Bridgeport, WV
April 8, 2005
Attendees: Deborah Kaplan, RESA I; Teresa Ryan, RESA II; Nancy Doss, RESA III; Rhonda
Tabit, RESA IV; Alisa Shepler, RESA V; Barbara Hart, RESA VI; Mary Jane Rinard, RESA
VIII; and Rebecca King, WVDE.
1. Rhonda Tabit, Secretary, called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m.
2. Rebecca King gave an update as follows:
A. Legislative Bills of Interest to School Health
1. H.B. 2816 – Healthy Lifestyles Bill addresses obesity problem in WV schools.
BMI’s will be required on students in grades 4-8; P.E. requirements will be specified;
and soft drink sales in schools will be limited. BMI’s must be entered on WVEIS.
2. H.B. 3107 – Bill was to increase number of school nurses in certain counties. Bill did
not move out of Senate Education Committee. Concerns were that number of school
nurses in those counties could not be changed because the counties would be
specified in law to maintain that number.
3. H.B. 3130 – This bill gives the Bureau of Public Health the authority to inspect
4. H.B. 2885 – TB testing every 2 years for school employees was deleted. New
employees must still have TB test. New enterers from out-of-state must still have TB
test within 4 months of entry. The change in the bill requires the student to receive
the skin test and results recorded before entry. Rebecca will check when law will
become effective. Questions arose about physicians who are using risk assessment
and not giving PPD if student doesn’t meet criteria. Rebecca will check with BPH
about this.
5. H.B. 2465 – Did not pass. Addressed professional service salary supplements for
national certification by counselors, speech therapists and school nurses.
B. The WV Supreme Court of Appeals ruled on February 16, 2005 that County Boards of
Education could hire LPN’s to function as Aide/LPN if student requires specialized
health care. There is still question how or if the hours worked will count for licensure for
the LPN.
C. Information on school nurses employed by each county and enrollment for high schools
was distributed.
D. The informational sheets are being prepared for distribution. Council reviewed position
statements on reinsertion of G-tubes, administration of IM Imitrex, and administration of
Bridgeport, WV
April 8, 2005
IV Clotting Factor. After review and revision, Council approved the position statements
for distribution to school nurses.
E. The School Nurse Institute will be June 28 and 27, 2005 at the Marriott in Charleston.
Anyone who drives over 50 miles may get room overnight, double occupancy free.
Registration will be free. Brochure will be mailed soon from WVDE. The School Nurse
Institute will be held annually.
F. Discussion about the RN Newsletter with the proposed new model of delegation and
changes to nurse practice act. The RN Board meets on May 23, 2005 to get input on the
proposals. School nurses are scheduled to meet from 11 – 12 a.m. Teresa Ryan will
attend to represent the Council. If unable, Rhonda Tabit will attend.
G. The Kindergarten Round-Up survey will be online. Rebecca needs to know the name of
a nurse to designate to complete the survey in each county. Each RESA rep needs to
forward the name for each county to Rebecca’s office. The survey should be on web by
end of April with results due in May.
3. The minutes of the last meeting were read. After revision, motion was made by Barbara Hart
and seconded by Mary Jane Rinard to approve. Motion carried.
4. Needs Assessment – Teresa Ryan and Rebecca King have met with Randall at WVDE and a
new assessment tool has been designed. Each school nurse will complete the new tool
online. Assessment will be due by June 30, 2005. A letter will be sent to each nurse with
information and password to access the site when ready. Council requested a hard copy for
distribution to school nurses prior to using web to familiarize them with new format. Council
members will review new form on line and send any comments/suggestions before
assessment becomes available to other school nurses.
5. Teresa Ryan had a meeting with WVEIS staff. They expressed interest in finding money for
software and PDA’s for school nurses to use to enter info for WVEIS. Rebecca King is
writing an application for a grant from Tobisha for funds for this project.
6. Rebecca’s office staff is still developing the Skills Check-Off Sheets. Council agreed on
format. The title of sheets will be Performance Checklists and will be punched for use in 3ring binder with a title page. Sample forms will be sent at same time. If any one has any
additional forms please send to Rebecca by April 15, 2005 and Rebecca will send to Council
to review by April 22, 2005. Rebecca hopes to have this project completed by this summer
and mailed to school nurses.
7. Informational Sheets will be prepared and mailed this summer also.
8. The WV School Nurse of the Year luncheon will be April 20, 2005 at the Embassy Suites in
Charleston. There was discussion about ways to get more school nurses to apply for this
9. Council decided not to develop a discharge form for statewide use in ER’s/Urgent Care’s for
instructions for school return.
Bridgeport, WV
April 8, 2005
10. RESA VI and RESA VIII will be electing new representatives to begin at the Fall Council
meeting. Council congratulated and thanked Barbara Hart and Mary Jane Rinard for their
hard work and support over the last 4 years.
11. The Fall Conference for WVASN will be held October 26 – 28, 2005 at Canaan Valley State
Park. Council brainstormed with Debbie Kaplan, program director, on program content and
possible speakers.
12. The next meeting for Council will be October 26, 2005 from 10 –12 a.m. at Canaan Valley.
13. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. on motion by Barbara Hart and seconded by Mary Jane
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Tabit, R.N.