Research Project Statement 17-71 FY 2017 Annual Program

Form ProjStat
(Rev. 5/2013)
Research Project Statement 17-71
FY 2017 Annual Program
Enhanced Cost Estimating and Project Development Procedures for MPOs (Deliverable Based)
The Problem:
Frequently, local government agencies submit proposed projects to their local Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO) with an unrealistic estimated cost or not achievable letting date,
which results in that project being awarded funding for a specific year. This can result in the
following problems: 1) Months later when the actual project cost is determined, the local
government may not have adequate funds to pay the amount above their original estimated
share, and the project is cancelled; or 2) The project is not ready for letting in the scheduled
letting period, resulting in the MPO having to revise its MTP and TIP, potentially causing a
revision of its air conformity determination. In both cases, the results are other projects, which
could have been let for the estimated cost and on the proposed letting date, do not get awarded
funds and built. The benefits to the traveling public of greater safety, reduced congestion, and
improved air quality achievable from these other projects are delayed or lost.
Review cost estimating procedures and project development scheduling procedures used by
MPOs around the country to determine the effectiveness of each procedure used for local
government-proposed and DOT-proposed projects for having accurate cost estimates and
achievable proposed letting dates.
1. Value of Research (VoR) that includes both qualitative and economic benefits.
2. Report prescribing a recommended procedure for MPOs to adopt in their project selection
procedure that will improve the reliability of project cost estimates and proposed letting dates
on local government submitted projects for MPO calls for projects.
1. Utilize the deliverable based templates (see the appendices provided or in the University
2. Proposals will be considered non-responsive and will not be accepted for technical
evaluation if they are not received by the deadline or do not meet the requirements stated in
RTI’s University Handbook.
3. Proposals should be submitted in PDF format, 1 PDF file per proposal. File name should
include project name and university abbreviation.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
10:00 – 10:30AM
Austin Riverside Campus
118 E. Riverside Dr.
RTI Conference Room, 1st Floor
Webex Information:
1. Go to
2. Meeting Number: 735 915 144
3. If requested, enter your name and email address.
4. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: FY17
5. Click "Join".
Teleconference Information:
Provide your phone number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you
can call:
Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-637-1408 (US)
Conference Code: 951 211 7290
Project Statement 17-71
Form ProjStat
(Rev. 5/2013)
Notifying RTI of
Intent to
Notify your University Liaison of your intent to submit a proposal. Your Liaison will provide
information regarding the RFP.
Proposals are due to RTI by 4:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, April 14, 2016. Email
submissions should be sent to
Project Statement 17-71