Theology Old Course Number New Course Number Title TH001 THEO1001 Biblical Heritage I TH002 THEO1002 Biblical Heritage II TH016 THEO1016 Introduction to Christian Theology I TH017 THEO1017 Introduction to Christian Theology II TH023 THEO1023 Exploring Catholicism I:Tradition&Transformation TH024 THEO1024 Exploring Catholicism II:Tradition&Transformation TH037 THEO1037 Introduction to Modern Hebrew I TH038 THEO1038 Introduction to Modern Hebrew II TH081 THEO1081 Continuing Modern Hebrew I TH082 THEO1082 Continuing Modern Hebrew II TH088 THEO1088 Person and Social Responsibility I TH089 THEO1089 Person and Social Responsibility II TH090 THEO1090 Perspectives on Western Culture I TH091 THEO1091 Perspectives on Western Culture II TH102 THEO1102 Human Setback:The Unexpected Grace TH107 THEO1107 Religion in Africa TH108 THEO1108 Christianity in Africa TH128 THEO1128 Service,Social Justice&Solidarity:Latin Am&Beyond TH161 THEO1161 Religious Quest:Comparative Perspect I TH162 THEO1162 Religious Quest:Comparative Perspect II TH174 THEO1174 Islamic Civilization TH198 THEO1198 The Language of Liturgy TH206 THEO1206 Relationships: A Way to Know God TH220 THEO1220 Liberation Theology in Chilean Context TH223 THEO1223 Saints and Sinners TH227 THEO1227 Religion&Spirituality in India Today TH228 THEO1228 Conjuring the City:Florence&Dante's Inferno TH260 THEO1260 Wisdom and Philosophy of the Far East TH285 THEO1285 Voices,Visions and Values:Exploring Vocation TH310 THEO1310 Mentoring and Leadership Seminar TH341 THEO1341 Peaceful Conflict Resolution Methods TH342 THEO1342 Peaceful Ethics:Social Action Leadership Methods TH361 THEO1361 Praying Our Stories TH383 THEO1383 The Christian East: Orientale Lumen TH160 THEO2160 The Challenge of Justice TH164 THEO2164 Challenge of Peace:Facing History and Ourselves TH171 THEO2171 History&Thought of Early China TH221 THEO2221 Italy:Catholics/Rome&America:Current Ethical Issue TH231 THEO2231 The Bible&Ecology TH233 THEO2233 Vatican II:History&Interpretation TH238 TH241 TH242 TH251 TH272 TH290 TH309 TH313 TH327 TH200 TH410 TH468 TH476 TH482 TH509 TH523 TH533 TH584 TH311 TH317 TH312 TH116 TH217 TH222 TH244 TH261 TH264 TH283 TH330 TH343 TH360 TH393 TH505 TH506 TH525 TH526 TH527 TH548 TH556 TH562 TH579 TH598 THEO2238 THEO2241 THEO2242 THEO2251 THEO2272 THEO2290 THEO2309 THEO2313 THEO2327 THEO2406 THEO2410 THEO2468 THEO2476 THEO2482 THEO2509 THEO2523 THEO2533 THEO2584 THEO3001 THEO3002 THEO3003 THEO3116 THEO3217 THEO3222 THEO3244 THEO3261 THEO3264 THEO3283 THEO3330 THEO3343 THEO3360 THEO3393 THEO3505 THEO3506 THEO3525 THEO3526 THEO3527 THEO3548 THEO3556 THEO3562 THEO3579 THEO3598 Sacraments of Initiation Roman Religion Visions of Divine Justice in the Bible Pacifism&Peace Movements Conflict Transformation The Problem of Belief in Modernity Liberation Theology Myth&Religion in Ancient Israel and the Near East Perspectives:War/Aggression I Literary & Religious Traditions of India Capstone:One Life, Many Lives Asian Philosophy Faith, Ecology&Justice Hitler, the Churches and the Holocaust Black Theology Capstone: Telling Our Stories, Living Our Lives Modern Catholic Social Teaching Human Rights:Common Morality/Relig Diverse World Hinduism: Past & Present American Catholicism & Social Reform Israel in Jewish Theology Medieval Religions&Thought Sex,Gender&the Human Body Bioethics and Social Justice Classics of Christian Spiritualty Spirituality and Sexuality Gender (In)Equality in Classical&Christian Perspec Prophets and Peacemakers Majors Seminar Genocide and Film Living Truthfully:Pers Peace&Soc Courage Suffering, Politics&Liberation Buddhist Philosophy & Spirituality Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy and Practice Medieval Theology I Medieval Theology II Meditation,Interfaith Learning, Social Service Buddhist Thought and Practice Mystery of God Theology of Thomas Aquinas Christ, Ethics, and Society Law, Medicine and Ethics TH405 TH406 TH409 TH412 TH419 TH422 TH423 TH424 TH428 TH431 TH433 TH439 TH440 TH446 TH452 TH454 TH458 TH459 TH464 TH465 TH466 TH472 TH475 TH478 TH480 TH481 TH493 TH496 TH299 TH399 TH401 TH490 TH351 TH352 TH371 TH372 TH378 TH387 TH402 TH418 TH421 TH425 THEO4405 THEO4406 THEO4409 THEO4412 THEO4419 THEO4422 THEO4423 THEO4424 THEO4428 THEO4431 THEO4433 THEO4439 THEO4440 THEO4446 THEO4452 THEO4454 THEO4458 THEO4459 THEO4464 THEO4465 THEO4466 THEO4472 THEO4475 THEO4478 THEO4480 THEO4481 THEO4493 THEO4496 THEO4901 THEO4921 THEO4951 THEO4961 THEO5351 THEO5352 THEO5371 THEO5372 THEO5378 THEO5387 THEO5402 THEO5418 THEO5421 THEO5425 Christianity and Politics War&Peace in Eastern Christianity Michelangelo's Chapel Lonergan and Theological Method Orthodox Christian Spirituality Orthodox Christianity Today Ignatian Spirituality Medieval Affectivity Ten Commandments: Biblical&Contemporary Ethics Quest for Spirituality:Jewish&Non-­‐Jewish Responses Faith,Service&Solidarity Transatlantic Catholicism Since 1750:Responses/Age Religious History of American Catholicism David:The Hebrew Bible and History Theology of Marriage&Family Sacred Buddhist Texts New Orleans:Justice in the City The English Reformation Liberation Christology God&Morality:The Ethical Legacy of Hebrew Bible Introduction to Judaism Buddhist Ethics in Theory and Practice History of Modern Christianity Contemporary Issues in Bioethics Ecclesiology Women and the Church Spiritual Exercises:Philosophers&Theologians The Moral Dimension of the Christian Life Readings and Research Advanced Independent Research Senior Thesis Senior Honors Thesis Faith Elements in Conflicts Israelis&Palestinians:Two Peoples,Three Faiths Turning Points in Jewish History New Testament Greek Jesus in Story and History Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia Jesus Christ:History,Tradition&Interpretation Introduction to Theology of Bonaventure Contemporary Questions in Sacramental Theology Patristic Seminar: Intermediate Greek & English TH426 TH427 TH429 TH432 TH434 TH436 TH437 TH438 TH441 TH447 TH448 TH449 TH456 TH457 TH462 TH467 TH469 TH471 TH474 TH485 TH487 TH492 TH498 TH500 TH508 TH503 TH512 TH514 TH515 TH516 TH517 TH519 TH520 TH524 TH528 TH529 TH531 TH536 TH537 TH539 TH542 TH543 THEO5426 THEO5427 THEO5429 THEO5432 THEO5434 THEO5436 THEO5437 THEO5438 THEO5441 THEO5447 THEO5448 THEO5449 THEO5456 THEO5457 THEO5462 THEO5467 THEO5469 THEO5471 THEO5474 THEO5485 THEO5487 THEO5492 THEO5498 THEO5500 THEO5501 THEO5503 THEO5512 THEO5514 THEO5515 THEO5516 THEO5517 THEO5519 THEO5520 THEO5524 THEO5528 THEO5529 THEO5531 THEO5536 THEO5537 THEO5539 THEO5542 THEO5543 Fathers of the Church Ethics&the Economic Crisis Theology&Ecology Women in World Religions Comparative Mysticism Exploring the Theology of Abraham Joshua Heschel Jewish&Christian Interpretations of Bible Career&Calling Ibn Arabi&Islamic Humanities:Islamic Phil&Theology The Synoptic Gospels Seminar in Patristics:Latin&English Jewish Liturgy:Its History and Theology Genesis Postmodern Augustine? Liberating Rituals A History of Christian Architecture What Can We Know About God?Christian Antiquity Bread Broken for a New World Jews and Christians: Understanding the Other From Diatribe to Dialogue:Stud in Jewish-­‐Xian Enc Passover in Midrash&Talmud Religion in American Public Schools HIV/AIDS and Ethics Women and Gender in Islam Politics, Religion & Power in Antiquity On the Incarnation Pauline Tradition Parables of Jesus Anthropology of Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II Contemporary Philosophy of Religion Sacramental Principle The Crisis of Confidence in the Catholic Church Encountering God in Classics of Spirituality Violence&Forgiveness The Gospel of Matthew Finding God:Aspects of Jewish Theology Abrahamic Family Reunion Theology of Joseph Ratzinger Theology of Christian Initiation Human Rights,Humanitarian Crises&Refugees Liturgy and Ethics Vatican II:History&Interpretation TH544 TH545 TH547 TH551 TH553 TH554 TH559 TH560 TH561 TH563 TH564 TH565 TH566 TH569 TH571 TH572 TH573 TH574 TH577 TH581 TH582 TH583 TH585 TH587 TH592 TH596 TH597 TH794 TH620 TH600 TH601 TH602 TH607 TH614 TH616 TH626 TH636 TH655 TH662 TH688 TH708 TH704 THEO5544 THEO5545 THEO5547 THEO5551 THEO5553 THEO5554 THEO5559 THEO5560 THEO5561 THEO5563 THEO5564 THEO5565 THEO5566 THEO5569 THEO5571 THEO5572 THEO5573 THEO5574 THEO5577 THEO5581 THEO5582 THEO5583 THEO5585 THEO5587 THEO5592 THEO5596 THEO5597 THEO5794 THEO6578 THEO6600 THEO6601 THEO6602 THEO6607 THEO6614 THEO6616 THEO6626 THEO6636 THEO6655 THEO6662 THEO6688 THEO6708 THEO7001 Prophetic Tradition:Exploring the Hadith New Testament Sacraments & Rituals Debating Religious Truth:Jews&Christians/Med World Hindu-­‐Christian Theology Feminist Ethics I Encountering the Qur'an:Contexts&Approaches Dante's Divine Comedy in Translation Introduction to Early Christianity Christian Ethics & Social Issues Ethics, Religion and International Politics Studies in Luke-­‐Acts Root,Rite&Reason:Understanding Sacraments/Church Mystical Poetry in the Islamic Humanities Johannine Community Augustine's Confessions Intermediate Biblical Hebrew I Intermediate Biblical Hebrew II Theology and Spirituality Conciliar Traditions Religion, Arts&Politics Biblical Hebrew I Biblical Hebrew II Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls Early Christianity in its Jewish Context Conflict Resolution Film Introduction to Cross Cultural Ethics Early Christian Biblical Interpretation Philosophy of the Church Fathers Daosim German-­‐Jewish Thinkers Theology&Biotechnologies in Human Health Field Ed/Supv Prac/HPM Soundings in Summa Levinas and Biblical Wisdom Origen of Alexandria:Life&Thought Hermeneutics of God Seven Theological Classics The Book of Psalms in Jewish&Christian Traditions Grace,from Lombard to Luther From Precept to Preacher to Pulpit to Pew Hermeneutics of the Stranger 1-­‐2 Maccabees TH701 TH709 TH899 TH414 TH430 TH443 TH461 TH486 TH507 TH518 TH521 TH534 TH535 TH725 TH552 TH567 TH568 TH594 TH603 TH606 TH610 TH611 TH613 TH618 TH621 TH624 TH627 TH630 TH633 TH638 TH639 TH640 TH641 TH643 TH644 TH648 TH649 TH651 TH652 TH653 TH654 TH657 THEO7002 THEO7003 THEO7101 THEO7414 THEO7430 THEO7443 THEO7461 THEO7486 THEO7507 THEO7518 THEO7521 THEO7534 THEO7535 THEO7539 THEO7552 THEO7567 THEO7568 THEO7594 THEO7603 THEO7606 THEO7610 THEO7611 THEO7613 THEO7618 THEO7621 THEO7624 THEO7627 THEO7630 THEO7633 THEO7638 THEO7639 THEO7640 THEO7641 THEO7643 THEO7644 THEO7648 THEO7649 THEO7651 THEO7652 THEO7653 THEO7654 THEO7657 Theology & Phenomenology Ancient Hebrew & Related Inscriptions Readings and Research Contemporary Approaches to Religious Education North American Catholic Theologians Comparative Religion: History and Methods Human Rights Interdisciplinary Seminar For God&Country:Thinking aboutReligion&Citizenship Theology of Religions/Comparative Theology Aquinas' Ethics Gnostic Christianity Feminist Theology and Ethics Ethics of War and Peacemaking Human Rights,Humanitarian Crises&Forced Migration God,Ethics&the Sciences Theology and Bioethics Ethics and Christology New Testament Ethics Classic Texts of American Theology Peace,Justice&Reconciliation Renaissance&Reformation Biography The Dead Sea Scrolls:Hebrew Exegesis Thirteenth-­‐Century Franciscan Theology Development of Theology The Pentateuch Vatican II:History,Interpretation,Reception Late Medieval Mysticism:Pseudo-­‐Dionysian Tradition Authority in the Church Medieval Trinitarian Theology Theology of Yves Congar Happiness&Virtue 20th Century Systematic Theologians Refugees,Humanitarian Crises, and Human Rights Foundational Theology I:Faith&Reason Foundational Theology II:Using Phil/Syst Theology Migration:Ethical,Rel&Political Perspectives Habakkuk and the Judean Prophetic Tradition Patristic&Medieval Trinitarian Theology Augustine: Life&Thought Theology and the Body Theology in a Secular Age God&Creation TH658 TH659 TH660 TH663 TH666 TH667 TH670 TH671 TH672 TH673 TH674 TH676 TH678 TH687 TH694 TH712 TH713 TH734 TH735 TH738 TH742 TH744 TH746 TH748 TH762 TH779 TH793 TH795 TH803 TH811 TH813 TH817 TH822 TH823 TH827 TH847 TH857 TH880 TH890 TH892 TH893 TH895 THEO7658 THEO7659 THEO7660 THEO7663 THEO7666 THEO7667 THEO7670 THEO7671 THEO7672 THEO7673 THEO7674 THEO7676 THEO7678 THEO7687 THEO7694 THEO7712 THEO7713 THEO7734 THEO7735 THEO7738 THEO7742 THEO7744 THEO7746 THEO7748 THEO7762 THEO7779 THEO7793 THEO7795 THEO7803 THEO7811 THEO7813 THEO7817 THEO7822 THEO7823 THEO7827 THEO7847 THEO7857 THEO7880 THEO7890 THEO7892 THEO7893 THEO7895 Ecclesiology of St. Augustine New Testament Ethics Hans Urs von Balthasar Virtues Ethics:From Aristotle to MacIntyre Catholics and American Culture Theology&the Mystical Turn Methods in Theology Theology of Schillebeeckx Theology of the Spirit&Grace The Minor Prophets Theology&Science Theological Aesthetics Feminist Theologies&Theory Catholic Theological Ethics: 1300-­‐1900 Early Modern Theology John&Virtue Ethics Jesus&Paul&Virtue Ethics Spiritual Sources of Catholic Education&Catechesis Faith, Morality&Law Hermeneutics of the Gift Early Christian Seminar:Asceticism&Spirituality On the Trinity I On the Trinity II Grace and Freedom Christian Ethics:Major Figures Christian Philosophy:Advanced Seminar Christology&Trinity in von Balthasar Catholic Systematic Theology I Graeca Theology and Culture Theological Bioethics:From Basics to Future Global Health and Theological Ethics Human Genetics&Biotechnologies:Theological Ethics Seminar:Jesuits and Theology Introduction to New Testament(Graduate) Ecclesiology&Postmodernity Violence&Forgiveness:Theological&Psychological Per Psychotherapy and Spirituality Ethics of Aquinas II Reinhold Niebuhr & John Courtney Murray Contemporary Theories of Justice The Common Good TH956 TH957 TH968 TH969 TH977 TH994 TH888 TH805 TH806 TH801 TH802 TH826 TH998 TH999 TH941 TH850 TH851 TH982 TH984 TH985 THEO7956 THEO7957 THEO7968 THEO7969 THEO7977 THEO7994 THEO8101 THEO8501 THEO8502 THEO8801 THEO8802 THEO8826 THEO9901 THEO9911 THEO9941 THEO9980 THEO9981 THEO9982 THEO9984 THEO9985 Theology as Hermeneutical Theology as Political Theological Anthropology Suffering, Solidarity, and the Cross 20th Century Catholic Moral Theology Education for Justice and Peace Interim Study Complicity Mercy & Justice Thesis Seminar Augustine of Hippo Introduction to the Hebrew Bible Doctoral Comprehensives Doctoral Continuation Seminar:Schleiermacher Bible Doctoral Seminar I Bible Doctoral Seminar II Ethics Doctoral Seminar Systematics Doctoral Seminar Comparative Doctoral Seminar