K-6 and 7-12RTI Notes 12.16.14 and 12.18.14 Major agenda items: ● The committees reviewed the work completed so far including: ○ Developing a common understanding of essential elements of RTI ○ Identifying needs for universal screening tools ○ Identifying needs for progress monitoring tools ○ Starting to brainstorm short and long term goals for providing a fully integrated system of support for all students. ● The committee prioritized the short and long term goals. ○ Create common professional development for all instructional staff about RTI ○ Learn about and recommend a universal screening tool and progress monitoring tool for both math and science for grades K-10 ○ Create a fully integrated system of support for striving students that addresses both academic and social emotional needs. ● Work completed in December ○ Designed professional development about RTI to be provided during early release on February 9th for all instructional staff. ○ Established learning objectives for the professional development ○ Created a set of common definitions ○ Created a common presentation for all schools. ○ Determined who would be presenting at each school. ○ Created a feedback tool ○ Narrowed the assessment tool search to three possible tools ■ STAR-Renaissance Learning ■ Aimsweb- NCS Pearson ■ FAST- University of Minnesota ● The committee identified resources needed to fully implement the plan over the long term. ○ Time resources ○ Material resources ○ Staffing resources The committee also learned about ESSB 5946 Strengthening Student Educational Outcomes. This is new legislation about early literacy. During our March meeting agenda items include: ● Reviewing feedback from February professional development. ● Making a recommendation(s) about assessment tools to be implemented in SY 2015-16. ● Identify common interventions ● Making recommendation(s) about allocation of resources to create a system wide RTI model.