Data Governance Committee (DGC) Meeting Notes

Data Governance Committee (DGC)
Meeting Notes
Date 10_02_2014
Phone Conference: 10:30am
*Highlighted = attended
*Susan Maxwell
Clark College
*Carmen McKenzie
Business Affairs Commission (BAC)
*Kevin McKay
Edmonds Community College
*Linda Schoonmaker
Clover Park Technical College
Human Resources & Management Commission (HRMC)
Bonnie Cauffman
Peninsula College
Information Technology Commission (ITC)
*Brandon Ray
Lower Columbia College
*Sue Williamson
Highline Community College
*Eva Smith
Edmonds Community College
Instruction Commission (IC)
*Tom Nielsen
Bellevue College
Mary Ellen O’Keeffe
North Seattle
Public Information Commission (PIC)
Katie Rose
Janelle Runyon
Research and Planning Commission (RPC)
*Cynthia Requa
Green River
*Hal Royaltey
Student Services Commission (WSSSC)
Ata Karim
Bellevue College
*Dave Paul
Skagit Valley College
DGC Meeting 10/2/2014
Next Meeting:
Not November 6th or 13th. Will look for a date.
This meeting will be WebX. As you sign in it may help others if you put your commission in parentheses
so everyone knows which commission we represent. Once you enter your name and email you can
enter your phone number and then you receive a phone call (instead of you having to dial in). If you are
not at a computer there is a number to call in.
Meeting Notes:
Master data views
Charter update
PLA update
Technology Conference
November meeting rescheduling
Master data views
o Review again by Carmen. A set of master source data that is used for state and federal
reporting. Format different than the transactional data – make it more useful for
reporting. A view looks like a table but it’s more like a query (joining together data from
different tables into a view to use). Very limited calculations. CS completed. Carmen is
working on FIN and HCM.
o These views define the data that we will be governing.
o Dave’s question – what is our job?
 To standardize the data elements within these views (if this is even needed as
many are already very standard) and to ensure that the data collected is of high
 Additional data elements to add into views.
o Dave suggests that after the views are set (after go-live) then we review and vote to
make official. Carmen will be presenting at PRC and ARC. Dave suggests handouts.
o Carmen would like to present to the system in Winter.
Charter update
o Discussed with RPC reps – what data does RPC have interest in, what is their role? What
data elements?
o Carmen suggest some modifications.
 Data Warehouse – shows SBCTC as consulted and RPC as Accountable. But
SBCTC is responsible for correct coding – especially in any added data elements.
 Are there better terms than accountable, consulted, informed
 Carmen, Sue, Cynthia, and Eva, volunteer to work on the Charter.
DGC Meeting 10/2/2014
Could there be dual accountability. Best to just split into 2 different columns and
one group accountable.
 Cynthia mentioned some source data – researcher outcomes data that RPC is
asked by sbctc to work on.
Mononym – one name, discussion led by Susan about standardization of names that don’t fit
our First, middle, last name convention.
What is a name used for?
Looking up and identifying a student
Matching to other records
Communicating / mailing / contracts
Rosters / class schedule
Email creation – automated
Active directory / authentication
Who else do our names have to match to? (Probability matching also)
Social Security Administration
Internal Revenue Service
National Student Clearinghouse
Other schools
Healthcare and retirement
ERDC – data sharing
UI data
Veterans and other agencies
Decided we needed a workgroup of WSSSC and HRMC, along with ITC involvement to
discuss naming conventions. How do we enter names that do not fit our conventions, given
that PeopleSoft does not allow blanks in the first or last name fields.
Susan will prepare an information sheet.
Data Governors to do:
Review Naming Options information sheet and solicit feedback.
DGC Meeting 10/2/2014