CHABOT COLLEGE ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE Board Room, Building 200 Thursday, May 12th, 2005 – 2:21 p.m. to 4:35 p.m. D R A F T M I N UT E S Senator Attendance: Applied Technology & Business (Michael Absher & Jan Novak); Counseling (Tram Vo-Kumamoto & Sally Stickney,); Health, Physical Education, & Athletics (Nancy Cowan & Greg Kubicki); Arts & Humanities (Clayton Thiel); Language Arts (Angie Magallon & Stephanie Zappa, ProTem); Library (Norman Buchwald); Science & Mathematics (Dave Fouquet & Andrew Wells); and Social Sciences (Barbara Ogman & Kathy Kelley, ProTem). Representatives: ASCC; (Shari Jacobsen & Dave Fouquet), CLPFA. Guests: Dr. Robert Carlson (College President), Dr. Ron Taylor (Vice President, Academic Services). Presiding Officers: President Chad Mark Glen, Vice President Michael Absher. ITEM 1.0 GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 Call to Order: President Glen called the meeting to order at 2:21 p.m. 1.2 Approval of the Minutes: Approval of March 31st, 2005 and April 28th, 2005 minutes were tabled. 2.0 REPORTS I 2.1 College President: Dr. Robert Carlson discussed the K. H. Consultant’s strategic cost management ideas and how they have been categorized. Ideas have been labeled illegal, already done, unfeasible, too time consuming, etc. This will be discussed at the next College Council meeting on June 3rd. K. H. will not be “fixing” things like the allocation model, but will be providing information for us to work with. Michael Absher asked if VTEA funds were taken into account and Dr. Carlson indicated they were. With the facilities closures over the next several years, there will be an impact on enrolments. We will need to look at how and what determines class scheduling and reschedule many of our classes. The work of the 1 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES May 12th, 2005 college needs to continue over the summer. Chabot doesn’t shutdown for two months. Decisions have to be made, even though many faculty are not on campus. Please see item 4.6 below for the President’s comments on the Staff Development report at College Council. 2.2 CLPFA: Dave Fouquet said the F. A. would continue bargaining over the summer. The F. A. will be looking closely at the budget when the books are closed on June 30th 2005. Faculty should be thinking about their benefits and what they are willing to accept. Things to consider include, co-pays, higher deductibles, etc. Kathy Kelly asked about retirement benefits assumptions and pensions. Dave replied that STRS is healthy. 2.3 Public Comments: None. 3.0 ACTION ITEMS: None 4.0 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1 Senate Recognition Ceremony: Chad reminded senators to send him the names of those they wished to nominate for recognition and to attend the ceremony on May 19th. 4.2 Curriculum Chair and Selection Process: Approved Curriculum Committee Minutes 4-19-05, page 4 Procedures and policies for choosing a new chair Note: It has been determined that the requirement of a “faculty” chair to the committee (as stated in the Senate regulations) refers to either contract or regular faculty. A discussion ensued on whether, in cases of equally qualified candidates, a regular faculty should be given preference. Consensus was that selection should be made on the basis of individual merit. The possible addition of a vice chair was discussed at some length. It was felt that the creation of this office would take some of the load off of the chair and provide experience for future chairs. The committee favors having a vice chair and in 2005-06 will discuss the details of a policy in order to bring this about. JoAnn introduced the subject of term limits in order to have a realistic timeline for someone to serve as vice chair. Discussion included: • impact on teaching, • needs of a changing institution, • suggestions for limiting term of office, • need for flexibility, 2 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES May 12th, 2005 • having no minimum term of office but a definite maximum. Cindy stated that in her opinion a first draft procedure for selecting a Curriculum chair should include: • a list of candidate qualifications, • provision for a vice chair, • maximum term of office expectations, • release time for the chair and vice chair. She added that she is convinced that the procedures should be written down and that both tenured and non-tenured faculty should have the opportunity to serve. She will give her notes to date to Chad for Senate information. The Curriculum Committee will develop a final statement of policies and procedures in 2005-06. V. Election of Curriculum Committee Chair for the 2005-06 Academic Year Cindy called for nominations. Bill McDonald nominated Norberto Ruiz, who outlined his qualifications and expressed his interest in the position. Diana Immisch asked whether Patricia Shannon would accept a nomination. Patricia declined. Norberto Ruiz was selected as next year’s chair by consensus. Cindy thanked Norberto, Patricia, and the committee at large for a good discussion. 4.3 Grade Change Issues Follow-up: Tabled. 4.4 Program Introduction, Revitalization, Reduction and Elimination Process Update: The presentation was tabled because Tom Dewit was unable to attend. 4.5 Senate Meeting Time Change: In an effort to have all senators present at the start of Senate meetings at 2:15, it was discussed whether senate should start at 2:30. It was decided to keep the meetings at 2:15 because some senators would have to miss the end of the meetings if we started 15 minutes later. 4.6 Staff Development: Dr. Carlson discussed the Staff Development perception of College Council versus the facts. College Council is a forum where hard questions a posed and participation in open dialogue is the creed. Staff Development has been operating rather independently and has had good progress. The next College Council Dr. Carlson reminded those in attendance of the need for open, honest discourse. Although this statement seemed to be aimed at Carol Bauman, but was intended for all. 3 ACADEMIC/FACULTY SENATE MINUTES May 12th, 2005 4.7 VTEA/Budget Committee Governance Structure: Mike Absher moved to add item 4.7 to the agenda. Nancy Cowan seconded and the motion carried. Mike reported on how the VTEA committee was folded into the Budget committee in the allocation discussions of VTEA funds and recommended this become standard practice in the future. 5.0 REPORTS II 5.1 ASCC REPORT. None. 5.2 Senate Committees. Senate Presidential Election: Norman Buchwald announced that faculty would be able to vote from 9:30 A.M. on Monday through 6:00 P.M. on Thursday. 5.3 Senate President’s Report: Chad invited participation in the District Convocation Planning Committee being led by Jennifer Aries. The Chancellor’s Council is working on a district wide Web Policy. 5.4 Senators. None 6.0 GOOD OF THE ORDER 6.1 Future Agenda Items 6.2 Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. 6.3 Next Meeting: Thursday, May 26th, 2005 at 2:15 p.m. 6.4 Fall Meetings: 2nd & 4th Thursday, 2:15 - 4:15 p.m., unless designated “*special”. 9/22; 10/13, 27; 11/10, 17*; 12,8, 15*. CMG 4