Research Project Statement 17-98 FY 2017 Annual Program

Form ProjStat
(Rev. 5/2013)
Research Project Statement 17-98
FY 2017 Annual Program
Assessing the Safety Issues Associated with Isolated Rural Intersections (Deliverable Based)
The Problem:
Many rural towns have high speed roadways located in their communities. Often, these roads
have posted speed limit reductions, but motorists do not always substantially reduce their
speeds. Many of these facilities also have high truck volumes. It is not unusual that members of
these local communities request traffic signals at intersections with these roads, but often these
intersections do not meet the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) traffic
signal warrants. The placement of a traffic signal at an isolated signal can also create a driver
expectancy issue for the traveling public.
Researchers will evaluate operational and safety data to determine if rural isolated intersections
are more vulnerable to serious injury and fatal crashes than their urban counterparts. To perform
this evaluation, the researchers will conduct a crash data analysis based on intersection type,
traffic control, and proximity to other similar treatments. The evaluation will include both
signalized and unsignalized isolated intersections. This intersection safety analysis will be
extended to urban intersections so that the safety performance can be compared between
isolated intersection performance in rural regions and urban intersection performance. In
addition, the researchers will conduct select field studies at isolated rural intersections to observe
typical driver behavior, including approach speed, at these intersection locations.
1. Value of Research (VoR) that includes both qualitative and economic benefits.
2. A final report documenting work accomplished and research results.
3. A technical brief for use by TxDOT offices as an aid to help determine ways to address these
isolated rural intersections and provide the safest possible solution for motorists and
members of the local communities.
4. A PowerPoint presentation that can be shared with local communities.
1. Utilize the deliverable based templates (see the appendices provided or in the University
2. Proposals will be considered non-responsive and will not be accepted for technical
evaluation if they are not received by the deadline or do not meet the requirements stated in
RTI’s University Handbook.
3. Proposals should be submitted in PDF format, 1 PDF file per proposal. File name should
include project name and university abbreviation.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
11:00 – 11:30AM
Austin Riverside Campus
118 E. Riverside Dr.
RTI Conference Room, 1st Floor
Webex Information:
1. Go to
2. Meeting Number: 735 915 144
3. If requested, enter your name and email address.
4. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: FY 17
5. Click "Join".
Teleconference Information:
Provide your phone number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you
Project Statement 17-98
Form ProjStat
(Rev. 5/2013)
can call:
Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-637-1408 (US)
Conference Code: 951 211 7290
Notifying RTI of
Intent to
Notify your University Liaison of your intent to submit a proposal. Your Liaison will provide
information regarding the RFP.
Proposals are due to RTI by 4:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, April 14, 2016. Email
submissions should be sent to
Project Statement 17-98