Rowan County Board of Education Regular Meeting

Rowan County Board of Education Regular Meeting
November 18, 2014, 6 p.m.
Rowan County Board of Education
Present Board Members:
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
1. Open meeting
1.a. Call meeting to order
Chairman Bill Redwine called the meeting to order.
1.b. Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Bill Redwine led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1.c. Recognize visitors and guests
1.c.- School presentation by Clearfield Elementary
Tami Buttry said Clearfield Elementary has lots of clubs, and students are
extremely well rounded with academics and extracurricular activities.
Clearfield Elementary students from various grades and clubs then performed a
dance to music titled “Shake It Off.” Superintendent Moore and the board
thanked the students for their excellent presentation.
1.c.- Recognize RCSHS cheerleaders
RCSHS cheerleaders noted that for the first time in twenty-six years, they have
been invited to compete in the national cheerleading competition in Orlando,
Florida. The cheerleaders individually introduced themselves to the board and
noted that they have been doing fundraising for the trip. They said this will
be a wonderful opportunity for them to compete against cheerleaders across the
nation and asked for board permission to go on the trip. Superintendent Moore
said the cheerleaders, Brenda Ballard, Shelby Halliday, and Lucy Moore work
hard. He said with the board’s policy, he can approve the trip with the board’s
blessing. The board wished the cheerleaders good luck and noted that they will
be tremendous ambassadors for the school district.
1.c.- Recognize Elizabeth Reffitt
Elizabeth Reffitt noted that she came to the board’s tax rate hearing; and at
last month’s board meeting, she asked the board to consider doing a productivity
study. She asked if the board had considered this.
Bill Redwine said the board just received a clean report on the annual audit,
and the cost to do a productivity study would be around $15,000 to $20,000 which
would be a couple of aide positions; and the board can’t afford it. He noted
that fifty jobs have been cut over the last six years, and the cost for
transportation has increased with no increase in transportation funding. He
said with all the requirements coming from the Kentucky Department of Education,
the board wants to be as conservative as possible.
Elizabeth Reffitt said the audit was excellent, and she applauds the board for
this. She said the audit addresses money and where it was spent, but it doesn’t
speak to the largest cost of most businesses which is employee cost and trying
to be sure to utilize cost in the most effective way possible. She said the
board has looked at things and couldn’t find a way to cut cost, but last month
the board hired an athletic trainer; and this cost would go a long way toward
doing a productivity study.
Bill Redwine said most school districts the size of Rowan County have an
athletic trainer. Elizabeth Reffitt said she thinks with the right people
plugged in the right positions and the right talents, they could help kids with
athletics. Bill Redwine said the Kentucky Department of Education makes sure
school districts have the right number of employees.
Elizabeth Reffitt questioned the tax on utilities and the retiring debt for the
high school. Superintendent Moore noted that 35 percent of the property in
Rowan County is nontaxable. Elizabeth Reffitt said if funds have been retired,
where is the money going now? Superintendent Moore said everyone wants students
in Rowan County to be successful; and with the mandates handed down, there’s not
enough revenue to support needs. He said the utility tax is needed to support
all programs throughout the district. He said last year the board spent $2.1
million for transportation, and there hasn’t been an increase in transportation
funds since 2003 – 2004. He noted that 82 percent of the budget is in
personnel, and the other 18 percent is in keeping the buildings open.
Elizabeth Reffitt said she agrees that we owe it to the kids to do the best we
can, and she said this is why she’s here as she wants to work with the board.
She asked if there is a time to comment on things when there is a meeting going
on or if it’s just under visitors and guests. Superintendent Moore said the
board usually follows Robert’s rule and goes with five-minute presentations. He
said if anyone wants to be on the board agenda, an item can be put on the agenda
for discussion. Elizabeth Reffitt said there would be more effective
communication if something could be added before the end of the agenda so people
that have something to offer could address the board as a great idea could be
lost if someone doesn’t come back to the next meeting. She said this would make
the agenda more audience friendly, and an appearance of more openness would be
2. Approve regular business items
2.a. Approve October 21, 2014, board meeting minutes
2.b. Approve payment of monthly claims
Motion Passed: Motion to approve regular business items passed with a motion by
Mr. Danny Mabry and a second by Mr. Rick Whelan.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
3. Personnel report
Meinke, Keller
Pack, Wendy
employ as the second assistant girls’ basketball coach
at Rowan County Senior High School effective November 6,
employ for the FMD elementary teacher position district
wide with the Rowan County Schools effective November 7,
Jimison, Robert
Kochendoerfer, Tierra
resign as a bus driver with the Rowan County Schools
effective November 21, 2014
resign as the girls’ assistant basketball coach at Rowan
County Senior High School effective October 17, 2014
Bumgardner, Charlotte
retire as a teacher at Rowan County Middle School
effective January 1, 2015
4. Treasurer's report
Superintendent Moore gave the treasurer’s report reflecting a balance in the
general fund of $1,286,000.14.
5. Report from Harshaw Trane
Jon Lehr from Harshaw Trane gave an intelligent services update for Rowan County
Senior High School, McBrayer Elementary, and Tilden Hogge Elementary. He
reported on the energy intensity comparison for the three schools as well as
goals for moving forward.
6. Report on Unbridled Learning
Mike Mathews reported on the TELL survey results from 2011 and 2013 on
facilities and resources and noted that the TELL survey is taken by the
teachers. He also reported on the progress made to date based on the 2013
Superintendent Moore said by statute, the superintendent has to be evaluated by
the board on an annual basis.
Mike Mathews said the board has to approve by December 31, 2014, if they will
use the new superintendent evaluation model created by the state steering
committee beginning with the 2015 – 2016 school year for the superintendent’s
annual evaluation.
Bill Redwine said as more mandates are pushed down to the local board, maybe
people should lobby legislators to evaluate the commissioner.
Danny Mabry said he doesn’t like the way the evaluation process is done now as
it is done during an open board meeting. He said he doesn’t want to insult the
superintendent in front of the audience or the press if there’s something he
doesn’t like.
Motion Passed: Motion to approve that the Rowan County Board of Education will
use the new superintendent evaluation model created by the state steering
committee beginning the 2015 - 2016 school year for the superintendent's annual
evaluation passed with a motion by Mr. Danny Mabry and a second by Mrs. Jennifer
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
7. Approve the order of participation for the alternate unused sick leave
program for classified personnel and approve Policy No. 03.273 pertaining to
classified personnel retirement
Superintendent Moore noted that the board had a first reading on Policy
No. 03.273 at last month’s board meeting. He said if the board approves the
order of participation for the alternate unused sick leave program for
classified personnel as well as Policy No. 03.273 pertaining to classified
personnel retirement, the County Employees Retirement System will be notified
that Rowan County is going to participate in the program.
Motion Passed: Motion to approve the order of participation for the alternate
unused sick leave program for classified personnel and to approve Policy
No. 03.273 pertaining to classified personnel retirement passed with a motion by
Mr. Rick Whelan and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Anderson.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
8. Select an architect for high school renovations and approve an
owner/architect agreement
Superintendent Moore noted that the high school is thirty-three years old and
needs some renovations. He said he is proposing that the board hire an
architect and approve a BG-1 to get project work moving.
Roland Mueller with Ross-Tarrant Architects said his company’s background is
dedicated to education, and they take their projects seriously. Superintendent
Moore noted that Leon Browning was the original architect for the high school,
and Roland Mueller is familiar with Leon Browning’s projects.
Bill Redwine said renovation work is an investment in the facility. He said if
a new building of comparable size were built, it would cost $50 million.
Superintendent Moore said when staff and students moved into the high school in
1982, there was one computer. He said the number one thing to do is to upgrade
technology as technology changes every year.
Motion Passed: Motion to select Ross-Tarrant Architects as the architect for
high school renovations and to approve an owner/architect agreement passed with
a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a second by Mr. Danny Mabry.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
9. Authorize Ross-Tarrant Architects to file a BG-1 for high school renovations
Roland Mueller addressed each item on the proposed project scope of work to do
at the high school. The renovation will focus on the following upgrades:
technology infrastructure improvements; restroom renovations; replace doors and
hardware; gymnasium improvements to include bleachers, weight room renovation,
locker room renovation, basketball goal repairs, and gym floor refinishing;
secure entry vestibule; fire protection/electrical system repairs/upgrades;
concessions stand in lobby; floor repair; ceiling replacement; kitchen repairs;
and food and science lab upgrades. The total projected cost for the high school
renovations project is $4 million, and funding for the project will come from
the sale of bonds. Roland Mueller said the BG-1 will be revised to reflect
actual cost when bids are received and then submitted to the Kentucky Department
of Education for approval. He said the economy plays a big role in the bids
John Maxey said a bulk of the project cost relates to
can apply for an 80 percent reimbursement through the
cost of technology work. He said E-rate will not pay
for anything attached to the building such as wiring,
technology, and the board
E-rate program for the
for computers but will pay
Superintendent Moore noted that the high school renovation project has been the
number one thing on the facility plan for the last four years.
Motion Passed: Motion to authorize Ross-Tarrant Architects to file a BG-1 for
the high school renovation project to KDE for approval, pending KDE approval,
passed with a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Anderson.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
10. Accept state technology fund offer of assistance from the School Facilities
Construction Commission in the amount of $26,230 and to equally match the funds
Motion Passed: Motion to accept state technology fund offer of assistance from
the School Facilities Construction Commission in the amount of $26,230 and to
equally match the funds passed with a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a second by
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
11. Approve a shortened school day request for one student
Motion Passed: Motion to approve a shortened school day request for one student
passed with a motion by Mr. Danny Mabry and a second by Mr. Rick Whelan.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
12. Approve non-resident contracts with Bath (one-for-one exchange with some
exceptions made for sibling already attending Rowan County and "grandfather"
clause), Carter, Clark, Elliott, Fayette, Fleming (one-for-one exchange), Lewis,
Menifee, Montgomery, and Morgan counties. Students will be accepted based upon
a screening of his/her academics, attendance, and discipline records from the
previous county.
Superintendent Moore noted that 82 out-of-district students attend Rowan County
Schools from other counties. He said he doesn’t have the number of Rowan County
students attending other counties yet as the board hasn’t received this
information from other counties.
Motion Passed: Motion to approve non-resident contracts with Bath (one-for-one
exchange with some exceptions made for sibling already attending Rowan County
and "grandfather" clause), Carter, Clark, Elliott, Fayette, Fleming (one-for-one
exchange), Lewis, Menifee, Montgomery, and Morgan counties. Students will be
accepted based upon a screening of his/her academics, attendance, and discipline
records from the previous county passed with a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a
second by Mr. Danny Mabry.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
13. Discuss and give staff some direction for establishing the 2015 - 2016
school calendar
Superintendent Moore said Lucy Moore is in charge of the calendar, and Julie
Mays helps her with the calendar. He asked the board for some direction in
establishing the 2015 – 2016 school calendar.
Danny Mabry said he feels like the weather is changing, and the board needs to
make some changes.
Bill Redwine said there is a lot of discussion in the news about the number of
school districts approved for alternative instruction methods when there are
snow days. Superintendent Moore said this is called an innovative schedule, and
districts that do this put together packets to give to students to complete when
there are snow days and then students bring the packets back to the teachers to
grade. He said he doesn’t think this is good for students as it is just busy
work, and nothing beats face-to-face time with a classroom teacher. He said
when students go through the packet, who is going to answer their questions? He
said the innovative schedule just satisfies requirements to get the hours needed
so districts don’t lose average daily attendance dollars.
Superintendent Moore said he asked Shirley Anderson to put together a packet to
give to parents of three- and four-year olds regarding things they can do to
prepare students for kindergarten. He said a lot of students aren’t eligible
for preschool, or parents aren’t ready to let them go; and this is a proactive
step to prepare students for kindergarten.
Danny Mabry made the following suggestions for the 2015 – 2016 school calendar:
start date for school to be closer to Labor Day, no fall break, maybe add a few
more days during Christmas break, three or four days or entire week off for
Thanksgiving break, and full spring break. He said with the way the calendar
has been in the past, students are out of school for about twenty days before
January 1.
Rick Whelan said he thinks the start date for school needs to be later because
it’s hot when school starts.
Jennifer Anderson suggested that staff members look at attendance during the
Thanksgiving and Christmas break timeframe to see how much students and teachers
miss because if teachers aren’t there, students aren’t doing any good. She said
this would give the board more information.
Bill Redwine said in the past, the board has talked about keeping spring break
with Morehead State University. However, the board has gotten into a situation
with the dates scheduled for the ACT test. Bill Redwine suggested that staff
members look at attendance for staff and students during the week of M. S. U.’s
spring break. He said for deer and turkey season, there is more of an impact on
staff attendance for M. S. U. than for spring break.
Superintendent Moore said the current calendar used almost nationwide is a
calendar that was established when people farmed. He said he doesn’t believe
there are that many working family farms in Rowan County now; and in some ways,
it is unfortunate; and in some ways, the board needs to take advantage of it.
Bill Redwine said none of the suggestions is what is going to happen. He said
it is just suggestions and ideas for the calendar. Superintendent Moore said
it’s a start, and some calendars will be developed to share with the board at
the December board meeting. Julie Mays noted that there are always several
options for the board to consider.
14. Superintendent's report
Superintendent Moore noted the following:
Thanksgiving meals will be served at all schools on Tuesday, November 25,
The Veterans’ Day programs at the schools were outstanding.
Brandy Carver noted that “meet the Vikings” is scheduled for Monday,
November 24, 2014, at 5 p.m.
15. Other business
There was no other business.
16. Closed session to discuss pending litigation per statute KRS 61.810 (1)(c)
Motion Passed: Motion to go into closed session to discuss pending litigation
per statute KRS 61.810 (1)(c) passed with a motion by Mr. Danny Mabry and a
second by Mr. Rick Whelan.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
The board went into closed session at 6:45 p.m. and reconvened at 8:29 p.m.
17. Adjourn
Motion Passed: Motion that the meeting adjourn passed with a motion by
Mr. Danny Mabry and a second by Mr. Rick Whelan.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.