Rowan County Board of Education Regular Meeting

Rowan County Board of Education Regular Meeting
March 17, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
Rowan County Board of Education
Present Board Members
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
1. Open meeting
1.a. Call meeting to order
Chairman Bill Redwine called the meeting to order.
1.b. Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Bill Redwine led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Bill Redwine asked for a moment of silence to honor Joey Lorenz, M. S. U. student and Rodburn
Elementary student teacher, that was killed in a car accident on March 16, 2014.
1.c. Recognize visitors and guests
1.c.- School presentation by Tilden Hogge Elementary
Superintendent Moore said with school being out today due to the weather, Tilden Hogge Elementary will
be rescheduling their school presentation for the May board meeting. He said school will be in session
tomorrow on regular schedule.
2. Approve regular business items
2.a. Approve regular February 17, 2014, board meeting minutes
Motion Passed: Motion to approve regular business items with a correction to Item No. 9 on the February
17, 2014, board minutes which read “motion to appoint Allison Mathews to serve as chair and Lucy Moore
to serve as alternate for the evaluation appeals panel for both certified and classified employees for a twoyear appointment passed with a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Anderson.” The
motion should have read “motion to appoint Allison Mathews as an appointed certified member/appointed
classified member to complete the remainder of Larry Tapp's appointment and to appoint Lucy Moore as
alternate appointed certified member/appointed classified member to complete the remainder of Larry
Tapp's appointment” passed with a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Anderson.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
Superintendent Marvin Moore said for members in the audience, Larry Tapp had a stroke a couple of
months ago; and this was why the change to the minutes was necessary as Larry Tapp will probably not be
back to work this year; and at this point, he doesn’t know about next year.
2.b. Approve payment of monthly claims
2.c. Declare buses as surplus
Motion Passed: Motion to approve regular the business items a., b., and c. passed with a motion by Mr.
Rick Whelan and a second by Mr. Danny Mabry.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
3. Personnel report
Wallace, Randi
Zaheri, Andrew
employ to fill the assistant girls’ track coach position at Rowan County
Middle School for the 2014 spring season effective March 11, 2014
employ as the head boys’ track coach at Rowan County Middle School
effective March 3, 2014
Benjamin, Jake
Ramey, Kevin
Spencer, Anthony
resign as first assistant to the boys’ soccer team at Rowan County Senior
High School effective February 26, 2014
resign as a bus driver with the Rowan County School System effective
March 7, 2014
resign as a bus driver with the Rowan County Schools effective February
25, 2014
Pennington, Jenny
retire as a guidance counselor at Rowan County Middle School effective
July 1, 2014
4. Treasurer's report
Superintendent Moore gave the treasurer’s report reflecting a balance in the general fund of $3,663,932.47.
5. Report on Unbridled Learning
Mike and Allison Mathews reported on Unbridled Learning. They addressed “college and/or career
readiness for all” for next generation learners, next generation instructional programs, next generation
professionals, and next generation schools/districts.
6. Authorize superintendent to apply for necessary disaster days in order to be able to have the last
day of school for students on May 23, 2014
Superintendent Moore said last week John Will Stacy, Kentucky state representative for Rowan County,
proposed a bill that would give ten disaster days to school districts. He said if the bill is passed, it will do
away with 170 six-hour days; but school districts will have to make sure they get in 1,062 hours of
instruction as well as meet certain criteria outlined by the state. He also said if schools are not used as
polling places on Election Day, the bill will allow for schools to be in session on Election Day.
Superintendent Moore said if possible, he would like to have the last day of school for students on May 23,
2014, as this is Memorial Day weekend. Ray Ginter said students were polled; and if the last day of school
is Friday, May 23, 2014, students would prefer to have graduation on Friday night.
Motion Passed: Motion to authorize superintendent to apply for necessary disaster days in order to be able
to have the last day of school for students on May 23, 2014, passed with a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a
second by Mrs. Brenda Stamm.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
7. Approve school calendar for the 2014 - 2015 school year
August 1, 2014 .......................................................... professional development
August 4, 2014 .......................................................... professional development
August 5, 2014 .......................................................... opening day
August 6, 2014 .......................................................... day not in calendar
August 7, 2014 .......................................................... first day for students
September 1, 2014..................................................... Labor Day holiday
October 6-10, 2014.................................................... fall break
November 4, 2014 ..................................................... professional development and Election Day
November 26, 2014 ................................................... work day
November 27, 2014 ................................................... Thanksgiving holiday
November 28, 2014 ................................................... day not in calendar
December 22-24, 2014 .............................................. days not in calendar
December 25, 2014 ................................................... Christmas holiday
December 26, 2014 – January 2, 2015 ...................... days not in calendar
January 19, 2015 ....................................................... Martin Luther King holiday
February 16, 2015 ..................................................... work day
April 1 and 2, 2015.................................................... work days
April 3, 2015 ............................................................. professional development
May 11, 2015 ............................................................ last day for students
May 12, 2015 ............................................................ closing day
May 13, 14, 15, and 18, 2015 .................................... make-up days
May 19, 2015 ............................................................ Election Day
May 20-22, 2015 ....................................................... make-up days
May 25, 2015 ............................................................ Memorial Day
May 26 – June 12, 2015 ............................................ make-up days
Bill Redwine noted that he just received a notice from KSBA on the bill proposed regarding Election Day;
and Superintendent Moore noted that if the bill is approved and signed by the governor, school will be in
session on Election Day. Superintendent Moore said if school is in session on Election Day, Rowan County
Schools will just need to apply for two disaster days. Danny Mabry asked if the school district would
receive funding for the two disaster days, and Superintendent Moore said yes. Superintendent Moore said
all employees will have to work to make up time for the two disaster days, and this will be a good
opportunity to provide professional development for teachers and staff.
Motion Passed: Motion to approve school calendar for the 2014 - 2015 school year passed with a motion
by Mr. Rick Whelan and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Anderson.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
8. Establish coaching positions for archery and bowling at the high school level at the Group III salary
Motion Passed: Motion to establish coaching positions for archery and bowling at the high school level at
the Group III salary table passed with a motion by Mrs. Jennifer Anderson and a second by Mr. Rick
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
9. Superintendent's report
Registration for preschool and head start programs is scheduled for April 25, 2014, from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. at the Rowan County Preschool Center.
Prom is scheduled for May 3, 2014, at ADUC from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Project Prom will follow
thereafter from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. at RCSHS.
The Rowan County Senior High School senior trip will be on March 23 – 27, 2014. Seniors will be
going to New York City, and Kellyn Gussler and Brandy Carver will be the trip coordinators. There are
59 students going on the trip and 12 chaperones. Superintendent Moore noted that Crosspoint Church
gave $16,000 toward the senior trip. On Tuesday, March 25, 2014, students will be going to the Today
Show. Bill Redwine noted that students did fundraisers to lower the cost of the trip. Ray Ginter said
there are so many reasons as to why all seniors are not going on the senior trip such as sports, etc.; and
high school staff members are looking at local things for those students.
10. Other business
There was no other business.
11. Closed session to discuss personnel, real estate, and pending litigation per statute KRS 61.810 (1)
(b), (c), and (f)
Motion Passed: Motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel, real estate, and pending litigation
per statute KRS 61.810 (1) (b), (c), and (f) passed with a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a second by Mr.
Danny Mabry.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
The board went into closed session at 6:12 p.m. and reconvened at 6:45 p.m.
Motion Passed: Motion to come out of closed session at 6:45 p.m. passed with a motion by Mr. Rick
Whelan and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Anderson.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
Motion Passed: Motion to go back into open session at 6:48 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Jennifer
Anderson and a second by Mr. Rick Whelan.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
Motion Passed: Motion to authorize superintendent to negotiate and work out details to purchase land from
Industrial Authority pending the Kentucky Department of Education approval process at a purchase price of
$225,000 with a negotiated long-term payment plan passed with a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a second
by Mr. Danny Mabry.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
Motion Passed: Motion to extend Superintendent Marvin Moore’s contract by two (2) additional years
(2015 – 2016 and 2016 – 2017) with the same salary and same benefits passed with a motion by Mr. Rick
Whelan and a second by Mr. Danny Mabry.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
12. Adjourn
Motion Passed: Motion that the meeting adjourn passed with a motion by Mr. Rick Whelan and a second
by Mr. Danny Mabry.
Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Yes
Mr. Danny Mabry
Mr. William Redwine
Mrs. Brenda Stamm
Mr. Rick Whelan
The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.