Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook serve as a regular member of the Planning and Review Committee. 5. Committee’s Role in Education and Advisement a. The committee advocates for graduate education as a vital component of education provided at UW-Stout. b. The committee promotes campus-wide awareness regarding graduate education issues and requirements. c. The committee works with the Graduate School Office to maintain an official list of graduate faculty and graduate student policies. Meetings 1. Regular meetings of the Graduate Education Committee shall be held monthly during the academic year and as needed during the summer sessions. 2. Special meetings may be called by the chair. 3. The quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members. 4. The meetings shall be open. 5. The Graduate School Office shall provide secretarial support to the committee. 1. Membership Bylaws of the Personnel Policies Committee (Rev. 4/30/96) (Rev. 3/10/04) (Rev. Faculty Senate 5/6/08; Approved Chancellor 6/17/08) (Rev. Faculty Senate 2/15/11; Approved Chancellor 5/3/11) Organization a. The committee shall consist of seventeen members as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) 2. b. All faculty members shall serve three-year staggered terms of office. c. Members shall be defined as “voting members” except for the ex-officio representative from the Provost’s Office. Quorum a. Chapter 2: Governance Five faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate from its own membership. Nine faculty members, three from each college. One student member chosen by the university Student Senate. One ex-officio, non-voting member from the Office of the Provost who will act as a resource person. A quorum will consist of eight voting members. 30 Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook 3. 4. Responsibilities of the Committee Officers a. Each year, at its first meeting in April, the committee shall elect a chair and a vice chair from the faculty members on the committee. b. The terms of office shall begin August 15 and shall be for one-year in length with the possibility of re-election. c. The general duties of the officers are outlined in Robert's Rules of Order. d. The chair is a voting member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and is responsible for delivering recommendations and actions of the Personnel Policies Committee to the Faculty Senate and its Executive Committee. Task Forces/Subcommittees a. Task forces/subcommittees, as needed, shall be appointed by the PPC Chair subject to approval by a majority vote of the members present. b. The charge of each task force/subcommittee shall be determined by the chair subject to approval by a majority vote of the members present. 1. The committee is accountable to the Faculty Senate. 2. The committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations on personnel matters, including but not limited to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Conduct of the Meetings Revisions Personnel rules Salary guidelines Promotion guidelines Positive action guidelines Faculty and staff development Sabbatical leave guidelines Tenure/Post-Tenure Review Work related issues Other charges as determined by Faculty Senate or Faculty Senate Executive Committee. 1. The chair shall develop a calendar of meetings for the semester subject to approval by a majority vote of the members present. 2. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. 3. Decisions and recommendations shall be made by a majority vote of the members present. 1. Recommendations for changes in the bylaws shall be distributed to the committee members at least two weeks prior to consideration by the committee. 2. Recommendations to the Faculty Senate for changes in the bylaws shall be approved by eleven or more affirmative votes of the committee. Bylaws of the Planning and Review Chapter 2: Governance 31