District 196 Strategic Planning Committee Charge Statement 2011 Purpose

District 196 Strategic Planning Committee
Charge Statement
Develop a visionary plan that will serve as a blueprint for educating Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan
Public School students through 2016.
Community representation will come from district advisory council members, parents, civic and business
partners and School Board members; staff representation will come from district or school structures such
as site council, PTO, Superintendent’s Forum, etc.
Scope of Responsibility
Attend superintendent’s informational meetings monthly beginning in April and ending in June;
Prepare a strategic plan that will provide focus to the district that includes mission, vision, goals
and indicators of success, and
Participate in the annual review of the strategic plan and make recommendations for
Recommend a strategic plan to the School Board for approval. Decisions made by attending members at
each meeting will not be subject to alteration by absent members at subsequent meetings.
Copies of minutes will be distributed to School Board members and posted on the district website.
Updates will be given at School Board workshops.
Superintendent’s informational meetings will be held in the evenings on April 28, May 26 and
June 23
Strategic planning will begin in July and be completed in the summer of 2011 (four to five late
afternoon/evening meetings held over four weeks in July and August)
Annual review of strategic plan will take place each summer
Task Force members will…
Actively participate;
Function as peers;
Reflect diverse perspectives, and
Work for the good of the entire organization.