mm ■mmwmmm wmms mmmm aiM&u''ii* ■ toe tmi®mM? of' foodf la 0M^g© of s&Jor of fooit imd Utttrtttea Chmiaaaaa of Sohoo'l. ©taimat© Cotaaittf&t CMitmn of •st.Jito OodUsgo ^pfttsjttftt^ 0omoi| wB^mw 'tMmm Mmtufa m& mpp®pk- torn tm^frntm m SeteO'l. .ijfcatff t^gi .t£?0t®^i», )m» mfa %*&» ■ums®4j^# Im tte f«r$l)QE«ti«$i «f■ int &&&! €»& fet^ «$m iwsdlgr I' tltSEOWJfll ■# It ;♦ # f j»- * »• # * iff if- »' * * * « # * fl i^lfe^ig ^t it.^iittog Mm, * * .* #. 4. * * # 1$^^ SSI: 4 9; * 4, # » t, .». f », # (. » 4 f »,- .*• #■ t S <* 4 * * #■ * # * '4 $ * « * £ * * * # * * « 14 W@§ tlS&ty m ■» * * * * * * 4 0 # '♦.■ * *»■ ilf^^^sl- ^pi^fif iiiiini #" *"*' * ♦•* * i- ii' i»- it '«■ *■ * « '♦ p -f *»*»»•<('» B * #' sniis^ '^ti sfi»**0ii© * * ft * '♦' * .*• «. * # * ■ft * '» * * •#■ * *• * ft ft " ♦ * * * * * * * * ♦ ■* *> /?. * « "* «y us$ of -^mrn II lit If ■ V VI VII •vili -Jfas Steite of Stririisig.® per We^lg of Foods Aw&ty&go ilpp^vdnt Hoat Calox^ totaE© With thd dstrilmtion of' 06&oPie& Betvooa tho 0 Food ■&vi)v,p:$ **♦*«.» ^ «««•« . * » » 00 j.ppci'ost XJ&iiy Oolotfia Imitate «,t fioaeM? «jad '^t- 0ohoo3L isdth F©^ Gont of fotal tteiiy Seftii^aoat Siip^ligfi toy Ba©ii. ♦ *. * • * ♦ . i6 mem^ tloights of Foo^ Gansuated by Children at ifooa cmil lii-So-a-aioii F@Oiiiagt « . » » « .28 llonus Served I'lr^i i?@©k gui^ Irt&bor of .Chiliftftt'Pitoution of e^lorio® .&m®$ food o^oupt ■OM^inoa from SSUrsosy Soiiool feeaii^© m'0 Coi^ia.fod to Soso!s 8$6a&tp& * • « « *. • v « 34 Con^s^ifion of .Oaiorio pistrltoutloiii. «% -Sehool ■mid &t Soisii ifj'fc'h tolt^s stQDtdo^ » ,- . * ♦ 36 IX gfttiBtataS wor&go. DaiJ^ Xataicd of Food fosp Sfteh Child .to dom#Wisoft with JhysiOftJ. x '®io Ave^sftgo Muftriii'tfO Vaitio of Foods Con* XI DaiXf Hinopail Ittt&lso to this. Study ia Cowparison \?ith Ae^maod Eo^ui^oaonta So^-oitiag .fyom Stipvoy of kitotfrntwo ♦ .*.»«« « &x FOGS COBSUHH!$01 -Of mW&MW CBXWSSS fis^taff' «9bo0^ W6r» fis»ft a«tlie>3?ii!^a #@- «t part <©£ . the §o^#rs»#at- m®t®mvf ^um^iom yxoepm la xssa* poxidy of ftaftlstiag papists wmh ■&pm&fi®& Xm ixwoms ttcogaig^. ttmt pm^w £QQ& in aa $m$fcs4&£i§ Ifeetop in the h0ft|itoL ■of eMlis?©^^ It Iseeaffit tli# im&pcm^iMX&fcf of tib& mmmtf mfaools to &©^ ttet tbe ©iseatlal fooas- wdsm provii©^ to thd eiilMr#'a not oaly a^- soMool taft ^'lio a% lioa#? ^©oi'aiai tO' tb* Iatid»al Afivlaospy CQ!SBoitt«e oa 4v0n Xitteg waitr poor oooaitioa$ to «ho«r gi?#at©r n0.©a fo^ sut3?l^S.0aai att^^ioa aa€€ it ot p^ifaiouiat ftapo^tanoe tlmt ^i© naapso^ ^ofeools fuXfiil tteir ^ayt in m^utiiai thorn 3a»fc»lti6aft% ii0#i^* tho' |j^pos# •©£ this stMf it to <ietmi£»e #0 faraft possifeX^ tO' ig^at oxtesxt tbo OorwXXid oatoa^oAOy zmrtforjr oohool la- ^Xo: to nmk tlao food nioaa of the ia<livi<to^l olsil^ea*. 'Iknd to .fttod^r tb» ^doqriao^ Of tto* school dietary & •In mXmtm: t» tm wpp&mt toem mmwm^®^ ®f food t&d 'la eom^ass£'S0i5 to tlit ttamwyaitiLtfk ®Mmmt&B tm mefa of the e8fi6x&&eA jautrltat© fo^ oMjtsr^^ of Ifceir mgss* flit is^gfuef mmztief ie'teol i» OoifvaSyU*, so® lmo«i «» tte ^o»k» trogre^© iMMnitftratiott WweWtf SoMol.^. was o^g&ai^tt $& WH m& was }iQtt««i In tooat l» on# of %h® p%%%&® Mfa/MX fe»ili£iig@.o Xa ^oo^ieaot- with th» :i*o,gula^' ti'OS# Of tte© f* F*. 4. ©ittoiitioBal. pjpogsw^ jan^to^ s©w>* io©> ftt©l fos? 4po<>klng, ^#iital.. apaoe, glaf ^({txisiadn^, ®at otfe©^ it^aa^ tM»eBtt» Ite i?^S|>oa#iMlitif of the ioeai ■0pd»i0i?ia@ eo»s^tt©08a wMlo- protisioa foi* food* to^eh^ ia@ a^piaiO'S' ©aS aatorials> eisd' d«teiP&o$ fo* tho teaeii* iiig. «tiif£ m<& oo^is «0># «99im94 W' %b& W* ^* A»* ?jrlor to -feiiO' 01»^ of W$B t^ol^o mxm jwr ^f $M* cbiM. 1M9 ©ISoirma ^os* foot,, ill' tbo tlfflt of tMs @tm% & Bmd'gtt? of #00 |>or «o:gt^ WM ^OfVidod» |0 of «bioh wa» anuElcod for mmdi^ a^plio$ Mefe «» mm* f>ft$s# tiapklnp? oto. tehio foofi jECt^ofroneo waa f^t^i^oa to- oosvo* tbd- fooi 'oos'l^- foa? fcii© &¥.^tgo atteat^iioo of «!bottt imfB^f sMl&mn ana ai#o febat of two ttnotoofs^ OAO eook ««sd tw .ft98£«tfiint$* SU^IMS fo©^ omm&MiQ* «epo u^oA «*«»» a^lia^lt' «nd ^iftel>lo;* Uhfty l«aro Ittel^Sed mdh Btorn* m * f&i$. iiafo-fffii,tion tta$ »ftd* avai^KLo by thfe 9ietpowiAo» of If* ?* At mafv&ty soSioolS' and ^aroat ^iuea^ion in Orogen* IJbapOtt^Wmfe this ^asjof Weapto iro®r@.:#:s ^^aiai^trataoa «ill bo *dre#rod to ag W. F,- 4. agrieot'So., fl*©^,. j&e** Xl«» fetaas, tuatt^r* and Twtk foot trodg^t*' VtoWf 1sa»0 festtt ^i^feex* m^LfosntOLy wall^l© mm^ki-mtf fm *tw$i&8 Mm Mm ■mte ®f tM ©0©is^|^« to fell© «bi3Ld*« totfti 4all7 dtafcaSPf» ©ifficsuXfeloji *fca&L«# with, U&g* &&&&» ®$ ehiMi9©*! mm&h mnM jstv© petfeto^ «ott»i«$« im v«0CMMag th# $a*xitifci«« Qt the s#p^* twle I^»0 of foot #a h«mi *a& :#mpp.i©« ■#«rli3ig a ■iffSutt^ .f©#io4 of tftaio, :»|Bi2i^ uliew^Hcf tor %®$IG m& Ts&t&MXX tMito* to <t»t#r»ti»» t?b* fii9K»mt9 of torn ^oMallf o^leii. 4 ■mmm && fsaiiri^tasM i& & ^m® yi-%k®n$ ml&mm tfesft ^©ligfetj $ba aelmai womfef «f toot 0*tee» "bf ««*. ^&mp ms. saps mm. m the Tamt* fo^ ft*&<mfcftfci»g fkm »o*j?4tiv6 fo;oa eottftus^titm of iaai^i^ialt ^4€t -shom to ir&3?f to socb cm '#3st^t that Hete&pfcs 0:osa^Md@d tkat tte ImmbOFy %f®® of' stu% eould b® of only il«dt©^ vftXue fta <i#t®imialfi$ ft Itit mm mm M ^# fli^fe »«©fitt tm^ ^» 'teil^i^rt mm$t§> tsitfe #tfgti«^^ t# t&t iw^'. 4*otf ^ai $M 4#$!ae4«»* ol^^ ttjp ^ miffed Msp ^^## an to $&«$ ie#€a «M3.^^ t^i 4$f&»od ^trliljfit p^tft$®® mm m ^Mmmt CD pmi -tism imm% ^mlm®;* III mM? iM wmAm '&M im&sfcQ&im* f ilajfe^i i4#| fefSWf. ffei^ *Sift 4^^ m «M«^ af#%®^ m& Mai- #$ tMit vw^feitoa tmm ®mmMf3m& mmmtm* f#W latat^ tw <m wen ttf 00 le&ft}* 'SO ite«tieta5 «s«i ^it ISSWPO fmm famm to tto& imm lw»t &»&&&& mM «& ai@li% t*$ #^^^#1 tl^ -w®|?t fe^fei m$$X3M ttUt *w? 3L«£r« turn %M .*&$Qte&9 mmm%® «r i^etiiwr #<»$ #l«i^xit^4 ojf ^ p»©*^«ii0#x. $uaJi4»«i!t'# t^ighlsi. %t jtodos #ttex m& ma34ml»g' titt^H^tid 4ltt;f * Bila $^rf aaaitlomi €^4 ©ft piM#n# im mm. fi^wsiag tw 'mm®m?T m"m&%&s> ■&&■*> mmM' of tw»3* sarrey ^ iitft^tw* m&- $mi® mm $M^ At a I>#5'illt. t^©^ Wl*# a'bM tO J«P0*dlltf tS#»€>& €>S fe©^' te%:i^# iftf mwmff mtrnvl cMi^^a sad tte wwpa&sim i>£ 8 9Mv viit %0 mm m a. fomt® tw trnmrni^m wi^fa -tsfee ■ ©isii^ta ^m m %m&®t$m&® WsoX :m^mim iafcsfte ^ta^ were tot^L fi^iiy iui^gf' r.0^i^a©at.. ftwif t«j*^ f©«i3 t» Bf flit -iaiipfptef' m^^©^- «©to«ja,# ■*$ 'Mm t®Vk ,©%«fe© eig^i %& m%l0f &%&; mtfifeta-Mi ^0q^|j?©tt©at$ of && faf 0^©a©®ir ta stffi^^ in p^&mMm*. iw&,'/,£m. east* 1»$4» &&*$ fg fliiHi^i to m^et lke..jae<5#i of ehtMf^^ n. ^&eti» ©^ Mghir la. iiww ®aa i» -tttim&m i ©adl a fete* 0 %0 t&wt&iwaFy it it mut® *$ ^^©.c^d tb&t tfee ^Ml-if^a ■mm mmivtm #t»i^<a tm^d^^ts ana mpm®® $&■ ^o»©» wm mp0i$®M& tMm$ mm® mm® #f tttt^itioBai cm ftt &^IC3«rsHe lit) «»& #» *t ^# $t* i&Sao^ ©tt#2?g^et' saxreo^ ^hoo^i 123,)* 0t»m7th s»#60M©# &@®ogl&^la studio», viii© &0IM5O3L 4t m& toma that B^$t ©f' th* ©iiiiar^a nioTd aoarly e$$?a8$mtea tho ^wmg© figures for l^-lglit &.nt wolf&t At tb« ttcuS of t^ ^lio,ol f#ii? titan et ta^ t)Qg:to3!nto$. fii© mpili&j m&i$tmm ^tttiy fiia not pmm %o be a «fttifllk«<rt>wfy «£>.£t3tfta& ^ithia tisp Xiiaita of ®lfchm 4i0t So^,© emi Bo^Q^soa ftSS) &g^0 ^hmm faj&t a diet my t># ^tie^ietw iaB*»«ty tjo^wtto ttisy i*4tt6© some ao^t of gjwmtiW' In tkis, otnmtT^ How* fina» that w «»& mom, %$M®is to fe© $$&%&& with ^tttiatloas iu xM.4h '®m 4$&k ia $ooa wmt$L to ©ti^iord it i'#5x ^0?m 'Of $&&$& !Mi M$ ®£ a ^aftlifef to laaialala ifa& &»&$$&&&% im ft feigb n^te ©f ;lie$Xtii t^^ml^a for opilaal. ^0i;|, fcggttg tMa l*^ |M»#ii«tto%0 silDdl ttt«%i IJAW «^»tti1i9d fi?oja tM' atuii^g #$ Wmm m®& othm- 43£if'#/stigat#?£5 ^h^% Ihis. itm^f of tH© food «IO»9U^I* ^-ioa ®% th« tef&Jlis If, t*. &« 2Mr0#l?f s$tia&!. tnsie «0»» iuet^i aai# %M fMalaga taflreiTitli Df^o^nWa* It moOSCBRE !&$ M «M;24»#a iaetoi©4 is tilt #4m$r owsat^tit^eS «aigl^% w#© ti&m haStf ©f tte utia^^ mw&SM. %$ tfo» %&b4X $&pQtb»m% m® v@m ®kmm pertly t>«ofttie# «©■ ^ouis 3?0p^a$a^ativi m !*>» 03W^» ^^sgiag ^©a 2& t© 6^ iB«mth» a»a t&tmg 0mm.f €i<®Mb& between tte a I© 9 ©a4 the 4 to S &3LS #f thf ihilii5©*! v8i& mwml m$fa goo^ dally ittttad^iOf ftt ^^lOOlt ^bipy eaa# iStoto li©m©# ^.f t|i# #»# %w QwrnAo lme%$ torn of tta t^a f^a&ii^t »epi^(i#nt'dd .■at t^ feagiimlBa of turn tftatfy m& ■mm ttott ©»% m&m % mm <fi7) * sfoey ooapsy© ^isplf uo^l wi%h tia®m m •o^or th© w^ag©- «»&£$&# ifo* t1i0ix»' ftged And ®%®tmm*, m ■* t004feiia?f'*0. t&0)&&8 as t^otef faf i©s# (27), ♦+&ft Xmhm iaii kfa& mm&&® $0vfi&%SL£m fpoa ^ei^bi& top isiaon of .s?alMl:iQ3nt tft^Xopti t&i-f ,s$ft»)ty til.©?! ^lasiifiea-" t%m %m^§:M§ to Bebe^ti |0i)|. &* tFudtsi* ^vesnago tot l-tfg ^tea ^ Iw&iota^w-toftpdw li^* nom of mmmXef*. 8 i.^© wafta? av^Jpeg© %iit l#s& tia^a !f$ thtit ©fefld^si vithin ttfa® t$m&t® tit umP&B& ot @f-©a o-MI« that m ^bil4 tmfiqit ^espgig® ia iffa&gbt say ttpsw iWrescy otli#r irifeF)eiite^^r*t-t-iiiM*-r>as^^^ 14 gy^up pm? pm^m^ -mm tib$9m»& In t>h* thro© «Midr9& sko^iiag fh^ gp$ftfc$*t fiegati^ d«vi«t4«a. Jftftm standee mil Atf i» Ihf. d«@F9e* of ^^iSiiri% Irh^y ^d-Qoacod* fo^ wMt©!'© touufi «a» aot^a is two *f thf «b£3^9on of ateragi tj©li&% «ujf w^S'l m $mm 's»i^ tua^^ w©lilat«. it ea# not ^ithia the m§m of tiii# ^tuiy,, bo^mvdr^ ta $>ato feh©«lii3L#i5^» ©» tfe© vo^l^ut iMlett ^f good sxatttifeiosu mco%>®%tsg$$ it gsaet too y^aoEfixMPefl tbafe ^©igh^ JFOT hst&tito ■m®, $%& &%Qm && mt an aaoq^^ta ifiQm of *m$x*it£0*u 3i&lo&j&« ajod toits t^hioh will ^©toot -t^litati^o 4faSl* OS? g^sw^otb^i? of o^oti tmt e$g.t9&te$ to soom^o hsr- iftti0jpd»t 'ftpi ooofoi'a^ioa* ffereo- of tho a©%ho$># hni oo'0|jos»at©4 Wa& mM tc# oompioto: reecoNSU* of the food cosistimoi ^t 'kom Tm$ m&i*$l&Q&* tmWmtiom mro fiton for IB %® nmgSM %lm m^mm ■*&¥& mppit^i- yinh. %$$&& &m& #mfc& mcm&& ta mmw4 tm .im& ema &h® mmm%$ #atea for tea to©ia-ap»# to to#w^.«is«w?ii^* Mdi^iosift^ p&&$&!»e8)& 5jaf05W9ati0a siglit- Mvo tj0©si ifflr^stig^t^* for $&#fttme$* fei» s^|j#3?tf ia ctt tarns MM tat ^itt'lssgrni^li ^e««i$«a tafcoito gfiiu is^oAkU sa^ th&M mort M^tf ■ fi^l,^4 £tj» Hod it^a ^p^a^. a#'l' ■did fcfeay all ©timf th& j«tMt#.* SBfe^mti^a iijA teth of ttoom i&ms. -rngm «h$0t vm tm* ineo)^or«tt«4 &n*e twtag^s :l^oi». 'tm km® mm .ttbl^ t© ;«k# tta»» Aojr jp^o^ci* igrMeh. wet*.© <p©&tioia~ ablt w^rft dmitfeta <»&fc**$iy* M&#wls# tjM> totals of a im &#pp i« th.0 s^eond wmu oi" tut #^4? i«# 4^l«t«d indieat^i 'ifeBt- the <sMM tod o»S%te€ m©^!^ t>©e,a^0 otf IB ftm. i&mttb&Q* ot tioQ&$ mmm®® At bcm mm mot tuiiicm «f' ^&#-ft Stotx&v y®m smpatm t&m &$&lm p£e$$r0it 'im?tog. tiw ^tar© ti»# the w«?a«jpy Softool »^3.& w©»e t^ing p'^^af^ aafl-0afeo»* 3?5pait j^ie.^' aafi cod IMm oil fioi4© i3«m«ua^ out «&Qb mo^aii^: fty tba» iaTOftlgstoi^. ^iSoalsiBg. ^©i@fe#€ at tla^f wwe* nmQ* '*&& eosaple^ift ve^ipd^ trs*© the f^^traa idii&«id ws^© etj^at^a. t&m RKM**** CS?) t^i^g 0f th© r^f. isji^at^Ett ©aa «ft$ flml wtigiiti' of tte pro- ■ ®mfa im& m$$-mm&lT ■&&&$& to tho eiiiM^ii of iif#^« m&wft&Si, a»4 $&$ 6&iiii'©ti 'i)#iii| ^tm^a^i ^t^atft s^tiaaHNl to- th# 'terits:%igif|:oi'#. far MtiMwJ, migtm ■#&&*$»&*. tghiag of tM foot t^tf td3&9s>. ttattt-ef^-of-fistelfiy Iisfei't#* flit $i$ foXtems tb0 pdiioy &f tM *»i0ea tfttti oaly -v^afy ima3.3. m&&&& &i fpoi tt<M»4* •gs«dmf- &M with ett^ofanwife ■imi w^© 4ti$$t0tt$& ttet^ th*'- ^iil3i»iM5t*» 'total© of $&&&, iw# ©I tia Aoonrnt to l50o|> tk^l^ np^otitot mprnttj wljotte^* ioa© of tSs©: ohtX&m®. ®mm ttt ^otsooi' without fcrea&f&st#. tit mm umvm mm mmm, m &&&& SM m&m m&$ % ms&wm ®mwm ®i mmf It a^aiiaMa i®$ #»0 n©e0:^t»^ tlwm airs*' *»■& $pM® la p^amt»e tto© aoat s©2»i(Msj. laeitt otftcfu^* With moh & Qimm^f t>£ £008 Wim, ©noli iailtriatti^'*'* intake te «uie«ttfte-y«. fabl^' f| .^©wt tto© stjMbe^ -of tlwdtt ©acli. typo of ?o$$ reco^as of the &##t «#©& of tho Atu^sr haw heren ia^lui^a ia feMa tdhl^ «ti iw?6awa9«»iti0« ia th* ^eo^lug a^a iUao«i908 0^ torn of vm eMior^a awlag tm mmm mm m taspa&Hm @® :tm tMw> -^tte-* towmtot* )^mmm\p '&a&&isg&m th&fc tasft «aft f^t^ntsi ,.|;i; ^to^ff l$m mtfts ^lis« ^Hai^^ fa» a«w?« ai^sfi^; tl»p %t ii«Qfe#r of tlstefr ife tibf. ^itmi ^ fto* #liiM* Aft ^l?^ i^it, .£«$ twite m®& s® itsMii'^ .w$ tttt^a tiltti •ftpaifea, ©feil^ wim ta&8Mfc$m tl' f#l« S mm® yvm m^f mx^mm. limit*» li#is is^tai#: m im w^h -mas. tarn %&m -mSto vtofo mSMs ife^fc tm ■^aWtet^l ii$mm, ism #i% tm ^Itg^l^ lew* 21 %gp -temg^a jftpoa 0 to 5 -mfcm p©r .m&M pm «^©k; a ©f fefe$ gi8^^ iwt^ ao e^gd a^ fiJU.* i eiilia bad X m$ mi a© tugs* Slit tei m&f 4 mmim® ®$ wi&%4tb%&a 4tata*$ fsai «S0 %?&i^li «etsr te A I'tsalt of h©3?' hlgk eeJefeo? ,gjmlti ^ppii© «»|p woow tSae» *ha» <J® «g#ta^l©# iia tli© taid d&3fc«, OttJgr t eMM^^a IMBW ttom Mat. oltetx then a»# n 4^ i^hUe € ©^ti?© mm %Mm vg^iAmtelf ^aim « flay* ®& «BB avas^e' t^f ma&sm ir«gotAi>Xo& otfeesp- #^ £«u^ taxi»» iallf i*il»# %# t^aiifc&irfLaa' f &&&$&$& €^#f •» if ttoey 'CKm^t ba iserM^a et *«»»»■. flat ect«M>l aifk^ «od aLivar '©11 '«liieli is ^ali^lf ©aitt^a $^et#^t la '<m@ 22 jSaafegfe jBtfWo. tei^ Df*&£<* III ^tM'i tb«' total «ia>e*«a* #&I«>^:1^ tiont^a^i f&hu ttz mmmn mprnms mm vmrnm tmmM mm urn MB'Mim^i®t w cmmtm WBWBB® fin § FOOD CIIOSFS folia OMM *e*#!i»><«'*»ii»*««Sfi=5«»i«l««^ S^S^S S§0 .'jil.^'.^.fefa-i! n SB tm ig^fe 580 it .8©©' H* II* 060 m m m 128 %m m$ 10% St B,* IBS ^^ESsS im MB 2?9 sea MS 4&& * lia all tabi©f «!ie?$£& Mem© xnseotHSfi m® ix&Me&t tM *« th# li©». sfiaewdfli to tKit .fetft «sMpi$ men m too ^i^gtita m$u cteXM mod tm 4m^ telorit iM^©- efc |i»^ £ma at. 1)8- ^oapa^aa to that mofcea in tlit tefeeoi &»(&« dte^ to tb* 05 feeds $mw>®& ,, . i.-n.'^.o. •mm,*, . .,.i.» ■eiaarg't of %h& m^mMf mhopX tfaa M$ tmS tm%B%®$ m& ■®%pmimm m & mmm^ trkith #ouM:. %i #©0mi»'©4 4» 'ilMt«NS ^©tife^t ts^^ugfe Ih© c©\mtf mli®&® offiee. 4tt- of tn© tmtte m§ qbtaiaed iii thi« m& m®. m& nm& la m®i$%m 4a mtiitr g^nQtoaa dao^mts.* Pondered istlB «»» ttI«o £uxt«i«hed the aeteol* la^te&i ttf u&iug the $e9d@*$d »t$te foi? ^ooklas^ the frmh. Mtk ®m Qitm m®& :ia tltis m?■ aaktag it mm$Qmf %& laut d$a aat *««» td onlof ths pm^'^si Mia «« a ^©ir^ag^* week fdilou'ing tiith the i40a of giving tb« aothero #. t»atSfijE taij; pismiui tn® famm SWAM* fbo Afttnuil. aoaijt® ms.#s f^r tho jsehooi flim^rs du^&is^ 24 o#te? m& emmt swimGmmm mmm® m&i® mo^t mm% &£ieed* arain^a e^iaea |>i@meli©a ?%©1.,©. vm®&% toas^ Beef «ltla nood^d toast ml®,® KfiaoXQ xAaoftt toast Fresh tai&k fr©0'h miltJ ateM^a, Stuffs^ Seised totat© 'istiblUi i^eftt tpfent Fsrostei g^^a® <^d6^v ^gga Heet mi%& top&MM with g^aw C^m^ed string' t«©a# ■Upttagf 'Ohe©«# Mi8h@d pOt«itlMI« White WQ&& m& fetttte* eaan©aa $mSm4 $&w&&* OS»^gs04 ta»ft f iih Bak©4 staffed: .pttteto©* to&ot Bilked s^saeh Battej^ed ^#0tt ioe e»a» Fridays Created -tsawL fish Masbad pata-tde^ Stevjed toaatoe^toast Canned piiieap|»3ie' 25 . It vUX 'b» »ofci<5«# tm% %M u&ml p&^nm teat -aatnsrespjr A sals 5S.0li**us^^lif protein A ftoofesd ^g^ta^l^ ■ 4 &&$&& MbtMt mw$m © alda^- ami m±%&b%® in Isaitt^if 'iaii3.f th* ^&y'4« ^n^'rgf' ^<pi3aNWB«a* tout pfotoflttoiy 3A»« Milf ml®P%m< at the iwaasot* «l6a «»0»6g«6 4B^ of a*9Jy feo^t^l, ^alif e&iorit' i^t^U^ i^tm titi^' ,0^11001. mtil® {« foan^ of Bi *# I^K ^fa^t 1*o#» ■«* $hd CMM. fte:t0l#psieat 'Si^tiful© (00) ^@o©it©4 «» ^€^a|t of $19^ ivsmm of 00*18^) 0f *l»5ip <!*i2$r ea^i'gf iatfil^* 26 mmsQty Bf^hmt with. tt& ai-d^»03?altig:,' iaid^y m& ■$&&•* aeluall'jr ■oa ®vti&%@# -of mtf &2$. witli it wm%® of 04*'40| Df til© total, <s^ii^ $&&#$$■ mM& wm& wtte%i#& %f tbtt of VhM' %&q$M$M diiiy 'm%®$$>®&*, All l^a^ I of tk© %$ tofeftt i^il^" ©Ji©l?:gsr fi^i^^a©^ at fctOBft© wMH©'' ii©B© ©f ttmm mv$ :r©©#^iag; A©f© tb&n 40$ ©f tfe©!^ s^isdLueweat «t* #©li©©l^ IMitldtiatl dally ■ftalovi* ^©.(luifeja©^ WiM ^»t,t»a^©d ©a t^@ Ms|@ ©# ^i*S5f <!;m!i©yi©# |i©a? tJaoli of kQigh.^,*. '9?bi« j'geoja^adati©!! ig wr©sf©n(t©i Ist^ is th© t©3slf- ~'-"-- '-^—•' -,.,.,■ ■■-.■„,. 1 .. ■nr- j; rii ■;i|iii'iilii inn ■rk.;i.ii.ii. IIIIIIK i„m .riiinTjiiii) tfe© HQtiid^ jdWaH^apy •s©fe©©i. ■mbn&ti ate©ml<S a©8.0ta3?© 'iit>©tit; l/s ©u|) foi? Hat ire^ftg^' gg&wp. mM %/% m® tor ifo© old©^ ii^a$f« vttJh ^/3 w$ oi allfe l^t ©tsii tMM to d)fiijSE# •fll©'S© .I»©|)^#S©llt $$$&&£ |J©t*^iOi!l$ QOQllUtttd ftt 111© M&miZX* 28 ?&$&* t masum WECBSPS ifn .crui in 1,. V' r ...■». I. OF FOOD eoTOmmi> oBitasssr m , Bm&» Qt w*t&i&s &Sia4l of: fooi iUro^^go Weight |g3?m©> of' food O'Oia* «m©d % Ofcdldrea a^^a.' i-3 p*©*' •4*& fi?#«. 87*150' 3#^i30: Mtk^Mmti Attmmm llaiji Swstfein £>t®& ■eott^g© Chew iia^woBi & oh&*s# 8©©f ^i' looi.I## Boooix ®mmm€ 1S«oft Idv©.^ Bgg^ l£©&t' BfeX^s .Sptagefe & ,ig@s 4$*90 iCKH&SO '■ V&rlM ss^iM 80*80 •6«4S 4I*fiS 0.*a fiC*»48 #*i0 S0»34 10^ .i©*^ ; 14*60 '■ ^otabto lOelot^' as (^QMR0t$ I 1^4:3i IQ^Sai^ao Sqisiush : <J'y«aa0<l f 0.a,$ %&&& : Stdtsr^d ^ta&tds* : i*67 ': 10*10 E©^? T©g0t©fe3.<5 Salsa C6$VO$ StlO&Q' 0elea?3r Stix^e» %&fck'®§® WmltM & P0fa©2?tS ApffXa & lali'to SaiaS Oaim^d p&igu&dd Appl© Bat^e©' Orange SiteesKwxit Cup BT ; .16^4 *>*i& 2«S 4*15' eb*63 ss^-sa 25 ^0*S6 . ^0«48 '60*86 Cihoeolat'e Fuadiag S0*'4S Ice €r®^a sa : f66$t 1*22 «? 4*6 P8:^. '90 89 1S8 '91 « , 88 20*$S 10^109 4S'*1.S^ : '6^ St**^ . £0*86 38*06 310*35 . $&«<££ 88 2V . 66 6. 88 10 88 14 61. 18*2.10 17*84 10*60 16*64 25*63 80*76 1?*4& . 18*48- m m 8$ m ■SB m ; 80- • 86 66 108 ' 8 m m 80 80' 67 m 61 66' 66 66 m 60 68' M*40 4*S6 4*86 $*0O VI 9 6 6 66 15 16 18 3.8*41 2CH91, 80*116 45*66 :30*89 '^0*76 60*106 , It 68 m U 44 60 66 60 69" : 1CW51 8*8 5379. ao* ?o 68 4*86 7 86 67 66 69 64 66' 0 i::'.lL;.:i',t':rltlill,,;,!'gaBte as m 6© IS 7 29 6t taodfi fo©^: **%m $M th.® -mm m.m% hf the ehlli^a Mm 'mm t&ie, wfell© ti^if s^il? «iiiit iatato airoraged •isi !ai4*ft)6#to& $$$&$&$&* Jfc Witt, b® iu>t«<t tfeftt 'llie» Si m ^i«So. ^ari^teiam im tE# ^«aatiti## or aftarty all. fa»9dt ■tafeta %$ ifa& %m m® svo«^»* J& f^a^tl. tfety ^# ooa- ■Cmtm* oM-l^eft ia tho ©. P* A# tt«?««3py »«h0O3i ^^r^ei a ti^t of Wmm am© of t^ dMl^ta p$$axatt$ fw #»^& tai*mo»f. l3#f©i»# ^©^ilsif s^teifies »»f henrd feed « M^l^; ^& t&t ^90^ ft*-©m tut w§te,-# iodmft oirt f^mm im f«&X$ fi 30 -f&ta© vi aasses sEftVE& wsf WOT MO sw&gE ^ arnxmrn $1 WM. mmm& to %©■ swla^ea t© tte &iss# of' tlw $1,a0.#. ia iv WOHSJ* mm sfom^BQ&oQi ^^mrik'iii^mH i>,m mm »i^ii.h^itfiiiit.»['0'j»- B&m 'MS @i&$4. thai ajl&ttfttygfc ^^tul^ IfWJMl ^Mt0|»i; ^ra'sr ;ssmi m&i* of ^etft siiitt ib»e ^tsln^sl liwi:|(ii©at@l|^^ -^ it* * Kottd^ S^bb dnd B0i^sdtt <^0> ^iit a few-spew *feiHty #%©■, ©f tla# 4t^t?^i|jii^i'0ia df' Wm toti^l ei^ori^jt 'gi3i0.5a0 siss ©p^ifi^a ^M #t^^ ^otiii tog lif||>|^i|. in. jgiv&laii^ia§ th& dl^ti of prf«0:el3,06| '^hii^ea* :0#»tiai&rt»S. %!;. th# irttaet tiw# ito& %!&%®% 'mQW.Bff iat^k©' ^ #0i^tj*,ti -wiife tut ^istl* If foods iftMWa ^Mwsdl g«*|tli3#s vetl^afelt f^laii*lljr' «# a, aowc©- of eaoj?^? UMIJ -aits* ^©n^lbti^ing ^xisi^ej1^' ■able pwtftitt, .i^ul If ^iiott .s«*a,i»f '$.m usod J^INS* 0$ itopfe. mi. t&gm% «4aslt t^^« tf #®iel«ts ^s^ $&$$ wm^ i# pmmto %mt$$»® && IM mm- M tN» mSmfam t# trttfail *fet $t^Wui ©«tm^ -^ t# iif^a fitm gkm® i» tlilf gfs^ ®$$m w®f ®mm mm $M $fp% pm^tmmm w& t&ttm&m ■&* % m «(. tti?t#ia0 ^ner^gd $M mj m® $m& $mw *J«U16 3P*$ttait im aeagtr guottuit of I'ruita mo. m$®%®fo%m wm&i lik&ly ^© $m& g$o«&# ^utttiwea ftNsaa t&K nuws^r mhmi m®®M®® IWWJ^ ps^M wifth tb$ aig^tbttltea a^g^i-t^i S^y Bos©. -i^ifn imoi HtmaBss' 001001. »H,„»1I1«.. ,<,;, «i,.n'.y^iii':i -I)* ^©BIKIS AS aospjiaiij^ tQ' EOSB^S t>icfCTie»)-«i,i.>.al..-.>,-.y,u.i»- «»-.•» l«iiii.»W>W».jt>? f0©i 6^% s^^JS^^^sss^^S^^fej^ass^^^s^^g^g^S^fe^sas ^^^^^saaiaga 26 6*. lap* ^^ Efiw^t teiri.'.ttf.'.'i.'iiijifefcffliai as-so »©im%@ of tmmn fat- ixsdd- ia iabite $ituco» l^ifetesp utsed & st^s^atgig ^#@©es1b3.#&sf. «a«S that udtitd wtthea? spa^lugly <m the $6ft&$# It hcM? tli^tofoto f©m0'i .tatisfaetoi^ fisor th$ pi^ot0-$ o.f tSbia :0.tu% to ■eos'b'ia© fat $ @na iagas't and aawlw at tm m&ms&G pGM&ft&QQ mnWlfcaM, hf %b# A$eo?4£ng to this ^tiMsifd ta© #aali & ^©^©S'tioa of tue calo^i©® m® ®m&®$ i$?m milk* if mom w$M w*# th£ ^iatrsitttioii of mlo^i©® ftttt&g Mi© s9?ol^l&^ fat teid •ea^tooli^a^at^ foodstuffe $k@mM follow a ti$f£&ito patt©!^ gfebXe ¥111 ifeout liev? fch* di^te^iteiftioa -^f ^atei^® ia gefefte tut tim&m&tm OF e:&i»0B2t ggsmsmosr at seifooi* m tm^ia;^ f ^^e©*^ J p^Qm^ Wm^m wwe<m& 10-14 fat. i© -4I.**^6 tttel-s* It Leu*" m !Se®imtt0a^i,|4# ixn^c^^ t^&o^l ebia&pda tfaitt tii# -total m*8m i&to&to jpiu^i *sw» fi«*63l ©^©f$t^ pop p®m&> vfirfte th« irsssg© of imt©^ ia tho O'hiaid Mt0Mpmmt imtitut# (ao) th#^ ^tmdi^t t&at nopsalXf g^^i^g; ^MMre©- l^te § %& $ t© ^e i^te^a .e^«43^ ^s^i^i^ $>^ ^ta.©^^ ®i- hmw «si^ tn *$mi® t&, vu%<$h mUmrn? it ^lil is© mm fimt ***& 0->« jfsea* o3a 'ago. p^o^* ffet #^2?§f iat<^ ^img^d H&m m f&hU m msm&m mwmm mxsst mom m ®©<m mn moi .^=**>*=^lM« iw=ij)i,'j»...a'.ii»i,'jiij,i)i,i ii^Mti-^gT-^fiir^?* t\Tt^A,«.-yiitM«**»'i'«>i» ■ 'M$%MU^ mm® sta^ii $»%&&' %m%m$B. iyf«ri^iHtiMlin'>lf'1lfJtt|ll,iy^i:,Wl..l ».;i».f->'."liT^.«,:'l»gl» ^.fi'!/^iv:;..''tesy^a»as^ BjJiasaasas^^ cvinVijtfj^ritaisjjjs S^J^^ 00 m m m -I*'a. :S«i 9$ 001 m m IGft m m 3® , m $$ ms $$ ; m m 41 f« f-ft #1 41. ; m m m aw W m m ms m m si* 4 mm Ms® urn 44 j^ssfe^ss^s ^m^^s^m&^&^^^^&sa^^^^msss^s^^msss^si^^^m m S^©: Sfett f©l>I© I'll* m m$&h% bm m®%®® %® ^ *» ^a*£^'if w*i#fsctoff tegit lor the f«*©fii«fcipa ^f eml.'O'j'at' v&qp&vm&abf tmm^sM m4 of ifeo&^a' toi ^so tdtfe limt of• Hofeept*mo f<m& mlmplm* pet Mck. $ f^l^lf rttiab^© &&3e$ tec^iim I4&) in I^t ^eeoGBf^ttiia m ft *t«aW5te»fi $6 I© $£ il©$tM ^Mt thdfl^ fi^tu^ft tj©r# Away wspsgesf flssd a imntO' of ^ ot «*® dbot# or feoio^ 'tout f&giuw* mig&ife "&#• 03Sp#d%Oi* ?«$&$ lit sif^ ®ii^# tfeft *fttfcaftfe$d $wm%& ®mM$ mi? SlMfSl WWH & KSaiiia ^t©lte Of ft,© <Si6lO«l«$* m feod sojawaed u$imm t®Xm%m m ijmtm^m teftmi m»m mxfrvm omvgp mrnvrnptim. pm <toi%4 ^© a^omt' '*& satifllttetof^ n ^aiit for ^valwatittg #^ fl'^imlssg f#di 0»¥i4# m <*« Sitih tfe^M figospw s@ « M#i# for e^ap^ii^n. tte^u «*$ «^1U 4m% t ^a^^t $» tUi^ stii^f fulfil fmil w&iitxfn t}3ft totsftX iaily «fiX$vi« ^uMbs» imltoM. %hQm i>%%8&m& txm tm m®®t®§ Vfrp* % tM ii0t^t:9: oft '■!»©» fM# i»t^4Nifi>0e 3&gJ&S& &8m, M. 43^ feU^ isfegi life **% A 4> O m,A 43 m m to u 43 .4> *» ^> ■gj '0 ^ .©>■ gi 4J! 09' ^ »■ •»■ 1. f 1 «> _ q .0 ■& :-cj 1 I. *■ * 1.19 «sl«.0 & €3 4% 42 and 1 g$s& tdf* po^at of ^0%' ^Ight hike ^dd coJisMo^ed tft- be tio ?a®'Sou TGHQT mn^itt&m fdi* gi?Qwtk a#©4 ^ ba ^99 f^forabi© 'Willis tile f^ot-ela ^itl:^i#;0 eoastitut® a# S8i«sii m %M$ &t t3M» IwlfffX onloads.** Few ^ tli^, ttttdtl&a iwj&fl*%0<i ift tfos Htd^toyo feftWitt III©' ia®itt Im^f |>#fii ©t*!piii?®<i mt m tili» t^SCJilti -^f t/^-t^ b^li^' Qvifflmii$» -Bmh tett ^ iu>fc ****** ^MM* fit© tot-^oKiiig stwaftr^ inMmtm. 1to& MM& of atu^ w&$&l! Mffiit siiei® JAI^I ^SSF &$«£&££& ^B#«atf of ^^tin fte^ ^J,7)- Mtataa^r #f attttoi €0Oifew# $4 %#%$$ $M&^i<m®&. wfttjiswi** iitisj $?m®> *#r f^t^f of #i5iiii:%s**$ i$#U $^i^^ M^tai^ I9i$| titt^f »ft*Miy lltM) ii#tii^ i ®*t gr^ms i*0 g3*igjii: 44 m&® m pF®«mfam% efaiMrm xtoMi g4v0 m*# mmt ia^twmfoiw Aft %o t#^4ia?^Wa%* sim^f of ^»i»m&ia*i^MH '^iaii^n*: $$■ mm ®%mm®& thatth$ a£t»og#a per idld^sta of lwt# ^liHt ia^ftit^i with ■Baa©- itm^ (#-4) th« iiit^©g@a ttos'^e p©^ fc£tegP6i» #f ijeif ^Igiife t/60 $mim m M®u itm ifa» $»<»$« ^f tmidr^ mottris^d: eMlOraa m %&® &igl% pi?ot#iti «« oft the lem iftf f^ottla pw l&lti3#a& fo* u^fiKWiWBflehieid ^Iiilirea* ate also r0«s83^i©^®4 i^|, tb» ^efee *f mia *!b$34P«a# ii#»j®a Ditsratged J«da«O0 ©u «i little ©s *0**66 gmm pm pwaA high m Mm $»&*£& %mmm v-m a s^fe%Q3? of %eeSi2i&ii&si* ■ pt^ltla mm ii»9Q09?korir ill tem mnm^tm m mm® &&* ti?09tt, ^*66 tt&ti&f* O^ ^g.#r ak# ^|tt'0# that M^ 8taaie$ ■zhi%&em 0$ t:&# ages stttditt fthould receive afsout ^Vt A ^ibfigd of 10*80 &tom an finr#reig.e of 1$ ®?mm ■&$ $PGb0lm- «$*» fafnis^a «ftdb «fall4 dftily "by tM m&B&e? uthooX moala la 1>3ils» ttti%* tMt id $& ^fMflpa^ 'Of 1 @rm ttma ^he @3?p©.et^^ hal^f of th&$.& gtom p®* MXagpm of %6% «roigbt which sii^it fe©' mmM@m& m @ ^ftadeaea *©&lowius * ■t,©a^l2a^ ©f Wast tt«il#f «M#li b«?* fei^a ■ed&tafc&l* 2a tfefe $wi?©err school a©&is, adlk fli^pX&dd oalf ^feomt ■ 4$^ oi tki8 total pj'O^tixi* m & tm&m -of the literate© tfasm ooaparati^eiy few steaia-©' of fchQ jauounta of aitj'erels i» tM- ai#ti of p*©* ^tM»ol eMM^#n» BsSJuieo d^udlofi tei?© %NMM» aad© Ijy ■Sb©i«an and $Iimi©f' .tad. Qo^fii ^o^tl^ % Bmiiois t» 4te^ teistao- ttm $$£<i%w «*a flidspfed^omt n^©a» ©f the p»©«tdfaodX ohiia« mmsr$ dietary «i*u4y oa ao'sm^i bdaXttogr pr©*dOhool oMii2?®n has- ^OBtriteutsi t^-lliO lBaBcSfe0i%8 tit tueii9 feqtairta&Kits; to* gltodptttro&g* Pe^htps- a fow mom' atodioe -ar© a^aiJab-3,.® om the i*en r^ftii^ejaeijt f©'^ th&a ©g© -all of t?M<5h a^e £a f^£s, agfoomtat, ai$s «lmdf ©» SI .Gblld^#a b»%«fi«a 3*14 fmm of agt* fh^y foand that theiy gromp iM liot fitoa to- tsti'llg© tlu» caleiwm of v:-Qge$tkb%m m w^il sur tfonfe of v^Lltk*. fla© a^lsrma 'x*0tositio?i of emloiwi tmn olit&iutd tMm f^» milk -aliowaaeo ap^OElagLtod JL quai't dally* ffeis .00^0^ £*&»• vidod .1 gs?:®^ of'otloiyM,: D^ni-olg and; oo^o^kora 18^ -laiso filing %® 'b©l$a&© ffiofclaod, madO" $t study la 1935 of M pXQ+ttohti&l ohiMyon tj^tw^oa th# *&$ tf S*? .ena 6# «0&4bh$> mm tma& tksfe %ho ssjo^itf Of emlolwa ^©toatiojas \70^o fcoteroou-. 6*!I0 ailiigl?©®©pm tetttogmm of bodf ©oigiit ^eg^dloss of «fe*th$? I pint o? % qp&ris at milte was i»^0$t^* fotltl'ir© feslimctf x&t* w6&&te&b&& 4ft att la^©ati0o of 48«>S0 tsUligsafiia of ealdiitti f>'#5? kiiogs?©® ta?.0^a^0i stoffieient: vltwnin D w©e feLld^d* Saaiol©' tttud^.«a« eoaduefced i^l^te ^©11 nosri«h«d <sfei2.d^0a afaom dit^s ©tfe^ tfeiw aillM w®r© $ttfpX^tag approslBattl-f IfeKsty (it) Jtt h^r aidtsi?f ste% aai©- fe^ the irtdivid*- •chief ©daree of' $&l$iiM «^ til® lu^elco f»aEg©^ .f^om ng© tjpm B to % femn ani inelta6©a ^out ©faal mm^e^s g©-$t©a p^r dwy witla aa a^^gt1 of *-S| gpttfts. With S'li@3eumj»;8 jstaiiiaa?^ of i a*'^® ^f talcitte )^» toy tb© **&&& l^xm a la&lf of ttM» iftil^ 2i39d @f eale&tkm* With tb$» 1 <5mp |i«;r <JMM f©f toy it is td fet ^|i0^t#d tte% i m zmmm m® w$m%®t {Ml in tfabi® %®lmm® fttufisr fottetd tb&t t« gftjwwet .odaiifion® «jhiOh iafiii@ac#a tM d^^agj^ ©f •cmlttim ^adea. t«y iiifim#©6# that ## pkos* I ^muct ^f atlfe: pea? ^ElM ^^ Sstf wemM *efc4*$y tii» »»* that ^f 6«l4tau S3i3U& *©sptf6d <3Ui tbft' -cMof i#«pe# ©f larger i»t&ic» of phos^mmm- tkm of $®i®hm,9 i&a ^sagt toafates oi »%m®§ &&m* »!# ^gaia atoi^ at^rif ^pptoml^ ■m$G9 1/3 of thd lellj n#©a tSma tli# I/B ^hi-ofe fcto* '0ofao&3.- ae&Xd MgM b© ®i|J6et#4 to fwt^al^ii* m ^o^ii^mtst dxuS tM% for Bdeqttftt^ gfotr^'li # &£$ mmgln of she. ^©.eoa»SRi$4 ftt Mast *fS laS.IilgS'^ii of Si^on pe* 10© c&l0ri#0 fog* mintdsumied aad good ^osrth* l,.elclit#»iss -aai. Mm tW) ift '^ti «3^o e$aducte$ ^lagfgm of UMf tmgm* MM Bmm thm tomb th^ fi^tiMd. ttte p.K»o»oimo©i inilviauml iif f§mm®% in th® ^quireaen^s of ©Mia^^s tfe©f, loo^ «asgo«t * $00 tt«#g$8- of «efoty, m$k%n$ mm fitwwJttjPO: olXotsit^oe for oMMsma of tMt ap «60 a!i£U3*a&9 p^ 100 o&SLOX'iod oaf app^gimgtel^ a#^B fti© thlri *o**fto of 'feai»^# '0foi$io» st ijaSio^ted fesr t^ 3Lft^a^j?# ai'© tshotte of pauitig mi Wl&kb in |93i '(©•) fie m tto$ <5o^0r m$ term T^m&gom- of B hmtthf^. mmml m®mm $*<«* f-0l?©J3tloii^ of tlS !ai31isy«BM( ^er kiiog^aa* im^iatioms m $m®%® of ^#!it£oia wimim $h# Maits ©r tiie osspa^is^^ aid not SIOP t© jwiftiX't im ^ifi^mm® la 2?0<|iit^©»©at0 iuai XHMMUF for g^Otitls^ a3ttli«u^b & oMii ^ifefe <l©pl#t0^ roaarfog tilg£& jp^paii?*. OOB'Si^mlai?' ffio» ia?oa. o'vor a p#i*lod &t 2 w^ma &m$& m emme* toxtl® 4»t«ke of *sx^ m.iM4$$m pm m%®m®& 05? f «78 saiiii^imf 0;f • i^oa pw eliild p^ iSfty* 'Sli^ tvotoA «. ttua#xiOF tov;^d as iiwif^aijos i»laifi#' -with 4a isoro^i^ && ^g#» j9%t6 afet^itet^d thi^ imvmm to the »lAfift*Xy bigh^^ imvmm la fealoriot m<i to- tk® g^ottoi'' javsm^©^ of l^i.itf- ma ^OgO'lft^lti in tm ■ol4or «Mid*# 64#t,, Xa ^$0 4$#h« |3t) 'm€§ 4^* »o^: «•»«?«»*. ^^oay vbidb was aot#d to th» Lit^ratw^if aar lb^i®i<j# #tm€f ia^t^^a tfcat of i iao5?m^3.. «|iii^» |»o» 4.*© ^®p# of a$@* 4 p©»i* of %o^y' ^©igbs* te dtt$ st^o l» jfelr meoM vtlMi tmmtM&& tQwmam>i3&&- W ito* otfe©^' 'iairo#ti@^to^f * mm mm%f » ^toi tfeoa the ^si>#et^ litlf »f &m mitf §mmm mm mmm mmmamsfimtimM ■ H. fii.i^i.liriil;,.i.iV,i.ii<nii.ii) tf.nii IlaefBl '-»^iVii;.%'-»= #?*--wi^«W7»li»-;i<.i!tii itiiiiMiti'^ ii yf)».'Vini,Mi«yr»-i)<|i',*rJiy, mmm t0l? .psagia^w^^e S^s^asa^ s&si^^esfe^! s^sts© ^%ss^ ^^ss^e^fe^i .*tm fyffl^iwf^i^asalij!^^^ mm ♦000*60 iteq6i$x®& lom fc$ea &>m v$Mi. &&&&* &m tt im® ■$$% ta* M mm (a#) m$®i ^m® wmwMw fa* * liM^i mm^f tffatfo#i&m mM <$m®&®pm!$r is mmMM f#i*? sm #fcet#t5 if growing #iiM nwli f2«fiN»«uM^ *» i»«»fntt*« t* t«k» eii»# Maai «^|iX«9B«tit> v$ #om0- ft«b lifti* oix m wM&kim uo mtwitlve ©M^atialti ^©^tamt im %m 0?m&$m <sh%M*n aWPW^y iKfootft l*ltBS#a i!rom 13700*4400 Sh@i*ja©n unit9 «al|f wi^M ass.&v#^it of $$&} m&^t «p «y»8aMy '900 %m±m p&jp M0t:srr stmalif of row' itel%8#m ^ t^ ©MM wMw»d« *V«P « falitf %mm pextesb *£ ^® ®fo<m- Wxefc twm W to 46 Sh0»!B?afc*iajft«0 t®itf of B^ t@r W ©aiwi@'# w#^t amt^im.^ ii^^i- ai^»m*0lms.t mitt pw ioo e^i©ftm B4 f^©a S^^i.04 tmits with an feygpage dl" 88 tmlts per mGal* With aa. «tvds*ase weiglxt of 28*9 kiSLOg^msi© p©2? chil^^ $h&$® wm&®. ■W6i&& mpp%j$n$ little mm® than 6 SM^asm-Ohas^ uiiiti pm MXo&tm of feodf wight ©# sbout: i/S af th# A9 a ptssiil-t <>f ho.f iiotar^ studied ov^f tong, pwtGlte of ^bj»(EKr«ft.tion^ tot© (i&6) atts tl3,# da&iy .a!li<?mad0 ^f iritimia 0 f#jE» 'eh£lir©@ tip to 1,0 f©&rs fit SO- Shei'saaii tMit$ JBsrWBOn to© Gani0'i0 fli| fowt^ th# highest iN)td&ti0Xi# that tb@r& was ti* g^atsit- dttBttafi for v&t&n&ii 0' is tlbo ■Iii- « i9©^!^ of tfee vSt^mixi € teq^ireaoatt f©s? hoaaaat Smitfe (36) pl^^a th@ X$&it& o-t gfenQimt® vtdudd of A90osp%»ici seid for oiiiii^n feotw^^m 383 'm& too ■mX%%%$rmim ©a? aoi?^.. Sh©: stated thut 40 ndlligSftunft ta&f h® mmMo&QM 4x& & fam^Xf a4o^tti:t* etMunstt^tioii |.^<&1 tH*te with little »W?@ii3i. of" fafdty or a2.^wa«n<i# for i»S£irMw©l vm'i&§i®®$ in ¥®qpL$&®mm.t+ tu %'QPm 0f ^0%' weight- thin .ro^ufr^* ttdttt taouM %© fithout 6>& to 7*$ iQ£3,Xlgr«ai9 fer kilog^sm* m Tm mmm® t&M ^Mm^n ® content at tfm tmrniff &Qh&Q%> uml® xm» 4$ ®tmmm %m%t& $&* tkil® with e tswg© $t m**m t^iti* flili 4* .$|j.6i&i$ i»2^ tium teXf e* 'tii# oa too aansr *w*0s?» to iWRewfltt ap$6i£&« stetem&tt to fiyifl)^ iW) tamb t& i* S. f% \mlt« 6f 'ti#®si.ln D m |.0Ci0^ fSO c*e» #f ttisoth&r ^Flth IPO® ,500*400 wilt* of vitaa&tt ^ to pwM -tmuWrnftlf m&%* mtmtim of fMia'ftia dt fix© aariwwy #©lai&0i ^1%' ^mttilfaod tli» tsfittti 190 tr# s* ?# tttdt« af titawlit ^* tM# «&$*& y«if^#s«i^ half of th© ©llow^^^' f©^owa0Bi©i &r ^^Nftbdj te% rosMbo*** Bfammm mm lm£v*& (W t&M tb*t m yet #sfe&»%©©. pfoi&bij ttsft -a^at MiMmfci&l ^ttJaat** tiaus far «wMl*» f@^ a^f &>» -0hlUE»©tt 'tii) t# M ffafs ^t #g#? <«? SO xmSM -eonprn^* 8ti0l»&l&setg f^eoa-amii- 480 mi%tt tot tjogp* i^aer $ «$l gi^'l^ ■mator 9 3«NB*« of age. Shttma m®$$ f ^ vit^Mi^ ^ via.iid#. of tlii» tm&s at tfeft war*©if ■lehooH i-^fii. .t^om ®f*$3$ tsai^s tail? tdtk «& mmm® $t tai% mm $&r ^feiii* goro g^^to^t a-llo^wcos of M%& im&A h&lv to WmB. tfeata «^ to a&ecpa©f *^titm of $h* iw^ .itofe^lo^ ^oiil4. ia^ieftftft tbafc tte vitezsda 0 wilder of %#■ ^,^1$. ©atoa #t lama» troi»o lotror tbam tlio^e of tMmmal me®X®> t mmBj 14 tam&X, ^^pmm^lf tm&ltu$ m$Mrm. h®%mm m® ^$m of $& m&. $& maatlii ©ntirtiy v&j^emmfttototve ■$£ %© ^n** ^'olliiie^ mt $h$ CwwraXXts t* ^» A* amte^'i* ^tdiool* th'tir not® tfam '%. MIOW tM average wei^t fosr to&iefet #ua ®@#» ' '^©r® not in att»d®4^# ftt 'selaeol mas imy '13$. .domtM^t^t a fairly feteupftto- pletrW^ #f th© te>m# iSi«fe|ia?idd# fh© foo4 fajsniiiifag mo?'©- ^to» *gg* HEQ- wisafe «4asS»&066.# to. a^^g'^ ©f o«siy 6,1 «t)^ji of jailfe* 'l..;i ogg«« sn^ S*® ©f^i^gs of vftgetR^fiua otbtr tfaysw potatoes ^r© eo^#^i^ per ©1x114 p«p v^ek at laam* $&© fmit 'atsppl^ way ^® ^^aii^roS fairly aafeidfafttoapy, .^©raging 10 *i smrr&Bg# p©^- chili pat .we^M.. $&fatfte$a£tfm& ftdmisbei 60}^, ^rol#iii l^l -©si fal g©^ of the boa© «al8pi#a xfeleh ia a falfr didtritosi* tion fof .dl0ti oa l^ia lacoa© iav©l# Osaly X §\\%%$ m ^th^s4 then tfea ^a^ftt©^ ISC^ ftf «ih0 6f&witt» a©©i#a ' «j»Qh 4te|r. " Shi* Ho^ SCIIOQI fo©4 gxyfeete* re^id^i t^ toi©l th® m®mm %&%$& M&<W&® tn%m^ wm aMM per Mw of the trot^ia 4x4 ^# «f %M t#ltl ei^tltf »■ ®ii w^igfet wss: tt^ii^<a iitlif t« -©^fe -03»i34 i&ieli -la ®p%f®Mk*» JMJ M- .00m44^®fi tja* ft^endewd 9*$t*&si. MMW»0« f 62? ••SS' g^«Htt$ of pb&ft^ko^o^ a^' #003 gtf«Bft of te©ix w^# m 9J?c ■©.f m mmimmmi mm nmommm^mm pmt&Q to mpwif titeMto Swtif $£ tew ©laiii1^ iie^Uar f^M #iJ-owgta©0 ax*© ^hos^ in tMi 0tu<3y to fui'aith »& »!»# ttea a thMi of MM i^i% mei©* foo^ Imag^t womli taddttBtfaif "bg .ato^as-^y* tat %b i» th* intafe© Q#' #Mto ^hiM W &ime®m®® without «fidlsg to gpied* esamed ©^ fresfe ia mmm with JUea with aore of the :»on©f diir^rt^a to Wm PW-* Glmm of 'esgg «t» * ^oi»o<$' of ppoMia. gredacr such as 'ferotax i?ice am^ barley,: Asd «tte3s»«l^ U90 of daaris oi» lohoXe whoat 'to©4<l$^ 4* 5fla«s toloetioa of; the i@#& o^p^aslir® fos^ais 4o^© «it£bout saerlficisis fooi vaMo.. fc$ ^!ji #M ttet tM total, ^tt^i iattfe© A S't^% o# food wrngsmn* t^ i^e.^sila© t&# %eut .issarteti, mw^td Imv© g^t^l w3m in «%t«iit$in$ «4«fttftey BtBummfw. S3'* !>.♦ AK fiU3?.©erf -$t:.liO©l ^t; tbd tj« of ©# l^iii^^* A* l»*? ^Itosl^ M* 1*,. '®aott, B* IS** #♦, Dimiti^, Agqr s*** an* weight, o^ltf B. 10.; |Ji?'ako> fv ®* H» S^oa *«ft ^oiap®4»|soia of tot:i*^.<5Mtlfe sffsfci tfiMtidt wi-lii oMi<a3?&2i of ^©*t^ooi %go^- i@s* ^ow*. ]lKift$Aft0p 'OMl^x*©^, gI"?X«fS0, .-1901.,* j, *?SS3,# 1»^. aa4 fl6^>. lira Esmts^ii* tthft 3LS* iieitf, ssiKghte.<« ii':oii m iitti ©f ,p^*aijMoi -caiix* oawft^ <)lJi# Agi** Sspfe'* $tst* Btoo* fiull* I©* 'it,, ia^'^sf t Ww$i&m+ flit piliofpiio^oti© iiitdk^ of pf^tetiooi 'iMiiridiMi a#tixo<l* Oteto Ag**'* '^>|-* 8ta*. "' "*' .o&U i^SlI> !»» ^^*. i©3S* t&& f<):od,lial)it» ©mQ pEy^ical te-roloimaii^ of ia growth* ©Mo -ft^J?> Isp* Sta. Biiii* no* §49'. S2* m©iit of 0'iii34y@tt of p^o^'seho^l 'ag#* ,&»» tfour* t$* JftiwM&Jt* l^^at&t^ um^mg* •a k #^ fist ^ff0«&t of altistg osfteaage $M,m mdi' #f a&'S tril$iflin wail*** ©§* 0* It mffiibiximX $%n&tf ®f letsf Twk, ^eiiche** .o^I^g^^ 3^i$. 'ebiXd^MKKl* iSTeniP* Mmti'i'&icisa* ^i2g0*^3S* 19^0* is..* shdvsas^-, Bewuy .0* Gh&sXBto? of f0©# end i!Mt»SLti$wi# $4» SMejpasa^ 2.* 0* mM ftmlsffi* Wi$&b* lM6%-m m® pb&$** phoxms mttfooiim. »» oMX&iioo®. Sow?* M<&* 65 <tf* tfe* .mtti^iial '©Mia r#$-#a-i*e'Ii <5#?i%#f* 3d* f» $# itJJHSf* (tj* $« ^ is* M*; mSL If* S* D^f*.. &|3?;» til*. W* SOS..) Ummil* 8« 3B. vit&&£ai otw^oat #f food®'* $1% yotow ®$' «g** If*. $« Ifiaapd'wu. tub* »« sS7#) ftp^ttla. as^s&jll^i* &m* $$&*■ M'BmM®$ (MMrm- $&t9$&»ffl&» M2B* 44* tSf. Vifcdt© Hous^ Oosfd)pesie& on €M.i& Health ^ad ^roteetidn^ Growth m& dfeT^'lopm^at of tjj^ ebU4* F^^t III^ HUtrltlon, Hew fork, S?iao CQatBS?y Co» 1052. Bib* Healtli* 21*100^*103.^. 10©1.