Mineral Wells, WV
November 1, 2006
Attendees: Melinda Gibson, RESA II; Brenda Tuckwiller, RESA IV; Alisa Shepler,
RESA V; Diane Baker, RESA VI; Nancy Bradshaw, RESA VII; Sharon Clark, RESA
VII; Rebecca King, WVDE; Rhonda Tabit
1. The meeting was called to order by Rhonda Tabit.
2. Melinda Gibson was introduced as the new representative for RESA II to replace
Teresa Ryan.
3. Brenda Tuckwiller announced she will no longer be a school nurse after the end
of this month when she will be taking on a new job. RESA IV will be electing a
new representative.
4. Election of new officers: Sharon Clark, Chairperson and Nancy Bradshaw,
Old Business:
1. Screening Recommendations
a. Scoliosis: Reviewed the changes made at the last council meeting and
made the following correction to change Scoliosis to postural screening.
Rebecca will work on the revisions made by the council.
b. Dental: Council recommended school nurses do oral assessment instead
of dental inspections. Also add the WV code which states only licensed
dentists can do dental screenings. Rhonda will make the revisions.
c. Vision: Recommendations for revisions were made. Diane will present
revised recommendations at the next council meeting.
d. Hearing: Luann Hendershot, RESA VII Audiologist will revise her
recommendations for school nurses and send to Rebecca.
e. Lice: Recommendations were made by the council. Sharon will make the
All revisions should be sent to Rebecca by the end of November and she will
forward them to the council members before the next council meeting.
2. School Nurse Evaluations will be tabled for the December meeting. Rebecca will
send members copies to review.
New Business:
1. Evidence-Base Practice Project
a. Suggested topics include: G-tube replacement, clotting factors, central
lines, PIC lines, immunizations, and conjunctivitis.
b. Rebecca reported that Public Health is strongly advocating for a law to
permit religious and philosophical exemptions for immunizations. This
will create a possibility of outbreaks of illnesses which are now under
control. This law could be passed this summer. Council needs to address
this as a high priority. Alisa will write recommendations for
c. Dianne will begin a recommendation for conjunctivitis.
2. Standardization of Intervention Guides: Council members will contact the nurses
in their RESA to send us their intervention guides for council to review. We want
to have intervention guides on the web so nurses can access them electronically.
3. Electronic Health Care Plans: Nurses need to have health care plans on the web
by January 1, 2007 in order to receive funding. Each nurse needs to calculate
service hours and submit under “request funding from WVDE.” Service hours
include the school nurse, contract nurse (RN and LPN), secretary, aides, etc. A
physician’s order for one-on-one provider is 8 service hours.
Rebecca King gave the following updates from WVDE:
1. Orientation for school nurses is now online. Register through the Office of
Healthy Schools web page under Introduction to School Nursing. The training
manual is not ready yet.
2. Over-the-counter medication training is online. Persons must retrain every two
3. Communicable disease training is almost complete. The new communicable
disease policy will be in effect July 2007. Counties are currently working on
county policy. Persons will need to do training every two years.
4. Policy 2525 is being revised to recommend screening forms. We need to look
over to see if we have any suggestions for changes and send to Rebecca.
5. The First Lady’s Healthy Lifestyles Coalition, SB 2816, would like to see all
schools do BMI.
6. The Board of Nursing for RN’s meeting was held October 27, 2006. The
following topics were discussed and Rebecca will send them out once she
receives them in writing.
a. There is to be no pre-pouring of meds. The school nurse is not covered by
the WVDE if an incident occurs since she is not following protocol.
b. School nurses are not to be involved with dietary supplements. It is the
parents’ responsibility to give.
c. Field trips: If the school nurse feels it is safe to delegate, then she can do
so. When going out of state, the school nurse needs to find out how long
she can practice in that state. It may be necessary to get permission from
the other state’s Board of Nurses to delegate or practice. Be sure the
procedure we delegate is able to be delegated in the other state. A parent
can delegate another chaperone who is not school personnel.
7. Rebecca reported there is nothing in writing that states county funds need to pay
for equipment, supplies, and evaluations. Parents are to provide and/or pay for.
Counties can pay for if it is a safety issue for the staff.
8. Sally Herrington and Rebecca have included paying for school nurses for before
school programs and after school programs where medically fragile children
attend. Money is included in 21st Century Learning.
9. The immunization screen has been updated in WVEIS to include several
additional immunizations such as Prevnar (PCV), HPV, and Menactra (MCV4).
10. The School Nurse Needs Assessment Survey needs to be done for the school year
2006-2007, and is due July 1, 2007. Electronic care plans will only give data for
asthma, diabetes, and seizures.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
The next meeting will be in Bridgeport, WV, December 14, 2006 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Bradshaw, RN, Secretary