Civil Service Employees Council MINUTES Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 1:15 pm Capitol Room – Macomb Campus I. Roll Call – Holly Fecht, Wendi Mattson, Linda Wade, Karen Trusley, Alisha Barnett, Jessica Lambert, Carla Farniok, Julie DeWees, Bill Rupert, Kim Sedgwick, Stacy Dorethy, Charlene Hammond, Alison Shook, Tammy Klinedist, and Tammy Fretueg Absent- Hilary Churchill, Pam Bowman, and Peter Skrypkun II. Minutes a. Motion to approve: Karen b. Seconded by: Wendi III. Elections of New Officers a. Wendi at President i. Nominated by Bill. ii. All approved b. Carla at VP i. Nominated by Wendi. ii. All approved c. Stacy at Treasurer i. Nominated by Carla. ii. All approved d. Holly at Secretary i. Nominated by Bill. ii. All approved e. Statement of Candidacy received from the following 1. Constance Upton 2. Jessica Lambert 3. Alisha Barnett a. Bill motions to accept all candidacies b. Karen seconds c. All approve f. Bill nominated Alison as chair of Scholarship Committee i. All approve IV. Treasurer’s Report (Carla Farniok) – a. Current month treasurer’s report. For the general account (9900770), the beginning balance was $2,107.11. The following items posted for the month: DPS - Scholarship Flyer: $51.90, Raffle Ticket Deposit: $92.00, Lottery Raffle Ticket Deposit: $124.00, Luncheon Reservation Deposit: $243.00, Luncheon Reservation Deposit: $171.00, VPC - Rocky Cut Out: $37.75, Luncheon Reservation Deposit: $567.00, and DPS - Envelopes for Endowment Mailing: $110.42. The current balance is $3,104.04. b. For the scholarship account (882046), the beginning balance was $11,460.27. The following items posted for the month: Contributions: $312.74, Non-Endow Investment Revenue: $13.00, Raffle Ticket Sales: $10.00. The current balance is $11,769.01. c. For the endowment fund (884046), the beginning balance was $102,515.00. The following items posted for the month: No activity this month. The current balance is $102,515.00. i. Motion to approve: Stacy ii. Approved by: Karen iii. All approved d. Vote on clocks for outgoing members: (May get something else, but will go with $40 limit) i. Motion to approve: Linda ii. Approved by: Carla iii. All approved e. Lottery tickets for luncheon raffle There was some discussion about buying a couple $5 tickets and tickets of differing values. V. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) – Absent VI. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWees) – Julie talks about estimated 5% state budget reduction. She also talks about pension reform still out there with lots of unknown information. Cindy asks why President Thomas announced support of pension bill and not rehiring retirees. Julie replies “this is her opinion,” but signing the plan showed the university would input some $ and not short costs to employees or commit to positions (both faculty and staff) that have not been filled. Alison asks about 4day weeks in the summer, and Julie said not at this time. VII. Group Concerns –. none VIII. President’s Report (Bill Rupert) – Nothing to report IX. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Wendi Mattson) – Annette Hamm in Faculty Senate X. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun)- absent XI. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook) – Nothing to report but has a question. Western Walks in QC on the same day and asks if we could mention to HR. XII. Representative Reports to Council a. Affirmative Action Internship/University Diversity - (Hilary Churchill) – Absent and we will need a new volunteer to serve on this committee. b. Website and IT Issues (Jim Buffalo/Holly Fecht) – i. Need a volunteer for someone to serve on the University Information Security Committee? We meet every second or third Wednesday (I believe) of the month at 10 am. ii. Jessica volunteers-Holly will let Mike know c. Training and Development (Carla Farniok) – No report XIII. Committee Reports a. Policy & Appeals (Bill Rupert) – No report b. Awards and Selection Hilary Churchill) – Bill reported that the following nine people were selected to receive scholarship for the next school year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hamm, Alexandria* Elder, Taylor Johnson, Kasey White, Kelsey Slater, Renee Thomas, Ashley Hare, Morgan Ackers, Caleb Ackers, Kimberly c. Constitution/Election (Jim Buffalo) – Bill indicated a person (JoAnn Hairston-Jones) wanted to be on University Theme Committee…we have two spots and only one is filled so Bill would like to allow her to join and report to us. 1. Bill Motion 2. Carla Seconds a. All approved. d. Education (Hilary Churchill) – absent e. Fundraising (Wendi Mattson) – Will have sign up bid sheet to get Rocky in your office (announced at luncheon). Wendi is looking forward to new ideas in the fall f. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) – The following are new employees: Amy Poffenberger, Office Support Specialist (Business Advising Center) Christopher Martin, Engineering (facilities management) g. Social Events & Development (Hilary Churchill/Wendi Mattson)- Wendi will be there at 8 am with Bill. They will need helpers with sign-in table, selling tickets, keeping lids on warmers, etc. h. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Linda Wade) - New members need to take open meeting act training. Linda asks people not to “reply to all” to constitute a meeting. XIV. Old Business - None. XV. New Business – a. Election of new members- none b. Discuss July Meeting- possibly cancel and move August to QC i. Motion-Bill ii. Seconded- Wendi All approved, motion carries XVI. Announcements – None. XVII. Meeting Adjournment – a. Motion to adjourn: Bill b. Seconded by: Carla XVIII. Next Meeting will be Thursday, June 6, 2013, at 1:15pm in the Capital Room of the University Union.