mm emmmgt Brnm m *m tvmi m tm

*m tvmi
.Ciwa-M, ^iim,yTmi'BMow«iMi-
,.'ii-"n.i 1 millilijl.
of irxtMii
m tm pom©
«»» '■ i»;«-
).aiii;i|iiii,»l> ^Wn^.F^^iiMiin,!
«»!, Miimi-nHinnmiM.wi .njr
sutomitt^d to th^
^ass. mm emmmgt Brnm
>'),<" imnn f irni'iiuami 111", mmm
tih» ^©^ir^w^nt® fo* .the
«ij>ii,nH"Jl'i".)i. '>', wm-'i
I, ■'« ■It-t "
."..' i '' 'yV vt,>-li. ■■'",■"■"■"■
fe c^a^g© of m$op
.mv. nijim;
:iv,M«n».Hf:,» (ir „, .. i.-
»■ o o: o i* # * •« if P ■*[■ *> & « « «•# ■* e 0 »■ (? ft * V * .0 * H *' # 0 ^ v 9 4 « ♦
# $ » -o 0 §« * ,<? # * <?« « -9 ft ft $ 4. q «<»#*« » 9 «$($##*« »
<!■##* p * s* « 6 o.» a ,9 ■<> .4 * .*■ •*> # :* p. ■«■ s «>,»' &«:£$# 4 « 9
■PSfoef of liio Costpl^ii l&f$yFO of ?itaaia 1 &ea»9
BliOtf'Ellll^^.©?! ■;>• t?t)'<t M *} 4'p t, 0 « % (j <» fe t * ■« * a s * $ »,* * s«
S# to©3, X*tf^
13f ffQiffe
* * # « 4 ** « « P O * '« * *. * 'P 4 s $' s # !» « ^ * »■ 9 «;■ 4 0
Of h@&%
.E^^©0^ <8C ©0^©
■«• »■ 0 ♦ <?'« t« * a * r# e * ft, * <?■ 0 <* o-» # $ # «t *
#9^0 9. fr » * ft o * * * * $ 4 *-* '9 <» *■ * * ft #
» D*. * * « * # # 6; tjt 4 * $ .* # f> Si 9 ■ij « fc 1? y, $ % * « ■* * * 9 » 'fl 0 * # ft »
,130! J,!©
0. ,0 ♦ •« '« « 0 «; © 4 <» « <» ^ S> ■« ft * '» ♦ f '# ♦. » 0' # * * « 4■<). ffO 4 « # >? ff
Fw^ifl^ftti^a a»<s frfrepw&t&on 'Of <km«*ifttt«M
B^tDfti 51©% # ■# *>' * * e * 4 # # 4 6 * ♦ ft tji ^ * «• 9 <(* 4 ft *'•« a *
O^SSi'tt # •* 0 i * * * « s «■ I f n * ■# 4 *> * * * * * *' * * » * * * *■■ 4 * « *
Sit$S'ti?illi.|i'©fi 8|Bf.0& «.« » ^ « ^ * *■« * « «■• * * * » » *■ * * #■ <?
]pSi&t,($f>^&1& S # * % «> » o •* <> o * $ * « « # * * * & * :*> * #■* » # « * «. ■*>
S& J.'fe ifi^St^S?© « * at. *««-«0 9 ■* *». * *«? * ». ■*« # ■* * * « * # * *
Oibfe^r' 0Oni tiMSS^H * e * ■» *• 4 * * ■* * e * * c f o 9 * 0 « # #
I'iara, ol5 ©S£^<5is?'i®©i3^ * «■ «■ A *«* * * ■* ■*. ^««* # * * &«* »■ * 5? *?« 4 #•
» o ■» 4 <» ? <f *•$ ij fr 0 st <? ■* *•■*; o* ? ■« §> $.'# #•« * ?• «■ «t » <> « -s o ■* « * «*»
iOadl^asSofts #^f#seft**^»**4*«'«*$«***#***«**■*#■!$"$«?♦*•■*s
It^l-l.-^gS'^P'll^' #*##©,« * « a * e * » « « «■ * '« .# » *• # »*•*#« * * ♦ «■ A • if ■ « »
I^Oi^®^-©^^ « * * «-o * « o 4 * ». * * * * * '* »' * * * S * * J» ■«* * '*>■ ■»■ * * # * <»■* '«■*■ * *'
Lglit' €Jia^t© * # *.«•»• * *. * *■ ■»«<».««.* o ? •» *■■ if«»* * -«: «* ^' •* * *■ f * * * ** * *■»
si imm mm. ^ mmm. &am mm
4eputtttlfttiiro 0vi40ttd0 due tio r©«j©iit inv«*t4*
stisii^^^ ©irid©ii<j© of tww* factors of vitaiattt i is ixoto^a
factor^ tJtm m© ^?®m'it of &i?«DdSat<s g»tsj'S>, tmt wlt@a f04
t® ptgskw&t pelymwitlt &®ml®p®&* iMitrntiaag. * dietingti©a tetfieea thd two faoto^ft^ $Ji0r»aa naa spo^a (§)
trop&l&g with dfioi cshoi^ milk and $roitnd ^ljtel©: «hoat# sm<S
Sheimon and d^aa© (5) tea ting tam&t© Jwie© o%a0f¥(S4 tfiml*
ift* peoulto* .finith tad I0»arletf |16» JS^ S7> «ot« tlio
'Hxst to give ofttio^otory evidonee of th© dma3. ndturo of
vitamin i «»hon t&@F coafsrtd * vita&itt B p4o>?ato &g a
$otti>o« of tho ttatinott*»itio faotop* witfe atitoolavtd yodot
ai9 a soui'O© of ttio gvootfe p?o?aotto@ factor* stxppj©B©utl»g
a diet in vfaititk ©at le®m©l o^ c©s©ia vae tbo sol© aoiare©
of pfotola and vitamift $«
mt® an m® teasaX diot plu*
2^ vitataitt B plofsto fhoteid ao geilii but vhoa.5^ auto*
Olawd f®mt was addod« growth moulted« If autoclairdd
yeaot was givoxi withoat th© tritaiaia B piorato^ tho
fi&lnftis €i0.#«.
ssa mm® m®m§ omm®® toy a^^urb^spgdi" (ii)
#6t8 t30.s»@ f0di ft 4&0t iJ^QiftiieSas e|mp"fe«^ fiiioilar t@ p@Xls$*
^t^lf impprnm* i«sf@ fea a test! di©t s?ita ©ItSje-f au^©*
eMfot $®m%, w m% ®a«j?a«t of ©oi'sm®©! 6$eUn&a ia w^ignis
©at $i$d| %ftt i?&©t foi ®fisl3L aswttfttis o? -©aafe^ %h# ssntejai®'
And p^ps? la «h<i ^m%h pj?o»a«itias ^oft<M&ft tifeilt m© &o&?e$
we.^© fi©h &» tli© gpi&fth pvcmabioQ. vi^asin ©ad poop Im tht
©iigoinog©a- i^TOiiliOd »# @i»»m ^roa^ting tmtof tor mm.
a diet eflBrtftining ft^Hteetciai cae^BOgon ©e a sd-a^^e of
©oat*©® @t ttoft asatl^^lt|# i&$ v&& $m fee s^«d# m%*
mis- m®®* *ft*- «H©tt guwiifrfced #a0©4.a©g«®: 'Ws tx$«a^ ©nlmali
$&%&&% ani s^tm^ds^ Ctf I ^o^Mni With M^alf
j)m&ti.$& ifdod ©isffs is « t^fetetl^ diet siv© gwide»«©
«h«i^ ?&tl6&« mm$
and 00*111 88»^a» su^ ^00.^ in tte
g*wtb pfonatiEg f^e^or trot rich in tm m%imu*iti&
the JUftter f to a© th© aatia^miFiti® faofcos? tei IB
m %he gFo^m protaotrlitg tfasto** $*»© f faetdf of saswrnem
U imntittm with thQ 1*P (1i»9rl«b6j»i ppmrnttf©} ^itmtm
of S&Mm CSS) ©M tfe^ § faeloi8' ^ItH 0©3.ab;©^g©rtt-s P^f
^itnaia^ ■@©3>d^t!s@0i? (W) h&& m$§mt®a kh.®t $h® pater
■pellsigpa preveiitl^ faetop ftd $»*?*
GMeis e,nd .H0©©#© fis)
uod the aaat v^ttitodxi i for the ttfo factor with B| fag th$
strntiaemrita? tmt®p sai % ^or $he growth prdinoti»$# ftnti»
pdllagrte faetoi5* J2^ OoXlua <0€) h&A s&von the im& vita*
aia S to thd aaatlnfturitie raotos' ana vfcfcamta f t« th©
gspowtJi pf^aotins^ «ntlp&llagri« jfftotor* 'Is mis- pap©*
the toMaology ©uggesfeod hy SUt^pitaia iti'll be foii«>©M#
aaiaaly**^ to <§©s£@si;te th© e&tinQurit&o ^aotof m«3 § th®
froof of the 'Ooaipld^ imt«r$ of Vitfimth 1
Difttrihutiim jattMmeii (i> la a rotr&ew of
II.I-.I li.niiiTi.ii.iJ-1i!Tii,ri.'ij.ini.iii.'ii''
prdvitme literfttttr© ohaer^^d th«vt th$ two f^etora of vite«
mia B i»er© tiistritocttgd ia fltiwlXsr foods b^at not in <§m&%
quantitie»« spinach'and o&bfc&$e a*© Moh eour<Nea of vtta*
tain U ©OBpa^ed to tyhold «N?r©a3ier| tout ^aljbeg,<i ^ontalnd a
emalX ^»o«at of vitamitt # aa etwoparad to Phoi^ graia
de^^aX'®.* Onions aonta&n ia» 0 faotor h%t Ao F», Oraoa
tregatablea are modarat^Xy rioh In @ but Ooatain x$t%X© or
aoa© of tha f tfaotar <47if. Sateoa (88) fotmd ta»e $aasa of
ssfrS volmt Ix&aa to bo M^©^ in tM AuMnott*-
80lu&!!»$« ftt|%|fe| (Bilj, eta- al#«j88oHc mtm®% Qf;-JMm ]?o;l*
isHlfi^p &©■ eteoft iej^Siag 4© Htaajaa @ Iwit fiflfa la *ata*
vatewin 6 fl5©^ da©t ftMsnSotwdl ^i« f towt aot %M § im%®%-*
(If I
fl^toia § i® l®m mMh%0 M ®'%mn& alc®h®l
f^l^fs1 $68>t)i Mt atsMfe eo^lttsij isi tSi© 0$9©
of' t*
Efffet .©f beat ffe^© ia ^0 ftspp&ftl&blg lo©© of
eithos? f&etos? tJiiesa k<a*t®^ *e :& t©mp^5?6tw© ©f 3LO0'0» fos*
©fie to to© Ixo^re feat Wtem th& t^mpm^^tmm i® ta®;^©©©® td
|^f«ct of aci#0 fte aelub&mty ot bdtb' fao^o^Q
r m'n lull nun Viirn.l
>■» .ml'ijHum'rft
dl'^iys®^ at- I5©|.lisi§ tfiKnqpdffataut1^ fd? fson liomr© with iSO^S
pcm^t1 t* piPoaaM»t9 .@3W4$n. Shi© v^s p©#hap@ ataa to adi^oif^*tioo of tto ^itrntm m h^p&m am^liete d^ing *h© romcre^i
©f m© sitid hf bQ&$tb Mattel3 tka© from dfitstouetton*1'
etteo' t» a^idd^ tho vitaaia i eocspldai appoara to b@ $**
twBaiely ^aaitiir© t© aikalia#. ^spefiialjLy with th® app^i*
cation @i h«ftt« dhaittian aa<l Btapton (IS) tbund tk©
dfstl»B©'tioa to fee graate? by ine^eaaiag t&o a&fca&in&ty
tUm by ralf iB§ tha tanp^vatuy^* oebema ami. ^©«\^:af^^%fe
(€4) toaelud© th* antiaawritie m©tlvitf it mt Biata^ialiy
affa^tod in #il«t#' aikaXiaa aolutians at a X@® tamperatwrd
$ho .s>'#*^fe® fcaa twan ©te©@©^ fas? me ^tody of th@
plu#&l natrnfe of vitamin & %©e®tt@|) of its nutfitiva y&im
ami univa8>«ai m®»
It Is pr^Mnantiy * ea»bahyd{>ata
fooa» but ©iso. aontain^ pratain of ^©^^ Me>i&igieia i?@im^
{4©y 60) a« jp*<»ven by Ee>ii la bit» aajpaHmanta with adait
aen ^jad mmm fad oa j^atatO' ae th&i$> aoJto doa^ae of pra*
tain m^ a paviad of IS"? dayct*
& ration© tshai»a patataao
&v® eat^n liberally dafiaianay ai$0ei©@is anah ao bsyi^teri
and peiiagra are praetifi^liy «il«atm» oaboima m& m&titol
(46) found tha p©t$t® to b© a© riab in tha ©at©^ aoittbie
sifalfSp el©^^ ©a4 toisarto*:
fh$f aide a^t©4. m Qlftex9nQ&
in tm vltaaata- S «ontyfti$ in pi©l(Si or W!PQ&1&& potfite©®^
.©g5' isi a©© #g> tM «»<»#■♦ ■
10 xsotk km %®m pyiM%mfo®€ m tm mpmmMm
^tftto# heikoo this »ttt^ il,| adds to- t&o ^.ooo&aiiittt^i^
tei#w-loas0 of «U« •stltip'I^ a,atmt© ©f vlt^aia i la £*o£9?
ant f2) t^ ^r39on%a da^ om tfet ©,«ri4««o© ©f 4©o ^It^im
in Pg© t&m ^8 i^f@ tJo S9 &®-7® oW tr«»© u&od la toe® a*#
#s» dMfl'Hi&a ^oi® ttw^- lA'boswtojpied of thd ltesir«sp«tl^ of
eeatforsa&g! o^ $taafort'..
|a <&a0lj .i©rl'®» fc&G rattf ««** a»
far a® possiS^lo- ilat^4tbmt;#4 ft«eo^ft£n0 to W* #;0ics wi^b*
ffeo S'ate w@r# icopt %n lafiifidmmi a^^aj. o»@@o
tsfi^h jpals^d
%dttoiii %o pr^wat ©©^©fM^*
flt^st $*jpi«©' ts»ft .rot0 w©ip® ipoifiihisd tolly M^ lat©^- fill
oesp© tte!gh6$ P^elely#
Food jpooovory v*& aad© iailsr* Di^
flil©d tttttas' ims eMagM Aaily if iido^aeai^rt
Ono» a t/$©l£
was fed fl»aiy was 0©ii©^«©i tomaAl&WtXy* M aoourate swe^i
$ittil6» ti<m uiDi fey s&e^ffl^ |0)A rjiiM^o mM ?iat©r*'
m^% {5SJ> 0M@& g»# Rosed© •|.iS|# KeimMr mA f&Mm |8^h
©afo^l toslirsio «f Mi®!^ ^laiai €&®% femti@i|? wa f®l»^r
redultSy tef mlf XMm yeast as a ©«§?<$# ol1 ^j'feai&iss I na«
Bi?|f|p%fe.|#a and »@f»^'l|©a *f :0»amtti©mta of B^$il M^t
.g^s^la SSW pWlfIffttlo^ of eftQOla. it of la*
po^t^cd 1^ a ¥&$&&$& i fsnad diet* MmQ, tmA BUSNP ;(©a|
saA :u$6* geaa^ay and Faimer {^&) fowd todttor ^po«rtih |i*
0 diet with, oottffiidfreial oaaeia theua v%m Hba iw^ifl^d fjpo*
dud^ ftit£*a&tift@ tli© tavmiP mmim adwa of' tli© ^vowtik
prcmoting factor-*, la 0** to&j&al diet th* os»t%t# 0s«0i» tua*
pmflflea toy tras^tmg in 0citoXat#4 ©.©t©2? (0 66* glaolsl.
&c$tifl «oid
9000 de» ^ftter) f^t i| aa.fa¥ oha&g&i&g tho
wat©!3 t»i*o fti&iay♦ S'o* tb© M^t ■© ta^ghiogfa d$©i431M
mmr was U8$a9
AifiHSP a thoroagfe pittfling trith 4itt;ili«i
i^oii «sKid Bun«9? <8fy> m§. mmnhmit (©1) m.$© tfela titm
aotnoa v^il© fesi^4f ens Jpaiaer (%$:)$ a&trmaii !;©)■ aai
ig^Mtei <8SJ lisw net ffemiaa tfelt a@th©d a© «i«Ue^e«or|r
a^^t^iafs^ £^20
■appf^iftiat^lf 890
^®«t»4nAB9 law? atat»ofe#
of aeAOulftted die tilled xmK®t> {%%
a03«Qt©3?©l t&rgQ)' sod ®m^^eXaf©<l iaw
hours at IS' f^snis ^©sem^*
anft te© Mil"
fBo mls&ttutvei ©^.ft »©ii €rl.o4
in «b$l? Maisl 4i«td ^hil» <M6te ftaA Boe«d9 11?) use viQQ
(63) &QKt&lj4&Qe t^pS#0a tm mm- %n twv l&ml 4'iatg«
to©i» m%s$. &mmmd m& i%i%m®a
tta^d &tt fell©' baeai. di«t«
Btia©B<@© fea© !)#©» giv^a tliat %%i$
m&tQ the isjloor&l. ^©^M^^ment of the rat Tsmeti fed, in tfei$
^Pepoffcitta in tbd ftoSAi a^et-*' Sisaa^ ^fe^g© <©:B:p©Fla0^e ti#^®
#iai i». t&d teiai dietf tout this t^oa aot ^^0 l» m®
mm in tto« bftsttl di«t as « 8ou»e$ @f vitamin p*
®$ 9©feaf0 me: U90$ thvou^bttt this mpmimnt ©a. m©
tt%<sap they tsd^e djeckine^e i^.@t sad gwwai t© a fin^ p#?*
BiSfftrattOB ©f t&Qttam. f And © fwitmi a#.f^©d@
to dtepry Wp vhilt the dftt^«^ ^aweies # C^S)*- chiete a«id
Hoieoo $58) otsii&iiaertl % WXMtt9&lt im® f $m%$w fay SjLtmfitm
l$3r ana frOfceyft* method ol" $opaf&^ion W*> ^S* S:0)» gll^®
SspiWD eoi %%mp oil
!>$• °e>5lp6£iii|^# "fs °$ '^mpt$. '&&■&&&$ 'W&®P
Uo$m @>n&
QOQls&&jt. '®.MM 'p4Mt4 'do^ #eftt©«>r®d oft «s e^ifeoaM |© i
tM&'M^^r "aet: ©^©f "o^s '«©<* 'tiEeic assa as^©#e f#^ 10; mm®
mmp torn*
ffeii ia» &g*0&u$$d BU$ w§,® of 'i?a«Si©»t
e '
t0i&®tii'&mtmf®&lt&fa®& hm^QM %vm t# uin hmms,, mil® tfea
§ #&0t«H? 's^ea^eid to li®' iia^l^o
"QoXtiboipgfrZ' m<& hi© o^
woflr^ci-' fIB) "BQt^'tHat-t "fM©^© w<&@ a^ iaetM.®^!©® ®i ttm.
povm^'prnmsu^ $$$■ um'mM'om telf feels'© lutjifes tu® w
imi^'vim m&%®tMltf a$£4eft$&4
Bml&M aai S«aidsP4<HKd fit)
pipoedu^ without'&|)ps»(SidSabi<& Xo»8 of'%ii<9. g^oi?®! ^wsotSJ^g
ma: i;-,•:■,* ,:'X.,;;:«;\^^;:tis,.r-'*y^-iPTrrt'»^^
©srioxi Wltn*"?
idrntaiaittg'■§ but net f? Qkutimto an4 M^iay^r |2S) auto*
ejftas? fi^at aitliag ©i^ls distill©^ ^mtit t» a^® « tMok' "■■
p.a0t©p 4li not ©fpe©^ t0 t^efeof f#
a©t»aa @ix4 Sprite l@)
pvQt)Qv&Q lass emffi6i©at .f^ 6«9t»oyi»6 t^ f fjaetoi?* ffe©
m%®& p®tmty ««a ^|:a©<ai ia ©a gl«iia«a fan t®- a d^pt^h #f
telf imh as4 ^utoelavafi ^o** two ti^MfS At IS petm4l$
®ii 6ttte<iXair«a wstwiftl ©ft® a jNWWfcafc Wqm
i0im yapo^od hj chi«se and Besee© (i?), Mtoilwiag aid
n$t affect thd ®5?£§a^i. vt^i^ #f 'ao#is©4A. ifi©t pet&te*
Shes)mgu» attiis©® a unit Qt vitw&n & «« "that
©t&Qmt tihi$fe t?M©a l^d a& a a&ily a^losmsudg s?©@mlts la m.$
Ri^ari*©^ (St) fta # @f>a©$ j?«» w Afiwitsd potato a* a
of t.?0' grasi e©0fe@i, djpiad pot&feO'* dinae %^i# i>r&wd te fee
©Ep^jsoatii aft a. ©tisadsrao-. In ®m@ *aae» thia proimeea
seaa taaaatt&a o^ @s»a»th»
The traatoaat of patato try ®tt^^*
&tm%tx$ o^ irradiating aado it &&m mmm&rf to gtm &&&
la^g^s* &Qm$® a© -sta^^'M fear ohicsh «oiBjyari#wi& ©wia b©
fb* «aiadXd were $!<<fM#a in^o #i§iit a#i»|0s w|t&
few te ala# ratd la ©aoii gp^if* ffeli© «h@ taall; matSto*
of mim&M u&m in mm mM6& pjcewsnta tho ««*^&»s of
fd ft&m- that ouf 4|0t isae &&$a&$e watfe %Si®
«fe# mml M®t ptm yeo&t m © knmm *&&*% t>t ^m $&©
one $n$iBAl IPJPO© mm littet w&s tt«ftd ad Q ^^atiw-
ee^ts'eifi ye^iving a# suppftMat tJtt!» thef basal di^»
mm® miM&l& ohotsred « flight initial in0»ea&e i® tj^lgh^i
to f^tts9 nmkB* fb& j®m&®F ©nHatis ll^a ioiag^r m ®
pn%90 indioating mat tito imp©.%tt© fof gropth m tbo yotto®
^a& greet gtwogh t@ ©^l»0om# the sffeots oj? $ pe©^ di^t*
C^nsrt I)
» olgfet aai®61© i» &wi$8 11 tGfeafis 111 ve^
edivdd 1«0 sipttw of ©©okadj. ftpieft pot»1li0 afi A ©ia|»pl©»2i%
to tto te-t^i diet*
fUeir uoight <mrw»& afew a litti* mm
than QaintendiidOf indioatisiQ t&i© dttttfege to <»ootaitt 0p*
pr^siaataly e unit of TitooiA B* #880 greoetving a ©*®
g^@® d@pia$0 shocirdd aalateKiasse© ot^r ft p&HM ®t eight.
easels «s^opt in ©1$© -m& mt&%%tm, of f^S1*Xtt Si^it© ill' am ■mim&in. wm<&m®& 1*0 gram off
:amt'O©iaf0i potato au a ^mppltWEt t© th0 twmJL 4i@t* l,!"^
%a@te 'ana n0»?dttfiii©8&# fhs rata Qwvf?0i m %hi$ ai^t ^ta
amf6©3.etea potato ®$%m mmMin^ t&® uatt^e&fiod ©mppj^pta^
tinui&d f os? © per&M tf ©<I^<IB tuesir* xfom 1*0 sww* pot©t#
&u15©ea©?©4 .fox3 $i^ fews't wiaa $iln»n the taiiiaal!* ^li© a^iml
w*fi iM&* put on a one hel? tJiM tB'©$fe 1»ottei» eAg« to pfW&t
eop^o^h^r* Shis ©OJfitiatasd yed&et&nea to ^© amtoolair©^
potato m&f tow ^©<sii duo to A at©?© of tho f ffooto* in th*
i©%« 0^ to- tho oos^oplaA^iitio Siobito* c^of-tor ineti 009^
wa0 ©ei%$»fAoto8»y to ppoifcat oop^opha^y in th* forger
ap£a^ig,# 0t® %M Set^od X *oeoiv«ifi tUt antooX&vod potato
following a p®*4oa of ©igfet tj©©fe© oa tho u»t«*6tQ<i amp*
p|©m©mt» Afte? ft. #3>l#it |aei»®a©© im w©i$M» ®ai thon
ataintonaned for a .poriofi of oovoa. wooHo* paffi&yeiU* ofOhod
tools ond ^©©liwg goit Mmim®®>z Weight dooli«:od vopldl?
with dooth fott*' dayo latoi4* Hhon #i'| oho^od dooHao in
tjoight ©0 © i)0swlt of outoOX^ved suppiOBOat* 0*1 $vam of
imm&m but &ppmt>mm Mpmmd ftaaatfh&t* ffotn email
^ffie^nt of the f ^aotw ptfol^nsed li^e tw tfatm woelt&i
vMll® $£B% vikfam^ *h0 a<W©* iwediftto* potion «a&M t;|.^&#
pm^satst i>ei»io we ft ©ttp^leaomt W Ife© %asai tiefe* mm®
m&m&i® shxm& mli&tmtkM mv& u im^sf p^tm %hm %hm<s
p$eeiv&ng tho eutoftlftvod fttt^loswaa* femt tf$a©l ovi^otsd' pas
Vhe 0Qin&» *©£■© nut a^t tti© aarkod Xm®. of woigh* ^i Ss
Qfm m& tall? aaa f'isam^© in tt^ fl«r«
mos^ 0fa^t«©
luiv^ ^Q^ ««fr«Ktift^A v$«h ^tetl^ftttal ^tll^ssa fey 4lfsh®p@*
mt#@ia?^a potato: @a# #^i ^m» ^»«Ai&t6d ^9tftt0i» Wxam
peetpaaee 414 not a^^#ae& ^ sieav s^«ii3,*
sSM»ir ,f^ t3t$.
in all -tte ©ot»4o« taaieh <W4 aot do»etta» t^0 %«*©! flaauatity
eXa^ed |>0t&t0 Mid uas'fiijs ankotiatd ©^ l*r»ai&fcdd potato.
#8^© tjitSi 0*5 $t>m autool^ved potato and §*i g^aa ir*
l» llnrod fQT &%%■ w©©&0 tefore shotting Q^mptmQ ®t
Xmk of f in coiftt^s^ to tho99 1» s©*i©© III ^dooiviag
oaly tli.© autoeiair^a gtap|i3.©a©Si$e wiiioli iiirei froa tm to
fotup tjeetea b9fo$*e death, oeeupped* #S^ s^oolved ^*S 0^im
ftutooiaL'Wdd and 0*6 gyam ipfodiAteg pot^t© sae ouppHose^'fi^
At %U® m& of aisi nddks tbo aaiaal fooeaa© wobblyp bluioh
in eolosr ©afi haiff susittod a^a g?OQ0?p ©meatiaMja$ ai*& th$ om€
of a tr©©M.
#i3S xjim 0»5 g^aa atttoolated potat© end 0,3
g^as ipradieitod potato ebo&dd slight 03faptoa& ©f pospalysio
Mt t>©eo^<sf©d in a sbo^t tia®#
#311 given 0«9 g8?«a ©mto*
.olaved potato and 0^4 i^r&m i^riadlated ©0 Qixpp3«enontd.9 do^
ircsldptd m&f pvoaounood B^aqptoots of pajbaXf©!©* a blui&lx
oolof? ausittod fu»* gjpoaay ©pp.®a^asi©©9, ajPOhod bfiels^ s^llog
curved Within twm «ooite«
#gS0 *oe6ivin& O»0 gra© amto*
6lai7©d ©Sid Ood graa it'fadiat^d potato ehoaod a Q,2,l^h.t
dmitn® in v^igtt throughout the oxpofitsonTt but deve&opod
no Sl^ptoas ©2 pavaiyoio*
(Ohaft VX> looping on© ^nsappl©»
&$nt oonetont in quantity -^fid farming the amount© of tbo
otho? alght giv© indio&tion as to sroXativo pvopovtione of
th@ F aad © faotord in potato*.. • Bowovejp* ttoo oiaall sumb©^
of axsjtamlo in ttiio eorioo prevontod au<Wi a px^diotion*
©a^m^rp- m»" cfttf&^li©* tte po^ettk us© @ s?iotooi? .mmm'^t
Att^eiaired' potato ©ad 0*$ ffam a^s<aimt$4# $$ IS g8*»
to m® mpp%®m®.M®j r&imim®Mp h®tmm the tw6# fi©
gaitt&Xe ©©r# ii^f#e€ into 1^©$ im$.6 nm 3W* jnsMwsiwftsis
!*•§ ^g» &ttiM)$lairQ^ porte&*fl* © ©»©««* JUS itsfflji iSMP^Mtat*
©tft ^M tfa® t&JM I,*© ^a« t»^eat0a-« mi© #^1^® IHSJS
f^eai the f^©gti^s ^s^rtatims %% %& mMm%
ell tm©t jpdBjMM^Sfl. *i«M»§ «!»©» frnm® a $&$& tiimfrm ot
b@th fm%®m WAO aid^s^ aowsal gawsth -w^^^i^ ^66»
HtaaSia 8«
80*0 ii* '^©m^tiws. tt m%®it'tmn noted
$ia&Mft ^^smlta with <& young, ©saiia&l on a diet devoid ojf
|t ©pfefiF© tKtat 0*P ^mm «ooKdd»d9'i0d potdt«
o<nit^iQ@' appf^sliast^if & wilt. #f iriteo&o .B«- &# ;© I'at s»@*
um'fe^Q'Rame© m&r ® p®$>&®®. ®£ cigtet ^©ei® ©fetlt y^e fe* ■
©.©fiirisjg,© 2,,®-grafi: 4^aag-0 siiocs^d flight gala mw- tte d€Bic>
l^ifeen' f»iit0 '^0^©; f^d atttoeiateQl p©t®td' a© $21® 00^©
ffe© ©^®ptro?as ©feaf'attorS.^'tia ot tii^so dl^a^o^
all 0f ©Mefe gpp©aj!»<sd !Ia ©^ ©®&$iaia> V®¥<$ ■&&%£$&<$&$■ 0 'S?'©^
tog Stift,a 0i>(Bh@fi Ijaefcp ^^■oussptO'S^-jj. tmf'fm^ia^fi & asid
ffnallf pyostMpat'lon aad d««t»h«t' ■ '1%^' aiiitatl© Mm& fs?o»
two to fotai? .tr®$&8>
ffe'© ^o ^mt^i.^lag l'^ a %m§,®t? pmtoM
of tia© evtdefttly ©0»e cap^Ml of ^toiPXttS tfo® f faetoi5 fisg®
t&OS^.^.©^iW# M0tc, ,TM$,€fa fjSGi.iKlM©a't©d potato 0©' &
vitfiaiiitt B fiMipplseaaeat*
tol^al© s^c&l'-irlasg ^'©, t*® i^sa if^adl&t^d potato
^.-©^©f1' sa period ®$- tM>m M0i%%$ ®^
uji^hout aa ftp*
active and had a fair appetite during this time.
The fur
appeared in better condition than animals on the autoelaved supplement.
Chick and Roseoe (17) noticed the
following skin symptoms appearing aftpr the fifth or sixth
(l) Dermatitis and loss of halt8 from eyelids;.
which may become stuck together j if the eyelids "axfe loos- .
ened by bathing with warm water, the eyes though sunken»■
appear to' be healthy*
(2) Front paws stained with blood
caused by rubbing the inflamed margins of the nostrils|
wetting of the lower portion of the abdomen with blood*
stained urine.
(3) Dermatitis and loss of fur on the head9
around the nose and mouth and on the abdomen.
of the skin of the ears and a curious and very characteristic oedematous dermatitis of the digits of the paws
which become bright red in color.
These symptoms became
more severe several weeks later.
An irregularity in the
occurrence of these symptoms was also noted."
observed similar symptoms in working with soy beans and
The only symptoms developed in our rats were
bloody nose and tailj, sore and sunken ©yes.
Shortly be-
fore deaths the animals showed loss of weight, unsteadiness
and paralysis.
It is possible that the casein in our diet
was not pure enough to obtain all the symptoms Indicated
by these investigators..
Palmer and Kennedy (42) found
casein carried some 6 unless purified by alcoholic extrae-
tlon* Bosan and I«m%©s? <B7) ofeeew&d «li^ aatsal© 4$*d6pfr&v$& df F^ tout tli© fitu*& wteoasd ©a@ tH© aasi^*
gra* of m© 0O0lE9d» d»$®d potato♦ 4© ndlth^ «wtto<rl«tvod
mw iwAdiatod potato I'ed. elond pwwd f.atl8'fa«st©rj oe
a.app3,€a»&t;i» to tea^l didt^ « ^©©wlted la ■at&tfeij it is
appifi^nt taiat mtr© $0 ft @ttppl«Qi®n$d$9r 3?»i6ti*ndij4p fe@*
twgoa the tw# fafitopfif $b^6 vatt OXM> deat^i auong ^^ ^a^6
tfeompi of the a©a<& litt©^»
It apimra thgtt ^^©m a emaJll.-
mmrnt* ■&? tin© ? faoto? ©1*H § i» <i^pftb3Le ©I" ppelda^it^
Ittv wrer a lomi©r pdfioq of time man tfe©a m® t Jte^tos*
ia- fM $l6n$ * Appe*$ntaiy the la^g©^ aaomt' of ? Hi Mpa^
of p:p$«9&&4ng «h» dov«l0pii»«it Of pavalyo&a ai efeowa la
S©^!.^'© ?.$> fiSMing ®S $pm i»Q^.i©t#i pot&to m a sou^oo
of F and ®.t'S igraa enisdolft^od potatid a? a gotifeeo ©f @ $#&+
<&mt®& pavalyeis miio loss tsmsi o«$ grass of th® iwadi*
oti^d pos'^foii oaueoid do^^ttpffient' of ^ol|ti©mrlti^ at ©oat
nouritio faato* tfesa- th« s^o^^ti p^om^tiim* aatip^ilagrl^
wm §m&%® way b© * ^1^0^ :a«ri^ #f # #r ps^tof© »«s>5P# #t
imtm lau^ a@t <a»0 ^«t?t'te pr©®ot|a@,e aatigmiis^rts
tmtm®* twi«j ^4a@. ^^rni^i ^i» gro^m «UIA »$i4&toadiA^»
i&ppmmnm i*aa ^$f© mm&l m mpptmmt® ©f isiMliauoA
eoatislmiiif titssla % at- tit pc©0iM« taat tlt$ fo%©^a 10
on the identity of th«s ttftt»r*0slu!bxeifr s^ow^i**
promoting vitaiain ©md the antjLiM»uv&ti4 ^ltfi»i©,«
2**B»@t%j, A» S>» and IAI^CM»4 $* 0*
m%&r«*8oa.ui»io iritaaiuie* t*. Aye tih© *tttiiao«*
9>tti« ana the gpotttfeftgwosMtins oat*»*0dlubt©
ir&trains the eeroeit ar*i*#..0 40.(40a©p©i
fk© tritaointt of feast aaft tlteii4 P&X& in antaal.
atttpitida* yipoe. So©* ggp&u ii^Xo mto
On tst0 M©.ati% or &©a*4<i@fat&tf pi Ant^eu^itiO
tfftt@r*0oi^l© s* S'itawia* ^*S*0* 87<X9$8)
4 quantitAtiirQ otuAy of th© dedtyuotion of ?£ta*
nin $ &? fii0thod foJ? the BPX&S of Vitaaia 8*
(I* &I2. Ohfiffi* $0'«« 46<l@^}Sf@@
6«'#Shonii$nj). a* €* 0'iui ^poSm^ i*
•■ A ^ritioax x»v©atigfttio& &a4 aa appllQatloa of
tM- rat gs'-csyth oathofi g'ox* th» attxAy-of tritamta
Bo jr? 113'* Oh$m* i^©* 46(19^)evx0
^»*0O:14l0^g©rp; <$♦■ and %asm®&fi t3*. J?*
4 study of- the p$Xlagjpa»#f»$v&n*i*® aotion of
H&t&Q. s^attOfl mmlAs dpieA mtlk<S baretjepo'
3r«aofe» tfith* & nonoKiorat&on -of tho' ©sa<pati^x
p?e^ntit9 faotoye involved* U* 3* Fm^Xie
$w*ffiol&t>e?ge?« jr*rf tffikooji^ 0* A* « and isaxmez1^ w* P&
breast to fcha tpsatsssatr of p^WLia^a m& l»lao]te*
■ ^oag»0+ ^* a* paflbUo SiosXth Roiwisptfi €O(X90$}
AntiaourttSo yoaet 0on©®satrat^fi»
I* 8ioohOfii«
10**tee@iit!»9 E, 1Ve* SimtitoadSA 13'M ^ti cooker« <!» B*
Fu^thox studios m the oaudo of ophth&Ma ia
'ailte©-mt* t* e* im%ii# aoaith ft$3^*i^
<&d^) $0 ^i^Ewi^-i*
tr* $^ jN&la* Be&&t& ResoHis'
& t®B$m$.m» of1 tfee pagsoa #nd .thd rat -a® t@@t
• •0m%|©ot@ fog* fi^amia B^ m* I* Hygi«»«
■ ^:^.%<a»-®fi:f He $* find SWPto^i @ff W* ■
.M«»*** H* !♦ and Heaitol^iK^ 1» #•♦
f^^i'ie s^.^im 80p«3i*ttt ^u@s@}dos.
l$*«»S6t60ftgi# il'» and »»0EiIi> jr« o»-
^ste^Stli&M® fitsiaf^g^-
s&tjft aidie Msi^
l^^ltesiiii sapisttMitoiy
|»Sto. ©. s* '0s«^«
5* #'*.
I* le
ffe©- ewjfl#g mt«i.r© ■of ttUtio&n i at fdan<& !» vmosfa
0© thd *3tfi»*€Jieo of two -aettiFO fg^t^t ^ %&©
oaf tte Est*i
iti# Eff#«% of fia^iiit|©as ia $g**
fte f^«i,iaa#iVt!si -Food r
''#f t^d fet«; Sit 'Sf'WJQ^'end iraaat tr«o*ioift» afr a
66' .^ ^ft#tiOiit''ia"
jruts»iti«tt' oi* ^fe^ Bat-*'. .#*i»#*:
dft '##A*.|3«i*
..«r#iN6*. di
fM ti;t.»ia fm f^#ia, :Wm^
4f *»*»sssa4 J&ftjaoioidiu m%iM&m
i0:**lC^2i^ il#jodilw S3&a&aop8i ttttd Slti^s, MiitM
if (l»S»)|df
eali&d %ladt t^Ejpis*
f^*.^$^:itoi,i^ iU
l^fetol4 ff#.ii»©i0 fa»©ti# ^fe^ 2$9&&t&0& of %#
% t,, g> tat Ifeteaeasfe &%$?$& #«■
J«0jry f^ifi
#260 Receiving 1.0 Gram Cooked, Dried Potato
#261 Receiving 1.0 Gram Autoclaved Potato
#262 Receiving 1.0 Gram Irradiated potato
#263 Receiving 0.5 Gram Autoclaved and 0.5 Gram irradiated Potato