muM wmm tmu ' mm*® & MM.




wmm tmu

' mm*® &

WSUf ymmmmwWMWf^mwmmtrmim*^***^**^ TT r

|A titeatep 0$

Kead of


Chaiyiiiar* of School Graduate Coii^ miT'jMirTiiTuT.Tu i mmmiiBmimm^iMmm

i.ttwiiMri, iir» tti*^ mm ®®& ^* tateaww


mmm $w

ttim ^




HfBOB^Sfl^I* *•* 444*4*44444,4*44444 » . .. * 4 4 4 44 4.

* * 4 4

'* * *

« «

* * .* * •4 * * '#' * »

* * # # • * »

[••••"• • 4 4 4 * 4 $

»•»••* » » * * • 4 4 4 4 4 4

3. Effect of Sploes on Microorganisms.....

% 4 RGView lia Da tail»•«

*«.«* •. * * • •



2# Liteyafewi*© Sttsisnayy»»»»«••.*..**..

A* Sol©dt ion of Fish* .»..».».«..»».*.«..... *

B * 8©l©etlon of Spices...*»*.*.*. •».......

C« Selection o# Can***.*.**.,.*..***.*.***

D. Selection of Proccsaing ^ime and

^©siperafcur©. *- %, «< • *. * •...». *.»• * # •»*. • •«• *

If' iMf&810X#&XeA& SffD31.S>*

* • * * *.*..4 44 4 #4444*

M* Select;ion of Bactoriwa.....*...........

B. Selection and Preparation of riO(Um....

23 as so



■ i

« philuG on a@io©# Modla................. ol* BesulfcJ?* * *• *. • • * 4444 •.» »•


. • #- • « * •

* . • 4.4. 4 4' 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 44444 4 4 * 4 « * » « • * 4 4 4-

mmm &mmm® f © tmtm. fmm

pp&mm suits mm t^^@ "««* %^ fwA &&$*» «* ti* ^©®fi©'*

It i^- %^0£im« of Hdtn * mm® fctoftt t^^ffiptdd ©ass@i' f'iaM pi©k3L0i imfy 'w& %h* ypmt&lp -M ti^i ^w^ti^fel© .mat ^f prdd«i4% «»i#i 'm ©41. «ma ^svi% sjpie^a $0 mit ^@ Mt«

$$%$& %i^ia®%. t^| ©^ am m®®®m&m %i&& mm


^ms?# ^ov'tdift 'p?©teo% 3te^© %®m ®ia^'@i f5?@a tltosft 'tis®i

t4» mm&tm AmHvm prot^^s (i^l (tmm. m& smok©i «a3tam

fh$ &*»$,& tsmvesstowt *a &tti& l?®:iH6 M^«l» UlaftH ft tWM»«t«ptf «? WWfe wwifi SMW «»' atiww* *£?««* «il tlMI

mm &$ &$X m #» ^m^im^mp' w$mm® a*' 'opMm'mm®*

.©ptmti©m tte ^^wfei ^limdtff tost l^iod w wtfrni it :mi'

OGO^ Itiv»stifift6i«iai« htm, tmm wm^^^ ^^ 09 fcto.©

^ mg#« $^

■ eti^f^t fi%ii|t m«ii0m (38)^ Bls^tov ii0Q$44 Stu^taQ pv0*e8&i&g mad #iff©efg of- «i«k ta&tw ** el^tf*t€i«® ^oetiiiaiBi ^4 ofc&sp «ttmftd food dpoilttg^ or*

f6o6fr« Mil (4*S) 4m*l&p9& mm* flftxfl&ft ttfttHfloaftKi^eSL

For fto &0«% iwwt eo»©^eia|. t^t^iti &r* MM vqpmi

& f^<m# i»e^fiiio«iff


«i9«f»Nllfl^ to §mm$m {0H cdwa^ l98»

mm. ®M.m%mm* tfe& ttgnmw* mMm m


^ mm m&- o©a*

^mhH® hi$zm tmm $& this e&mtt?* *ii@ j r#f ©^ tbs^t; oagr

.wpidd a '^tei§@r out <M» tte0i®§i>Mii© ^iiiii_»i


^Mo^ a«?* vtw *tofr #tfi»da)Ni j«M«f0*«4»g Mi®i v&wk Ufa® mmm% JW*

«h» •gmrimtt vm mm&m m the #$*»** et « irtfar MMr



, 'Urn 'ii^wfttaiw" '^©ws' imt ®wm wmH 'tm ^rnm i«i:@a th# tBi^lii««9r action ©f •iiid»«on«' ^l$pie@




t«k&ta*ai< m& mstemg mmte®* mtu&


or spicod apple ocmce, ana of cabbage spic«tS x?itli caycrmo f and Gtc^ilised. Those v/ero then exponea.,

Qhec&vcd as indieafclonc of spoilago* Xfc was obao^vod that

0.5 par eont austara kept the ijauco fez


almost a aonth, cent, a^d S per- cont kopt even to tho tiae of reporting the reoulta. Tho sauce containing O.S par cent cinnamon kopt one morith, that coxAtaiaing 1 por oeat and 1.5 pop months and 1.5 poz> cent prevented the growth for a ^ruch atudiofS tho effect of ougenol, oinnajnic

3atclips, uaiiae toriato broth as the mediiiru most of the orgariiems; only tm out Of nino showing some nt flaw**! oixly fow «** #f «iliMif giwr 1^0*7 iiowlap* si^t

0*1 p©!? <S-m$* ©si© %$&%& ®£ % pm mw% pmwm%®& ail gkw&kM <SB» 'jpit mttto 'G$mm%$ &%&&%$&& iw^watKiikhi ©p'owu'lt f so®© of %)m, epie©s .aeted as

«9tS«il WtSg 414# %# ' fell® ftHt&W

Fz'Gcad anri Joshl (54) worlJOd on effect of femigFook, praatard, raon^ela, cinnaiTion, clove a, fumitt* jj^H?i0it|ai'


|y''i^nig©©i t

'^ Sb^ift*' f&ef fe^i^ 'tbui none of the spices except clovoo, uhon usoci 1>7 thexasolvoa, for 'fl^iJia@ m«r' iiB®ig% te<l' ft&y p3?©'s#!^»tiv© 'vaiiai^ Wi^*

•atM iioae,*. im aSdi'tion. of f ptm mnt eMmm vm &.&&$&&&$$

A 'low®!?- ®$mm%mG •i'


#3ttwt ©Igjji %

W#©i:* i^ f^et %^;t

0*$ #©*» ©eai ^lo^es, "g ^© &*i |>@t '^^nl #|sm»ia Midi It $m

Indofiaitely shov;ef3 that the extraction of ossential oils ttnitfft&tifttfc ©f ^k©. ploklef i«t looseij eXoiM 'lj©ak©'S?a tsss

Ripp*to$ end w*B0 <S8-> wtftfe&toM »# «©s^a3?ati^ a

Sftfe »NBmi3Lt«

## m©i^ sw^ u©i»# of fn^ii^tiv© «ftaw« eiair^ tbfi£r «©«»& %tm%: Wm $ptm mt$m%M& ^ili ®f ^^aiaMmg «lsi* a^TO^^ #i08M.


&%mm* vrndn mwim^m* ws,m§ mmimm* aeiv©^* -S^eeervftftiiFft .aetios ot *he #i2.:e ©f «*&«&* @^away

mm '©ili of telaek t@fpe* «»d «oto7 atS ii#t: ®0fe cm p»««

10.011. te ©*©a f0i»

©•©at) #f ©0.@@Bi4fiil 0li» r#%©^@«l aud^

Sagie f^aet ©i^^$.#. Wm fw*m& m® fawA W- mwz mn*

BltlwQ nbm %h» ,l©lt®f».* ffct© tttedntial oils mm «*#© 4k l«3?.g© snwINv femt tli© s^ie© ©©eQafelai #ils vtaeA vw* @iiag@rt,

f l!00« • of • ®p&®m*

■ thai* -wit©<»

4UBd- «sl«©fec4i^. '«xti»at%9 ©a

■ tdimt^ palp ftsa^ asl^ ©»*»»*$*

■■ f^wtA ^^^ ^ i« l

«i f

C^ .«£


«t^p4Kl .uy «» aiiiti^ Qt -ft |?0i*##^t 4 »&* ftdgft* W S-


iamb ®$ ml®*®

&&&&$? s pm mu%-^$ m «i.««au»t$# ©s^s^t



3^M# M&-%M%- *t-$-9& &&&% #f ©toaa«©ft'tM'4 pm mn$

«t©*l«i3l #©ataffltenti®» fMn if th© feott&a* war©- dl^ta*. .

-E>^erltt«Hife0'Uffl«g m$l% m%mQt iwr*


pvptimm® M- «


'io$«B«r« •

■ ftoey a|d'»©t; go -Inbo -furthsF #efal'|ls.


®$ tM«

«f toofat* vwM aofe a© pvogevvlvg agenfe am^ flAiroHag

«fi«iit l>ttth« til® of ssa^tarit ei^ves,. aai«.eei aid eiimam^

-had Jiiife©#' ]^N»0«rvliig v&tm Wmm ^y ^ttoiar klttfi tH«6«

4&& #.f f •0.1} Of «©©#

^tNMHBft of molcis i#<

* 5ho raodia used in. the met© flii^fes#'f s |?@%©%'# fe«t^ 4@A* aiai ja^l^^at ftgsr foi^ raolds anfi yeas to roepectivoly. $130 double plate raothod uaa used for culturlng tlio oreanioiiifl, v;hGro on© half of tho agar was plair. aad the other half spiced t.'ith varying cohollc extracts, Sho found conDi-Jierable differonco In the sensitiveness of #11© iaolci to different spieoc oncl of different moltls to one spice* The raold spores were found to fee more sensitive to these apices than their nsycelia.

She concluded that the haotoria 1130a iia, the study wero

A^ara tsf^v^ In *o»*iHMrtt t

t&0a?# was alwaya <llffusi©«t. «f »tttti

0|>le# ifel© tte' ptata 4fiKr« fMs


w^a f©^ii to fee tta© iA agar v;a3 duo to the volatilisation and di to ftllow

tl«H ^a# gflMbaAflQa. ©t' ®p.09?@s*- tot s©» »a&«# IAU» ^©.©il#

TO## p'O^lgr «S#faloi>©i* fM© tma ^euy «f»»ii. l;»ie *m.

Shle^ptHr* gftfttarittft ^oiigiasstS: ^aiaL-ed to ^s?©^0© pigmto

U tha -aaewt of 9pi»»8 wm imtm* It <IM mot ^e© lisi ms^i: am $&» ititkehQa lift ^Ms. «oitat93r} ^©3^: m^ ©©tteiio^*' ateit fcsiiiMfcw Q£f««t* $t& §#810^1. «l#f0-s mi ato$i#% when ti9«ai la 'las?g® qti^tltl.e3,| w^r® ^tiit.© ©ff©#%I^ !& pi?.©^Btlmg U&© gi


©^^ of mm® mid lM^tepJUi# «pd 4l«Btti«Hi was the posts gffeetlva of


&0 $&*#$* f&$& wm im® of

1 tb» grotmi e»iee0# t&oi^ «086at2&&-o£Ui «H4 »3lo©M|io «««

«fa«%«» mtjm-$ m& $mp®v km tiwte imiitmm? of foot*

TOlua of dlffoy<mt ^md:#- of .spiooj. nn^ fowa tfeom to '%o wi<l©% ^$^@i»gOa| .In tiki? p*op.©i>t^* She Sndloatso^ tfeat

06&aitl*«f*4#* of oa©^ or .morO' opgasiii^tii to diffoi»©^t ^a»di of «|»le«» oosaM fe© a oi>it#*»io& of' thola? eiiiti#o

: pfeic mi^O:#

fkut mrgMam mM i» tm$ st^i* «««»* a»ld4 (^@p^gJLail«&


t&Bftt#rl«!a «tfHiUs* SfcetfHwi 0«illf.


laotwli® f^ilgl*

mm». mm iatroi^ Ml^i). Sbft** taw* ^li# %»i®fei©?ai In i^iisi i&i$<?pmst Al*dm©j?*fi* fe»i«i3Ui«ai


^sper^il'fe^i' mm m9t m»M$i tiXtomw&b &>$

fmtmixtvm i*qpa&}*

M8p®&0Mm «ttd iadl«<B9w»t fe^t^^iai ®a^%#^l»t .9«ibtlMs


mm i©qm%}f fts© tff©^! of ©iMiawea t»a# tua* ti?i©a -cm yoeftta* fHo #ff®tt ©t

*&lt&%** vm» tvi«d ^a solas ami yerntt?*


y«a0t» mm &&&&? mmi-ttm ln*% tlae

IS baefceria wer© th® most Sdndltive to eioves, Th© ji©3£t 1B decfeaslmg ospd^r of s©.nsiti¥©3a©es m$>® yems-ts aad moMs.. fli© molds vere MOT® seaiifeiVQ to cisaaamos than baetefta,

©scee^t Bacterium swfetilis i?Mofe was almost .^s sensitive as th« molds'» Holds we?© foiand to b© raof


© B®asltlve to allsple® than yeasts* ftos it la ei@aF from the results of th© e5tpas>im®iits tMt the- axitiseptic valu© of spiees

Is dependent upon its som'O© (byaad), the orgasiiams nasadof" c-onsiddratioRj and the GO^eontratloxi of the spi6d'©» life®

^onooateatiost of fiploeft ©t^ied in this «70rl£ vavied from

0.02© pay e@at to 4 p©x> coat*

Baclteama (8) also studied th© effeot of gromd cloves, eiranaaoia.,, allspieo^. isufcrnegj blaek awstaFd^ whit© mustard ^ cafeane pe-pps-i? and .ginger ia amouats ©f 1 per

vent i, 2 per eent and 2k per e$nt* on the growth of

Clostridlum botulintasas and it® tox&a production in mineed meat • lo iabi'biticm of growth TOS tonmd in 1 p©r eent and

2 per cent conoentrations of the spiees^ but there was some retardation of growth with S.,© per cent of elopes aad allBploe^ the latter spiee being »ore effective than the former on®, $fea organism readily prodmeed toxin in this ajaioimt ©f apices* Higher percentages of the splees were not tried but it was conoluded fros the resmlts that the ftpioes as used in flavoring foods (in this country) did not help to saake th© food safe if it t?ere contaminated

u with ClOGti'idiUTii botulin^:.

[ i?ho gonoral conolusiono of t'ho author that cinnamon is the raost offootive o.f all tho apices and clovoe COEIO noxt does not hold t|>tl0 in the caso of Glostridliira botulln-iim.

.(gf) 4tet**8&k«d tilft 'Offset of oil and clovo oil alor»o v/ith several the so tnMP^ ^oa^ar^d witfct 1 per fe^at; sfosneft* 4^® tJliSK©3Li» de^ti^osped tkA af&aakm $» 60 ®©e®ai® 03? leas* .I%0)ao3t !p#* qtaif


©S -60 wtm&teg ts© Isiil ttt oygaiiisa* ffe© most #£&&* ivw^ttt' tite


gfowlii el %M ymt* f&«y al0<* fowaad fciatfc these oila were equally valuable in causing an improveKient progfe^slBg tj# heaitag, of |jKf6#ti<»ui ai»|ia#©iatl.y 4m fe# fHUgdiUI «rg«tkl0Bui ft? #©v©^a3, tyi»## l^<&a?0 I^S)# JAtra*" <m» fe'«*:l©d %# 0ScE90|^jf tli© f vdlat'i3i©-

•©il© oa ^0 ba$i;s of tAtelar ajatt$s©|ii&ic vaiu® for yeasfct and yeastllke organiGHS, which is not the mm as that for feaetoria* fli@$!$ m&mi^m mv& isolated fi»om infoettoasi la man whm® tMv we^e %Th» sol© ©p «feil«f iftvaa©!*^* atml* v lap 4©.;gr«^i3 ©f aot&vitlv* wey© ttanftfestad by t'^© varlcwia oils totmri the yoaats. Among tho essential oila used.

them vmr® th& oils of eiov©s.


©iimamoB^ mastard and ttasmoS.* ©ugenoX a^ oil of lemon, fhd offsets ©f satu^at*

©d solutions of th©s® wes?© also ©©Bipas?©<3 with that of % pes? o©at plaeaol. *phd effeot of eismaraoa oil* tfegraol, axiA elov© ©il was fotmd to b© tke ®&a© as dofeop&i&odt by W®m and lEfaioaos in their ppovious work, bustard oil destroyed yeaatS' in 10 aiinutes


©mg©nol in mor© than l&D minutes ^fl leaon oil fii6 not ©^©n destroy them In 24 foon^gu I'Sie^ proved that oil of el©¥©s is & mow® powerful amtisoptie than its chief constituent* eugenol* IThie is pfobalbly aia© to tho fact that otfaofr eonotituents of clovea like the difiioresins ar© aljssnt in euganol,«

James (8S) studied the antiseptic effect of cloves« eimam0a


fflRsstard d

gas'li® and horse-radish, using liquid hroth aa th© medium. Bacterium eoli ^as th© oalf test organic© used in these exp©ri»©mts» Th® growth of the organism to tfae liquid hroth was taken to fe© tho ind©3E

©f tho ©be®nc@ of antisepti© principle*- H© agr©od with

Bacfamann's prsirious work that th© different swples of

©pice© shoved different degroea.of inhibition of growth*

On© old sample of imstard gav© no inhihitorj action e^@a in high concentrations, .Barnes helleved that th© antis®p*> tie action was generally due to th© volatile oils. fh©r#*» fore it was probable that no spice* after a long ©torag©, would have anj inhihitory or antiseptic value, th© ©lie

16 having volatili&flti* fher® was n© growth in tato@s e©Btain« lag about 0,5 p©r cent clove© and cirniamoiij- but those eon- talning 1*6 pex


cent naiatapd showed delayed growth, 2*6 per oeat iahi^itea it ooapletely* Whem concentrations of

0.4 par oent or* higher were msed there v&a not only the iahifoition of groi^r^ bat the organisms were dying off faster than could be explained by their normal death rate, fhie suggested that the apices were exerting inhibiti^e as well as germieidal effect on the ©rgenisme* Garlie and horis®*radish were also tested in a similar tmy, The former* when used ia very hi^a concentrations, shoued

Biar&ed reduction of the bacteria tout the latter had no effect*

2n a second set of experiment u Jasies (23) determined the effect of spieess in spiced cake* The teat organiaas used -©ere Baeteriua coll and Baeterium subtilis. fhes© were mixed in the dough Imving the usual amount of spices as used ordinarily. It vas found after baking that the

Bacterium eoli was apparently killed and Bacterium sub*- tills showed a marked reduction in number* There was no further reduction in the number of Bacterium subtilis ©n storage* This shewed that the usual amounts of spices used in cakes haw little effect on this organism*

The preventive effect of spices in the fermentation of beer 'wort by baker s s yeast was studied by Gerran and


M&ap (15$* f^ir iW0d trasr^Sag oooetHk^MkHoftfl of yettdt oolutlons. Brown ti&|#%mM *,7as found to be the most ef^ec- tiir» ©f all| tl©^a ©ere ttdist^ sad eiimaston luus ©slf a of ywMit ta-ope tided after fotsp <iaf« of incxitoatlon. Little of no presorvativc action oottlcl be detcctod with cardaiiion, ginger* ttgna»0 1ift3^*SidftV«»* iMUfiw^a^i @'a?©l?F* awaswaBaPsr^ black peppor, and cayenno pepper. fM herba as v;oll aa blaok popper acted as if they conbainQd gtlMilantd for

0i m$ of %Sa® la^loai or hfiVN* Gtmmm oil ^ilwned 1^

;i» ©ffioSomoy* Iseing ulsiott ^<n^l# 91^ rs-ffialsitng otia

v/ere of no practical value, although, they r.awifosted elicit action as in the case of caraway and cumin olla. Compar- ing %h& .stroafOs? '&£ tli© lAowft proeorvittivoe with tresuHMuft acid and sulfur dloxido. It was fomid that oil of muatarfl

(0*0S pot? eoat) mi Worn anstar^ fiou*


(0*6 #©# ooat)

^©jp© moro offo^ti'W them Ibenso!.® «j,oi<3 (0*06 p@p oant) tut imlfttr 41oxM0 (0*O3i pm o#)at)* a?oi»ii elo^©» IMA' tfco sawe potency its beiisoic acid and hi{sher tliiaft sulfur di- oxide. fli# ©ff««t of m±&m aoom? to ^optxii ^©ia th©.£*» csisential oil coEitont. 'The average oil content of aomo of th®m SBI -WMmy 6*6 pofr otott o^l#i*f 9«9& |>®r fctfttfc*


4%<ivm Vt pm mnt? atttmeg 10 #8 per e«iit


««ydQinoii 6 i<a^ e^Btg ^M te©m »asfcaM jwGntwp 3.^4 fe-j? ©©at* fhaugfe

©at ^©ia tfe© eoostittwfttd «f th&ae oils* tiai o,iis ©ma aa^a of t&©i^ wa®tmA& m mmMrm&Qm mrmHim* wmtitmrngm® dXt»pd9&&wm i^th &>cm&m ®b

mim #f t^© ©arli-e^ mpk®m m £** «» I'll® «!£«** of oil:© tfe0ms@lv^0 ©a tli* growth ©f tii©a© opgaitifltstti ms 0csa0©^i4®!3 *. fkef* fw fch® fis».ft ttodf f©.l3at©4 «ut th*t ©malsieag of th^ $|>i0O otltf ia ®6t®r* tritli. S»t!»i* goAj. t?©x*©. m©3?d ©f* feo^iv^ Xn tk©JL:j? M^ioa than

^SM oli© tMsaselte^.. fh«

©al^ ^xo^ptji©^ was- msafcaya ©$I ^feleli ms m ®it'wt%m m

%lm ®m%®im+ &» oils 9t m»to&4} «^Jt|



©ai ©aspmo^I ^t^p^. «ff«o%iv» $& ^#S p«* e«»* *«i4«fttw»*

tto%* fhe mlf m%®f © mUh w**. :©ppy®eiefel.7 eff««% tlv© vft&mto M-im «BwABifi*a ^er® thos© of ttaqnw

: l^

■ elov'^S'*. iut m $&& «« tk© eawlslas trape e«>a©@j?n0d th©

© of ^assit^ ^.iimaiaoa*- eicwe^p f«imeX» tii^iia



#«g9tt0l u©tfe^X Q^tm-M Q%m&ml ^«tate» gittg9»


aiaa tiittb^

f®&m® ®migtern wm% of t&A mw of tbe MtipUtdr wos»fef(i

And (uut# mm. itotwmtoto&i t« *h*# ^lola* fM@y jrouafl. tiuitf sn&t pipoiront tfa* gyowtfe of feasts* dinnftsim «©^p3i©'fe©2|r

0hfa Q*% p®* mn% of ^omd tUawamg, Qlrnm* ©fti all* ty@@0 a@as?


t^ $jp«vtlk was m&imatg' i«itoi^it©i fetit siot p»©*

©oat* oil© of QtesNfflBKi* olo^os m& m&Q%&x€ mm a^ewi* oliai IA ©ouoojat^etioM®: of t per owt* oiis ©f «&£#<»* alltpio^t xi$>&%m&p®mt mm mion mm gsvatetiM, Uk tm**

mm%mt%QM m%f ttowm & ye* §mm* gay ma g^gor olis w@j?o feaot^lo&t&tlo in ail coa^otif^afeioa^* Oil© of feteelt

iw> tfe* roastfe* los&t.^ wore cAMor^d to Q4t«i«A9tWit'e

^^oifioitf t© &tt§a*£®ot&saft attt^ott of t^ Yvrlwftd «p%**9*

$!>£©<& #11% tottMUMr &i gtotft** t®men%m*t$n of mtiv®

than wero uhole or grdtilui apices. In some eased a fix- ture 9f sple©s toas f©tnj^ t© fe©


©ff@etiiv© than a

Mo4© of A0fel.oa ©f Spices on Microorganisms. It in elear from the literature above ttoat tho microorganioras exliibit a sort of specificity toward the action of spices.

Vbe m&$ ©pic©© ^Mo^i lisd 'P3?«>t@r?ativ€» .aetloii. ta lL:««3r^ dilutions were: cloves, Qigrngmfpit mustard, and allspice, anfi till® action of thoao wag dependent upon their osaential oil eontont, vmlch doponcied upon thoir froG^moss and source. It r/as booanse of this that most of the workers ftgjftro vfam timf oaj ttoat ^^ i:^i.c# ©ili3#- beaaua© of greater concentration of active priiiciplea, xvoro nore direct in action tlxan the v;hole or ^prnm®- spices.

Jiyers (23) found that the oil of cloves was much more activo as a gormieido thon its principle constituent,

©tigdaoX* fhl® iHot?© t!la©t tfe® otfe^-s* eoa^^ents of tM. oij

■ also p1&$ m isipoptamt ro'I© m wpeaerwkttv*** iut ©eeoi'd* ing to Bl^-i and r-abian (9) 1$ is tlio laain componont v;Meh ftor® &?$ t!i?o 4iff©'r@atf o|>'l»i@»(3t OB Ufe© is^0 «f

^0,0(&3pmtli?O; «#ti«!i of slides, ateoMiag to omo of tJhi.«sh

81 seti^a t®' &v*%6!iwh&ttim\» iSf*v9* m£%Mm$M md Bias aaa PaMttA mm to pj|kp©s?tJ tfe,© fomsor a»a te**o» find tMeal (9S) .s«app©s»t the ofhei? oa^* ^Q»» fagf eoxapa^M th«i F^^©a?^ti^©: inltto -©f »9]|09« *» that #t fh0a«>4 t?Mi<3

Sa^tiaelal©- w^afe f^thei


m<& atte^Mte^a th© fh#a@i ©#©ff %*

€>© th# swfae© t©»s:i^* &id*«^ Mi detMMmiSti«d th@ "4»^ the «fettiig» to th@ «ttt^a»6 tea®|®h ««ii««d W %%© efw^ntia^ f0^@t.(33) yelikti «mt that tjm mb%m is i^© t# the'

©hesaieai -e^n^tltwntt in additim to tfe* #^eie©*0h©EJi«sa|

©ff©ct:* Aoo«vd&i$ t<s hia fl

thiMi« ©lie tshtfih eiat&in ph©a©is>. smh. ad ^^^©©t- ®$immm


m& hay 1©^®# as th&is? inaln eoiasti^utoti*. a^« th© ftttfttigftflfe* mose oils

^rhieh eoiita.ih i&dohi&&*» sueh as ««>riaxai©&.


©e^apf tot©** medi&tft p00iti©» And th©00. ^hii>h. #@fikt«iiaa «)d9hsfd0d» H»* towe^ -&&i #©tw.8» «meh as oitiwi le&tret* haw-thd Idwast

Qati©@|>ti# ml.u0*

'fh© r«r0S9iag ;Ute»ttttuw showed Wm& $iimmm$

mm ®M® mm in tststop ^®mM mmaafcitteit* *«lw* ^M^t

peMa#v$t$B* &iim% team «»«A i*> iar@© qmtott&et* ®mm- tot $Mttwmw»& adero^ial. -gMwrtfe* W#5Ute «w» %^ »ei^

fea^tarinj, mm ywum mm


%mm mmitim @f «ii#


®mmm. tn

^1© f«jp ®im tmm of naiMsi ^^epi©* f$i®*®f<M?t it m#^ but iswftw* Itu- final .@.©^«.t-i0% i#v@^i ©t!to0r fi#fe. ©f

3^o:llmaj^.pf ^^©rimmti®: vith ^h» tt^tr va3?i#ti©.B «jf £&


^eenis^ fCMrtaaMr-901^1 mm. *$ i<»#

■ w.fltesa % fttawe lm*-

Mlf' pmm® £5 #5&«!»i3M ««w» iabi«h WMN* «0«d *w «aBtt4«8 fop S®- ®$aut©#*. A ^M^ pSMte o£ &B&4IS9 was a^|>li#a t@

■ feii©^© i>jfc«o«$ .sad ©'©E^' ©f' tlte*$ ^3?® f j?:iei im mtbm mm

©mt- twiw s#al®i tuifi^' i? imke-a #f im««® art $ti?mmmSk


sgfa* tfe&& the ma® ^©to e#©I#a 1^ arasaddag i^El i©,f f ©^ tea© of ©JKtti t^f * mm *&tm& mA ®&

t ^msi M, £11

%* fmmm

XJQB beta&e& .0§ ©as if laeteB.

4* fast©, -atg ^©## ^| &«sd ©fi©^,^ m

4» Fiife faflA twafc tfta^9i*

If^lot* of 4»ptto eoa war* ^^ ia p.i@®©s: feo ^ff' th©



««tt was *$ptt*d ^o t^m ^i &Vimm to alwaA ^^ 3W

thin paata of apices was applied on the pieces. Half of

the total fish was fried and camod in cotton seod oil. fk® otli®3?' Jmlf tjais cmmed, without fs?f|ng


la tte^- oil*

Salf poismi. t%&t *0* wwaw^Ud IWMW ^03?© tis©^. as b^for©* fkeS'O

«?.©#'© |*#tt*tt0*6 for '9# talt»iM»»6 «% 840* F* ^0 'e^s©


Fotw? oana of tlM t^o %|^o# ©f pioks ««|p# OfoiaeS taftw tv.-o days cmd tho follov/ing results were observed, m* Cans Containing '$$%&& God

1. Vacuum in tho caiis was bQtv;eoa 24 aaci 27

2« Very little protoin was found floating on

%h# 9aj»^aoo


Of t;&o oil* o. Color of the floah was slightly darkened.

4. Flcah v/as s of toned and slightly separated in flakes.

©*. fia^©»


©f Vb» aplo^'S wad gooi to&t r©daoo«S

On heating. t»« Cans Containing jaasfegtiijft Cod

1. Vacuma In the cane was between 25 and 27 inche 3 .

2. 10 protein wao seen on tho surface of the oil.

I* GO&oi?' of fch© tl-Bf^ wa# iM«py goo^«

4* fioali was ati^tiqr ftmer fefenn iit>ovo-«

S* ftovs* was §004 aaci i^pr0ir&<3 on fj^fng* two cans of each of the abovo v;oro ineuhated for a raonth ana then examined. The results were as follows.

I*; w%m% of fc&o- frio^ flilofe.a la?ofeo o^ll^' into flakes.

$» fi©:®ii of -tilio ^nfl?l©^ profitt^t isad fliraoli

8* tast^t ieia¥02p' f

an^t oO'loi? of tib» tinfriod

.p»oiw,©t woi?o fcofctei?' %hm tsto.0 fjpiM ono.*

■ iiBwii.-imiiTiiir..iigiiiii 'liwui'fiiiiiii 'iifimiXuiitn vifm'

It uas towitk f3?o® ti&e previous fi@sli #f ^#4 W®lm In ?

3UI36B$ fBtt0 osgtilf

©MM 4ftJM» w^©


#p©a©4» fS*

E tM^ the m© mad© t< m tgco of JlaCl and NaGl in ®i%

IS® F* towpdjmti^iwi* After this th0f ^w® msm^ plaim tin eana, vacuum aoaloa. cc\ns were opar^d fHf & ti9j9k «en4© v^oiltt 09 tQikf ua?i©





$ 01*8 8# ^oara F^tri^

3 0.^) 24 hours Soft


i 0.00 24 Jiours Soft '







In one can tho flesh ms clightly «ar-keneci because the defectiv© coa.

n tttei* tte&t, %M imMlet $®m& m t&@


®f©i^i ^@a$% %mm* f or* %% ttm «ly one* tlwMJ law fith oas im^ ^gr * f isM^g boat* it s^'S .fil3:^^©a aajS «A»tt«tt *?&&& ^pM^i ia ^11 cm the

©%SJ0S? fl©;^ ^@i?©» UhQ, ©w tMare ©|>@aai ftfter %i^e# iap -Alia tn© f#ii#^t^s *»««s^ft t»3p© *iNMrtw»«*

€* Pimm '0f ®m. tg-ie^ mi g©$a.* f • fhia^©- «s ao 9**66lti f.|s»d floating oa tto

mt&tiem *t »» ©ft*

Mto £&& s?0$#g^ite^ ©si© mufUHf ©f £%tfa tmaSL m %h®-

m&% nmmt M taAS& m& ®mM. %® -m® i»ig&t feimi top m® m QbM» «MV1G M% it ms not am.IMM© f^rtli©s?»

3A fal'^ #i^%|% f©i» s t®s?|©i ^^rlng tli© iat©^ ww?% .of ^fe©' fi© ^&f& wat 0««a«d


sattoa* Mai «»d tf^il ip0aK»v«d t

. ffe#& tk# tfUfe tias '©ttfe Into ft©©©@ fe© ft* tfe© fas*. ®alf

•of tk®m vrntQ tvM Im &m%m mm oil after Ms® af|>'I:iet*

^im «f the 8S>i©©sj ®»d #aim#a ia m© $mm* fk^ ©moi?- Iialt

v;orc vaouum and coolod as In tho other

28 fte &m$ www op^mei tli# mexfe

** .^^: Ht2 Fish

X. VaouuiTi fe the cans ivas botv/oon 24 26

4. T-ho fish M& 'OGCOEIO mightly pane id IJI tasto.


1. Vacuura in. tho cans was 2S a5;i(l 27

S. Flesh v;aa finri.

S*, FlwoJ? ^f tlie .apiott W4i 9»o9 l*»fe wiSift* Xft

Improved on heat IKS.

S. f s;horo v/as no &$$&%%& protein on tho surface i* maamt&si



bf !

♦ f* l^spf I is) * ffeifi ^s ftm^ to giw # g<3©4 ^ift^vr to ipmh tub £v&®4 oftc^ ^10 ttgg&to&tidft of it pcieto o^ t®t90»t t»t it <aii not gStvo good ro-wiita titMHi

.ittod im tin© OMOBIXIS of' fl^lt* $S|M>V$NP* ©owrai #Maa@ea

9dvo ami© IE it i»l$l 4t. latfe &

£lusl, ]9««4il^o tMa oi»*

in tho mw&W

final recipQO

'itimm.i[n 0t*Mmmm^i>wnu*mm









Miaiiwu'jiibiiH i oliii!mi in in iimi' nininK Iniii i.iiii.w i'm,niin .m i. ii Ji] IIWIIII. •mV:* wwiiiii.iiriiiiiii iiiimii.iii.iinnxiMi imnmt

Fish contalnini^ 4 por eont, 6 pep cent, Q and 10 por

©ejatti *f tk© ©pi©©- wfaft&igw was ;p?^^©^ eni stfifc If© ^^tr^l

Indian atudente for oreanoloptic tosts. Moot of tiiem tSi® m®. m$Mh 8 p«p Mat* fW- all IdMtfft 0X|iw»ltttf«t«

e< vBm&ms



t^©s»0 fis^tt ^?o iffipo^aat fietts?© to fee comsii^'ei in-

|2). uis.# # «» 6v«s«®9 taaiif*:- sis* ftiMtefra ®f li^ag la b© oxx^-fealf i>0m«$ «fti»« Soao' I©. I tali easit w^r© also

«&© ^iff#r©mt ^u©« of -eiana tvi«d w®t®f (i) pt&lA

Um sat (2) *0# .esma^iea mm* fm immx w®m «1&gbft!$r afr©#fe©i After slat moatii© tm ©feewei fc^jraaati^a of ijfee'k qpotd* feat tfe© latter ©^i


^ «M^ aff©«t©a tt ^li tdaift &©&©#

B» SmSOTXOS OF fHOOISSlW flfffi' ASD fB»»lftiB mat of tbe pjpooatsdd mised- i» th9 «Aimiag -ia^sti^

MV© %««» AtettAMPdliWId fcy tto STAtlWBAl. 0«a&«t0t A,0@®0i^* fci@fi. fh©3?'ofoi?© it oeuld b© tost if ©B® of tk® etgDtfM

pre*e£8*« us^t im atwilmtf tanada. praaudtB could b0

Afitiii i.@ 90 mkmt&® m% B4©



®®& mxtMi mlMm If esumost la ©ill tmttm. ito» pm&m® emm m mm tm tfei# ps&kwft

©l©^ a^ tlM warn 'tt8»4 ms?© ^fet «sn» atao* tlMpe wot


© » iiflvw*® «itf«*t #a %h» tegHuve* fte5?©f@3?#

•th© fish was ps?©e0fm#€ l"^ S©-* d0# 0$* ©0


aai 100 saia*' ufcea -at 84©^ F* in qr&ev t* sttt^f tfee effort las t©2Jitms?0# fh@se t?©,!?® op©ati sfteF 24 liomri© aa^ «x«a|aeA» fM one*

MIS^ ©o®iE©d tw ®s anA 10® ntott^ea mm mtt* Sheee broke off .©i* Hft&ttag* fbASd p£»®e#@#aa f^r SS a?aa ©0' nlsmtoa kai gooi t«srt»sFe ^a^ 4M not 'towftft ©a iMatiae* ffem. f aapfltev tlffft was

I^WB tsma Wmfe ^e«na«add4 ^T t&o lati^Sjal taanaw* ^sottiitiogi aai ^o«M uols %# as s©f© aa tbd

2jit%©tv f^Mag t&is Sato- «mi0ia0r«$i«mi« 00 tttaata* mg'


CKU&Bft 3^





■ rliQro v;onl<3 te little dasigop #f aiiy thes ore low «a<m^ to ppwoofc th® gfotf^h oaf <uiy OuMM^htlfli potential dtmgai* woulcl be m\ch grtg|#r in India whoro tbo could fco reduced If tho spicos used 'In the produet had an

Bacterium sfccarofehoraophllus in the most resistant of all the thormophilio organisaa teorn to occiu? in foodc.

It Gfiiii r^ilat f4# 4@SP®©S J%3&en!i&tt fox* 130 saiautes '©«i liae ISI#©MI !r«$4HiBsett9ed 144) far ©tM^iag th& thoynttl DS?o<i#i#

«ftifliy» tfels I8f9» ©f spotltg^ f»^0inlH> «. i>i?o%i0ia:* f^liig this factor into consideration tilt organism was chosen flierofos?© tk© work wmM BOt 1a© eomplote

& stop in that direction.




Tlie medium jpocofflmendea (43) fox


eulturiAg the o^* gunisas of B* stoarethermophllio tjp© ia Dextrose Tv^ptoae

Agai» of the following ©OB^ositionj





10 gsa.

IS g»*

5 gm. l^ooo ml.

This was ueed as the basic aediws for tha p^epai'-atlos

©f spiced media.. Its ing^edisnts wea?® put In six conical flasfea ©nd into them were put 12 p®2» e©mt^ 6 peg* eent*

1»S per c©nt, 0*75 per cent* aad 0,378 pos? c©Bt of tk© spice mixfcup® ^©spectlvalj, fhe flasks wor© heated in an autoclave for SO minutes at 312 dog^aes Fahrenteit la order to extract the spice oils and thsir eoapomds into the mediusa, ^heae were filtered through lint and each of th^rn divided in two parts, Vhe first half was adjusted to a pi of seven and. the other half was left as it was, fhe latter represented the change in pi caused TDf th® spices corresponding to the pi of the spiced product.

Some plain raediusa, without spices> was also prepared for use as control in th© experiment • All of these were put in test tubes in 10 ml, quantities* plugged and sterilised

In an autoclave at 18 pound© per square inch pressure for 20 minutes. The tubes were partially cooled and poured aseptically into sterile petri-dishes, After

o* mmm

<HP B*

^fg^ifffiEgafiats ot srxosD tmm

m toyf # SWt9 t«Mi $tife*©mife-we<i m mmmm 'QxyptatM Am® fttevgr 4ey to «94E«r t^ teep its .aeti^if gyowtiig. It -mit fl©i&|f aftaf at tear® 0f ij^^l^^t^a at m mgpmu

Spores f^<M §S h<m® old enll^s?© w©i»# as@i>fieaUf

mm lv&&e» * 10©) m on ©l©®t3?©|)k©t@32i@t@r mslug SSSS- fiter* Iteift ^&» d<no in wftop fe© Mir© Aypmasiauitolgp ^1*© aofii© msB^df of ©rf<aai©»i: fcsp «v«*? duspeitftittii fro^rei* tftw» s«^© 4U«tiion$ ©f


*tol« $m@p©m$i©a* I,«I0 m& liimt

mm bla* prtt|MMp©4 ta ©a?-i©i' t© ©%m# the ©ffewli ©^ ©pi©©©

©a i©w©t dijMt&cgati ft3t©o* fla©©© ©•iisf@u©i©ii© wr© li©(Kb«d

t©s? M M^iatit®© to fco&lsig tsoitda? %© icSLll *»? auyviirlflg v©e©«attV9 ©©ii©*

©il©t©M'i»® of wgetstiv© ©©11© wr©

; al@© frapa^ea i» « ©isilar waj as nfceve* tt&lng IS Is^mi


© ©ti ©mltJ^jp©*


f!mm ww iitot 'Ik0aife.0i: in


0f S

Sach of tho two dilutions of the two susponaions were

Inoculated aseptlcally In duplicato on the media contain-

varying aaemts of ispi©®®:. <&& lueentn^ ©f laeewftftm used was 0.1 ml. of the suspensions. Gont3

3 ol flates uero also iiioculated in duplicate. All these mm incubatea

26 iiiiiiwiiriiinHMwiiMiiarthaw^^^iw^i^iir^im^ lll|llrt?WMWIMi^p^»iMW^«Nt^^
















3^0 #


12.00 i3.5 nauiiiiMMi.' «»" v*mi$mtommMwmmum***^.*!**^*


*'***^*n 11 n! rt ni'iiiWiiiiipiiiiiMiwMWiiiiW'wm>m»m****!m niiiiinwiinn ii.'.iini.i .mniilii. i.iii^li^iiinniuil|i|Hiiii-|ii|i|)|

©3ro«7|fek 6|

> t!©*


M Jaota^a tnus ve*y litil© to- .0^0^© except t&o control.

* * s« gprnstii ^* * Fair ggratrtlk:

in ces t4miii*m**mi*mmm+*^^


>x l.i > 'f-BMIMIl


Spore Suapensions ,

.IfX lll^,. ,. l.f^9@ ,,. ^i ngftiiiiftRini m »iiii'Mii7|ii~iiiiiii\jii!ii»i.

> iii|»;iM>iiiiiiTinn


<N*"4'^ ##

♦♦ -w** f f


.00 d 00


-H^H* ****•

***+ #**#









« t*







♦ f f f creaso

S days m*tm


;00 f

HMlHMMAlliMMiMHtei^^ aft or 48 hem's*


fa>l# txt

mmrm^u'ii.mi* rt\.tm»!i<me**i*m***tmm>mg^


III .... Coll SugjOosasions



^Tu.:.: ^a^. limwwi^iiiiBiwi:'! t^myf^irimmm^^wUmm^mmm^^

#-*## ■







♦♦♦♦ *++









4^^^ *^#


*** ■

* f f o.s e*3 f*S




»•» t»

Iiicreaeo In

IS .00

* * *



* *.

» f


S. houi»s although the inottla wore Incubated for two weeko and tho changes otaervocl as roporteci in the romarkQ eolutaa*



> t

7 f


S*0d f



7 gf^tlfe of Her

4 ^©F'S





■ rim inuiii; in

7 f it^rt^A^Mk^MlWW^M mm 11 (lirHiiHli!prut.ill > . n.i.r.l mi iy*M*iW—win i in im lfliirifi;r.iiV ; 1 HIM .I.WIW— W>HMWI 11 if, 1 .iimiiiin nwii faoitv* glsfeoujgb tfH* a@<ai9i w©it?# iss:ei»Mt©«S for fewo wet&e nisi


tt traifi tefofy $%mp $vm the veia«lt« of ^11 th© t*m

mw%m ttobto th® wg^t^i^®- mil® «rar« %»9« «t»iit£^ t^ p©^ eftafe ^i f 9^ *$»* ©iM^©:jatJ*gM©ae,#; ie^milag ^« |>1 il»i6©$ WQJ?© tfee mftift iiaim>itiMn> #f ttee grouts «jt ^<g>

^gGEii© '^at fek@is» adtiom d«9«iiddd ate© m^s the gS ©Mi ti© dll^tlM iM? tB© iBOeftlaB fiodd* gett?®©a P©^ ©tat e©at mnA 18 p©3? ©©at e^teat^tittt® ^lefe <ftioa«d a®finlte

I^Mfeit^^ effect;: m Wm «po»e9 omdl ^©getstiTr© «©IX©: JW*

S9i««ft lo«r«#9A tho pi ©f %^0 pvedtast a© ta»l.i Mi tile aoii^M* 4hd 0Kt«Bt of %m®$?iM$ of pi A^pdadcdi mp#a tlwa anmait ©^ ftplc«9* the M^©r tk©- amom* of spi«$@ aM0€* tsa© I^TOI? tmt t)90 pi* Sffoeft «f fefele ««& teoa Stt ail tlk«

different cenccmtratloas of tho opiceG in $&$ i-iodia, bufc isms moT'O cl^a^ in higfe©^ conGontratlons, Ba aefiia Im^iiag s par ©@at ipicei AAA ^1 0..® the .growth of fi^«t<Mi m&

^0s?y iBisf $»$>%# *fo% fit ^H 7 the •p'Owth was 4t#tin«(; l» $$X

tho ohrce dllutiono of the is.oculam. The \?egetativ© cello

MiMg. m#* i^0Bl«tMit tl» offwt of i® WM «©s?@ ii@fiaot la

6 por cent concGiitraftion of the spices. At this cone on* tji»e%i©m tho^© taeio iiMost wi gMroVk ts&oii pa ims i*® but th©3?0 «&« diiti^ot grovtit ft^ ^ t« la geiao^I the iterti*' the pH the gii»©&$Of> v;aa tho inlilbitox'y action of tho splcos. tho fo^cp' ©xpo^taomtiK that tho tfieos pa?ofod ^o h© wwte

GffoctivG as iBhlhltors. v;:ion louor dilutions of tho inoculum woro used.

43tl tho above o&poi»*aie»fcf- mm v<e>pmK<Q& in two'iot-JSi

©Bio hoiag ixiO%lbatoi ®& $7 dO|geoo# |feth)Httluiit m*& tho other

&t $s ^©grtfs* ^311 tho tfostitt© of tho isttoj? oxfoFlmoiit

mm tho same


(i«i tho f ftrtt otforlwoftts*. fho fojfiiao^ dif* foftoi only in that tho ^routJi was slov;er.

mmmm t

m& w»& i^m# km wwro* %©• fea ^ tim% m®p la- tito «**«#* tiott «f p»99d»3^1<n ©f mtok p*o@mt* tm tM of font of

imxe $ximM%®$¥ of^oot» owa, la asiaX! ^aaatittatt^ are

WLw*&&)!atem m$® imm to bo #»ot4fie i» ftlioi* a©i«f * tlio f ivott pas?* ©f *i*o ospotttanntot

^TOIPIE. t?ot aaiii^r the

9POOOOO-« 8«E*O»«& fishes

WOF^. tvioA atj first but l»il#®ti «o« 'ttojiea ftftftHy l>©-<5a^0 it ^Ma fim toxtwo as dioslt^i and it i© avallabit' itt ^aiaa -tmtorf* $«£&»$ fefe© iftiicm eoonoalo oimtotioft iat© o<HBU»taoi«tiOi» It

««M» thsu^. ctdVioolfto to tas® Sialf p©\mi fiat »c* oaooaloA oonot Plain tin tftfto W0??.o tlot tvtWI bat ISioy tioro founA to b© ©ii^ttlr «ftootod after ^ otojmgo ^oHoA of oboat

for »$a«ll«» $rediu»li« Isft'tooa aaS. t?a^) wigsQftfesa % %^©


B%m$i®4 In tteie t?otk ©ai «ittAd fflle»«e»Qfittl9EM» feat® ^©n

^^^t©i to t>& «|^«if4<i l» t&©li? «qi«Bltltr|«gr t« ©|»l0@fi th» ygpodaet QiMK24i ^© «*»*& s© fa*


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•IAS ©t 0MBi«d F0©i.$ Im fife $4iii»*$&«9A* III* ffed3?®al f^««rd00tog * & §m®$>&% 0#*or4imt© fap^**

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t* aziii BeaJaBto* I* ^* Bd«ttog



mQmm% m&tifo 9otot to® mi Mea* Food a«*

ao* Sto8to«dVto$ eii^iaisfeif JltWt-Mf. 'Ifi©*; s#* f^Qsgoai'i 0*. f *» s®tf



♦ s» os^ B&atat* F* ©* i@at.

I©:©ist«s©# $ttiiii©.# «ft Ipcreis ©f putrifnative

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888*46* Itai* " -'

4©* Wtfefe.*- A« »* ®mi «»ain«?# P* u* -Iffeet af ^iaaa aad ftttwafrtog iaatai*tola aa ©r^wtli af Taaafe* Foei iqa^a^ali J^|J3f®*Bl t


41* ®a.|a®;|. H*' fh© H®« &a*£a£a&aa of S|>a3?'t@ wifeh »f^* ' aaaa *a 8>apaa of Baoillm© boittttotta* ^o^i?nal af' itofeatiam© Mmmm jget^flfr* I92i.*

48* W^iasi. S* fkiannttl t^atfe fatot of tb* ^eipa<i «f feaflliia ttatttlinua to eaiuad FaMa* ^awaai af

3&tmt%Qm Dlaaaaae ,|£f2@s*00 t


48* ®i!&i&tt8t. ©* #:* %pyi»tafta uMiim fm wmmtim at

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Inetituta of Food f©0to©t0g7 Proccodinss 322-
