West Virginia
o f Sc ho o l Nurse s
Friday, May 10, 2013
8:00 am-3:00pm
Stonewall Jackson Resort
Roanoke, WV
Call to Order by Carol Cipoletti, Chairperson.
Introductions and Welcome
Those in attendance: Amanda Meadows, RESA 1; Kristi Scaggs, RESA
2; Melinda Embrey, RESA 3; Paula McCoy, RESA 4; Carol Cipoletti,
RESA 6; Shalene “Shelly” Kerere, RESA 7; Debbie Stine, RESA 8;
Rebecca King, WVDE; and Paula R. Fields, WVDE. Milissa Mace of
Roane County Schools in RESA 5 was unable to attend due to lack of
school nurse substitutes.
Approval of minutes from March 15, 2013 at Waterfront Hotel in
Morgantown, WV. Reviewed, revisions made, and then approved.
Old Business
 Review of WVU-CARDIAC Project survey to school nurses. In a
follow-up email to meeting with Dr. William Neal of the CARDIAC
program, the council has received a document called “CARDIAC
Expectations for School Nurses”. This document was reviewed and
accepted with one addition made regarding classroom presentations. It
is expected that the coordinators of the CARDIAC program (not the
school nurse) will be responsible for classroom presentations about the
program and screenings.
New Business
 Review/Revise WVBE Policy 2422.8-Medication Administration.
Revisions incorporating HB 2729-Epinephrine Law. Becky King will
send the council members a summary of the policy to be forwarded to
the nurses in each RESA with request for comments from them.
Discussion regarding school-related events (curricular and cocurricular, as defined in the medication policy) and epinephrine
 Review/Revise stock epinephrine procedure for WV Public Schools.
Mylan has agreed to provide each school with 4 Epi-Pens (two twopacks) next school year. Discussion about getting this information out
to local school boards, as it must also be approved at the local level. A
medical director will be necessary at the county level. Those without
medical directors may be able to get assistance from their local health
departments. It is expected that this procedure will be approved and in
place by October 2013. In regard to data collection about
administration of administration of epinephrine including stock to
undiagnosed students and staff was recommended that the school
nurse be responsible for reporting to WV Poison Control.
 Revisions to WVCOSN By-Laws. Under Article III (Membership)
change made to “desired minimum of five years’ experience” instead
of “with a minimum of five years’ experience”. Also recommend that
council members not serve more than two full consecutive terms,
instead of the current wording that council members “not serve two
full consecutive terms”. Also secretary and chairperson will be elected
at the spring meeting and serve one year term starting in the fall.
Under Article VIII will omit #6 that reads “To meet every two years to
review the certification and training program regarding school
 2013 Adolescent Vaccination Requirements. No indication yet if there
will be a grace period this year.
 Review possible suggestions for revisions to Policy 2422.7 and Basic
and Specialized Health Care Procedure Manual. Council members
were each assigned sections of the manual to review and make
recommendations about changes or deletions in time for the meeting in
the fall (expected to be November 6th from 8am to 12:00 noon in
Charleston prior to the WVASN Fall Conference at Embassy Suites).
 Elected Kristi Scaggs (RESA 2) Chairperson of the WVCOSN for a
two-year term.
Updates from WVDE
 2013 KidStrong Conference: Graduate Credit for school nurses
attending Day 2 only with assignment to make up Day 1 and stock
epinephrine session with Carol Cipoletti.
Closing remarks and next meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 from
8:30am-1:00pm with lunch provided at the Embassy Suites in Charleston, WV
Meeting adjourned at 2:00pm