Fifth Grade Happenings Ms. Sanfacon’s Class Reading -

Fifth Grade Happenings
Ms. Sanfacon’s Class
Reading - Audrey Hazleton
Math - Tim Pearson
February 13, 2009
New Literature Circles Begin!
This week in reading we began new Literature
Circles with a theme of Justice and Equality. All
of the books selected are "historical fiction" and
address this theme in a variety of settings. Students
are reading "The Witch of Blackbird Pond," "Sing
Down the Moon," "Journey to Jo'burg," "Journey
Home," "Daniel's Story," and "War comes to Willy
Freeman." Many of these books have won awards
for children's literature and all of them have been
used at Olander in previous years.
We will be finishing chapter 8 next week. Our final test
will be on Tuesday, February 24. To be prepared for the
test your child should be comfortable finding equivalent
fractions, converting from fractions to mixed numbers
and from mixed numbers to fractions. He or she should
also understand how to multiply fractions.
Writing/Language/Spelling Jean Sanfacon
Thanks to those of you who offered to help type
students’ stories. More kids than I expected were able to
get their pieces typed up on the Dana Smarts – great
keyboarding skills! We’re going to publish individual
As you can imagine, our theme of Justice and
books in the coming weeks. I’ll contact folks if we need
Equality brings forth the events and actions of
help. ►Please help your student find examples of
humanity that can be difficult to comprehend. Many
persuasive writing (letters to the editor, etc.). ►Finally,
of the books have sections that may be
I’d be interested in your thoughts on the new spelling
uncomfortable to experience (example: racism, hate,
homework I will alternate with the text book.
discrimination); however, you should know that
ALL of these books are written for the fourth to
sixth grade audience and are appropriate for the
Social Studies
classroom. Additionally, the Literature Circle
Next week we will be starting a new history unit on
format provides a place for students to discuss these exploration. Our emphasis will be on exploration of the
events and process the author's intent for writing the New World but we will touch upon the interaction of
book. Already we have had some fascinating
Eastern and Western cultures as well. Students will
discussions with students making parallels between
reinforce their learning by designing board games.
historical events and our world today. . .all done
while reading excellent literature! If you have any
questions please don't hesitate to contact me or join
Variables Unit - This week we wrapped up this FOSS
us for a discussion session.
unit with summary discussions and tests.
Homeroom News
☺Help your student be prepared:
Ask to see their planner and homework folder daily
Weekly Homework Schedule:
 Math assigned daily M - Th
 Spelling usually due Fridays
 Nightly reading (20-30 minutes)
 Daily free write in Writer’s Notebook
Announcements & Upcoming Events
No School - Teacher Collaboration Day
Mon., Feb. 16
Blevins and Webber counselors visit
Tues., Feb. 17
O.D.’s Skate Night - Fri., Feb. 20
End of third quarter – March 13