December 2, 2005
Attendees: Deborah Kaplan, RESA I; Teresa Ryan, RESA II; Nancy Doss, RESA III;
Rhonda Tabit, RESA IV; Diana Baker, RESA VI; Nancy Bradshaw, RESA VII; and,
Rebecca King, WVDE.
1. The meeting was called to order at 11:20 a.m. by Teresa Ryan, President.
2. Supplemental Skill Performance Sheets were proofread by Rhonda Tabit and Nancy
Bradshaw and given to Rebecca King for revision.
3. Council discussed feedback on the School Nurse Assessment for this past year. Good
comments were received on the format of the tool, the use of the computer and ease of
completion. There were problems with data collection and deletion of information
already entered. Rebecca will talk with Randall at WVDE to iron out problems. Randall
will try to make the assessment tool available by January 2006 to use as an ongoing data
collection tool.
4. There was discussion about the November 9, 2005 conference call regarding the
Kindergarten Screening Survey results and recommendations. Diana Baker, Alisa
Shepler, Nancy Bradshaw and Becky King were able to participate in the call. There was
discussion about standardizing screening procedures. Dr. G. Bradley an ophthalmologist
from WVU wants to be part of the vision screening committee. Rebecca will provide
Council members with a synopsis of the conference call. Council decided to divide up
the screenings to research best practice, ages to be screened, tools, screening vs.
assessment and procedures. Assignments were: Hearing – Teresa Ryan and Nancy
Bradshaw; Vision – Diana Baker and Nancy Doss; Developmental – Becky King; and,
Dental – Debbie Kaplan and Rhonda Tabit. Members are to bring information to next
5. Council discussed possible topics for improved nursing practice. Suggestions
included: No-nit policies, conjunctivitis, scoliosis, rashes, strep infections. Debbie
Kaplan made a motion to choose the No-nit Policy for the first topic and scolosis as a
second topic. Teresa Ryan seconded motion. Motion carried.
6. Council had discussion on the legalities of generating lists of students with health
problems and distributing them to school staff. It was agreed there was no one answer to
satisfy every nurse’s situation and personal liability. Council members will attend a
seminar “Lawfully Managing Student Records Without Violating Privacy Rights” in
Charleston, WV on January 31, 2006 to gain more insight into this question as well as
other legal issues that may come before Council. Becky will make the arrangements for
the seminar and lodging.
7. Council discussed developing a School Nurse Evaluation Form. There is some
concern that such a tool could be used negatively against the nurse. Some current
December 2, 2005
assessment tools were reviewed. Council members will discuss at next meeting and look
for more forms to review.
8. School nurse job descriptions were passed out to members for use in developing an
evaluation form.
9. Rebecca has not had the opportunity to get more information on consensus statements
vs. position statements. She will continue to work on that for Council.
10. Rebecca King reported that the Bureau for Public Health has given grant money to
County Health Departments to search and find immunization records of students who are
not listed in the WVIIS. They may obtain the information from private providers or
school nurses. This information can be legally provided to the Health Department by
school nurses.
11. Nancy Doss requested information on a standardized physical form for students
entering pre-school.
12. Nancy Bradshaw discussed pre-school requirements for immunizations. Rebecca
King informed that we have to follow AAP and CDC suggested immunization schedule
for pre-school. Policy 2525 addresses the requirements beginning in 2006. Students
have 90 days to complete a series if first immunizations have been obtained prior to
school entry.
13. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved on a motion by Teresa Ryan
and seconded by Debbie Kaplan.
14. The next meeting will be January 30, 2006 from 10a.m. – 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. – 8:30
p.m. in Charleston, WV at the Marriott Hotel. Council will attend the Seminar the next
morning at 8:30 a.m. – 12 n. and reconvene at 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
15. Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Tabit, R.N.