Minorities in the Barometer, 1982 Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Title and Date Table of Contents "Student relates Polish family's story" January 13, 1982 "Amano teaches Japanese class" January 13, 1982 "Day commemorates King Part. 1" January 18, 1982 "Day commemorates King Part.2" January 18, 1982 "Brazilian Professor to Speak at Noon" January 20, 1982 "Democracy Possible for Brazilians" January 20, 1982 "ELI conversants Gain Cultural Insights" January 20, 1982 "Martyrdom for Faith" January 20, 1982 "Stahl Urges Multi-Cultural Classrooms" January 28, 1982 "Black history month begins" February 01, 1982 "Mr.Brew Paid His Dues for Success" February 05, 1982 "PLO, Israel here to stay" February 05, 1982 "Students plan activities to honor culture" February 05, 1982 "Black Americans contribute to country" February 09, 1982 "Center fills social, educational roles" February 09, 1982 "Dedication marks student leadership" February 09, 1982 "History Books Tend to Omit Blacks Part. 1" February 09, 1982 "History Books Tend to Omit Blacks Part. 2" February 09, 1982 "Incidents mar BCC past" February 10, 1982 "Mexican professors tape shows" February 25, 1982 "Black and White Part. 1" April 15, 1982 "Black and White Part. 2" April 15, 1982 "Black and White Part. 3" April 15, 1982 "Gomez Urges Immigration Control" April 18, 1982 "Africa Day Feature Native Entertainment" May 26, 1982 "Officials Arrest 300 Aliens" May 27, 1982 "OSU Wrestlers Violate S. African Ban" August 03, 1982 "Foreign Study Night Set" September 30, 1982 "Mosque Nears Completion for Corvallis Muslims" October 07, 1982 "OSU exchange programs offer many cultures" November 04, 1982 "NSE Program Offers Different Experience" December 07, 1982 .. of 'Odll' rnliJ. • . -. ,. ' Sure-footed style. It's whatDexter's ·-­ Norw~ wcilking shoes are aD al?out. · · The ila{ural rubber sole and Norw~ , weltconstruction assure you of miles and~ of conifort in the great outdoors. . . . n.l •-' . ~.w rL ~ -,- ~ • I l Iii••I .. l . , . ' ' ' !>- ! r IIF~ Jf.al!l .~ h !I luf:hf . h~~'!J'~I rl ~- .;'rJ • : '.:.' . 1 1)Ji'- l IJIIi ~irfr ... rlr1 1 ~"1 (I ~fr f.lllf !ir il~,!l · nn i(JI ~lf!!U•!!iiJI)i11 1JiiJ'!'r!~i ··· ·d· '· · ··· · 1 ~~ 1~ ~·~f til&r 1 .. 'lla !I~ 1 ~a , !w fwwl ' ill~' IJI;I. IJI '~ 1-( f i- I ~ I~ ,.. I 1 1­ a- If t r1la ,... , 1 · , a.· r ,rf l~.t.. 1 l1i tal • 'rl· i •' I _, .... . . . . .:•··,jJiffrJfdfliDJ ~~ouJ ~ , . . ~ . ~ " ~~~~ fdd·~·~l ,. l ·- ,.;,...·.. ~._ :·.. i • • ' ~ . ~·· .'1· .. lfiJtfi~ih!d, ~' ..· -: ; -J. .. . ,J <.. : · .•.J • • _ ' .I ' · · ·f ~ ~ . .. . ... I . , , ! 1 aIf·l rI",_I.. -• · l 1 If ' , 4 . .. ••a '.a ~'.' ~ : ~ j' ' ld~.~~~f!l•f~t :! .- ~( . r··· -ll- I {· nJ.rj ~·iJ!,lfrh ai.. ~II • lt!l :·.t•( 1..·:, I · ~ I, f . I I 6 ~ ·•• .I ~~~·· .t ~ I"1 •• ~~ - I ~••r r . .1f'Ia "'~_. ,al.t . ~~. · . 1 1 1 .. - ~. ,. - 11 .,. ' •:~.._~•• - ~; .- • · sJa·c~ Hi~tql}', mpnth begins . ~ ~ TbiCMcNtt tbe D'tll!a . meawonttweiDIJGb dlllrtlll ldltltl• ~'""'"*'Ill a et~tw ""'IN. ac­ . NldoNI ..Jict History .C«dlrt:f.o-Sowell. Be aJd MaallnriD'bt&fD tlilweet. ·. . .CflebraUoat baYe' aad ConetMI II DO a- IDcladed one promitJ:ent ~ ~pair~ or DOtewe~llq Se•eral Black etea&. Ualoa. aetltttlel teBat ·tiU ., . will be . tdtelJ pi"'Md for tbt Sowell •id Tbt JDUiillttii'IIC ceiel..~ oo B8U pie• to echeale cu.-, CD BSU aneral aeUviUa for Prelideat AlDieSOileD. Natioaal . 'FelnarJ ia set illdi to Maatb. oatltaDdlnc lUI, •• eta week eoatribaUCIDI - ID:'de bJ-:­ ~:wDI f•turt" a dlf· ­ bllc:kt tlnnpout ' U.S. :· ftnat tbeme. _ . ·' Nt«017; aJd 8b Brooks, SomeaftbeleiDciMt: ~ BSU Ylcl Pl'llhleat. 8be Week. 1: ..PoUtlet" added thlt tbe celdulloa -WeeU£11Biaek We~tam't . ,....., oal7 'one . '· Week'~ . .. -Week 3: i•Career Week" --will ftntllle -Week....-f: "Black Art for tbe com· Week".'-, . · • an .-ax••• reeot"''' I ' ~: I I I .it~lfdff-1 'iJ ar, 'Jra• S iQ 1rttir1'!11lf'll 1 rJ(;' fi •I f' ...,. 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(Cont. from frotitc:over) _ _....;......_ _~----~-------------- ' "HiStorially, blacks afl(f Asians have had similar ·~ stereqtypical thousfJ! is that the white ~n is soins for the sexUal expertije of the1 black l'[lan, and thlt ·..struiflles and we sha~-that pan qf our culture. Also," she 'she't ttyina tQ'fUiftll i 5eXilil fantasy ~ she slido :.~~ly, ·:~·~ aot ~and they'~·· "' . More and more tf1oush, ~are choosins to ignore · these prej~ices aitctdateintemcially (wit~ whomever ·Corvallis Is reprded as ( conservat~ and ~ as ~find compatible. · · students have Indicated - It is not free from racial prejudice. 1-toweWr, It may be mare"accepting of mixed • "I don't P.av attention to what people think or say about iny relationship," explained. Janet, .a junior in ~ relationships than tNnyotljer ~- . economicS who_has been dating·'iriterracla!ly for two Ray Wlllaford; a &lick. senior. in;:nticlear engineering, - years. 'Woirying too much about other people's reacsays attitudes of those IMns hete are much different from -tions can ruin a relationship," she said. . those back ~in Atlanta, Geofaia. . . "My experience with the majority of the populatiOn in Still, society can be troUblesof!1e for '~ who date Corvallis is that people·here feel you should look at the interracially. Cpld SJires _and disapproving glances are common ways peOple relay neptive attitudes. ~ and no1 their .color," he said. . ·Jake, a blaCk senior in .liberal arts, ·has--dated ,a. white . . woman f!'<)re than . a year and says he still ·receives , · neptive reactions when they- walk across campus ­ t1Mt .especially from some members of the o~r gen~at~n. the pers8a IINI he leWes me.·H's not · . "If I walk·hand-in-hand with her, I get unple;~sant loo'ks imporflnt wlteflter or liol he loolcs from some of the coaches and faculty aroun~ here," he said. . · lilce · However, Jake reported. mixed relationships seem to be. mare ~ceptable when the couple inVC?Ives a sUe· cessful black man and a white woman. · "I often go sfioW;ng with my White next-door neigh~. . " If I were Steve.Johoson (former OSU basketball ~yer) Somet.imes people who -see tojther :think we're married and they to.lerate it. I.don't set the looks I used to I wouldn't get neptive respOnses. No one questioned him with a white girl," he said. "SocietY's not as · ·get in Georgia when 1was seen with a white woman·. " .respOnsive and accepting of these rel~tionships if the .. Evt . more: prOblematic ttian sociefYs . attitudes black isn't in a prestigious position."· _' regardins interraciahlating seem to be those of parents. While Jake doesn' t let societal reactions affect his Though st~ents indicate parents are relaxins their views relationship, Paula feels that worrying too much about on intMacial dating, most agree their folks would prefer ·appearances may have ended one of hers. . ' ' · to.see..them with people of their own race. She once heard that Corvallis is a racially conserv,jtive Karen, and Oriental senior in -liberal arts, usilally dates community, so when her white boyffiend asked her to the white students. ThOugh her parents tiave c~ to accept · movies, sh~ invited tWo girl friends to accompany them. the idea t~at she dat~ Caucasians,:_they still try to ~at~h _ "I. thought it would 'look bett~r to ~v~ three black her up with Chinese_me.n. .L.-- - -:­ women with-one-white suy driving arou~ than just him - ' 'They meet sons of their Chi~ friends and sugest I and me," Paula said. meet them. 1think they still would like tQ see m·e date ana . HoWever; her boyfriend didn' t appreciate _the gesture marry .i 'nice Chinese iJ9y,"' she-said. . ~ . and "it. was the beginning of tht! end for· that relation· a senior in- liberal arts, reported· experiencing ship," she explained. si~lar oppo$ition ft:Om her f)arents, sayint that st1e has , · When Robin Blaine, a black senior ih social scier:tee ·felt more tension m,r, the Orierital community than from educatio.n, first dated her white boyfriend Oiff Millemann, Caucasiansshe knows.: appearances mattered·,. rot to her. "I think this is du«rto the resuf&ence of Asian pride," " At first, wheneVer we ~rove by the Black Cultural she said. " I don't think the parent ~ation of either Center, I'd duck,t! she said. " I didn't want people to see race has.lelmed to accomodate change." · me with a white guy." · 1• • . Sue said she recently ,..ect with family me!"bers, who Societal prejudices cause ~ny interracial daters unrest believe It "loob and fits better for an Oriental to date and and embar-~. .However, SOtM students saki the, marryanother9riefUI.'' · . · - • ·eHecti don'neem to be so. harsh when' the couplf in- · Her white -~·s~r aiS;O had some trouble valVes ril.en'lbers of separate minorities: • • ·acceptinS t~·mixed relatlonSlrip, ~-~. . Cathy, a .Chinese student In home economics, ·has a · "Her "'Peeutlon.s, for her lttde ~didn't include me. black ~. Not beins· Uucasian, site: believes· ' Her· son is 'blond and blue-eyed and she.'expected her ~men ac:ceplins of he, datina• bllclc. arandchi~ to look hire that too.· · ::C.. :.~ ~ ·~My PI,.. (now) like iny white bovfriend, and as long , _.._ .....-; •--·- ..,. as he lcMs tile; they'lt acapt him," Sue cpntinued. ·Cathy said~ lt*"iiti -such • ·music and ,;Dattna llld "*'YYnn•eDae !'101 of your race used to . socilf ~ - niiGf It aNribt1b1e far ..-:-to date be i _. ~. ' - rs becomlna'more and .more , 1 '~y·nuliiber~-PrioritY IS me.' · - I~ .­ us- sue. .•·'·-.J flllcm·=· bodt. ~':!..com:~ ·z ...o..~in ....., · ~··;.. .:..;.- Sue'• .-....-....,.~- ~··i~- ~.,.~ than _white and ~ Of ~ and Alin . .,...... . -hew~......,...., it makes them are. .~ .-.: alher ~-nitso..,., ac:conli*'lto Jalce, Ulhy llid she beiiMs ""............ - the . . ~~-,._...!~~tJ!!two~.....,... ~ ~ ·. ...__.._~. ..,._. z .. ­ me "A wbite sf~ ~--~ to ~-wanted to tHe to her .. house; uninnounc:ed, to rni!et her fMtily," he said. "I . refused, ~ncllt'saeoodthfn&.hlid. . ) . · · . ''Her father Iller told her .if she had brouaht me ~ he would have shot me." '. 1 • • , • Most parents are noiJSO hostile; students .ure. Many fully·support their childfens'·mbced relationships. . ' : · ''My parents are veri $xed people and know that I date interracially;'' said Jake. "l ·occaSsionJIIy set re.d by my relatNes dOwn South who Slf"Jaice-ml$. really' like"" those white girls,' but~ it comes to my pa.rents, they·!' don't.concem themselves with trMal issues." -~ , Paula said her mother is -especially 1 acceptif'8 of m-· terracial dating. and~ fDCX! ~~ ··~Y, mOther and grllndmother both marritd white (llen,'' she said, addins, ''wheri ~Y riiothir met Gne of ttie white guys. I was.dating. she loved it. She said I made a ~Y~ista'lce in letting him.so!"· · Some parents are leery of interracial relationships, some are. vehcmehtly opposed to them, ahd ,so"'e approv~. Some otHer .~re!!tS, according to st~ts, ~f(t ~ _ know.·· . Jennifer. a ~senior. in liberal ans. has been datins a black .student fo six months, but hasn't told her foJics yet . . Though·she 't. believe they will disapprove of the relation~ip, she said she just hasn'_ t fourid ~h, right ·cir­ cumstancesto clue them in. . · "The time to tell t~ hasn't come up yet, but I plari on t~lins. them soon. My boyfriend and I care a lo,t for each otber- this isn't a ~ins affair like~some.people have," Jennifer explained. . · · friends are Probably the most sUpportive of peoons . ·who date iriterracially. However, this support is often . continlef'!t upon the extent of the relationship and the ­ way it ~-perceived. . . Jor lhstanct, when .it comes to c;asual dating, Jaktl's . . , .. , . ·, friends.are acceptin& fhoush-thev-often tease him-about- · ··~h· k there ~ - lot·of whit ---. · who ifyth"'"· . t?eing "~ru.ng out ~ind a ~ite gi~." . ; . J • .bl k ~nhelete '.'~a_ id "But 0~ ~ ...l--d' ~usionede 0 " But if my relitionship was senous and I was con~ . •. ~ · ey ~ ~ lSI • . sideri~g marryins the. girl, t~d probibfy try to talk me _ with-.t~ relat~lps .-they've falle'!_ 1n .~with a . perspective,".she explained.- ''from beifts-lriioM!d with ­ out of it," he said. _. . · . pubhc 1mqe and are settmg a lot ofatt~t10n,., . • ·- Cliff I've leamecfhow to see people for what they art-'; · . Opien af1d honest relatiooships are us&ially accepted by _ Pau~ and ~n aareed t~at ~lte women .often ignore It's been ~h· )'eatlliftc:e lk*.ift.made lhlt 6nt Clive an individual's friends. tioweWor, some interracial dating - blatk ~ 1n saf;ial situalfqns when theyre ~ a · 'under the daSh ·,to: awld ·t»eins seen ~ fellow black Is viewed as dishonest and thi'Qlenins, which means black boyfriend. · . stUdents. Today, she and .QI ale lnloiimiUy "I pd, · persons must face criticism and.disipproval from their '~itewomen are rude and have negative attitudes in with.~ns~ns--,._,~ledfor .,_,_.• • ~ . partners' peer pup. . -social situations when they're with their ·black man," for cOuples like Rebin and Cliff, the benefits of amixed . .Ann, a junior In ps)'Choloty, has been datins a black Paula said. · . relationship ~ the d~b•.:Thev haw lw6ed · $1Udent iinc:e fall term: .'fhouP her ~k ~ fr,iend5 ' Jennifer said-_ she sets dirty .looks f~. some· black to overcome societal rnjudlces, waly pnn11 aftd :. · are ac.uplinj.af hlr plltiaalahlutioftr some ¢Jf them are women, even~ she Is not ~h her bOyfriend. . skeptical friends.. • · .· · ..... bv alher. while ~ men relationships - . ..,I can wal,k aci05S campus and ~ diity_looks ~ Love may not conquer all, but it cWs topquer ~· . oncamous; ~-~· . ~ _ ~ · some~~·-~~~ my--~_15· ~ally ~~:..~ :.k~-.'~ Is.~~ ,., ·' fl!fi. ; 1 _ ~· r[~:l! 1 I lli~fUl;l~ '"f •• i ~c ~ :3 . ,r . , .:s - .· ..-. r..,.=· ~.:t~ t ~~ - ~-"'I If• ·0~. ,._~ "- _· . a :~: ·-;:~ 1 ~t~- f ,.;,. (lj~·. !l~ileh; . =-·. [ - .<? 1)... f r• 1•1 ~ . · 1ni.J~I 1i 1 i· ~ ~0 r •a .:C rtn .. . rn ~ ~· - · A J:;. ~ 1t ~. s .;r II a. a:; • • • llli a a "li' ­ •• I am.r ·.~f~.l~r~• .~ •~. tn!~ ~ hn. hlrrl CD a 'C I lf~liH :. ·• . J·!I~~~~~~ ..J~rf; el. as.-Ja ~_ Ia. · f ~ C · f[ .t . fa. I· a. s . , rt~~ Jlt o-. •.. "J. I·.~ !;r -,~! G_ : · i:lu· · . •t . : ~ ~m UJ lwr m· h d 1 ) . ''I· Jt(i%J .a: I!I!J 1;1~j~ 111-t"'~ f,( ;;:<l>.. l&htfl·~ _1: . ,.I'll ..;­ ·.' · .r =·. ·...·."·. :.._­ VhiiJII... • , .· .......-!' .~li..· td·-' ~·-. · . ' '. . ' . •'"' ~~=~1y · • f. - :~ ~ ' f • .' '. • . ' ' • u - ·~ L­ ... •.bt .IP · ~.a·l .Jft 1... • t}!fi! ~~~~~-~Jdi.Jfl ~tt••u~ . ' C l~ ~ feti ;r~~ II. _(ft ,_.. ;;-,. . u"'. ~ ;:1:: ·­ . . . . • I ,g :s- . 8 ~.. s- [ B 8.f '1If.., .i., .fJf . ..1 ..T ' . .· ' . . ·c::· i.· .,~::·~CD . ii![l:li Jllllll}; Ifll:lf }lilt lJI s1 -...f_f~r-_trf -a: Ill 1-q -:If :I . (/)..-i!::s· . ;:t r.. l!if i!.J --~~~~~,~-~;I . f~. " -- · ·:lg {· ~~~~ ~.nnUn 1 r JU~t . i. 1 .:~·· .· i!rfi}ffHI([at UIJ ~~ . =e)ltii ii . .·f .­ e ~:a a .. a Citl"a. ... ~ • i f o re·jj. •Ia 1.· : - ~--.. l.~il.tla.ll:~ . ... i::sP•(B. --~ '0 : . •• f!J'{~.P. ·~ 11 CD~ en. &!. . J~~~-.a ·~· . .ll) -• 1.as-111'2 rt&e: · · .~en •!t· ··-~:.! ~ "'!' 1 . ClCIJ ·c~ J· ~ ··· · CD ,, f.. ( .--... .··· ·-_,,, ~~~~ ~.. . ' rJ . I . .f,n . • ~ '·' . -osu wrestle.rs·viOiate..s. Afric8rl ' Foreigri stUtJy night set ol • ill' r • ~nit'Hfli-t'ltl~iflit!htfi•~I:~U'!I~![iiili!ifll ;i ·~.-. ~ 1 Jl'r··lll!.., l . IJ,.. 1•!h·· r UJ~h~"~4"·~hl~~ . h h r.> rn lhit'rnilr,·tHJilll,flnri~I·i~~,·l!t-lil;IIf!'f. !J[U ~ g: ~l'·'.t' •1~: ri'(l Jtrli'r II ~II J !o a.-§; I'J ~r~. " <: ', CD _;~~-- fiitl~ftUIII:I~il't:. l~~~~~~~~~ti li"! ;.~0). aJ i a.J ~ i I l i r r. t1 - a f i I a J -.. ·.£» t, ~li=.tr~· ,:110 ii .- IIJs;:_­ ~ rll~J f!f ·."·. ·. ·. en .... .. a• ~- i ~ J ;~ a! ~I ·. :t . ~ j~ cl ~-~ . [! ·a:lia.) :C . . . . lJrl~[ 1:-~olr~~tf ~n:~ ..J J~ rlhtrr i -~ ·8 1 s 3. == i! B f . • 5' ' 8. - o 81 ::... o .rauu~J1H'ltt! Jlt~ait iflii ~~~--~~~ tl!( i~ 8-~~o~ 1 ~;. ~~I· 3 3 . CJ}~ .-g_. .~; !=!i­ fJ I· if lir:f'3 r~ ~~~~ ~~ l•J:1f~'JI{ . · 6" l:tlffo&-fll oi.f: ~II li(~ I .­ J .f --=I.e,!&t 1~lri'IJ sr · • rrl . i!·1 Ie• - r ! iii l . . .CD . ll!l1.-t ,. . ~ ::l 3'"12:i.,.. . i;·..· .~ : 1;),~ . .,.cP~ ' ·\; . lfl ' "''$• . ~\;;~ '1~...!I· ~..... ~ ~- • . . haft bid two t1r1111 ct Preadl• GDe term ct German for the llld GenD1nJ acan~oa~. peap1e iD tbe Pldfic Nortbwat wbo an lnolved iD illteralticllll education wtU meet at OSU for tbe ~ CCIIIfenace Nw. 7to t. . "A Declaration ct IDterdepeDdeDce11 Ia tbe tbeme ct tbe . IIIDUI1 Natioaal Allodatiaa for Foreip Student Affain Rec1CJD I c:oaference, wtidl wU1 be beld for tbe ftnt ttllie iD CcnllUI, at tbe 0SU Foaadltioa Center, offida1s rruee w•lmetelr• nparted. pcJlttQ. eDe11J, tbe ICCIDCIDJ· We wU1 aplare NAFSA's impld on an ctu.e ree~ma.·• · . Joi!Maa llld tbe . , _ CCIIIf•IDCI .,.ar wm be WIDiiiD Appleman WDiilml, QW ~ praf_, and former prelident ct tbe ~Uon ct American Hilloriaaa. He wU1 ipelk about "llderdepeoce: A OJotce Rather 'lbln a Sobdlan." Other JiCbU1bb ct tbe coafereice are · ci 00 U I Cue SWdy," eo._,...,. ct Nadelr War," ''Croll-Cultural worbbopi IUCb II "Palitk:l "Giobll NAFSA Ia · tbe oa1y oaUOIMride · membership LeeraiDI iD K-12 ICboola" and a c:areer-developmrnt arp"alioa for profe_,. .,,, cwnmqntty members and procram. . ......,,, wbo are bmiYed iD iDtei'Datioaal edacatiaa. 1be "Am I Married To My Job?" features OSU crop ICieDce c.'GIIf•eDce wUIIDc:lude people fram OncCJD, WulinCbJn, . praiiiiO( Warreo Kroaltad, who wtll allo be recopired All*a and DOrtbem ldlbo; said Ela1De Jobntoo, osu· for Iii intna~ mown won ill wbeat breeding and Office ct Iatematioaal EdacatiOD r......-uve. • genetic~, Jobnloll u1c1. NAFSA wu founded iD lMI , widl tbe cooperatioo ct InuJUcration ~. bolt family ~ academic llllttbdiolll, tbe U.S. gomameot and private orientatiCIDI for lnt.en)atioaal students and ~ agendel to furtber tbe knowledce ct people CGDcei'Ded commaalcatiOD wU1 allo be topics at tbe conference. wttb lnternatiGaaleducatlon,llid Jobnloll. "Much ol tbe conference is centered around tbe nuts­ It prcwldea traiDial for memben and a aDd- boltl Information for the· different ledlons," forum for new . tbe field. NAFSA allo develCipe Kinpbury llld. ''Many people come to gain from tbts effec:tive eommunication between ao.vemmeaW. public . tpedtlcproftllionalapertile." and private orpnizatiCIDI involved iD intematicllll:l ''StUdent~ are welcome to attend tbe conference," edacatiOD, Ibe llicl. Jobnlonllid. 1"1be total COlt for atteodlnce ol tbe entire 'l1le procnm Ia ciiYided lido five lnterelt group~: people confereGce Ia f4$, wbicb allo 1Dcludes Monday lunch and worldD8 wttb·tbe .tdmllilon ol forelp lbMtentl to U.S. ctinner, Sunday and Monct.y sodala, and aU coffee and univenttlea, people , telcbing EncUsb U I second juice breW.11 = lanplge, people ldvilinl.foreip ltudenta. u.s. ltudenta abroed, and foreip .._..iD tbe community. '"'be CGGfehDce wmme. tbe interdel'eldeii!Ce o1 an peop1e iD our aJoba1 I'M!IDunlty,'' llld Sblrley Kt~, coafennce c:o<bairpenoa. ''So IDIII1 upecta ol baman relatiCIDI are ~ upon CIDHDOtber - educaticlil, i Am I Married To My Job? · Warren Kronltad, pnlfeaor ol crop lldence, allo 1ri1l be recocnized for intematlonally4aown work ill wheat breeding genetics, Jobnlollllid. . ~ ,. . .NSE·rirogram offers "ifferent experience BY MARIE OOLMEY . . "tile....... Students interested in stucbinl in anotber pmt ti tbe country without paJial out«· state tuition baft tbe . . portWllty tbrougb tbe NatJmal "iam ExchMie pncaam, IICt'OI'dinl to SabiN Jaeql'l', CCK'OOI'dinatoroftbeprocram atOSU. stUdenta puticlplthJC iD tbe NSE prucram ba" tbe f'hlncoAl to take clave• tblt an DOt oftered at OSU, to • IDil aperience another ..... ti tbe country· and to pin per.: aona1 confldeDce, JICqUII said. ' Musical events schedulec;J p . to celebrate Ghristmas. 1J KATHY GATBI eltlle lu•eter U you're lookinl for a way to raile your <llriltmu .prtt tbll1111111, a UUie IOOd cbeer IDIIIDIIIk may be tbe tblal· Several mlllcal ew.a over tbe boUdlyl will prOVide opportanltlel for IP'.un, a UWe cbler. ....... =' _......__ '= ,.___. ' • ·- ~