TOO GOOD FOR DRUGS HEALTH UNIT 8TH GRADE MONDAY SEPT 28 LESSON ONE- GO FOR YOUR GOALS Develop personal goals List steps to reach goals Demonstrate how to picture yourself overcoming obstacles to reach your goal Discuss how famous people overcame obstacles to reach their goals Studies show that the ability to set and achieve goals is a critical developmental asset. LESSON TWO- TEENAGERS TALK Discuss 5 areas of adolescent development Discuss behaviors that can interfere with positive adolescent development Discuss the ups and downs of being a adolescent Studies show some teens use drugs to cope with developmental task of adolescence. This lesson is designed to show young people that drug use does not help them grow up, but makes it harder to develop and mature. LESSON THREE- COMMUNICATION: LOOK, LISTEN AND ASK Define Communication Discuss three important elements of communication Demonstrate active learning skills Discuss the benefits of using active listening skills Surveys show some students say they use drugs because no one understands them. Effective communication skills help young people to understand others and to be understood. These skills enable teens to ask for help if they need it.