Phone Conference 10:30am *Highlighted = attended *Susan Maxwell

Data Governance Committee (DGC) Meeting Notes 11_14_2013
Phone Conference 10:30am
*Highlighted = attended
*Susan Maxwell
Clark College
*Carmen McKenzie
Business Affairs Commission (BAC)
*Kevin McKay
Edmonds Community College
*Linda Schoonmaker
Clover Park Technical College
Human Resources & Management Commission (HRMC)
*Bonnie Cauffman
Peninsula College
Information Technology Commission (ITC)
Russ Beard (Mary Kay Wegner)
Bellevue College
*Sue Williamson
Skagit Valley College
*Eva Smith
Edmonds Community College
Instruction Commission (IC)
Tom Nielsen
Bellevue College
Peter Lortz
North Seattle
Public Information Commission (PIC)
*Sherry Nelson
Janelle Runyon
Research and Planning Commission (RPC)
*Cynthia Requa
Green River
*Hal Royaltey
Student Services Commission (WSSSC)
Ata Karim
Bellevue College
*Sandra Fowler-Hill
Next Meeting:
December 5, 2013 at 10:30am via phone
Introduction of new member - Ata Karim from Bellevue College
Update on ITC representative - Russ will remain one of the representatives
Exit Code Proposal status update
Prior Learning Credit coding Registrar workgroup
Communication Map - FYI on upcoming work
Collaboration worksite
DGC Meeting 11_14_2013
Should we reschedule our recurring meetings for Monday's or Tuesday's so that they don't
interfere with commission meetings?
Meeting Notes:
Should we reschedule our recurring meetings for Monday's or Tuesday's so that they don't interfere
with commission meetings?
We will map out the commission meetings and WACTC and try to schedule around those times. Carmen
and Susan will work on this.
 Introduction of new member
Ata Karim from Bellevue College. Unable to attend today last minute.
 Update on ITC representative
Russ will remain one of the representatives
 Collaboration worksite
Russ is working on a collaboration site. Eva says Get Hub is up and running for developers across the
state. Also working on Office 365 Sharepoint site. No more team foundation server.
 Communication Map - FYI on upcoming work
Susan and Carmen meeting later in the month with PIC to discuss communication mapping.
Susan also gave an update on the workbook and some updates made. This will be used for exit codes as
a trial and modified as needed.
 Exit Code Proposal status update
Discussion of how to move forward with review of the exit code workbook.
Would be nice to have a ppt presentation for sharing, as not everyone will attend.
“Workgroup” instead of DS might make it easier to track who we are talking about.
We would have the Data Governors (from IC for this project) go directly to the councils that need to be
included in the conversation. We filled in some of the workbook using the decisions matrix. Carmen
will complete more of the new workbook. She will then send it to all the Data Governors so everyone is
informed. Carmen and Susan will talk with Tom and Peter about them providing the workbook to WEC
for a quick review to include WSSSC, RPC, ITC and SBCTC members (all consulter commissions). Then IC
will bring back any feedback to the DGC for a final review.
 Prior Learning Credit coding and the Registrar workgroup
SBCTC and HECB policy on prior learning assessment many years ago. What qualifies, how do you assess,
how to get credits, etc. It’s a direct transcription of credits. Asked Carmen how to code so it could be
tracked. Presidents want it to LOOK like regular class – not called out, but accreditation says it should be
noted. New workgroup in ARC has been working on this recently, however it’s on IC’s workplan.
Registrars brought up some issues with the coding. What YRQ is assigned? Needs a valid grade for
DGC Meeting 11_14_2013
transfer to 4 years – not a Pass/Fail. Patrick Brown – Registrar at Bates is spearheading the workgroup.
Carmen has spoken to him. Since this is on IC’s workplan we determined that the accountable
commission is IC. WSSSC and the registrars need to be included as consulter commissions.
IC will get two workbooks (exit code, prior learning credit) from DGC. The exit codes do not require a
workgroup, as the work has already been done. IC just needs WEC to review the proposal and provide
feedback to the IC Data Governors. The prior learning will need a workgroup, although they have much
of the work done by the registrars already. Articulation and Transfer council will likely be the council
with the steward coordinator. The coordinator will need to form a workgroup, review and finalize the
work from the registrars, and send the proposal to the IC Data Governors.
The IC Data Governors will send the final workbooks and proposals to the DGC and make a
recommendation. DGC will vote and then these will move on for implementation.
Note – this is the Process Flow Tab in the workbook
Process Flow
Step 1 – Carmen will
Step 2 – yes
Step 3 – completed
Step 4 – discussed
for both
Step 6 *** IC will do
this for both
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10 - optional
Step 11 - optional
Step 12
Step 13
Workbook is started - Request to Review tab - by anyone who wants to see a
data element reviewed
Determine if the data element falls within the purview of the DGC.
Determine the accountable commission, council, and steward coordinator and
complete the Assignments tab.
Determine the appropriate approval process. Does this data element require
an ad hoc workgroup?
The DGC Data Governors (commission representative) of the commission
deemed accountable informs the appropriate Steward Coordinator and
forwards a copy of the workbook.
The Steward Coordinator creates an AdHoc Data Steward Committee. They
works through the task, complete one of the Details tabs and the Proposal and
Analysis tab, and communicates the proposal to their DGC Data Governors
(commission representative).
The DGC Data Governors forward the workbook to the DGC along with any
additional information.
DGC discusses and approves the proposal or returns the proposal to the Data
Steward Committee with recommendations. The Proposal and Analysis tab is
reviewed ad completed along with the Approval tab and the Implementation
Steps tab.
If there is a cost to implement the proposal the DGC recommendation is
refered to WACTC Technology Committee for approval.
If there is a modification needed to SBCTC Policy Manual or SBCTC Fiscal
Affairs Manual the recommendation is refered to SBCTC.
Once the proposal is approved, the DGC Data Governors communicate the
decision to the Data Steward Committee and to their commission.
The approved coding schema is communicated to the SBCTC for
DGC Meeting 11_14_2013
Step 14
Communication Map is followed to ensure posting to appropriate locations
and information distributed.
If you hear of workgroups working on codes please talk with them about data governance and let
Carmen know so we can pull it into DG.
DGC Meeting 11_14_2013