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Personal Development Summative Test: Adolescence & Stress

WEEK 5-6
Summative Test
Name: __________________________________________ Section: _________________ Date: _________________
Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the Letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the tasks that teens are dealing with?
a. Overcoming insecurities with the changing body.
b. Adjusting to new intellectual abilities
c. Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates of both sexes.
d. All of the above
2. What is the range of adolescence?
a. 31-39
b. 51-59
c. 11-19
d. 21-29
3. Which of the following developmental challenges implies that entering into a relationship is all about showing
genuine love and care for the other person not just to satisfy one’s urges and needs?
a. The attitude and behavior toward sexuality and sexual relationships.
b. Developing or regaining self-esteem
c. Group belongingness
d. Relationships
4. Which of the following developmental challenges focuses on proper grooming and self-care can help improve
one’s feeling and attitude about him/herself?
a. The attitude and behavior toward sexuality and sexual relationships.
b. Developing or regaining self-esteem
c. Group belongingness
d. Relationships
The need for an adolescent to belong in the form of a social groups such as school friends, memberships in
organizations, and community refers to which of the following developmental challenges?
a. The Attitude and Behavior toward Sexuality and Sexual Relationship
b. Developing or Regaining Self-Esteem
c. Group Belongingness
d. Relationships
6. When adolescents are asked the following questions: “What will you fight for or die for?”, “What can I not
afford to lose?” and “What can I not live without?” they are quick to answer and most of the answers to the
questions are their families or loved ones. This refers to which of the following developmental challenges?
a. Values and Beliefs
b. Roles
c. Material Poverty
d. Health and nutrition
7. This developmental challenge is part of one’s identity. When there is a disparity between one’s self-identity,
confusion arises.
a. Values and beliefs
b. Roles
c. Material Poverty
d. Health and Nutrition
8. Which statement describes an adolescent? Choose two answers.
a. During this stage, a person develops a sense of who they are and learn from intimate relationship.
b. During this stage, a person spends most time in behaving as adults and less time behaving as a child.
c. During this stage, a person exhibits fear in taking risks and controls every action they make.
d. During this stage, a person engages in an unhealthy behavior such as smoking or drug use.
This drives the adolescent to experience surges of sexual desires which often lead to experimentation and
a. Hormonal Changes
b. Puberty
c. Physical Appearance
d. Character
10. Why do we have to assess ourselves?
a. In order for us to understand our needs and choose the right direction in attaining our goals.
b. For us to determine what’s important and reflect on what’s going on in our life.
c. For us to plan and manage our life properly.
d. All of the above.
11. It is the period of development transition between childhood and adulthood.
a. Adolescence
b. Middle age
c. Early Childhood
d. Middle Adulthood
12. Teachers and significant others (peers, bestfriend, boyfriend/girlfriend) are influential figures in this stage of
a. Teenager
b. Young Adult
c. Middle Adult
d. Both A and B
13. Adolescents undergo identity crisis during which they must establish an identity, goals and purpose.
a. True
b. False
c. Somewhat True
d. Somewhat False
14. According to him, identity versus ego is the fifth stage of ego.
a. Jean Piaget
b. Lawrence Kohlberg
c. Erik Erickson
d. All of the above
15. Teen behavior is unpredictable and impulsive.
a. True
b. False
c. Somewhat True
d. Somewhat False
Directions: Enumerate what is asked for in each number.
1-9 Most Significant Developmental Challenges Teenagers Face
1-10 Common Characteristics of a person at Adolescent Stage
WEEK 7-8
Summative Test
Name: __________________________________________ Section: _________________ Date: _________________
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is an external stressor?
a. School demand and expectations
b. Selecting a school and college course or career
c. Separation anxiety
d. All of these
2. Which of the following is an internal stressor?
a. Health and Concerns
b. Family demands and expectations
c. Demands of Social Life
d. All of these.
3. This view of stress is caused by situations which is often called stressors.
a. Stress as a stimulus
b. Stress as a response
c. Stress as relational
d. All of these
4. When a person’s body reacts to challenging situations. It involves the interaction between hormones, glands,
and nervous system. This refers to what view of stress.
a. Stress as stimulus
b. Stress as a response
c. Stress as relational
d. All of these
5. When a person experiencing stress takes a step back to look at the situation that is causing the stress and
assesses it. This refers to what view of stress?
a. Stress as a stimulus
b. Stress as a response
c. Stress as relational
d. All of these
6. This is a reactive attempt to overcome difficulties to stay happy, safe and sane.
a. Consciousness
b. Coping skills
c. Adaption
d. None of the above
7. These methods are used in handling thoughts and feelings caused by the problem.
a. Problem and Managing Emotions
b. Management Skills
c. Leading Skills
d. Controlling
8. This can be very stressful and may cause emotional and psychological trauma to the individual experiencing
a. Social Support
b. Bullying
c. Physical Changes
d. All of the above
9. Is another technique that is frequently used to address stress, anxiety or anger.
a. Observation
b. Focus
c. Imagery
d. None of the above
10. These are the keys to effective imagery, except ____________.
a. Get all your senses involved: Sight, sound, taste, smell.
b. Breathe deeply.
c. Stay Calm.
d. All of the above
11. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of middle adolescence?
a. Intense concern with how they look and the belief that others are concerned too.
b. Dramatic increase in risky behaviors, such as drug use.
c. Confiding in friends instead of parents.
d. A higher regard for their parents (may even ask parents for advice)
12. The transition from child to adult involves a change in _________.
a. Status
b. Rights
c. Responsibilities
d. None of the above
13. This involves handling the thoughts and feelings caused by the problem.
a. Managing Emotions
b. Problems Solving
c. Managing Stress
d. Coping Skills
14. This involves trying to deal with the problem by changing the situation or getting rid of the problem.
Managing Emotions
Problems Solving
Managing Stress
Coping Skills
15. Everyone of us goes through a stressful situation and we need to cope with it.
a. True
b. False
c. Somewhat True
d. Somewhat False.
1-5 List down at least 5 progressive muscle relaxation technique that you do.
ESSAY (15 points)
Identify the at least Five (5) stressors that you consider in your life right now. Discuss the steps that you
do to cope up and overcome these difficulties.