DEVELOPING GLOBAL CITIZENS WITHIN HIGHLAND COUNCIL THE WORK OF THE DGC PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY NOVEMBER 2010 Susan Belford – QIO, The Highland Council Our Core Aims are to: • • • • • • ensure a global dimension is embedded within the ethos of every ECS establishment through the implementation of our core policies on international and sustainable development education; ensure that every member of staff within Highland ECS Service brings a global citizenship perspective into the planning and delivery of the key experiences and outcomes of a Curriculum For Excellence; ensure that Highland’s young people have the knowledge, understanding, skills and values that will allow them to participate fully in ensuring their own and others’ well-being and to make a positive contribution both locally and globally; allow staff to work within, across and outwith their own establishment in the development of international, citizenship and sustainable development education; provide staff with quality opportunities to participate in continuing professional development in and about an international context; and provide support and information to schools to allow all practitioners to embed international and sustainable development education within the curriculum. Our plan of action: 1. Hold a major DGC event in May 2010 2. Hold series of roadshows to further embed messages of main event 3. Develop key GLOW Group 4. Provide opportunity for members of DGC Group to see good practice in promoting DGC within another authority. Key steps to organising May event • • • • • • • • Set up core working group and two key organisers Agreed dates of meetings to organise event Ring - fenced budget - £3350 Agreed advertising / publicity strategy Agreed venue Agreed logistics e.g. parking / catering for day Agreed programme for the day Agreed core contributors and roles of DGC Group Embedding Global Citizenship within Curriculum for Excellence Monday 24th May 2010 Inverness Town House, High Street, Inverness Programme for the Day • 09.30 – 10.00 Registration and Coffee • 10.00 - 10.30 Introduction + Keynote Speaker • 10.35 – 11.25 Workshop 1 C International Study visit - Chamber E Sustainable Development - Committee Room 1 F DGC through a Curriculum for Excellence - Hall G Global Citizenship for the Early Level - Committee Room 2 • 11.30 – 12.20 Workshop 2 C International Study visit - Chamber F DGC through a Curriculum for Excellence- Hall H Ethics, enterprise and C for E – Committee Room 2 J Energy + Action = Change - Committee Room 1 • 12.20 – 13.15 Lunch, Displays + Networking • 13.15 – 14.05 Workshop 3 A Ubumwe – Connecting Classrooms - Hall B E twinning / Comenius - Committee Room 1 D Fairtrade - Chamber G Global Citizenship for the Early Level - Committee Room 2 • 14.10 – 15.00 Workshop 4 A Ubumwe – Connecting Classrooms - Hall B E twinning / Comenius - Committee Room 1 D Fairtrade - Chamber H Ethics, enterprise and C for E - Committee Room 2 • 15.05 – 15.30 Evaluation and Plenary Impact? • ‘Got some excellent ideas for CfE from the presentation on Sustainable Development ‘ • ‘Some practical ideas from the activities from Global Citizenship for the early level’ • ‘Session which highlighted the application process for International study visits has made me really want to participate in the future’ • ‘Found the huge list of on-line resources very helpful’ • ‘Found the Ideas, activities and resources wonderful and very useful’ What next? • ‘Going for international school award – more straight-forward now’ • ‘Going to develop Fair trade opportunities in school’ • ‘Now going to embed DGC within our interdisciplinary projects’ • ‘Look at E twinning - make a start with pupils’ • ‘ Will now incorporate Fair trade work within development plan for 10-11’ THE DGC ROADSHOWS Key aim of these events: • To support teaching staff to understand their role and responsibility in embedding developing global citizenship within their school’s curriculum through highlighting: The 3 broad strands of DGC - education for citizenship; international education; sustainable development education; 5 principles of DGC; examples of the LTS developing global citizens’ [DGC] exemplification materials; examples of local practice; • To encourage staff to increase their understanding of DGC and plan for future implementation by : working collegially to participate in global citizenship activities i.e. the Compass Rose Activity. WHAT WE PLAN TO DO NEXT Further strengthen DGC group through expansion of membership to encompass three broad areas. Secure further funding to allow DGC Group to undertake key roles and responsibilities. Further develop our DGC GLOW Group as main vehicle for communication / providing exemplification and resources. Visit other authorities to share practice