Electronics for a Telemetric Brain Electrode Array System by Jan Mal'sek Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 14, 2002 ©2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Author ience Department of Electria Tngineering and Compu May 14, 2002 Certified by Professor Ian W. Hunter Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of BioEngineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses 1MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 3 1 2002 LIBRARIES 2 Electronics for a Telemetric Brain Electrode Array System by Jan Malisek Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 14, 2002 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abstract The Telemetric Electrode Array System (TEAS) is a surgically implantable device for studying neural activity in the brain. An eight-by-eight array of needles collects intracortical neural signals for the electronics system to process and wirelessly transfer to an external recording system; the waveforms can then be analyzed to provide insight about information processing in the brain. We have designed an analog front end that amplifies the microvolt level signals before they are digitized with 12 bits of resolution at 31 kHz per channel. A digital subsection performs peak detection on the sixty-four channels to compress data before sending them over a Bluetooth-based radio link at 725 kbit per second. The individual sections of the system have been designed and tested, but a fully integrated and implantable version has not been implemented due to time constraints. Thesis Supervisor: Ian W. Hunter Title: Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of BioEngineering 3 Acknowledgements I am grateful to the other members of the TEAS team, without whom a project of this magnitude could not be undertaken. In particular, Johann Burgert was a great teammate for designing the electronics and a good sport for letting me do the digital section, which is obviously so much cooler than the analog electronics and wireless link. Tim Fofonoff and Bobby Dyer contributed pictures and diagrams to this paper, and they generally contributed to the entertaining atmosphere in lab. They also built the actual electrode array (with help from Colette Wiseman and Marie-Maude de Denus Baillangeon). A bunch of Canadians (Martin Labrecque, Fedor Danilenko, and Thor Bjarnason) helped get the Bluetooth module up to speed and worked on the wireless charging system. The Brown University people (Nicho Hatsopoulos, Misha Serruya, and John Donoghue) made our lives difficult by giving us the specifications we needed to achieve, but they provided ample support (including seats during the 10-hour surgery in which they stood and implanted our thing). John Ankcorn and the ORnet people at LCS were very helpful, especially given that they were not involved in the project. I'd also like to thank the people who proofread and gave me feedback on this document, especially Johann, Peter Madden, Candice Kamachi, and Sylvain Martel. And, of, course, I'd like to thank Sylvain and Ian Hunter for making it possible for me to work on such an exciting project. 4 Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 3 Acknow ledgem ents...................................................................................................... 4 Contents .............................................................................................................................. 5 List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... 7 List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... 8 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................... 9 2. TEA S System Overview .............................................................................................. 13 The Electrode Array................................................................................................... 13 Flexible PCB ................................................................................................................. 15 Electronics System ..................................................................................................... 18 Analog Electronics................................................................................................ 18 Bluetooth W ireless Com m unication M odule......................................................... 20 D igital Electronics ............................................................................................... 21 Pow er System ............................................................................................................ 22 3. D igital Electronics D esign ....................................................................................... 24 H igh-Level D esign Choices....................................................................................... 24 The H igh-Speed Processor A lternative.................................................................. 24 The Parallel H ardw are A lternative ........................................................................ 26 Compression Considerations ............................................................................... 27 Breaking Up the D igital Section................................................................................ 29 The Program m able Logic System .............................................................................. 32 Choosing Components, Part 1: Programmable Logic Device Selection ............... 32 Choosing Components, Part 2: Transmit Buffer SRAM and Ring Buffer SRAM... 34 AD C Interface....................................................................................................... 35 Spike D etection System ......................................................................................... 40 Transm it Buffer Control ........................................................................................ 47 Unifying the Programmable Logic Modules: the Global Counter........................ 49 The M icrocontroller .................................................................................................. FPGA Configuration................................................................................................. 5 51 52 4. Prototypes and Results............................................................................................. 56 December 2001 Array Implant ................................................................................. 56 D igital P rototyp e ........................................................................................................... 63 The Rest of TEA S ...................................................................................................... 69 5 . C on clu sion ................................................................................................................... 71 R eferen ces ......................................................................................................................... 75 Appendix A: VHDL Code ............................................................................................. 77 Appendix Al: Spike Detection System VHDL Source: ringbuf.vhdl ....................... 77 Appendix A2: Transmit Buffer Control VHDL Source: bigbuf.vhdl....................... 86 Appendix A3: ADC Serial Interface Input Control VHDL Source: serin.vhd.......... 89 Appendix A4: ADC Serial Interface Output Control VHDL Source: serout.vhd ........ 91 Appendix A5: Global Counter VHDL Source: cntr.vhd .......................................... 93 Appendix A6: TEAS Integration VHDL Source: teas.vhd........................................ 94 Appendix B: Microcontroller Code to Configure FPGA............................................... 97 Appendix C: Java Source for FPGA Configuration File Compression.......................... 102 Appendix C l: readbin.java ......................................................................................... 102 Appendix C2: FileIO .java........................................................................................... 104 Appendix C3: BadFilenameException.java................................................................ 106 Appendix Dl: BGA ZIF Socket Pinout.......................................................................... 107 6 List of Figures Figure 1: A Macaque monkey's skull is not much bigger than a computer mouse. ......... 10 Figure 2: Example 32-sample neural signals from existing tethered system, sampled at 20 kH z ............................................................................................................................ Figure 3: Major TEAS components, broken up by location of implantation. .............. 11 13 Figure 4: Electrode array after being machined from titanium block (photos by Tim F o fono ff ) .................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 5: Electrode array assembly steps (drawing by Bobby Dyer and Tim Fofonoft). 15 Figure 6: Flexible printed circuit layout. ....................................................................... 16 Figure 7: Flexible PCB detail around electrode array footprint. .................................. 16 Figure 8: Flexible PCB and 80-pin connector. The electrode array is soldered into the holes on the left side of the PCB, which has laser cuts between traces to make it more flex ib le............................................................................................................. 17 Figure 9: Electronics system block diagram. The analog section consists of 64 amplifiers and 8 ADCs; the digital section, made up of an FPGA, two SRAMs, and a microcontroller, processes the data from the ADCs and sends captured neural waveforms to the Bluetooth wireless interface...................................................... 18 Figure 10: Single channel of analog amplifier............................................................. 19 Figure 11: Digital electronics block diagram ................................................................ 22 Figure 12: Abstraction and hierarchy in the TEAS electronics design......................... 30 Figure 13: The FPGA is one of the largest components in the design. ........................ 34 Figure 14: ADC interface timing diagram for reading one sample. ............................. 36 Figure 15: ADC interface timing for reading a sample every 16 clock cycles............. 36 Figure 16: Initial, highly parallel ADC interface block diagram.................................. 37 Figure 17: Final ADC interface block diagram . ............................................................ 39 Figure 18: Prestore, threshold, and poststore on a typical neural spike waveform. ......... 41 Figure 19: Spike detection system SRAM organization................................................... 42 Figure 20: STATUS variable bit descriptions. ........................................................... 43 Figure 21: Spike detection system state diagram......................................................... 46 7 Figure 22: Timing of data transfer between spike detection and transmit buffer SRAMs. ................................................................................................................................... 48 Figure 23: The 33-bit global counter. ............................................................................ 49 Figure 24: FPGA passive serial (PS) configuration circuit. ......................................... 53 Figure 25: FPGA passive serial (PS) configuration timing diagram. ............................ 54 Figure 27: Adapter module for December 2001 implant (photo by Bobby Dyer). The right end connects to the flexible PCB; the black Omnetics connectors are on the left. ............................................................................................................................ 57 Figure 28: Test electrode array for December 2001 implant (photo by Tim Fofonoff). .. 58 Figure 29: Surgeons attempt to permanently deform flexible PCB to conform to skull.. 59 Figure 30: The flexible PCB is tacked down to the skull with an acrylic adhesive before the electrode array is inserted in the brain. ........................................................... 60 Figure 31: The electrode array, about to be inserted into the brain with a pneumatic insertion too l. ............................................................................................................ 61 Figure 32: The entire assembly is covered with an acrylic adhesive............................. 62 Figure 33: Component placement on the digital prototype. The PCB and component outlines are show n actual size............................................................................... 64 Figure 34: Layout of top layer of digital prototype PCB............................................... 65 Figure 35: Layout of bottom layer of digital prototype PCB........................................ 66 Figure 36: The fully assembled digital prototype.......................................................... 67 Figure 37: Logic analyzer screen shot showing ADC serial clock and eight serial control signals staggered by 2 clock cycles. .................................................................... 68 Figure 38: The digital prototype is not ready for implanting, yet.................................. 69 Figure 39: Neural simulator circuits used to test amplifier circuit. .............................. 70 Figure 40: BG A ZIF socket pinout................................................................................. 107 List of Tables Table 1: Power budget for TEAS electronics, assuming a 3.0 V power supply........... 23 8 1. Introduction For the past decade, neurophysiologists have studied the brain using multichannel electrode arrays inserted directly into the brain. The small size of the electrodes allows researchers to observe the electrical behavior of very small clusters of neurons and possibly the activities of individual neurons. Because of this high resolution, the electrode arrays could potentially be used in human-machine interfaces that connect directly to the brain. The notion of a brain-machine interface is not new, and even noninvasive attempts based on electroencephalograph (EEG) readings have yielded limited successI; however, such non-invasive techniques generally measure the low-frequency aggregate activity of large regions of the brain and thus do not provide the communication bandwidth necessary for a practical interface 2 . Studies with existing electrode arrays have indicated that only a few dozen electrode waveforms are sufficient for prediction of a monkey's arm motion 3 , and the arrays could theoretically have hundreds or even thousands of electrodes. Human-machine interfaces based on such arrays would have the advantage of not requiring conscious thought, thus presenting users with the ultimate in usability: operating a brain-interfaced device would be no different from operating one's limbs. One of the first practical applications could indeed involve electronically bypassing injured spinal cords to restore muscle control in paraplegics. Much neurological research is still necessary before the ultimate goal of a practical brain-machine interface is realized. An important step in advancing that research is to develop better equipment and experimental processes. Current electrode arrays require substantial support electronics outside of the skull for amplifying and recording neural waveforms 4 . The external electronics must be tethered to the Macaque monkeys on which experiments are typically performed; the monkeys must then be restrained to prevent disconnection from the data acquisition system (and to keep the monkeys from chewing through the cables). Because there is a direct, physical link from the inside of the skull to the outside system, some wire or connector must protrude through the skin, creating a potential for infection in the monkey. The goal of the Telemetric Electrode Array System (TEAS) 5 is to create a 9 completely implantable, wireless system that will solve the problems with current, tethered electrode arrays. The system will be used by Brown University neuroscientists, who also specified most of the necessary design parameters. All electronics must fit within a 50 mm x 50 mm x 10 mm case that will be implanted outside the skull but under the skin. Figure 1 shows that the back of the monkey's skull, where the electronics will be located, is about as large as the back of a computer mouse. A flexible printed circuit will connect a custom, 64-electrode array to the electronics. A battery and wireless charging system can be implanted in the abdomen of the monkey and thus do not contribute to the size of the main acquisition and control electronics on the skull. To limit development time and cost, a primary initial requirement for the electronics system was that it had to be made using only commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) components. This requirement, together with the small size requirement, has had a substantial impact on the design and on the problems encountered. A very preliminary high-level design was made to determine the general types of components required, and then a substantial amount of time was spent searching for the smallest Figure 1: A Macaque monkey's skull is not much bigger than a computer mouse. 10 available components with the desired specifications. The final design was then crafted around the components we could obtain. The implant would certainly be substantially smaller if everything were built into a custom integrated circuit, but the current TEAS design should fit within the available space limit. The neural signals that TEAS must measure are the microvolt outputs of individual neurons. The electrode array is inserted in the general area of the motor cortex, but there is no control over the final position of the electrode tips relative to individual neurons. The tips therefore pick up the signals of whichever neurons are closest, and some electrodes will pick up good signals while others will not. A wellpositioned electrode should pick up signals that are about 100 pV peak-to-peak. Monkey neurons fire approximately 1.5 ms spikes at 10-300 Hz 4 . A few sample spikes taken by the existing data acquisition system are shown in Figure 2. The voltage typically drops 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 -20-30-40-50 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Time (ms) Figure 2: Example 32-sample neural signals from existing tethered system, sampled at 20 kHz. 11 quickly, then rises above the idle level, and then returns more slowly to the starting voltage. The voltage is roughly constant between spikes, and the details of the inactive portion of the neural signal are not interesting to the TEAS users. For the system to be useful, the TEAS electronics must digitize the analog neural signals with twelve bits of resolution; the end users also want a minimum sampling rate of 30 kHz. Therefore, transmitting just the raw data for all 64 channels, without any communication protocol overhead, would require a 23 Mbps wireless connection. Fortunately, the Brown scientists are interested only in the timing and shapes of the approximately 1.5-ms-long neural spikes discussed above. Since the average spiking rate is low, transmitting only the spikes reduces the bandwidth requirements by a factor of fifty and makes the bandwidth requirement a more reasonable 500 kbps, again not including any communications overhead. However, the electronics in the implant must then perform some form of triggering and present a more complicated user interface that allows the user to set the threshold and other peak detection parameters. The TEAS electronics system will thus essentially be a 64-channel, wireless oscilloscope that must be small enough to implant in a small monkey's head. The conflicting "64-channel" and "small, but with off-the-shelf components" requirements made the design especially difficult. A large portion of the area on the final printed circuit board will be taken up by amplifier circuits that are replicated 64 times since the neural signals are too weak to multiplex without amplifying them first. Running 64 channels also complicates the digital portion of the system, which must perform peak detection on 64 independent channels. The rest of this document will describe the details of the TEAS electronics system design, present preliminary results, and indicate the current status and future direction of the project. 12 2. TEAS System Overview The entire TEAS system is a large project that does not involve electronics alone, and it is therefore being designed and built by many members of the TEAS team; even the electronics work is large enough of a task that it is being done by two individuals. Before jumping into the digital electronics section, it is necessary to briefly describe all the parts of the system and how they are interconnected. A block diagram of the four major components of TEAS, broken up by location of implantation within the test subject, is shown in Figure 3. The square, eight-by-eight electrode array is inserted into the motor cortex of the brain. Most of the electronics reside in the main unit implanted on the head. The electronics are mounted to the outside of the skull, and they are connected to the array on the inside through a flexible printed circuit board that contains sixty-four thin traces. The cable must be flexible enough to allow the electrode array to move independently of the rest of the electronics and stay implanted in the brain, which moves within the skull. The only electronics not on the skull are the battery and wireless charging system, which can be implanted in the abdomen of the monkey. 64-ELECTRODE ARRAY MOUNTED ELECTRONICS ECYTEMIC SYSTE M FLEXIBLE PCB --- BATTERY AND CHARGING SYSTEM Figure 3: Major TEAS components, broken up by location of implantation. The Electrode Array The electrode array 6 is a critical part of TEAS because it is the physical interface between the electronics and the brain. While designing and building the array is primarily a mechanical engineering challenge undertaken by other members of the TEAS team, some understanding of the array is important to the appreciation of the entire TEAS project. Furthermore, the electrodes are particularly significant to the electronics designers because they are effectively electronic components. 13 Because the array is connected to the electronics using flexible printed circuit board technology, a combination of mechanical and electrical engineering techniques is necessary to achieve the effective brain-electrode and electrode-electronics interfaces that are crucial to the success of TEAS. The electrode array is an 8 x 8 array of 1-mm-long electrodes that are 80 Am wide and spaced 508 Am apart. Each electrode is electrically insulated except at its platinumcoated tip, which serves as the electrical contact point to the brain. The array is cut out of Figure 4: Electrode array after being machined from titanium block (photos by Tim Fofonoff). a solid piece of titanium using wire electrical discharge machining (wire EDM). Two cutting passes are made with a 90-degree rotation between passes, resulting in electrodes with a square cross-section, as shown in Figure 4. The electrodes are then coated with gold and secured to a polyimide substrate before being cut off from the titanium base, again using wire EDM. At this point, the electrodes are electrically isolated but held in position by the polyimide. The array is then soldered to a flexible PCB (described below), which provides additional rigidity and electrical contacts to individual electrodes. The entire assembly is then coated in parylene, a biocompatible insulator. The parylene is removed only from the tips of the electrodes, which are then coated in platinum to 14 provide optimal neural reception. The array assembly is summarized in Figure 5. Electrical Discharge Machine (EDM) the array Coat array with gold strike Solder array to flex-PCB Remove electrodes from base by EDM Mount array in substrate -m1"m 010ir Coat assembly with parylene Solder connector to flex-PCB Create flexible Printed Circuit Board (flex-PCB) Create holes in polyimide substrate and cut to size P-M Laser ablate the electrode tips 0 -10Coat electrode tips with platinum 6 Figure 5: Electrode array assembly steps (drawing by Bobby Dyer and Tim Fofonoff ). Flexible PCB The flexible printed circuit board (PCB) connecting the array to the electronics is crucial not only for its obvious purpose of making the necessary connection, but because it is part of the overall system design that makes TEAS superior to current research equipment. Existing arrays use individual wires that must be painstakingly soldered onto individual array electrodes, making the arrays costly to manufacture. With the flex PCB, all traces are neatly packaged and the whole array can be mounted as a single component. The current arrays have been mounted as through-hole components, with the backs of the electrodes sticking through holes in the flex PCB on one side and getting soldered on the other side. However, surface-mounting techniques similar to those used for chip-scale electronic component packages are also being investigated by the electrode array designers. The wires connecting an electrode array to an external system must be very flexible because a brain can move within a skull. Some of that movement is simply due to the head moving around, but a large component of the motion comes from the whole brain expanding and contracting with the animal's pulse. To make the PCB as flexible as possible, the substrate was laser cut between traces. The traces were designed to be as 15 22.9 mm I- i 56.3 mm Figure 6: Flexible printed circuit layout. Figure 7: Flexible PCB detail around electrode array footprint. small as possible while maintaining high manufacturing yield. The current version has 16 50 jm traces with 25 jim of the PCB substrate material on each side. A scale drawing of the current flexible PCB is shown in Figure 6. Because the flex-PCB is only one-sided, the trace routing is very tight, and the array footprint has various pad shapes to maximize the soldering area for each electrode. A close-up view of the flexible PCB layout at the array mounting point is shown in Figure 7. Figure 8: Flexible PCB and 80-pin connector. The electrode array is soldered into the holes on the left side of the PCB, which has laser cuts between traces to make it more flexible. An important component of the flexible PCB module is a small, high-density connector that will allow the flexible PCB to connect to the rigid PCB carrying most of the electronics. A Molex7 connector pair8 (male part: 53794; female part: 54037) that is only 1.15 mm high when connect is used. Unfortunately, the connector series is available only in 60- and 80-pin versions. The lack of a 64-pin connector was common to many 17 manufacturers and connector lines, so the 80-pin Molex connectors represented the best off-the-shelf solution. The connector and a completed flexible PCB are shown in Figure 8. Electronics System There are three main sections to the TEAS electronics: an analog front end that does the necessary signal amplification and analog-to-digital conversion, a digital section that performs peak detection and other processing, and a wireless communication module (Figure 9)9. This breakdown allowed simultaneous and independent design of the different sections by different members of the design team. The interfaces between the sections are dependent on the two sections they connect, but the digital system, which connects to the other sections, is very flexible, allowing late modification to the interface. Furthermore, the interface components of the analog and communications modules were determined very early in the overall TEAS design. 4kx 16SRAM 64 RING BUFFERS EIGHT 8-CHANNEL 2M x 8 SRAM TRANSMIT FIFO BUFFER FPGA 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 64 AMPLIFIERS BLUETOOTH Figure 9: Electronics system block diagram. The analog section consists of 64 amplifiers and 8 ADCs; the digital section, made up of an FPGA, two SRAMs, and a microcontroller, processes the data from the ADCs and sends captured neural waveforms to the Bluetooth wireless interface. Analog Electronics The analog electronics is the interface between the brain and the rest of the electronics. The analog system provides the digital section with a simple, digital 18 interface that isolates the digital section from many of the difficulties of working in the brain. Because the 64 inputs to the analog section are so weak, any form of multiplexing prior to amplification isn't an option; therefore, the analog section contains 64 copies of the same circuit. The size of the single amplifier circuit thus has a tremendous impact on the overall size of the implant; the current analog design takes up approximately half of the area taken up the entire electronics system. Power consumption considerations in the individual amplifier circuits are also important because any increases in power consumption are multiplied by a factor of 64. The inputs to the analog section are the microvolt-level signals picked up by the electrode array. The peak-to-peak voltage on these signals is approximately 100 microvolts, requiring a gain of approximately five thousand to get to a 0.5 V peak-topeak voltage that is a minimum for the analog-to-digital converter. The required bandwidth, on the order of 10 kHz, puts the gain-bandwidth product at approximately 50 Mhz, well out of range of any low-power, single-stage amplifier. To simplify the power system, we also decided on single-supply op-amps. Since the input signals can go both positive and negative, a 1.5 V reference voltage is derived from the 3.0 V reference voltage of the analog to digital converters. Figure 10 shows the final design for a single channel of the analog circuit. Besides amplifying the signal, the circuit also 3V INPUT FROM ELECTRODE 3V + . -STAGE 1 G = 60 AIN _ TO DIGITAL 3Va FSUBSYSTEM VREF STAGE 2 G =70 3V + REFERENCE ELECTRODE 1.5V Figure 10: Single channel of analog amplifier. performs RC high-pass filtering above approximately 200 Hz and low-pass, antialiasing 19 filtering below 15 kHz using the gain-bandwidth limitation of the op-amps. Two opamps are available in each package, so there are seven components per amplifier (five resistors, one capacitor, and the op-amps). Even with this minimal circuit, the number of components for the 64 amplifiers alone is 448 components. Even with the smallest, 0201-size surface-mount components, which occupy approximately 1 mm x 1mm, the analog circuitry consumes substantial space (approximately 30 mm x 30 mm for the component footprints alone), and it is primarily for this reason that a more complex amplifier and filter cannot be considered. The 64 amplified signals are fed into eight separate 8-channel analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The ADCs thus provide multiplexing as well as the interface to the digital section. For the implant to be useful, the Brown researchers required a minimum of 12-bit sampling, and the 30 kHz minimum sampling requirement makes the minimum aggregate sampling rate for each ADC 240 kHz. This sampling rate is low enough that the ADC can be a very low power device, and the data rate is low enough to readily allow a serial interface, which helps limit the package size of the ADC. MAX1281" Maxim's 10 was chosen because it meets all of the requirements in a small, TSSOP package. Bluetooth Wireless Communication Module We determined early in the project that a commercial module using the new Bluetooth protocol12 would be the most straightforward way of achieving the highbandwidth wireless connection we required. Bluetooth was designed for short-distance wireless connectivity between small, low-power devices, and its spread-spectrum, frequency hopping protocol was made to limit interference from ambient electromagnetic noise. The data rate of 725 kbits per second (kbps) was acceptable but not outstanding, especially compared to the 11 Mbps rates of wireless Ethernet cards. However, size and power consumption were very high priorities; wireless Ethernet adapters are larger than the entire space allotted to TEAS, and modules in packages other than those for plugging into laptop PC card slots were not available. The available Bluetooth modules were effectively single components approximately the size of our other large components such 20 as the FPGA, and the Bluetooth module thus fit the TEAS approach of using commercial, of-the-shelf parts. The availability of Bluetooth modules in PC card format only improved the attractiveness of Bluetooth as the wireless communication module because less work would be necessary on the external interface: the Bluetooth card would effectively be all the hardware required for the entire external interface, and all that we would need to implement on the PC side would be software. The prototype Bluetooth module is Cambridge Silicon Radio unit13 that is truly a self-contained radio, unlike some alternatives that required external amplifiers or filters. The 23 mm x 15 mm module has a standard asynchronous serial interface that provides access to several layers of the protocol stack. One interface, HCI, allows the unit to be controlled with relatively simple commands without detailed understanding of the frequency-hopping algorithm. Most of the complexity is in setting up a connection; once it is established, sending data is relatively straightforward. The only real problem is in achieving the advertised bandwidth of 725 kbps: the highest data rate we have achieved is approximately 500 kbps. The TEAS analog electronics and wireless connection are detailed by Johann Burgert. Digital Electronics The digital electronics system must read the analog-to-digital converters, process the incoming data, and send the processed data to the Bluetooth module. The digital section also contains the microcontroller, which governs the entire implant by controlling the power supplies for the rest of the electronics. The front end of the digital electronics, which must interface to eight serial ADCs simultaneously, is implemented on a field programmable gate array (FPGA). The FPGA includes the circuitry for interfacing to a small external SRAM that is used for peak detection. The FPGA also controls a large SRAM to buffer data that the microcontroller will read and transmit to the Bluetooth module. A block diagram of the digital electronics is shown in Figure 11. The digital section is the focus of this document, and its design will be discussed thoroughly in Chapter 3 of this thesis. 21 ADDR<11:0> DATA<13:0> EIGHT 8-CHANNEL ADCs --- SCLK * uCOD uCADDR<7:0> 4 uCDATA<11:0> BUFSIZE<2:0> LOADBUFSIZE 4 SOUT<7:0> SIN<7:0> C 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER *C FPGA OI At A (P A 00 NEWDATA OVERFLOW RESULT< 7:0> ACK BLUETOOTH _ LU RESET -- (9 16 MHz CLOCK 4k x 16 SRAM 64 RING BUFFERS CLK <0 t 4* 2M x 8 SRAM TRANSMIT FIFO BUFFER Figure 11: Digital electronics block diagram. Power System The power system consists of a rechargeable battery, the necessary accessories for wirelessly charging that battery, and several voltage regulators that provide the correct voltages to different parts of the electronics system. Most of the volume of the power system, the battery and recharging circuit, can be implanted in the abdomen of a test monkey, and the size of the system is therefore not a primary concern. The battery will be a lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery that has a nominal voltage of 3.6 volts. The battery must have a capacity of approximately 13 kJ (1 amp-hour at 3.6 V), which will allow for three hours of operation with the estimated 1 W power consumption of the electronics. To recharge the battery in a reasonable amount of time (overnight), the charging circuit must deliver 100 mA. Work on this portion of TEAS has been very limited, but preliminary designs have been able to charge the battery at 50 mA through a 22 10-mm separation. Power management is critical to the design, and every component was chosen with power consumption in mind. Table 1 gives a breakdown of the estimated power consumption of the electronics, assuming 3.0 V operation. A lithium-ion or lithiumpolymer battery can readily provide the necessary current of 330 mA. There are four separate voltage regulators on TEAS: one for the microcontroller, one for the rest of the digital electronics, a third for the analog electronics, and a fourth for the Bluetooth module. The microcontroller coordinates the functions of the electronics system, so it must always be powered. The microcontroller can independently shut down the power to the analog front end, the FPGA and SRAMs, and the wireless communication system. The microcontroller can internally switch to an extremely low power mode that allows the minimum average current consumption of the entire electronics system to be below 1 mA, which is necessary during charging and periods when the device is not in use. In this low-power mode, the microcontroller can monitor charging status and occasionally power up the communications system to check for any incoming commands. Table 1: Power budget for TEAS electronics, assuming a 3.0 V power supply. Analog Electronics Amplifiers ADCs Total Bluetooth Module Digital Electronics FPGA 2 MB SRAM 64 KB SRAM Microcontroller Clock Total Total for All Electronics 23 360 mW 60 mW 420 mW 180 mW 225 75 45 15 30 mW mW mW mW mW 390 mW 990 mW 3. Digital Electronics Design The interface to the digital electronics section of TEAS was determined very early in the project. The primary input to the system would be the data from eight 8-channel, 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), and the system would process that data and send any detected neural spikes to the Bluetooth module over an approximately 1 Mbps serial link. The system would also have a secondary input in the form of a serial input from the wireless link, over which any TEAS system commands would be received. As with the rest of the project, the most important design constraints were size, power consumption, and ready availability of components. High-Level Design Choices Given the requirements, there were two general design approaches that could have been pursued. The system must read a very wide parallel input from eight ADCs, and it must generate a completely serial output; the two main alternatives to dealing with the parallel input were: " using a high-speed microprocessor or digital signal processor and tackling the problem in software; " implementing custom parallel hardware. The two options, and why we ultimately chose the parallel hardware approach, are described next. The High-Speed Processor Alternative Using a high-speed processor was appealing since a single programmable device, and thus a single development environment, would be necessary for the design. Also, having greater available processing power in the implant might allow for more complex triggering or better compression algorithms that would make better use of the limited wireless transfer rate. The main problem with the approach was that it was not necessarily feasible, and even if it were, there might not be any time left after reading the ADCs for the extra processing that made the approach attractive in the first place. The 24 requirement of sampling 64 channels at a minimum of 30 kHz makes the minimum aggregate sampling rate 1.92 MHz. Even with a processor such as a 200 MHz StrongARM, a processor typical in high-end handheld computers, only 100 cycles per sample would be available. A hundred cycles may initially seem more than adequate, but the main problem is that, since the 64 channels are processed sequentially, the samples from the individual channels are interlaced: after reading a sample, 63 other samples must be processed before reaching the next sample for the first channel. A substantial portion of the available processing time would thus be spent context switching. Even without the context switching, a hundred cycles is not much time for analyzing a sequence of samples, which would be necessary for advanced triggering or compression. To make matters worse, the processor must also deal with the asynchronous communication with the wireless module, whose small buffer must remain full to ensure optimal transfer rates, and which may at arbitrary times receive new commands from the external user interface. In addition to not having clear performance benefits, the single-processor option wasn't clearly smaller or less power hungry than the parallel hardware approach. Highperformance processors typically do not have the level of system and peripheral integration seen on smaller 8-and16-bit processors, which often have program memory, data memory (SRAM), and hardware serial ports in one package. The high-performance processor would thus not present a one-component solution to the digital system and would instead require space comparable to that for the parallel-hardware approach chosen for TEAS. The high processor speed and the need for additional components would also make the power requirements similar to that of the alternative approach. Besides the consumption of the digital hardware alone, the high-speed system would also require ADCs that are faster and therefore more power hungry. A final disadvantage to the high-speed approach is that it would significantly complicate the PCB layouts for prototypes and the final implant. Creating layouts for high-speed digital electronics is not trivial even without consideration of how it might interfere with the analog electronics or the wireless communication module. Because of the lack of clear advantages to the high-speed approach and because of the added complexity, we chose the parallel hardware alternative. 25 The Parallel Hardware Alternative The parallel hardware approach, however, is not without its own issues. One of the problems is that the required output of the digital system was ultimately not parallel, and the data from the 64 channels need to be organized into a single serial stream somewhere in the system. Furthermore, interfacing to the Bluetooth module requires complex protocols that are very difficult to implement as a straight hardware solution. Therefore, a combination of programmable logic and a microcontroller is used for the TEAS digital section. The downside to this design choice is that it required finding two major components: the microcontroller and the programmable logic device (PLD). It is worth noting that the conceptually different components of microcontroller and PLD need not be physically distinct or in different packages. Many PLDs are large enough to contain several large microprocessors, and pre-designed code for emulating a processor in a PLD is readily available. More recently, devices that explicitly combine a microcontroller with a PLD in one package have become available. For example, Atmel's15 Field Programmable System-Level Integrated Circuit (FPSLIC) 16 contains, in one package, a 30,000-gate field programmable gate array (FPGA), an 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontroller, and an SRAM bank accessible from both the FPGA and the microcontroller. Unfortunately for TEAS, these single-chip solutions were more capable than necessary for TEAS, and, as a result, they were too large and power hungry. The multi-component approach has the advantage of allowing selection of components with the minimal capabilities necessary to achieving the task at hand; different components can also be completely powered down to minimize power consumption during idle or recharging periods. An important aspect to the microcontroller and PLD design was to break up the tasks efficiently and to develop an interface between the two components. This early design decision was especially important since component selection is critical to the success of the project, and large-scale changes might not be possible to implement once components were chosen. Thus, the parallel-hardware approach, given that it could not be implemented using just one component, was in some ways less flexible than the high26 speed controller approach. On the other hand, the parallel approach allows for more independent implementation of subsections of the design, and thus allows a more structured design approach that uses hierarchy and abstraction. For example, changing the ADC interface protocol with the high-speed approach might cause timing changes that would require significant rewriting of the processor code; with the parallel-hardware approach, the change would be contained within a programmable logic unit that interfaces to the ADC, and the microcontroller code wouldn't have to change at all. The tradeoffs between the two approaches are dependent on the number of channels that TEAS must record. Beyond 100 channels, the high-speed approach would almost certainly have been impossible, but even a mid-range microprocessor could readily have handled ten channels. With the 64 required channels, either approach could probably have been implemented. Ultimately, the parallel-hardware approach was chosen for TEAS because it was more likely to result in a smaller, less power-hungry design in a shorter amount of time. Compression Considerations The Bluetooth wireless connection is a huge bottleneck. Even with the theoretical maximum bandwidth of 725 kbps, less than one thirtieth of the 2 million 12-bit samples collected every second can be transmitted. By itself, buffering the data does not help much because it piles up at the huge rate of almost 24 Mb per second. With the lack of abundant memory in the implant and with a very slow connection to the outside world, some form of compression prior to transmission is clearly necessary. An important design requirement from the Brown neuroscientists was that, should there be any compression, it would have to be lossless, with the exception that they were only interested in the neural spikes and their timing. Indeed, triggering on neural spikes and sending only the spike information provides a huge reduction in required bandwidth. Unfortunately, the compression factor varies with the neural spiking rate, which can vary from 10 to 300 Hz. With individual spikes lasting approximately 1.5 ms, the interesting data comprise 1.5% to 45% of all collected data. If the average spiking rate were below 20 Hz, spike detection alone would 27 provide the thirty-fold compression necessary to compensate for the discrepancy between the acquisition and transmission rates. Additional compression, however, would still be desirable since only four channels spiking at a high rate would overwhelm the electronics. Given that the general shape of neural signals is known, it seems likely that that knowledge could be used to effectively compress the spikes themselves. However, the lossless compression requirement eliminated many substantial compression options. Algorithms used for compressing electrocardiograph (EKG) readings, which have shapes similar to neural signals, typically achieve 90% compression, but that compression comes mostly from eliminating the uninteresting data between heartbeats, much like the spike detection discussed above. Another major impediment to using knowledge about the spikes' expected shape is the interlaced sampling of individual channels, which results in samples for individual channels being scattered through memory. It is not clear that any general-purpose compression approach would yield appreciable benefits when applied to the interlaced signals. Even test runs of LempelZiv" compression on non-interlaced spike samples (obtained from existing neural recording systems) were unsuccessful. Given that the individual channel samples are independent, interlaced samples of detected peaks are effectively random, making lossless compression without first recovering the data structure almost impossible. Achieving practical compression in real time would thus be challenging on a highperformance desktop computer, let alone on the limited microcontroller used in the TEAS implant. One last explored approach was delta-compression right in the front-end, parallel hardware of the digital electronics. This approach would require, for each channel, additional storage for one sample that would always hold the previous sample value. Then, instead of wirelessly sending the sample values, the differences would be sent-the hope being that the range of changes would be much smaller than the range of values. Unfortunately, some parts of the spikes have very steep slopes, and with the added necessity of a sign bit to indicate the direction of the change, this simple scheme saved only one or two bits per sample: in our tests, delta-compression required approximately 28 10 bits per sample. While the 17% compression would be nice to have, units of 10 bits are difficult to work with because 10 is not a power of two. Since the digital electronics components are all organized with 8- or 16-bit busses, taking advantage of the two saved bits would require much more manipulation of the samples to pack them into 8- or 16-bit chunks. Combined with the added hardware requirements to do the subtraction on-thefly, the added complexity was not worth the potential payoff. Thus, it was determined that the nature of our data did not allow for simple compression and there was insufficient processing power on the implant to do more complicated compression in real time. Thus, TEAS relies on a relatively low average spiking rate on the sampled electrodes to keep the transmit buffer from overflowing. To lower the negative impact of the low-spiking-rate requirement, the user interface will allow the researcher to turn off any channels that correspond to inactive electrodes or that are otherwise uninteresting. The number of samples per spike can also be varied, up to the extreme where only the time for each spike is sent; in that mode, the available bandwidth can support all 64 channels spiking at 300 Hz. Breaking Up the Digital Section Given the design decisions to implement a parallel-hardware approach and to limit compression to straight neural spike detection, the next task was to determine how the digital section should be broken up between the programmable logic device and the microcontroller. Provided that a good division into separate sections could be determined, those sections could then be implemented almost independently. Component selection would be closely tied to this choice because of the general TEAS design approach of rapid development using readily available components. Once components were selected, it would be costly and time consuming to change the section divisions in a way that exceeded what was achievable within the flexibility of the chosen components. The programmable logic section clearly had to take care of the ADC interface. Spike detection and pre-trigger buffering was also appropriate for the high-speed logic since a lot of data had to be pushed around quickly. The microcontroller, on the other hand, was selected primarily for dealing with the Bluetooth module and higher-level 29 control of the entire implant. It became clear from these task assignments that the following section separation was appropriate: the programmable logic would do all incoming data processing and asynchronously present the microcontroller only with data to be transmitted over the wireless link; and the microcontroller would, at its own discretion, arbitrarily read data from the programmable logic section and write to the High-level communication protocol implemented in microcontroller to send data to external system Microcontroller Asynchronously accessible digital representation of neural spikes in original input Programmable Digital Logic Performs peak detection to pick out relevant data Clean, digital representation of original input Analog Electronics Weak signals are amplified and digitized Analog Input Electrodes are like antennas that pick up very weak signals Electrode Array Figure 12: Abstraction and hierarchy in the TEAS electronics design. Bluetooth module. Except for some initial setting up of thresholds and other parameters, this arrangement allows the microcontroller to be oblivious to the details of the data being collected: to the microcontroller, the programmable logic section is just a black box from which data can be read at any time, indistinguishable from any other parallel data source such as FIFO. The microcontroller must then implement a high-level protocol to get the data to the external logging system without any errors. The hierarchy and abstraction for 30 the entire TEAS electronics design is shown in Figure 12. Information (neglecting handshaking signals) flows in only one direction, and each level insulates the next level from many of the details of the signals the brain implant is recording. 31 The Programmable Logic System The general breakdown described above makes the programmable logic system the heart of the data acquisition system within the implant. As its input, the system has eight analog-to-digital converters that it must also control. The output is a FIFO buffer that can be read at any time by the microcontroller, which is generally oblivious to the contents of the data and just deals with getting them, uncorrupted, to the external system; the format of the data can therefore be determined by the programmable logic system. The output buffer of the programmable logic section also serves as a secondary transmit buffer since the microcontroller and Bluetooth module have very limited buffers. Since the microcontroller reads data from the programmable logic unit only when the Bluetooth module can take more, this output buffer must be as large as possible to prevent bursts of neural activity from overwhelming the system. Of course, the programmable logic must also perform its central role of carrying out peak detection and time-stamping on the incoming data. There are thus four main sections to the programmable logic system: the ADC interface, the triggering or spike detection system, the transmit buffer controller, and global counter. These sections are examined in detail after a description of the components used to implement the design. Choosing Components, Part 1: Programmable Logic Device Selection Choosing the programmable logic device for TEAS was something of a chickenand-egg problem: it was difficult to select a device without first knowing more about what would be put on it, but those very details of the design were not necessarily independent of the device that was chosen. Many devices had special features that might have been useful, but the potential usefulness could not really be evaluated without designing a substantial portion of the system around those features. One feature that would have been especially useful was integrated SRAM, which could have been used for individual channel buffers used for recording peaks; however, the smaller devices that were candidates for TEAS did not have sufficient memory. Special features were ultimately ignored because they were difficult to evaluate, and because using them would require specialized development environments. 32 Even comparing general sizes or densities was difficult because each manufacturer, and even different product lines from the same manufacturer, had different measures of features and performance. Complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs) are typically measured in terms of number of macrocells, whereas the main parameter with field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) is usually the number of programmable gates. To make a better-informed decision, a general design was made in VHDL (VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language); the design itself is described below. The preliminary design effectively eliminated CPLDs because of their limited size. The CoolRunner series of CPLDs from Xilinx18 had seemed particularly attractive, and a version with 512 macrocells might have been large enough for the design; unfortunately, that version was not expected to be available for many months. The Delta39K series from Cypress" promised CPLDs at FPGA densities, but they were also just in development. Other CPLD lines typically do not have more than 256 macrocells. The lack of sufficiently large CPLDs was unfortunate because SRAM-based FPGAs need to be configured every time they are turned on, requiring an additional component that stores the configuration file in a non-volatile format. With FPGA densities being much higher than those of CPLDs, the primary parameters to look for became small physical size and low power consumption. Given that the device would require over 100 1/0 lines, the some form of BGA (ball grid array) packaging was essential. Power consumption was very difficult to judge because it is very dependent on the particular configuration of the device. Ultimately, the Flex 1 0k30A device from Altera2 0 was chosen for TEAS. The FlexlOk3OA 2 was available in a 1-mmpitch BGA package that was just 17 mm on a side (see Figure 13), had 30,000 usable gates, had the lowest claimed power consumption, and, perhaps most importantly, was immediately available. Once the FlexlOk3OA was chosen, the design was refined around that part. The device is available in several different speed grades, but speed wasn't too much of an issue because the design requires clock speeds under 20 MHz, which is extremely slow for FPGAs. 33 Figure 13: The FPGA is one of the largest components in the design. Choosing Components, Part 2: Transmit Buffer SRAM and Ring Buffer SRAM Due to the huge difference between the possible data acquisition rate and the maximum wireless transfer rate, obtaining a very large memory component for the transmit buffer was crucial to achieving high performance in TEAS. Unfortunately for the small development team with a very low expected production volume of TEAS units, competing with large cell phone and handheld computer manufacturers, who also wanted small, high-density memories, was very difficult. Many manufacturers would not speak to a potential customer unless he was interested in at least thousands of units, and the newest, smallest, highest-density devices were not available through distributors that 2 were willing to deal with small quantities, such as Digi-Key1 . Also, single-chip SRAMs typically go up to about 8 Mbits in size, which is only enough for approximately 150 spikes per channel. While this number of spikes is acceptable, the buffer could potentially fill up in a matter of seconds. A larger SRAM would hold more spikes, which would make the buffer more effective because fluctuations in neural firing rates occur at time scales close to those during which a smaller buffer could overflow. Fortunately, 24 Toshiba" provided sample units of a new 16-Mbit SRAM, the TC55W1600FT , which has very low power consumption and comes in a TSOP48 package that measures 20 mm x 12 mm. The SRAM is one of the largest components on TEAS, but it is crucial to 34 smooth operation during periods of higher neural spiking, which is usually especially interesting. The TC55W1600FT was also particularly appealing because the memory can be accessed as IM x 16 or 2M x 8, which allowed commitments to bus widths to be made later. Besides the large buffer SRAM, a smaller SRAM would be necessary to temporarily hold data samples prior to triggering. The SRAM needed to have a bus width of at least 12-bits to allow rapid sample transfer without shuffling around individual bits separately from each other; since 12-bit bus widths aren't typical, a 16-bit device was necessary. Such devices are abundant, so availability, power consumption, and package size were used to choose the Cypress CY62126BV2 5 , which comes in a 48-ball BGA that measures just 7 mm x 7 mm. Since it is very difficult to work with BGA packages, another SRAM with the same interface but in a TSOP32 package was used for prototyping. Ultimately, however, finding and using the smallest available packages is crucial to achieving the required TEAS size. ADC Interface The analog section uses eight Maxim MAX1281 single-supply, low-power, 8channel, 12-bit, serial ADCs. The serial interface is used both for reading samples and for setting ADC parameters such as channel selection and power mode. The MAX1281 uses Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), a synchronous serial protocol supported by many 8-bit microcontrollers. The digital section front end must serve as the SPI "master" for all eight ADCs by generating the serial clocks and initiating conversions. The main points of the MAX1281 interface are shown in Figure 14, which shows how the ADC would be used with a microcontroller that has SPI support. First, the controller must send an 8-bit control word, which specifies parameters such as the channel to be sampled. The first bit of the control byte must always be set, and it initiates a conversion. After the control byte is sent, two bytes are read back. The two bytes contain the 12-bit result, padded with one leading zero and three trailing zeros. A single conversion therefore takes 24 serial clock cycles. The data for both input and output lines are always valid on the rising edge of the serial clock. 35 12 8 14 16 24 20 SCLK DOUT DIN A2 AlIA0 u PD1 PDOI MSB D D101 D91 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D31 D21 D START S Control Byte LSB DOI o ADC Result A2:AO - channel selection UNI/BIP - 1 = unipolar, 0 = bipolar SGL/DIF - 1 = single ended, 0 = differential PD1,PDO - power mode select Figure 14: ADC interface timing diagram for reading one sample. The interface can be run more quickly when the input and output transactions are not constrained to 8-bit units, as shown in Figure 15. A control byte can be sent every 16 clock cycles, provided that the conversion result can be picked out at the correct time, which is very simple with the programmable logic used in TEAS. The overlap of input and output operations allows a much faster sampling rate, and the overlap is necessary to achieve the 30 kHz minimum sampling rate required of the TEAS system. 1 24 16 8 32 SCLK DOUT DIN S CONTROL BYTE 1 S CONTROL BYTE 0 I CONVERSION RESULT 0 CONVERSION RESULT 1 * Figure 15: ADC interface timing for reading a sample every 16 clock cycles. Since there are no constraints on the timing of parallel conversions among the eight ADCs, the control byte and serial clock can be the same for all eight 8 ADCs. Therefore, the initial ADC interface design, shown in Figure 16, had a single output shift register, the output of which would connect to all eight ADCs. All eight results would therefore also appear simultaneously on eight separate result lines. Each ADC control channel on the FPGA had a corresponding input unit consisting of a receive shift register 36 and a receive buffer. A properly timed "load" signal would transfer the contents of the shift registers to the buffers, providing the next stage of the digital system with eight buffers that always contained the most recent samples from the eight ADCs. To SCLK JI - -- sclk 4 ADCOAD7channel - - --- - - I1 Se power power:, down 3 To DIN on ADCOADC7 channel .3 SEL2:0 0111 init init 8 Transmit Shift Register shift shift -- -.-.............. ADCO DOUT P, :Serial I In LSB Receive Shift Register shift i i i MSB 12 load: Receive Buffer 2 AD]O A DC I ADC2 ADC3 ADC4 ADC5 ADC6 D OU T DOUT-Al O DOUT DOUT DOUT DOUT- ADC7 DOUT - -... -........ -................ ADC result , AORESULT lR S L RESULT -........ ...... A2 A3 A4 A5 9 ........................ A 6...R E...U LT. A6 RESULT Receive Shift Register Serial In - .......... ... ..... ........... LSB 12 Receive Buffer 12 RESULT RESULT RESULT RESULT 12 shift: MSB load ADC resultA7 .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... .... .. ..---1 iP U 2 A7 RESULT Figure 16: Initial, highly parallel ADC interface block diagram. The original design described above adheres strictly to the parallel-hardware approach of the digital section: the hardware for all eight ADCs is a set of exact replicas that take eight parallel inputs and provides eight parallel outputs that can be used 37 downstream by additional parallel hardware. However, later refinements to the next stage of the digital system, the triggering system, made simultaneous availability of all eight ADC results unnecessary. As described in the overview of the digital system, the output of the digital section must be sequential, so the change from parallel to serial must happen somewhere within the digital section. Implementing parallel versions of small digital modules such as the input shift registers is simple, but achieving parallel memory access is much more difficult. Given that the triggering system (described in the next section) uses an external SRAM to store ADC results, implementing truly parallel memory access would require multiple external SRAM components along with many parallel address and data busses. The size and power restrictions on TEAS make multiple SRAMs unattractive, if not unfeasible, so some form of multiplexing of a single SRAM is required. Given that ADC samples are stored in a single SRAM sequentially, it becomes unnecessary for all eight ADC samples to be available simultaneously and at all times. The above conclusion was used to make the current ADC interface a more efficient, more tightly integrated part of the digital system. Instead of sending the control byte simultaneously to all eight ADCs, the output section sends eight different versions of the control byte, each staggered by two clock cycles; the starting times of the ADCs are thus evenly distributed throughout the 16-cycle sample period. The results are then received every two cycles, and instead of using a receive buffer on every input channel, a multiplexer selects the shift register that currently holds a valid result. The multiplexed result can then be buffered if it is needed for both cycles or used directly if the triggering system only needs the result at the beginning of the time it has allotted to each channel. Some attention must be paid to the details of the interface to synchronize the current multiplexer result with the rest of the system. The lower bits of a global counter are used to indicate the current channel being processed, and the ADC interface must make the correct result available at the correct time. Because of the delay between starting a conversion and getting the result, the serial output section must add one to the channel number requested for the result to match the global counter. (This addition of one is not strictly necessary since the electrode numbers could just be relabeled; however, a 3-bit increment is very minimal, and it reduces the possibility of confusion in the electrode-to38 channel-number mapping, which is already complicated by PCB layout issues.) GLOBALCOUNTER8:1 CHANNEL 1 3 1 SEL2:0 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I. . I I I I I load 8 23-bit Transmit Shift Register I sh ift I I I I I I I I DOUT7 DOUT6 DOUT5 DOUT4I DOUT3 DOUT2 DOUTO DOUTO SCLK 4 - 1 Receive Shift Register 1 11 Ishift 0 SEL / 12 ADC2 DOUT 12 ADC3 DOUT 12 ADC4 DOUT I / 12 ADC5 DOUT ADC6 DOUT 3 MSB 0 LSB ADCI DOUT / 41 . .. .. 12 ' '12 ADC7 DOUT 12 ADC8 DOUT S12 Figure 17: Final ADC interface block diagram. 39 parallel result for current 12 12channel The final version of the ADC interface is shown in Figure 17. The elimination of the input buffers in the original, more parallel version is significant because the eight buffers required 108 flip-flops. The new version does require more transmit hardware, but the size of the ADC interface as a whole is almost halved. A reduction in size is almost always useful since it reduces constraints when fitting the design onto the FPGA. Although the ADC results are presented sequentially, the interface to the rest of the digital system is very clean: the ADC module reads the global counter, and always outputs the ADC result for the channel specified by the counter. The ADC interface thus puts some additional constraints on the rest of the system by eliminating the possibility of any additional parallel hardware, but a sequential approach to the rest of the system is both required by the external SRAM and likely to lead to a more compact overall design. The interface assumes a serial clock speed of 4 MHz, which results in an aggregate sampling rate of 2 MHz and an individual channel sampling rate of 31.25 kHz. The serial clock can potentially be increased up to 4.8 MHz (37.5 kHz per channel), which is the upper limit for the MAX1281. The VHDL source code for the ADC interface is listed in Appendix A3 and Appendix A4. Spike Detection System The output of the ADC interface is read by the spike detection unit, which is the central component of the TEAS data acquisition system since it determines which data are saved and transmitted outside of the implant. Because data samples are stored in a single external SRAM, the triggering system processes each channel sequentially, requiring this processing to execute very quickly. Fortunately, the triggering mechanism can be as simple as a comparator that checks to see if the incoming data values exceed a predetermined threshold. However, the spike detection system is more complicated than the trigger mechanism alone because it must keep track of additional state. A spike is detected only after the spike is well under way, so all samples must temporarily be saved even without a channel having triggered. After triggering, the relevant saved samples must be sent to the large transmit buffer, but this relatively simple-sounding task is complicated once again by the lack of processing time, which requires most tasks to be 40 broken up. The spike detection system is thus perpetually switching contexts, and designing an effective method of quickly saving and retrieving the state of individual channels was critical. Depicted in figure 18 is the expected data waveform of a neural spike, along with some of the terms that are used in the description of the spike detection system. A spike is detected, and a channel triggers, when a sample exceeds the channel's threshold value. A certain number of samples are pre-storedbefore triggering, and additional samples are post-stored after triggering. Because of limited processing time, stored samples are read out only after all pre-store and post-store samples have been recorded. The total number of samples per spike is set for all channels simultaneously, but the thresholds and number of post-store samples can be set independently for each channel, allowing detected spikes to be properly framed around the trigger point. For example, with the total number of samples per spikes set to the maximum of 60, setting the post-store parameter to 40 would result in capturing 20 data samples before the threshold is exceeded and 40 samples after the trigger point. THRESHOLD POSTSTORE PRESTORE Figure 18: Prestore, threshold, and poststore on a typical neural spike waveform. To execute effectively the continual context switching resulting from changing from channel to channel, the external SRAM is organized as shown in Figure 19. Each channel is allocated 64 locations, of which the first is a status variable that holds the current state of the corresponding channel. 41 The next three locations hold other parameters for the channel, such as the triggering threshold and the number of post-store samples to record. The fourth location is currently unused, but it could be used for an additional parameter such as an "un-trigger value" that must be crossed after triggering before a channel can trigger again. The SRAM has a 16-bit data bus, but only 14 bits are currently required because of the width of the status variable. Since the samples have 12 bits, this leaves two bits available for possible marking of samples, although this is not done in the current design. Should the system need to be expanded, two additional bits are readily available by using all 16 bits of the SRAM. Because there are 64 channels that are each allocated 64 locations, a total of 4k words are necessary. 4Kx1 6 Sampling Unit Memory Organization 0x40 Ox0000 CHANNEL 0 STATUS CHANNEL 1 THRESHOLD *8 POSTSTORE 0x4] 0x0040 0x42 0x0080 0x43 UNTRIGGER OxOFCO CHANNEL 63 04 6 A44 60-SAMPLE RING BUFFER OxOFFF Ox7F Figure 19: Spike detection system SRAM organization. The 14 bits of the status variable must hold all information necessary to determine the state of a current channel. Although there are conceptually only a handful of different states in which a channel can be, 14 bits are required because each channel accesses its memory independently. The data analyzed on each channel are effectively independent, and one channel might be recording pre-store samples while another channel might have already triggered and be reading out previously recorded samples. As shown in Figure 42 STATUS 5:0 - 6-bit counter 11:6 - 6-bit address 13:12 - status 14 - unused 15 - unused Figure 20: STATUS variable bit descriptions. 20, six bits of the status variable, bits 6 through 11, indicate the next address to be accessed. Another six bits are used to keep track of how many post-store samples have been stored, and the remaining two bits indicate the more general state of the channel, which can be one of the following: " PRESTORE. In this state, the channel has not triggered; therefore, a sample should be stored and compared to the threshold. If the threshold is exceeded, the channel will be in the post-store state next time it is processed. * POSTSTORE. In this state, the channel has triggered, but all post-store samples have not yet been collected. A sample is stored, and the 6-bit counter in the status memory location is used to keep track of how many more samples must be stored. After the correct number of samples has been recorded, the channel will go into the channel information state. * CHANINFO. In this state, the channel number and a time stamp are sent from the spike detection system to the transmit buffer. The next state will be the data reading state. " READ. In this state, samples that have been stored are read and sent out to the transmit buffer. The status variable's 6-bit counter is used to read the correct number of samples. After the buffer is emptied, the channel goes back to the 43 PRESTORE state. Of the 64 memory locations allocated to each channel, 60 are available for storing samples. These 60 words are organized as a ring buffer, in which a pointer always indicates the next location to be accessed. After writing a sample, the pointer is incremented, and it overflows from address 63 to address 4. Thus, the 60 most recent samples are always in memory, and the pointer always points to the oldest sample, which gets overwritten with the newest sample. When the post-store samples are all recorded, the pointer already points to the first data location to be read (since it is oldest), and reading the memory in order from that point will return all of the 60 data samples in order. The size of the ring buffer can readily be modified by changing the point to which the pointer overflows; for example, if it overflows from 63 to 60, the buffer effectively contains only four elements. Changing the buffer size and recording fewer samples per channel allows for more effective use of the limited wireless link, which is the reason for having a spike detection system that transmits only the interesting data. With a sampling rate of 31.25 kHz, 60 samples will store 1.92 ms of a waveform, but with typical neural spikes lasting only 1 ms, only 32 samples might be necessary. The flexibility of the spike detection system and its ring buffers could therefore potentially almost double the rate at which spike information can be transmitted over the wireless interface. The timing of SRAM accesses and the time available for processing each sample can be selected by the clock frequency of the FPGA. The ADC interface presents new samples at a 2 MHz rate, which is required to meet the individual channel sampling rate minimum of 30 kHz. The faster the FPGA clock rate, the more can be accomplished in the 500 ns available for processing each sample, but a higher clock rate will also result in higher power consumption in both the FPGA and the SRAM. Choosing a low SRAM access speed also allows low-speed, low-power SRAMs to be used. Because power consumption is such a large concern, a clock speed of only 8 MHz is used. With an 8MHz clock and its 125 ns period, 70 ns SRAMs can be used safely without having to pay excessive attention to the details of the SRAM interface timing. The given clock speed allows for four processing cycles per data sample; of those four cycles, two must be used 44 in reading and writing the status variable. All other operations, such as reading and writing samples, must occur in two cycles. The two-cycle limit makes it almost impossible to simultaneously store and retrieve data samples in one 500-ns data sample period. Before triggering, the threshold value must be read, leaving only one cycle, which must be used for storing a sample. Fortunately, the nature of the neural spikes being acquired allows breaks in data acquisition immediately after spikes occur: the highest expected spiking rate is 300 Hz, which corresponds to a 3.3-ms period over twice as long as the 1.5-ms length of a spike. Therefore, TEAS does not sample channels immediately after the post-store samples are recorded, when the data values are transferred from the ring buffer SRAM to the transmit buffer SRAM. To minimize the time that a channel is not capable of triggering, two samples are read out in the two cycles available when processing a channel; a channel is thus temporarily off for half as long as the spike sampling period. For example, with the capture time set to the maximum of 1.92 ins, corresponding to 60 samples, a channel would effectively be off for approximately 1 ins. The exact time that a channel is off is slightly more than half of the capture period because the channel number and a timestamp must be transferred to the transmit buffer. A state diagram corresponding to the ring buffer control system's actual VHDL implementation, listed in Appendix Al, is shown in Figure 21. The actual states closely match the four conceptual states listed earlier, with each sequence from the readSTATUS to writeSTATUS states corresponding to one of the conceptual states. For example, when a channel is in the state earlier called PRESTORE, it goes through the following sequence of states in the four clock cycles allocated for each sample: readSTATUS, readTHRESH, writeSample, writeSTATUS. The only channel general state that does not correspond to a single, 4-cycle path through the Figure 21 state diagram is the CHANINFO state, when information about the channel is placed in the transmit buffer. The channel number and time stamp are transferred in two separate sample processing periods because the four available cycles are not sufficient for recording both the channel number and the time stamp. Only 6 of the 24 available bits for channel designation are necessary; the 18 leading bits are set to zero to indicate that a channel has triggered and 45 that samples for that channel will now be interspersed within the transmit buffer (the details of the data organization in the transmit buffer are discussed in the following section). To make sure that the 18 zeros are a unique identifier, any data samples that have a value of zero, which should be very unlikely, are incremented by one. readTHRESH readSTATUS Cycle 1 readPOSTSTORE writeSample getChan1I getChan2 getTimel getTime2 readlI read2 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 writeSTATUS Cycle 4 500-ns Sample Processing Period Figure 21: Spike detection system state diagram. The spike detection system takes in all samples, and using only four clock cycles per sample, outputs only relevant data in pairs of 12-bit words. The design allows for a minimal clock speed while providing a reasonably flexible triggering mechanism. The design is also flexible in the sense that some of the details of the triggering method or 46 other data processing can be modified without requiring extensive redesigning of the spike detection system. The output data are read by the next system, the transmit buffer control, which provides an interface between the spike detection system and the microcontroller. Transmit Buffer Control The transmit buffer is a large, 16-Mbit SRAM that holds data that are ready to be transmitted over the wireless link. The transmit buffer control system makes the SRAM look like a FIFO buffer to the spike detection system and the microcontroller. The transmit buffer controller serves as the interface between the highly synchronized spike detection system, which can output data at any time, and the microcontroller, which asynchronously requests new data any time the wireless link is free. The Toshiba TC55W1600FT 16-Mbit SRAM can be accessed either as 2M x 8 or IM x 16. The 2M x 8 organization was chosen because the SRAM must be used as efficiently as possible, and packing pairs of 12-bit words into 8-bit chunks is easier than packing them into 16-bit chunks. Also, the 8-bit organization requires fewer I/O lines and PCB traces, which could simplify routing. A final reason for the 8-bit organization is that the microcontroller reads data eight bits at a time, so having an 8-bit mindset to the transmit buffer control should result in a more unified design. Because the SRAM itself is not a dual-port device, the transmit buffer control requires its own small output buffer from which the microcontroller can read at any time. The input portion of the transmit buffer control is synchronized with the global clock so that the arrival of samples from the spike detection unit can be predicted and scheduled efficiently. Ideally, to simplify synchronization and to limit power consumption, the buffer control would run at the same 8 MHz clock speed as the spike detection unit. The transmit buffer control system achieves this goal by synchronizing its SRAM accesses with the spike detections system as shown in Figure 22. The transmit buffer control is aligned with the four-cycle, 500-ns sample processing period of the spike detection system. If the spike detection system outputs any data, they appear in cycles 2 and 3. Because of the 8-bit access of the 16 Mbit SRAM, three write operations, taking up three 47 cycles, are necessary to record all 24 bits of the two samples. In the remaining clock cycle, the transmit buffer control can read the SRAM to update its small microcontroller interface buffer. The timing of reads and writes between the two SRAMs is shown in Figure 22. 2Mx8 Transmit 4Kxl 6 Ring Buffer read byte 1 Load STATUS 2 2 YES reading? NO Load write byte 1 read sample two 12-bit samples converted to 3 write sample read sample write STATUS write STATUS ----- - -- -- - write byte 2 3 4 4 write byte 3 Figure 22: Timing of data transfer between spike detection and transmit buffer SRAMs. The imbalance between the three writes and the one read in the transmit SRAM reflects the discrepancy between the data acquisition and wireless transfer rates. However, the situation is not as bleak as it may seem because the three writes do not necessarily happen every cycle. Even with each channel triggering constantly, the spike detection system produces samples only one third of the time. On the other hand, the SRAM read also does not happen every cycle because the wireless link cannot support sending a byte every 500 ns. The transmit SRAM is accessed as a single large ring buffer, with one pointer holding the next write location and another pointer holding the next read location. If the read pointer catches up to the write pointer, the buffer is empty, whereas if the write 48 pointer catches up to the read pointer, the buffer overflows. These two conditions are relayed to the microcontroller via two status lines so that the microcontroller knows when to read data from the buffer and when it has filled up. The transmit buffer control always presents the latest byte to the microcontroller on a parallel bus; the microcontroller acknowledges that it has read the data by toggling an acknowledge line, which causes the SRAM read pointer to be incremented. The transmit buffer control VHDL code is listed in Appendix A2. Unifying the Programmable Logic Modules: the Global Counter The global counter synchronizes the other three systems running on the FPGA: the ADC interface module, the spike detection system, and the transmit buffer control. The upper 24 bits of the counter serve as the time base for time-stamping detected neural spikes. 9 bits are used to synchronize the lower FPGA components, making the global counter size 33 bits. The interpretations of the various bits of the global counter are summarized in Figure 23; note that some bits have several meanings since they are accessed by multiple modules. 32 9 0 Timestamp Counter (24 BITS) 8 0 I Channel Number I I 5 I 2 ADC Control Counter SRAM Access Clock (8 MHz) ADC Serial Clock (4 MHz) ADC Channel Number Ring Buffer State Machine Counter Figure 23: The 33-bit global counter. Although the fastest clock used by the internal modules is only 8 MHz, accessing SRAM once per cycle requires changing the interface signals on both rising and falling clock edges, and a square clock (50% duty cycle) is necessary to guarantee that all of the SRAM timing requirements are met. Thus, the FPGA runs off of a 16 MHz oscillator 49 that is divided to a square 8 MHz clock in the global counter. The 8 MHz clock is also output to an 1/0 line connected to the microcontroller's clock input, allowing the microcontroller to run at its maximum speed without requiring another oscillator. The global counter VHDL file is included in Appendix A5; all VHDL modules are brought together in Appendix A6, teas.vhd. 50 The Microcontroller As described at the beginning of the digital electronics section, the microcontroller deals primarily with interfacing to the Bluetooth module and higher-level control of the entire implant. Because the FPGA deals with high-speed, low-level hardware issues such as controlling the ADC, the microcontroller has to be just powerful enough so as to not be a bottleneck in the flow of data from the transmit buffer to the Bluetooth module. A hardware universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART) is desirable but not absolutely necessary since a UART could be implemented externally, in the FPGA. Other peripheral features typically available on small microcontrollers, such as ADCs and pulse width modulation output modules, are not necessary, but FLASH program memory and the ability to self-reprogram are important to keep the digital system flexible and modifiable, even after implantation. As with the other components in TEAS, size and power consumption are the other crucial parameters. Several popular 8-bit microcontrollers, such as Microchip's 26 PIC series and Atmel's AVR series, were evaluated for use in the TEAS system, but with maximum performances of approximately 5 MIPS, the 8-bit units were too slow. Some PIC clones that run at over 50 MHz were fast enough but too power hungry. Other processors were too large, too small, required higher voltages (over 3.6 V), or didn't have enough memory. In the end, a new 16-bit microcontroller from Texas Instruments 27 , the MSP430F14928,29, was selected. Although the top speed of the chip is only 8 MHz, it has a very flexible UART that allows for high baud rates that aren't restricted to straight divisions of the primary clock. Aside from possible performance limitations, the MSP430F149 has features perfectly suited to TEAS: 0 Extremely low power consumption. The MSP30F149 can run at down to 1.8 V, with current consumption in the few tens of microamps, while operating. As with other microcontrollers, a sleep option reduces the minimum current consumption further. 0 60 kB of FLASH. 60 kB of internal memory is among the largest among small microcontrollers. The device can also reprogram itself. The large program memory turned out to be very useful since it is used to store the FPGA 51 configuration file (discussed in detail below). * Flexible clock. The MSP430F149 is unique in its ability to change clock sources and operating speeds while running. Because of this feature, the TEAS digital section requires only one clock source, which is used by both the FPGA and the microcontroller. * Small package. The microcontroller has 48 I/O lines in a compact, TQFP package that is only 12 mm on a side. Because the microcontroller is the interface between the digital section and the Bluetooth module, different people worked on code for the microcontroller simultaneously. The microcontroller code for the different tasks it must perform has not yet been integrated, and details of the interfaces between the microcontroller and other components have not been fixed. Within the digital section, one of the most crucial tasks for the microcontroller is configuring the FPGA and then switching to a clock provided by the FPGA. After this initial power-up sequence, the microcontroller becomes available to execute other code to run the implant. The lack of overlapping between different microcontroller tasks should keep integration of all microcontroller code relatively simple. FPGA Configuration One of the drawbacks to the SRAM-based FPGA is that it loses its configuration whenever it loses power. Typically, FPGA-based designs use a separate memory device that runs at power-up to configure the SRAM. Because of the severe size constraints in TEAS, adding an additional component to the digital system was very undesirable. Therefore, a novel scheme based on the microcontroller is used to avoid additional parts. The relevant connections between the FPGA and microcontroller are shown in Figure 24. The FPGA is configured using the PS (passive serial) scheme to limit the number of I/O lines used on the microcontroller. As shown in Figure 25, configuration is initiated when the microcontroller pulses nCONFIG low. The FPGA pulses nSTATUS low in response, after which the microcontroller sends the configuration file serially, least 52 significant bit first. The microcontroller must also provide the serial clock. Once configured, the FPGA stops pulling the CONFDONE line low, after which at least ten more serial clock cycles are necessary to complete the setup. Should there be any errors during configuration, the FPGA pulls down the nSTATUS line. VCC MSP430F149 MICROCONTROLLER VCC VCC EPF10K30AFC256 FGPA 1k R-S P1.6 P1.5 P1.7 P5.5 P5.6 18 C15 CS A15 C2 1711 19 CONFDONE C14 STATUS N4 N CONFIG 49 B2 50 Al TDI TMS DEV OE DEV CLR DCLK INITDONE DATAG CEO RDYNBSY TDO notes: 1. FPGA pin numbers are valid for 256-ball BGA package. 2. Microcontroller pins are labeled according to the digital system prototype; they are general //O lines. P15 C9 D8 G16 N.C. B16 N.C. G14 N.C. C16 N.C. B] A 16 MSELO MSEL1 TCK P1 RI B1 5 Figure 24: FPGA passive serial (PS) configuration circuit. The design described thus far directly follows Altera's documentation30 (although Figure 24 shows some FPGA connections to power and ground that were not documented). However, there are two special aspects to the TEAS FPGA configuration design. 53 nCONFIG nSTATUS CONFDONE DCLK Bit 0 DATA Bit] BitB 10 extra DCLK cycles required Figure 25: FPGA passive serial (PS) configuration timing diagram. The first unique aspect to the design arises from the length of the configuration file for the FLEX1OK30A, which is 402,000 bits, or approximately 50 kB. Because this file size would leave little room for the actual microcontroller program, the file is first compressed, and the microcontroller decompresses the file as it configures the FPGA. The output of the Altera compiler is saved as a tabular text file (.ttf) and read by a short Java program listed in Appendix C. The program performs compression by replacing repeating zeros with a zero followed by the additional number of zeros required. This simple scheme cuts the 50 kB file down to approximately 20 kB. The Java program then outputs the compressed file in a format that can be copied and pasted into the MSP430 assembly program. When running the program, the MSP430 microcontroller reads the configuration data from its flash memory and decompresses the zeros on the fly. Because the zeros are sent serially in a separate subroutine that just toggles the clock line the appropriate number of times, the FPGA is configured much faster than if every zero bit were shifted out individually. The microcontroller program that configures the FPGA is listed in Appendix B. The second unique aspect to the FPGA configuration scheme is that the microcontroller receives its 8 MHz clock from the FPGA, which derives the 8 MHz clock from a 16 MHz oscillator input. However, that 8 MHz clock is not available to the microcontroller until after it has programmed the FPGA. The microcontroller's ability to 54 change its clock source while running is used to solve the problem. The microcontroller initially runs off of its internal RC oscillator and configures the FPGA; the synchronous interface to the FPGA allows the configuration to take place regardless of the exact speed of the RC oscillator. Once the microcontroller finishes configuring the FPGA, it switches to the 8 MHz clock provided by the FPGA. To go into a low-power mode, the microcontroller must switch back to RC oscillator mode before turning off the FPGA. The assembly program listed in Appendix B configures the FPGA and then switches to external clock mode. The program was tested on the digital prototype described in Section 4. 55 4. Prototypes and Results TEAS is still far from completion, and tests of a complete unit that can be implanted are therefore unavailable. However, various tests of individual subsystems have been conducted with varying degrees of success. This section will describe the prototypes and the results of the tests on them. December 2001 Array Implant In December of 2001, an electrode array was implanted and tested with an existing, external data acquisition system. While the test was meant primarily to verify the electrode array design, the flexible PCB was also involved. The surgery also exposed the members of the TEAS team to the environment in which the implant would have to operate and the procedure by which it was implanted. To be compatible with the acquisition existing system, data the array ultimately needed to connect to an Omnetics connector provided by the neuroscientists University. at Brown The flex-PCB Figure 26: Flexible PCB adapter board. was already made at this point, so a small adapter PC board, shown in Figure 26, was made to mate with the connector on the flex-PCB. The Omnetics connectors, which had wires on them already, could then be soldered to the adapter board. The adapter board also had two thin wires 56 that would be placed on the surface of the brain to provide a reference point for the signals picked up on the electrode array. The completed adapter is shown in Figure 27. Figure 27: Adapter module for December 2001 implant (photo by Bobby Dyer). The right end connects to the flexible PCB; the black Omnetics connectors are on the left. The adapter assembly was then connected to the flexible PCB and secured with epoxy, which also served as a strain relief on the Omnetics connector wires. The flexible PCB, electrode array, and part of the adapter are shown in Figure 28. The entire module was then covered in parylene to make it biocompatible, and shipped to Brown, where the unit was sterilized and eventually implanted. The surgery itself, parts of which are shown in Figures 29 through 32, provided many insights into what would be potential problems with a fully operational, wireless implant. Perhaps one of the biggest potential problems will be one of communication between the teams at Brown and at MIT. This problem was evident even with the flexible PCB, which turned out to be too long. The people at Brown had specified the 57 / I 4 Figure 28: Test electrode array for December 2001 implant (photo by Tim Fofonoff). length of the PCB, and they had even approved actual-size, paper models of the flexible circuit, but the size of the real PCB in the test unit surprised them. The people specifying the size of the PCB may have been lulled into the sense that they could get any size they wanted, and we just had to change a few CAD parameters. This was, unfortunately, only true until they actually specified a size; once built, the size is almost impossible to change. The case of the PCB being too long did not result in too large of a problem, but it is indicative of the type of difficulty that can arise when two teams from different fields and in different geographical locations collaborate. The surgeons performing the surgery 58 Figure 29: Surgeons attempt to permanently deform flexible PCB to conform to skull. may not have the mentality associated with implanting not only the electrodes, but also all of the electronics; and the people designing TEAS are not aware of all of the surgeons' capabilities. Except for size and power considerations, the TEAS electronics module is being treated largely as a black box that is somewhat independent of the environment in which it must eventually operate. However, the physical structure of the real implant will need to be closely coordinated with the surgeons to ensure that the device is actually implantable. The angle of the flexible PCB connection to the main unit, for example, has a big impact both on how the entire unit fits on the skull and on the layout of the main PCB. When new members join the TEAS team to implement the fully implantable version, it will be crucial for them to work closely with the end users, which include both the surgeons implanting the device and the researchers using it in experiments. 59 Figure 30: The flexible PCB is tacked down to the skull with an acrylic adhesive before the electrode array is inserted in the brain. One particular area that will require coordination between the Brown and MIT teams will be in developing a procedure for connecting the main implant electronics to the flexible PCB. The insertion of the electrode array would be much easier for the surgeons if there were no bulky module flopping around on the other end of the flexible PCB, but keeping open connectors clean would probably be quite difficult. Surgeons trying to mate the two connectors would also have to prevent any stress on the inserted electrodes, which would be especially difficult with a shorter flex-PCB. Since the test unit implanted in December was pre-connected and the adapter board and bundle of wires were bigger than the wireless electronics will be, pre-connecting the flexible PCB should be acceptable. The surgery revealed a problem with the flexible PCB besides the length being too long: although the PCB was quite flexible, it was not malleable enough to match the contour the surgeons wanted; the PCB would bend, but it would spring back to its 60 Figure 31: The electrode array, about to be inserted into the brain with a pneumatic insertion tool. original shape when released. The surgeons were able to give the PCB some permanent deformation, and, fortunately, the PCB did not prevent successful insertion of the electrodes. In future versions, especially if the flexible PCB is shorter and permanently attached to the electronics, a method for making a more flexible PCB will be necessary. Although the implantation itself was successful, no neural activity could be detected through the electrodes. Electrical impedance tests indicated some contact to brain tissue, as did reverse experiments in which electrically stimulating the electrodes resulted in motion in the test subject's thumb. The electrical contacts indicate that the initial array probably failed due to defects in the construction of the array rather than because of problems in the interconnection system. This conclusion was supported by evaluation of the array itself, which was eventually retrieved, but the flexible PCB and the Omnetics adapter board assembly were destroyed, eliminating the possibility of analyzing the wiring. 61 Figure 32: The entire assembly is covered with an acrylic adhesive. 62 Digital Prototype A prototype printed circuit board containing the major digital elements, the FPGA, microcontroller, and SRAMs, was created to test the digital system design. Although some limited VHDL tests were run on simple breadboard circuits, and other VHDL sections were tested in simulation, the majority of physical tests were conducted on this prototype. The digital prototype does not exactly represent a design that would be implemented on an implantable unit, and all of the tests possible with the given connections have not yet been conducted. However, the most important system- integration aspect of the design, the configuration of the FPGA by the microcontroller and the accompanying clocking scheme, has been verified. One of the greatest difficulties in creating a prototype quickly, and at a reasonable cost, was dealing with the small device sizes in the design. In particular, the BGA (ball grid array) packages of the FPGA and the spike detection system's SRAM are almost impossible to use without manufacturing multi-layer PCBs with very fine traces. Soldering the devices also requires special equipment that was not readily available. The SRAM was therefore omitted from the digital prototype, and a similar SRAM, although with only an 8-bit data bus, was used instead. Such a substitution was not possible with the FPGA since it is the primary component in the system and an identical component with a different package is not available. Instead, a zero insertion force (ZIF) socket from Emulation TechnologyI (part number AB2563BG16P13M1) was used. The ZIF socket allows the FPGA to be locked into place without any soldering, and the other end of the socket has a pin grid array with a standard 0.1" (2.54 mm) spacing. With the ZIF socket, the digital prototype could be made with a standard, 2-layer printed circuit board. The component placement of the digital prototype is shown in Figure 33. Beside the four integrated circuits, the board has the circuitry necessary for reprogramming the microcontroller, including a socket for the microcontroller programmer, the FPGA configuration circuit shown in Figure 24, a 16 MHz oscillator, and connectors for connecting to a prototype ADC board. Because the FPGA has more than enough 1/0 63 test point bank F test point bank E 0.1 uF cap / test point bank D JTAG interface connector for microcontroller reprograming 00 EQ 00 00 00 test point bank C 0. 4S S 00 0 00 0 000 -L test point bank B 0000 ii rA FPGA configuration pull-up resistors 0 / 0.1 uF cap 0000000 00000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 000000000 0 0 ---16 MHz oscillator 0A 00000 0000000 clock select jumpers 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 O 0000 0000 00000 00000000 000000001 v I 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 000000000 oOO 000 00 00 00 00 0 0 test point bank I test point bankJ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 I / ADC board connector 1 uF cap 0.1 uFcap 00 00000 00 MSP430F149 microcontroller 00 3V power in -10 00 000 00 00000000000000000000 0000000000000000 00 00O 02 00o 00 000000 000 00000000 000 000 0000000000 0 test point bank A I 0 0 00 microcontroller programming pull-up resistor ~ / _ 00 00 0 test point bank G 2Mx8SRAM 00000000 00000000] 00 test point bank H 0.1 uF cap ADC board connector 2 64k x 8 SRAM EPF1OK30A FPGA Figure 34: Layout of top layer of digital prototype PCB. lines, every I/O pin on the SRAMs, including inputs such as chip-enable lines that would be permanently enabled in the final implant, is connected to an FPGA I/O line. Two 8-bit I/O ports on the microcontroller are also connected to general I/O lines on the FPGA. Every one of these data lines is brought out to a test point to facilitate debugging. The FPGA has two dedicated clock inputs; jumpers on the oscillator allow the clock to be directed to either input. The PCB traces for the top and bottom layers are shown in Figure 34 and Figure 35, respectively. Even without BGA components, fine traces are required because of the 0.5 mm pitches of the SRAMs and microcontroller. The flexibility of the FPGA I/O lines made the layout straightforward since individual connections between the FPGA and 65 '00 00 *6 000 000 *0 0 0 *099 09000099voo 0 00009009009V1 / 0* @o 0 9* *0.. q 4ro 0 @ 0*0 00000 09 0ei 90 *oj*9990 09*00 009 900 0fi* 0 Figure 35: Layout of bottom layer of digital prototype PCB. other components were determined solely by trace routing considerations. Because only approximately 50% of the FPGA will be used, and because it is running at relatively slow speeds, arbitrary assignment of signals to physical pins should not be an issue. On a final design, with more PCB layers available, it will be possible to make more carefully chosen pin assignments that take into consideration the function of the assigned signal. The digital prototype PCB has been built and assembled; the completed board is shown in Figure 36. (The PCB was machined rather than etched, leaving copper areas that are electrically isolated.) The surface-mounted components were soldered using solder paste and a hot-air soldering pencil. The lack of a solder mask makes the prototype more vulnerable to shorts during soldering, and although some components 66 have not been tested functionally, the integrity of all electrical connections has been verified. Figure 36: The fully assembled digital prototype. Using the digital prototype board, the most important integration aspect of the design, the configuration of the FPGA through the microcontroller, has been fully verified. The JTAG interface allows the microcontroller to be reprogrammed, and a test program consisting of the global counter and ADC interface has been run on the FPGA. Figure 37 shows a logic analyzer screen shot showing the ADC interface serial clock and the eight staggered serial control signals. Similar analysis of the microcontroller outputs showed that the configuration and clock-changing (from internal RC to FPGA-supplied 8 MHz) program listed in Appendix B is fully functional. 67 Figure 37: Logic analyzer screen shot showing ADC serial clock and eight serial control signals staggered by 2 clock cycles. Although the digital prototype board is fully assembled, the SRAMs have not yet been tested with the FPGA. The ADCs have also not been run with the FPGA because the prototype PCB carrying a bank of ADCs is not yet completed. However, individual tests with through-hole components with similar interfaces have indicated that the memory access and ADC interface VHDL code works. A full, integrated test of the entire digital system would be somewhat reassuring, but with the complete flexibility and reprogrammability of the FPGA, the details of the digital design can be adapted readily for implementation in a final, implantable version. As Figure 38 shows, a final design must be considerably smaller than the digital prototype. However, the digital prototype can continue to be useful since it will allow for refinements to the digital system software to be made while the final implant is being manufactured. 68 Figure 38: The digital prototype is not ready for implanting, yet... The Rest of TEAS The final implant will require full integration of the TEAS electronics, including the analog section. Because the December array implant did not provide a useful test case for the electronics, the analog section will have to be tested independently of the electrodes being designed for TEAS. Preliminary tests of existing electrodes were not successful due in part to difficulties in connecting analog electronics prototypes to the existing electrode arrangements at Brown. To speed up testing, which can be difficult to schedule when performed on live monkeys, the amplifier design was tested with neuron simulation circuits such as those shown in Figure 39. Even with these simple, resistordivider circuits, the operation of the amplifiers could not be completely verified. The amplifier performed as desired on the straight voltage divider, but adding an RC component in series with the signal to be amplified caused unacceptable noise on the amplifier output. Additional tests will be performed on real brains, possibly using rats, to gain more conclusive evidence about the performance of the analog section. 69 Function Generator Function Generator Figure 39: Neural simulator circuits used to test amplifier circuit. A prototype Bluetooth interface is fully functional, with a microcontroller wirelessly sending data to a PC. However, the maximum achievable data rate, at around 500 kbps, falls short of the theoretical maximum of over 700 kbps. The theoretical maximum may not be achievable in an electrically noisy lab setting, but the digital section of TEAS is flexible enough to provide useful data at lower data rates. The software running on the PC is a simple Java program that allows for connecting to a wireless device and reading back information; more sophisticated software will be necessary to support the final implant's configuration options and to read and display recorded data. 70 5. Conclusion The TEAS electronics design presented here should meet all of the original project requirements. An implant based on this design should be able to run for several hours while wirelessly transmitting neural data to an external data logging system. All necessary components have been selected and obtained, and they are small enough for the complete system to fit in a 50 mm x 50 mm x 10 mm container. The most critical aspects of the system have been implemented as prototypes, and their required performance has been confirmed. However, three substantial tasks must still be completed before a viable implant that outperforms existing systems is ready: " System integration; * External interface software; " Encapsulation for implantation. System Integration The major system blocks, the analog electronics, digital electronics, wireless interface, and power system have been developed and tested independently. These systems will have to be integrated into a single design, which will require additional software work on the microcontroller and substantial work in layout and manufacturing. The entire implant electronics will occupy at least two printed circuit boards that are populated on both sides. The layout will be very dense, probably requiring the PCBs to have at least six layers routed with 5-mil (125 rim) traces32 . The small footprints and double-sided assembly will require state-of-the-art electronics manufacturing technology. In general, most of the work in shrinking the design to fit in the required space will involve coordination with PCB and electronics manufacturers rather than extensive design work; however, the wireless recharging system still requires substantial design work. External Interface Software No user interface for displaying neural signals or configuring the implant exists at 71 this point. The existing system at Brown, on the other hand, has a beautiful interface that would require a tremendous amount of effort to match. Even if it is wireless, TEAS will not be better than existing, tethered systems without an interface that is readily accessible to researchers. The minimum requirements for the TEAS user interface software are: * Hardware drivers for wireless interface hardware. Some form of Bluetooth transceiver, possibly in PC card format, will be necessary for the external PC to communicate with the implant. The external system software will need to communicate with the transceiver at a high speed and in real time. * The user interface must allow simple Implant configuration interface. configuration of implant parameters such as triggering thresholds and the number of samples to store for each spike. This interface should be graphical, and there should be support for saving and recalling implant configurations. * Waveform display in real time. The current data acquisition system provides researchers graphical representations of neural activity as it occurs. Although great graphics are not crucial, the interface should not be substantially inferior to the systems to which the researchers are accustomed. The graphical interface also gives researchers real-time feedback about the effectiveness of their experimental setup. * Saving data. The external software must log all data for later analysis. Multiple output formats should be supported, and although the different file formats might not have to be generated directly by the software, the process for loading the data into other programs must be straightforward. Encapsulation for Implantation Once the electronics are assembled, they will need to be mechanically housed in a package that is both biocompatible and resistant to the corrosive fluids in the brain. The method of connection to the electrode array, and to the battery pack to be installed in the abdomen, must be determined. If the electrode-carrying flexible PCB is permanently attached to the primary electronics, it might be more appropriate to eliminate the 72 connector altogether and make a hybrid PCB that has a rigid portion for the main electronics and a flexible portion for connecting to the array. The final packaging will have to be closely coordinated with the surgeons performing the implantation to ensure that the device will fit properly. Future Direction of TEAS and Wireless Implants The future of wireless implants is clearly in very large-scale integration (VLSI), whereby the entire design is made on a single, custom, integrated circuit 33 . Such an approach will result in much smaller, less power-hungry devices, and it also scales much better than the TEAS design and its discrete components, which are appropriate only on very early designs. The TEAS electronics are already very large compared to the electrode array, and the electronics size will grow with the number of channels required. With the custom integrated circuit, on the other hand, the electronics can be present on the back of the array, and the implant will take no more space than the array itself; thus, if there is physical space on the brain for additional or larger arrays, the electronics will fit as well. Our colleagues at Brown University are already working on such a VLSI system. With TEAS still requiring much work before implantation, it is unclear that the COTS component aspect of the project is worth pursuing further. Although the TEAS electronics system itself is much cheaper to manufacture than a custom integrated circuit, the electronics alone is worthless without a good external software interface. When including the cost of development of necessary software support and considering that the manufacturing costs do not decrease substantially for producing additional units, as they do with custom integrated circuits, TEAS is still very expensive. Even though the intent of the project is not to be mass-producing brain implants, several units are desirable even in a test implant. The support software costs would be necessary for any implant, but the hardware development costs become a smaller portion of the overall cost. A TEAS approach is still cheaper, but not by a significant factor, and a VLSI approach will result in a much superior implant. Despite this somewhat bleak outlook, not all of the work on TEAS has been in 73 vain. Even with custom integrated circuits, many modules are taken from existing component designs or intellectual property function blocks. A combination of the VLSI and COTS approach may also be appropriate since some COTS performance will be difficult to beat. In a mixed design, a custom IC might hold all amplifiers and multiplexers while a commercial ADC and microcontroller was used for signal processing. The components used in TEAS were chosen for their remarkable performance, and they can serve as a benchmark when designing a VLSI system. The problems of limited communication bandwidth will not go away with VLSI since building a radio better than the Bluetooth module is unlikely; with limited bandwidth, the spike detection techniques used in TEAS are still relevant. The TEAS digital system design also has the tremendous advantage of being completely reconfigurable, even while implanted. Thus, TEAS could serve as a good initial test platform that is flexible enough to deal with unforeseen problems. Even if TEAS is never fully built and implanted, its design can serve as a starting point and reference for smaller and better brain implants of the future. 74 References 1. Kennedy, P.R. and Bakay, R.A. NeuroReport 9, pp. 1707-1711. 1998. 2. 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The six files are: " " " * * " Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Al: A2: A3: A4: A5: A6: Spike Detection System VHDL Source: ringbuf.vhdl Transmit Buffer Control VHDL Source: bigbuf.vhdl ADC Serial Interface Input Control VHDL Source: serin.vhd ADC Serial Interface Output Control VHDL Source: serout.vhd Global Counter VHDL Source: cntr.vhd TEAS Integration VHDL Source: teas.vhd Appendix Al: Spike Detection System VHDL Source: ringbuf.vhdl -- module that controls the 64 ring buffers for prestore -- there are five latched values; the pairs are given below: nextstate, presentstate: for main state machine nextaddrl, addr: nextaddrl is the next (6) low bits of addr nextstatus, STATUS: 16-bit STATUS for each channel nextresult, result: outputs from buffer reads nextresultValid, resultValid: set when result has valid value ------ library IEEE; use IEEE.std logic_1164.all; --use IEEE.numeric std.all; use IEEE.stdlogic arith.all; package ringbufpckg is component ringbuf is port ( clk, reset: in std logic; RW: buffer stdlogic; -- 1 = read, 0 = write nOE, nCE: out stdlogic; addrh: in stdlogic-vector(5 downto 0);-- chan #, bits 7-2 of glob. counter countl: in stdlogic vector(l downto 0);-- two lowest bits of glob. counter addr: out std_logic-vector(11 downto 0); sample: in stdlogic-vector(11 downto 0); result: out stdlogic vector(11 downto 0); resultValid: out std logic; -- set to indicate valid result datapins: inout std logicvector(13 downto 0); -- actual I/O pins -- upper 24 bits of global counter time: in stdlogic-vector(23 downto 0); -- pins for microcontroller parameter access uCaddr: in std logic vector (7 downto 0) ; uCdata: in stdlogicvector(ll downto 0); uCwr: in stdlogic; uCmode: in std_logic; -- pins for setting up number of samples per trigger 77 bufSizeIn: in std logic_vector(2 downto 0); loadBufSize: in std logic end component; end ringbuf_pckg; library IEEE; use IEEE.stdlogic 1164.all; --use IEEE.numericstd.all; use IEEE.stdlogic arith.all; entity ringbuf is port ( clk, reset: in std logic; -- 1 = read, 0 = write RW: buffer std_logic; nOE, nCE: out stdlogic; 7-2 of glob. counter addrh: in std_logicvector(5 downto 0);-- chan #, bits countl: in std_logic vector(l downto 0);-- two lowest bits of glob. counter addr: out stdlogic_vector(11 downto 0); sample: in std_logicvector(11 downto 0); result: out stdlogic vector(ll downto 0); -- set to indicate valid result resultValid: out stdlogic; -- actual I/O pins datapins: inout std logic_vector(13 downto 0); -- upper 24 bits of global counter time: in stdlogic vector(23 downto 0); -- pins for microcontroller parameter access uCaddr: in stdlogicvector(7 downto 0); uCdata: in stdlogicvector(ll downto 0); uCwr: in stdlogic; uCmode: in std_logic; -- pins for setting up number of samples per trigger bufSizeIn: in std logic_vector(2 downto 0); loadBufSize: in std logic end ringbuf; architecture archringbuf of ringbuf is type StateType is (idle, readSTATUS, readTRIG, readUNTRIG, readPOSTSTORE, getChanl, getTimel, readl, -- -- writeSample, getChan2, getTime2, read2, writeSTATUS, errorState); signal present_state, next-state : StateType; signal nextaddrl: stdlogic vector(5 downto 0); signal STATUS, nextstatus : std_logic vector(13 downto 0); intention to write, ORed with clk to get RW -signal nwrite: std_logic; signal data: stdlogic vector(13 downto 0); signal nextresult: stdlogicvector(11 downto 0); signal nextresultValid: std logic; signal threshExceeded : stdlogic; signal bufSize: std logicvector(2 downto 0); channelState is saved in STATUS for each state; this alias valid only during readSTATUS alias channelState : std_logic vector(1 downto 0) is datapins(13 downto 12) a channel can be in one of four states: : stdlogicvector(l downto 0) := "00"; constant untriggered : stdlogicvector(l downto 0) := "01"; constant triggered 78 constant readSamples constant sendChanInfo stdlogic vector(1 downto 0) :"10'; stdlogic vector(l downto 0) :="11"; begin statecomb:process(presentstate, reset, datapins, STATUS, countl, threshExceeded, sample, addrh, nextaddrl, uCaddr, uCdata, uCwr, uCmode, bufsize, time) begin -- reset -DONE 010619 if (reset = '1') then nextstate <= idle; nextaddrl <= (others => ''); nextstatus <= (others => '-'); -STATUS undefined during reset nextresult <= (others => '-'); -no result during reset nextresultValid <= '0'; data <= (others => '-'); nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= '0'; -microcontroller override -DONE 010619 elsif (uCmode = '1') then -- need to reset big buffer nextstate <= idle; nextaddrl <= "0000" & uCaddr(l downto 0); nextstatus <= (others => '-'); nextresult <= (others => '-'); nextresultValid <= '0'; data <= "00" & uCdata; if(uCwr = '1') then nwrite <= '0'; nOE <= '1'; else nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= '0'; end if; else case present-state is -idle -DONE 010619 when idle => if (countl = "11") then -get in sync with global counter nextstate <= readSTATUS; else nextstate <= idle; end if; nextaddrl <= (others => '0'); nextstatus <= (others => nextresult <= (others => nextresultValid <= '0'; data <= (others => '-'); nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= '0'; --- readSTATUS DONE 010619 when readSTATUS => case channelState is when untriggered => 79 -- read THRESHOLD, store sample, check for trigger STATUS.counter(0) is being used -if(datapins(0) = '0') then to check for untriggering -nextstate <= readTRIG; -location of THRESHOLD nextaddrl <= "000001"; else nextstate <= readUNTRIG; nextaddrl <= "000011"; end if; when triggered => read POSTSTORE, store sample, increment STATUS.address -decrement STATUS.counter -nextstate <= readPOSTSTORE; -- location of POSTSTORE nextaddrl <= "000010"; when sendChanInfo => -send the channel number in one cycle and the time in the next cycle --- STATUS.counter(0) is being used if(datapins(0) = '0') then to check if channel number has -nextstate <= getChanl; been sent -else nextstate <= getTimel; end if; don't need to access memory -nextaddrl <= (others => '-'); when readSamples => read two samples, incrementing STATUS.address and --decrementing STATUS.counter nextstate <= readl; nextaddrl <= datapins(11 downto 6); when others => next state <= errorState; nextaddrl <= (others => end case; nextstatus <= datapins; nextresult <= (others => nextresultValid <= '0'; data <= (others => '-'); nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= '0'; --- --save channel STATUS readUNTRIG DONE 010625 when readUNTRIG => nextstate <= writeSample; nextaddrl <= STATUS(11 downto 6); if(STATUS(11 downto 6) = "111111") then nextstatus(11 downto 6) <= bufSize & "100"; else nextstatus(11 downto 6) <= UNSIGNED(STATUS(11 downto 6)) + 1; end if; if(threshExceeded <= '1') then nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "00"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= "---1"; else nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "00"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= "-----0"; end if; nextresult <= (others => '-'); 80 nextresultValid <= '0'; data <= (others => '-'); nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= -- ----- readTRIG DONE 010625 when readTRIG => nextstate <= writeSample; nextaddrl <= STATUS(11 downto 6); if(STATUS(l1 downto 6) = "111111") then nextstatus(l1 downto 6) <= bufSize & "100"; else nextstatus(11 downto 6) <= UNSIGNED(STATUS(ll downto 6)) + 1; end if; if(threshExceeded <= '1') then if(bufSize = "111") then nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "11"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= "----10"; else nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "01"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= "000000"; end if; else nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "00"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= "-----0"; end if; nextresult <= (others => '-'); nextresultValid <= '0'; data <= (others => nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= readPOSTSTORE DONE 010620 all ones ("111111") in STATUS.counter means that this is the first time In that case, the number this state is entered after triggereing. of poststores is loaded from address 2; this value should be 0-62. The actual number of poststores is one greater than POSTSTORE. STATUS.address, as always, gets incremented and wraps from 63 to 4. when readPOSTSTORE => -POSTSTORE is read on every sample write after triggering. It -is only used if the STATUS.counter is zero, in which case the -counter is set to POSTSTORE. If POSTSTORE were zero, the -channel would get stuck in a poststore loop, which is one way -of disabling a channel. In general, the counter is incremented -with every sample that is stored, until the counter reaches -"111111", at which point the send channel data mode is -entered. nextstate <= writeSample; nextaddrl <= STATUS(l1 downto 6); if(STATUS(11 downto 6) = "111111") then nextstatus(11 downto 6) <= bufSize & "100"; else nextstatus(ll downto 6) <= UNSIGNED(STATUS(11 downto 6)) + 1; end if; if(STATUS(5 downto 0) = "000000") then nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= datapins(5 downto 0); nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "01"; 81 elsif(STATUS(5 downto 0) = "111111") then nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= "----00"; nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "11"; else downto 0) <= UNSIGNED(STATUS(11 nextstatus(5 nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "01"; end if; nextresult <= (others => ' nextresultValid <= '0'; data <= (others => '-'); nwrite <= 1'; nOE <= '-'; --- getChanl DONE 010619 when getChanl => nextstate <= getChan2; nextaddrl <= (others => nextstatus <= STATUS(13 downto 1) & '1'; nextresult <= (others => '0'); nextresultValid <= '1'; data <= (others => nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= '-'; -- downto + 1; channel number sent --- getTimel DONE 010626 when getTimel => nextstate <= getTime2; nextaddrl <= (others => nextstatus(l downto 6) <= STATUS(ll downto 6); -- timestamp mode if(STATUS(l) = '1') then nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "00"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= "-----1"; else nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "10"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= "000000"; end if; nextresult <= time(23 downto 12); nextresultValid <= '1'; data <= (others => '-'); nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= --- readl DONE 010626 when readl => nextstate <= read2; if(STATUS(11 downto 6) = "111111") then nextaddrl <= bufSize & "100"; else nextaddrl <= UNSIGNED(STATUS(11 downto 6)) + 1; end if; if(STATUS(ll downto 6) = "111111") then nextstatus(ll downto 6) <= bufSize & "101"; elsif (STATUS(11 downto 6) = "111110") then nextstatus(ll downto 6) <= bufSize & "100"; else next status(11 downto 6) <= UNSIGNED(STATUS(11 downto 6)) + 2; end if; 82 6)) if(STATUS(5 downto 0) = "000000") then setting STATUS.counter to bufSize & "111" gets the right number -of samples read since four extra sample readings occur: two in -the cycle when counter is first set, and two in the cycle where -counter reaching "111111" is detected. nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "10"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= bufSize & "111"; elsif(STATUS(5 downto 0) = "111111") then next status(13 downto 12) <= "00"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= "---1"; else nextstatus(13 downto 12) <= "10"; nextstatus(5 downto 0) <= UNSIGNED(STATUS(5 downto 0)) + 1; end if; nextresult <= datapins(ll downto 0); nextresultValid <= '' data <= (others => nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= '0'; -- --- --- --- getChan2 DONE 010619 when getChan2 => nextstate <= writeSTATUS; nextaddrl <= (others => '0'); nextstatus <= STATUS; nextresult <= "000000" & addrh; nextresultValid <= '1'; data <= (others => nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= '-'; writeSample DONE 010619 when writeSample => nextstate <= writeSTATUS; nextaddrl <= (others => '0'); nextstatus <= STATUS; nextresult <= (others => nextresultValid <= '0'; if(sample = "000000000000") then data <= "--000000000001"; else data <= "--" & sample; end if; nwrite <= '0'; nOE <= '1'; getTime2 DONE 010626 when getTime2 => nextstate <= writeSTATUS; nextaddrl <= (others => '0'); nextstatus <= STATUS; nextresult <= time(11 downto 0); nextresultValid <= '1'; data <= (others => nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= '-'; 83 --- nudge a sample of zero a little since zero is sync value --- read2 DONE 010626 when read2 => nextstate <= writeSTATUS; nextaddrl <= (others => '0'); nextstatus <= STATUS; nextresult <= datapins(11 downto 0); nextresultValid <= '1'; data <= (others => nwrite <= '1'; nOE <= '0'; -- writeSTATUS DONE 010619 when writeSTATUS => next state <= readSTATUS; ''); nextaddrl <= (others => nextstatus <= (others => nextresult <= (others => nextresultValid <= 'o'; data <= STATUS; nwrite <= '0'; nOE <= '1'; -- -- errorState DONE 010619 when errorState => nextstate <= errorState; nextaddrl <= (others => nextstatus <= (others => nextresult <= (others => nextresultValid <= '0'; data <= (others => '-') nwrite <= '0'; nOE <= '1'; when others => nextstate <= errorState; nextaddrl <= (others => nextstatus <= (others => nextresult <= (others => nextresultValid <= '0'; data <= (others => '-'); nwrite <= '0'; nOE <= 'l'; end case; end if; end process statecomb; stateclocked:process(clk, uCmode, loadBufSize) begin if(clk'event and clk = '1') then presentstate <= nextstate; STATUS <= nextstatus; if(uCmode = '1') then addr <= uCaddr(7 downto 2) & nextaddrl; else addr <= addrh & nextaddrl; 84 end if; result <= nextresult; resultValid <= nextresultValid; if(loadBufSize = '1') then bufSize <= bufSizeIn; else bufSize <= bufSize; end if; end if; end process stateclocked; output enable: process (RW, data) begin if RW = I'l then datapins <= (others => 'Z'); else datapins <= data; end if; end process output-enable; checkthresh: process(sample, datapins) begin if(sample > datapins(11 downto 0)) then threshExceeded <= '1'; else threshExceeded <= '0'; end if; end process checkthresh; nCE <= '0'; -- temporary, for use with XS95 board RW <= nwrite or clk; --- allows write per clock cycle requires clock low time to be at least 50 ns end archringbuf; 85 Appendix A2: Transmit Buffer Control VHDL Source: bigbuf.vhdl --- module that controls the large memory used to store data that is to be sent out over the Bluetooth line library IEEE; use IEEE.stdlogic 1164.all; use IEEE.stdlogic arith.all; package bigbufpckg is component bigbuf generic ( addrlines: integer := 2); port ( -- internal connections to other VHDL modules clk, reset: in std logic; countl: in stdlogic vector(l downto 0);--two lowest bits of global counter sample: in stdlogicvector(ll downto 0); validIn: in std_logic; -- connections to buffer SRAM RW: buffer stdlogic; nOE, nCE: out stdlogic; addr: out stdlogicvector(addrlines-1 downto 0); datapins: inout std logicvector(7 downto 0); -- connections to microcontroller overflow, newdata : out std logic; ack: in std logic; result: buffer std logic_vector(7 downto 0) end component; end bigbuf_pckg; library IEEE; use IEEE.stdlogic 1164.all; use IEEE.stdlogic arith.all; entity bigbuf is generic ( addrlines: integer := 4); port ( -- internal connections to other VHDL modules clk, reset: in std logic; countl: in stdlogic vector(l downto 0);--two lowest bits sample: in stdlogic vector(11 downto 0); validIn: in std_logic; -- connections to buffer SRAM RW: buffer std_logic; nOE, nCE: out std logic; addr: out stdlogic vector(addrlines-1 downto 0); datapins: inout std logicvector(7 downto 0); -- connections to microcontroller overflow, newdata : out std logic; ack: in std logic; result: buffer std logic_vector(7 downto 0) end bigbuf; 86 of global counter architecture archbigbuf of bigbuf is signal readaddr: stdlogic vector(addrlines-1 downto 0); signal writeaddr, nextwriteaddr: stdlogic vector(addrlines-1 downto 0); signal update_out: std logic; signal convBuf, nextconvBuf: std_logicvector(7 downto 0); signal signal signal signal data: stdlogicvector(7 downto 0); nwrite: std_logic; sampleValid, nextsampleValid: stdlogic; nextresult: std logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin process(countl, sample, convBuf, validIn, sampleValid, writeAddr, readAddr, dataPins, result) begin case countl is when "00" => data <= convBuf; nextconvBuf <= "--------"; next sampleValid <= '-'; addr <= writeAddr; if(sampleValid = '1') then nextwriteAddr <= UNSIGNED(writeAddr) + 1; nwrite <= '0'; else nextwriteAddr <= writeAddr; nwrite <= '1'; end if; nextresult <= result; when "01" => data <= "--------"1; nextconvBuf <= "--------"; next sampleValid <= '-'; addr <= readAddr; nextwriteAddr <= writeAddr; nwrite <= '1'; nextresult <= datapins; when "10" => -- 12-bit sample 1 available now data <= sample(7 downto 0); nextconvBuf <= "----" & sample(ll downto 8); next sampleValid <= addr <= writeAddr; if(validIn = '1') then nextwriteAddr <= UNSIGNED(writeAddr) + 1; nwrite <= '0'; else nextwriteAddr <= writeAddr; nwrite <= '1'; end if; nextresult <= result; when "11" => -- 12-bit sample 2 available now data <= sample(3 downto 0) & convBuf(3 downto 0); nextconvBuf <= sample(1l downto 4); next sampleValid <= validIn; addr <= writeAddr; if(validIn = '1') then nextwriteAddr <= UNSIGNED(writeAddr) + 1; nwrite <= '0'; else 87 nextwriteAddr <= writeAddr; nwrite <= '1'; end if; nextresult <= result; when others => data <= "-------next convBuf <= "--------"; next sampleValid <= '-'; addr <= (others => nextwriteAddr <= writeAddr; nwrite <= '1'; nextresult <= result; end case; end process; process (clk, nextconvBuf) begin if(clk'event and clk = '1') then convBuf <= nextconvBuf; sampleValid <= next_sampleValid; writeAddr <= next writeAddr; result <= nextresult; end if; end process; process (ack, readAddr) begin if(ack'event and ack = '1') then readAddr <= UNSIGNED(readAddr) + 1; end if; end process; output-enable: process(RW, data) begin if(RW = '1') then datapins <= (others => 'Z'); else datapins <= data; end if; end process output_enable; RW <= nwrite or clk; nCE <= '0'; --temporary! nOE <= '0'; overflow <= '0'; newdata <= '0'; end archbigbuf; 88 Appendix A3: ADC Serial Interface Input Control VHDL Source: serin.vhd -------------- ADC serial to parallel converter, to be used with serout.vhd, which has the ADC controller. Every two clock cycles, a result that corresponds to the channel specified by the top three bits of <counter>, which is bits 4-1 of the global counter, appears at <result>. The design depends on the clock being square since the data is clocked in on the falling edge of the clock. The MAX1281 has a maximum delay of 100 ns between the rising edge of the clock and data becoming valid; with the minimum cycle time of 208 ns, this leaves 4 ns for the setup time of the registers at <sin>. With the serial clock at 4.608 MHz (18.432/4), the cycle time is 217 ns, making the half cycle 108.5 ns and leaving 8.5 ns for the register setup time. library IEEE; use IEEE.stdlogic_1164.all; package serinpckg is component serin is generic(width: integer :=12); port ( clk: in STDLOGIC; counter: in STDLOGICVECTOR(3 downto 0); sin: in STDLOGICVECTOR(7 downto 0); result: out STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0) end component; end serinpckg; library IEEE; use IEEE.stdlogic_1164.all; entity serin is generic (width: integer := 12); port ( clk: in STDLOGIC; counter: in STDLOGICVECTOR(3 downto 0); sin: in STDLOGICVECTOR(7 downto 0); result: out STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0) end serin; architecture archserin of serin is signal shiftero: STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0); signal shifterl: STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0); signal shifter2: STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0); signal shifter3: STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0); signal shifter4: STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0); signal shifter5: STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0); signal shifter6: STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0); signal shifter7: STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0); signal muxout: STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0); signal latchmux: STDLOGIC; begin 89 process (clk) begin if(clk'event and clk = '0') then shiftero <= shifter0(width-2 downto shifteri <= shifterl(width-2 downto shifter2 <= shifter2(width-2 downto shifter3 <= shifter3(width-2 downto shifter4 <= shifter4(width-2 downto shifter5 <= shifter5(width-2 downto shifter6 <= shifter6(width-2 downto shifter7 <= shifter7(width-2 downto latchmux <= counter(0); end if; end process; process(clk) begin if(clk'event and clk = '1') if(latchmux = '0') then result <= muxout; end if; end if; end process; then with counter(3 downto 1) select muxout <= shifterO when "000", shifterl when "001", shifter2 shifter3 shifter4 shifter5 shifter6 shifter7 when when when when when when "010", "011", "100", "101", "110", others; end archserin; 90 0) & sin(0); 0) & sin(1); 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) & & & & & & sin(2); sin(3); sin(4); sin(5); sin(6); sin(7); Appendix A4: ADC Serial Interface Output Control VHDL Source: serout.vhd -------------- module that controls ADCs by serially sending out control bytes that are staggered by 2 bits. <counter> and <addrsel> should be connected to the lower bits of the global counter that synchronizes different parts of TEAS; <counter> is bits 4-1 of the global counter, and addrsel is bits 7-5. the eight serial outputs are in <sout7:0> The control bytes are sent out at times so that the result of each channel is available at the same time as when <counter> reaches that value. The channel being sampled is incremented by one ahead of time since the value will not be available for a while. For example, if <addrsel> is 3, channel 4 is sampled so that channel 4 data will be available when <addrsel> is 4. library IEEE; use IEEE.std logic_1164.all; use IEEE.stdlogic arith.all; package seroutpckg is component serout port ( clk, rst: in STDLOGIC; sout: out STDLOGICVECTOR(7 downto 0); counter: in STDLOGICVECTOR(3 downto 0); addrsel: in STDLOGICVECTOR(2 downto 0) end component; end serout_pckg; library IEEE; use IEEE.std logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std logicarith.all; entity serout is port ( clk, rst: in stdlogic; sout : out STDLOGICVECTOR(7 downto 0); counter: in STDLOGICVECTOR (3 downto 0); addrsel: in STDLOGICVECTOR(2 downto 0) end serout; architecture archserout of serout is signal buf: stdlogic vector(22 downto 0); signal load: std_logic; signal nextAddr: UNSIGNED (2 downto 0); begin process (clk) begin if(clk'event and clk = '0') then if(rst = '1') then buf <= "000000000000000--------"; elsif(load = '1') then buf <= buf (21 downto 7) & '1' & STDLOGICVECTOR(nextAddr) 91 & "0111"; else buf <= buf(21 downto 0) & '0'; end if; end if; end process; -- process that generates one load every sixteen cycles process (clk) begin if(clk'event and clk = '1') then load <= not counter(3) and counter(2) and counter(1) and counter(0); end if; end process; nextAddr <= UNSIGNED(addrSel) + 1; sout(0) <= buf(8); <= <= <= sout(4) <= sout(5) <= sout(6) <= sout(7) <= sout(l) sout(2) sout(3) buf(10); buf(12); buf(14); buf(16); buf(18); buf(20); buf(22); end archserout; 92 Appendix A5: Global Counter VHDL Source: cntr.vhd library IEEE; use IEEE.stdlogic_1164.all; use IEEE.stdlogicarith.all; package cntrpckg is component cntr generic ( LENGTH: natural port --rst: in STDLOGIC; in stdlogic; clk: cnt: out stdlogicvector(LENGTH-1 downto 0) end component; end cntrpckg; library IEEE; use IEEE.std logic_1164.all; use IEEE.stdlogicarith.all; entity cntr is generic ( LENGTH: natural:= 32 port -- rst: in STDLOGIC; clk: in stdlogic; cnt: out stdlogic vector (LENGTH-1 downto 0) end cntr; architecture cntr arch of cntr is signal cntr: std_logic vector(LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin count: process(clk) begin if(clk'event and clk='l') then -- if rst='1' then -- cntr <= TOUNSIGNED(0, LENGTH); --else cntr <= UNSIGNED(cntr) + 1; --end if; end if; end process count; cnt <= cntr; end cntrarch; 93 Appendix A6: TEAS Integration VHDL Source: teas.vhd library IEEE; use IEEE.stdlogic_1164.all; use IEEE.stdlogic arith.all; entity TEAS is port ( -- global pins rst: in std logic; clk: in std logic; -- ADC interface pins sclk: buffer stdlogic; sout: out stdlogic vector (7 downto 0); sin: in std logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- ringbuf controller pins ringRW: buffer std logic; ring nOE, ring_nCE: out std logic; ring addr: out std logicvector(11 downto 0); --ring_result: out std_logic vector(ll downto 0); --ring_resultValid: out std logic; ring-data: inout stdlogic vector(13 downto 0); ring uCaddr: in std logicvector(7 downto 0); ring uCdata: in std logicvector(l1 downto 0); ring uCwr: in std logic; ring uCmode: in std logic; ring bufSize: in stdlogic vector(2 downto 0); ring loadBufSize: in std_logic; -- bigbuf pins fifo RW: buffer std logic; fifonOE, fifonCE: out std logic; fifoaddr: out std logic_vector(20 downto 0); fifodatapins: inout stdlogic vector(7 downto 0); fifooverflow, fifonewdata: out std logic; fiforesult: buffer stdlogic vector(7 downto 0); fifoack: in stdlogic end TEAS; architecture TEASarch of TEAS is constant length: natural := 32; signal cnt: stdlogicvector(length-1 downto 0); signal ADCresult: STDLOGICVECTOR(11 downto 0); signal ringresult: stdlogicvector(11 downto 0); signal ringresultValid: std logic; component bigbuf is generic ( addrlines: integer := 21); port ( -- internal connections to other VHDL modules clk, reset: in std logic; countl: in stdlogic vector(l downto 0);--two lowest bits of global counter sample: in stdlogicvector(l1 downto 0); validIn: in stdlogic; -- connections to buffer SRAM RW: buffer stdlogic; nOE, nCE: out stdlogic; addr: out std_logicvector(addrlines-1 downto 0); 94 datapins: inout std logicvector(7 downto 0); -- connections to microcontroller overflow, newdata : out std logic; ack: in std logic; result: buffer std logic_vector(7 downto 0) end component; component cntr is generic ( LENGTH: natural port --rst: in STDLOGIC; clk: in std logic; cnt: out stdlogicvector(LENGTH-1 downto 0) end component; component ringbuf is port ( clk, reset: in std logic; RW: buffer stdlogic; -- 1 = read, 0 = write nOE, nCE: out stdlogic; addrh: in stdlogic vector(5 downto 0);--chan. #, bits 7-2 of glob. counter countl: in stdlogic vector(l downto 0);-- two lowest bits of glob. counter addr: out stdlogic vector(ll downto 0); sample: in std_logic vector(11 downto 0); result: out std logic vector(11 downto 0); resultValid: out std logic; -- set to indicate valid result datapins: inout std logic_vector(13 downto 0); -- actual I/O pins time: in stdlogicvector(23 downto 0); -- upper 24 bits of global counter -- pins for microcontroller parameter access uCaddr: in std_logicvector(7 downto 0); uCdata: in stdlogicvector(ll downto 0); uCwr: in stdlogic; uCmode: in stdlogic; -- pins for setting up number of samples per trigger bufSizeIn: in stdlogic vector(2 downto 0); loadBufSize: in std logic end component; component serin is generic(width: integer :=12); port ( clk: in STDLOGIC; counter: in STDLOGICVECTOR(3 downto 0); sin: in STDLOGICVECTOR(7 downto 0); result: out STDLOGICVECTOR(width-1 downto 0) end component; component serout port ( clk, rst: in STDLOGIC; sout: out STDLOGICVECTOR(7 downto 0); counter: in STDLOGICVECTOR(3 downto 0); addrsel: in STDLOGICVECTOR(2 downto 0) end component; 95 begin uO: cntr generic map(LENGTH=>length) port map(clk=>clk, cnt=>cnt); ul: u2: u3: ringbuf port map(clk=>clk, reset=>rst, RW=>ringRW, nOE=>ringnOE, nCE=>ringnCE, addrh=>cnt(7 downto 2), countl=>cnt(l downto 0), addr=> ring_addr, sample=>ADCresult, result=>ringresult, resultValid=>ringresultValid, datapins=>ringdata, time=>cnt(31 downto 8), uCaddr=>ring uCaddr, uCdata=>ring_uCdata, uCwr=>ringuCwr, uCmode=>ring uCmode, bufSizeIn=>ringbufSize, loadBufSize=>ringloadBufSize); serout port map(clk=>cnt(0), rst=>rst, sout=>sout, addrsel=>cnt(7 downto 5), counter=>cnt(4 downto 1)); serin port map(clk=>cnt(0), sin=>sin, result=>ADCresult, counter=>cnt(4 downto 1)); u4: bigbuf generic map(addrlines=> 21) port map (clk=>clk, reset=>rst, RW=>fifoRW, nOE=>fifonOE, nCE=>fifonCE, addr=>fifoaddr, datapins=>fifodatapins, validIn=>ringresultValid, sample=>ring result, countl=>cnt(l downto 0), result=>fiforesult, ack=>fifoack, overflow=>fifo overflow, newdata=>fifo newdata); sclk <= cnt(0); end TEASarch; 96 Appendix B: Microcontroller Code to Configure FPGA This appendix contains the assembly program that runs on the TI MSP430F149. This program sets up the microcontroller to run off of its internal RC oscillator, configures the FPGA, and then switches the clock source to an external clock provided by the configured FPGA. Most of the FPGA configuration data has been omitted since it is automatically generated by the Java program in Appendix C and since it does not convey any information about the microcontroller software. As with the VHDL code, this program is constantly evolving; the following code has been run on the digital prototype to successfully configure the FPGA. "msp430xl4x.h" #include This program configures the altera flexlOk3Oa fpga serially. INTERRUPT VECTORS -- -- ORG DW ;reset vector OFFFEh reset ;beginning of flash memory (use ORG 04000h mov mov #0x0200, SP #Ox5A8O, &WDTCTL 01100h for fl49) reset ; set ;initialize stack ptr to lowest RAM addr ;turn off watchdog timer up oscillator ;setupOsc bis.b bic #XTS, &BCSCTL1 #OSCOFF, SR ;enable high frequency for CLK1 ;turn on LFXT1 oscillator #OFIFG,&IFG1 #0x0FFF,r15 ;clear OscFault flag ;time to wait ;setupOscl bic.b mov ;setupOsc2 dec jnz bit.b jnz mov.b ;wait... r15 setupOsc2 ;check OscFault flag #OFIFG,&IFG1 ;repeat if necessary setupOscl ;use CLK1, undivided, everywhere #11001000b, &BCSCTL2 ; set up I/O directions mov. b #0xFF, &P1DIR mov. b #0x00, &P1OUT ;set P1 to all outputs ;turn off all pins ------------------------- ~---------------- ~~-;fpgaprog: ~~----- ~---------- -- - - - - - routine for configuring flex10k30a FPGA. routine assumes ;This ;interrupts to be off ;Registers r4, that the appropriate I/0 lines are configured for (if applicable). r5, and r5 are used. 97 All labels are prefixed with FPGAPROG_ or fpgaprog_. The constants below are organized as pin number, R/W port, direction ; register, function select register. The R/W ports are identified with an R ; or W after the pin name, direction with D after pin name, and S (for SEL) for ; the function register. FPGAPROGCLK FPGAPROGCLKW FPGAPROGCLKD FPGAPROGCLKS EQU EQU EQU EQU Ox2 0 FPGAPROGDO FPGAPROGDOW FPGAPROGDOD FPGAPROGDOS EQU EQU EQU EQU Ox4 0 FPGAPROG_CFG FPGAPROGCFGW FPGAPROGCFGD FPGAPROGCFGS EQU EQU EQU EQU PlOUT PlDIR PlSEL FPGAPROGSTAT FPGAPROGSTATR FPGAPROGSTATD FPGAPROGSTATS EQU Ox20 FPGAPROGCD FPGAPROGCDR FPGAPROGCDD FPGAPROGCDS EQU EQU EQU EQU ;synchronous transfer clock P5OUT P5DIR P5SEL ;synchronous data P50UT P5DIR P5SEL Ox8 0 EQU EQU EQU Ox4 0 PlIN PlDIR PlSEL ;nCONFIG, pull down for at least ; 2 us to begin configuration ;nSTATUS, goes low if error PlIN PlDIR PiSEL ;CONF DONE; goes high at end ; of configuration fpgaprog ;turn off output pins bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGDO, &FPGAPROGDOW bis.b #FPGAPROGCFG, &FPGAPROGCFGW ;nCONFIG is active low ;set up I/O line directions bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK,&FPGAPROGCLKD ;CLK is output bis.b #FPGAPROGDO,&FPGAPROGDOD ;DO is output bis.b #FPGAPROGCFG,&FPGAPROGCFGD ;nCONFIG is output bic.b #FPGAPROGSTAT,&FPGAPROGSTATD ;nSTATUS is input bic.b #FPGAPROGCD,&FPGAPROGCDD ;CONFDONE is input ;set up all I/O pins for regular I/O mode (no peripherals) bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK,&FPGAPROGCLKS bic.b #FPGAPROGDO,&FPGAPROGDOS bic.b #FPGAPROGCFG,&FPGAPROGCFGS bic.b #FPGAPROG STAT,&FPGAPROG STATS bic.b #FPGAPROGCD,&FPGAPROGCDS bis.b bic.b #OxO1, &P1OUT #0xO1, &P1OUT ;squareWave ;pulse nCONFIG low to initiate configuration bic.b #FPGAPROGCFG, &FPGAPROGCFGW mov #0x08,r4 fpgaprogdelayl dec r4 jnz fpgaprogdelayl bis.b #FPGAPROGCFG, &FPGAPROGCFGW mov #0x40,r4 98 (must be at least 2us) ;fpgaprogdelay2 dec r4 jnz fpgaprogdelay2 squareWave jmp fpgaprogwaitSTAT bit.b #FPGAPROGSTAT,&FPGAPROGSTATR jz fpgaprog-waitSTAT mov #PROGFILE, r4 fpgaprogbyteLoop cmp #ENDPROGFILE, r4 jeq fpgaprogafterClocking mov.b @r4+, r5 ;get next byte cmp #0, r5 ;treat zeros differently for jeq fpgaprogsendZeros compression purposes mov #0x08, r6 ;use r6 to count bits fpgaprogbitLoop bic.b #FPGAPROGDO, &FPGAPROGDOW bit.b #OxO1, r5 jz fpgaprogtoggleClock bis.b #FPGAPROGDO, &FPGAPROGDOW fpgaprogtoggleClock bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW r6 dec fpgaprogbyteLoop jz r5 ;set up the next bit rrc fpgaprogbitLoop jmp fpgaprogsendZeros mov.b @r4+, r5 ;next location contains number of ; additional zeros, so add one for total add.b 41, r5 bic.b #FPGAPROGDO, &FPGAPROGDOW fpgaprogzeroLoop ;1 (8 clk cycles per zero byte) bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROG CLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW r5 dec jz fpgaprogbyteLoop fpgaprogzeroLoop jmp fpgaprogafterClocking ; set up oscillator setupOsc bis.b #XTS, &BCSCTL1 #OSCOFF, SR bic setupOscl ;enable high frequency for CLK1 ;turn on LFXT1 oscillator 99 bic .b mov setupOsc2 dec ;clear OscFault flag ;time to wait #OFIFG,&IFG1 #OxOFFF,r15 mov.b ;wait... r15 setupOsc2 ;check OscFault flag #OFIFG,&IFG1 ;repeat if necessary setupOsci ;use CLK1, undivided, everywhere #11001000b, &BCSCTL2 bis.b jmp #OxOl, &PlOUT fpgaprog jnz bit.b jnz #001h,&PlOUT xor.b Mainloop bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic .b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bis.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROGCLKW bic.b #FPGAPROGCLK, &FPGAPROG CLKW Mainloop jmp mov dec Ll jmp PROGFILE DB Oxff, DB Oxff, Oxff, DB DB Oxff, Oxff, DB Oxff, DB DB Oxff, DB Ox80, DB OxOC, DB OxCO, DB OxCO, DB Ox18, DB 0x30, DB 0x03, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Ox01, Ox62, Ox26, OxcO, Ox00, Ox80, Ox01, OxOC, Ox03, Ox00, Ox06, OxOO, Ox00, Oxf Oxf Oxf Oxf Oxf Oxf f, f, f, f, f, f, Oxff, Oxf f, Oxf f, Oxff, Oxf f, Oxf f, Oxf f, Ox33, Oxf f, Oxf f, Oxf if, Oxf f, Oxf f, Oxf f, Ox30, Ox40, Ox06, Ox03, Ox60, OxOO, OxOC, OxOc, OxOO, OxOO, Ox60, Delay to R15 Decrement R15 Delay over? Again #065000,R15 R15 Ll Mainloop jnz Toggle P1.0 ;l (8 clk cycles per zero byte) OxOO, Oxff, Oxf f, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, OxcO, OxOc, Ox00, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxf f, Ox00, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxf f, OxOO, OxCO, Ox80, Ox09, Ox18, Ox20, Ox03, Ox04, Ox06, OxcO, Ox60, OxO 0, OxOO, OxOc, OxcO, Ox00, OxOO, Ox18, Ox0c, Ox80, Ox01, Ox30, OxCO, OxOO, Oxf f, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, Oxff, OxOO, 8 18 28 38 48 58 67 76 84 92 103 111 118 126 Oxf f Oxf f Oxf f Oxf f Oxf f Oxf f OxOc Ox19, Ox00 Ox30, Ox00 Ox60, Ox00 OxOO, Ox00 Ox80, Ox01 Ox00, Ox00 OxOO, Ox00 ;<bulk of configuration data omitted> DB DB DB DB OxCO, Oxc8, 0x06, OxOO, Ox12, Ox40, Ox02, Ox48, Oxfc, Ox00, OxcO, Ox00, Ox0c, Ox80, OxOO, OxOO, OxOC, OxOc, Ox80, Ox01, Ox00, Ox18, OxOO, OxOO, OxO 1, Ox30, OxOO, OxCO, 100 Ox09, Ox20, Ox30, Ox00, Ox03, Ox60, Ox06, OxcO, Ox01 Ox00 Ox00 Ox00 ; ; ; ; 50685 50693 50701 50709 DB DB DB DB DB DB OxOO, Ox3O, Oxfd, Oxff, ENDPROGFILE END OxOO, Oxl8, OxOO, OxOO, OxO3, Ox6O, OxOl, OxOO, OxO4, OxO6, OxcO, OxOO, OxO3, Ox6O, OxOO, OxOO, OxOc, Ox8O, OxO6, OxcO, OxOO, OxOO, Oxl8, OxOO, OxOO, OxOc, Ox8O, OxOl, Ox3O, OxOO, Oxff 101 OxOO, OxOO, OxOl, OxOO, OxOO, OxOO, Oxl8, Ox3O, OxO3, OxO6, OxOc, OxOO, OxOO, Ox6O, OxcO, Ox8O OxOO OxOO OxOO OxOO ; ; ; ; ; 50716 50727 50735 50743 50751 Appendix C: Java Source for FPGA Configuration File Compression The following three files are used to compress the FPGA configuration file. The output of the Altera compiler is fed to this program, whose output is then pasted in the microcontroller program's data section. The file I/O code of appendices C2 and C3 are based on code originally written by Johann Burgert. The three files are: " Appendix Cl: readbin.java * Appendix C2: FileIO.java * Appendix C3: BadFilenameException.java Appendix Cl: readbin.java package readbin; import java.io.*; public class readbin static void main(String[] args) final int CONFBYTES = 50756; //final int CONFBYTES = 28941; String filename = "testfile.ttf"; String result = ""; int vals[] = new int[CONFBYTES]; try ( result = FileIO.readStringFromFile(filename); FileIO.writeStringToFile(result, "uncompressed.txt"); } catch(BadFilenameException e)( System.out.println("bad file name"); } String temp int currentChar = 0; result = result + ,'; for(int i = 0; i < CONFBYTES; i++){ ',') while(result.charAt(currentChar) temp += result.charAt(currentChar); currentChar++; currentChar++; vals[il = Integer.parseInt(temp); //System.out.println (i + "\t0x" + Integer. toHexString (vals[i] )) temp = ""; // begin creating result using array of values StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); int linechars = 0; boolean prevZero = false; int zeroCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < CONFBYTES; i++){ if (vals [i] == 0) { 102 if (prevZero) zeroCount++; else{ if(linechars == 0) s.append("DB "); else s.append(", "); zeroCount = 0; prevZero = true; s.append("OxOO"); linechars++; } else { if(linechars == 0) s.append("DB "); else s.append(", "); if (prevZero) i--; if(zeroCount < 16) s.append("OxO"); else s.append("Ox"); s.append(Integer.toHexString(zeroCount)); prevZero = false; else{ if(vals[i] < 16) s.append("OxO"); else s.append("Ox"); s.append(Integer.toHexString(vals[i])); linechars++; if(linechars s.append(" linechars == = 10){ ; " + i + "\r\n"); 0; } result = s.toString(; try ( FileIO.writeStringToFile(result, "result.txt"); } catch(BadFilenameException e) System.out.println("bad file name"); 103 Appendix C2: FileIO.java package readbin; import java.io.*; public class FileIO { public static String readStringFromFile(String filename) throws BadFilenameException { /* effects: returns the contents of the file named by <filename>, unless: * * an I/O error occurs in the process of opening, * reading, and closing the file named by <filename> * => BadFilenameException //test if args are defined: if(filename == null) { throw new BadFilenameException("<filename> FileIO,readStringFromFile"); is null in int fileItem; StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer(; // A single try block is sufficent because the catch prints the // specific message from the IOexception which defines // any write problem try { //using BufferedReader for speed BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); int count = 0; while ((fileItem = input.read()) != -1) //tempString.append((char) fileItem); //tempString.append(fileItem + " "); if(!Character.isWhitespace((char) fileItem)) tempString.append((char) fileItem); input.close(); catch(IOException fileError) throw new BadFilenameException("IOexception while reading file: in FileIO.readStringFromFile().\n Message: " + filename + "\n fileError.getMessage(); " + return tempString.toString(); public static void writeStringToFile(String str, String filename) throws BadFilenameException ( /* effects: creates a new file named by <filename> whose contents are the contents of <str>, unless: * * a file named by <filename> already exists * => BadFilenameException an I/O error occurs in the process of creating, * writing, and closing the file named by <filename> * 104 => BadFilenameException * //test if args are defined: if (filename == null) ( throw new BadFilenameException("<filename> FileIO.writeStringToFile"); is null in } (str == null) throw new BadFilenameException("<str> is null in FileIO.writeStringToFile"); if } int i, stringLength=str.length(); A single try block is sufficent because the catch prints the specific message from the IOexception which defines // any write problem try { // // // // only creates a file object that can then see if it is legal by checking for the existence of a file of the same name File outFile = new File(filename); // // if tests to insure that outFile does not exist => throws BadFilenameException //removed to implement change in spec->clobbers existing files //if (outFile.createNewFile() { //use a BufferedWriter for speed BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile)); for (i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) { output.write((int) str.charAt(i)); output.close(); //want to clobber files else throw new BadFilenameException("Attempt to write to File which already exists" + "\n in FileIO.writeStringToFile()"); catch(IOException fileError) throw new BadFilenameException("IOexception while writing filename + "\n in FileIO.writeStringToFile() .\n Message: " + fileError.getMessage()); 105 file: " + Appendix C3: BadFilenameException.java package readbin; * readbin.BadFilenameException.java ****************** ***** * *****/ public class BadFilenameException extends Exception public BadFilenameException() {) public BadFilenameException(String msg) super (msg); 106 Appendix Dl: BGA ZIF Socket Pinout The irregular and undocumented pinout of the Emulation Technology, Inc. ZIF socket took substantial time to determine. The pinout is valid for a top view, with the release lever on the right side, as shown in the picture of the digital prototype in Figure 36. Jl H K'> (E" 1G F)jj (M3 N2) K3 (P P2 L3 Ri J5) J6 ( K5 K8) K9 N T2 ) 4 E3 F3 C 3 D3) 1 G5 F5 E4( E5 F4 D4 G (E6 F") H( F7 ) E7) ( E8 \) G6) H7 ' C4) C5) IC6) F6 G7) D6 D7( DS) 7) I" A4) ( " )A ES6) A2 J)i;G1' (,Fa "" B3 ) B5 (B4 K6 L5 I K7 L8 L7 L6 M6) P2 P3) 4 C D 1) C HB IB0 B1 11 ( (Dl) (A Dl Dl C1 l R5 R P5 P6) PR) T6 J8 A "~ ("A Al I (815 B14) MS N4) N5 Eli1) (F19 CG) (F9~ EG I E E F N) I N9) (N1 P9) 'E9 G) (D F1 HI) R8 JC5H (""7 All) Al )3) F T4 A9, (87) 08C9 D9) A8) ( B6) C) B9 H2 ( A6) A2'~ A3 l Cl,' K4 L4 3) G3 A HCH (B2) (C2 ,4 )H4) N3 T1 (H3) J3 (M3) M7 M (H K2 ) M2 M (B (D2) F2') E2) (2 'Li) "D CD ) Nll N10 Nl M12 L11) ( KI 13 Ml ) (K3 J 31 C C F A' ( HH D(/ D 1 E16 Rid 18 19T P1 R 1 T112 R13) CT"-2' Tii' (14) (P12 M 10 1 T"' 5 115 /NJ~1,t Hl P14 L l?) KM1) (K P 3 R (R ) (J-12) /'"I (1) """\ Ni4 M 1\ P , Pl N-" (P16i ( L 14) J14) J) Gi Q K (N K"' Figure 40: BGA ZIF socket pinout. 107 K1 Ml ("" 1L6' K1 Ji N H14 ""