m$sm tmxm ymsar tM ^eqUlpomeBtet for tti# ctegy®©' of AWmtEQ* w^tmrW'W\~<&tmwi<i<wwr,w*mT-it-,vimimt'\<ir\, of Mpaflfflent- of Food# ati^ Utetvitioti »Mrtii>iMfl?i^nr»jn.ii>»'M>i»>iiP*.^i.p<«ii'ii iri riij**"*w»*t.m>r* *V Ch&i^'iaan ©r Scfeo^i ©paSwato C0j»itt#© , Iglfjuff JIIIJBI ^m.'lil.ji>^Jfcjii>tfcBiW>jWfrp,iilF<tf»i|>ll^rt<^ W^i|W^ inntfimvm[um\ Hiifcil|M lifrjfafoijMfitfiiJi 0&a%mm of B%.&%® college Qraduato ©oiisxoii &mmmmsm tsy 03?> las?gai?'0;t h* FlJi#&© and llts &$ae* toi©li®f'% &®s.o©iat:@ f^ofsss©.!'©: •©# FisosSS' ©ad tmti»ifeioa at afegoa St Ate §©11©$©.,■ Qpftt^fait aofeaot?i©d@a®fjt i9 *l*ft aado to Foods a^i Batspi^iom t&mltf of -o^goa St»td ©olisg® uho tmm ®F oe-SRpgwpa ism cmnm I.. xaseaosiroafioH 4 * 4 «: * « * 4, 4 4 4 4 » * * » -• » » « • • • • » • * I s flilifeia.te©- 0oiit da^ * * **-t 4 *■ * * 4 * t * * ,«• f * »■ *■#*«■* 6 ffee- D^stimotlon of fhiawjttto Daring Baking **,♦ IS •(Dfas SMFim III* OP m& mmmzmtim * ^ ^ ;» • * ■* • :• EXfSElSSSIf4la. #*«♦♦*♦♦**♦»♦*♦.#•#**»»*.*, *|>ai f^ocedwe 01 ^OSP «. #r« # 9 » «.« ,d ?< o o »'* f « fe. * • tfe^ DeteysaimtloH; of $fa&im%-m ..* €h,©jjiiGal E^sgoBt s »o»♦ 4 * o 4 9. •»*.».«»s •.»»* o»'.»».« 4^ •. 4 4. ^ <> -b. '.a d • #■ ■• ■» * * ■ BiBliXOQS®'* H* « ft *-* 4 * * •■ *. » * '# #■ * » * * # # ■»• * #• »> » * ■,♦ « <> ,j»: '<t 6' .4- 4- 4- * *■ * * 4 4. i0 21 fiX 2f 28 SI 85 4^ mm OF tmm Mm oumia fal>l# 11,* 4 gtwaaaJpy ©f the ifeig^.t* s^ovos of the B&te^ Imrflut *,. * *• * *■ *«* .* * * # ♦«*»..?«. * «,■ *««.«*. S4 to \ton mtxtittm® @f Batoi BfteffSa ,«.«■.,•***, S9 tab!© JV* -flilaatox® e©8it©iat o-f fchst Bagf*#SI®ja%# Sn tte© St^jaia*^' Hfeol© WSieat flufftn il«o&|K» »« S»:i© with $*4*3« ^oS|)te;fe0' 8(tlcjUk8 IS * 4- a « (S 0 « is « * o 4; » * .» * «■ <S -iS •# (► » » o» .P * S *> * * <► * » 41 E5a^# ttfttfe Hiosph@t0 'Ba&iBg Pot^ie^ ♦**.*.*»* 4S ftfel® VSX& Staaawy of ftesfto* ©f fhti^tzatt^ B^fiiig lltsiug aai Baiting of tshdlfr tsh^at Wot m<&® with 9iff«y«Bt »ftlii@ Foyers **-*♦*» s mirai pmm m mm 0HA2KOT t B©^!^©^!^ the assfciMBB* fosm of tfeisiaia^ MfiaMmf# hm hmn immm BMm Sf©0 B#C* ©Sfiag t'h© ^:##0st edtttu* 3»y, feM-a $Mpm%mm of ^ieaine hat l)^©a vo&l&aedi mwM y®m>& ct es^Ptmvbtfc&m. too, itfommM® of doXH^ci fenv^ %*$& i©* trotdd to fclii^aia^ f>©a:©i!t«,©ls* ivoa now* nttagr feet© afeout itt the feody* i*f» ■iistri-feuti©a in foois^ fiiUl its |tt*0Mrv«« Xa th6 1#S© vepoH of the mix©^ ^oTOiitteo ©a ppoto* |o®i of nutrititm *f the I.e©.ga® of SatAoau* tin©' sftfttendttfe was nade thet th«pe mm Bt»©ng ev|d«aoe th@^ htaasii «$i~ etaviea in aaay peffts of the world ir©^@ isos'© ox» Xetas def i» eietit Ift thUBBiae^ aitli©B@fe havi^beri tme al>s©nt (S©)* Stlohling <56J ehaervedi that* Jv&giag fs?oa th$ P©F eapita eenau^tieii ef foe4to|t 'diets *a a tihol© In th© jilted Statea fulfill tho reeoaffiaftdatleae for the nftttrletsta aade ^y the Satloni^l ReaearcAi 'Coun.oi|i (4'3) *Bcep& fer ^^leiuai* jpibefl-avin, -and thla-mte©* ilh@a letel-ek (38) Inveati^ated tha thiaailiie re<iairaaAnt ef aaft* he foimd that G®tl3r ^ pareent ef his ao^poaadlir mo.rijsti siJit)|©<st:s ntUom tfttoiae of dla^ was u&reatricfca&.ft ©steretM atiffleient quant it; lee ef th&amin* itt feSa^ nv&m- to faat t&«s» mi^mlao ci0^s*«t»<?© tests whleh maltiim and Fl#xa ^7) ftoft»JAe*96 ind4««» of gooi-. ButiPltsionai stattxt* OowglHI {M} eaqp^oasod the Qpiaion that the iUMy£«* 'C©a palidle doee not g^t vnois^ vitaalK* B| beaftuad to© -m^asr ^ftiortds eom© f^oa rofiaed fiou^ aftfl «ttgax» ^hicja «rd poor «mxr60d of tbiostine* fhes4© «r$ no plmfc a* ;fiRl«&i ttssm-ae- in tsb±«h B| id gs*©©tlf oottoontspdtedj but aany foois liair© small amomnt® of fefeianinto (4f). A fttapl* fooi of r©l©» ttv&Xf lo© f^lm-mlsae e<ait«at Ksaf <H»i%pitnite « major fspaetloa of the total tblaisl&o 1» the diet* % oo&toasfc* $©ia@ fooas^ etlthon^i bstteap' Aooredd of tlilasffiteo, eostriMU® oalf sdnor ffaotloB0 of the total (!&ne« ^olmsoa^ @aa Williaus^ 31).# fli® peroenft&g* of thiamin® la whol© wheat 1$ not greatly in eaceeaa ef that fottnd In eav©ra| other fee4ei (S!ree# 20)» Sbfteveff1* it hais heen ehevn that eve* twoatj percent of tha ealojplo iatalco of tfeo Ane^iean 41«t is eoa* trifcute6 % ^h^at and ^h®st pre4aet9« ti»»af iohssoxj, and Villiaaa (Si)*, ia tholf a^alfsle of the ABier&eaa dlet# noted that, eapeala and neata eaah at^pp^ied aheut ono* foarfeh ©f the total thiamiao ixs the diet* dairy pvedaata a^i all vagataMea faamiahad ahout ofio^flfth aa6h* afiyd fruits ©i&ly o2i:0*t©«ith#. Sorvaya sadieata that pefiaed t&lta flour aocount-s foj? trail ova* eighty percent of the aalee of tshe&t pttodtecto tot faunaa mrnvrnptiom {20)* £aae# ^otmsoft^ aai ©illiaias (■Si) h&m vt&toQ. tte&% if ohlte ferea6 and flour TOr© t^pt^oed W whole tfh©@t o» ^ti^i^efl0 profittctit* tfe©^ tfeiamiU'O peX" SSOO cftiople© of diet tKnD4 .imcreaa® f^oa a^ avffiPftgd of 0,78 sag to afeont 1%3 ng* $he ee^e^l ooMfiM*' tioa tyouM th&n %© o^©r fift^ pope^at of fcha total dietary aisty^foey paraattt a&d would apppoaeb ©of© a^arlf Whs I*,S sg ©f thiaiato© pap day yacoaaiawflcd fof1 tli® average fsuafMi iuaaait adult |4'i>s Haalieittg tfea mlm of' ©x»'ie&€a Israad* th® ttoited stataa govasniiBeAft in Mmm IMfy m&m thd Food $i9*»£totttioft £di&S»i«tj>a^ioQ« ordo^ei t&at tt all «^ita hvmd ■ S9baat» oa® of tha -sast widely diatribat^d -agrietii* tuval prodaota* is p»adtt«ad in teg© (attuati^iaa aJil mm t&a ttorld aad ia gram vta&ee variad a«il# aliaatie« anv&ofeBBantal aQSiditiion»« .©EBS Studies, iiava bean nada in-iA «f* fojft to indiaata the <3ff®Qij. of thaaa fftetora on tha thi« aadna aontaat o^ wjioat* She Jp^iJO^t m& aada by Baoth t^') tint* cay affaet of manurlngi soil, o^ e'li»atlc aonditioaa on tha tfeiaMjao eolatent of dhaat mm •iiaall and 4ld j»ot ©xplaln t-he ^arla* fcions found* Sn^lisfe ®prteg*soim' tSiaat wa# nMpkadly m® mi^i i&i} *epojrt«fi that th®^e- w@a ne BpmMl tmM toweutMSk Sil@h or low v£fci&»i» ct©nt©3®l! of ^,0^© Is vas»iomt parti of tho v&i&Bt ppo^ucing Arefta^ B^l^®a«© te# ^©^a ^podtxead C2.li> 44, §0) that typ**. ^ariot^.* ^B^ii»oasa^mi# asi lo-igEttoa hatHjne A d.|3*^et b^a^ittg on tb» thlttsdne eoatesit^ Ho^gi11©!! axuS Aaard«» |44> ste-fe© that th» effect of ioem® tioB f/srg tsg^Pdxiidfiitdl^ li tlined gr©a.t.©2» than that of vajs1!* «ty» iitithQ9p» {il# li# 27) ©!»■©. a^©@^ that IttJpa wheat© ®,m goaottmt fei^w ia thiosiino ttmn eoft ^Mtate^ whidhi ^ootaiia ©ojsmtmt less lanux th© avapstge for all typed* Ihlj»ty*oB© a«aKpl>09 of itie&t ^n@lyg'©i toy S^tetts.^ Atkins* and 3»#y {§0} hafl valuod l^oa 4«S to T*^ «0g of fc&iaffitae p^ gram w$tti «» «v»^ago of 5«$ raeg* deh««ffisrt t#@) tested 13 v&vi&bUm vphlch @i?@3?.a-g'©6 4*@ meis pop p'e©* Bta^d tfttoatd w©-^® found to eo&t&itt ^«0i m^g p@^ gram spai toft Iso^mot typed &*§ ®og (C«mor and Stvaufe* 13,1 ♦■ ' Reoeoi1^ tm» Wen 4otte oa- cibe^t to study the thi* amfc^ oontextt to reiatiofe to otter eonetitttentft* 4 fii^eot volationtihip ie ^odisatod tjeteeeti the ^potato oost'Oat of <Gheat s©i It a th2«»$ao eot^tant {XX t 3L6>« fiovd^rea ©isi' j|nar©w& 144) report a fei#i eerre&atioa hatisedai th® thiamitt® eoateat aad the 4eh of a aepiea of e^ing ufe@«tej %at ia the sam© lahoratory this volationehSp &$& aot pr^V^ii ia. g otto? %®$& of -sprisg traS t^iatser «b$fttii* not Aliform* ffcie gem ©s? eml>rjd|( whleli is mXf %*M p«r6dnt ly ^i@h^ of th» ©-ftti^© feoam©!!. ©omtstiat 15 to S© peroeEf of the fcetaj. %Mamte© <26.> 4^* 54)« f!h« t&laiain© eontli«aib of tte gsim. ^aas^-i' fr!o® JB %© 4$ nwg per ^»M» '{&@* 2M5# 47, 54). fli© ende*p6$a* tfe© saate e@ia®ti%t3eafe of vhito fi«ii^» eeeottat^' f<a» 75 paveent of the k^nal^ feist, toataiass only IB t© ti p®mm%- of the tot^l. % (4^ 54 i# or 'app^oaisiat^* If 1*2 mog f©r g^tm* f&© ftOtttellitttt the th4» tA&ev !>'#*• tmwb kha GtiStoetQ *»* the eoAoepem* l# prote^S^ 10 Sim©® ^ieh^p 4tt tkS'tamlto© than the gom (Hlsstoa* 85)♦ 1@ nethed h&s heea devised for s,tei ©©parati^ai* fh.@ teaa oi9 etiter oofite «iatee ^ the temfeimtog 26 peveeat of the tsftiearts ker&eX* la tM# i>or|loa# isftkSeh ie »»ed -sjatoll1 fei?- an-iboeX feefie* there ie eontftlzied #1 to &t p©i?o©st of the fcetfeX thtamift© C47t 54>*. foF eenbuviee «s^ has aeed pt»4w&tive wethede foi? silling. m<& vefinint® «heftt into floaxv* fflste ailleta ht^e ateayp fGllmm® the desiaada ©f the ©on^iaiiasr^ who i&variitbly tseata the hi§he@t decree of r0fHMS®©Bt f©a? v&l^ he eatt pay* $he proeeee ef rtXiirag or refining (IS) doee laot serieuttXy alter the protein ©r the eerbofogrdrat* ©oateat of is 9eduo<iul $0 poiHaoat or aor@'* la tfe© »»© mftm®. tlew&t tli© «rftti eo^t'tBt felli to Abcmt oit^^siisfelit of ltd o^igim®! vato^* m wla^at.^ fc&e sons aiad: th© o^feoi5 eo^td aira ifiow* It tteecnaoiS ^esfl? aad sp@©ki®#* Btvorass and ofiher estvoetdd to proi^o© tine mos?® a.©@i^©ble ^sh&td floar* WStfe tb* prs^ent allXteg pi?t^i#@0.,.. ^0 to 78 par* oent of tli© tiheat l£<sta@| i« «ast»ftoteid for whit® f'lma^f: Qbloh ooastatu I*S aog of tfelautet poi? grstfa <47)» • fwosity** fomr peroent «OB-9 for n&ll feodtt witb 1S*6 a©g of tb&Aiaibd p©s? iraisy wlxil© o»lf 0*^6 to O.S po^oebt £@ -aopftpfttod fcfr tbo go^»#: siller tev©^ beoa wmbio to doiri^e motfaoi'i £03? vaeoveyiag a©r# tfeasa 12 peroe&t of the ©rigliasl gosw.* ffe©' ©tfa®w> S8 sraopeobt oaimot $© dopardtoS fros the mill, food a f. wki&h timXty cmtmiM BB po^ocmt of the tot«tl tliiamia@ of' t?&© «!boat k^f^i (40|.* SloHPft aro- grat^ ftoeeMibg to tbo 4Agr»© of 3P#» f taing, o'%l'3l©a ostrastSon* ^Pho big^i grculo flovtro Imv© ^ Xomr peyettatago of oiKts>aotlob «od ia h&^aoi' degpao of fining* SPO* $h* l©©©f' ^pates or atval^bt ama floura of 70- to ?£ porooot ©stfaotioB ai^e uaod %<$m f-r©^o»tlf by the Urn®'®? tout fefes* fomsx Mm m h&tfJ®B& %M®.m$®.® fetesosr .fis# •37» 4#j«r. f^© ^biowSne coated of tto» pat^mt f^cs^rs COSH ppi«09 mlf $ pwwoto ot the. total fcMsmto 4» tSi« «<hdAt vmml C©^l ti»HSi 0*0 t^ 0#.f2 -tteg of tMrnato® per &m <xo-# 4 ^tfiiiits ff&S&tiQaxfihip had feo-ea f©wji ^etveiett tto* lurib e<mt«tt ets^l the tM&mlBa coatdnt- of el^sf-- floors* fhB hig^r pepoenta^ of «sh 4sacti^t©-0 x©4© ©st^asftioai ^terefo^Sf ao^@ of tke g@Mi aa^ tnxftor coafts ^©asixs £^ t&# flous? to vedce a higibep thl^ffita© m&m© iloffaau^ Sofa,«io£%s«r» SB^ ©all^^ #7)* Bloa^Miag of ^h&t« fiomn b&e ^.tttl© OP no ©ffect on the thlenia© $2.0* It,, 09} of on fch© goaorai ©ompositiom of th» tl&egp* 1Sb» fifeorage of visits flo^1' fos? US Bonth© redoXtcrfl 4a no £pp?e$&ife3.d Xo&9 of ^i^asisa B^ (Copping $sM ltodoo«# it}* 'Kllio3l<i sh©at flom»»;? gf-tali©» flo^^ ostl^^^hoat timp ±B tl&ar emti&ini&B, the u&atteved stAttupa). ^onatAtiwttfes* ^ith th« ©«seei>tlosi of saoiatui?©* I» th«t ema propovtioar -a® £a th# tsAiedt from itblfth it l© aad$* f^oUe ^laoat flow ssaf also h& 0ziricli©4f? |i?|* ffeolo oheat f^oiiPA with tMeaStM ira4u#a of IS to f*'© meg m® gwrn m® Mm ®®Tmmlw ttsotf than ■whit® fio«MP& (54)* Fio^irs ooziti.$aimg a tmm mimm.t of th* ttholo kevnol oa&not ^© hftkafi Imto hrodd with the ■$:&»© oaffl0# aaQ will not ppofiuoQ hreftd of the a©s® ^baacaotoi* as that a jmiQ *?**!* wlaite flo^F {&¥)* Wzot® mkmt feapwd iMreetneft «£gie &a ft «)h©j^ fcl»@ mm mol® tAkeat fflous? ApeiXs rttfe©^:B#©«is# ^feol© nfegut ficm^ i» nof emnpM.*!.? a^Ui** fueto^jr fw fe^kins*. ^aii# l^etwis^ tsteit* flow^ vfoA&i t® 4l«* fti'slj'f Sl&ti&d wMfa 70 #o 10# perettit of th« lamtoil *%* in. mm® 'iaeidfnnefts atap|-©M©' f©s» %ft}ding porpoe^.* A. "jpetM ^©at6' fl«aft JMSpf^o^ntteig ©S psr^omt of ^IJ^ oySgteai woigfet of tto& Ttevty* ^h%0h hm ©^ty th© tmiis ^id^mt^ or "bewtsag1* ronaired* proa^oot « ©atlff^torf Wm& (SNialoek ■siBa1 Jitiweaard^ #3}*. 4 e^e^ftd m^atmre id t* grot/ tlse vwpi* 0t£e« of xfaM vMieh m® hi^x %n feMaata© GDA «lSttiiuitft thoso eootiftSiiSAg $ t© 4 aog of tMaaino p®# gts®* A thitrd ¥*<tejsia6&da&iaa it %^ t^o ©if Itiom of tA@at 6©i?m to flo^s?* lorg&m m& frotri^t {40># witu th® uMitioa of SO perooat t&Qa* getn^ tar«bl«d tfe* ^it©ffl3aa valae of tesai*, Ihoa EteoAg and Harris {SS> «0Qd thro^ &*»&* of tjbit© fiouf «nfi. om p$$b ifaMto #®^af %h® reettlting Horn' «ontaSn0d 4*S aog of thlnpiao per gpom* 4 M&bh mo^oi for <»itt»4«hJag ishest SPOduets Is fco aid .@fBtli©tiO' fch-£*»£&ft to- fllcw or iii#i vltftttin B| yaftst to iD'atot produefee* DAft^ t&# -FOg^latiou® of tho Foo^ aad Dini.g itidtt&»idtrat£ea^ «&«» fiotir is luteai^d' ^arlekQd9 it- met nmu€orm %& tho aofteitioi* $xm ^gnamp^ ®$ identtty m® $» mfe$®<s% t» tte xGovtowmBtott for te^®l stafe'ero^t of ©ptiom^l ittg^^aimtSf in?0##rii0i. top ilmm* 1*6$ B.m 2»5 ®g of fth&fuai&ei 1*2 %o 1«S aig of ri^oflftvlttf^ to 84 a$ of tii«9tftn&« sieii- 02? iii.t:©%,im'l0 «eia aal^®|. sttS © to 24 ag ©f IIH)B« |^)# tt6««i>«« ^$l»eJt3L«v4ft It iMi fli0««o»« Suia not b0«a cttf«wMU It n6tt*&ob*a* f?t)# ta*t tfe© «B»£^»Mmt of All whit^ %a*««A IS t^pftltf»$ (10)% B®f©aw* 4i0«u9*.ins «h£«u&8* eoatoat of fooi p^ai^suNid from flow'.a^ @3s<3 ^# ©ff©ot of eooititag dm tto. ^itami^ <9*lv&9 tm pto$#iFbl#$ m<& eUastaXsttf *t ^feismlm® mob to l>0 o©ttsMo^©-i:#. Aiofei pa0&9«*«e the fo'Ii.owitt@ i^s'taotmyo* m a ftii^afe© £# ®®m$Q®@& of &. tk$m$i®%®. mmlm® mi & ani g^c^in^ la** .Ja&©lm^X.© la e^h^«. la th« ®&j fmm tm «P3retaX« »© tffcftbl® to &lf ^ni ligfet* teatiftg m i©©Q G* .fos* 24 heuvs ia e©at&©t with ctir dode sot itetel^li 6be hair© ^eteoted Ilt'tt® m a© d@stmiafeion ©f tfe© ^itoatA ia tmosmnffB ®S%m mmmm to h«at dt I^O0 €(» With Mghft* tempefafctweip tlier® it a progress .it® inorond^ ia ^he a©,@?-©$ ©ad', tte&e of ^eottmotl'On (i8# 6).* AA inw^ae* i® pM in&Ni&n u iats©^^ se?g.e&* wnfil fMa (S) potofe out tiwt to «» ^lHalia© ftolufelon of fefFi^faaiiti tiiiamla© can Fm&&Xj t>o osidii?^ to thii»o^oiB& fiith the loss o^ « a^l^ml® of . /v twteap ©ai two tegtiivp&m stom*. 1=04' ' ' % &' '0 '€% I f—8J s * —^ * % f— 0ft &!k£&6fcgr0ffl& Who® ivt^iat^d % 11:^1; t^ycnurS the vlolot Q®8 of ttoa sf©etr^ffi* tfeloeiMpoffio ■ ifam& a %i?tliiant bXuB*vielet t%x&* rmmm®* fflm- in®m®mf of itu@mmm&® i® proitos^ioisal to th© ftodttjoft of mtaala© in «h» «olttt£oll* IM* propMPlty of feiante©. £0 tfeo isafil'S. of tbe fc-Moclirom© siAtliodt of $&&$& vmivk w&s first, propo^oi ^y langoa %& %&&# flj© e<mversioa of tliiamts© into thiookrowo is Get&tWBlk $& t3a» qim©«atep$* tioa r^ag© tt8«d ia the eMoaloal imthoAdy Iwifc the vitasiSa ija ^©vo-f etnpleteXy os» esoittsiTelf oo-wo^tot to ;tldoclifroij© (2&}*- tSlietSwr tbi» ie d»e to tbe edt^HicAuwait- of @m eqpUitefttm im the m%®®&$jm pmmm ®t t© ®im mm^&m® i# not definitely Jmotaa,. Wlaoa SAterfcmtizig aiatep$al# a??© ©ffioieatij romov®^^ the p^odttetloii of thiochroao. iHreeeed^ laalferaiy, m®mZ®m^ it is ee^entj^l to <ta&Ue*td til* ptew&v&Q e^eb tiaa that it is poyfomaod* 12 lpl.a<J'© lnat*nt&y slowly (1>» SUB ionio ^ea-otieAa A«^ teat f^ia^iveif- B^eauae it l« a Gim(at«s^a@s»3r aaa^nitm aftXt^ tt;o Atioeaosiira ye^tfaias^aeatQ take pl&eQ im the; t^ia^^l© p»% of tbo m©i@eiai@* 10itb Uke tteviaag s®t%oia of Benikaa^sr and Oaraeado m©ia«a % iaolMiKanol ineapaaaaa tiha iaftaaalty et thtaelaroBWi ^Inoresaa&aa* tsbila ftt fthe aaiaa tima ftha a^oaana l®,f®® ratai&a most of tha ftntat'f aping aatari^i* im m&twal aoapaaa* thittDtoa ®©^ oecm' aa %h» pfpo* phosfteorie aata^^ eecayboxylaaoit Hhia aa%ar wheat axldlaad vivt fa^Picsraaida f^jprne a oompomritS that ie inaolabXa in laotsat^aaoX (^4)* Enzpaati© hardrolyala QOnvav>ta eocar* bos^rXaaa 4»fc* fraa thianAaa aad i^droiyaaa t*ia atartfti* Sbia h^ai?o'|fais ©f aftartih ^ao&litataa %%& axfevao^iait of tliiassia'# and ali®^ in tkta aufeaaquant e^Avifloatian of' tbt estraa^ (2}m fh® p^sinaX ^S fos8 atieyna aatlvilfy msat toa aaintaixiad ius?'fe@. t&a aativa ine«tifttiia» j^ariad If t&a isy* dpaly^ia of oaoartMu^aaa is *o tea aostplata (-00) # Dfaata* tic ©az^pe© ©s?© partianiia^if auitabla fosr pr-apa^atioa ©f' axtoraata^fpom atar«t^r iaataiP4al«# and slaioasaaiatiaaa far «&a teaaMotm of aaaarl^qrlaaa* F©t' qvumtitafe&va ^aaulta* eon- tfoilad inattbation palladia aw® naaaaaav^r* Fa^ takadlaatim^ thia par lad ia maxf tiaure <01a»6a% s^d ii?a«a#; ©)♦ 10 F03? eeattm&eis- i>«o^l« fea^e aad1©' brdaA ftposi oirod©^ refined; flow*- fh@8@ pfimitlv© ate^bod^ of alllisg jpamovea tfe^ outer ccjafc© end th* ftaeat gt^ffip tfes rloliett tfooroes of i| thttn the tor«aA w© 0st ^oaaf *. e^^^iu'ly It doolA cw»t IU1V9 eontalsaO more tfesa telf -of thd thiaisSttd of tb* wm%® TMa i©e^®a0e ia thiaain© ^ontoiit durldg baling reprdftont^ a ^oiaMxiafeta ef faeto^i fi^^^^. the 4ila%ie» due to a &igM>s? aotst^^. ©dstent of tfa© breed! S0eo&&* tlfe© tthele t^eet brettd &gt.& beett fom® to eontftla S#-9 144^ 84)* 5.9 (3.S1* »iA f«a (88) aag of thSe»Sae p®^ ■&?&&# m en etrerage of X*80 ag ftr pow^i of tmtih bf^&a, t&keariohed ^Mit© l»®aa has sifeoui; one*^hlrd a9 axels w&®m$m as trtio^ wljeat* froBi 04$$ to i<& ao^ pev gs^aa ©r o^ mg ^©-s? pmsst {IS# sa)* Hl#4 % ©s? "awidtei*1 tahito bread tta^have m m€& as 10.*S ©eg p®p ss»aia fi&ffmaa#/ soh«ei%9ev asai f)a3%* 28)* During the btktag of bread a © fco ®0 p4^e«tit do**struckioa of tfciamttif oeeure |iSt 8aA 0i# 27) ♦ The 14 lag xttm&ttUm t&s«d« Scimlfeg.| ttfeins^ *afi i^@f (ail stsiit© feUat tine st&Mllty of tb» tfo&m&m in imMMg Is mfr a^» fl&i^j, «&&%$ tlous* p&tt^ bl^ ^Itaain. f^astj, aat ■w&itfe flowp 6Jt tMamia© #&& ©%9-@m?®a {s^nalte^ Atk$a$« -am^ f^©ys 51), Aftfis?' i©- oteaSes ttft m&tim&tlon m& very illglit^ ©linesfe withJbi th^ tfeiits of '$8xrc?laen£«& »|wc»»» Imt aft©* 20 tthato. th6 I©af tme w^ll fee&#as. 21 p&mm§ vt the SMasIm but be«n Q#«%^©^^» ©^^» twaperfttwe* of 88^* aiad 4lt$0 F* breaiS {tsop^tm mis l^e^piels^ 40)* the slao of tM leaf fesi fii sittSill bat d>®i80aslr®fol'© '©£f-©©%# ^©aa^© If p^msi 3.©^^©^ h&kM vtaAm Mm&MM Aonetltioag with I pomi loftir^ fea€ a 6l£gh&ly felgke^ OO&$«JB&* S^esfi <i4ri»g MM&z €om so% at* t^Sfi lass feigli tdBip^ai»i^9 of the ov»tt| aotuttlly oaif t ssmll pQiVt!tAf& ©f the loftf r©^Ms mom. tnm MM® c* «Hd fctiet for a ©o»|?&p®tlf®ly afe©Ft fclna CS$>,*. ffet iaf|u#ii©#' of h@afe eeittftea tha sa^Jor ^os^ion of %he €©ffe«®t4©m «tf t&l&aiae to oeett* 4a ^he eimet (88# 3©» 4©*. 31)*, $h« erasfe is $aifi to hAv^ .$3 percent Lea® thftiaimt' %feia m® ©mMb u CSS)* Si tht» in®0i?i8o©t omw^ tko ^.stettetioii w&^ ftnsig* IQMtt w^i^d ljs?@a«3!' «as fflaa^ % ^lt« ffttort ©f tto X«&g 1B tb» ■©tmif ©f tfe© ^h&ttiaSn^ .eoateat of «t»ffiwi* th* Satluonoe 0f "fefa© faakistg tietQ and t®iapo^Et^r#.* pl# feh© ®im of the amff Sa** &ES tbo iHPig&na^ ^feiamia®. «ontofi^ of' %&©■ togeeiloi^s #icmM be Qon»iaos*«d* fteote ;ani hlt^l® (ia| ia ti 0tm%. of whm% gssm tmf £ la©, tttto isrith tiaift withom^ l>afei»g poodor otettvei so ioe© of tkisitiiaa to ©ooklag bate f® poroe&t; losa tlilawia®. ii» %h® sniff2n» wai® irltli tekliig' g>ow#®*»* flio «iso of ^feo fe&ooi&ifc tei #©®@' ojffoofe OXkttU»' iot.gb© tia# J?»«w«ty of ofldoA thiflunSmo »a® pro^orfeiaml t»' tho aesa.|i|s. of tfeo tifMamAfe** .mm% ©6 poapooat of %fe@ ^##«| tfeiaala^ ^^maitted after tfco feaEimg proooso if fefe© fl of tlft^ bg^i prodiuet «©s 7*.X oi? lotrer* Bak&a$ oeugitgeiut sM methodfi of 4OU#L ppopftraiiJLoR ka«a no ftpprooiabXo offoot.^m ©ooS mxtttea .^r© d#®©Filj«)# im ttaaf ^tfa^. %u^ the following fieaisripdioa fef .B^lliday «nd[ i©fel$ (011 la & SO' %%&& in fa^t that tfeea <m$ |>tefei th©s tt|> OB*©- be «o Mght-a. fM ©afsli^ efeomM ^O'taKsd to m tbd «o^ ana gfeotsXti hftv© a so^^^Mt p&hmm^p ^tould flSuK? vamA &©l@i) of f#lF-|f «mJLf<00«t die;** fesmt ©I^rnM tia¥© aoa© of tho SL«n@ aarpow CKSO* £©«© iiSf otfttee that misieg luae & groat &££««* ©a the atmxotnro «* tiie batter l»ee«a«d the $2»ten of the fX©*»^ ttftft veadiX^ lie attd»»ftt«d* The ^pe^evtiim of liquid# fat* and ttttgftr i# almost Ideei fo** gtetea fetvoatlon (4®>. amotmfe ot fat «IIS the asagw* im tmtiM® I® m#n&l.a.f not great moK^z to prevent t&le develesmvukt o* giutett <8SJ-* Midre* foriSg. the eSl^btet't etirrittg vesalta ia its fowatiots (42) ♦ With the terge prepertiett of iiqmia^ the ges iJhiah ie ^oraiea pase#i off beeaaee the aaoimt @t fingAr i* ndt @aom# t& preveefe its eeoepe <ai)« (3en(eie<3saefttl7« one ghomM wo^fe fei^felyp stir mpMlj.? &,M «to^ the inetent theory i&^edlente ere deiDpenedj; net m<smm&il$ wstil &ll o-f the it&flgre a^© gos©* m average of 17 m<a@MB of ©%ii»rtog ie sttffleieffit« $&th the p®®p®r atM»mt of mistagj 28 strotees ^©iag tfbottt the optinum aaxmnt^ the hattes? hx>ealt» ®,m sofafmm ®m&%f vhm SJLitdd tilth t&o £9oo&# is *o«»*' ©Hat %4iB^« sad 1© »ot ssootto ia &&p$*rasM>& C§i|» tftadeap* ffe# am&fc Tsswrn* &8aAn& and Ss n.Itmrs 'i*o^# bmt ^lat ©a top (42)« ia ownMBiatAajf,. ^10 smto tm fi»©i"* twia^l© t!^r» i« low* t«nd«ttM»y t© ferowii^ f&e eoj>99«1f ttaouttt^ of s^lsig PFQ&&Q60 a t^Ddov stiffift «ii>h @ ftae .0*®i'm& » g©«i volunft* a wall^bFOfmee! csti^fe^ and @ top stiieh iis ^li^itiy rocaniS&ag.* lasos (42^ euggeetfi %b&t tshdist st ®1.OI?J afting taking peode? £© tt«6iS to an aaoimt -©^uftl to qmiek aetiag feakSag pota^^r^ tli@ foapoatiott of tunn»l9 Ss iQ-lafad*. CNBBaralXsr^ th® aaount of .©lot? agfeSag feaktng po'arSo.r wm& Is lea© thet^ Qajtote* assd ^haa. tfea kl^ of balt&xig po^da? baa a© «$fde$ oa 4ma»al foxnoation* Wlfcfe tli© aaffte toatisaa of sate'fegi, Wte ^ry isap^odi* ants a^© ■giftM iata a bo9l# tfe@ a&lfe* and ttoasi tlta mol^o^ fat» addad *o tha al^itly feeatax* agg <4i)« f»o *8g nw^t !># i)aa^a» tmf f laienttly ao femt it Vlaoda aaaiay wita tfaa aiilr^ atho^&aa a smfffto with © r®t&@:|» ^ussy tejefcare a^ tb|.ek walla a® efe$a3Aa& !35>«. ffeo lifttSA ^grodioota a^# pots^d lato a wall tfeiek kaa *»##»■ aa^la &n fetoa 4U?y iagrMi* aAta# aM tha t^a af© iioMd&ataly aaafe&neti I4i)'f. A0 aoaa as staapraag Is oowglotei,. tfe© laattep ah<n*£d ba pxaoad in m tfce paxte * stsiwdlag ©at^&alf to t&r@^%«a^t©i''i of -aa %&m- m. th» soa festor© bateistg ^<M»« a© iusam9 it mm vppwp* %o lap^oi?@ mif^ind ami© «rltto S*4,a* |Sia^pfeto. ^Isteg p$t$te ©3.©©^ ©wn fa«ft^ p$tt«t9Qtlon» aai tfe© gls&en l-s 0s%®ast^l©("48 J# !Hi0 &Mm of t&e mi^rto pan ftfeotaia !>© gr^^'itcl li^btlsr of not at all so tlmt tli© dou^k oam oliag moa^ 9$n8ei<ra$£y to Uw the pmu %B -BM^B of th® felnj te«te, if th© bottom of hoewlHy grats-aa,? tho r^sovaS. f^oa t&« tla £0 oacpediatoa fSf I *. & teking tos^smtttvo of 380° to 400° F* lo *&&m* oroet ^©for® tho batter has t&oto ^© riso «kS,l© ^ mwj Xm tesiparatmr© r©4mli,@.@ «i long tSmo to br-o^i sad eoolc tl&o xgnfflmsi |l^w## ^$>* AeeordEiag to Morgfia ■mid lall {41} &®&. milM&j m&. mh%® (2B} miff las m®® with d«449« pbosgfa&to ba^iag po^t©*5 sfeoml^ otoart to teke -at SIM>0 F* fofr ^h@ fifet 5 »ismt;©® «ad oontSnue a% #00° .F.* for tho root of the tSasto*. St@®b©rg and Bailey CSS} foang that in ^Mt® an# yollo^r 09ljEooff tbo feialciis^ potsdo^ botk feSnfl asd quflntity* effootod th© v>U* 3B» bioouito (SSOIK&ai att3 aioos^ 3a )# '©li leavoning ©oia^iimtioii© ml^ed this: pi of th* Qm& teat ©•s'ema of tiivta^ raised it tho laoot ftad 8»&«d« jpbos^otfit %9 the most* ^erlfttione withia l&toitd ia the tiwoimt of o'tfeos? iagreSioats an tho Stakes did not apprf«l@felf aff«et the pE (8S)» ®hoa ©tile 00liS& war® ®<M©<t? thep& sae a gHghfe tt&aA of pfi toward ri©^%fallfcy \7ith $M£mm&n& momt® of milk 0Qlid«* Usiag mills isaateai ©f watw? x^isea the pH of feiamitd o*2 to 0*.S units |S"0)* 4 oow^^tioa 03:i9t9 fcettia&n lh© od^lKm dloslafS left tn the 4ou^h8 aftor Mlxiag $&& the ^roX-ma^ oi1 th© bates prodBots (©|* ttti© aalor pw?t (70 to 80 pofo^^t) of tho ©^s»hoa dlossi^© g^me^atcid twxm the telsiag po^eva d»** lag ail&lfig of tho d©m#ii is lost* aai. tb« total isaowtfi g€si©2?&t©d auptog missiiag tparlo© s&th tho @o£d u$Qd* il fast aofetog Mking powd#if osms©-® a Xs&gep 'losg of e«rhon dioxide f^oa th© ^orngh dlwijog ^ho aiding p^oeoao th^a a ©low aefeing ha&lisg poMo^.^; MoS6© of the Mfct©s? Is loft to produoe ■earboa diosSdo da^lxig the hafefcig* Wwn himutt domgho vtep* aXlfmoa to «ta»d pr^^io»® to teislo^ thero v^a no efgnifi** ctattt @h$ago in pH (3d)* fhi^ ra^f havft fe©#a influenoed by the relAtiwlir Iss'g© OJMMHP to the method of deteanaSxiatlott« 2® ®mm m®&m% o* wti©!® wi5L#©t oaff&& »i© ^tlh t&p^t %fi>©t of feakiiig ^e^M^iv II ««*■ ptmm® to timmmlm® tH© thi* cwlfie «oat«»li *f *fee in^»sii©si%@# tli© ooffin 1w*t*we* aai Wml® tMmt ftow $/4 mp 7a«© s» BorieMi mii*:pui*|i©0© fl©'m*» mm S1¥0 fr Bri^d ©feia»0«l tt&Xk S 01*0 B Sugaf' 1| n?* 18.® * Salt 3/4 t* 8*0 «' 8ho9>t$tting |le3?<t) a E$g& (dhole} »/4 ®at©i' <t^p)' 3/4 o^p' f:. ** 40*8 w St *0 * 177*$ tfg B^inf 9*i**»+~9bt#V9A i ft* li,#.40 .gW 2|: ^* fk® is4.g£»#dl®sit0f «K6«9t thA 0gg# «0S'0 porohfttidd Aft q^s&titioft to laftt foir the ©ntlr© ©^pe^SMeiit». fti© ©:@g# t^jpd ©Ma3.a©a from a local muriHfe*- A f$L&^lf*®ill0d: ^-ol© tahoAt floia^ (crowi Elills) if on h«r6 ^©®fe $M '# tl©aefe©a and ©nrlelisi AXl^inirpoae fldtar iM& M$®®%) tj@r# «dloet«4 tod ai&0r@s! ixt. tin iiom&&&®m * A high walHy Jasf^ at f5a0 mS^Sag ani fea^l^g p&otietiiure was. repotted dM 2»©i?islciai3 t?®r© ®a<3o tmtil m iStw»8U«w9 psrc&geft tras oteaiaM* seated tustiX the ^sperisusatoi' smM 4agHt©a%© tM pre* o#atis>© from dsf to &&t* lm?®i ia pf@pas?iag the m*ffiJ^« fM ttwrn^ m$i&* «alt# nilK p(KMl«rc ©»&. slio^tsatng wexw ©#igli©i am © 6«nAt&e*b6«iB trip b©lAa$^> fte '^igs ii^«ae^ foi? 0a# <$,$$> w«ip# ^©§tt#m f©i? ©aels toaktag wa© tatfe« ^o» tl» tetftl ^pt»3^* fis® feak* tag 9«ma«r wa* W0i#i@# «a mn ■SLual^tieslL l^l^a^^©* &m && The «taadeHt ttaffto' method of saiEiug ^tt »4o.pt«*# fli© toy ingr9di9»tB'» taelttaiiag th^ dt<i#<t •ktams^ litlfe poMer, we*© eiftea together tota « 3&ftsed«^9ttei?3r alsstag lacmlfl #£^ife inch©© to dlcunater with ©'ippissf, .§14©®> fh# m©lt©d: im m® ^mhtoo4 with the eliehtSy ^wt#n «gg aaa tfittei»« She iicpaii togreaiente were- laaie4&at#Sy peo&eti tote A weXX aaae to the dry ln$x>eaieiit9« fhe agtttag pi»oe«atti?e 2a a»p©:a tha day a&gp«digafc0> f# toiOPd %h« »&iijiM© %®m of put tssfeo muffia t'iias t#o i&Bi tttrea fomi^&s- lae^t-i M &&« ame'tssr @»di oao. mi& m® tctoetito tmhm in &$pt!b* &$$$&%&•* mMt ®@ ^mm oi %m$®w -mm &ra&p$& %mo ®mh mm ms$k m@® F» for 83 ia|a^t@0« ®*<sgr owe ©tartsa oa the a&dg&e raete of tfa@ ©ir©tt m& thdA fe^aaa-f^^^ fc© the top imefe f©^ the ltt»t 8 iB&oi&tee oaf fe^lmg^ ^Mf@l>r m wojpe tmtfom eoiop ^a® etetaliuriL M goat mmtfeoE»it$e# r#©#wi®aa ® l©«i a©ci then ft M#t tenpes^ture fojp feftklmg .a^ffteti- aode with 3«A#&« pheephate feakiiEBg p@^®3?* « «e^iefl o^ mtiTf im mM seat© trith the ovaa ©fc S©00 f * fof the f tost S etoftte^ sa^ 400® F* f^r the ^eaaitMier @£ tlw feakiag pe^loa'* 'fhi® method of healing 4M net g&r* @ pred^et eii©s*l0^ te th^t hfi&ed at. & ©OM* atetifc tensMpattkre-* frnmitim,, tik# tewpevetwra- of «00^ f* was u#ea througheat the ®3£p®tira@at* fh@ hot ©nffte© mm mimmA f3?oa the p&ae aM allo^^ to cool -^a « »4re t>a^« iMi tmstteeedeffeS, attempt vme wed* to ued n tMe^®©* #ofe|>i@ to not© the mrlatloa im. omn teutpevati**** ^iae^ the etome eoml.«S net he eflepted to the etkeoeeftlfei ©.|»®i»stloa of e thenaeeea^H* the mif method of ihe^Mag the as jtu3ee« %Q ieo^e tj&o faAHtids of %&® u^lsaS mtitism* lag* A pr©1liataai*f ImagllJg satsiosji mt ^:M to tw£lte&* the e&p&r&Qdm&t Fos- th» fi»l «a0*ittg# thA foar s^m^lee nimtefisd 30 that ttb© jttKlg»0 h©a a© teo^lMges at t6 tn© toSiMlag - poro&ep »©©€ * Tli^ mof^SAs AIMS tte» i»itt«p« JPW ejk0ji&ei& ttDAisreift* , eoatjisa^a for «iidth^ f:o«^' t^ddlset, ffei ©e&taml,® im$ ptLanned #o that- fs ft. da?* fctam-e jM9E«j^e« of «iffiai store IJ^&M and tttf^e otters mm p»Gp8*4& for WM^JU^ thus ts.iag tit© tte©© befetog 90«d«$* wilfe %M 0@s© lot of ! 6 SBPI#« ©gg$» ffe© lj®tt'©i*:i ©■©•utisiniag the dtffer^tift l)«li^g powSe^ were m&fted im #. dlffe^dti^ ©'efij«0t oa dif^M»e&t dftye* therein preven^iag fe&© effeet ©f m irfirifttfotik ■!& ov»» ^ea^HKipattape sad othe^ pmBlhl® vti!»tm%0+ ffe© alslmg ani 0I». a»ff £n« wf@ prepared f^«w A ree-lpe^ ft® ^otal i»@i^tt ©f Waiter %n th^m B-M vaa rd<»ffipded aad aleo tlid wei^t; of the tmm to fe© twed for detsfiBiuiiaf tbe ^t®d o cs ■tr4 35. 3© irolwia &&& tlia thr^o %o t?e used fox» tfe© ctemleal cunftiysid of t&£«aia0;% QHdn the w&itt&s ^eara venu^ved fpom the OVOA» the tot«l "feateoS w©lgiit! of the ®i^ mffiiaa >&&& the tirei^hlJc of the two grot^ps of three miff to® tre»e reeoapdea lr«0<3iat®* If p 1?h# three HK^^S to ^0 m®® fot the Qh©aii©&li ^eter* mlsmtioa of thinsiia© weve teokssn l»te $mXl ^4eo«% pXaeed la i^iallow peoe^ and air dpied to © eohet«nt tjeighfe^. Tfeia 2?e<3ui2»ei jnpo» 7 to 9 dAy$9 eftex^ ©-hicli the <feIM trei^ht was received*' f&© mm&l®® were gpetattfi te a food grlnftey and etored is tlghtly^eeirered oleer glas-s |cwpfi» {S'inee the ehepe of freshly feafe©^. waffln« ia ©'aally eltereMSfi the metffine trere eeoled for eevejwel hotaf^ hefere the voiune m© aee^area'* fh© total veltsss© of the three naff is© me foixna by ^©Sti^toiag the aei^bt of fiais eee4d ^klola they die^Ifteed (40)^ Sa dri©f te §0 th&8# the tsei^t of a aritlXilitep of ilmi eedde ws© feuad fey soi^t* Sag the eeeds ifeSelk eecatpSLed a teewii volmao* Oa© .gs?®s of m®&B t^as ©^i&x te X«46 inX. A teiotm woi^t of eeed8# 1524 ©a, «^e pemrsst f^om a Xarga earn into a pgft 0 s B x S inehee^ Ik© Bm®m eeede $pilXimg o^©^ into & large? e&s* tftiae^# ffe© m®&$ mm leveled te the top of the pan with ■is ruier* fh© esee^s eeede TOlgh©<3 SOO' ^av the preeees wee repeated imtil oheelce of pittS ©# s^atd 1 to 2 graias w©r@ohte&tted* le^t, a half iaeh leyer ©f soedn waa petarad im^o the p&a* th# three imffiii® plaeed ©a fehls leyer* sad the m veaniodft* of tb« 'Siesta ^om^Qi o»w- tfecs am^tsw^* tfe© top ©f tli0 «««aB l©ii?©l##t a&fl the «i@li% ^f tJa® exoes^ *0ed« a#* t©fiiiH@'i* ffe# wo&ght of the s©«34;S' tea^iili^ «^ea no aaf* fto© »©!?»© *&&*& ©a® A^^raetea from t-fe© w^l^t ©f tho## Mmttitiiftg "iah©» the an&fftoft twow Mil^a* ffeia t?©|gbfe of ■ss#(3##, jRpprosSttAtel^ 200 gtt sialtiplidd ^f 1*48, gave: tk© for th© tbreo staffino^ tSM» Mfe^i irolwa© ppo^eitflb; ■©&© gr^m ©f Mttar Tmo etiUn&atea* fh@ thiaoin^ twe 93b%pa«ted fro© th© ti$s:u@ is a '@ p^eenfc aoot'io aoiS #0&it&o& Uufferefi to n pS of 4#6# tli® dptiofiX pi for febe ensi^nftti« txy^roiy^ii- of tfe® two ©a* gyagsj talcaiiaBt&s^ which tplita oociipl>o%yl#.@^ to f^oo thtate® axia papaln tftklch split© protein coaipoim&s* ■fbo thiandae t?a-s ©xi&lsssa to tlilo^&rowo W an a!* m\%>m ©olutioa of foi»3?io.yaiii^ot «hi6fe wa^ ii^bsequ^nt^ «»tvaettt4 ^itb laobufeaao;!. * fbo utoaettroaMiat of tk© jpomii* taut fluwosooao© t/as 'saado. ©1th « ^ol©»?i ©lootspoiilo pboto flBortittofew* I1-9. the ppoootSure li@.# to be e-siroful.lF «*«»• <Sa^dl«ed to obtaia a.#o.urato .rosultfi:# tooimita,© tree to* tr©lopo«3 is^' ^siBg the tMoobrom® aotboi of -aes^y on othe* foodstiaffSt $8 IprQpagfiftorn of th® &5ffijm@tq 2o m&ljm tlm $mgt®&%m%& for i?M«t'&©# om gsp^m damploa off tfeQ «Aioi« «fh«ftt fXeamn th* isteilte f^o«»>; o?4 tbd fcalaiu*** fh# ^©i#i®^ gaisipl®© ^ap© tp&a&t&xr&A t© 280 ai l^leiimsytF f%&sm* WMtj m& of 2^ aeetlo @cli# $ ml eae^ &S $fl pupAisk aad S^ t&ka6i*st&ft* vere ad^e<3 to awlee a total VOIU00 of 6© ml liquid la ©©oil fl@©&-, gfee eii^f®® solutions XTf@r© py@pt.rfa. ia sd^iat© tna-ff^r at pi 4«$« ffe0 fiasEs w©3?^ <3ofk©a: aai; jA«u^at«fi ckt 4:O0 C*. tow IB to U2 h&n^s* f&© «gg« w@t@ voiced in 5 gm aii^ots ©a a •forstott feaiamo© into ttoa B^'l«&fimeyof ftaaiE®* y&tbf*€±V9 rdk of «e$d and 10 a! of the ©aafsie ^©lutloms vmm tQtti of #0 «&* S&QQG to usako « ^« a^ffi|>i©-© of oggs ««r0 tfticwa from tho day*'9 ntiftod s^piJlf of tlaroo «wi«*tt«8iv« wwfc* ifeilo aaffi^s wro loitig bftkod* 4 fvot&iy proposed Mttor aiisttxro mm mm® in tho ®Bt©-rw$m.ttm of the fl ami tli© thitiate© oenboxit* Uaan* ©vor poasifclOjr thd ieteraimatioa of th© pB «ttfh « Boolaaxm 3pS motos? and t-te '©©igh^ag of tho tWm to ^r*» sampios for thiftttlno «&«l3r»|:0 w«po 40fiO % ttsro p^opl© ^issmlta^ou©!^* HlnoUy^fivo ml of B^ ^ootio acid mv® M&®& to. tho 10 graai ©amilo© of batt^i? in 400' nO. boftlso^d^ ualciiig -a total voXumo of 100 al* fho Aixteuvo «a« ^ttofod vi^o-pou^lf with & stirring red to aste a fine am©p©»sloii* With ^otttinfieA £0 S»lenmfi9«r flasli* fli# e&dee of tin© eflti^er were iFaafeei wltli two & usi postliM 0t th» enttytto mM&lm® to aak© a total of ©0 K3J* fto.©© 'S«^paiB ««a^le« ef t&e drl®€ exii3 groimd Da^od te $80 »l is?'l^mief©^ fi^tfet... Fift5f al of 0^' a^3%l© a#i4 mSL © al ©asli ^f ^M» two ®mfm® mlv^im mm aiiM %© jaato ft total et B® m% %i^aki&* 3,8 to at botunBt* Aft«|» tli# &fi«iitaAl6i& pe#io&p tlha flasks ^or© ls«ft%ad %© laoili^ %#■ jtoaotlvalM^ $ie a»tt89ia9$ taa tfewti «oo|ad Sa e©!^ oatw* flje' (e^|i©sa^l mtpmsteb ma $%%+ tares tlkrou^ti ^axitatlvo fiXtar pup©!? la a $*$IM& mvtmm twxtot Xttta.m ®*$®®fa teat toba* fii# vaattXtin$ fXXt»at» m® 0XoM^, tut this ttarMiitf MM net ifttefrfe** «Xth tlMt ©salf&ia* fh© tmfe©0 «ara ooAsi^ $&£« if it «® iffipoa* siM© ta ■eosgsi.a't© the ssatlfsft teBm&Utotifr* tfcay WM?*- ■ atovad te tba Jpatfr4g*re*o» fa* a fav tio»r9.« ^ S4«3ia^ atevaga peeled fea^ no ©igxiifioaa% affaat ©a the thltfa&ae «0Bate»t of the .a*t»aat#. ^5 ml glass ^ $tQ|>pef©i. ey&s&de?** fls4-®® if*Q|>f 0? 1^' «<pd6ttg' ««Xttfeiott ef pot«tt8£«uB foiPSPlfiyswaW^p, 5 til -©f 1^ dodtoua l$r<S#£>3sia-% @a«S if ®i ©I"' idoM&ttol m&* mM®® to fS?©p'aB®a. %% a time5, atopp^refl^ mi ^ftgoroa^jjr :shalf©a for thiae&Fos® tools plae6« T^ oxidised «»Jrt»»e$s ww** poa^©^ intO' 'i@|>as?iifoj?sr fiUBn©!® ©Bi tfe© tt^e t®f®wB allotsired tso stparat'©, ffee ft&kn&i ia^^ wat €i?^i!a©d off and ^&606rded« fh® i9o%atQitol Iftvof oontala&Ag tli« tkioetooa© tma poured into 80- ml oottb^ifug^ tttlM)»« iffeef1 febo ©ailt-iom ©.# app^oE" eentri£^i«4 for appffoxftfttttitt^ 1 ttiauto* fte fetilll^ljlf c^osr Xi^ttitj tKaie ioeazit^i into a 01*1' ottirott«* ^QB minutot ^wm-lm® to tho fir#^ ^©n^iag (**)# **» Colcnaseai oloot^onio $|iotOJriStor<HBet«r was t-iSSPitaiS: o& JinA tM p^lisliagfy 0.i|txst^@Bfe# vforo maa^* ■$fcc@ tho I^i%sm»©at' ©©asit.ivi%^ Is depossdoat. oa tlio iiatoBtit^ of %h© m&ttismf mpm l8o&* ^ttib ia ttwrai '#@p^an3'# on tfe© iroitag© $&& f^efuono^ of the «ilootrle etuweftt^ tlie denn-ltivlty tr&s oheelred SnBiedjLato&y ttefov^ ea^h toat % inaovtlng tho euitretto v&tb the atftble s>eller«aoe ©©iution* M that thikwhFOffl* a68i^» tbd fliaor©a©t<©y tsrad set to read 70 with tAxen © life© aaoant of fe&i® jfiM^st^ mm $$mt®&. ©ItSi ctil ©f the re&jgeoftp ^seept t>ho few?iefsgiiao^ me 4©fe©2?aila#d fos? mfeurailf la %i»«ad«ir mi was tfoar^f©^® .e«fet^a«2t«d from th9 saa^lOi reitf&ag to give tn© eo^eot^fi ttw&twbte* 5p0&iiag* ©f thimaiad in 0ti.am<3M,'<3. solutions t?<2*re plotted ag^tott the eorrooted flvta&cmtB* voaSifig* fof tli©@# iolutioa©* bad b©.©a pa?©.paip^a for this pa*ti4mla? p&otoQtlM(V0taBti$» and «wi dbisGfced frequent If. Fieoa this our^t t^e thisntins sontent of th® S «4 ftiiqitiot couM IJ© a©t#3?ffiinea and ths thiamina oontant of tho ssio^Xa in ai-^fograas psr g^^m eoul^ ts© cal* eaXat«d# ffabbesp tms not paiwittsd t© Qom in eontast witfe thtis0tottttino& ©sr ethi!2* ^oagonts basavss It Qanssd -a great in* ■orsaso in the f^ueroBeter raaaiiig^* So-totioa At- § ®g% of thiamine b^droehioride (Merels9© Betahiony^ iat 100 aol of SsOjftithanolL made with distilled mktev ^aaa «dlusted to approvinatelf PS 4*0 with ©*i i so^ 98 Solttt&oa St li> atl <6t doXtttion A filXufe«S t^ i®Q asi t^itfe AifttilleS wat^r Adjust«d t©' j>H 4«0« 1 ttH B meg Solution A is .0*0054 pa QBiaia© smlfet© in ^ lit®r of a*l 1 a^Iftiri© ^cM| atoyed in & ams*'& bottle in tho refSfig^J^***** Solution Bt 8 »1 of poliitloa A diluted to 2m ml with 0*1 I 0ttlf^io filOM* Aeoti^ *oid «olutio&f ^ aolmtiott. propasraa by diluting ^0 ml gladl^l ©•©©tie mM to « lit®^ witb aistillod w8to«,# SoaiBm «oot«ttd«aoeti6 aeii buffos« 05 al of glaelal aeetie #oia «and 110 ♦S @a ol" sodlma ©©©tut© maS© up to & liter vifcfe #;i^till®a yater* pi 4-«0;#: Soaiwa fe3ri3?osMtf 1S^ solution ^©pa^©^ by 6i$*oiv£ng ?5 pa in wat#3?, sakiag up to 500"tt£L with aietilled wat©r and adatag 3 g® of ten^itiss Isyd^ossM©* Pot&eiiiuB fo3nt»ioyftR&dloi i^ 0olutioa *lth 2*5 f» in 250 al of dietillod irator} atorod £a * <S#s»k bottio* Saobutgnolf Roditftillwl so *a to hav» » fl«or©ffist«s» road* lag of © ©r less.* CHJUWPBft If boffins ooatatning S^ pec^eeitt fef volosie of whol© uheat f&ou? and SO p^oont ea^le^si i^felte fl®^r ©repar^d toy fefe© mtiim w.®%h®& of laisiag potsesaaS the ohaspttote^istio ^salitlsa an dos^iribed. %? Hallid^f and STo^Xe C21)», WStti the Mai© f#^lf©# the tsteee types of l^kittg fowd^s* gsro* due©i ty^io&X i»d 4edirftbXe proauets* Eowenrsre each bftd dooree as reeovded fey the sis $»$$&& (TatoXe 11} ramgesa fwow 48*8 to 49«$« ?be&e v«x»lat!l««Mi tyefe i^i^m&fleaiit* 111® auffina witli the terUrftte swa. i&oetfMte powers were gisi* Xar In appoarane©^ with e. ^eXSeate^, goMea-teoina oeXeSP'^ evenXf fouaaoi to-p.^ mn& &, p®Wl®& mwim®*, ^hoee with the 0«A«iS.« pho^pliat® p&wSiev Im<3 a acwe peeked» A aer* ev«i and shiny aucfaee, hmfej im the ^piaSoia of the jufifest tseve aa deairable as the ethe^e^ the aufflagi vreare li^ittf. awS th& oruat was jggofiefe.teXy thin aiad t,®3adei»:.. Da juct^iAg the iatevJLe^ & nederateXy f ine^ even gralB •with u&ifevn «BmXX fomni ttoiXee was ohaerved* hut with more Irfegt&la^itf lii eeXl else an<3 shape in the pho3phat# and tartvate msSflm* Beeaaee &t the sXet^eF ppodue&ieb ef eavhom dioxide gae^ the tmiilm with the s^A^s* pheegte&t* ponvder Imel a.more eoapacf?, even sreiia ^n^ a fine» j®% moist agtd teiadej? esmisih^ 34 fat>i© IJ SraiM*»3r of feh© judges* soor^v of the Bttk*& ®»ff4aa ^ftt>d 3*8 I 0S 5*6 Color f..f5. 4«Q 3*4 3j# LIglita®©© ^aia 3*8 3,#6 ^.a6 5 #8 ©*8 3^8 8«8 3,6 3«3 3«© 8*3 3«8 >*1 49*^ HI||.»I.JI|I',»I> CSfUfflifo flavos? $0?4&8 S...8 4*0 o»8 S#8 ^*0 43*3 48*0 3«6 « Baked a,t 300° F* fojp 8 mixmt^s «»& 400°' F* fof St mliaut©@. m Muffing iii tihi^s ttto gltttoft fom %®m fittttttosfc to Strodtioe la^d mtsfiao© baked ^aiiaa®:' ar@ xsoi?^ flod&vftble thatt quSBtly.^, tht ligfrt&dad of mStim <a©p'ena;® on th« w«rigjbfe of thd Mt^oi* as eoiap^^e^ to th© volvone proAueed* II^JHSB %hid S'elfttion^ii^ tias eaioaXatedj no sigaifleamb diffoi'egie© wa® acted cutaong the tauffin$ ma^e .«ith tbe t&r00 typee of tak* lag pcf^fle^a* eosisiisrteg that the QSPVOV of the aethod asount^ to * 4 ml* t7ith a rang© of 175 to 204 gpassa of batter pep three sftx^fiaa^ 1 grm of batter p^Qtmd'©^ 1*6 to 1*9 ml of batei m&ff&ft ev>eiiragin@ 1*^8 ml for the tartvttte« 1*74 ml tow the £ho&g&&t<e* aai 1*77 for the S«A»d« ph@#«*phat** (Table 111)* Da orftex* to ^eteraia© the total de^truotlom of thlan&xte fiwMmg the ptfcp&futfkon and the fe^teing of the maf^ flnt^ the ingredients were mmfB$ (table l¥), fho t»hole c/heat flour aftomreti an average eotttant ot S*0 aies of thi** aniae per graia# a value "srhioh «aa eloa© to the &*'03 meg pea gram reported by €oxin<» ©M stra^fe (11) fwp hard teeraefe oheat0y afid Je within the average© of €*® and $#6 mog of tfeieyaia© i>#r gtMsm for the Aol© «foeat kerael <&ehult2^ Atkto©^ and Fr@f * (60 »# Saheunert aad tifegBer*(43)).. fho on* riahed tsfaSte flour tjss foima to coatela sa average of $*$ meg of thlsntSitke p©r grasi* Wie dried ghiamned milk t»ith an average of 4*13 taog of thlottS&e par sr» had a higher valttd m than the 2*35 meg of tfei9ttieM» pw ®i?®ia »*poap*«d t>y Hawid .aHcS Hang <S3) aad the S»6 »cg ^dr &m f&Mi hw 9*M\l4& m& 8*1<U (4i)>. ^fid fef Cte«WI*Utt m® VilHtsm {$1'* Bgg©. w*p* mm%fm& o& titled dlfferdt^ 4^©* Th©f o^asfeAiaad from 1*0 fc.o %,$ saos of thitstaiia® |)«r gp&a« fh© a^erag-© of l«St Meg por gtam was iow.®!* ttiftft the AVM^S^ #f i*4 nog pet- gram a?#forte^ % OlwJMalia uad WLXlteim M» ©J? ot t*® awg In the entire ree&p© fo» feh© wh©i@ tMmt tm&tpb®, w&y© a|>|j^03slffi$t©iy 785 m&QtQ&tim of th&mtm op %*M uog per graxa df hatter* Pvm %M to i*48 m^g of tMasilffca pax garan t<?©ra found la the battens (f^hl© f feo VZH)-* ^hue# thinmim© «&* deetvoyed to. ««me exteht dw&tg »ixitig«fha variations in ^usili^te detenaittfttiene mm ^©hahiy eett»ed hy errors la sampling/I the *&gr*3£e&t& \ser@ not fittff ielehtly nested to^ prodaee © hos80,g©»e©ue mixture^ t&e rapid e«apor»tie>» of s»i»t«Hpe tslsiit wei^liag th^ 2.0*gi*^a samples* 03? the awtfcod of aieaeu^lng the ao ml ali^tiet ®af have Introduced ^rther eiworo.* Uhe vms® iMi the thl^ffiiis® eoateBt of each of the tha?e© fcattep* m$.t*3l to 1*#0 meg p&t graa* the aver-age va^mes tsrere 1*44 meg for the $.&*S* pheephst®,. 1*40 ao@ fop the t®yt3?^te, a»d 14*8 steg for the pheeph&te* fesay veria'tlen mmg the thre© fiae ineighif leant and wae hot due to the type of baking powder or the- pi of the batter* m Wow to S9«<m pmatoixb of the total tkl^taisa® ^a& loM &m* ins aaa^ttg* ••Sh* S^Atd* ^losstoito b&tte)? Hat © pS of 8«38» tn© l>h0Sptot-© of ®*;20j, and tk@ tdvtrA^ of 0«<M3* fhese flnfiw aagd ag^^s© with thes^ of iieEim «uact lo^t (9$) ^fe©' feona a similar vcupftotioa im pi to biaeulte nod^ urAWa. #loi)Uu^ "baling pom®PBn During h8k$xi8» & alsplfiooafc io®0 ©f thltimlao ^ms per grim of dried sample TO© th© ©am© r©nga*»*2,0' to 2»7 aeg of tfaiesilne por gfsm* isben ^alouX^t^S oa ttu) bssl® of ^Liassiiie per ^am ©f "bmt'MWp no fi'&gnif icumt diff^^dfied £a the %hlaa»&&@ 6c»ten.t of the balsoi ssmpXefl aaao with the ttoffae tfp@© of b.&fe£iig 90«d«3P ©.oiald 'fe© •ote^wd* ffett la^erag©©- were 1*36 ©eg of t&laaiB© par gftan wltja- the S«A*S* phosphate* 1*^9 .meg for tbo taptvafce* and i#S2- aeg f«f> $&& photpfeat©., ffeess oonpa^efi to the thifimine ooatoatt of fife© hatter Mime Mkl®®, the thla»in® r^teatloE d.!«»i5ag ft^U* ing ^as 9§ percent for the S^^«. photphatD, 88 perees^ for the tartrstfte* «o&. 38 percent for the phodphate* fh© total loss of tfciomlae m& elghiflefmt with em apparezit deetrtte^ioxi of 12 pereeafe Mth S«&.^$* phosphate hafclmg p©Me??? 16 peroojit with tart&ate^, ©ad 2% pereeat v?ifeh phosphate or an average loss of 16*2 pereeat* With as tfcd ^n^iatlties &t ^akliftg po$de£» ms^' la thifl ttudf axtA vith%%k th®m magm- vt i% th« indleet&on is tiaAt fete typo ©f bakiiag |)dfia©i? «&& i»h9 PH of t*i* TU&^tw ^00® aoU slg^t* f itantly Atfetet th« total l.©#f of tfeiamla©* f]h# ^©stswn tioa ef mtm%m M imXtia& In mmilm %& %k&% xepottaA I'Sa ad pi^pajMKS In this #tu%,. QatitftjLiking ©O graa^ of ■DattflH^ of ii»94^1ag ©0 ^aas «fto? feaki^g.|. fusm&^hdS 77 ®c§ of thlaffi'to© ©s" afiprosESaa^^lf s ^reeat of th© r&oem* a&ti&eS #,ail,f dllcK»ui«^ of thiGunia^ for 'S® ^veamge ai^lt*- H M H fe4 CW © S3 43 m i^ll »' ' Hi (&*< * .jj#ij, I' 5*» '#** ■©■ 1*4 t& *. ^ 0 * r* Qb 4 »»i4 0 * H ® .* H: i^ «*$ '* mj* (0 .(?il, «*4 *•• 0 r* ?*$ @> ©«: « <*» © 1^1 0 «s> H #' tf CSS © r4 ta e& pr*. <^ O «M ■HI ■© @« M © O H m ■co * «** 05 *» r4 &*. '•' ««» t0 S) «gj HI * O 0 P*l "• ("J «& 03 - (SJ <J& • f^ P4 * <©' • &»■ ■« 0HI 0 Br « *»* #■ <© '* •N. <d ^i <n * H '■$ (0- 0 H 8 #4 W f» €0 0 W '^3 fr- M OS ©5 r4 w e». rH H 0 P* 9 # H (5is I Sf 40 ifetol© meat iBuff&a R90ip» ^^^,f,^^^,w^.kr*><1?^*^'rj^i*(wvr,,blji !*©Olt>© D^^ .00 In OB,© Floas? ^a •0 5*4 s«o Average ax:,0 59© 8*B 2*S S«$ 21.*fi 20S 4-»ft ■©>© 4*8 4»£ m-*0 Bggfi 1*B 1.1 ia g© 91 i*« Other isigretS&eats mz;*4 0*© fOfALS 46© «0 1*84 ■ 4| 0 7SS 41 s.&*3* fboepiuaLtd Safely $etta*# i*a& i*si *<t,im}i!um\3)L+i7*ii*m+> 1*80 1*88 0«4 X-+90 10 0<O 6*42 2*4 1*^ in^MwiiMiMMiM^nwMcNw ■6#-02 6*32- d*ei 6. SB 1*82 1»48 .1*84 ■S»'S 1*86 1»88 1#4<. «*« 8 #8 iwa» 1»4S 1*44 ff 1*4§ i(pMMiii;i>(<ii ■af»»ilwpMnM'1'" §2' ^■j^WMtW'T*.^1.!'■ ui.'iiiiii "w iu j !*< . 3.«4 Ml I Hi. ''I' l"ll'. 0*44 m iW**}1*Ui'<i'>**'<m**imCt**n<^*\ii**4*md,#Ai»y^mW^ i*$0 i a ^tf m w^ij *MM J wwiM>i*fct#i«*aiitac « foo aampla© MM:©# -with tla© s®®# lot ©I" ©.gg$;.* 05 40 CiiS 8*3} v.titu mi*4*****m&. iiiiiiiii-iiirjiTvari 79 6*02 I*g8 6»O0 ^■i»W»Wp.lPUMWM|IHI|IU*H.I!illH(M<)l 1,.4S .1*30 - @*0t 1*S© lw83 1*4$ 1*4©' 1*50 tiUlik!iiiii\\+*tmri*W'i\Mt*mr+f}W**&^'ii^<'^ 2.S ■^HtWrfWl! <»»£■■** ijitwl^iM i>;^«»i,l|'^WI«>»j|l 9*4 1» ol ill i •|iiiiitiiwWiiti>aii«rtrtiiitl|i'i'i..i.*i;Pii)|iiiii.il,'i'ii'i.ii'l|,P.ii|li m^ri'WIiuK'iniiniii »lii|imii^n!iw^i|11 in|iii 0«$3l 6*00 1*©1. . ..i;»m 1*4$ IMIIII. 80 3»#,«w 2 »2 1*4® ^^^■ff'^i^'j! ;*!! .ifiiiipmmi&B&mi'im&mtii'ri w^tim**********!**** @„;03 i.ii'.lrinlii »*& S*:@© 4fiamoaiujK!tti<t»i^mm iHtrwi^jiM^NW'IWWrt^NWiiil IIMULW P !■ n'liifiMai lin. |ir ir^Mnttmmii OIII 3L %3P 1*29 t»<p>iWrtij»ii—fil>tM(n<w # 9No #afflpl©# feskei isritfe tiie sto® lot of gggftv 90 m inil^n i#^i|fii>el .D^- ni'iin iiiiHiniMuii.iiwm.rttii '<&>& f^M© til Siit ©i^Sa. #6-0® iji...)< |> flu'i 11^ Igi^w il i»>ii<Nl(«iii«;iu r i, n ,ii; iiiii-"r~'>». ■! ,i III.I LiM>i|^i.«%ww,i.:<i iiiT.Liii.i>riif>li|ii<ji|ii »aiwi.ii^i»'ir<ni>lWLiniiiim)«iy 90 nift'-.'.i^iimiiiiiijwijwtt; uto i*.4a ^*@9 iBi»i»*iwaWw!^.i»4yi^»iii © 'bi$teG& w-$Mh the 'a@Bi® Xot of oggg* i^iJiKiil.itMWiWili'ilM Si W M > H k !«!• e3 . tfft. ■«rt 0^ \ 8k a tO $ J^f i? ©>) * fr*- J4 ■0 * «■ © 0 «« 4 to .« H s K* f OT ■*■ * 1** it: 3 H «P« 43 4» '.♦ « «*» (?3 &i 49 Gmnm ? mwmm mn oomwemm mtilm mm m&® oith ©me tmtt tfoe&A ■whmt &ti& oaa b&lt mwiah®® trhlto ttmv with tte0# t^pos of ^aklag pow* d^f> ■S*il,'S# 'pfeoapiaat©, tartrato, and- photfpbato* judge! gfttisfaetory* All tror® A iii?oct; roMtion'Sliip »a found fee* tweon tM 'tetter iretghti aai tfe« Mfeei vdltDae* but ao s-lg* tilfieaat- d&ffeve&ee wa# saotai atuosig the 'trolusEtad of tfa& naff las iwdueed witfe, tii© diffe^oftt; bafeift® sw^derd* f&©' gepavfttft ingyedi^ats w©!'© «nflilya©d fop thianin^ % tlie fefetS.oetoo3i0 metfeoi*: ana the wsomt of tfelcmia© per gram of tetter ealcalat®^* fhe ftngMSents to o^i© S^^® «f luntter ©oataiBod l.#,Si meg of thi^nino * flao- fc^ttw* ftffeftff niaclng^ dontftiaed ^ ttve^ftg* ©f 1,4@ ae^ of thlamlAe pof gi'Qm vith ao aigfeifloaHtt differ* ©rxee© aamig tiioso nade ^rith tbe d&ffe^ent talcing p©^ioi»s* Four to seven pe^ceic^ of the tltiwtn® wtie^ therefcsrei lo@t awing mlsing* fMe average pli''f0 wore 6«j$8«. 6«0S« ©ad @*20 for tii© fe&ttere aade with the &*&*&* ifeo^pJiate, tartrate^ ■and phosfhfct© to^ieiag pevd^ respectively* fh© &ire*ag* Htlenine eofttent of tfee tek©<a saaff iwft Isatsed oa the tetter isreight wa® 1*5$ m©@ of t&l&rai&e per gram with the S«A*$«. fibodphate^ 1*29 aeg with tlie tar* trate, and 1*88 meg witjn the photphate* f&e deetjpuotien 46 $he total loas©^ of thlaaiao duytttg ttiltcisig ani feafeiag i@ pdSH»QBt wil'li tartfi'at^j. and 81 pefttents tarif^i pfeoa^fe^©,* tut the84 giffd&enctts ©F® ndt $tati#tioetIlf ftigoifleant e . tto^©!5 t|i@ QtfwS&Hcra of %h& iaveotigatlm*^ tM tf p© of Mkllag pQi^a^r ana the pft of tke iwsittatf fcua<! a© sigalfieaiit ©ffdcl osi tgte 4Se0truAti«& of ^hi^mi^© am5?ixig sising as^t MkEagjj teat a totai av0ras$ 3L«»*« ©^ 10--.S pa** eefift ©f tha ^jfigiaal t'hiaai5a<$ oec-siS'^i * ^ to^©4 smffl^ wigfelmg SO g^aaiB ootttaiaod ©sa an avaf&ga V? taeg of thiafi^na and ft»nisfe©# a^prox^nata^ $ pcrceat of tlia reooimieai^ daily al3vowaac© of thia£aine for as^ avarags adttlt* 4? mBi,%®mmm 1930* tin©- tfea,.(S©lJi?o»s aietfeoi fco the thisaaSsi ©siaX^sis of 8> Barg©??,. 0»# $(^g9'l# F«* ana $930* iWB* 4 «*y»ta3t* vSt^mM i|.* Baturft IgQiSifj, 1036*. 6« Betifcopy f«S,» leeoat iritaaiu rtse^^eh II* 7* Booting i »<>-«. fli© fehioducoma nuM^od fw- tlie- ett^Bfttion of saeiirltti uritb, 41 fiorvay of th® .daettr'M eomt®^ ©f w|a©®t#* ^* So-e* tibeau 1^4 59* 181*184#.' 1940* l^oattet#* 8* Vitsmia ^afi, sog^'Cfoea* $0t66*tf€h* 1945* eh»34eXin» V^H** aaS fflllioai^* K*^* The: B vitftaitai 4S8T* IN |0S*124,» 1-942,* ©,. 3.0« ex«aaan9 D*fW «mfi P3?oim? l;*-!* Dot^ai^atiom oi thian^tia i® breaft b? the tbieebpoaa roofefeo^.. ^. eMapa-f'ia'Oa ©f plio0|)^at©$©>##©afeaia4ag wwyna s**^ arabioas* !&$* Bftg* Obam«y A^al*. Sa* lit 100*101,* lt«0« CosffMteioia of ^a^aot datm. om. mimml and vitamixi valtuift of foMs* j. i&m^ Diatatia <31Q«6$9 i'l'&'O.flavija ecmt^nt© of wfamt &M ©om* Ce^aal %2-+ topping* A«SU». and ^o@c©^, MM* IS10 tJfato|N.*oJ,«t>!l^ IS* Copptn^^ A*$i« fli@ nutritive ^ala©' af vto&ttoeto Tim* 14 ♦ €©t7gi1.1,f 0*1* fho need for Add it ion ©f «itai&itt % fc©' it^pife i^i®i»ieaa foots* $■* 4B-# lt«S.. A8dee« JL3i3t2146*Sl§lir 1999* is* i)fteftenA E¥S*f aad !SMP$iA# 0« £*$.• ^f* So©* 0h9ttv Bact* €0i04i*t45« 1941 • ©©BEBdjp©,i«l ts/feaat ©f tfee'llJiO' cro|^» ia:f©#¥©01f 1041* G©3?©al '($&®m* 17* Feaaml SeotuPity A^«ti^* P«>od «Qft Dsmg M)6iata%wi* tiQb«. FeStral l«:gte't;©i» eft8?4*0iSl# 1841» 16*. jP4aalt&t l*l**(i iund Lltttle* 1.* of xmmt i®rm naff las* jr* 17; $31^^ 1M1« fh© ^lamin© 'valua-B Di©'fe©$i©s ii#;s©©* ABU StttiBfa£a.d%i!»e 610& «ftl^# part 1404* t©l» 8 «8919*291411. 1943^ Feritarei Hogl^* W-* fr©©* J|»S'*, Baeyease is trifc-aiaint 1^; Itstatfe© %' «■©# of sipeeiai iii^ ^ita&Stk % br^^i* "" e©f:©4i G!i©m* 171 TiMMMSd, .1940,'*. ■21* Balliday, E*'S*.* aad l0bl©#, |*t*. Sott* «atd ^r ©f eookiBg* ffe© WiiiverBity of Ckieag© Fr©®^.* GJlioagOa Illlnoi9f 1933 »• e©©.le©i?f.*; ffe© f!diiv©r.8i-lf of <3hi<s&g© fj?©^®* ^ieag©?- |lliB©.ta# %M$* '2B* Bao»l«# ^#F*ji, ami fto&g* Y^.* Vitoiato methods I* iaiiiajprov©^ p^©e©diar© for ©.stslmatSjag, vitatsiii, Bi list foodstuff® aM biological, ajatoriai® 'fey th© fhi©*obpom© test li*oltia-iJag ©©sigariijoaa with Mological assays* iioohom* j* 3$<10$0vl0674 1941» 8ft* <5?teal s^im* jr* foe,* ^S^vi* M* e^jMS*!^^, 1.94S> 27 # 20* aad: it.$ p^mes&gs* Gtwetti. Gbm* %$$4y$*4BBv 1941« ©I* Xft&ft* S»l.*^' folmtoai, ;I*.# a&d lfliIiaai-# l*.l|* S^ 80» I^aoBSy I5*©** <w»4 Stopris^ &*,0:* Vitttatt&a $* aad t-h^ tt ■ %i»otm iroysas «ib£td brea$ gobies*0' if.- Bioo^ 88* '&aw@# B* 2SJ<3*1?. fef©t$a«ifttal e&Q&wg from tlK« iw ,T*JPte* X94S* M* i^m and Bcme.S: 34* for vXtaa«fe» B^+. ^w«Ai.(Jto*ai# X:©tlSX*X6©'# X04t* 38* tei>t£m.,/ ©.if* titaiaiia B* ^©Bt«Jit of erwt And etnasjfe m. S8# 40, 41, miiim* E*.*. -waft So.0@|,, ¥,&+ ITalttSt of efe^ftieaily t* Utttwition* ©15 t&© pS M list*l©i# l@4S.« te@ad i»« «&feet66 fef fealsiisag. Cereal cthon* i.0{^90* Il0.2»g@af -!*#.*> aaS Sail* 2.#$*, Isp^tSiatsititl zi^odt 42, Meap©t?*lilSI Woote Co** SSU9#|, SJ«er ?©^# 1$$9*. iatlenfel B60dAP<^ OoniMilj BeyrHaitt mai. <Jlr# 6©3?i.©#» 1©*. li$j, .Jam* 184$* 44* &ox>3gr@a* l*^. aad tea&v&Bt&f jFt5» :fli© tilsl4Wltt eoatemt of eeftal grainifif* Oweiil Ok©®* &&«8(&*8il.# 1941 * o*MBiiey* €*.M*s. m& 'i^Mi* i*#* coag^fiitlon m^ ,t©lii#> Jf* Milk Utetih* Stl38*140* lt4t* aeuift flajftP4et«x*4«tlea of **8fe ©poiag^. e®!©,®.* Oiea-ft I0t7$*9&# 1931*- c©.^©'ial aiio^i^ 0.*'l*. Vitamin defioloxiciot aaa flour millisig* Cbd&iet#y a^ ^iduatrsr ^0|,6li*$l©>. 1941» 4S,, QfaQBanstft. ■ &* p m® Wagn®^.*: 1*1* ■ llxO' 1$M$»to© ooafc<aa^ of tAied« a^i ¥$&• Vitamlne :»- Hojnnossd* lfl«»0« 1941* <^oa* AlMItt 37*193,. 1949« dGhul&8# ^.*S.*.i, 4tkilt« t»»*. «MaA 3Kp#y* <3*:I* She vlluu^ii Sj e&at«&& of flouf aai Wead« Cereal CSioai, 1§« 6ft3#M8f 10S0* ©I, Schults?,,. A#'S*> ^.fcin,. '£*,■ -sM' rgl*ef#, GM* ffe© stability of tritttffili! B% ta aia^tifaetttro" of b3?ead». OereftX .52* 65# S4* Seataftk* H*E*, a^A Iiivofsaoi'©* &♦!♦ flie vltoain B eomplfsa of p©ei©<i wli©ai fe^'@^4$* J» Nutrition 2$i g0:§*S?©, 1943* : Shei*i^a9. iUCU.*, ^^ Button, 0*1U* Sff^et kof fasrftregesk* iom co'ae^giferatios oii tia© 'j?at© ©f $^.s%s uotion of SliO'K?ood^ B-«0*,i loMg^om,^ R## .®ad' Aadre^s^. J.*S* Sb&f&n&ft ixt pP0&UQtB of vhmt milting m& itt t>3?©M* 10 frAJW^. ISM;,, 56 # S^iofe1ii^f# liSs S^Mbools ftj? nut»it^aa« XXil* M©* ■^mof of te©rl«#s diets* #* m« %$&% ik$soo* xdit ^aine of .fooi*. jr« isa* Dlelidtioe-'Ae»oo* l$f86$^ 88* lilllnas^ K*H^, and Spf©0;& f #15*. fife&a&n % aaa &t« us® in moiSioin©* Hkto Steeralllim 0a** li©w*fox*ka