Agenda UMKC Faculty Senate Meeting of 5 November 2013, 3:00 – 5:00 pm Plaza Room, Administrative Center (Volker Campus) 1. Welcome and announcements (Kathleen Kilway, Vice-Chair) a. Opening for a senator on the Student Conduct Committee and the Student Grievance Committee. Both are under the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management – hear cases PRN (minimal time requirement) but include training on the Collective Rules (~4 hours). 2. Approval of agenda / minutes 3. Provost/Chancellor comments 4. RooWriter and Writing Intensive Classes (Nathan Lindsay and Henrietta Wood, 3:15, 15 minutes) 5. Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Jeffery Hornsby, 3:30, 15 minutes) 6. Faculty Senate Budget Committee report (Tony Luppino, 3:45 30 minutes) 7. Vote to support (or not) the Collective Rule change 220.020 Diplomas and Certificates. (Kathleen Kilway, 4:20, 10 minutes) 8. The student – athletic and discussion on student absences (Ursula Gurney, Robin Hamilton, 4:30, 30 minutes) 9. Adjournment of regular meeting 10. Closed session 11. Adjournment of closed session