Planning, Review, and Budget Council (PRBC)

Planning, Review, and Budget Council (PRBC)
Open and uses consensus decision-making processes. Keeps and posts minutes on the web.
For meeting dates, time and location, got to
 Lead college in planning and integration of planning with resource allocation (including
development, implementation, assessment, and resource allocation), both short and
o Mission, vision, values
o Strategic plan
o Master Plans process and integration
o Program Review
o Annual budget recommendations
 Align shared governance committee activities with college priorities
 Lead efforts to evaluate committee effectiveness and focus on continuous
 Complete and contribute to all relevant aspects of accreditation
 Engage the college in all of the above efforts
 Collaborate with the college, LPC and District on initiatives that require
commitment/investment at both campuses
Chair: The committee shall select one of their representatives to be chair.
Core Representatives:
Administration (5):
College President
Vice President of Academic Services
Vice President of Business Services
Vice President of Student Services
One Dean at-large
Committee Chairs (10): Academic Senate President
or designees
Classified Senate President
Budget Committee Chair
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Chair
Curriculum Committee Chair
Facilities Committee Chair
Basic Skills Committee Chair
College Enrollment Management Committee Chair
Matriculation Committee Chair
Staff Development Committee Chair
Faculty Association (2): Appointed by the Faculty Association
Classified Senate (3):
Appointed by the Classified Senate
Classified Union (1):
Appointed by the Classified Union, SEIU Local 1021
Associated Students (3): Appointed by the Associated Students
Support (2):
One Institutional Researcher
One grant writer
Reporting/Recommending Responsibilities:
Primary – College Council
Other –
College President
Academic Senate
Classified Senate
Associated Students
Draft, 11/28/12