t he tlcsin ld rcsu lbl. T he mt•mhc rs of the fa culty h:u l nn more than ~~~tt.-.1 t hemselves o n th:1t I.'Crl:lin Munday morni ng bcforo tlw ••n unte n:utccs nf the wholtl stculent bcMiy lit up with a h:ll'JIY t•X JII~SI'Iion. A new I'IJiirit mn\"t.'<l :11110ng them. :u ul hnw t·uuld it be uthcrwisc: All o f the gun,! l011king tuember s o r the fac ulty ha,l been seatetl (In tim frnnt row. nnd tho~ dimples :111tl s milt.'ll wen· sn ,.Jmrminl{. Who could keep froni rellet'ti ng them ! And the days were made n h so s hnrt; That eight o'c\o<·k came at our bidding, That s tudy ll'a" kind o f :1 SJWo rt. a s the I. M. nnl\' annnUDl'eS its name 1\1'1 t he Clioni:tn . Should t here yeL rem:ll n myl'llcricll a.ho u t the Oh then tlo you think we'd be happy, sudety tn W ith life one cont.inmll glow. W ith ne,·er a fret or worry. Sl'Cund Jloor. they wnultl d n well tu :l!•k for in forma· tinn from the l'rt!il. Jus t before 1:1G Friclay eveni ngs wo uld be a. cunnmieu t time lu lu~r. Thilltncth- Whic h we grceiCol with welco m e e:wh cia_\". SupJW•sc IU!\'Cr so·oltll.ld. W t! Arid rwn:r 'l'hlil t."il~:~.''!l :1. re:whe r fro w ned: o•ouloln' t he taroly. That excuse!~ t•onld alw:lJ~ be fnuud . ~IIJIJWlSC the r e were no rehear~al~.' And nC\'Cr :l. hard ..CX:l\11 .. ; Thlll marks cou ldn ' t J::O helow ninety. Th:u. no one h:ul 111 ..,·ram.·· ': h:at Fridays were kind nf fca>~l olays. Rhe!Orica\s all o f the l~esl. Ant i o rliy those who cnjnp•ol them. \\'nulol han: 10 cum!)l:to w ith the rest. And ue\·er :l want to know ~ To c-omfort you all in you r tria b. Of linals :\nd test;! o f :til kinds. me rell you \"Cry s incerely. Such thin~s s hnul(l be far from your mind. For if you were p l:1ced in t hat d reamland, or plea!'Ju re an d t•:l;le all the t ime. You woultllung fo r some tri:ll o f !K·h ooldayll, A uti finding them not you wuuld pine. So think no t your lot o ne o f trillill. Fo r really it iS11"l so. Be content with th ings as you lin•l them. AnJ thus e njoy life as yon go. Name d .- The new socie ty which has I.M.>ell known ~o me of t he .roung men who meet ou thtl ool should do away wit h the in w r ruption:c oluring SC!ISiOII ll. Lost. - l.ast month. somew here bet ween the Editor-in·t:hicf'~ ~at anti t he printiu~ot ullice, t he twn "write-ups .. about t he Seninl"ll" lirilt cl11s~- mecting. Fincl(·r. if you would li\·e in JIC!~Cc. Oe wnntuf letti ng the Senivl"ll know t hat yon have them. R;hetorlcala.-LcL u~ ha\'e more like thol!C of Oct. Jo:,·cryone c njuyt.'11 them. They h:ul a tone o f uriginality aud were full o f ilpirit. Som e o f t hose 20. s tude nts will always he rt!lncmiJcrc(IIJC<:auliC o f rheir I'IIICl'<'SS t h nt Friclny. Why d o nut m ore try to 11111ke ai.luut that hooch are a. mark for t hc msch 'es ou F r iday rtfternoons ~ Why goi ng to he a ll the fashion in school thi:o~ winter The styles a.-t yet haoe 1101 been fu lly d e termine•.! but don't we h:" ·c some t·ompet it ion in lthetoricnlll! And why d oni we h:l\"0 our c·laJIJliug ur non·clap- o f cour.§e rhe kitty hood will be in vogue. The :tt•a · :ro11 will probably open soon after Thanksgh·i ng done ~ time. mnre Olrls.-It has been whi;~pered piu~ tell thoSt: " ' ho D.Jlpear how well they h:1ve W uuld ~uch changes m:lke o ur enjoyahlc~ ~ THE NORMAL POINTER. Oreen Bay. Miss l~yolia Ode is one of unr ncw stuclcnts, enter· while here g:n·e us n plensant nud instructh·e talk :ilw ut takinJ,: ach·;~.ntngu uf o ur ne w d uties. :'>lis~ E1lith 1-lill left. with her father, fo r the north· ern 1mr1 of the statu. They go on a hunting eX jKld· it ion nnd )!iss Hill expects to bring back n. couple of ciL-er. She is the only l:llly who hM taken out :1 ing school Oct. 20. hunting license in many years. Local. Mis.s Nellie Gu111. s pent :1 few cl:lyi< \'il:liting :at W. D. Fuller of Gr:uul Hapids w:l:> :tt the Sonu:al Saturday, Oct. 25. Miss Edith Hetzel :UJcl Miils Mnry S\m)CC\er h:m~ al!tO withdrawn to teach. Mlu Mu.y Howlett \'iillted at Grand ltapicl::l Sat.ur· day aml .Sunday. Ot:t. 2811ml21). Mcs.1rs. Kla,·ikovski and Wojak, lnst ohmt.s. ha\'U c nterccl school again. JCnr·~ .'llll· Miss Mar~· Gray wnsabscnt from school for SC\'• era! days o n at.'llOIInt of ll spr.t.incll ankle. MiSII Howler, whu lms bt:en sick for :l few ~l:tys, iii back again just in time to catch :dlthe exams. Miss Farri11h of Grntul ltapicli'l \'b iteil with Mrs. Urad ford a nd took in the concert Tnci!kl:l..\'. Oct. tll. Miu Jessie Stillman h:t!l been tJnite ~ick fur SC\'• d 11.ys but is now :mel will :~non be! nt her en~.l work. Mih Agnes Dignum. who h:is heen :th;;ent for a few d11ys o n account of sh-kness. is again a l her studiC!I. Miu Celia Emmons spent S:l.turolay and tiund:ly. Oct. 28 a nd 211. nnclcr the parcutai ronl at t.:r:uul Rapids. Mu11rs Ro~~eberry and Wood of PlainlicM SJlent a fe""· day:~ shaking hands with nlcl. and makiug new friends. Wayne 1-'. Cowan hu re·entcred l:lt•hnul aJ,:ain ancl will be found in his usmd place a.•• c~ntc r rush .,11 our football cle,•en. J-):Jna Reetl has withdrawn to :u·cept a pusitio:~ in the city .sch()(1ls of Wausau. A large number uf ber friend8 met to bi1l her good bye and cnjnye.J :t pleasant e\·enlng u.t Mrs. Mcmre'll. G . C. certainly bc\ie\'CS in ach·ertisina- as he h:ts -haul a notice 011 the :~ide board for eight weeks 111 call the attention of the school to tim f:wt th:ll htl hMIOIIt " White's Management Nu. -161. " Sec. Rockwood of the Board of ltcgcnt!l lljiCnt :t few days with us at thu bc~tinning of the •tttar!l•r ami The work do no by tim •·l:w in clay modeling has bt•cn an entire success noL a single c:a!lt being a failure :md from tho llJlpearunce of the cn.sts .in tim lmll Miss Mot-se may wc11 feel prom\ of her cllll:I!J in clay mrH.Icliug, cspccia1ly ns :all in the class belong in the lir.;t <ptartcrch"":\1\'ing. Mr. Frank Springer of t he ele me ntary class o f ·us, W:li nmrl'itd Oct. 21 to Misiol Wood of . Almond. Mr. Springer will make his hllnre home at Almon•! where he has the JIUSitiun as princip:d of l-IChOQ\s. lie was u nc uf our tnOit po pular boys. and tlie best wishes nf the school go tu him. Chas. Lnnge spent a. le w days visiting friends at Chk-:ago. While there he met Mr. Cas.~lls and brought hcomc a good picture of Chimtgo's grent em\. The fuotball boy.~ were cxnmining it to I!Cti if they cuulolluul om why he i~ .~uch a football J>layer. He cloc~ not !i(.'<!m to ha\'C cha nged at aiL We h:we ball th ree series of rhetoricals. The lir~t series tnlcl of inl'Cntnrs. tbesecond ofdil:ll~overcrsautl the last was upon the great indn'ltries of ~he wo rltl and Wl\.'1 very_ interesting w~ hear that there is to I.e a change in the fo rm of rhotoricals 1:10011, ru m:uty :tre not t:aking the interest in the m they are cxpt.!d· ed to. A meeting of all young me n who wero regretful lx.>(•ani!C of tlceir youthful loo ks was called in t he Muin !tuum l:ast Friday. anti after excited Thu S.wiety for the Pre,·ention o f C ruelty to Whi~­ kcrs was formed. Mr. Werner was elected prcsi· clcnt. ami Mr. lha-row~:~ sec·retary of theoqranization. The nt<Jt ion was made by Mr. J e nkins that for nne month :lllmcmbers of the s-rn:iety should allo w whiskers to grow on their npJKlr lips. The 11101i"n wns ll~condecl. :llld car rkd.. At. this pnint ~lr.Swit1.e r hnllllecl in hisre"lgnation. Tire meeting wn1:1 the n adjourned 'till Nov. W. h w:u st:ah.-d cluring last CJUarte r that Mrs. 1.:1\iott " " :wcuunt ,, f failing health might leave us at the c•nd of tire 'Ill litter. Uut she now ft.oels so well thllt THE NORMA L PO INTER. '7 ~ h e S:l.)'S Wl' s hall notlo;;e hl' r: at l;•a ~ t not 1·c ry ;!00 11 . Whi te water :Sornm l. feeling that th ey wo u ld Jik u We :1rc s ure that :1ll Normal students arc glaol t h:1t sh e is not If> ll':ll'c and all ho pe s he will he with us another ch:uw e to wi n from t he ten.u' th:1l h :~ twi ce olde:u ctl th e m. The s.wic~ics :1rc to act u po n t he fo r a long ti111 e . cr soon n n(l put it into tl ul h:uul!l of th e ornto r- S o rm al ;;chon! N"!;ellt Eme ry s pent a week a~ the k:t l :l;jSm:i ati o n so thnt n. deba te um)• lJt! n rnmgt.'tl. S u rm a] "getting :l('o tuai ntt·•l with ns" as hll pilL~ it. Ma ny o f t he stud ents were afr:1id wlwn he woultl en ter a clas;; r O<o m , h m hcf••rl' he lt•ft. w t• ll't•rc J.(l:i.d ro see him cume intu th e rou m w he n W<' ll'l're re~·it· iug. \\'h ile het'c he ~ai'C II!S two s ],.,rt talk s a lKoll f u ur ~dii"J! W:1rk ano l ''JI] I<Jrt un ifit·." A N!t'(']Jti o n W;tS gin! ll the O"hkosh and .flit' ft•ll' llf J oe 11-tr.t. uslatinJ.( Latin : ·· lie hl'llrtl 11 th o u:1:uul fuo t -prin t.s.' ' ,\ St!n iur tiirl. ~o tt wc'nl " 1-1 ~: wuu't gu m'l'r there nuw here. ·· In t he Gernmn C la.s,;: " They laid him''" s tr.tll' fr<Jm tl w hay st:1<·k " 11 ht,. l n l t he lirand Hapitls fuuthallpl:a,l't•r s w ho sta yc• l afc.t•r t he g:uue. The gpuua"i 11111 wa~ ,J, .,.,. r.uc~J with tl w Q.;;hk< IS IJ I'<I)H ril :l.f tl lll' <'lit] :111<1 t ho• ti r:111•J lb ]t itl.~ . (j us t as Mr. Enwr)' ••lnSt•tl th e . tour iu lc:ll·iug), Very g uot l. c.,],or.s:Ut he••tlwr with till' h••IU•••·•olur-<lK'tW•·•·II t he hu r"'! A pl••a":lllt tim<.' Wa-< o·uj<•y•·ol loy a ll uu til !WII :\1 t h<: ""'"'' tinw tlw lil!hl" told"" it 1\':i" l i me tu lo•aw·. A n um ber ,f "" Ill-:' ~ :uul yo·ll ~ W<'l'l' 1-:'in•n :u111 the Xu r m al ,~tirls " ll<<ll'l~l t ha t tlwy ··uu],J play foo tbal l. :1nd made loll,!! j.!ain .s tl1rn u,.::h dw line of '"'~·.s . .;;o.·:U· tt:rin!.( tlwm whe n•·•·o·r tlwy ·rh•• c n thusi:t.~ m d:u~·d ,.::ather in 1-(r<ollp,;. lllet'linl-:' Ito (,,. ,m tlw l t•••tun: •·•• ur~ was a gn:at snc• ·cs.... su nuwh .,fa SUt'I'•'SS t ha t the lectu re C•'IIHIIIU<.-t' f., un.l tiHII tln·y h:1d a s urplus o f a hun tl re~l d ollars. c t· e n ll(•furc a s ingle lo•t:t u re W:IS 1-(h'e n. :tnd we art· prumi .st.~ l a n cxt r a numhe r. The tirs t n um ber wa;; give n ll :tlluw't'Cn nt t im upcr:1 ho use wlwrc it W!<." har,l !<~tint! c\'Cn St:uuti ng ruu m. E l'c rynne w:l:> nu•r•~ t han p le:tM_-..] and d ecl ared that it was th e gran d est ti Jillj.( we ha 1·c c \'t•r h:1<l. Unc o f the 110\'Cl le a ture~ the H.!H'C.S." a nd 1\':IS the 1 11 11~ t h·.~t·riptit·e " A Day at did nu t )H..'t'ti to strctt·h hi.s im· i\l i.~s :\1 - ,;;~ .. Jm-- llcti nitio ns. i .~ A horse 1,; :1 herUat'tl'llll" nni mnl. :111 :ltlim:ll ha vi ng fo ur l eg.~. A n tu iltuulma ne. J>ruf. in Geomet ry c i:ISj, {lifter !1.11 ex plnnntio n ): " I ;~ it hnr• l or cnsy to un der.~taml Mr. A - - ,.!" :\l r. ,\ -- s: " Yes s ir. ''''"l - t h l:. he hitul th o counter at the C hine!le la undry w hc u a yo n ug l:1.1ly eam o fo r he r launtlry : of •·nnr;;c s he m istook him fnr 1\ l:h in tt nl:lll. hut wun· (i dt:retl why he didn 't wenr a CJU tme. :\li s~ - :u1t l o ur L~ lltcr ru11h were llt c h urch u ne e •·cn in l( Jn" t week antllawr l\ s tmngt~ r was h ea~ l hl inquire o f he r " \V ns t hat Jour brqtber ! " Wba t ll' a.~ t he stra nger's nhject in m:~kin11; t he mi ~tnkc! ,Juo iqr ~~;irl in ad 'tnnrtcr alge bm hn•l th e follow in!{ <."< JU n tion.:t- = T + 1:1.'> saitl ··c lcll r q f e< tlla tion il an• I you' ll ge t 21i0y = 26th + ta:i."<J. '' nntl e:u.:Jai m e< l: " \\'hy : ltst•ll INters." aj.( innti••n a~rc:t t tlc:ll t•• st."' th••rcalr:II'Cl'UU r~:Ut•l people . Tht· ru;th fur the tr:ti n :tilt! th o~ st ar t of t he O ur C h ief made :1. \'ildt to th e l:eomctr,\' d a~s the othe r clay :w<l as t he r e was n. ~ t rong dn\UII;ht in th e hu rsc" i n th ll rat·e W:IS \'t• r~· 1-t"'"l The s inging o f Maste r ll••nry l>un la u wa" a feat u re. fr<~nt l':trt o f tim room he took a seat with the lw.lies. M r. C . seei ng t hat he m o1·ed tuh l him he mig ht close Our tieree th• b:Uer:< :u-,: telli ng w/1al tlu·y w ill tin th e wiutlow . \ \ '. got rCfl in the fa<.-c tultl at last wa11 :l hle to llll)'. "t he window is a ll ri~th t now." thi s y• ar if th cy ~et a dt:t lll''\ :a t eit he r \\'h iu•wall:r o r the U~h k ns h"'Ju11 iu r cl a ~s . O f t•mt r~ th e .Jnniur>! are ! in th ll licit.! :u ul e ha llen Jt•-tltheOs hk••·~hJ ttn· The s!llde llts a re learning how to lin• I tuul how to re place t.he books in t he hhrary. During o ne o f the iurs a;; soon as th ey had u r~~:ani z~..l. A•···•mli ng to th e n ew~ pa J>ers t he O~hku~ l• cl:1s" h:11·e :u·cc ptccl the the fo llo w ing is said to h:tl'c t:1ke n p ln.<.-e: The to ]Jie was t he arrt1ngement u f Miss AlentL's ch:t llc nge but th e Jun i" r clas" he re h"" heal'<! m oth· iug as yet tof t he <' hallelli-(C bci n ~ aceeptct.J. an.J :trc :~n xiuu;~ly aw:~oiting a re p ly In the meantime thll wu rk !l, 1\llt.l il was uid that it didn ' t make n M:reat dea l o f tli lfercnce whether "l.ittle Me n " u r " i.ittlc \\' o men" eame tir,;t so lo ng ns t hey Wt•ro uot both lit<!ra r)' "'~~'it• ti e~ are try in ~'" arr.iU!.(e a olehat•• with OH:s~ ion s put " l'ntlc r th e J.ilac'!l" THE NORMAL POINTER. 18 OSHKOSH-STEVENS POINT . The ti rst victory of the sca~ro n w:LS won from Oshkosh. October Hth. hy :~ iM:orc of 6 to 0. Tho la11fCSt aut! most cnthusi:L.~tic c ro wd that e,·er witut!Ssetl a foot bRll game iu thi!i city asscmhled 11~ Athletic Park nnd c ht.'e retl thu home team to \'ictory. The visiting tellm put U)J ~~ g001.\ game. hut t:ould not stop the terriflitl line lnwking of the hcHnc boys. Our tackle:~ bac k pluy pron:tl in1·incihle and smlll!hed throu~ h the OJJJ)()!Iing line for rej)C:U etl g11ins. Oshkos h kit'k!l to Sw,·cns l'oint: KarnOJII' t·atchcs the ball.and gains 25 y:mls. Polle~· nmke!l 10 •1':&rd !l, Karnopp 6 yarUs. and S:&ger is pu!!hetl th rough the lhle for 26 yanl:o. At thii4 poiut the ball c."<changed \muds SC"feml times. l:&ckisch bucks the cun1e r. ami Sager on a tackles back play is pushed acros;~ for a tom:h·dowo. lhlsey kicks to Schnticl<.l who punts 35 yards. After a few JJhort. g:1in~. the ball goes to thlhkosh. 1uul Unnnoo makes 20 on a n end play. Halsey then punts 40 yanil! tn the l'ointer.~ Iii yard line. The rest of the lir.~t h:1lf was charncter· izet.l by the tine punting uf llal;wy and Schofield. In the SCi.:On~l half the re w:t~ nn St:orinK IJy either team. The features of this h:tlf being Halsey's pnut· ing for the \"isi team. "hil·h keJit the liCoro •to wn. anti Sager's 2:.yanl run thntngh'thc Oshkosh line . 'l'hll following ill the linll 1111 for the two g:t111es : HOlt~:. Polley.. J~O!UTIOS. .. K. J.:. Nel110o,Carl~ton.K.T. ..... H. G. Soper Carlson. Cowan. C. .. l •. ll. Wojalt. . Sager ........... !~. T. Sparks. Grimm. 1.. K Schotield ....... . n. 1-1 . ..I •. H. Karnopp. . Murat . . ... .... Q. taeklsch .... . ... F. II. Oi!II KO:III . Hnum, Ka unp, A\'Crwu. Goetsch. Schwtxie, Jto,;ctJthnl, l.:twrence. Scribner, ltnnoo. Tracy. Hal~ey. to aa yard line. and nftcr a fifteen yard gain by ' l'ollcy. nml surccssive lino !!lllll8hcs by Schotioh.l, KnrnOJlJHUt•l Sager. the ball was advanced to White· w:uer's 25 ynrd line, where it wns lost on a fum ble. They m:~<le two tlcspcrote attempts to gain without sm:c~. and lose the b:lll on an attempted punt. In a nother minute Sager is thrown ove r for tho fi~t tmwh·down. ~cholicld kicks goal. Whitewater kicks to tho 26 ya nllinc. And on tho second pllly Karnopp with the interfero n~ of 1\lumt, plllys a Rlehanl's ,lodtting game for a run o r 50 Arter succ:ess· in~ short ~tains. Knrn opp was sen t ove r the line for the ;JCI:ou~l tonch·dOIYU. No more scoril!g in the . lirstlmlt. Scholield kicks anti White water fumbles. Wojsk makes a good gain. and Schofield kicks a fine goal · from 20 yard line. After the kick olf, WhiU!\"ater is unable to i<tup the te rrilllc line rushes of Polley, KarnOJIJl and Schoticld. Karnopp makes 21:1 yanls around end. !.inc smas hing it again resorted to with some gni n ~. nntil tho \'isitont goal was itt ex· treme d:mg~or. when tho ball is gh•tm to them on a •1nestiounble fumbl e. They now play fast and furi · nus ball. Hutton. (fa1Joway and Haumenon making long runs; lack ish and Soper making flne tackles. The hall i:o rcgailn:d, but is :1gai n lost. Anti after a series of ent1 11hlys. IUedll.lhauch goes throitgh tackle for a tonch·down. Goal is kicked . Time was called with the ball in the Pointers hands on thllir40y:u'f.i line. SE:COND TEAM GAMES. WU IT!,;W ,\Tt: lt. Unker, 1:mn m. tiri!iln, Children, Mueller. l{il,.'<lelbanch. Galloway. Hutton, llanmer:><m, Hahn. IJcUingcr. Our lirwt eleven played its tl~t g:une for thrCtl yean~, with Wh\tcwnter on Saturday. Ncwcmbcr 4. for the State Normal School championship. and won by a IK:Ore of 17 tn tl. This .wu the wny it Wail olunc. llnluncn.on ki•·ks The seeotul ~ormal football team bas played three games tins fall up to date nod hopes to arrange for nwrc. l i!J ti n~t game w~ with Grand RapidlJ on tho home gridiron and N•s ulted in a tie score of 10 to 10. The second gtune of tho season wu with the Centralia High School team at Centralia. The team put IIJI some ••:otcellent interference and s trong d efense. The !K.'Qre W:l!l 17 to 0 in favor of the N ormal. The third game w~ with the Waupaca Highs on the home ground:>. Tho team had been materially weakened by the loss of 80\'Cral men who went to Oshkosh with the lir.n team as aub.!ltltutes. The wnrk of both \'i~i tors ami home teams was decidedly JK)()rnnli res ulted in a ~teore of 11 to Ginfavo rofthe 1·isitm~. THE NORMAL POINTER. 19 Juneau is boxe,] anti miSW."! him: he s lip;; a rounol two other meu; FOOTBALL BY TELE:CRAPH. If y ou s ho u lol C\'c T hal'C :\ c ham·c tn :<ee :1.11 im]KITtant football J(:llUC by !elcg r:tph. dol n ' t .-lo it: that is unlc:i~ y our ne n·es a rc in J>tlTfL~·t condi1ion nne! yon arc in l!t!arch of 1he mo;~t exci tin~t c:oc peric twe yon O\'CT had. Watching a game right out in the tl))Hil ai r where there is ple nty o f room to brt•a!lt. :uul wlw r e y o n (.>an ~e c n •ry tnow~mcnt u f tlw mt•n. i~ we:tring e noug h on tlw a\·cragoJ ;,ens ihility Um !i~ing :1 g:uuc with y our C:\n tmly. !ian: with what he lp the \'Criscope gi,·c;; you. and h:n-i njliO w:1it a t tiftecn secotuls afUl• t he pl:1y < UT IIITt~ l Uclure yo u know how far (>•~dt· o·arrico l tho• hall. o r wlwthcr it wa;; s hay o r uiJ!h ty y:t rtls th:lt O'Uc:l punted . i;; o·u,~a ne arly hrings him olowu but he g ets a way: he sccurC!! touchdown." and thc g atm• is lost. It is incomprehe ns ible. Our minds refuse to nol· jus t them seh•es to this informatio)n. The re is a we ight that presses upon ~~~ ril(ht where our hearts nrc. The re s urely is ;mmething wrong. The n- and thi~ i~ tlw mnin thing I w isht!•l to te ll :J.bout -:~.ft er abo ut a (JU:Irtc r nr n minute. I SUJIJ)O.'It~. though it st'Cillt.'tl like :t quarte r o f an hom·. there came from the \)O)Oiy of studcnt.~. all from nne jli:tnl \'oice. the V:u·.'llty ye ll· U-ltah lt:Lh Wis1•nn ~in ! U-ltnh lt:d1 Wiseon;~in: U· Hah Hab Wi!!con!4in : Wiscnnsiu W a.'l beaten out. nut I':J.nquisht.'(\. She did nut cry bur eyes out; she dhln't t~tlk he rself torlllre . to riUrt: uf tlu: l.:iud that nn one wu n h l miss h na rsc expl:tiniug how the poor te am won. a s y<m fo r a d o zen t inws the prio:e of :HI mission. and I hax e known schools to do; s he sinl]lly g o t 11]1 an,\ shouk off the dust and said. "That's all right I :m1 thin k i n~ just now M the gauu} Varsit y h:ul with Yale t wu weeks ago. :and whic h w:Ls r CJ)OrWd in .J in l.ii.Jmry Hall. The whole ~o::uml W M :1 ncn ·c s tminc r :uul nut :a mo m e n t. in it could he counte•l dull or t·o unu •nplal'l': but there w:u nne mum(•nt in the !lame that p:1rtic n i:Lrly imprc~:H:d me . It was in the h:LIL jnilt :1bo ut three min u tes he· fore the c:~.ll of time. The score w:u: Yale 0: \\' is· eonsin 0. l'he b:dl was s hunling :1ruund in Yale's territory. wo rking neare r :m•l neare r to he r •Ianger line . The f"Criscope ]J(•arJ w:u sh"''·ing t re me nduns gains for O' Den o n ea c h e xcht\uge o f punts. The hall full of r oute rs w:u uu the \'Cry mw C1lge o f ex· pe(•ta nt•y . En~ ry he art \I'M ho ping fo r what it !nul scarcely Jan'(! hop•! fo r be fore - a l' ict o ry. W e lmd he ld the m in t he ti rst lmlf with the wi nd a g ain:'lt II!~: we wo uld win no w. "It i:'l Yal u';~I.Jall o n her ~0-yar.l li ne." aunonnces the re1vler. The re iii a s hort sile tu·e fur this is lmnlly m:ar e nough to Y:tltf s goal to s nit the ro<•ten. "Y:~.le tries tac kle fo r a loss of 5 _rard~. ·· announce:~ the reade r. and a mighty yell o f r e lief breaks fo r t h. ··Ho ld 'em Wiscon~in :" we y e ll. ll:lt.i go into the air. :J.ntl heart!i go d o wn out of tlul throats w e realize that ano the r daul(e r has l.oeen a\'ertetl. It will ;JOlOn be our b:~.ll But the rea d e r t.'Qme~ o u t with auothe r slip o r pape r. H e raises his hand and the uproar .snbside.'l. It is b:t.d ne ws, we sure o f tha t. " There may " I eao' t undtlrstand this:· he ~ays. he some mi;~take. Ric haro ls g oes a ro und ri,~tht e nti : t ho ufth it d oe! come pretty tough. Hut y ou ju!t wni t 'til next. year. ·• It must be thiil way o f doing that ha! w o n fur Wilw~nnsin ll reputa t ion for know· ing ho w to t~lke d e feat. C. H. It We are still o n tleek. Tho ugh some of u;. ;~.wm to h:t\·e olmpped out of e xi:'lt c ncc, t here may yet be fnund "A, little band that's s tl'!!ng anol mil(hty. I bc Surma! cia;~;~ or ~n1c and Nint~ty. " Alonjl thc s ide line.~ . :U the foot ball game. m:Ly ho! found mauy loy:1l d e \'otees uf the gridiron. The n. too. o ur y o ung ladies umy he found dancing in the JOtY•n. on Fritl:ays. Some of the m arc coii~.'Cti ug scalps, and woe to the luc kless Norma.lite wit•• falls into their hamill: In many schools yuu will lind our represcntatil·es, some wie lding _the rud, b0f1k in h:uul ; o thm·ll patie ntly p utti ng into practict~ tho princi ples le:lrDt.'(i during our schuol days. Oowr. at the "U" may be found a few ;~hini11g lights who now have ~ubstituteol the c ardinal for the d ear o ld purple and J(nld. \Vhere\·c r we are, and whatever we arc doing. I am s ure !jQDlC whe re in our he art.'! is a pluce fo r the Ste\·e ns l~oint Normal and he r ~ttulen ts; and when we ge t Nown· hearted and Ji:ieouragt.'(l O\'er wlmt see ms to be the too meage r res nllll of our lal10rs. it ch~rs us and help;~ us to s truggleo11 again. hrnve ly. t o think tha t there a re s t ill snme le ft in the o ld plnt:e who will sym]Jathi7.e with us in o ur tro ubles. aud rejok e in our \'ic tories . ... . ..) THE NORMAL POINTER. 20 The Messengcr is J,awrem..-c's bi-monthly repre· · seutnth·e. 'l'hc Messenger is neat nnd newsy. " l .el'>~ !:X.k :11 the cxchangu column : there tho funny t hings.·· was tlu~ ,;ugge;~ti,·c remark hcun.l while a half ti0 7.Cn l<tmle nts were \coking OI'Cr somc nf unr ext·hangt~s. Thi:;~ nml:t rk c:m,;cd the Exchange 1-Alhor to :ask himself what his tlnty •·eally i". Some time ago it it w:&..' l an est:tblishL'tl custmu fo r cnch e:u:bange to t·opy jnke;; fro m :all othcr e xc Q•·II. Thii:lccrt:ainly make:! the wurk e:asy. :m tl!.!ach joko wont the rounds uf tho Sl'hnoiJ•aJM:U. A good joke is e njoyed hy ull. hut. it gets s tale, tna ccrtoiu exte nt, whe n ~atl the sc\·cnth ti me. Thu eighth rettding drot:s not cause the noadcr tn brc11k forth with nwre limn us ual hilarity. Wo nlrl not u re\·iew of exchanges, with jns t criticis ms. ''" nmre good than :1 cnlnmn o f Not :til editor3 are burn TI\' Jain!l o r Nye,;, and '-"OIIs<..~JUCnt ly arc not ~·ttpable o r furn i~h- t >tl pil...'tl joke.-4! inJC me rriment fur all n'tule~- In The Wl'JIII•rn 'l'e:U'he r IK an nrticltl well worth readi nJC. e ntitll••l " A i\h.'il~nge to G:treia." The mnntl drawn from lhe well known s tory ill one wurthy of our nut it.-.!. We agr<.-e, mon hcnrtily. with The T eacher in sayinjl we nel.~ l more fellows who can 1·:arry ··A ;\I C!!lll]o{~! to Gurcia: · The ·•why" nnd •·wiHtt for" fellow will lose hi11 place c1·ery time whe n he tnl.'llhl a !llllll who is carrying -.· A M e~~age to Garcin." whether it be on the fuot ball lic itI nr in the counting hnu~·The Northwes tern Unh···~ity ha.'l <h!Cided not unly to CXJMll from the institution n.ny stude nt who t·hcnlS in exnmimuion; hill nlso tu tmblis h their n:uucs in the t:ulleJ(e pllpcr to !14!11tl 111 the facul ties <Jf otllt'r ••o\lt>gt..i!. KS1J:< 8TiliH:ST. The linunophonc tm t c~ UJ}OII its third year with nnmi.Jer with an e ntirely new mannKe\Ve wh•h the new mlumgcmcnt the bes t nf !!UI.'<!f!S.."!' in sn~t:1iniuK the Gnuw•plwne's past rcpn· t:uion. it:o~ ~·tober ~1mc litutlcnl!l who wuulllnot ohjt.'t't to ha1·ing the hunurs o f a footl.ulll player, arc \'cry 11a<l to lirul thc m.oct·h·es :' "<iu:utt·r-l»u·k" afte r exRmination~. Again we recei1·e the High School Chat and this time with !t guoJ write-up on a broad s ubject. "Our President nnd the Philippines." Tho boy who goes through college without being a member o f one or the litcn,ry soci~ties has rcceh•ed hut half o f what is !l\'itihtllle in h\1:1 t•ollcgu liru.- Ex. Lawrence Unh·ersity sends n:5 two good pa])(lt""ij. Why is i~ that some schoob cnnnot SIIPJ)()rt one! "ltudyard Kitlling" i! u well written nrticlc in the l.a.wruntinn. We pnrtlon a writer iu Tho College Meteor who uses thirty-eight '"l's" in iei:s thau two columns. We thitlk the ne11.t s heet would be improf"ed if gh·e n a CO\'cr. Tho Wisconsin Alumni Maga1.i ne is the name of the o Oidal organ or the alumni of Wl~cOo!in Uni\'CNiity. T hhi will contain general o.Jumnl news nnd a record of the progrefts of the Unh·erslty. About 3.000 copic~t will be publi~hcd. The well Known Kodnk contains an exceptlonRIIy good s10ry this month e ntitled "Cupid Played Full Unck." Tim writer s hows rlbility unt often found in the high school. The Kodak Is well gotte n 11]1 :uul show:o~ tchool a pirit of the right kintl. - -- · - - -- . Thl'OI.lorc of Mt. Vernon. N. Y., has been teaching >Whool for m•cr sixty year.t, nnd uow, although in his eighty-lirSt year. i8 still ene rgetic and sctms to fAke a deeper interest than e ver in his class of hoy8 and their studies.- J ournal o r J::d. - --- The Norwnl Pennant from San J ose, Calif(m;ia, one of the OOs t paper.~ which reach our table. The department of "Reviews" is found in few ~~Chool paJM!fS, btU would l."Crtaiuly tuld to their attractivencb if as intereilting as The Pennant's. i~ The tirst number of The lsland City Student, for whit:h we htt.\·e been wnhing, has found its way to our tu.hle. \Ve extent! congratulations to the Stutlcnt o n her new \'enture. The Stude nt sa.~ a. "Bleil· ~I arc t.ho!ltl who make things go " If good wishes a111l frie ndly fcet"ings make things go, the Poin!Cr will certainly he numbered with the bleucd. THE NORMAL POINTER. ~oael Sc4ool. We cannot t:eh: bratc all the birthdays in the ye:1r. IJut when two boys :1re eight yean~ old o n the S31llC tlay we think it fittiug to make the mos t of the D:ln Weller o f the Worker" and J ohn ~lac­ ~lill:w of the Busy Sees were the happy boys who ··husc g:~.mes fnr thtl ahc rnnon a nd hc! 1M.~I the c hil,\rm• ,.f the ruum make the hre:ul :In•I huner :uul apph..-s oli$-.'W pear in htrge <JU:Uitith:s o n Oct. 6._ The little people arc beginnin!ol' tu talk of T h:lllksll'h'ing. Out:e npun a time llll're lh·cd a Hnle bo_\' and his name w:u Epimcthc us. Ht' lin,,otl alone in a liule hnnse. He hat! no mother. nu fathl•r. no ~isters. nn hrut lml"ll o r rclatinn"One tlay a lli!UI named Mc n: ury broug\11 a little ttirl for hi~ playmate. This little ~irrs name w:L-J l,andura. One tlay [':tudol"3. ~11w a beautiful box in the house·a.nd s he :L"Jketl Bpimctheu.'! whut was in tlu: Uox. l-Ie :!ai•l. ··That i" a :o~ee ret... Then ~he said, ··Who lor<n1gh t it ~· · ··Th:u i.'! a se~ret. too.·· She kept teasing all the time. By and Uy he .'laid. " us go o ut :111d get some ligs.·· l'audora ru~ketl him ngain but he ~aid. " I can't tell." Then s ht! s:1id. " Who brought it here ! .. ··A man who hat! wings on his anJ wings o n his s hoes.. "0h. that was Mer· 1'31' •·ury . He brought me here." She thuught that it u1m1t be full of pretty dresses for her. Then they went into the ho use. Pantlo1"3. l(ut c ross and Epimt<thc ns went out to play :t.lone. He got 110111e leaH.'>! and made her a wreath. \\' he n he we nt into the ho use there was l'a~dnra st:tndit•g by the hox and the golden cord "'' Ill! lying on the tloor . Bpimethe us thought. " I'll see. too .. Then Pandora opened the box and out came some bees. Epime tht>us ;~,'lid, " I' m stung." "So am I," llaitl l'andor.1. The n a little vuice said, "Let me out aud I'll help yuu. " They openetl the box a.ncl a little butlt!r8y carne o ut and kiSSl.od their ~ting~ 311d they got well. Bt:Tn Owt:s , Third WI\NI. Third gnule. F.i~tht >"NIN ol•l. 1\I)W D .\1'1\ S t: 1\.:t· ,\~1·: ,\ Tltt:•:. l'cne us was :1 ri\·et' Jtud. lie tuok t·are nf tlw lit · tie rniu tlrups. He k ...ltl•c litt le hronk,. to the J.:rmt rh•cr :md the rin~r loth" sc:1. llo·taught the lislw.~ to swim. Hut he IO\'t!d Daphne. hi~ dear tl:mghter. IJ.e;~t of all. She olio! nolli\'C in th" wate r wi;h he r f:\lhe•· but slept o n the s.uft m"""· The hiNis :mrl hees wo'N' her playmates. She w:u l'ery prutt,l', with 1<1111{ o•ud,. anol C)'I!S li k.., Sl:lt'!J. Stuneti me~ 11hc h:ut :1 ride in :1 hiJ;C JertlY •·lo ud. l,;upid was a ol0:1r lillie huy lout he lrH'L'1..i fun . llo· had ':l lou I\' anol arrnws. C)uo• was m:ulc u f l(•>lol au• I one uf lent!. If he s hnt a lcnol :arrow at yon it WoJIIItl make ynu frightCIIL'<I of C\'eQ'lhi njl. hut if he s hot II j;tOld ari'OJW at yuu it 1\'uultl m:1kc you lun: t' l'ery thing. A!Jollu came Ill' to him Rllll, " You ~:mnot11hout. " Thi~ of cun rsc tua<le Cupid :m~try. lie tollk o nu. of hi.'! lt•aol urruti'S :uul sho t it up in 11 rain eloml whio•IJ l>-.1Jihne hnpJlCIIL'<I to Uo in It frighteul:<l her ;1u thnt §he t•a me right olowu out nf the cloud and run :uf:1s1 ll.~ i!hC could. At lu..~t she cnuld run nn mort•, ~" she cnlle•l to he r fathe r to he lp her . But he cuulol rln nothing "" h1: c:IHllll{o.'ll he r lutOJ a t ree. As Apollo 1~u me up \II her 11l11: wns a t ree. Hol said, "D:1phnc. yuu ha1·e wo n thl! t~ll't'. I clid nnt want t<> lose you ." Anti It•: Urukc off a hilt brnnt·h and s:t.ill. "Men who olo ltr:n·o• oiL..!~ I ~ ~hall wc·:H c ro wn:t of your lcai'Ct<.·· We call it the l:mre ltNw. it i~ colo!. It c·:uuwt grow whero· AT II J. t:T IL' LITt:IIAitl' :01""11-:TI'. During the footl>:lll ~:\SOil fnur g:~. mes wen• pl:tyo••l with tho 1-liJ,!:h Sdttool tell/11 ~ of the o•i1y. The foul · l>all tenm is now 11is bautletl. while tlw ha.~ko::t hall teams are bei ng org3ni1.t.'\l. Tlll'rc will he Jh·c t c:un~ which will Jlhty until \':l.~lltiou al t:hri,;umL.; limo• The n the teams will be re·orJ!:anh~l!<l an'flrtlinl( '" the ahility of the pl:1yo·r.o Afte r a. s ho rt practice JICriuol the looy11 c :~;po.•o·t t" )Jiayse1·er3lgames with the tc:uns in tuwu antl httl'•• some games planneol away fn11u humo•. l'l:tn~ fo r a u eutert:~.iruuenttn take pl:11:e Tim Ia~! n l 111''1:1 mnnth . art• now in progress A t the last regular e lco·tinu the fullnwhtl( utlicer~ were e iCl..·tefl: l'rcs.-~l ori\'1. K~mb~ : ~.... l.euuro· Eat.,u: Marolm l~ - ~lo•rrill WJ...•·I•K'k, ~l ilt • m w ,.,.,J.