THE NORMAL POINTER Volume Y. Number l· ST EVENS PO INT . WIS., D ECEMBEH 1), 1899. A CAMP-FIRE STORY. WE~~::::.~u:·.:~:·i~:~n~n:~~:··~.::~l \::~~~~.1~~~ ~:.:~.:.h•·,::.~ we re when tlw day',; work was dune a ru l we s:tt 'round the e:wqHit·c td\in~ot st,ri•:• au.! o:h:tf· lin~ e:wh othe r. Urw day we hat! ,.,.,.n ho: a r tra•·ks in the wood s. :uul a fte r we had d ispuscol uf Hut· ,;up· per o f <."OfTf'C, c·orn-t·:t ki'il and l•:ll;col ·round the th-e t>njoy ing o ur stories Wtlft' in onlc r l_~o~·au>'. and lay e•·cui n~ smok o•. Um· a fwr a nntho•r told wh:ll in~ot t he :l.Shcs o u t ol his pip('. ~:t iol tlryl,\' . .. W t•ll : IJOy>~. yc m11,;t h:H'<' huntcol IH)ar t•un.• i•l~·our y:~ rn~: moon till',\' W:IS. :111' 'I~< out a l~<•ar ll~LI'k fulk ~ To ,oo·oom· ,Ji,[n'!. Luak(' nn Sllt'h fn.o;~ F:ll't wa.~ to •·ome right. oln w n i nto thc olunr ·yanll!: au· l 'n• hc:u·ol ~otr:wd ·fathcr tl'l l how he u.~e•ltu j.(ct " " w e'n• 111:1do· tn·olay. tht·~· u.~o:d upni]o.:hts an· s tu no: the hc:u ·s 11111 o f tht• ~lwcp·ful•l " 0h' t•n mc noW, ,Jolt', yoo n olon't eS[w•·t 11~ " too l.oc· IK•ar he had done. ror woulol tin, if ho• mel'' hc ar. h\:wk. brown. or g r izzly. until. :tt la~l. J ot·. (.irovPr. kn<~t· k ­ ' al)\c b y o·ooLunum hc n•ah•>lt ts t hau t lwyllll n• •W lout I \ ':L n t,. ll yc 'hunt :1 m a n th:\l k i ll~::o l a IJ(:ar a !itc h• (tilfcro•nt fr<Hil any o f y•·" " Yc t•au ildien• it or nut. true. tiii'HL jo:~t a,; yt• like ; hut it'" F..Jk,; wan't s" pes ky 'fraiol ,f tim \' :trmints ola~·s: lout s••m•:t ilnc~ tlwy tlll'llt'•l ooLH In l.oc pre tty 111-(1,\' thill j.(S to t:wklt:. :ts :-.! o J~P ;o.!,·rril fo unt! nuL" " (i n ahcaol' j.(ll a lw:ul"' " Suin ynur y a r n . ,Jo c," wt• [.l('}!'j.(l'<l as 1Lt: "'" PPCd ,\ntl th us ur~;t•o l , ,J.,,. t<~ltl u~ this t:uualizin~d.\' " UifTcrenL from us . ch • ['ll lwt a <'lllll ynur 111:111 fell QfT'n some of t iLes!' lwn: l'<><'k.~ 11111o• thl' i""'r c ri tter and h r nkc it" h:n·k ... ··No: he didn't : bm it'd IJoCo·n a nuiT ~ij.tht h('ttCr fo r him if he had." saiol ,Joe. sl uwl.v . tilled hi;; pipe Mill a~ he L':trufnlly light•••! it with a brand frot n thc lirc . " T ell u s ahout it. ,l ow.·· ~aitl tlw hu~~ Ano l .I nc ,;tory. while the t·nmp· li ro' lolazc tl away scrulin jl shtl\n:r;J nf ~parks u p in too t1Lc•l:ork rro•s,;;. auol t hcoow ls t:tlkt•d with c:wh uthcr in rhc olt•c p foor·t·.~ t hchino l u.~ "Sb:ry .\·car~ "i-t" o•v'ry farme r 'ro~n nd Ando \'+•r k(•p' hi .. ll•••·k ,,f s heep. ll:t<l t oo. 'vause that" ll' )wn• tho·ir d o tht:s o'<llllll frn111. y,. o·oou ld n't lm y r••nol~· m:r•l•· •·l.,thcs ' " tho• ,;;!tore then. a n ' rt•a•ly· m:uh: duth. wdl : rlu•rc wan't m Lit'h o·all for it : an ' a.~ I ~:dol. ,.ht·o·u wa~ plcul,\', ,.,. W10 11 lol :t ht'CJL if t h o: hcar,o Tfi E NORMAL POINTER . they' ll a· mo;;t stsn' s till :u1' let a htmr l'OIIIO U\1 to 'e m ' fore t.hey'\1 r un. an ' whe n they 11.\n: gnt away they' ll slop a n' wnit fo r hi m :tgttiu. ticc m 's if they they lms n't got no ;muse. Well : St.'~i n ' t h:tt t he criuu l'il couldn 't t:1kc c:1rc .,f t hc mscln."ll, a n' hcin' 'tarn al nmd at t he bhu:k l'a r mlut-" t h:at was c:nin' UJI th eir fl ocks, th e me n u...eo l tn )l:lL toge t he r :1n' gu· bear hontin ' . I JliU'.:IS l'oU'•l :1. 1:\rfl.'<l. bny;;. if yrm'd a !leC II th e ir WC;I. jWII HI. Jl itdtfo r kii. :I Xi' S. dubs, :111 old g un , mch bc. :UI ' I hc:arcl _~t r;uu lb t h cr S:l)' he .saw :1 ' man t ake hili !W)' Lhc. " I · s a>O:~e tlm t Id le•· ) t VW IW his be:lr. olio ln't he. J oe! " cam u h o m t he ot he r 11idc nf t he tire. "No: he olhln't : :ut ' you hc tte r shu t up if yo u wan t tn hear whnt he om '' "·" g ruw h:ti.Juc. •·All r ig h t: I'll be :l.'l ;~till :1.!1 :l St:I'Cec h uw1." w:t ~ the reA fro m our ir re p ru3sih!u. Anti aft er n St:ornfnl R;lancc th:n way, an•I &Jlri m •· I A: UC!!S yo u're likely to 00 :" Ctrovcr continnl!ll his story. " Gnmd-fath e r was wi th the me n the mo rn in ' I' m tc lll o' :ye nho ut. nn' he a n' :O.Iosc Me rril trn m pct l alo ng togethe r tor u. tJ pcll . M oi!e had an s:<. nn ' grandfather sa:ys. · Yc bette r look ont. Mo!IC: if ye tAck!e a ben.r with thnt :r. x ye·n hn,·e to he mi p;hty s pry .' Ye know a bcnr "ll bm: 'with his pawl! "most :.s good as n. mn.n, a n' Mn!IC kne w it. too: but. he w all a big stout fel low a n: w:l' n't "frni tl of not hi n' on the fJU.•e of the en.r th : so he only lnrfet l a li ttle. an ' told grand -fat her thn t he g nes;;t>t l he conic! "tcnrl to a ny bear i n them WolO< I ~ "! hunt. a ny hcl tJ: au· !f he couldn 't. he'd hulle r fur him . Of cours6 a bolly (;oultln "t >~ny nnthin ' more a!Ull' that : au' pretty 110011 the men s trun lt •)UI ill :a line so u to cover more JlM Un•L Mo:w ~ l :lr tec l otT twirlin ' his a xe careless like : a n· the nc .. t rime any nf 'em seen him wu whcu t hu li ne l"lo!!Cil in :tn ' they nm ac rott him lyin' beside 11 big hla•:k hear. 'T wM hard tellln" which one wa.' the desden: hn t alter they'd worked on~ r Mose 11 :~pe ll an · fnut ul there wu life in hlru. they to t~ l hi m dn wn to thu l"illaJ,tll: a n1 In the t:o urse of 1\ week n r t wo ho wn~ nhlll tn tell how It hnppcnt.'(l. Ho 5.'\icl hu'll lwen r r:wcli n' a lo ng for some ti me whe n he come tn a kind .,f opeoln' In the wnod11 whem there ws' n't much undcrbntllh. an' jest as he li iCp!lt.'t l out of the hru ~h un one si•lu uf the OJ)Cnin ' n. 11ig blnck head poked itsClf out on the other, a n ' Mo!Ml seen th e ga me he 1y: 1 ~ J.-oki n" for. Tim <· ritli !ltOpJ)C(I when s he IiCO n Merril. :u1" with the hni tl'fl tan 'in ' UJ) o n her bllCk growled fo him to mimi his o wn buslncS!I un' go h:wk where ho C:tmo from.~"'I wa'n ' t ol th nt mimi, th nugh. nn' ho weot fur her with hi'I!IL:< up re:trly tu s trike. Shu s tood np o n her hind legs nn" whe n the ax en me cluwn '11tcad o f s t rlkln ' her. it went OI"Cr w 'tnt hct· side o f the ope n in ' nn' s tuck in a tree. a n' the nmn thing l\foso kne w he wu down an" the hea r h:ul his ha i-ld n.n ' nrm In her 'ln outh •·h;~ win' it liku al l git ou t. No"· l cn.n 't accoun t for it.. he:u~ has queur freaks ·~nm e t i ru o!l, but Merril s no n fo und out. by t•·yin' It I 14pO!tC, t ha t if he kctf ~ till tim m rmint nnl y held l~lm there: bitt il he mn1·t.... l .o;he ch:1wetl hi m : an ' ho w lo ng !!he'd kce 11 that mind he did n't kno w. He t ried hollerln ' for hel p s n' she hit clean thru his han' ;_so he gh·e tlult up. Tolen he saw a big pi ne kno t !y in ' near nn ' reat'he<l out for h . Cr.1uncia We nt he r jawtc, nn' he turnc<l sic k enough : for. 1\S he said, his nrm felt a~ if H.m tlwtlllan' l"(lfl hot iro ns Wn!f run Into it . Shut· ti n" hi!4 eyt."S he thot •Them alnt no help for me: she' ll k ill me Mn yhow. nn ' I'll die tlgbtin .' So set· settin' hi ~ teet h. he rn nched fo r that knot ngiu . Now. how he C\'Cr did It I. d<' n't see, rm ' be didn 't know himself. I '11 1)()36 he mu! t a been cmzy with Jl:lin. hu t with one hand in t he brute's jaws ho ben.t her Cl"t>t the head with tha t knot ' till he kll lt.od her. There wa' u't much lile left in him when he got thru, tim': nn ' the hantl 11ho cba wed wa' n ' t ne ve r n o n ~ to him. all out o' shape an ' 1Im wed s hut. · No w, as I ~aid , I' \'C heard of bears iu n g110d mnny ways. bnt. Mose Me rrll Is the only m tUI I cn~ r hennltell u l that killed one with a pine knot : nn' I don't belle,·e a ny o ne elso ever wanted to try it. knltt· " You bet your boots. I ;lon' t want to go huntin' nn buN with a Jline knot for a gun.'' voiced the Sl'tlliment.!l of the party. And J ~>(fll rc plJ, "No, sonn y, an ' you wo n' t wan t to tnt e that chai n to·morro w If you do n't turn in )Jrcny !!lton." sent lUI laughing to our blankclll: :nu l ,.. 1011 the ow ls ncrO!I8 the river had the s tory· telli n)C :t\1 to ; he mselvl!ll. l THE NO R~IAL PO I NTER. A FEW HOURS OF BOYHOOD. :to'r'"'s f•·••m thu ,,,, ,.·way a rc two • lai"J.l:t! hunks plan.>tl Onuu mo re l will be a buy :uul gu b:wk to tlw vf the Miol night Sun."' It is tl\"t!ning. and r:nhur :mol I art: rt•tnrning from a lishing tri p. W e h:1\"C bt.-cn gon•~ si uce early morn i nK. :uu l h:l\"c s nct't!ss fnlly g:Uhel't'ol in om· o ld nets :uul l:1id nut new uno!s. :'lly fatlwr is wc:1rily ply ing the o a rs; fu r. :alt lu>lll-("h the ~ail j,; St·t. lluJI"tl is hanll)' ::Ill)' witu) In help us alunj.l:. The s un looks ,·ury pn·tty :t.'!i it slnwly olip:> iL~lf into tlw olis t:m t W:lh:r; :tnt! I t•:uuiut take Ill_\' eyo•s a way frnm it :l.i I s it pcrt·heol :IIHtl tll-(" tim tlonnolc rs. herring ami pi ke. The ,.ky anti ~•·a l"uuk ~n rt.'<l near the s u n. a nd lrum t his ma><~ uf n•d t hen• :aro many beautiful streak ~ t~f olilfc rt•n t ,..,J.,r:o~ shuuti n)l: o ut int u t he s ky :m ol '""':t. :'1 /y f:ttnc1· mll.'i. a ],., turn t n look nt it. ulthuuJt:h he i ~ mun• u-;cd t•> it th:111 I. \ \"l' :uc cumi n~ from t he eas l. ami nuw a t·:dl frum fathe r ut:tk~ me .~ h ift tl11• rndo lur. a.~ 1 se.• (>II thl' ri~h t o ne nf tltnse tall. slender. painto•d 1)0\t.'>! "·hicl1 " how t h:ll t here i :o~ a r•M"k lH>I 1·ery f:lr under t he wa\l:r. This al~• te lls me that ,,.,. :tl"" ncar humu. Uur e uur:<e i;o n.,,,. nearl.1· tm<·:u·•l the nort h. one :tbun: tht• uthc r T l•t•rc an: .,, spring~ to tht! m. but lht•y :Ire o·ulufurt:lhlt• t•nu liJ.!i• ' " !<lct•p in when Y"ll :II"C tin.'< I. HctWt!l'll tilt' hunks :tuol t he lii"U· pl:u·c an• twu piles ,,f wnud . :o."o•ar tlwl11•:ul u f the bt.>tls. " "t he wall, is :1 n•r.1· b nt•' d o>t'k nm hy wt!i}tllt .~. The lluur is uf n•Hg"hly hewn pl:w ks. :uultht: w:dls uf •·u ughly huwu timhur. Nu:•r tlw t't•ili ng. :thu\"u tlw tiru·pbt·o:. arc :<t·n·ml pt~lo:.~ son·o•n ft•t•t lung, t11l whida :at·e Stl"llnj.! 111a11,1" llat lt~:\\"t:s t~f rJc bi"l!:ul. tlmt tluoy may loeo·uuto: olr.1· anol harol :mol :><> l:1st lungt:r. lirl·aoi is hako!d unl y thrt•e t11' four ti lllt!~ :1 Jenr. Tlwrc an• nuly two winolow~. u11e ' "' t he e nol w:tll . and um.J o n the "ide walltlmt f:Wl'S the s hnre. They «])I'll uutw:t r<l hy mea n>~ uf hinJt:e". :-l'c:1r the s ide wiwluw i.. a ~tuu t talah·. :uitl j.!rt>II)Jt..'< l :ll)t>llt. it :Ire three dt:lir.~ :uul llll"o•c "tuul:>. all lim h:111diwurk nf b tllt'r. Xo•:tr the e nd window is a l:!.rJtc iro n cllt'!ll. U.r t he sioi<J o f this i.~ a kiw i t>f t• uplmanl usctl :\..~ n. rt.'t't•ptade fur 1·nriuus utens ils. On the ·wails are hnnl-(" :til kind:o~ t~f dut hiug. nul.!o, ro pe. s:til cloth, tutti l:trry t:l<'klc-t.l.,l'ks On :t su!itnt)' !iht•lf n re11 hlhle. a Jll":t)"t•r lmt~k and th r·t•e t':llech bnu!l. This t'Uilsti· the bl:t.t·k line on the hurizu n ho!eumc~ lar~er and larger. ~ow we ua11 so.:c tim o>utliucs uf thu ro>c ky hills and the stun red tree.~ A few miuuto:s mon ! the bn:\l·hnusc anti tht! lug cottage come i ntn l"iew. Anti who :t re tiguN!.o< un the pier~ Uh : Art. a nd J ohnie o·ling ing to the s kirts t~f mut hc r. The s ail ill furlt.•d. tlw m:ts t take n dol\"11. and I steer the hoat alo ngside t he pier anti intu the huat· h nli!!-C amitl the joyous welcome .,r auuthcr :uul my littlehrMhe rs. Thc lmat is f:ls te no·d. :u ul f:llho•r:ln<l I haul the nuts ntH o f tho• boa t :md h:utg t hum lllJ un pcg11 :..rmrnol tl•c bo:ll · hmt.>~e a nd till the fe tlt'C tu olry. ~ · they l'llll he clcanl't.l :Ut• l me nolctl 011 t he morrow. while mo tlwr tllkus •·arc of the lis heJJ. Then we all make o u r wny up tho: hilly p:uh t<) W· n nl the hou.~ . \\'e arc all happy. tugging a t the ba~ of li.~h. amlmnru so when we S<·c tlw 1-f]c-.1111 uf the t•heery lire thr r ugh the upcn oluur. As we e n!Cr l~t me tell sn mc thing al}f)Ut the interivr of this cot· !age. Theru is o nly one room ~i .<ttl·Cn hy twe nty f~:et. The linn thing you st.'f! is t he hu!ofe lin! plaee and o•·e n in O!J\' cOrner uppos ite l he <luorw:ay. :11111 it ('O\"CI'!'I nne-fourth of t he tlfH">r :trca . It i~ !mi lt of bric k, mortar, and s tone. In the 1·nrne r •li:tgon:..lly A~ 1\"t! c uto•r. 11 ~lll"ory !lmell u f IJ-orritlgc ])tlfl·ade!l t he 1"< ><1111. Mother olepo!!lL'! the li~h . to 00 cleaned :\ftcr s nppur. in a wooolt!ll trough : and tnkc.'l the t••wJiing t•urritlJCc and plac<)!l it 11))1>11 u chair. Then ahc r :1 thoruugh W:ls h. we :lll >~e:ll u nrseh·t!ll :trmuul it. with :t howl t~f milk i n uu r laps. a nd with wuotla•n !IJJ01>11:ol att:u·k tho: Jm rridgc a nd ma ke :t hearly meal. After s uppe r muther clean!! t he lishe11 :w •l sprink le.~ the m wit h salt. Then .~he taa.I!S thu :>pin ni nj.\" wheel fro uu lht! luft :m ol sets it whi r ri ng to make yarn fur our a·luthinJC. whil•l fathe r me ntb thr !!ail : :uul I ouu.~t lft!l tn wnrk and bu~ily ply my wO•><Ic n nco!IIJC in tim m:lklng of :~ ne w ne t . My brnt.hl!l'.'!i bui n)l: tun !I mall tu ,J,. anythi111.1: else. mll!tt o c·culJ.r t hemsd•·e~ wit h ~t ud)·ing the o·:ltCI'IIi.'lm :tlon•l At nine n"t"!oc·k tho.\' :t re se nt tu ht..'<l. Al Len n·o·lowk I d i rnh to t he t tl\> hu nk to juin the m. a rul after s aying my prayer.-;. I hegin t n tl rc:mt uf fi•lm~. hu:ll~. i4hip~ r>u.! t il!! salt !le:l. and of 1111~ i ~lan•ls :111ol the mn1mta ins as the hnmes u f !!piriti! !lliol trnll.i :-:ne h i ~ till' s tory nf a few ho nr!l of my tmylulllfl lifl"l. J!: l.l l.i-"1 G. (.;A JU.sus . " l~'\tuJ 'i THE NORMAl. POIN TER . \'ol. IV. numbers 2-S-7 (~ 0\-. and IJec. '08. ami TKEl NORMAL POI)'lTElR.. DECE MB ER 15, ,_.99 ;_:__ · - -A perlodlnl, repr~·e nta!lve of th o ~~~tb Stat<~ ~or­ Sebool, l'ltevcnt l'ulnr, WIKOOtln. poblltlted by the Ill.&! TermJoftnbKrlptloo-:.0 ceo•• llaotpald before J an.l,\!100. !". WKR!IIlii,'OO , , . . ¥ .!II, B.uuwwa,'OO . .. • 1'. B . W oop, Kl.,'OO C UAI. ... ~: ~: u~~.r;:;_ -~~ "00 In adu.oce. 'rnctulf . ... Kdhor-ln-Cblef ... .. . . LittllfJ •. •.• . . Tb ~CentOr ~ .. X. U. COLIOIIOU, '01. . IJ,TU.IIIIT, KI.,'Oi ,, Ja110aall . WIIULOCK,"OO .. ~~'\:'."JLa!;~::~.'?J 1 } . J IIIIIMI p~ryQa r . .. , ... . EJ~baii!IO . . . ,,, .Model Scbool .. Dntlaeu )hn llt r . . . . Anlltant lloolnua )faoa~en WIIEIU.OCil, '00 , ,, V, Cowua, Kl., '00 .. Addreuallba.Jneulelleretotbe811tlne11Mn~ Artlclet aollclled rrom former ttlldeo tt ud tuelleu. Kead ef'IO andublorlben llf11 f11~P<.'Ctfolly reqllelldto pal · roalaooorad•errl•en. Gentle He:lde r: Are yo u !lurpr:st:d to lind l\ h\ne 1.1:ul'ir'O!) ). These numbers nrc wn nte<l by the librnri:m tn be plal·c•l nn !i\c in the Lillrnry. whcru they i'an 00 u:;c. l for ~-;c n cml refere nce. Can yo u gi ve us rm y lnfornmtiou tlS to where wo crut li nd uny or :~.II o f these numbcn! ! If HO will yon kindly com mu nicntc with the husines.i m:m:rgcr o r write the libmrinn, therchy conferring a great fn1·or upon all co neernetl ~ At the begi nning of thi s qnnrte r \ve wero pler~se• l tn note an entirely new lleprlrt ure from tim e;rt:rh· Jishetl order of things. Thi.t was the dh·ision oft he St·hool into classes for thu pUfJKI.SC uf i ns tnll'tion iu the workings and use o f tho liiJrary. :-)u<'h ins tr uction can not hlil to IJe of the grcnt c~t :u h·:r nt:~.g:c tu all strHit.~nl!l anti e!lpccinlly to prospt.'Ctin~ te:lcht• r'l, for frmu !\knowledge of thcsytemntic cl:rs,;il i c:~.tion of the books in a li brnry comes nn in· crctlSetl fncility nnd const.-quent pleiUinre in using them . As teachers it will e nabl u us be tter tu nrrangc and classi fy the books of whir:h we mus t take charge if we zlSsnme a teacher's position in e ve n tl co rmuon !!Chon\ in Wi sco n ~i n . Thus li bmry ins tructiun is a source of persona l Jlle9.Sure an d of i nc reasc1l cflkieacy in our In bur for othel'll. May the good work go Another nu mher of our l..ecture Course ill e njoyal and go ne. For one solid hour Hamlin G:lrl:uttl . \Viseonsin':l greatest litcrn ry light. portrayed for Ullin wof'(IS the humor. the patho:l, the de \'Otio n and the patrioti:1m as he hntl found them among t he people o f ot;r st:rtc. Uut human natu re was notl hill whole the me. For a sc~ting. a..i it were, to his chnrncter sketche!J there ~lwne now plly the current yea r's 11ubscrip1ion before ,fan. 1. 1000. the price hM bee n li:\:00 at fifty <'cnts. 'l'hnse paying a l ter tlm t date will be charJet."-1 sc\·cnty-ti\'C cent.s. Will it pay you to IJe prnrup t. ~ . Are you a u old subscri()cr to the Pointer! U you aro yo u may be r~b l c to :lid us at)(l the !K·hool in gcnera)in a ,·erymnterial manner. W e are very urge ntl y in want of the following back nmn bl:ril of the Pointer: V ol. I, numberS (Fe b. '00): Vol. II. numhcNt il- 6 (J~t.n . and Feb. '07): Vol. I ll . uumber !:1 (May '!lS) : nntlthcn his beautiful zuzd realist ic JZ.C il ph·tures of the scenes so fnmili ar to u9 all. It is these ~ l csc riJitio n >~ th nt ha\·e ondeare<l hi m to the people uf \\'iS(:onsi n nnd made him their fa\'oritc author. lie rn01lestly disdai metl nil prcteosionll 1\!1 a ~lh•­ lt.'Ct poet. }'CL SOOt: am 11ly pro''~ his nbility tr. Jlll t the most hOmely tm d fam iliar lnngunge in to :1 mu ~ i c:rl rythm . ,\tl<l w these (jll:llit iC!I th u charmiog per.!I(Jnnlity of the •n:t.rt anti unaiTecte•l manner, hill \'iilit will long 00 rememberct l us n time o f e njoyment ntttl 1 11c:~ ~ nr·e. THE NORMA L POI NTER. 2j inp: •·la,;,<t•s fnr y u n kunw ! tnt how ufteu t hey kL·epynu frnm s imila r rioliculc. Ml$pronounced.- Bu t u f ,-,u rsc we cx•· n ~e t lulmys· prouutll'i:Hinn d tlw wnnl a s it i~ •tuito• ne w tn lll:wy of th e m. i u u ~ · at l t·a ~t ll uWe\"o•r. mu~· tadw is :l<"l'c llt•••l ••n tlu• la,;t .s ~·ll al oi.• Faculty Rhetorlcals. Wo• a ll •· nj"·'· l: wult.r rl n·· tori c:als ve ry mlwh bill wlwu . ol u ri nl! ··~a mina tiu n week. one nf the tt•:adwn; <" <lllll'S 1111 and 11111 ~ a·.. los us· of tlmt half hn u1· whi<- h we h:ul plaum·ol tu II"•" i n lnokinjl<l\'c r that tt<~to· J,,ok. wo· <"all "tlwlp lout wisl1. and with all nur s .. u l,;. tl 1:11 th o·y had :t~ k·· • J.f,ra wo·o·k lon,:cc r. W e feel Sill"<' t l1 :11 tlw l' ro· ~ wnu ld l11· ~ lad tn t•han~ot•• thei r tlato· wheu it i~ 111 tho • illt,.ro•,..t anol How Our T each ers Comb Their Halr . "Tis l t'IIIJ we a ll h:t \'C onr hahit.~. Awl v u us till',\' const:tntly )rr,w. Hut ~• Hilt' uu e of late ha s tulo.lns. Tim! u u ro·lt:tntl'le t-s tlwy s how . :\'nw I o·:w't •tllit e l.x: lien~ i n t h:tt , F.. r if it \\' a.~ n•rt a in ly ~n. \\' h \· tlon ' t t hese sa me ubstwnttiuns. T~· ll ,;nmcthihjl we want to know . Thoy have hru ng h t me nu t•one lu,.ions. Tho' faithfully I' ve workt•d away, ~ .. uuw I o~ ulm t i t thc tu tn ynu. Ht•:aol front them alii hat yo u m:ty . . . Mi .~ ~t n :trt ~yl,·e ... tcr Hood s.--Otw nf th e Lawn•lwL· I'"Y" ."a id Ill' ~ lip · jJu~ l all th e ~urmal ~ tuol•·llt " m·t·do·d '"' "" haB ,.in•·;• th uy \\" l<ll thf" l .awn•n • ·•: -~1<'\-o 'll" l'ooint )!:I IIII'. 011r ~otirls diol tak e opt i._. an into•r•·~t i n t lw \!:till<' a nd ;>c r· haps "tis t r tw that tlw do·t"r.\· ,,..,.,, 111 11 ~ f11t· tlwit· in lt~ rest i n hoOt l.'l j u"t 1111\\" bt>en I'StaiJlis luod wh id t A ··1 1"' " ' Bu n·:t u '' ha" i~~n.·s h"·~ l patt•·ru s :md gi\"CS in 5t rtwtiun s a s ''' tlw tuakiu~o: Ht •d l"'i ut etl h oo~ l s with hl:u-k fur trimm in)!~ all•l r•··l ••r lol:wk t i c.~ :u e nuw in till' lo·aol S tudent Afternoon. - W it h ohw 1"< '-" IN'I"t t" th e p rese n t rJ w t.-orio·:t ls :ttltlt•• tlwtl':wlwt· wlu> has tllt'm i n t· hal)tt!. th e f '••n;.:nr ~ u:.r:.:•·,. t s tltat in till' m•:u· ftt· Utre some Friday afto• rn u~> n t ... -'•·t apar t t" ht· know n a s s tml c ut ' .~ aft••rn.,nn Th·· l 'r•·~i dt · nt -< , f tlw li tt•r· :try .;n<:ic t io·s wuu l•l ma ko• :tn t•xo·o·llt·ut t'•tl n mi tt o•t• tu prc p:trc til<' prnjlr:tlll ft •r thi "' " '<'a.-<i11n Tlwy pr•o\"o••l thi s wi t h th•: pt'"!.:r:a m w lo id1 W:t-" scwic ties h:td th•·ir " 111<'<'1. ·· a s iolf" this :tfternuun N . 8 ,- 1\ rCI'ci\·co) ])y ~o:i\"o· n ~h .. n l•ltlw :•n·par~ w lll' n t ht· f:at·ulty -~•·t \11 " m ilt· fri e nd . \u m:t k• · :1 li tt l~· Sput't o f a h·tto· r Oil{' uf !)1\' ~~~rm:t ljlifl-< . IU:tilt•d tht• f.,] . l >cru fn• no l- I want l h:tt e\ JII''--'" onlo•r hack <'):I'll . th e rest . . hi~oth . part " his hro:ully. or t]lltll".'ltl you all kuu\\' why . i-:,·:ms " preads hi ;; s p:tr ingly l'JIO II the tWO b:tltl !IJIOI.'i. Swift' § lmngs rathe r c:t rc le;;,.ly. That i o~. tim I wu frmtl l r~e ks . l're"ido•nt's part >~ on le ft s ide, C u l\·c r' " nn the r ig ht, :\lt-C:ts ki ll 's inthe mi• l•lle . Sntu e ti m cs it is nut• tu it e . :\I r s . Mn11t:tro l ha>~ mnny ways. ) I bis :\l n .~.~e hulm t he ~ lilli e . Mi ~s Sitnp~uu combs hers ,;tnlight hac k. ~li s,; W hi t ma n t•nm l);! lw rs plain . hair i" s tuhbn r n So h e wnn ' t ltlt it ~otro w. (_',)Ji n o~' II •• ko•o• ps it t· lippe •l <ptitc d oscly : \\'hih• S:tn fnnl' :!!- lt~nk " just sn. l.i\·ings tun hl\so n e lm·k Wllie h will ~ tnay from the rc~t. :\li ~.~ :\l ••rsc t!u mh;t he r" to t hct!rt >wn Atu l therc it luu ks th e IM•:!I . ) I rs. Ur:u lfnn l cnil;t her ha ir I n une I.ICI• nmin~ot way. \ml ) ln. Ellintt. ynu k no w, l hJ Cll he re he r ;;kill olis play . 1 . . . Only a fe "' comh th e ir hair a like, An• l th e rc t heL·nmpari so n mtt ls. Fnr n!hc rw ise they're not :tlikc Sn f:tr :t...i t hey 're kn own I<> me n. lnwinj.( pu.;t:d tu he r : Ynn kin kt.. •p 1 olnllar au tihy " co m los he r s •·urly, :\l i>!s Linton putTs htJrs h appiness nf so ma_" ·_'··_ __ ~ nt z L'n:. llo•nnrie Hap...•a llio n. I11U sc n•l lo:u·k So take these f:t eL;o ant i work the m u 'er. Aw l llt'l p tv (H"fl\"C if yun ca n. If what wa~ .'! aid i11 rc:t ll y KO. ~om c may wi ~ h a n e w hair :Jtyle to pla11 . THE NOR MAL POINTER. ]U'CIIY :!iglll. the !lower ami ribbon representing our Pres. l'my ,-isit~ l thll Oshkosh 1\:orm:~.l :'llo,·. :!3·;!-'Hcnry ltux llttcntle•l thtl wetltling of hi:> s iswr at ltib Falls. Fri•l:l}'. 1\0\'. :!"'. J.: lmer Uerto of Am hers~ SJ.CIIt Satnnl:\y, :'\o,·.-18. with hi;~ cousin. Fred Herin. EdKRr .J . Munnell spen111 Jl:i.rtufhis ,·:u-:u ion with hiMfrie nd. l':trlt•y ltoN.'kwcll. MiSij Ma iM•! l.inlc h:1s hecn :th!Wnt lnr a numOOr u f days un :u:t:onut o f ~ickne!!ll. Miss Celia Jo:mmons ha,; returned to St:huol after a all!oence un llCi.'<'>Un t of illne~. w~k's An attack of tonsillt is.forct_ot l (.;. J.:. !h-ooks to lean} !l(•hool nrul St.>ck relit :1t hh~ h• unt> at Lynn. c·olOril. . lle r bcrt l'c rry of the elns~ of '00, now a j un ior :1 ~ L:,wrcm.-c Uui\"CNit.y nnd o. me mber of the foo tlr.1ll team. w:1' greeted by hi;~ old frieml5 fro m the sicle lines o n NO\'. 18. Among the people frnUl tho c ity who attended the Tomah- GratH! H:t]li•ls footbnll game at tho lntter ]ll:tcc wertl t hese Norm:tl l!tudc nts: Mi~tSes · 1-:nrle, l\l:m::eau. l'ulifka. :md M ~os:n·iJ. S tl n!KHJaud IJKrrow:!. The fc oo tball .boys nnd nil connected with the management of the tc:t;llll])(l;IL nn enjoyable enming nt l'N•f. Syh··s. whcru they tliscu~scd the work ,]one by tho tenm n nd eujuyed the refreshmcutll scrH!d by l~ror: Syh·cstcr. MiS!J Agnes Diguum, fnr t he iiCCOntltime thi;~ ye:1r, Of course tho f<»~ltball bo)'!t htu·e nil bnd the ir ]lit.'· turt•.:i t:tkcn: tho li~t -tea m in tuioglcgnmJI. but the Sl.'(.'OIItltcnm tinding thmns ol \·es too strong on nggre· gat ion fOr the photngmphe r to control at any one ha.s been obligll<l to fjUit her studi~ at the Normal. ti me, htll"e lK!Cn seen srwnkiug to the gallery in Miss Hlnnc hc Ol;wn, 11 stude nt at l.uwron<-'1" Uni,·ersity. ,-bitetl with Mi:H J essie :-\tillman NO\'. 1~­ Otill a nd Arthur Dawes s pent a few •I:1}'S \"isiting . Jfl'llll]'~ of IWO!I ami thrcl..'il. The Athe ne um e\1..-cted Mr. Pi\•e rnetz and the For· frie nd!! ntt hcir ho me in l'ittsl·illc. rt~tnruing Ntn·. ~;. The school has ()ceu dh·icled inw lilornry classe»so nm Mr. Werner ns pr<l.ihlont for thi!J qunrter. All that we may better appn.'(•iate the \'alue of 1111r Ji. brnry. 'J'hc h..-ctnre to be ginm hy H aml in <:ar l:lnd was lectun·.~ are tn lit! poue<.l o ne Wl..'<'k. AI! vf our given at the opera house. W 11rnm S tinson strained his knee .~o, serinm1ly iu hasket ball yraetk-e that. he wa..~ for,·t'tl to lean: !1-Chool and b:u g11nc home fur :1 while. Wl\1 Unulfonl c ame hnnn.: 111 ill'C thtl g:1me with l.awrcnt"'C nnd wit h hi~ \'ttil'l' nrjlt: tim purple an(l go\tl tn \'ictory. O f I'IHII'SC ho 1\'11.." lllll'W~SfnJ. Archie ltolltlberry aud W. U. Fnllcr a re amnnll tluold s t utlc nt." whu h:n'tl ''bit~l n~ lau•ly. hn ing :t!l an excu!e fo r the 1·isit that the~y t'anHl 111 see the footba ll gam•·· Willi•. Smith W:ttc ht..,]tlm la.:!lj:1':11Tlc of font!Jall f rom the siolt!linel!. Wilt liw],. e nough ~ p:1 rc tinu: to coach a football team anti :cl.•.u gets into the l{amc with the boy». Mr. l..h•ingston JII'CS4!nte<l tltt• Normal :1 lle'.&utilul c hrysanthemum i n ho nor tJi thc lootl r.tll \'ictory. :uul when d(l(•nrn.u..-1 with a puq,]c rihhnn il 11 re.'flnl" a. the societies arc gmwing ami nrc doing good \\"orl:. A professor from the C hic ngn Collego of Phrenolngy g:ll'c i hc me m l)(! t'll nf t he 1-' ornm !I \'Cr y intei'C!Iting talk o n the m•ie m..-c n f plmmology. :\"nw thnt the junior tlebatcrll arc c hosen it h:u hcen found pos$ible to tngcthe r a feW who nre willing ltJ go intAJ nn intt>f-normnl d chnte . Wh ite· water woultiU(Jt acce pt the ehullenJ(C und the ora· lllri•·al :.s§OI.'iation iii- nuw tryinJt tfl arr:t.ngen.dclxlte withcitl;er Milwaukee tJrSu perior. A t'Omtniltctl enusistinJt l'rofs. l.h·iugl:ltOn n.nd l\ltl· Caskill a tlll '-11!1.:1 Whitrunn of the fuc ul ty. und J nhu KarnOJIJ'· 1-:C.lith Ma rshall and Alle n G. Drown tJI the Junior •·l:l'J~. ehn.:~e Hnn·ey Schotlo\d, Foster U. l'ollt•y :urd Hoben Muh•ihill to represent the j unior cbS$ in the coming d e h:tlu with the Oilhkosh jnnioN. Tht• hoys •·ho:ren are good hard workers ami no tlnnht will-ma ke a good s howing In the debate. The ' tucstin n fur tle h:1te h1L!I not yet been &t:ttlcd but tlu: '"'Y~ :tre a lready at work und seem ready tu cope wit h auy •tues tion, whate\'C~r it may be .. 'l'lte l:aeulty gn\'c u reception w those s t mlents who remained he re during th~ Thanksgi\'lng ret.:es'l. A TH E NORMAL PO IN T ER . . \'Cry e njoyable time was h:ttl. One uf the must e n· tcrt:1ining thing:!! on t he p rogram was t he skc h•hing of Jliet n re:!i to r e pre:o>ent t itle:!! u f 11nnJ.::!i :uul m utt uc 1 . , Our olmwing te:whc r would not own up t o tim fact 29 col in roum s l i :uuiJO. Tlu- yuun g J:\•lics ><er\'t.~ l ro· frl'shmcnt ,;. in numbe r 10 :tn•l the n Wtl all atljounwd tu number li, wlwre an c njuyabl tl time W:lll lmtl until some um• g:are Ill! a hint •.h:at we h:atl e njuyl'tl u nr· th:1t :lily o f t he :lrtist.s were lwr p u pils T he wa ll11 were .Jccoratctl wi t h :1 cullet·tion of uril{ill:ll co pies :~eh·es of .Jmwi ng:!i which h;u 'tJ :IJJjlCarcd frouu time tu tiutt: th(•y were rllll otws lO make t h•! thing a "Ut'L'CS>I. in S<>ri bnc r's :'llag:a:r.inll. The f:~eulty t:alks. :1 dt:uu:e ha,·c e utcrt:\inctl n,; with ra ntt miJt"r o f l!res. l'rny SJM>kl!ttJ lls un the " \\'umlc r s o f t!w H earl!nS... whkh uf ('tl\lr~t· m:u le us lunk f,r the m etcnric s ho we r whit·h we failt•d tu ~~'" :\I rs Elliot s poke n f t he t r uuhle,; in the T rau.;\·a:d. and Mr. :"':anfoortl had as h is tupit· ··T he Eu~otli"h in Eg.rpt .'' :'llr. Cullin.~ Jr:n·c us a J.!'O >IH I talk "" lim hi,.tul")· of T em JN!mncc ({cfo rm. It w :&s a go ,.HI te mpt•r:lllt'e lea•ture beiug fn."tl from t he ;u:u i.~tio-:!1 whkh arc a l· way>~ fo und i n cnn ncctio n wit h ~Ut·h lt'i'tll rc.~ . l'rn L Swift g:u•e us :1 lt.'etnre u pon the ~nhjet·t on whidt he i>l always ready tu ~ l)t':lk, ltis top i<· ho• in)(' " T he t:ulture Epoch 'J'Jwory of Edtwatiou. " Mr:-1. :'llu~· tard >IJJOke ahu u t the wnrk tluut• at Ur. Lh:l\'t')''s ~·hoot :LN lung c uuug h. The Are na :\II• I t:li nnian suo,.ietu be th:aukt••l fur thdr c nwt·t:ainment. :u Tlwse p iL'l u n.'S willn: ma i u with us until t he hu litb ys :u)(l will gh·e us to Uecmno :lt'(JU:Iin tcd w ith the m . nic~ tics fo r c b ildn.• n. a sehoul where t he t·h ildt·cn feel that the so:huol is :1 hnmt:. whcrt: t hey ar·c t:111g ht tu learn by d oi ng . The rlt'X t muru inl{ we wen·J,!'il'l:ll :1 e ba nee to tell what we h:ad guuo·n from thi" tal k .:and t hough we h:u·c nn t. ]ward frum t he f:u:uhy yet. we will venturu to say th:rt we tliol not :rll J(Ct a 100 t}Cr t·tmt. The jo int m eet ing C~f the ~ i tl! r:lrJ so wictie~. whk h w :L.'I held i n thl! .:as..;;cmhly rnom Frida,\'. l>cl·. 1:1. w:rs :a great s uccl'>ilt. The literary proo_l!r:rm 1\':IS the llt!,;t e 1·cr·cn :\I any juiut met'li ng. e ,·,•ry uuml.ocr llciug fresh ami n f tlw he." L :'llr. :\l ull i hil l'~ tuas t tn th•• l:ady .w-cieties. whic h 1*-ganthc progrmn. was :\ ~ plcn· •lid talk a nti we mus t ll:'l)' t h:ll if :\11)' f.o.,y h:t$ olonc any t h i ng t o wi n t he estemn of the la dio:" th i" "IUIIC boy is Muh·ih ill. The pn•gram Wa!ol inters po•rst!tl with >10 ngs. c!!sa ys :111<1 t a lk ii al l uf whidt wen· c~l'<'ll1iun · ally g ood . It had l>e~n rumnrcd ahotll that the yo ung la(Jies h:ul >1-tllllc thing up t heir sleC\'cs with w hic h to s urprise the y unnj.!' lllf'!l. and in f:1d t ho•y hatl a dou ble •lllfJJrisc. At t he c n•l u f chc prugr:un Pres. \\"erner o f the Fot·um, whn prc~i·lcti . :rruH>llllt" e d t har. the balance o f t he progr11 m w•oui•l '"' ren•l•·r· If )'lilt wish Mr. Uuycc. Ill knu w what it was a ll :aho ut j11>11 RSk K·ll ·gcr says he (':\nnot taku :any joins the llltl.'ttac he d ui.J. ' pr:u-tit:t.~ h e :\lis~ W .: What ls nw:m t hy thll tcrru mutually rct"ipnH":II ~ E. :'11. H.: Mut.u:\l ly i n1·crtUtl. :\l is.~ W . · What i!! :\11 umbragcuu.~ shade~ l ·. l.:wgc: Why it is >1prca tl nut like an n mbrcll:L. In L'UIIIJIO>,;itiun cl:lS>i: Uctinc knowlcdl(c. Kuu wlcdgc is jiOJWcr. nL"t:ol u f now. l'upiiThat w hit-h I :am sorely in J enkins in l.ihrary cl:as>~: " \\'h:ct i>l thi:~. :1 ;o:eru or :au 0 ~ " Mil>!> S.: "Thut i>1 :1 ;o:crn, n1.l'fn st'tuul>i fur nut h inl.(. you kn uw. The •tncstion Wll!l nllked iu t hu ")"life wor th li \'i ng ~ n~:um~~;cmen t l'lll..'t!l · a rul the ans wtlr l'IIIUc " t h!ll it tlctiCntlctl o n tho li\'c r," nntl then >IUIIIeonc lan)('hetl. In t he primary roo m : " \\'hat is :r hay cr. Julmnie ~" "You bake t 1\' n cakc.i :ltltl on o ne p iet'C yon p u t oh Int.:! uf jelly aut.! t he o the r cake o n tn p :rml the n m o re jelly :u ul the n it ill It layer. " 1.- n. the lie ree tackle o n the :o>econd tc:un. fuuntl :1 hmwh o f shingle!!! in hi ~ lx.~J the ut he r t'\'t.'Ui ng, a11tl wheu a ~ketl wl111 haol rmt the m thcru he !!la id : " YIIn can as k that fe ller that .l(tll'>i ho nu: with all the ,:irl>~. " Some u ne mU>It ha\'c re mu.rkt..'< l th:\1 uur bny" coulo l nut r:aisc :1 lllll.~t :lehc. for a few week.~ :II{O we fo u nt! :a ha ntl u f j uninrs and sen ior>~ stolcmnly prumi.ting e ac h other t hat no rn:t.ur or :any other t.'< ll(t•d tool shun l•l t·nml! in O"nnt ac t with the ir ll(J(M.'r li j) fur :r whole mo nth. We ;jtlflll n otic:colthat l l few tlro>JlJM.'•I fr n mthe rank!<. Those whu s t:lycd by theirpn•m i."tl Wt•ro• n :waroh..'t.l by lintling mus tat:ltt• c urler:t in t hei r o le;;ks om~ hri,:ht mu rnin]l T hey feel Sfl :\lll(lly re·,ltlt:tt some uf the m are s till kt..oeping wh:at tlwy cal l :amus taChl'. in ht~(lC•lf still .l(rcatcr re"·::arol . THE NORMAL POINTER. JO Ottt' @tl,Jeti6t • ATHLETIC EDITORIAL. . ' The fomh~tll s;•ason nf ! 8'!!!1 cnd•~•l with a tiL•dsivc victorJ ot·cr l .:t tt' rt'IH'C l:nh·cr,i l ~' · In :tll reSJk!Ct:i this season h:u IJCt:n thoJ m nst s uct"\!!<sful one in tllfl history o f this school . There h:Ui tx.>cu :1 fo~llha\1 ilpirit in the :tir nrul th" gatut: h:t~ had mtJrc i'liiJ\Iut'l tha,n usual. Fi rmnt'i:dly. fnodmll haif ro•t•cin~tl lih· em\ aid frum 1hc stmlcnt,; :uul h·.-•m the ••itizcn!l of the t'it~r- Cuntr:u·y tu Hill' n)t)~l s:m~uiuc CS jk!t'l:'l· tatinns anolus ual n.'$1111.~. tlwril ii! :t s m:t.ll :unnun t in the t reasury anti all tlcbts p:titl. T rtw olc nuwr:u:y has Cll:ist~l in footU:tll t•i r•·lc.~. ··,\ bir 1iclol awl 1111 fat·or:f' has lw.en the mntto from ~tart In lin ish. Altho ugh this schnol\m;,; l1:1d snmc g•H"-l te:ams in forme r ye:ars aml C.'ltabli~hetl aline rel'nrtl. t his ye:ar·s team is without dnuht the he;;t in tin: his tory of the · school. I t has waclc thc,h~·~t record. h:n·inj.!' Jn;;t but one game during the seasnn. AlthnnJ!h nu r schetlule hn.s nut been b rge we have plnycol ;;onu: n f the best tcnms in the s t:lte. Tluo ~e:Lson·.~ g:tmL'il aru as follows: , 0 J.~'\WTCII<'C • . • , •• 1i S te \'CIIS l~oint. . Ste\"ens Point. . . . G . O.;hko.~ll . .. . . . . ... .... 0 S te vens l'oint .... . .. \':' WILit.:watcr . . . ... ... G Ste\'Cns Point . .. . ... 17 O•hknsh . . ... . ... . . .. II Ste ,·ensl'oiut .. .. . . II L:lll'renec . .. ...... . . . 0 T otal .. . ......... .'H .. .. ......... ..... II Tho a OO\•e recun.l m:tkes the ~IC I"t•us Point tf'a m the thin.\ team i n the s t:Lte :u1d t!Ltt hnl<lc r nf the Normal chlllliJlionshil'· While the s uccess of this yea r'" i~ prinm ril_\' due to mu;JC]e :uul S J~•I. there were othe r f:wtoT!I which lcciJ!Cil in nu ~mall way. Tht: prilu-ipal uf these wo.sthc enth nsi:l.s nt uf tl1e f:U"U!t_\' and girls "' the ~~ehool. This s pirit was mauife~t cd in l'iLt.~·rs. ba nners. spceciLL~. su ng~ . .r<•lls a n1l tliu girl~· ftJOIba\1 team. T hey Jlb)'l'il tlw gamu nut "II the }(rirl· iron but on the NJS!rum . 'l'lir•ir t!ll'l i.-.~ trHrk tile fu rtu of !lOng :1.11rl the fnllowin!l: wa-; the :<crrn•: Schofield 111:\kl!S n kick uif ;.rraurl. The n J•ulley llnwu~ ll w l.:tll'l'e lwe 111:111. They fnmhle, (irimm f:t l l~ ""the hal l. Point's ln\1, tir~t oluw u . t he um pire o·:t ilr•o] , Jak11:111tl t:llrl~Htl'ie:tr the tr:wk As Karnopp Si)('nal ~ t :wkh·.~ h:wk: ~:tl{llr, MurnJand,Nel~ron Then too Hit the line nnd go right through, CCJw:an holt!~ thdr cen ter tine, And fult b:u:k la.c kisch buc ks the line: K:u-nopp goes round thi:ir c ml : The game is o urs, score 0 to ton. TACKLES-BACK. '.J'h'rnugit the two long hah'f>!l o f playi ng, O't•r the linus Wt\ know 110 well. As we hear tim horns 11. brnying. We gully seck to spell The s igna l for ~Ito \'ict ' rics W1: UC\'Cr moru shall lack, Siru·c we'\'tJ learned the royal \'a htc Of lhc·cnll for tar:klcs -back. Although J...awrunco alw:t_vs boasted O f hur e h:unpion fnot ball te am, We think tluat we (;an show her A fevt points in the We wc llm:tke uur e nd runs !Oplcn;\i,], No r tuuch-dow nt~ s hall we hlc k, Whun we hear ,Jnhn Knrnopp calling Fur our hcrwy t acklt.~·hack. Whe n nltl Sager Sl:JUares his t~houltlcrs, With InekfSch o n at IRSt, Am! o ur Ncl~on J>ns hcs forwanl With the balll\lurnt has passed, When Jo Uakc r rips the line up, And Cownn clears tho troe k, We know wc'\'tl gninc tl our disULnce By o ur hcn.,·y tllekles-back. (To thu tunu o f tho Hull Frog on tho._Ua.ok.) Oh rmr Normal football team. On t he grhlit·o n their supremo. O,h our Not•mnl fuotbnllt enm, Whe n they play it is nr1 drea m, They make n score 10 o r murc, Anti :th\'!lY8 win the . Cho.- Singing 1:\ckish. Polley, Karnopll. lirimm. Murat: ~ el~m. (.;arl~lon, &gcr. Cownn, Jake, Wojak; Singing of that mighty kic ker, Te ll me who could do it slicke r, Than Schofield when he tries for g oal. Ami makus a mighty score. ('l'um::- Whistlingltttfus.) Oh d o n't you wonder If we should lick the m. F11r s ure as thunde r Jake will out kick the m. Wh:n a Kens11tiQn o'er all Wisconsin, When Sle\'Cns Point wins that l.awreo cc ga me. . ~ THE NORMAL POINTER. !Al1u111lli· LATE: PALL IN NORTHERN WISCONSIN. A s till, cloudy November d!L~' · Yo u step into your little gldiT and pad. lie across the s ih·er-~tray stretc h of Wl•tcr to the opposile s ide of t he lakc. All o.Unut are th e beautiful !lOWber tints of late fall . Th~: marsh with its UlcudeJ browns: beyom.l. th u dull rt~o[ of the s mall willows and otherundcrbrush: then the hills, clad in their rich chocolate tints. with littlc cl umps nf green pine. ;ui ll st:Lnding like f:lithful ~e n· tincts. the lone ly sun·i\•ors of the \'ML fore;y; of thosc st:ucly trees. Their low, mournful sobhing is hushed today. You scarcely lliO\'C, fearing ~omchn10o· to hren.k the ~ i lc m·e by Cf CO the s napping of a twig or tlu: <·t~lckle of a dry lcaf. Then your can.1 is rcwanled. You hea r a faint ru ;;.tlc nnd peerinJt through the unde rbrush yo n st..'e a flo1·k of p:ntridges feMting on the sca rle t winter~:reE>n berries. peering out fro m their glos~y lcR\'t•oJ. But you hn\·e found ~omc one n.!l l'!ltnious anti war~· as yo urself. In no in~tant you nrc ~pi ctl. The lll'!l\'Y drumming of the speckled winp:~ edlUCii through the wood .~ . and once moru you nrc u. lnne Only for nn in stant IHlWC\'er. For from )'~Jllr sed ud~l pllll'e you s~. stepping noiselc;;sly :doug the narrow, wE>l l -trotld~ll path. a IJenutiful. p:raceful d eer . Hf! is t·oming .!ltraight towar•l you. hc:ul slightly raist.'<l. and his great luminous eye alert fM tlanger. A quil-k frightened snort. :l whis k of the ~'~'h it e tail. and the frightened creature has wht~ letl ahont and goes hounding off into the deeper wi lclcrnesl'. ha\·i ng es•·aped once more from his enemy. Yon slo wly retrace yo ur :.~teps t hrough the last deupcning twilight :111tl ste pping into the little s kiff. pus h out for you r own s hore. MAT~: J. liA.JUtL John Le es, class of '1)8, has been spending the p:u~ year :.1.1 Tacoma, Wn..~ll . , but returned home to Montlo \'i all-out a mouth ago. fully t~o nvin ct.-d that " of th~ mountains" was good enough fnr him . He is the ruling pedagog in his na.ti\'C l' fnrthi s wiutc r. Otw J . l ~ u writes us that he is busy wnrkiug out plans for his t•tnmty. Tbe Pointe r wi ~ hcs him !IUe- 3' Wtl heat· tlmt Nell Wight hall IJccn l'ury .nwces~ful a"- :1 tezu:hcra.t F:lirchiltl and has L'unclut!L'tl to stzl.)' there fur an imlt•hnitu ]H:riml. \\'hy ~ l.ytlia Wht~lnck ul the clas;~ nf '\It!. who i>1 tc n.c hWe~t =-'alcm, i>1 thinkiw~ :'t!riously nf taking the ··ch:1ir of [).,ut ist i'Y· ·· The ux at·t timo of he rtw· ct:ptance i >~ nul kn _m_cnc_ >. _ __ ing at Miss ~l:t.Uil B tell'~ tcl·. ·u~. cn tc r t:linL<tl :1 numhcrnf :\urnmli tes sonu: timu ugn at her holllll in Chippt"Wa Fa.lls. Although ll't• lmn: twt n wci\'ctl the panlculars we :In: s ure they 111\ISt ha\'e h:ul a good tim U. One of the tue miJCr.'l uf the cla.'ls of '1)1), ltla Turkel!!< oll. hat! f]llite a mi ~ hap a week ur so ago. Shu full au.\ .;;prJ.incd her knctl anoJ has lJCen unable to atte ntl hcr sdt{)()l fnr nearly Ill'<> Wt!cks . I t is hoped th:ushc wi11 soon lou better Sometime ago we n:cein.~tl from nur a lumni fricntlll fn.n1rahl e roplies tn our letter,; nskiug f1or contrillu· tious to this pagtl. Sv fa1·orablc intlet:<l were mnny of these t'CJllies that we weru fearful lest we s hould Uc unable to 11rillt all th11t we "·ere led to CX JlCC t wa should rectliru. lu fact we S~.Je mL~I in imminent dan· gcr of heing swamped . Our nlnmni fri e nds were ev idently nilccted hy t.htl sa mu fear fnr up to the present unly 11 ve ry fe w llll.l'C responded in the ready and co nli~~ol manner which the ir le tters promill(..'t.i. If 1u 1y of the m :~rc lnhoring unde r s twh d el usion!'! let them be umlecein..~l . Not only hanJ we not llCCD ore rsupp lic• l but at this writing the e•litor tind.'f it n cc.·c~a ry to insert this article to till up the extra s pace o u this p:tg•:. Alumni : this condition iii unworthy of you. We cx pet:t you to remedy the fault :~.nt l wu will tell yon hOI\', Wbcnc \·c r you hear anything about ;a fo rm ur ;;twlunt of this ;f(;hool. whether it be 111 ere gossip or really ne ws , sent.! it in. Jl you can write an intere.!lting story or sketch or ilome article un so me phaS~J nf the .school wo rk in whic h you :~ore e ngaged . send it in . Yo u may yo urself regard it M unintcrt!li ting !Jut to your lrie ntli< anti former sc h{)()llllate~. !!Cattcretl he re anti there. it will l.oe a bontl huiding you anti them together in kindly remembran('e. Alumni : again we say. and this thllll with no lt:~s c mphasi!'l than before. let Uil hear from you Aoldre~il all mat tl rial to the 1-:tlitorial [)cpart· mc ut, S o rmn.l l'oi nter. and at .!IIICh a time t-hat it may readt us before the lilt nl the mouth when it is tn be publisht:tl . THE NORMAL I'OINTER. 3' Although the Pointer will not hang up its stock· 'fhe Carroll Echo i;J ~~ well written slu.'Ct :mol is well planned so fnr as it goci'i, lmL it •l(H~.'I not go :IS far as nn e:cchnnge tlepnrt nllmt. A new building ~or the de:1f at C:ol· umbus, Ohio. W!lS completed n short time ago, which is one of thtl best of it.!:! kind in the worlcl. The Argosy h:1.'1 taken a s tCJI i11 tho right di rection by .heading i ts page "K"<clmnges nnd Hc\'itJWS." This better e:c prc~s thnt whic h we try to coU\'CY when we Uile the term "Exch:m gc." Deaf mutes sometinu!.~ lind tlitliculty in t:oawcrslng with other people, but tho WisconsinTimt:S from the school for the dcnf nt Dehwan, con\'CN('.S with tho Pointer as easily as your 111\)§t t:1lkati\'C frieml with you. br. Babbit o f Colmuhia Uni \'CNity is prep:~.ring :1. tlictiom.ry o f college slang, which will nO Llun bt be interesting ami instrneti\·e. \VIwn we consitler tim fac t that Germany hall already six such tlictiouaricil we do not clou\.Jt our nUility to 1111 one.- E x. The Owl from f reilno. California. th i!1k~ we a re not jolly enough through the cOlumns of the t•ninter but if the Owl would ge t ··up against the real t hing" perhaps it. would t·hnnge its mjntl. The b:lSCball game me ntio ned in the Owl ~ems out of place to W isconsin boys who are wearing their ulster o\·er· coats. Why do we continue to reeei\·e school an. I even collegf' paperil which ha n ' no exchange column ! Surely no paper is 80 well satlslit.'tl with itself that it d oea not c:ue to get better. We all kno w that t he exchange column Is the mos t con \'Cnient way fo r ex· changing t.-ompllments(! ) w hieh direct o u r attention to o u r merits o r defects. Tbe High School Chat t:ome.<~ to us with a ,·cry a t· tractive cover this mo nth. The Chat iii :l well got· t.en up sheet but seems to be in the same trouble with its delinquent ~u bscri ber.i as the Pointer Jinds lu.e lf. If a ny o f our friends are :t.hle to offer sng· geetioDA as to bow we might collect from our sub· scriben. the 11uggestlonil would be Rr:Hcfully re· eeh·ed. All mail shoultl be :uldrc!I.St.>d to the husinea manager. but don't nil SJ)C:tk nt once. in!l o u C.:h ri11tmall el·e. it still ho pes to be rememiJer. cd \.Jy ill! friends nt t hnt time. a Altho ugh the e..litoN Will I)C eating turkey :md d istributi ng prcseuts :uuoug their frie nds :til d:ty. the Pointer will, with its lm:~iuei!S like qualiticll, be rcndy to recei\'C calls from i t£ fril!nds during tho holltlnys. If ~:ou are nuw :lWare th:lt we exist nnd-did not know it before, senti us your paper :1nd ret.'Ci\-e a call from us. We are info rmed {by win!) that tlum~ Is In existence anot her "Normnll'oiutcr." This matte r will be iO\'CStigntCII :lt once a nd if the ne w "Pointer" Is not n. reliniJle conctlrn our frlund8 will be notllied. Until then ••HtJwnN o f imitation!J. •· Uu sure tbu.t e:lCh anti C\'Cry t.'OI'Y eont:lins t ho !JignRinru uf our bus iness manager. Anything that wuultl lead to the diS<.'Overy of a clue will 00 thankfully recci\·ed .- Ex. I-AI. . Some of o ur fric have e \·idently "gone to set.'tl" o n athletics as will be guessed by I'C!lding. an ex· chnngc h:u·ing three of tho eight pages devoted to footl)llll. At hle tics certainly have their plat.-c but thcil· Jl laco is not !IO large that It c rowds the ex- chango t.•ditor'il Wt~rk iillo the corner of t ho lruot Jlage. Nearly nil o f o ur l:P.St .Year'if exchanges have ro· turned to U!J und wi th them so~o tha t did not visit us before. We would indeed tlisllko to "change tho old friend for the new." but the ne w friends a re e,·cr welcome. n ud their calls will bo promptly re· turnctl IJy the l~oin_'"_ ''_ · - -- The T :mler. with a now cover design. has been reccin..._l, but the reading which should accompany th+l pigmy print wa!lnot receivt.>d, and .as the exchnngd editor iii not Is not In poS!IOt"lon of a mi· croscoJIU he was not able to read farther than tho hc:ullines. The Wisconsin Ostenpath. thn representative of the oew profession o f osteopathy. reaches tho t."-litur's table thi11 month . T ho school in J\lilwuuktltl SCC!Il-11 to boon the gain in mem borahip as well :lll in other ways. Tho Collej;te Oay1< ha!l entered upon Its thirty·thir.-1 year, :uul i!l still in it.s prima. ··The C haracter of lbmlet," w!Jich was tho sopho more prize P.ssny. is .,_·,----~ well wo rth rc:ad ing T he Gr:unophone has prom oted lt.s excluanges tn the lirst page which, (we excha nge editors think) i~ U<lt a lr.ul iden. THE NORMAL POINTER. 33 Wluto• un a )li~l·e of Jllll~r. ··The huy ll"ill he fomul I'IUMA II Y IH:I'A itT)I.:ST. Thanksgil·ing time was much enjoyed by the pupiL~ of the Primary Departme nt. The room w:~.:~ n:ry 1astily and appropriate ly decoratcJ fnr t he •l:n. The' following progmm was 1•njoycd hy a numhc t· :.r \·isitors :L'J well~ IJy t he Jmpils: Song- Come Litt le Lean'>~. Ot·tober'a Pttrty . . . . . ..... ... . . . . . . . . . ..... :"'ehunl The l-ir.stThnuksg il"ing .. . .. ... . . . . . .. l.t>orn ltctun An Autumn !')oug. . . . . .. Ar thnrl :lmprnan The Sel tish Turkey . . .. . .. ... .... . ... Hlanchc Hill The Thank;;gi\•ing Sto ry . .... . . ... W ill l.h,-i n~~lun Signs of Thnnksgi\·i ug . .. . . ltu~t ta J,,)m,on n T hanksgh·ing . . .... . ... . . . . . .... . ... . ... Hinl!'l ln C]Ol·e r . ..... . .. . ..... .. . ... .... Mnrg:lrt!l Mason Nol·ember . . . .. . .. F....tlwr&"t<HI t:lmtt}•';; lticle . The c hildnH; we re muc h inwre~ted in the lire hi t· te rn th:tt w:r.s in the basem ent so rue weck.5 sgo, :uod "ne de.;;(•ribed it 1\14 a big " kind o f n thi ng like a birtl with a heat! that s tic ks right out. 1uul two 1.1()(11/s ." Ano the r llli1cetl if tlu~y would t:ake it upstair!! ant! ''Chlorify'" i t.. Grnndnm :uul grn ndp:L Ji~·t·d :11 lndi:1n Urook. 'l'ht>y were goi ng Ln ho.\"e a Thanksgi\'ing d inne r . They were going to in\"ite Miss Polly J:!.r\·is :Lnd U::J.ddy Mo~ and Aun t J o hn and I;nt:le Jnhn and t he Jrirl th:u he lped the m with t he wnrk :llld Daugh· te r Mary a nd lot..<l o f peopl(!. MiM l~olly J11.n·is rode o n horileh:lc k in Indy rash· ion :1.11d Aunt and lincle J o hn w en t in a .5le igh. The n Miss Pully Jarvis, w ho liked to )m\"C 11 little fun sa id. '"Let us g.-. out in a proco:s.~iou ::ant! make the oM people laugh ."" And .!1<1 tlwy d id. It ha ppened that J ohnny was hac k tJf the tlelgb. His little chair was put o n the i!led. And it wu tied to the sleigh. And t here were two ilnmll ropes tied togethe r . And t hey broke whom t hey we re riol · ing ~long. Poor Johnny. He could hear t he lwll~ so he .tid no t cry . A fnr· me r was going d o wn the other roatl. He fo unt! J o hn ny and took h i!f sled aucl :all :and put th~rn in hi11 s leig h. H e :saitl he k ne w w_hut he"•l •lo. He :11 the llc.l hnusc :uul l(rt.'Cu fruut duu r."" lie olrew h:anoi Jt<lintiug to t he way. After :a lung time the\· !\ :11~;:::~·1c~,::.::::l•.',,J,,1"1,',~~.'~,',',·. •,:,', ~ko.ullthenJ :uul then t he;· "' Tht•y wen t .'!lo wl y. Th.-y we nt on :uul o n. They had I{UIH' 11 ltlllJ.C. l•Htg w:ay whcu the g irltluu 111'1)1~•1 with thr homJ<e 1 \is· t·on·cret"l on :1 l rL'tl the p:tJK!r . Bu~ the wi uollmd l1low n the ha noi. IKii ntiuJl it the " llu•r way. It was :a lOIIf: time hcfunl they fnnnd .Juhn ny. l i r:tntlm:a was waiting. She luul e n :n·· thin~: a-e:a.ty :uul 11":' -"' waiti ng . A ·J:uly was enmi,;l( un•r. (ir:tntlru:a wa... in Stl<'h :1 h nrrytugct the th injt.\0 "IT the tahle. The l:ttly ~aioltha t thm·c Wall a pnk.."i'S.~ inn o·umiug. Ami they we nt tu the winoi<IW anol s uru c 11011gh there w:ts l'I"Cry o ne. Aunt John :anti :all. Hut they h:u l thciroliunerafrcr :~.11 , e \·en if it. was s unset. Scl-ond Ur.ulc. No\·embcr. Hu:n:n,\ J nns>Ws . OltAS IHI A"~ ASI> (l lt,\ S ili'A 'S (;r)Uh IIA \". One ol:1y ( ir:m tl ma :anti (i r:andp:l in \·itetl · t hei r Tim frie ntls t.hought they would gu in n JIIYWC"§ion tn Urnntlma "!l house. frieml~ to SJ»ellll Thank>gh·i ng Dny with the m . When t hey weru rencly to go they we nL in a lllcig h anti Johnny had hl11 ~!e. I loehind the Uig r;lcigh ami whe n J ohnny lm•l gone a little wny he went o1•cr a jo uno.:eaud the roJN.l hroke . J tJhnny 11':1..~ so S('!lrt.'<l that he ll!lL ill thc rond a mi tlid UtJt 1110 \"C. The n :l man came alm1.1e nnol fo und J o hnny in t he road. The )K.'Oplc in thc sleigh turned aromul to lind J o h n ny but hc was not the re and so they 1\'CIIt bac k. T hey tho ugh t they wuultl )tMik amund. The girl who helped the m with the work snw n JI:IJ)Cr 0 11 a tn.>e :and s he tho ught it WtJUld rcll whe re Juhnny was. So s he got o ut o r t he sleigh. bu t the wino! h:ul turned the paper ~round anrl t hey tlid nnt kn o w what ti» do. But they we nt o ne way anti l'<JUI<I nnt find Johnuy. At last they found Johnny and tht!y tio..-<1 the r r11N.l tight.. It did not !Jr~uk aguin. Gr:uulma wM waiting ull this tilue a nd whl'n ilhe ~a w them I..'< IJlling she was so glnd. They made tim Th:lnk:>JCil·ing tliu11cr nll right a uol they weru Klaol to sec Grandma. :)eo;:n nd Ci e. •.