Board Conference Room
Capitol Building 6, Room 353
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, West Virginia
January 8, 2014
Call to Order
Following the welcome, Pledge of Allegiance and introductions, President Gayle C.
Manchin called the meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) to order at 10:06
a.m. on January 8, 2014, in the Board Conference Room, Capitol Building 6, Room 353,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The following members were present: President Manchin, Vice President Michael I.
Green, Secretary Robert W. Dunlevy, Tina H. Combs, Thomas W. Campbell, Lloyd G.
Jackson II, and William M. White, and ex officio James B. Phares, State Superintendent of
Schools. Members absent were L. Wade Linger Jr. and ex officios Paul L. Hill, Chancellor,
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and James L. Skidmore, Chancellor, West
Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education.
President Manchin recognized Mr. Wesley A. Holland, Manager of the Tools for School
program, in the WVDE Office of Instructional Technology (Mr. Holland passed January 7, 2014)
for his efforts to ensure that the students of West Virginia had state-of-the-art technology
designed to engage their learning process and prepare them for their world post-graduation.
The Board recognized the following 2013 National Blue Ribbon Schools: Monongah
Middle School (Marion County) - Superintendent Gary Price and Principal Robert Moore; and
Panther Creek Elementary (Nicholas County) - Superintendent Beverly Kingery and Principal
Angela Amick.
Approval of Agenda
President Manchin requested that New Business item B. WVBE Personnel inclusive of
Appointment of an Executive Director for RESA 4 and Update on State Superintendent Search be
moved to follow the approval of the agenda and called for other modifications or a motion to
approve the agenda with the requested change.
Dr. White moved that the agenda be approved as modified. Mr. Dunlevy seconded the
motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
WVBE Personnel inclusive of Appointment of an
Executive Director for RESA 4 and Update on State Superintendent Search
President Manchin provided an update regarding that status of the State Superintendent
President Manchin requested Ms. Beverly Kingery, Superintendent of Nicholas County
Schools, address the Board regarding the hiring of an Executive Director of RESA 4.
Superintendent Kingery announced David A. Warvel as the RESA 4 interview committee's
recommendation to the Board for hiring as Executive Director of RESA 4.
Mr. Campbell moved that David A. Warvel be hired as Executive Director of RESA 4
effective February 17, 2014, at an annual salary of $94,832.00. Dr. White seconded the motion
and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
Mr. Dunlevy moved that the Board's personnel matters found in the attachment be
approved. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was
carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment Mc and addendum.)
President Manchin, assisted by Ms. Donna Hoylman Peduto, WVBE Director of
Operations, provided the following information regarding the search process: the RFP has
resulted in two bids which were opened January 7; interviews and oral presentations must be
scheduled with a decision regarding the hiring of a search firm to be made following the
interviews/oral presentations.
Resolution in Support of Cedar Lakes
Ms. Peduto read a resolution in support of Cedar Lakes for the Board's consideration. At
its regular meeting on December 11, 2013, the WVBE heard a presentation on behalf of the
Cedar Lakes Foundation by Senator Mitch Carmichael, Delegate Steve Westfall, and Dr. Stan
Hopkins wherein a plan for the self-sustainability of Cedar Lakes Conference Center was
outlined. As a result of that presentation, the WVBE has developed a resolution in support of the
self-sustainability plan.
Dr. White moved that the WVBE Resolution in Support of the Sustainability of Cedar
Lakes Conference Center be approved. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and upon the call for
the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment A.)
Governor's Education Agenda
President Manchin, Ms. Peduto (via PowerPoint presentation, updated implementation
chart, and implementation timeline - attached to minutes), and members of the Board, provided
an update regarding progress toward accomplishing the Governor's education reform agenda
including the WVBE Commission on School District Governance and Administration (Mr.
Campbell); using RESAs more efficiently; investigate Project 24 (Mr. Green); utilizing cross
certification/professional preparation accreditation to support reading on grade level by the end
-3of the third grade (President Manchin and Mr. Jackson); professional development so support
reading on grade level by the end of the third grade; early literacy to support reading on grade
level of the end of the third grade; professional development; leadership capacity development;
and Re-imagining Instructional Time (Dr. White). At Dr. White's request Mr. Joe Panetta,
Assistant State Superintendent, Division of Student Support Services, addressed the Board
regarding the school calendar policy. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment O.)
Superintendent Reports
Superintendent Phares (via PowerPoint presentation), assisted by Mr. Juan D'Brot,
Executive Director, WVDE Office of Assessment and Accountability, and Ms. Liza Cordeiro,
Executive Director, WVDE Office of Communications, provided reports regarding WVDE
mid-year cuts, presentation to Joint Standing Committee on Education, Legislative Oversight
Commission on Education Accountability, National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP) (Mr. D'Brot), outreach plan for NAEP and next steps (Ms. Cordeiro). (PowerPoint
presentation attached to Official Minutes, Attachment P.)
Chancellor Reports
Chancellor Hill and Chancellor Skidmore were unable to attend the meeting.
RESA Liaison Report
Ms. Jane Lynch, Executive Director of RESA 8 and WVBE RESA Liaison, provided a
report regarding a number of ongoing initiatives.
Office of Institutional Education Programs
Dr. Fran Warsing, Superintendent, Mr. Jacob Green, Executive Director, and Ms. Tonya
Johnson (distributed updated information), Transition Specialist, WVDE Office of Institutional
Education Programs, provided an update regarding the transition services model for the
transition from juvenile institutions back to public schools in West Virginia. (Copies appended
to Official Minutes, Attachments B-1, B-2 and addendum.)
President Manchin called for a break for lunch at 12:07 p.m.
Call to Order
President Manchin called the meeting back to order at 12:58 p.m.
Capacity Building for Priority Schools and Intervention Counties
Mr. Ted Mattern, System Support Liaison, Office of the State Superintendent, provided
information regarding support services provided to selected priority schools and the intervention
Status of Preston County Progress Addressing OEPA Recommendations
Found in the November 2012 Audit Report of Grant County Schools
Executive Session
Mr. Rick Hicks, Superintendent of Preston County Schools, provided a status report of
progress made in addressing OEPA recommendations found in the November 2012 Audit Report
of Preston County Schools.
Mr. Green moved, in accordance with W. Va. Code §18-2E-5(k)(1), "Any discussion by
the state board of schools to be subject to an on-site review or dates for which on-site reviews
will be conducted, W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(B)(9), "To consider matters involving or
affecting the purchase, sale or lease of property, advance construction planning, the investment
of public funds, etc.", and W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A), "Matters arising from the
appointment, employment, retirement, promotion, transfer, demotion, disciplining, resignation,
discharge, dismissal or compensation of a public officer or employee, or prospective public
officer or employee unless the public officer or employee or prospective public officer or
employee requests an open meeting" that the Board move into executive session. Mrs. Combs
seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
The Board entered into executive session at 1:11 p.m.
Return from Executive Session
Mr. Campbell moved that the Board return from Executive Session with no action
taken. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call of the question the motion was carried
unanimously. The Board returned from Executive Session at 1:48 p.m.
Consent Agenda
Dr. White moved that the Consent Agenda be approved. Mr. Dunlevy seconded the
motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copies
appended to Official Minutes, Attachments C through K.)
Approved minutes of December 11 and 18, 2013, meetings (Attachment C)
Received information regarding WVDE Personnel Matters (Attachment D)
Approved one first time request for a waiver of WVBE policy (Attachment E)
Received, per W. Va. Code §18A-4-7a(l)(3), Transfer of Person Employed in a
Professional Position after the Twentieth Day Prior to the Beginning of the
Instructional Term, notification from Wirt County Schools (Attachment F)
Approved Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need
policies for Greenbrier, Kanawha, Logan, McDowell and Wirt County Schools
(Attachment G)
Approved Policy 2417, Programs of Study for Limited English Proficiency
Students (Attachments H-1 and H-2)
Approved West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission (WVSSAC)
Series 2, Athletics, Provisions Governing Eligibility (Attachment I)
Appointed Ms. Valerie Rinehart to serve a three year term as member of the
Educator Preparation Program Review Board (Attachment J)
Approved the revised educator preparation program submitted by Marshall
University for English Education (5-Adult) (Attachment K).
Office of Education Performance Audits
Director's Information
Dr. Gus Penix, Director of the Office of Education Performance Audits (OEPA),
provided brief remarks regarding current initiatives.
Individual School Education Performance Audit Report
for Spring Mills Primary School, Berkeley County
Dr. Penix (distributed information) reported that an announced on-site review (five days
in advance) was conducted at Spring Mills Primary School November 19, 2013.
Upon the recommendation of Dr. Penix, Mrs. Combs moved that the Board direct Spring
Mills Primary School to correct the findings noted in the report by the next accreditation cycle
and revise the five-year strategic plan. Mr. Green seconded the motion and upon the call for the
question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Office Minutes, Attachment
McDowell County Temporary Bus Transportation Route Changes
Mr. Charles K. Heinlein, Deputy State Superintendent of Schools, presented temporary
bus transportation route changes for McDowell County for the Board's consideration. Due to a
recent landslide at Iaeger Elementary School, the McDowell County Board of Education voted
on Monday, December 9, 2013, to temporarily move the students and staff to the campuses of
Bradshaw Elementary and River View High Schools. This move will result in temporary bus
transportation route changes that require the Board's approval.
Mr. Campbell moved, in accordance with WVBE Policy 4336, that the temporary bus
transportation route changes for students attending Iaeger Elementary School be approved for the
remainder of the current school year and that McDowell County return if a permanent solution is
not secured prior to the beginning of the new school year. Dr. White seconded the motion and
upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official
Minutes, Attachment M.)
President Manchin requested the meeting to be recessed and to reconvene on January 9,
2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the same location. Mr. Jackson moved that the meeting be recessed. Mr.
-6Campbell seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
unanimously. The meeting was recessed at 2:05 p.m.
President Manchin reconvened the meeting of January 8, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. on January 9,
2014, in the Board Conference Room, Capitol Building 6, Room 353, Charleston, West Virginia.
The following members were present: President Manchin, Vice President Michael I.
Green, Tina H. Combs, Thomas W. Campbell, Lloyd G. Jackson II, and William M. White, and
ex officio James B. Phares, State Superintendent of Schools. Members absent were Robert W.
Dunlevy, L. Wade Linger Jr. and ex officios Paul L. Hill, Chancellor, West Virginia Higher
Education Policy Commission, and James L. Skidmore, Chancellor, West Virginia Council for
Community and Technical College Education.
Follow-up regarding Reports to the Governor and Legislature
President Manchin requested Mr. Campbell lead discussion regarding the WVBE
Commission on School District Governance and Administration's recommendations. Mr.
Campbell introduced commission members Mr. Doug Lambert, Superintendent of Pendleton
County Schools, and Ms. Sallie Dalton, Superintendent of Greenbrier County Schools, and Mr.
J. T. Mowery, Treasurer of Pendleton County Schools and Mr. David McClure, Treasurer of
Pendleton County Schools, and called upon Ms. Peduto to provide information regarding the
recommendations. Ms. Peduto provided an overview of funding flexibility in the State Aid
formula recommendation and requested that Mr. Lambert address the Board regarding the
commission's recommendation.
Following discussion it was determined that Superintendents Lambert and Dalton and
selected county school treasurers will work with the commission to provide a report to the Board
next month regarding options the Board can pursue to provide funding flexibility. President
Manchin requested that the county boards be kept abreast of details as they evolve.
President Manchin called for a break to attend the Governor's Teacher of the Year awards
ceremony at 9:47 a.m.
Call to Order
President Manchin called the meeting back to order at 10:58 a.m.
Follow-up regarding Reports to the Governor and Legislature (Continued)
and WVBE Legislative Agenda
Ms. Peduto and Mr. Green provided brief remarks regarding the West Virginia Digital
Learning report (conducted by the Metiri Group) and introduced Chip Slaven, Esq. (distributed
report), Senior Advocacy Associate, Alliance for Excellent Education, who provided an
overview of the report. Superintendent Phares (distributed information) addressed the Board
-7regarding the A-F School Grading System and provided a summary of selected tables from the
2012 Digest of Education Statistics. Dr. Penix (distributed information) addressed the Board
regarding the status of the A-F School Grading System. (Copies appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment Q.)
Review/Alignment of WVBE Committee Structure
President Manchin requested committee chairs re-evaluation their committees and advise
of necessary adjustments.
Board Items for Future Consideration
President Manchin requested members advise her (and the Board's secretary) of items to
be placed on the February agenda. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment N.)
Future Meetings including Meeting Dates through December 2015
The next regular meeting of the WVBE will be held February 12, 2014, in Charleston,
West Virginia. The meeting will continue on February 13, 2014, if the agenda is not completed
on February 12, 2014. Discussion ensued regarding the renovation of offices on the third floor
of Building 6 and arrangements for Board meetings that must be scheduled based on room
availability in Building 7 with day one meeting times, on occasion, may changing from 10 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. President Manchin indicated that a training session is under consideration for
Mr. Jackson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion
and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. The meeting was
adjourned at 12:31 p.m.
Minutes approved by the Board on February 12, 2014.
Gayle C. Manchin, President
Robert W. Dunlevy, Secretary
Minutes were recorded by
Virginia M. Harris
Secretary to the Board