Health and Wellbeing Policy Group MINUTES ATTENDEES APOLOGIES SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 10.00 TO 12.30 RSSB OFFICES, MOORGATE Dame Carol Black (Expert Adviser on Health and Wellbeing to the DoH) - Chair, Steve Hails (Crossrail), Peter Fisher (Costain), Stephanie Fitzgerald (RSSB), Graham Candy (Atkins), John Gillespie (ORR), Mary Sithole (TSSA), Darryl Hopper (RSSB), Shamit Gaiger (RSSB), Andrew Edwards (EMT) Jay Thomson, (deputy for Michelle Smart, Abellio GA), Gwyneth Dyall (Virgin Trains) , Olivia Carlton (TFL) Lesley Dorrington (C2C), Jonathon Wilcock (Alstom), Paul Clyndes (RMT), Susan Murray (Unite), Dave Bennet (ASLEF), Vicky Ward (Network Rail) Agenda topics WELCOMES FROM THE CHAIR DAME CAROL BLACK New policy group member Gwyneth Dyall was welcomed to the group. Jay Thomson was welcomed as Michelle Smart’s deputy for the meeting. DISCUSSION REVIEW OF MINUTES AND ACTIONS FROM THE JULY MEETING DAME CAROL BLACK DARRYL HOPPER The group approved the minutes of the July meeting. All action points from the previous meeting were discussed and items were either close d or are listed below. DISCUSSION ACTION ITEMS Health and Wellbeing Team (HWT) to continue to inform the HWPG on the Rail Technical Strategy portfolio mapping activities HWT to review details of the Lawrence Waterman report on Constructing Better Health – Awaiting Publication Actions to integrate health into cross industry standards/guidance (Claire Dickinson is the champion) A short paper on health management achievement markers (maturity models, management standards) to be developed to support policy group discussion on this task. UPDATE ON THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING PROGRAMME PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Shamit Gaiger Ongoing Darryl Hopper Ongoing Claire Dickinson December Darryl Hopper December SHAMIT GAIGER An outline of the HWPG programme was provided to the group (slides to be made available with these minutes). The group welcomed the opportunity to reflect on the programme and be reminded of its background and context. The group felt that work needs to be done to understand how the Health and Wellbeing Policy Group fits into the wider industry and within RSSB. The influence of the group should be considered. The group should also submit a paper and present at an RSSB Board meeting in the near future. DISCUSSION KPI’s for health and wellbeing activities were discussed. It was felt that KPIs can be set up without fully understanding their impact. Their introduction needs careful thought. The Pillars of Excellence used by Crossrail were suggested as a good alternative to KPI’s. Periodic reviews of the HWPG programme are useful to the group as a reminder of the CONCLUSIONS context and framework within which the group’s activities sit. More detail behind the roadmap projects should be discussed at the next policy group meeting. The profile and influence of the group should be worked upon. ACTION ITEMS September presentation to be made available to the group A copy of the full roadmap to be sent to the policy group Time to review the full roadmap is to be put onto the agenda of the next policy group meeting Crossrail’s pillars of excellence to be reviewed as an example of good practice. Steve Hail’s to pass on details of the pillars Develop a stakeholder map providing an overview of other industry groups and health and wellbeing work being done within industry. This should also provide an understanding of how much power/influence the HWPG can have. Submit a report of progress and aim to present at the RSSB Board in order to maintain good visibility for the group. A member of the RSSB Communications team should be invited to policy group meetings to improve the communication opportunities of the group and programme PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Darryl Hopper Darryl Hopper September September Darryl Hopper December Steve Hails Darryl Hopper December Darryl Hopper December Shamit Gaiger December Stephanie Fitzgerald December REVIEW OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY STRATEGY DARRYL HOPPER The context of the rail health and safety strategy (RHSS) document was provided to the group. There are two opportunities to influence the final document – once prior to the ISM and also following the meeting. The potential impact and influence of the document was questioned as few powers are identified to drive change. The group discussed the document content and agreed that the sections ‘Vision’ and ‘What Do We Do at the Moment’ should be changed to highlight the work of the policy group and its roadmap. It should paint a positive picture of the collaboration that is already happening. The RSSB roadmap needs to be included within the document. The document should be used to highlight the positive work of the roadmap and the group CONCLUSIONS and to increase the influence of our work. DISCUSSION ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE The RSSB Roadmap should be placed in a more prominent position in the strategy Darryl Hopper September Reword the health and wellbeing section of the RHSS in line with the group’s comments and send out to the group for review. Darryl Hopper INDUSTRY SAFETY MEETING September DARRYL HOPPER A 45 minute slot is available to promote health and wellbeing at the ISM conference on 6th October 2015. All agreed that Dame Carol Black will be representing the group. The presentation to be developed will need to talk in the language of senior management: costs, horizon scanning, impact of poor health and wellbeing. Statistics and figures will be used to emphasise that we don’t have the data for some costly health issues within rail at present. An aim of the presentation is to encourage the ISM to back the policy group and the roadmap and use the tools which are being developed out of it e.g. ROI tool. It was felt that the title of the ISM should change to become the ‘Industry Health and Safety Meeting’. DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS Carol Black will present to the ISM using the ideas agreed by the policy group and statistics that were agreed to be supplied. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Initial figures and information to be collated for Carol Black’s presentation slides Darryl Hopper September Provide NHS data on the business benefits of improved health and wellbeing management Carol Black September Provide TFL data regarding absence leave e.g. data on obese employees taking more sick days Olivia Carlton September Costain to provide data on health assessments Peter Fisher September USER REQUIREMENTS FOR HEALTH DATA ANDREA BANFI An update to the Health Data User Requirements Gathering exercise was provided. 20+ companies are being interviewed to collate health data information. Topics being covered include: absence management and reporting, legal compliance DISCUSSION management, employee wellbeing, managing health risk factors i.e. BMI, blood pressure, diabetes, eyesight, and current OH KPIs. A validation workshop is being held on the 10th November. A question was raised as to whether the findings of the data work need to be referred back to the policy group for discussion prior to the workshop. It was noted that the workshop should validate the interview discussions and therefore requires stakeholder agreement prior to policy group governance. The HWPG have a governance role in the acceptance of the health data user requirements. The workshop shall validate the interviews with stakeholders and then require governance and consideration as to how best to use and promote the findings. CONCLUSIONS STEPHANIE FITZGERALD ABSENTEEISM AND PRESENTEEISM 7 members of the HWPG have been met individually to discuss issues related to absenteeism and presenteeism and consider how best to address this work in the future. Discussions drew out that companies already have their own A&P policies which they are/ should be implementing. A&P is inextricably linked to health and wellbeing. RSSB and HWPG can support and promote a ‘cultural shift’ in health which in turn addresses issues of A&P. Ideas raised at the meeting included use of A&P training courses to improve the management and culture within industry and use of a recent NICE guidance document on – Leadership and managerial training & productivity - to promote the right behaviours. It was felt that this work could be managed by the policy group and that a larger part of the CONCLUSIONS next meeting could be given to discussing this area to allow full consideration of the issues and to decide on the objectives and deliverables in this area. DISCUSSION ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Stephanie Fitzgerald December The NICE document that considers leadership, managerial activity and productivity should be sent to the group. A member of NICE Stephanie Fitzgerald be invited to the next policy group meeting. December A summary of the A&P discussions conducted with policy group members will be provided to the group. A 45minute slot will be put on the December agenda to discuss this issue. HEALTH AND WELLBEING CONFERENCE DARRYL HOPPER The conference agenda was reviewed by the group and agreed. The final slot of the day is still open for a keynote speaker and it was advised that this slot might be taken by a speaker from NICE. DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS The 2015 conference is on track. ACTION ITEMS Contact NICE for potential speakers at the event PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Darryl Hopper September AOB Health Hazards Project (T1085) – The potential for misalignment of goals with the ORR was identified on the project dashboard sent out to the policy group. The ORR are unsure on the health hazards chosen by the project. However the choice of hazards is built upon strong alignment with stakeholder needs and it is thought that this issue will be brought under control following discussion with the regulator. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE Emily Jones and Darryl Hopper to be linked up to support construction health summit Steve Hails Next meeting December 9th 10.00 to 12.30 DEADLINE October