Health and Wellbeing Policy Group MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2015 ATTENDEES – CHECK THESE WITH DARRYL APOLOGIES 10.00 TO 12.30 RSSB OFFICES, MOORGATE Dame Carol Black (Expert Adviser on Health and Wellbeing to the DoH) - Chair, Steve Hails (Crossrail), Stephanie Fitzgerald (RSSB), John Gillespie (ORR), Darryl Hopper (RSSB), Shamit Gaiger (RSSB), Andrew Edwards (EMT), Michelle Smart Abellio GA), Claire Dickinson (ORR), Susan Murray (Unite), Dave Bennet (ASLEF), George Bearfield (RSSB), Garry Hassall (standing in for Paul Clyndes, RMT), Johnny Schute (ORR). Lesley Dorrington (C2C), Jonathon Wilcock (Alstom), Paul Clyndes (RMT), Olivia Carlton (TFL), Gwyneth Dyall (Virgin Trains), Graham Candy (Atkins), Mary Sithole (TSSA), Vicky Ward (Network Rail), Peter Fisher (Costain), Agenda topics WELCOMES FROM THE CHAIR DISCUSSION DAME CAROL BLACK New policy group member Johnny Schute was welcomed to the group. REVIEW OF MINUTES AND ACTIONS FROM THE SEPTEMBER MEETING DAME CAROL BLACK DARRYL HOPPER The group approved the minutes of the September meeting. The September Minutes were accepted by the group. Any open action points from the previous meeting were discussed and items were either closed or are listed below. It was noted that the task on the maturity model has been delayed. This was regarded as being something to deal with in the planning section of this meeting. DISCUSSION ACTION ITEMS HWT to review details of the Lawrence Waterman report on Constructing Better Health – Awaiting Publication Actions to integrate health into cross industry standards/guidance Time to review the full roadmap is to be put onto the agenda of the next policy group meeting Stakeholder map to be sent to HWPG members for comment and development. Submit a report of progress and aim to present at the RSSB Board, to maintain visibility for the work of the group. NICE representative to attend next meeting Slides from NSAR development to be circulated UPDATE ON PROGRESS DISCUSSION PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Darryl Hopper Ongoing Claire Dickinson Ongoing Darryl Hopper March Darryl Hopper December George Bearfield March Stephanie Fitzgerald Michelle Smart March March DAME CAROL BLACK An update of the health and wellbeing programme was provided. It was felt that significant progress has been made in specific areas such as engaging Board Level champions, health standards evaluation, health data specifications and seeking short-term data solutions. The need to assess priorities and associated resources for the next financial year in order to set the pace for continued progress was outlined. Periodic reviews of the HWPG programme and progress are useful to the group as a reminder of the context and framework within which the group’s activities sit. CONCLUSIONS Significant interest was expressed regarding a syllabus for training. OF NOTE: ORR and HSE have set up an MOU so that for infrastructure rail projects it will be the ORR who provide an overview to the Health and Safety by design process. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Send round link to MOU on ORR website Claire Dickinson to send through the ORR training syllabus – Steve Hails potentially going to pilot this in Crossrail The group to provide suggestions to the HWT on how to promote uptake onto health and wellbeing training courses. Claire Dickinson March Claire Dickinson March ALL Ongoing CBA TOOL DARRYL HOPPER The policy Group were updated on the CBA tool which is now ready to progress to SG4. The CBA tool is now available for use. The tool currently available may not be the ’finished’ product but it is developed enough to be used and for the industry to find it useful. George Bearfield noted that there are a number of safety CBA tools available and it is worth making sure that these are aligned with our work. Michelle Smart made the point that this tool was very easy to use and this helps people make a cogent business case. Claire Dickinson had spread the use of the tool within ORR and had good feedback, and has also sent out via the ORR regular industry update. DCB raised the issue of user feedback and implementation and this was discussed in detail by the group. DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS The group noted that it was important to focus on implementation and gather the feedback from existing users. It was suggested that a mail out should be put together. Steve Hails raised the issue of focusing on finance directors as well as health specialists to promote this tool. Shamit Gaiger said we need a revised implementation plan from the Health Economics Group (HEG). The group agreed to progress the project to SG4. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Understand the current use and progress of development of safety CBA tools within rail. Darryl Hopper March The CBA implementation plan is to be further developed and then presented back to the group. HEG March HEALTH AND WELLBEING DATA WORKSHOP DISCUSSION ANDREA BANFI The outcomes of the health and wellbeing data interviews, which have been held across industry, were presented, along with the outcomes of the health data workshop held at RSSB. 15 companies participated over 3 months in interviews about health data. Many of those who participated in the interviews then attended a workshop with additional experts from outside the rail industry to discuss the findings. From this workshop session recommendations, ideas and solutions were developed. Key areas examined were sickness, fit for task assessments, health surveillance, health risk factors and employee wellbeing. An important finding from the workshop was that not all participants agreed with all the recommendations put forward by the project team, but they did mostly agree with each other. There was agreement between all the participants that indicators around sickness absence, health surveillance and psychological wellbeing surveys should be progressed. Fit for task assessments were thought to be wellmanaged by individual companies and health risk factors were regarded as something for consideration in the future. The indicators that were agreed were presented to the group and a set of next steps were suggested. The policy group agreed that the steering group meeting on 19th January should proceed to discuss the next steps. Having agreed the health data regarded as useful for industry, the focus for 2016 needs to be on gaining buy-in and gathering support and data input for this project. Buy-in is needed from all major senior groups e.g. RSSB Board, RDG, etc. In was noted that there are opportunities to promote this work with SMIS+ developments as well – this might make the technology aspect of this work much more accessible than previously thought. Conclusions ACTION ITEMS Steering group meeting 19th January. Feedback results/ conclusions from that meeting to the HWPG PLANNING AND PRIORITIES FOR 2016 DISCUSSION PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Darryl Hopper March DARRYL HOPPER The aim of the discussion was to highlight the work coming up in the next year and ask the group to prioritise the tasks which they would like to see developed. A process has been put together to plan for the next financial year which begins with the policy group prioritising tasks. George Bearfield highlighted that any planning decisions need to be aligned with the timings for the various budget sources. Some decisions may therefore need to be made quickly. It was noted that RSSB core funds have a lot of commitments and restraints for the next financial year and the group should be made aware of this. Some tasks from 2015-16 that may need to be carried over were highlighted, and items arising in 2016/2017 on the roadmap were also put forward. The group prioritised these tasks. It was recognised within the group that this is the beginning of a process to identify tasks for next year and that further discussions will be needed via email over the next couple of months. Of note: it was raised that IIP planning is currently underway and for health considerations to be factored into this they would have to be raised now. Shamit Gaiger noted that she was already involved in these conversations and could raise issues from a health perspective. CONCLUSIONS The group came to an agreement about a first draft of tasks to be considered for next year. AS Absenteeism and Presenteeism can be incorporated into training tasks we do not need a separate workstream. Training was identified as an important area to get right in the next year of work. ORR have agreed to take on the item required to develop a maturity model for health and will manage this as part of the RM3 update and revamp. There is a need to turn the listed tasks into desired outcomes for ease of communication both within the group and to the Board. There will also need to be deliverables identified for the tasks that have been agreed. Key tasks currently identified for the next financial year: Undertake a project to better manage job design (stress, fatigue, work/life balance) Provide Oversight for R&D Project T1085 - a professional study to review common rail environments for health hazards. Support ORR in development of RM3 Enhance industry approaches to health standards Railway specific training for Occupational Health Practitioners Guidance for rail companies to be a wise buyer of health provision Develop cross industry data collection methods Develop Industry Indicators for Health and Wellbeing Industry educational and competence requirements are mapped Promote existing and develop new line-manager training materials to address the issues raised in the research Outline supply chain requirements (SEQOHS, health by design, health in supply chain) Gather materials for obesity management and an aging workforce ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Tasks prioritised by HWPG are to be updated with personnel and HWT Team resource requirements, costs and methods of funding. January Outcome statements and deliverables will be developed for prioritised tasks and will be shared with the HWPG for comment. HWT Team January HWPG are to review updated plan for 2016/2017 and refine the details. January ABSENTEEISM AND PRESENTEEISM All STEPHANIE FITZGERALD Previous work to gather group member’s ideas and thoughts in this area were presented back to the group. DISCUSSION The group discussed the most appropriate way to improve absenteeism and presenteeism management within rail and agreed that the emphasis should at this stage be placed on improving manager training and that this should be part of the training task. It was agreed that the best way to promote a cultural shift is through line manager awareness. CONCLUSIONS This was seen as an education and training need and that this stream can be developed with A&P in mind but this will be embedded within the line-manager training. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE A&P activities to improve company culture in this area as identified by the A&P model are to be developed as part of the training task. STEPHANIE FITZGERALD HWPROC POSITION PAPER Stephanie presented the HWProC position paper in response to enquiries from companies following the Germanwings incident. The main value of this paper is to use professional opinion DISCUSSION to help health and safety practitioners focus on a reasonable and measured approach to the concerns raised. The group wanted two recommendations removed which were: 1) GP counter-signature on employee health questionnaire 2) Oversight of OH practitioners Also the group wanted the recommendation of unannounced and random drug and alcohol screening to be made the first recommendation. CONCLUSIONS The group agreed the paper with the amendments suggested during the discussion. The amended paper will be presented to the SSRG in March. ACTION ITEMS HWProC to review and amend paper in line with HWPG suggestions and then present to SSRG PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Stephanie Fitzgerald/ HWProC March UPDATES FROM INDUSTRY DARRYL HOPPER Updates provided on - RSSB Re-organisation - Rail Industry Health and Safety Strategy RSSB has had a reorganisation – the health and wellbeing programme has been moved into the System Safety directorate so that this brings the programme in line with the delivery mechanism of the industry health and safety strategy. Therefore, Shamit Gaiger will no longer head the programme and George Bearfield will manage leadership from the System Safety Directorate. DISCUSSION The Rail Industry Health and Safety Strategy (RIHSS) is now at the final draft stage. This will be signed off in January and has a strong health and wellbeing section within it. AOB ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE Susan Murray highlighted that the TUC have published a document regarding Asbestos eradication which will be emailed Susan Murray to the group. Next meeting: March 30 th 2016 10.00 to 12.30 DEADLINE December