Civil Service Employees Council MINUTES

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, August 1, 2013 at 1:15 pm
Sandburg Lounge – Macomb Campus
I. Roll Call – Tammy Fretueg, Karen Trusley, Linda Wade, Alisha Barnett, Jessica
Lambert, Wendi Matteson, Holly Fecht, Alison Shook, Pam Bowman, Heather
McMeekan, Connie Upton, Ed Lavin, Kim Sedgwick, Stacy Dorethy, Carla Farniok,
Charlene Hammond
Absent – Bill Rupert, Julie DeWees, Peter Skrypkun, Tammy Klinedinst, Cindy Roon
II. Ed talks about the blood drive to be held on 28th and 29th. He needs someone to cover
from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, but he will cover everything else. He will contact all
previous blood donors and hang up posters. He will also send out a Telestars on campus
(including retirees). The blood drive will be held in the Heritage Room from 10 a.m.
until 4 p.m. on both days.
III. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) – She discusses the rehire retirees issue.
The law went into place today for a SURS covered retirees. If `they work 18 weeks and
earn 40% of highest rate of earnings, they could be an “affected annuitant.” Then, next
year, someone (not the state) will be responsible for paying the person’s entire annuity.
Pam is not sure how many people could be affected yet. Affected annuitants are based on
a year of 8/31 to 9/1. Once a person becomes and affected annuitant, they remain an
affected annuitant moving forward.
IV. New member
a. Karen motions to add Heather McMeekan to the Civil Service Employees Council
b. Carla seconds
c. All approve, motion carries.
V. Minutes
a. Motion to approve: Stacy
b. Approved by: Carla
VI. Treasurer’s Report (Stacy Dorethy) The current month treasurer’s report is presented
a. For the general account (9900770), the beginning balance was $2,811.10. The
following items posted for the month: $100 for lotto tickets. The current balance
is $2,711.10. Proceeds from last luncheon have not moved to the scholarship
b. For the scholarship account (882046), the beginning balance was $12,089.75 The
following items posted for the month: $32.60 for phonathon chargeback, $500.00
to scholarships, $155.24 to contributions, $2,398.01 to Endowment Investment
Revenue, $7.00 to Non-Endowment Investment Revenue. The current balance is
c. For the endowment fund (884046), the beginning balance was $104,295. The
following items posted for the month: $130 of contributions. The current balance
is $104,425.
i. Motion to approve: Carla
ii. Approved by: Alisha
iii. All approved, motion carries.
VII. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWees) – Absent
VIII. Group Concerns –none
IX. President’s Report (Wendi Mattson) – Wendi talks about the budget being an issue still,
as well as declining enrollment and retention. There is some good news through - the
GPAs are up overall, and the University does expect to reach the goal for new freshman.
The grand entrance has been put on hold.
X. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Alisha Barnett) – Lois Retherford – Admissions
in the Quad Cities
XI. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun)- Absent
XII. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook) – The QC campus is on target to
complete Phase II by August 2014.
XIII. Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship/University Diversity – need volunteer for
committee… It appears there are two committees:
i. University Diversity Council (Wendi will take)
1. Meetings: 4-5 per semester
Time: Arranged
Place: Arranged
Co-Chairs: Andrea Henderson, Director, Office of Equal
Opportunity and Access; and Ronald Williams, Assistant Vice
President, Office of the Provost and Academic Vice President.
Reports to: Office of Equal Opportunity & Access
2. Duties: Members serve as constituent representatives on issues
related to affirmative action/equal opportunity and make
recommendations to the Equal Opportunity and Access Officers
and to the President regarding policy, campus initiatives, and
programs in support of the University's Affirmative Action
ii. Affirmative Action Administrative Internship (Holly will take)
1. Meetings?
2. Chair: Andrea Henderson, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity
and Access ?
3. Duties: After the application deadline has passed, the Equal
Opportunity & Employment Affirmative Action Administrative
Internship Committee (AAAIC) will meet to evaluate the
applications. At this point, the committee may deny the application
or invite the applicant for further consideration. Those applicants
who will be considered further are invited for a formal interview
with the AAAIC. After the interviews are completed, members of
the committee will contact those administrators who have been
named as potential mentors to ensure their willingness to
participate. The applicants will be notified in mid– to late March,
whether their internship has been granted.
Once your internship is granted: (?)
b. Website and IT Issues (Jessica Lambert) – The website should be completely
updated now. Karen, Charlene, Tammy & Peter do not have photos yet, so they
need to get photos with Visual Production Center. Please review the website.
1. Old business. Still need a representative: a. Need a volunteer for someone to serve on the University
Information Security Committee.
i. They typically meet on the third Wednesday of the
month at 10 am. Michael Rodriguez (Chief Technology Security Officer) heads up the Security Committee. ii. Items discussed: mostly security, risk, compliance, and disaster recovery stuff. At the moment they are working through policies on cloud computing and mobile devices.
iii. Wendi will discuss with the leader about the council not having a representative.
b. Need a volunteer for someone to serve on the Technology Cabinet Committee. i. The meetings are led by University Technology's CIO, Stephen Frazier. They meet the last Monday each month from 2:00-­‐3:00 p.m. generally in the President's Conference Room, SH 205. ii. There are representatives from areas across campus that come together to discuss what’s happening in their respective areas.
iii. Wendi will discuss with the leader about the council not having a representative.
2. Meeting recordings – most discs blank… All meeting discs Holly has prior to her being secretary have no recordings on them, and there are two or three since she has been secretary with no recordings on them… a. Linda said we do not have to record the meetings, so we may move to stop recording them. As a result, we may also consider moving the meetings to another conference room.
c. Training and Development (Carla Farniok) – no report
XIV. Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Bill Rupert) – Absent
b. Awards and Selection (Alison Shook) – No real report; she will meet with them
and discuss the minutes.
c. Constitution/Election (Linda Wade) – Linda asks if final changes have been
approved. She will bring to the next meeting and vote on again. Wendi and
Heather need to complete open meeting training.
d. Education (Alisha Barnett) – No report
e. Fundraising (Wendi Mattson) – i. Alisha shares that Rocky is moving for scholarships is underway – four donations have been committed so far. Connie asks about putting Rocky in the parade in a wagon. 1. Carla motions to print two more Rocky printouts. 2. Charlene seconds.
3. All approve, motion carries.
ii. Wendi shares information about a Fall raffle for $100 lotto tickets not associated with the luncheon and proceeds will go to general fund. Decide to start on September 3rd and draw on October 3rd. f. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) –
i. Erin Fawcett – Library Assistant
ii. Mark Clark – Assistant Manager IT, Electronic Student Services
iii. Stephanie Zimmerman – Clerk/Center for Preparation of Education
iv. Brian Colston – Pipefitter/Building Mechanical Maintenance
v. Denise Daughtry – Clerk UHDS, April Carson – Child Development
Associate/Infant & Preschool Center
g. Social Events & Development (Wendi Mattson & Stacy Dorethy)i. Dancing with the Stars update – We are still waiting to see if there is a date available, but we need to think about other locations for the Spring, since the Forum has no Saturdays available for the entire year.
ii. The old “Macomb Dining Center” on the square has recently been purchased by the owners of the Sports Corner; we will explore using that for the venue.
h. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Linda Wade) - Discussed above.
XV. Old Business
a. President's Open forum. It has been scheduled for November 12th from 11-­‐
12 and 3:30-­‐4:30 in the Capitol Room. i. Wendi said attendance has been low in the past, and she will see if he’s
doing another meeting and we may be able to cancel ours.
XVI. New Business –
i. Need three volunteers for the benefits committee
a) Heather McMeekan volunteers
b. Openings on committees
XVII. Announcements – Kim talked about condensing occurring at various areas on campus –
people shifting positions to improve operational efficiencies.
XVIII. Meeting Adjournment –
a. Motion to adjourn: Holly
b. Seconded by: Alisha
XIX. Next Meeting will be Thursday, September 5, 2013, at 1:15pm in the Capital Room.