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Understanding Aerobics Exercise: Benefits & Origin

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Topic 3
Lesson 6: Understanding the Aerobics Exercise
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. understand the origin of Aerobics;
B. compose a jingle about the benefits of aerobics exercises; and
C. recognize the importance of aerobic activities in one’s life.
The concept of aerobics was pioneered in the United States by
physician Kenneth H. Cooper and popularized in his books, Aerobics (1968),
which discussed scientific exercise programs through running, walking,
swimming, and bicycling; and The Aerobics Way (1977), which describes
research findings and case histories, answers questions about exercise for men,
women, children, senior citizens, and athletes, and includes a program for
heart-attack patients. Cooper devised a form of exercise that helped to prevent
coronary artery disease. He called that system Aerobics. These exercises were
initially invented for astronauts who were carefully monitored for pulse rate and
oxygen consumption. Later, it was observed that these types of exercises were
also useful for most individuals. Then different forms of aerobics came about.
Cooper’s system uses point charts to rate the aerobic value of various
exercises for different age-groups. As individuals progressively upgrade the
quantity and quality of their exercise, they can gauge the improvement in their
physical condition through the point system. In the 1980s aerobics was
popularized by Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons through workout videotapes
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
and instructional programs. Sometimes called group fitness, aerobics is most
often practiced in health and fitness clubs where groups of one to two dozen
exercisers follow the lead of an instructor whose movements are synchronized
to up-tempo popular music.
In 1983, Howard and Karen Schwartz organized Sport Fitness
International (SFI) to oversee a new competitive sport. They developed sport
aerobics. Sport aerobics competition originally featured in four categories:
Individual male, individual female, mixed pairs, and trio. In 2002, the
competition included for groups of six athletes. Competitors are judged on a
one-minute, 45-second routine done with music. Judges use two criteriaartistic merit and technical, with a maximum of 10 points each. The
International Gymnastics Federation formally adopted sport aerobics as
gymnastics discipline in 1996 after their first world championship in 1995.
Doing aerobics increases cardiorespiratory fitness, which is one of
the five essential components of physical fitness. Cardiorespiratory fitness is the
ability of the body's circulatory systems to maintain oxygen levels and supply
fuel during sustained physical activity.
While aerobic fitness is important for doing aerobics, there's more to it
than that. Being aerobically fit means that you have a strong heart, circulatory
system and lungs, and those factors affect you far beyond your ability to
perform aerobic activity. Your heart and lungs have some level of involvement
in every single bodily function you have. That's because your entire body
requires a well-oxygenated blood supply to function effectively.
A strong heart and circulatory system allows your body to deliver the
necessary fuel to all of the outposts in your body via your blood flow. Not only
that, but a strong heart pumps more effectively, providing more blood to your
body with each beat. Similarly, healthy lungs bring in oxygen and expel
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
byproducts efficiently and effectively. Both are essential in avoiding heart
disease and other cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses.
The importance of aerobics goes beyond your body's internal processes,
however. If you are not aerobically fit, you're going to feel it as you go about
your day. Maintaining aerobics fitness can help you to experience a better
quality of life, because life's daily activities become that much easier when you
can perform daily tasks - like walking up the stairs without getting winded or
chasing down a toddler who saw his chance to make a break for it and took it.
Group Activity
Compose a 1-2 minute jingle about benefits of Aerobic Exercise. (either video
presentation or audio recorder)
Content (Lyrics) 40%
Originality- 30%
Musicality- 30%