Te s Tech University The Faculty Senate 3-G Holden Hall ck, Texas 794091(806) 742-3656 Lub anuary TO: Members of the Faculty Senate FROM: Georgette ;ettel, Pres dent RE: 14, 1988 Agenda for meeting #94 3:30 p.m., Senate Room 1988 January 20, 1988 University Center AGENDA I. Recognition of Guests Approval o the minute of the December 9, 1987 meeting Report by Tom McLaughl n, Senate Vice President, on Academic Council activ ties Remarks by Vice Presid nt for Academic Affairs and Research Haragan Committee aeports ttees, David Payne, Chair (see attachment Committee, Michael Stoune, Chair ttee, Ernest Fish, Chair Welfare Committee, Uzi Mann, Chair , Neale Pearson, Chair , Wendell Aycock, Chair , Ruth Rogers, Convener (Summer School 15 89 Options) ittee, Gettel, Mathis, Whitehead - Commi7tee on Comm Acadenic Programs Budge-: Study Comm Facul7y Status an - Study Committee - Study Committee - Study Committee - Special Issues Co VI. Business Announceme-ats and Othe COFGO CB Fellows rogram Applications Senate Commenceme t Representation University Image ask Force meeting VII. Adjournment "An Equal Op ortunity/Affirmative Action Institution" i January 12, 1988 REVISED LIST OF FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEES COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES George Tereshkovich, College of Agriculture Jusuck Koh, Co_lege of Architecture David Payne, nair - College of Arts & Sciences Grant Savage, College of Business Administration Marvin Platten, College of Education Uzi Mann, Colllge of Engineering Jean Pearson S:ott, College of Home Economics Robert Wood, S:hool of Law ACADEMIC PROGRAMS C MMITTEE George Tereshkovich, College of Agriculture - Plant & Soil Sciences Jusuck Koh, Col_lege of Architecture Michael Stoune, Chair - College of Arts & Sciences Herschel Mann, College of business Administration Maryanne Reid, College of Education John P. Craig, College of Engineering William Gustafson, College of Home Economics BUDGET STUDY COMMIT7EE Ernest Fish, Ckair - College of Agriculture *Wayne Ford, Ar,s & Sciences *William Mayer- akes, Arts Sciences Michael Schoenecke, Arts & Sciences Gerald Skoog, Education Milton Smith, Engineering *Louise Luchsinger, Busines Administration FACULTY STATUS & WELFARE COMMIT EE Robert Long, Agriculture Marvin Platten Education Uzi Mann, Engineering Home Economics Jean Pearson Scott, Chair iences *Kathrine Hawkins, Arts & S *Margaret E. WiLson, Arts & Sciences SENATE STUDY COMMIT-EE "A" John Burnett, Arts & Scien es John Howe, Arts & Sciences Neale Pearson, Chair - Art & Sciences Grant Savage, 3usiness Adm nistration Thomas Trost, =ngineering Robert Wood, S:hool of Law Roberto Bravo, Arts & Scie ces *Not a member of th?, Faculty Se ate SENATE STUDY COMMIT7EE "B" Don Ethridge, kgriculture. Wendell Aycock. Chair - Arcs & Sciences Nelson Dometrius, Arts & Sciences John Muma, Art & Sciences Jane Ann WilsoL, Arts & Sc ences Carlton Whitehead, Busines Administration John P. Craig, Engineering SENATE STUDY COMMITTEE "C" **Ruth Rogers, Arts & Science Alwyn Barr, Arts & Science Murray Coulter, Arts & Sci nces William Hartwe:l, Arts & S iences James H. LawreLce, Enginee ing Kary Mathis, Agriculture Rinaldo Petrinz, Architect re Faculty Senate Representative o the University' General Education Comm ttee Elizabeth Sasser, Architec ure Faculty Senate Representative o the University's Intellectual Property Committee Roger Barnard, Arts & Scie ces ** Convener 4 ights