To: Dr. Joe Gow, Chancellor

To: Dr. Joe Gow, Chancellor
From: Leaders of the Faculty Senate, Classified Staff Council, Academic Staff Council
RE: Approval to initiate a process to develop guidelines for an educational enrichment policy
Date: September 15, 2013
The Faculty Senate, Classified Staff Council, and Academic Staff Council, upon consideration of
policies that may improve the working climate for staff and faculty, and as a result of
communication both between and within our respective constituencies, wish to develop a policy
that allows for university employees to enroll in and receive credit for university classes without
cost. It is the belief of our respective groups that this would improve morale, allow for another
source of professional growth, and, with appropriate guidelines, be financially feasible.
Before embarking on developing such a policy, we are seeking your support for the creation of
an ad hoc committee to explore the challenges and possibilities regarding the implementation of
such a policy. The committee would consist of members from each joint governance body
whom would forward their suggestions for a policy to you and the administrative team for further
consideration. We would be open to other members of the university community that you feel
would contribute to this discussion and are open to answering any questions you might have.
Please let us know no later than October 15th if you are in support of the creation of such a
committee to develop a policy, and if you would seriously review such a policy for
implementation. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Anne Galbraith, Ph.D., Chair, Faculty Senate
Robert Wilson, Chair, Classified Staff Council
Patrick Barlow, Chair, Academic Staff Council