Civil Service Employees Council AGENDA

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 1:15 pm
Capitol Room – Macomb Campus
I. Roll Call - Present: Bill Rupert, Jim Buffalo, Hilary Churchill, Stacy Dorethy, Carla
Farniok, Holly Fecht, Charlene Hammond, Tammy Klinedinst, Wendi Mattson, Kim
Sedgwick, Alison Shook, Karen Trusley, Linda Wade, Pam Bowman, and Ed
Guest: Andrea Henderson
Absent—Peter Skrypkun, Tammy Fruetug, Julie DeWees, and Cindy Roon
II. Minutes
a. Motion to approve: Bill Ruppert
b. Approved by: Karen Trusley
Treasurer’s Report (Carla Farniok) –
a. Reads through treasurer’s report:
i. For the General Account (9900770), the beginning balance was $2,098.67.
The following items posted for the month: Wendi Mattson/Decoration
reimburse at $81.59 and Ipad Mini at $329.00. The current balance is
ii. For the Scholarship Account (882046), the beginning balance was
$8429.70. The following items posted for the month: Contributions at
$556.98, Non-Endow Investment Revenue at $9.00, and Endowment
Investment Revenue at $2,344.98. The current balance is $11,340.66.
iii. For the Endowment Fund (884046), the beginning balance was
$102,515.00. The current balance in $102,515.00.
b. Social Function:
i. Profit (loss) after 2012 Spring Luncheon ($67.98).
Profit (loss) after 2012 holiday Luncheon $104.46.
ii. Total profit (loss) after the 2012 Spring Luncheon and 2012 Holiday
Luncheon was $72.48.
iii. Bill Motions to move $100.00 to scholarship fund from general fund,
Hillary 2nds. Event profits are to support scholarship as advertizing.
c. Pro-forma Budget (see attached)
i. Carla estimated expenses for general account pres. estimated expense of
$5.650. Revenue estimated based on averages for the following: luncheon
ticket revenue-spring luncheon, raffle revenue- spring luncheon, luncheon
ticket revenue, fall luncheon and raffle revenue- fall luncheon.
ii. For the scholarship account present expenses (scholarship and book
awards of $10,500.00) and revenue (contributions and interest $8,200.00)
all estimates based on prior year figures.
iii. Bill talks about negative projected cash flow and about finding ways to
bring revenue in, asks for feedback. Linda asks about printing postage,
mail cost, etc. for luncheon. Darla will amend and bring to next meeting.
iv. Motion to approve: Bill Ruppert
v. Seconded by Linda Wade
vi. Approved by all, motion carried
IV. Andrea Henderson (new law on incident reporting)
Abused and Neglected Child Act is not a new law. There is a new amendment that does
not affect higher education. Also called mandated reporter and it is state law if it requires
you to report child abuse when seen acting in your job even student workers must report.
Training through DCFS not mandatory by law, but you must complete the
acknowledgement form indicating you know the law. Need to sign even if signed with
another entity and only required to sign one time while employed by WIU. At some point
there will be consequences if you so not complete. What if you see abuse while out in
public doing something like shopping? Only required to report items while in your office
employer function. So, if you know the person through professional capacity, you must
report. Recommends erring on side of reporting and investigation will decide.
V. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) – Pam talks about employee recognize
years of service; it will be on April 2nd. HR continues to be busy in testing- scheduling
in April now. Talks about retiree/rehire law; hasn’t sent anything out as not sure if
changes have happened. Pam talks about abandoning program for new employees and
trying to make it informative and user friendly moving group concerns up. Asks about
moving up group concerns section, and everyone decides that is fine.
VI. Group Concerns – Alison Shook asks a question about Lincoln’s birthday policy and
whether it is always a holiday. Pam said survey went out and Lincoln’s birthday won. Ed
said it was Board of Trustees decision.
VII. President’s Report (Bill Rupert)
Bill talks about scheduling presidents open forum and asks if we have a preference
of the three dates available. Talks about Quad Cities and if need to use Capital
Room. Bill will look at it more and see when room is available.
Blood drive- Ed talks about blood drive. Group has helped us to get service points
and attendance low, Red Cross could like to see drives condensed so not every
group on campus having. Hilary asks about moving to January or February because
slow month. Karen talks about Mississippi valley for drives. Provide PR, etc. Ed
says has upcoming meeting and Bill says to invite him. Bill asks if want to do Red
Cross 28th and 29th. Jim motions to approve those dates, Hilary 2nds, and all
approve. Bill gives draft of fundraising letter. Group discusses wording and typos.
VIII. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Wendi Mattson) – Anita Sells employee of the
month and presentation Feb 14th
IX. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWeese) –
X. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun)Absent
XI. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook) - Construction trailer soon to be set
up for phase II with 2014 target completion date.
XII. Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship/University Diversity - (Hilary Churchill) –
Hillary does not know who to contact.
b. Website and IT Issues (Jim Buffalo/Holly Fecht) – Jim just says “lots” of issues.
Have editing authority, but Scott gives final approval.
c. Training and Development (Carla Farniok) – The following items were received
from HR and Carla shared them with the group.
Check the HR website frequently for employee spotlights and a BRAND NEW
program, Enrich YOU at WIU will kick off in March.
HR and Employee Development have Twitter and Facebook, so follow/like us!
Programs will be advertised, vacant positions, etc.
Many computer software trainings being offered, so check the website for those,
XIII. Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Bill Rupert) – Appeal in grievance system right now.
Currently 342 people currently report and about 30 going to proposed landscaping
union. Wendi asks where to get report of list of employees with job title (AIMS)
b. Awards and Selection (Cindy Ron & Hilary Churchill) –Hillary said Shelia sent
e-mail and expressed communication to relatives of past award members. Hillary
is off council in May and says she would like to be a regular member on
committee. Flyer is to be going out soon through Telestars. New forms will be
online too.
c. Constitution/Election (Jim Buffalo) – Linda presents the following changes
being made:
i. Article 4, Section I-Pending modifications - At the beginning of each
calendar year, the Board shall have prepared and made public a schedule of
all regular meetings, including the dates, time and location of said meetings
(5 ILSC 120/2.03).) If a change is made in regular meeting dates, location or
time at least a 10 days’ notice of the change shall be given in accordance with
Section 2.03 of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2.02(a).
An agenda for each regular meeting shall be posted on the CSEC Website and may be
posted at the location where the meeting is to be held at least 48 hours in advance of the
meeting. Agendas, meeting schedules and minutes should will be posted on the public
body’s website.
ii. Article 4, Section II- Pending modification- Upon the call of the
Chairperson special meetings may be held to conduct the business of the
Council. At least three days in advance of the special meeting, the members
of the Board shall be provided with written notice containing the time, place,
and purpose of the special meeting, and other related and necessary materials.
The Board shall consider only those matters included in the call and set forth
on the agenda for the special meeting of the Board as long as a quorum is
present. (5 ILCS 120/2.02)
iii. Article 4, section III- Pending modification - Committees must record minutes
and post meeting locations and times, agendas and give 48 hours notice the same as a
regular meeting.
iv. Article 4, Section IV- Pending modification - Quorum required to
conduct business (previously written as simple majority).
v. Article 4, Section VII- Pending addition - In accordance with the Open
Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/7(c): Attendance via video and audio conferencing is
allowed for the Quad Cities Campus Representative and the members of the public who
wish to attend via audio or video conferencing. If a quorum of the members of the
public body is physically present, then the Quad Cities’ Member may attend
by video or telephone conference because they are employed at the WIU
Quad Cities Campus.
Article 4, Section VIII- Pending addition - A public body may hold closed
meetings to consider the following subjects (not all inclusive of the Open Meetings Act)
and for purposes of this Council those subjects which concern matters relating to
individual students and the performance of specific employees. However, no
motion or action may be taken or voted on in a closed meeting (5 ILCS 120/2 (c)).
d. Education (Hilary Churchill) – Absent at time of this report.
e. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) – Human Resources has been giving out the gifts.
Wondering how to give out letters- consensus is to give to someone closest. Kim
will make generic letter. New employees are Crystal Kepple, Mary McMurtery,
Meagan Kramer, Mary Lane, Christopher Switzer, and Dixie Cannon.
f. Social Events & Development (Hilary Churchill/Wendi Mattson)Bill motions to vote where to have spring luncheon. Rec Center- all vote. Wendi
wonders if ok to investigate HyVee-fine. Knows will be cost of setting up and
taking down tables.
g. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Linda Wade) –Linda says following haven’t
taken – herself, Hilary Churchill, and Cindy Roon.
XIV. Old Business
a. Survey’s (Bill Rupert) –Tossing out ideas for improving things, Bill says to
inquire about cost of vacation package for raffle prize.
XV. New Business –
a. Employee of the month and probation
All think shouldn’t be prohibiting factor. Bill motions, all vote to approve.
XVI. Announcements – Wendi said she would like to order stationary, Wendi motions, Bill
seconds, all approve.
XVII. Meeting Adjournment –
XVIII. Next Meeting will be Thursday, March 1, 2013, at 1:15pm in the Capital Room of
the University Union.