Capitol Building 6, Room 353
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, West Virginia
March 9, 2016
Call to Order
Following the welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, and introductions, President Michael I.
Green called the meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) to order at 12:15
p.m. on March 9, 2016, in Capitol Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The following members were present: President Green, Vice President Lloyd G. Jackson
II, Secretary Tina H. Combs, Thomas W. Campbell, Beverly E. Kingery, Gayle C. Manchin,
James S. Wilson, and William M. White, and ex officio Michael J. Martirano, State
Superintendent of Schools. Members absent were F. Scott Rotruck (Mr. Rotruck was called to
the legislature for interview by the Confirmations Committee) and ex officios Paul L. Hill,
Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and Sarah Armstrong Tucker,
Chancellor, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education.
Oath of Office for F. Scott Rotruck
Mr. Rotruck was administered the oath of office prior to the meeting.
Recognition of Gayle C. Manchin
Board members, Superintendent Martirano, and Mr. Bob Brown, American Federation of
Teachers, recognized Mrs. Manchin for her unflagging service to the State of West Virginia and
her outstanding, passionate, and inspiring work on the behalf of West Virginia's children.
The Board recognized South Charleston High School’s computer science alliance
(students Mr. Alex Casto, Ms. Shannon Joins, and Mr. Alex Sanchez and teacher Mr. Joe Oliver)
a co-winner of the 2016 International Zero Robotics competition.
Ms. Lisa Hall, Ms. Jennifer Campbell, Ms. Kimberly Pernell, Mr. Scott Ingleton, and Ms.
Carolyn Arritt (distributed information), citizens of Fayette County, addressed the Board
regarding Fayette County after school programs, facilities, and reductions in force. (Copy
appended to Official Minutes, Attachment M.)
Approval of Agenda
President Green called for a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Kingery moved, and
Mrs. Combs seconded, that the agenda be approved. Upon the call for the question Mr. Jackson
moved to amend the agenda due to the emergency circumstance of “imminent substantial harm
to a public agency, its employees or the members of the public which it serves” [W. Va. Code
§6-9A-2(2)(C)], by adding an item related to a potential Board response to House Bill 4014. Dr.
White seconded the addition of the emergency amendment. Upon the call for the question
regarding the original motion and amendment the agenda, as amended, was carried unanimously.
National Reading Month
Mr. Tony Nichols, President of the West Virginia Reading Association, presented
information regarding National Reading Month proclamations and activities.
Technology Showcase
Mr. Sterling Beane Jr., Chief Officer, Division of Technology, presented a video from
Mountainview Elementary School (Monongalia County) regarding robotics.
Consent Agenda
President Green requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Dr. Wilson moved
that the Consent Agenda be approved. Mrs. Combs seconded the motion and upon the call for
the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copies appended to Official Minutes,
Attachments A through H.)
Approved minutes of February 10, 2016 (Attachment A)
Received WVDE personnel matters (Attachment B)
Approved Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need
policies for Braxton, Harrison, McDowell, and Upshur County Schools and the
Roane-Jackson Technical Center (Attachment C) (NOTE: Wood County
Schools failed to submit a policy for approval.)
Received Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need
affidavits from Gilmer, Kanawha, Logan, Mercer, and Putnam County Schools
Received, per W. Va. Code §18A-4-7a(m)(3), Transfer of a Person Employed in
a Professional Position after the Twentieth Day Prior to the Beginning of the
Instructional Term, a notification from Ohio County Schools (Attachment D)
Approved the Kanawha County Board of Education's request to amend its
2010-2020 Comprehensive Education Facilities Plan (CEFP) to include the
addition of an auditorium at Horace Mann Middle School (Attachment E)
Approved the Logan County Board of Education's request to amend its
2010-2020 CEFP to include the addition of a school based health clinic at Man
Elementary School to serve students and staff for all schools in the Man area
(Attachment F)
Approved the Roane-Jackson Technical Center's request to amend to its
2010-2020 CEFP to include several items relating to school safety and security,
the replacement of all exterior doors and transoms on Buildings, A, B and C,
and the replacement of one drain under Building C (Attachment G)
Approved a Teacher-in-Residence Agreement between Berkeley County and
Shepherd University (Attachment H).
Superintendent Reports
Superintendent Martirano assisted by Dr. Kathy D'Antoni, Chief Officer, Division of
Career Technical Education, introduced the Mountaineer Power and Energy Company (students
Mr. Dalsota Miller, Mr. Carleanos Simple-Perriea, Mr. Christopher Tucker, Mr. Trevon Isabell,
Mr. Austin Burford, and Mr. Sam Wiseman, and teacher Mr. Tim Beasley and coach Ms. Neva
Spriggs) from the Ben Franklin Career and Technical Center (Kanawha County) Power and
Energy Class, who presented an overview of the Mountaineer Power and Energy Company
simulated workplace.
Fayette County Schools Update
Mr. David Sneed, Executive Director, School Building Authority (SBA) of West
Virginia, reported that a schedule of activities (attached) has been developed and provided an
update regarding activities in progress to complete a school facility plan for Fayette County. Mr.
Campbell submitted a letter (attached) to Mr. Sneed requesting action by the SBA. (Copies
appended to Official Minutes, Attachment Mc.)
President Green called for a break at 2:10 p.m.
Call to Order
President Green called the meeting back to order at 2:40 p.m.
Office of Education Performance Audits (OEPA)
Director's Information
Ms. Susan O'Brien, Director, OEPA, provided a brief update regarding OEPA's
redeveloped website targeted to go live in June 2016 and reported that this year's audit schedule
-4will be complete with the audit of Jefferson County (taking place the week of March 14) and
Morgan County (taking place the week of March 21).
Initial On-Site Reviews for Schools Located in RESA 3 (Kanawha County)
Ms. O'Brien presented initial on-site reviews for schools located in RESA 3 (Kanawha
County) for the Board's consideration. This report (Kanawha County) completed School
Monitoring Reports for RESA 3, as a result of on-site reviews conducted November and
December 2015.
Dr. Wilson moved that the individual school reports for Kanawha County be approved,
and any school in which a function rating was lowered to emerging or unsatisfactory or policy or
code was found non-compliant, be required to revise the strategic plan within 30 days and begin
corrective action. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion
was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment I.)
Capacity Building for Priority Schools and Intervention Counties
No report was provided.
Innovation Zone Planning Grant Application
Ms. Blatt presented proposed innovation zone planning grant award designation for the
Board's consideration. To date, thirty-eight counties out of fifty-five have received Innovation
Zone Grants. Nine of the eighteen eligible counties have applied for an Innovation Zone
planning grant. Those counties include: Brooke, Hancock, Hardy, Hampshire, Jackson,
Pendleton, Summers, Wirt, and Wyoming. The intent and purpose of the "School Innovation
Zones Act" is: 1) to increase graduation rate and reduce number of dropouts; 2) provide a testing
ground for innovative graduation programs, incentives, and approaches; 3) provide schools and
communities with opportunities for greater collaboration to plan and implement systemic
approaches for increasing graduation rate and lessen dropout rate; 4) provide information
regarding the effects of specific innovations, collaborations, and policies; and, 5) document
educational strategies that increase graduation rates, prevent dropouts and enhance student
Dr. White moved that Brooke, Hancock, Hardy, Hampshire, Jackson, Pendleton,
Summers, Wirt, and Wyoming counties be awarded an Innovation Zone planning grant. Mrs.
Manchin seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
2016-2017 Statewide Professional Development Goals
Ms. Monica DellaMea (distributed amended goals document), Executive Director,
WVDE Office of Early Learning, presented 2016-2017 statewide professional development
goals for the Board's consideration. W. Va. Code §18-2I-3 requires the WVBE to establish goals
for professional development in the public schools of the state. Upon adoption, these goals must
-5be communicated to professional learning providers who shall submit their offerings for
inclusion in the Master Plan for Statewide Professional Learning.
Mrs. Manchin moved that the 2016-2017 statewide professional development goals, as
distributed by Ms. DellaMea, be adopted. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for
the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment N.)
Policy 4355, High School Diploma for Veterans
Ms. Mary Catherine Tuckwiller, WVBE Attorney, presented Policy 4355 for the Board's
consideration. W. Va. Code §18-2-34 authorizes providing a high school diploma to surviving
veterans of World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam Conflict. The last amendment to
Code was during the 2012 Regular Legislative Session. Revisions incorporate changes to align
policy with Code. Previously, policy called for a veteran to attend high school in order to be
eligible for a diploma. Code removes this requirement. Proposed changes remove the
requirement of high school attendance from policy. Qualifying veterans will be eligible to
receive a high school diploma regardless of whether he or she attended high school, and
regardless of age of entry into service. One comment was received during the comment period
resulting in clarification of eligibility.
Mr. Jackson moved that Policy 4355 be approved. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion
and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copies appended to
Official Minutes, Attachment J-1 and J-2.)
RESA Cooperative Purchasing Protocols
Ms. Donna Hoylman Peduto, WVBE Director of Operations, presented the RESA
cooperative purchasing protocols for the Board's consideration. The RESA Cooperative
Purchasing Protocols document was presented for the Board's review at the February 2016
Mrs. Combs moved, and Dr. Wilson seconded, that the RESA cooperative purchasing
protocols be approved. Following discussion, President Green called for the question and the
motion was carried with seven members voting yes and one member, Mr. Campbell, voting no.
(Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment K.)
Resolution - House Bill 4014
President Green requested Ms. Tuckwiller (distributed resolution) to present a resolution
regarding House Bill 4014 for the Board's consideration. Prior to the presentation a request was
made by Mr. Ryan Quinn, a reporter with the Charleston Gazette-Mail, that the Board rescind the
action previously taken to add consideration of the resolution from the agenda. Ms. Tuckwiller
cited the Board's authority to add an emergent item to the agenda.
-6Following discussion, Mr. Jackson moved that the resolution be approved. Ms. Kingery
seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried with seven
members voting yes and one member, Mr. Campbell, voting no. (Copy appended to the Official
Minutes, Attachment O.) Mrs. Manchin departed the meeting.
Audio Streaming of WVBE Business Meetings
Mr. Beane addressed the Board regarding the proposed audio streaming of WVBE
business meetings. Dr. White suggested the audio streaming of meetings be the first step with
video added at a later date. Mr. Beane stated that he would investigate replacement of the
microphones as they are not of the quality needed for audio streaming.
Chancellor Reports
Chancellors Hill and Tucker were unable to attend the meeting.
Update - WVBE Actions for Improved Outcomes
Ms. Peduto and Ms. DellaMea provided a brief update regarding actions taken by the
Board to improve educational outcomes and support to county boards of education. WVBE
Finance Committee - Mr. Campbell, assisted by Mr. Joe Panetta, Chief Officer, Division of
Finance and Administration, provided an update regarding the financial watch list. (Copies
appended to Official Minutes, Attachment P.)
WVBE Coordinator of Board Agencies Report
Mr. Jason L. Butcher, Coordinator of Board Agencies, was unable to attend the meeting.
WVBE Personnel Matters, WVBE Operating Procedures,
and Fayette County Personnel Matters
President Green announced that an executive session was required for the current item
(New Business, item F) and to address the remaining portion of item XII. Fayette County
Personnel Matters and attorney-client privilege procedural matters as provided in W. Va. Code
§6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception] and W. Va. Code §6-9A-4 [matters involving
attorney-client privilege per Peters v. County Commission, 205 W. Va. 481 (1999)].
Mr. Jackson moved, in accordance with W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel
exception], and W. Va. Code §6-9A-4 [matters involving attorney-client privilege per Peters v. County
Commission, 205 W. Va. 481 (1999)], that the Board enter into executive session. Mrs. Combs
seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
The Board moved into executive session at 4:12 p.m.
Return from Executive Session
The Board returned from executive session at 5:39 p.m. at which time President Green
announced that no decisions were made or action taken.
President Green called for a motion to approve the Board's personnel items found in the
attachment. Dr. White moved that personnel items found in the attachment be approved. Mr.
Campbell seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment L.)
Items for Future Consideration
Items for consideration for placement on a future agenda are to be provided to Ms.
Peduto as soon as possible.
Future Meetings
The next regular meeting of the WVBE will be held April 13, 2016, in Charleston, West
Virginia. The meeting will continue on April 14, 2016, if the agenda is not completed on
April 13, 2016.
President Green called for a motion to adjourn. Ms. Kingery moved, and Dr. White
seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon the call for the question the motion was carried
unanimously; the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Minutes approved by the Board on April 13, 2016.
Michael I. Green, President
Tina H. Combs, Secretary
Minutes were recorded by
Virginia M. Harris
Secretary to the Board