Chabot College September 1992 PHED 2AA –

Chabot College
September 1992
Course Outline for Physical Education 2
Catalog Description:
PHED 2AA – Aqua Aerobics
1 unit
A conditioning workout that emphasizes cardiovascular endurance activities in the pool. After sufficient
warm-up, water exercises that develop increased aerobic efficiency will be performed by students. Student
need not be a swimmer to participate in this class. The class will meet 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for the Students:
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. develop to a level of aerobic fitness that will enable him/her to have increased oxygen
transportation and improved cardiovascular endurance and energy;
2. experience greater flexibility and muscle strength due to mild water resistance.
Course Content:
1. Series of water exercises with large leg movements that will promote aerobic endurance and
efficiency of the cardiovascular system (can easily be performed by swimmer and non-swimmer
2. Water exercises of a rehabilitative nature included for those individuals recovering from sports
Methods of Presentation:
Primarily by lectre-demonstation method. Individual assistance given when needed.
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
Class attendance, promptness, and participation in assigned class activities.
Special Student Material:
Swim suit
KC – [U:\kc’document\course outline\pe_2AA.doc]
September 1992