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Psychology 2121 Exam 1 Study Guide

Psychology 2121 Exam 1 Study Guide
Spring 2023
Determinants of puberty
Imaging techniques to study adolescent brain
Developments in memory and attention
Approaches to the study of adolescence
Body image, healthy vs. poor, contributors
Themes in adolescent research
Adolescent relativism
Adolescent egocentrism
Positive youth development
Contributors to the rise obesity in adolescence, treatment for obesity
Data collection methods
Research designs
Adolescent growth spurt
Psychological impact of puberty
Changes that underlie information processing in adolescence
Time span of research
Ethical guidelines
Why adolescents take risks and under what circumstances
Secular trend in puberty
Primary vs. secondary sexual characteristics
Jean Piaget: theory, characteristics of formal operational stage, criticisms
Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Steroid use in adolescence and its complications
Anorexia and bulimia: symptoms, correlates, outcomes
Early thoughts on adolescence
Domains of development
G Stanley Hall: theory of recapitulation, storm and stress,
How sleep changes during puberty
Intelligence testing: limitations, factors that influence adolescent performance
Criticisms of the SAT
Age of adolescence
Contexts that should be considered when studying adolescents
Multidimensional thinking
Changes in the adolescent brain (structure and function) and what it means for adolescent
behavior (decision-making, culpability for crime)
Developmental and adult plasticity