Agenda UMKC Faculty Senate Meeting of 16 September 2014 3:00 – 5:00 pm Gillham Park Room, Administrative Center (Volker Campus) 1. Welcome and announcements (Peggy Ward-Smith, Chair) a. Committee needs include (1) The budget (replacing Mike Plamann) and a chair of the faculty senate budget committee (replacing Tony) (2) 6-8 faculty members (tenured) to serve as grievance committee members, (3) a senator to serve on the eLearning committee 2. Approval of agenda / minutes 3. Total Rewards/benefits enrollment (3:30, 45 minutes, Betsy Rodriguez, UM System Vice President for Human Resources) 4. CRR changes for student/faculty conduct (Jeff Traiger, UMKC Assistant Dean of Students) 5. Faculty Senate Budget Committee structure and chair 6. Decision on finals/commencement scheduling (vote) 7. Endorsement of course descriptions (vote) 8. Adjournment 9. Closed meeting