SSR 2016-26 A Resolution for: Proposed Additional Charge for Psychiatric Care

SSR 2016-26
A Resolution for:
Proposed Additional Charge for Psychiatric Care
Sponsored by:
Campus Relations Committee
First Reading:
February 10th, 2016
Second Reading:
February 10th, 2016
Speaker Action: ______________________________________________________________
Parker Bennett – Speaker
WHEREAS: The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) represents the interests of the
student body at the University of Northern Iowa; and,
RECOGNIZING: The change in climate of the University of Northern Iowa in light of mental
health forums, two recent on-campus suicides, and other events to further awareness of mental
health; and,
RECOGNIZING: Student Health Services has proposed an additional charge for those who
seek psychiatric services in order to hire one psychiatric nurse practitioner and for potential
revenue to add a counselor; and,
RECOGNIZING: The initial visit charge would be approximately $150, with recurring visits
costing $80, based upon similar models from other schools; and,
RECOGNIZING: That options such as funding of up to $7,000 from the University of Northern
Iowa Foundation for those without insurance, private insurance under the Affordable Care Act,
and the Student Health Center’s health insurance of $140 per month exist to assist students with
this proposed charge; and,
RECOGNIZING: Even with this assistance, many students will not be able to pay for services,
and it could deter students from seeking help at the Student Health Center for psychiatric care
and mental or physical care in the future; and,
RECOGNIZING: Student leaders have shown resistance in regards to the proposed additional
charge; and,
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: Students at large, faculty, and staff have not been informed,
consulted, or heard throughout this process, and their opinions have not been sufficiently taken
into account; and,
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: Student understanding of the issue is remarkably low, and
administrators have not attempted to reach out to existing patients or the student body to gain
opinions or educate students on this potential additional charge; and,
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: Administration has not provided adequate information or data to
justify implementing this charge for psychiatric health services; and,
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: Administration has not shown evidence of a thorough
exploration of other options to fund a new psychiatric nurse practitioner; and,
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: Administration has been inconsistent on conveying the current
need of mental health services, as well as whether current mental health services are adequate;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: That the Northern Iowa Student Government cannot
support this additional charge for psychiatric care without more information about the potential
barrier to service; and,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: That the Northern Iowa Student Government deems it
necessary to conduct a formal survey of UNI students, faculty, and staff to gather their opinions
on the issue of a proposed charge for psychiatric services in order for the administration to make
a well-informed, educated, and supported decision; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That copies of this resolution be sent to Director of Health
Services Shelley O'Connell, the Northern Iowan, the University of Northern Iowa’s Counseling
Center, Faculty Senate, Residence Life Coordinators in each residence hall, the Executive
Management Team, the University Cabinet, President Bill Ruud, Executive Vice President and
Provost Jim Wohlpart, the Dean of Students Office, and any other interested party at the
discretion of the Speaker.