Chabot College February 1999 Course Outline for Physical Education 2 BOX AEROBICS Catalog Description: PHED 2BX – Box Aerobics 1 unit This course is designed to give the student an opportunity to experience a combination of martial arts and aerobic exercise for the benefit of physical fitness. The class will meet 3 hours per week. Prerequisite Skills: None Expected Outcomes for the Students: Upon completion of the course the student will be able to: Demonstrate a higher degree of physical fitness. 1. Improve strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. 2. Have a basic understanding of marital arts techniques. Course Content: The fundamentals of stretching and flexibility exercises. 1. The integration of basic martial arts with aerobic exercise. Methods of Presentation: Verbal explanation and demonstration. Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: Class attendance and participation. Textbook: None Special Student Material: Appropriate physical education attire. KC – [U:\kc’document\course outline\pe_2BX.doc] New: February 1999 1