WEST VIRGINIA COUNCIL OF SCHOOL NURSES Bridgeport, WV December 14, 2006 Minutes Attendees: Debbie Kaplan, RESA I; Melinda Gibson, RESA II; Nancy Doss, RESA III; Beth Jordan, RESA IV; Alisa Shepler, RESA V; Diana Baker, RESA VI; Nancy Bradshaw, RESA VII; Sharon Clark, RESA VIII; Rebecca King, WVDE 1. The meeting was called to order by Sharon Clark. 2. Sharon Clark distributed books and a CD Rom on Sun Awareness for all fourth through ninth grade teachers to be taken to our RESA School Nurses. These materials are provided by The University of Texas MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER. 3. Minutes from the previous meeting were approved as corrected. Old Business: 1. Electronic Health Care Plans a. Service hours are to include direct contact with the student including school nurse and designated school personnel. b. Education dates Staff development training dates, under Procedures section, refers to whatever dates the nurse has educated students or trained staff. This is an optional screen to remind all school nurses of existing or future laws related to the procedure or medical diagnosis. c. Health Care Plans will stay with the student’s record as long as they have a WVEIS #. d. Deadline to submit electronic health care plans is 01-01-07. 2. Screening recommendations: final drafts a. Scoliosis: There was a suggestion made to add school nurses do not perform mass postural screening. A descriptor will be added for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. b. Dental: Add, 98% of children in WV are covered…. Children should be receiving a dental exam with the yearly comprehensive exam ( ie; Health Check ). c. Vision: Rebecca will make edits and send to council members. d. Hearing: Recommendations for changes were made. e. Lice: Recommendation approved. Rebecca will send recommendations to council members. If she does not receive any changes or corrections, they will be accepted. 3. Immunization Recommendations: Alisa presented a recommendation which was edited and approved. 4. Standardizations of Intervention Guide: Rebecca gave us examples of intervention guides currently available. Any council members who have guides in use will send copies to other council members. 5. School Nurse Evaluations: Each member is to review school nurse evaluations received at a previous meeting, for the next meeting. New Business: None WVDE update: 1. Rebecca reported that the Bureau for Public Health Administrative Rule Proposal for Immunizations was withdrawn by Secretary of DHHR, Honorable Martha Yeager Walker due to the request to include religious and philosophical exemptions. 2. Each council member received a copy of the WV Health Modernization Act. Rebecca requested we look over it for the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held in Flatwoods, WV at the Days Inn, February 22, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and February 23, 2007 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Bradshaw, RN, Secretary