Board Conference Room
Capitol Building 6, Room 353
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, West Virginia
June 11, 2014
Call to Order
Following the welcome, Pledge of Allegiance and introductions, President Gayle C.
Manchin called the meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) to order at
10:01 a.m. on June 11, 2014, in the Board Conference Room, Capitol Building 6, Room 353,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The following members were present: President Manchin, Vice President Michael I.
Green, Secretary Robert W. Dunlevy, Thomas W. Campbell, Tina H. Combs, Lloyd G.
Jackson II, L. Wade Linger Jr., and William M. White (via telephone), and ex officio James B.
Phares, State Superintendent of Schools. Members absent were ex officios Paul L. Hill,
Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and James L. Skidmore,
Chancellor, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education.
The Board recognized Eastwood Elementary School (Monongalia County) and Cameron
High School (Marshall County) for their designation as US Department of Education Green
Ribbon Schools. This award recognizes schools, districts, and institutions of higher education
that: 1) reduce environmental impact and costs; 2) improve the health and wellness of schools,
students, and staff; and 3) provide environmental education, which teaches many disciplines, and
focuses on effectively incorporating STEM, civic skills, and green career pathways.
Presentation on School Improvement
The Board and Superintendent Phares presented a resolution to Nicholas County
Schools and Richwood High School in recognition of school improvement efforts. Richwood
High School students provided remarks and presented a video presentation regarding the school
improvement journey.
Dr. William Simmons, member of and representing the Gilmer County Board of
Education, addressed the Board regarding the proposed purchase of Gilmer County property
(Cedar Creek site) for a new elementary school. Ms. Norma Hurley, newly elected member of
the Gilmer County Board of Education and representing the Gilmer Schools Coalition, addressed
the Board regarding the consolidation of schools and the need for oversight of Gilmer County
-2school administrators. Ms. Patsy Holliday, newly elected member of the Fayette County Board
of Education, and Mr. Gary Holliday, citizens of Fayette County, addressed the Board regarding
the consolidation of Fayette County Schools, the return of control to the Fayette County Board of
Education, and keeping children in West Virginia.
Approval of Agenda
President Manchin called for a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Dunlevy moved that
the agenda be approved. Mrs. Combs seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the
motion was carried unanimously.
President Manchin called for a break at 10:51 a.m.
Call to Order
President Manchin called the meeting back to order at 10:58 a.m.
2014 Annual Report of the West Virginia Advisory Council
for the Education of Exceptional Children
Mr. Robert E. Hull, Associate Superintendent, Division of Teaching and Learning,
introduced Ms. Susan A. White, Executive Director, West Virginia Advisory Council for the
Education of Exceptional Children (WVACEEC), who provided brief remarks and introduced
Mr. Jeff McCroskey, Chair of the WVACEEC, who presented the WVACEEC's 2014 annual
report consideration. The WVACEEC is a state level committee mandated by W. Va. Code and
federal law. Members include parents, individuals with exceptionalities, educational service
providers, administrators and representatives from a variety of related agencies. The
WVACEEC is interested in the quality of education received by exceptional children and youth.
The 2014 Annual Report identifies the unmet needs of children with exceptionalities in West
Mr. Campbell moved that the 2014 annual report of the WVACEEC be accepted. Mr.
Linger seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment A.)
Update - WVBE Response to Governor's Education Agenda
Ms. Donna Hoylman Peduto (distributed information), WVBE Director of Operations,
members of the Board, and WVDE staff, provided an update (PowerPoint presentation attached)
regarding progress toward accomplishing the Governor's education agenda including the key
provisions of the Governor's request of the WVBE; Commission on School District Governance
and Administration (Mr. Campbell); Project 24 (Mr. Green); require every career center to add at
least one career pathway to meet SREB requirements for Preparation for Tomorrow; use RESAs
more efficiently for cooperative purchasing and local and regional professional development
-3delivery; utilize cross counseling; teacher certification/teacher preparation; professional
development; early literacy to support reading on grade level by end of third grade;
accountability and accreditation/West Virginia school grading model; and, WVBE Re-imagining
Instructional Time Committee (Mrs. Combs and Dr. White). (Copies appended to Official
Minutes, Attachment Z.)
Chancellor Reports
Chancellor Hill and Chancellor Skidmore were unable to attend the meeting.
RESA Liaison Report
Ms. Jane Lynch (distributed information), Executive Director of RESA 8 and WVBE
RESA Liaison, provided a report regarding a number of RESA initiatives. (Copy appended to
Official Minutes, Attachment AA.)
Summary of WVBE Professional Development Session
President Manchin provided information regarding the Board's June 6 professional
development session.
Superintendent Report
Superintendent Phares provided an overview (PowerPoint presentation attached) of his
accomplishments (January 2, 2013 through June 11, 2014). Board members thanked
Superintendent Phares for his service as State Superintendent and issued their appreciation for
his many accomplishments over the past eighteen months. (Copy appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment BB.)
President Manchin called for a break for lunch at 12:28 p.m. Dr. White departed the
Call to Order
President Manchin called the meeting back to order at 1:26 p.m.
Capacity Building for Priority Schools and Intervention Counties
Mr. Ted Mattern (distributed information), System Support Liaison, Office of the State
Superintendent, provided information regarding support services provided to the intervention
counties. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment CC.)
Consent Agenda
Mr. Dunlevy requested that Consent Agenda item 6. Policy 2436.10, Participation in
Extracurricular Activities, Attachment I, be removed from the agenda.
Mr. Dunlevy moved that the Consent Agenda be approved as amended. Mr. Linger
seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
(Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachments B through H and J through Q.)
Approved minutes of May 14, 2014 (Attachment B)
Directed Buffalo Elementary School, Chapmanville East Elementary School,
Chapmanville Middle School, Chapmanville Regional High School, Holden
Central Elementary School, Hugh Dingess Elementary School, Justice
Elementary School, Logan Elementary School, Logan Middle School, Man
Elementary School, Man Middle School, Man Senior High School, Omar
Elementary School, Ralph R. Willis Vocational Technical Center, South Man
Elementary School, Verdunville Elementary School, and West Chapmanville
Elementary School and Logan County to revise the schools' Five-Year
Strategic Plan within 30 days and correct the findings noted in the reports by
the next accreditation cycle (Attachment C)
Received information regarding WVDE Personnel Matters (Attachment D)
Approved 13 first time requests for waiver of WVBE policy and three requests
for continuation of waiver (Attachment E)
Approved summer school programs found in the attachment (Attachment F)
Received the 2013-2014 report of waivers of WVBE policies and regulations,
superintendent's interpretations and state statutes and legislative rules
(Attachment G)
Approved the WVBE Master Plan for Statewide Professional Development
2014-2015 (Attachment H)
Approved Policy 2422.2, Driver Education Regulations, for placement on
public comment for 30 days (Attachment J)
Approved Policy 4321.1, Standards for School Nutrition, for placement on
public comment for 30 days (Attachment K)
Approved Policy 2525, West Virginia's Universal Access to a Quality
Education System (Attachment L)
Approved Policy 5100, Approval of Educational Personnel Preparation
Programs (Attachments M-1 and M-2)
Approved Policy 5202, Minimum Requirements for the Licensure of
Professional Paraprofessional Personnel and Advanced Salary Classifications
(Attachments Mc-2 and Mc-2)
Approved Shepherd
(Attachment N)
Provided a one-year conditional approval to the Chestnut Mountain Ranch to
operate as a program for defeated and discouraged learners for a period of
July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 (Attachment O)
Approved the West Virginia School Board Association's 2014 orientation
program (Attachment P)
Received the annual report from the instructional materials depository (The
James & Law Company) (Attachment Q).
Office of Education Performance Audits (OEPA) Director’s Information
Dr. Gus Penix, Director, OEPA, provided information regarding future audits.
Initial Education Performance Audit Reports for
North View Elementary School and Robert C. Byrd High School, Harrison County
Dr. Penix presented the Initial Education Performance Audit Reports for North View
Elementary School and Robert C. Byrd High School, Harrison County, for the Board's
consideration. Announced Education Performance Audits were conducted at North View
Elementary School and Robert C. Byrd High School March 19-20, 2014.
Upon recommendation of the OEPA, Mr. Jackson moved that North View Elementary
School, Robert C. Byrd High School and Harrison County revise the schools’ Five-Year
Strategic Plan within 30 days and correct the findings noted in the reports by the next
accreditation cycle. Mr. Linger seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the
motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment R.)
Initial Education Performance Audit Reports for
Roanoke Elementary School and Lewis County High School, Lewis County
Dr. Penix presented the Initial Education Performance Audit Reports for Roanoke
Elementary School and Lewis County High School, Lewis County, for the Board's consideration.
Announced Education Performance Audits were conducted at Roanoke Elementary School and
Lewis County High School March 20, 2014.
-6Upon recommendation of the OEPA, Mr. Campbell moved that Roanoke Elementary
School, Lewis County High School, and Lewis County revise the schools’ Five-Year Strategic
Plans within 30 days and correct the findings noted in the reports by the next accreditation cycle.
Mrs. Combs seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment S.)
Hancock County On-line School (Request for Waiver of WVBE Policies)
Mr. Sterling Beane, Jr., Chief Technology Officer, WVDE Division of Technology, and
Ms. Suzan Smith, Superintendent, Hancock County Schools, presented the Hancock County
on-line school (request for waiver of WVBE policies) for the Board's consideration. Hancock
County Schools proposes to develop the Hancock County Cyber Academy, a complete cyber
course catalog of courses as part of the Hancock County high school program. The development
and implementation of the Cyber Academy will be phased in over three years.
Mr. Campbell moved that Hancock County be granted the waivers of Policy 2510 and
Policy 4110 (requested in attachment to official minutes) in order to begin the development and
implementation of the Hancock County Cyber Academy. Mr. Dunlevy seconded the motion and
upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official
Minutes, Attachment T.)
Gilmer County - Approval to Purchase Property
for New Elementary School
Ms. Heather Hutchens, WVDE General Counsel, and Mr. Ronald Blankenship,
Superintendent, Gilmer County Schools, presented Gilmer County's request for approval to
purchase real estate for the construction of a new elementary school that consolidates Sand Fork
and Normantown Elementary Schools. The negotiated purchase price for 82.55 acres is
Mr. Dunlevy moved that the State Superintendent of Schools, as designee of the WVBE,
be authorized to enter into the Purchase Agreement and to execute the Deed acceptance under
the terms presented for the purchase of property upon which a new elementary school on Cedar
Creek Road will be built. Mr. Linger seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the
motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment U.)
Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP) Agreement
Ms. Michele Blatt, Assistant State Superintendent, Division of Educator Quality and
System Support, presented a CAEP agreement for the Board's consideration. NCATE and
TEAC, the national accreditation agencies currently utilized the West Virginia's education
preparation programs, are merging to become the CAEP. WVBE Policy 5100 references
NCATE and TEAC. Therefore, it is necessary for the WVBE to enter into an agreement with
CAEP. The agreement delineates the terms and processes for working with CAEP to determine
accreditation of West Virginia's 20 educator preparation programs.
-7Mr. Jackson moved that the CAEP agreement be approved. Mrs. Combs seconded the
motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended
to Official Minutes, Attachment V.)
Calhoun County Board of Education: Elimination of Salary Supplements
Mr. Terry Harless, Chief Financial Officer, WVDE Office of Internal Operations,
presented the Calhoun County Board of Education's request for the elimination of salary
supplements for the Board's consideration. As the result of the defeat of an excess levy attempt,
the Calhoun County Board of Education is in the process of submitting a request to the State
Board, pursuant to the provisions of W. Va. Code §18A-4-5a and §18A-4-5b, for approval to
curtail the payment of a $600 county salary supplement paid to all professional and service
personnel, to be effective July 1, 2014. The excess levy attempt, held in conjunction with the
primary election on May 13, 2014, was defeated by a vote of 727 for the levy and 845 against the
levy. Calhoun County Schools had a deficit unrestricted fund balance in its General Current
Expense Fund of $1.3 million at June 30, 2013 and cannot afford to continue the payment of
local funds to supplement the state minimum salary schedules without excess levy funds.
Mr. Jackson moved that the Calhoun County Board of Education's request to reduce the
amount of local funds allotted for salary supplements and, therefore, eliminate the payment of
$600 salary supplements paid to all professional and service personnel, be approved. Mr. Green
seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
(Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment W.)
WVBE Personnel Matters inclusive of Signature Authority
for RESA 7 Financial Matters, Office of Education Performance Audit
(OEPA) Request to Change Secretary IIIA Position to Information System
Technician Position, and Hiring of Superintendent of Fayette County Schools
Mr. Green, in accordance with W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A), called for a motion to
enter into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Linger seconded the motion and
upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. The Board moved into
executive session at 2:36 p.m.
Mr. Campbell moved that the Board return from executive session. Mr. Green seconded
the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. The Board
returned from executive session at 4:12 p.m. President Manchin announced that no action was
taken in executive session and called for motion regarding the hiring of a Superintendent for
Mingo County Schools.
Mr. Dunlevy moved that Mr. Robert Bobbera be employed as Superintendent of Mingo
County Schools (see Attachment X). Mrs. Combs seconded the motion and upon the call for the
question the motion was carried unanimously.
President Manchin requested a motion to grant signature authority to Ms. Nicole Kemper,
RESA 7 Director of Finance/Administrative Assistant. Mr. Green moved that Ms. Nicole
-8Kemper, RESA 7 Director of Finance/Administrative Assistant, be granted signature authority
beginning July 1, 2014, and continuing until the Executive Director of RESA 7 is employed.
Mrs. Combs seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
President Manchin requested a motion to approve the change of an OEPA Secretary IIIA
position to an Information System Technician position. Mrs. Combs moved that an OEPA
Secretary IIIA position be changed to an Information System Technician position at an annual
salary of $54,568.00. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the
motion was carried unanimously.
President Manchin requested a motion to hire Dr. Serena Starcher-Martin as Interim
Superintendent of Fayette County Schools (see addendum to Attachment X). Mr. Dunlevy
moved that Dr. Serena Starcher-Martin be hired as Interim Superintendent of Fayette County
Schools to serve a term of not more than six months. Mr. Green seconded the motion and upon
the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
President Manchin requested a motion to approve the Board's personnel attachment. Mr.
Green moved that the Board's personnel attachment be approved. Mr. Dunlevy seconded the
motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended
to Official Minutes, Attachment X and addendum.)
President Manchin recessed the meeting at 4:14 p.m. and announced that the meeting
would reconvene on June 12, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. at the Charleston Marriott Town Center, 200
Lee Street East, Charleston, West Virginia.
President Manchin reconvened the meeting of June 11, 2014, at 9:05 a.m. on June 12,
2014, in the Cumberland Room, Charleston Marriot Town Center, 200 Lee Street East,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The following members were present: President Manchin, Vice President Michael I.
Green, Tina H. Combs, Lloyd G. Jackson II, L. Wade Linger Jr., and William M. White, and ex
officio James B. Phares, State Superintendent of Schools. Members absent were Secretary
Robert W. Dunlevy and Thomas W. Campbell and ex officios Paul L. Hill, Chancellor, West
Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and James L. Skidmore, Chancellor, West
Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education.
WVBE Employee Evaluations
President Manchin asked Mr. Green to facilitate the evaluations. Mr. Green stated that
all evaluations would take place in executive session unless the employee indicated that he or she
wanted their evaluation to take place in open session.
-9Mr. Linger moved that the Board enter into Executive Session as provided in W. Va.
Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception] to discuss personnel matters involving the
evaluation of WVBE staff. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the
motion was carried unanimously. The Board entered into executive session at 9:09 a.m.
Return from Executive Session
Upon motion by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Linger and unanimously carried, the
Board returned from Executive Session at 12:23 p.m. at which time President Manchin
announced that no action was taken or decisions made.
Items for Future Consideration
No future items were offered. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment Y.)
Future Meetings
The WVBE will meet June 12-13, 2014, to interview candidates for the position of State
Superintendent of Schools. The next regular meeting of the WVBE will be held July 9, 2014, in
Charleston, West Virginia. The meeting will continue on July 10, 2014, if the agenda is not
completed on July 9, 2014.
President Manchin declared the meeting adjourned at 12:24 p.m.
Minutes approved by the Board on July 9, 2014.
Gayle C. Manchin, President
Robert W. Dunlevy, Secretary
Minutes were recorded by
Virginia M. Harris
Secretary to the Board